Re: [Samba] Wow im dumb

2003-01-07 Thread Jay Ts
tufkal wrote:
> I think the reason im getting problems is the PC that is running SAMBA
> is also my firewall, and it blocks pretty much all requests, even from
> internal addresses.  What port(s) do I need to open?

137  (used by nmbd for NetBIOS name service)
138  (used for network browsing)
139  (used by smbd for file sharing and other operations)
445, if you want to support Win 2000/XP NetBIOS-free operation
901, if you want to use SWAT from another system on the network.

Keep all of the above ports closed, both incoming and outgoing,
for outside (e.g., Internet) connections, or in general, systems
outside of those you want your Samba server to serve.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] How important are oplocks?

2002-12-18 Thread Jay Ts
Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
> If Samba is corrupting the data files,

It is not Samba that is corrupting the files, but the clients, which
fail to handle oplocks correctly.

> then why wouldn't this be turned OFF by
> default?  I would think data corruption would be a major, MAJOR problem, and
> reduce the usability of Samba.  Is this really true?

The main thing to watch out for is programs that are writing records to
files, as with database software. That is, when a program opens a file,
writes some data to it, and then closes it. This is actually not common,
since most applications write to files when saving documents. They don't
write directly to the old file, but create a new file, write out all the
data to it, then rename the new copy to the old copy's filename.

On the other hand, database software (and some other applications)
may have multiple users opening the _same_ file, writing to it
"concurrently", then closing it at different times. If there is
a miscommunication regarding oplocks (specifically, not responding
to oplock break requests) then the file can become corrupt.  BTW,
one cause of oplock failure is flaky network hardware (NICs, hubs),
which the Samba Team can not do much about.

The choice to have oplock support enabled or disabled by default is
not an easy one; enabling oplocks can result in a 30% performance
gain, and cases where corruption happens are relatively rare.

To disable oplocks, simply put the following in your smb.conf:

oplocks = off

You may lose some performance, but maybe you will rest easier.
A more intelligent, although more complicated, approach is to
study contents of the directories you are sharing with your Samba
server, and determine if the oplock break issue affects those shares
at all. It seems that most of the problems are caused by one of two

1. Database software, with the database files served by Samba.
2. Microsoft Office applicatons, accessing files served by Samba.

There are others, but they are relatively rare. After analyzing your
system, perhaps you can enable oplocks on shares for which they are ok,
and maybe even for your whole server. If there are only a few problem
files, you may be able to use the veto oplock files parameter to turn
oplocks off for just those.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition (O'Reilly)
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Re: [Samba] What project should I use ?

2002-12-12 Thread Jay Ts
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 09:15:35AM -0600, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Collins, Kevin wrote:
> > My $0.02 worth on the SAMBA issue, I'd look to OpenLDAP and SAMBA as
> > being the central authentication process.  Never actually done it, but
> > I've been pondering it as well.  There's a good article in this month's
> > Linux Journal about OpenLDAP.  You might want to pick up a copy of it.  
> > (I tried finding it online, but they didn't post it.)
> btw...that article does not cover Samba details at all. It say somethign 
> to the effect of "configuring Samba would take more space than we have in 
> this article."

On p. 55:

"The details of Samba configuration are outside the scope of this article."

Or, "it would take more space to cover OpenLDAP and Samba than it
did to mention them together on the front cover." :-)

Jay Ts
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Re: [samba] File Systems - Which one to use?

2002-12-12 Thread Jay Ts
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:33:17AM -0500, Jim McDonough wrote:
> Simo Sorce wrote:
> > ext3 and XFS have ACLs while, afaik, JFS and reiserFS do not.
> JFS does have acls, and it even uses the same libs as XFS and ext3.   See

Also, be aware that these filesystems can be configured to turn features
on and off, while compiling a custom kernel.  Try a 'make xconfig' in
the kernel source directory (/usr/src/linux) and look at the Filesystems
page to see what I mean.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] What project should I use ?

2002-12-12 Thread Jay Ts
John H Terpstra wrote:
> Ext2fs is by far the fastest file system on Linux.

And this is great if you don't mind occasional hours-long fscks and
also a distinct possibility losing every file on the drive if the
system crashes at a bad moment.  (I've known of a number of cases
of the latter happening with ext2 filesystems, and it isn't pretty!)

Ext2 is fast, but IMO, it is the Achilles heel of any Linux system
that uses it. It is simply not up to the needs of serious, enterprise-
level or mission-critical computing. (I know this sounds like flame
bait, but I had to say it.)

> Ext3fs is the slowest, ReiserFS is in between them.

I think ext3 definitely needs some more development work, including
bug fixes.  But maybe someday it will be worthy of consideration.
I'm not as up to speed on journaling filesystems as I'd like to
be, but I read recently that ext3 is the only one that can journal
regular data as well as metadata. (Or at least attempts to ...
IIRC, there was a bugfix for that code recently!)  And of course,
that kind of filesystem reliability does not come without a price.

My point (obviously?) is that as usual, there are tradeoffs between
speed and data integrity. Faster is not always better.

> One of the things I want to do soon is to
> benchmark XFS and JFS against Ext2fs and Ext3fs.

Please feel encouraged!  I'd love to see the performance figures
for both XFS and JFS.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Access Linux PC from other windows machines in the WorkGroup

2002-11-28 Thread Jay Ts
It looks like you probably need to read some
beginner's introduction to Samba.

To answer your question, we'd need a copy of
your smb.conf file, at least. You also might
add information such as:

1. Unix version used as Samba host.
2. Version of Samba in use.
3. Is your Windows network a workgroup or domain?
4. Version of Windows the client is running.

My guess is that you didn't set up your accounts
on the Samba server using smbpasswd.  Try:

# smbpasswd -a 

(run as root user), where username is the name of
an account on the Samba host (Unix system), and is
used by the Windows user to log on.

- Jay Ts

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 08:41:27PM -0800, Rakesh Rajan wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I want to access my Linux shared folder from other
> windows PC's in the same work group. I have installed
> TurboLinux7.0 in my PC. It has got samba server
> shipped with it. I made settings in the /etc/smb.conf
> file.
> Now we can see my machine from the network
> neighbourhood of other machines in the workgroup. But
> when we try to access the linux PC from other windows
> machine, it gives the following error message
> "The account is not authorised to login from this
> machine"
> Please give me more information on this.
> Thanks & BestRegards,
> Raks
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[Samba] Re: Please no HTML email.

2002-11-19 Thread Jay Ts
Jeremy Allison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> FYI, just a warning/note. I read my email on mutt from
> When I get an html formatted email I just hit 'D' (delete) without
> looking at the contents. I think many other Samba Team members do
> the same.

I don't know about other Samba Team members, but I'm also using
mutt, and do the same.  HTML emails are neurologically hardcoded
into the D finger of my left hand!

> If you send an urgent plea for help and it's html formatted then
> I doubt anyone in the Samba Team will ever see it.

Not just the Samba Team, but a lot of "the rest of us", too!

Jay Ts
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Re: Fw: [Samba] How is the Samba people stress testing Samba.

2002-11-14 Thread Jay Ts
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 04:38:03PM +0100, Bo Jacobsen wrote:
> The reason I posted the original message is that I'm really interested
> in knowing how Samba has been stress tested. 

This came up recently in the thread "How Samba let us down". Members
of the Samba Team responded with some impressive facts and figures.

Try here:

In summary, Samba is tested with extreme thoroughness before a production
release is put up on the FTP site. Many of the corruption
problems are caused by clients and bad network hardware. Definitely
set oplocks = off when using Samba with large or flat database files,
or use the veto oplock files parameter to turn off oplocks for just the
database files.

If you are experiencing file corruption that is actually caused by
Samba, then we'd all like to know exactly how to reproduce the problem.
The Samba Team takes this kind of thing very seriously ... but the
thing is, it's usually a client or network hardware problem.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Force local master?

2002-11-04 Thread Jay Ts
Brian Johnson wrote:
> My Samba server keeps losing elections for local master browser to
> windows clients and I don't want it to


local master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 65

> For one thing - how effective is OS level and is a higher number
> or a lower number better?

Usually, you need an os level higher than that of any Windows
system. Samba's default of 20 should do it, actually.  Setting
preferred master gives Samba an additional edge in the election,
and ensures that an election will be held when Samba starts up.

Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] AutoCAD temp file error

2002-10-31 Thread Jay Ts
Brock Nanson wrote:
> I rather doubt this is a samba problem, but perhaps someone can offer a 
> hint to solve the issue...

It's very unlikely to be a Samba bug, but may very well be
a Samba misconfiguration.

> The win2k box fails, saying the file could not be found on the path (and 
> dumps a listing of the paths checked).  The path exists in the list, and 
> the file has been written to the directory!  When the user responds to the 
> error and the command completes, the file is successfully deleted from the 
> server.  So, it is doing everything except finding and inserting the file 
> (which is there!).

Exactly what is the name of the file, and are you using any foreign
languages in file names?  If you are using anything other than English,
be aware that support for internationalization in Samba 2.2 is a little
complicated to set up, and may be the source of your problem.

Even if your file names are in the American/English character set,
there are differences between how Unix and Windows handle filenames.
A common source of trouble is case sensitivity in filenames. There
are parameters that can be set in the Samba configuration file (smb.conf)
to help deal with this.

> The temp file on the server is being saved with rwxrw-rw- attributes, 
> although all the other files are rw-rw-rw-.

That is because Samba's default is 'map archive = yes'.  When the
archive bit is set on a file from MS-DOS/Windows, Samba will keep
track of it using the owner's execute bit.  It will look like an
executable file to a Unix user.  If you don't like this, then set

map archive = no

in smb.conf.  After doing this, MS-DOS backup software may not work
right, because it won't see any archive attributes set for files to
incrementally back up.

> I had wondered briefly if the speed with which the file is saved, then 
> requested could be a problem.

In a word: no.  In three words: I highly doubt it!

> Any guesses?  Or even a confirmation that the problem is with Win2k and 
> NOT the samba box?

I certainly wouldn't guarantee it's not a Windows bug. ;-)
If you haven't fixed the problem by now, try providing a little
more information, specifically, the _exact_ name of a temporary
file that is problematic -- didn't you think of including that
in your question? :)

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] smbd is the source of usually high CPU usage

2002-10-28 Thread Jay Ts
Sean Angley wrote:
> Does anyone has a good reference to tuning Samba performance?

It used to be that you could tune some Samba configuration file
(smb.conf) parameters to get better performance, but AFAIK, all
those are now the defaults.  The important thing is to not mess
with them.

If there are any exceptions to this, I'd sure like to know about
them!  You can look through the manual page for smb.conf(5) and
see if anything applies to your network and might conceivably
gain some performance.  Try searching the manual page for
"performance": this will get you off to a good start.

Also, you can check the first edition of Using Samba for the
appendix on Samba Performance Tuning (I think it was Appendix A)., or look in the docs/ directory in the
Samba source distribution.

Aside from that, it seems that nowadays the issue is more about
getting your network hardware working right, the network configuration
on the Unix host system, and the performance level of the system you
are running Samba on.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Winbind!

2002-10-28 Thread Jay Ts
On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 05:33:22PM -0600, Jennifer Crusade wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running Red Hat 7.3 Samba 2.26 and winbind.  I have been able to join
> the domain and test all of the following with these commands.  All works
> great.  
> But when I set up a share to test with one domain user account it just
> presents me with a password dialog box and does not accept anything. It
> should not prompt me but if it does it should authenticate.

I suggest configuring PAM to allow shell logins for domain users.
If you can get them to login at a Linux login: prompt, then it
should work also through Samba.  It's just one thing you can do
to check.

> I have the winbind separator as + but if I run testparm I get the following:
> [root@gtdns root]# testparm
> Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
> Processing section "[TESTIT]"
> Loaded services file OK.
> 'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
> Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

Looks like a warning rather than an error.  IIRC, the examples in
the Samba docs use a +, so it seems like it should be ok.

> If I change the separator to \ and run testparm I get the following:
> [root@gtdns root]# testparm
> Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
> Processing section "[TESTIT]"
> Loaded services file OK.
> ERROR: the 'winbind separator' parameter must be a single character.
> Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

Maybe you need to specify the backslash as \\ instead of a single \. ?
I don't remember just offhand exactly how I did it, but I had things
configured here to use \ as the winbind separator.

If you don't get it working pretty quickly ... coincidentally, I am
currently working on the section on winbind for Using Samba, 2nd edition.
I might be able to send you a copy of that, and see if the directions work
for you. Hopefully, you can also provide some pre-publication user
feedback. Email me privately if you'd like to do this.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Windows cannot see Samba Server

2002-10-28 Thread Jay Ts
Matt Gilliam wrote:
> I have a small problem...
> All of my windows machines, XP Pro and 98 cannot see my samba server 
> running on RH 7.3
> i can do a smbclient -Llocalhost   and see all my computers on the network, 
> also windows is telling me
> that it is unable to browse the network, but if i unplug the samba server 
> from the router the windows machines can
> see each other fine..

Just a quick suggestion: check your NetBIOS name on the Samba server.
I misconfigured once, and had a duplicate NetBIOS name, and it acted
just as you describe.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] AD Question

2002-10-28 Thread Jay Ts
Harald Kümmerle wrote:
> Jay Ts wrote:
> > Samba as a PDC.  Samba has no limitation (AFAIK) to the number of
> > clients.  There are no licensing fees - this isn't Microsoft, you know? ;)
> I know, but I thought Microsoft would mess the thing up with the 5 CALs
> on the AD server. :)

Oops, I thought you were considering dropping Win 2000 and just using Samba.
I'm not sure how it works if you are accessing the Win 2000 server for
data, while authenticating through Samba.  Anyone?

> According to the roadmap, NT 4.0 trust relationships are already supported.
> But perhaps I should shut up and test it on my own... ;)

I think the support is somewhat new in the Samba 3.0 alpha releases.
Good luck with it!

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] AD Question

2002-10-27 Thread Jay Ts
Harald Kümmerle wrote:
> With that, is it possible to create e.g. 3 domains, each with a Samba PDC (or 
> emulated)? The most important thing is that still more than 5 clients can log 
> on to the domains.

I suppose you could just set up 3 servers (computers), each running
Samba as a PDC.  Samba has no limitation (AFAIK) to the number of
clients.  There are no licensing fees - this isn't Microsoft, you know? ;)

You might have some trouble with multiple domains, though, since
Samba doesn't support Windows NT trust relationships. There may
be some workarounds to that, and maybe someone else can comment on it.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Samba client question

2002-10-27 Thread Jay Ts
Stephen Liu wrote:
> What shall be the steps for adding new clients and passwords on Samba
> server and how to create a shared folder (directory) for each client
> specifically, not open to public

Try reading some documentation. You can download the Samba source
from  After untarring, look in the docs

If you have Samba manual pages installed, try reading the
manual page for smb.conf(5).  It will tell you about setting
up a [homes] share, which will answer some of your questions.
Also look there for the encrypted passwords option, and also
read the manpage for smbpasswd(8).

Detailed directions can be found in the Using Samba book,
which is available in the Samba source distribution, or
online here:

It's the first edition, and a little old, but will answer
your basic question, and get you started.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition
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Re: [Samba] AD Question

2002-10-26 Thread Jay Ts
Harald Kümmerle wrote:
> Is it possible to run a Active Directory in native mode by a Windows 2000 
> server (with 5 CALs), with multiple Samba 3.0 servers, each serving as a PDC 
> for its domain?

No - Samba cannot yet become a domain controller in an Active directory

However, you can join Samba servers as domain member servers in an
Active Directory domain, even with Windows 2000 running in Native Mode.
In this case, Samba makes use of Windows 2000's PDC emulation mode.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] smbpasswd error

2002-10-26 Thread Jay Ts
On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 11:18:32PM +0700, Agus Santosa wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can you help me?,
> I try to join to pdc, with these command
> smbpasswd -j SANTOSA -r PDC -U Administrator
> but I see these error message :
> Error connecting to PDC
> Unable to join domain SANTOSA.

You need to supply a password along with the
administrative account username for the -U
option.  Try:

smbpasswd -j SANTOSA -r PDC_NetBIOS_name -UAdministrator%Administrators_password

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.2 and ScopeID

2002-10-25 Thread Jay Ts
Jean-Serge Gagnon wrote:
> I have a client that was using a scope ID with 1.9.x and when we
> upgraded to 2.2.2, the "-i" option no longer worked. I also can't find
> any reference to "netbios scope" in the smb.conf man page. I noticed
> smbclient still has it as an option.
> I don't particularly like scope IDs, so I already know not to use
> them, but what's the status of it?

Out of curiousity, is there any kind of reason why the scope ID
is in use?  I was under the impression that scope IDs have been
universally out of use for many years now.

Is it impossible to reconfigure the client to not use a scope ID?

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Install to alternate location

2002-10-24 Thread Jay Ts
Jennifer Crusade wrote:
> I am trying to download and install samba with winbind but I can not make it
> go to a different location,   I do not want it to go to /usr/local/samba
> because when I do then the system does not use the new version.  I have
> tried to link the new version with the old but I could not get that to work
> either.
> If someone can assist me in making an install go to an alternate location as
> well as how to make the system use the new install from an alternate
> location.  I would like to know how to do both.

I suggest you let the installation go to /usr/local/samba.  You will
need to take a look at your startup scripts.  Since you didn't say
what version of Unix you're running there, I'll go ahead and assume
it's the same as I'm using. (That's what you get for not providing
detailed information. ;-)  On Red Hat Linux, the script to
start Samba is /etc/init.d/smb.  You can change it to run the daemons
from /usr/local/samba/bin rather than /usr/sbin.

I'm not sure, but I think that will do it.

BTW, if you are having that much trouble getting the daemons to run
from another installation directory, I wonder if you really want to
try installing/configuring winbind!  It's not nearly as simple.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] ACL support in Samba

2002-10-24 Thread Jay Ts
cksoo wrote:
> Now, I try to implement the ACL with similar to the ACL in windos 2000
> server. However, I failed to implement it until file level, can someone
> guide me to implement me.

1. You need to run Samba on a Unix system with a filesystem that
supports ACLs.

2. When compiling Samba, use the --with-acls option with configure:

# ./configure --with-acls

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] XP connect to Samba as workgroup?

2002-10-24 Thread Jay Ts
Brian Beaver wrote:
> Is there any way to force XP to connect to a Samba 2.2.6 server in
> workgroup mode?

Yes, of course.  (BTW, this is a relatively simple Windows issue,
not a Samba topic, really.)

go to Control Panel->System->Computer Name->Change...

and click in the Workgroup radio button and fill in your workgroup name.
Click all the OK buttons and reboot.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] 2 samba's?

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Elliot wrote:
> Hi guys, I am currently running samba 2.2.5. My mandrake actually came
> with Samba. Not sure which version it was. I didn't think I would need
> it so I uninstalled it long time ago using the rpm -e option. So after a
> while I changed my mind and downloaded the tar.gz version of samba
> 2.2.5. I am currently running it. Everything seems to be working fine.
> So one fine day I decided to check on the packages installed in my
> system and it came up with this.
> samba-client 2.2.6-1.0.pre2.2mdk
> samba-common 2.2.6-1.0.pre2.2mdk

Exactly what method did you use to get this?  Try:

rpm -qa | grep samba

and what do you get as output?  I'm not running Mandrake here (yet)
but on my Red Hat Linux box, I get no output, because I uninstalled
the bundled Samba and installed from source.

> Now the question guys is . WHAT SHOULD I DO? ... Should I remove
> those packages? If I do , will I be harming my system? Will my tar.gz
> version samba be crippled? ... Please help!

If you leave the Samba rpms installed and then download/compile/install
the source code release, you actually do not have to remove the
installed rpms.  But, you need to make sure that the smb script in
/etc/init.d will start the copy you want to use.  Generally, it's
less confusing if you remove the installation you don't want to
use.  That way, if Samba is running, you know it's the installation
you want, and not the other one.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
John H Terpstra wrote:
> Jay Ts wrote:
> > John H Terpstra wrote:
> > >
> > > For the record, I thouroughly test samba pre-releases before we ever ship.
> > > To the best of my knowledge, NOT ONE version of samba we have released
> > > ever CAUSED (or resulted in) file/data corruption. If I sound defensive -
> > > that's is exactly correct because file corruption is a DEATH issue!
> >
> > Ok, first of all, check my wording carefully:
> >
> > > > I've seen problems in the early 2.2.x releases (when transferring
> > > > large files) that could be perceived as (or called) "file corruption",
> > > > but the problem went away sometime before 2.2.4.
> >
> > The key words are "perceived" and "called". The idea there was that
> > the guy who was having problems was referring to data corruption,
> > while not saying _exactly_ what the problems were. Maybe there can
> > be things that some people would call "data corruption" that actually
> > don't result in loss of data.
> Please consider how people use information using web searches. If they are
> at all concerned about data integrity and a search pulls up incident
> reports claiming data corruption with samba, then the rule of "Guilt by
> association" may prevail. Witness perceptions have been enough to get
> someone convicted of murder. Please understand our extreem sensitivity to
> any reflection on data integrity.

Ok, I see your point.  However, being in the position that "the bullets
will miss me every time", I have to say that I think you are taking
things a bit too seriously, and you could chill a little. :)

There are so many extreme things happening on the planet, and also
in the computer industry, that the only way I've found to get along
with it all is to stay focused on having a nice time of it, and
letting go of the scary stuff. Because no matter what you do, you
can't prevent bad things from happening, only create so many good
things that the bad things can't touch you. Not to philosophise,
but just to explain how I handle things - it's the only way I
know that works!

Anyway, I worded my statements very carefully, and I hope you
can appreciate that.  I'm not going to consider it my job to
do PR for the Samba Team. If someone (out of 6+ billion earthlings)
pulls up one of 2.4+ billion web pages that Google can now find,
and some information on it stimulates him to come to some
irrational conclusion, there isn't anything I can do to stop it.
Careful wording or no.

> > In each case, I "fixed" the problem simply by redoing the operation,
> > and it succeeded on the next try.  And the problems haven't happened
> > since upgrading to 2.2.3, IIRC.  I haven't seen any problems at
> > all in a long time.
> Something was causing the problem. It is important to duplicate the
> problem and then bring to the attention of the samba-team how to
> demonstrate the problem. We will drop everything to fix any significant
> problem - and nothing is more important than data integrity.

Ok, if it happens again, I'll try to reproduce it and let you know!
But I haven't seen it happen in a ***long*** time. And it was not
ever a frequent or easily-reproduced kind of thing to start with.

> Are you installing multiple protocols?

No, just running TCP/IP here.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Philip Burrow wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: Most of you
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 10:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down
> > etc etc
> Well this one certainly roused you all.
> Must it be the case that you all jump in to reply to this unhelpful garbage
> yet when someone posts a 'simple' query they often don't get any replies.

And your message is helpful how? :-)

The basic reason many "simple" queries don't get responses is that they
don't attract responses. But, well-written questions from people who
have a strong desire to be helped, and are willing to take the bother
to tune in with someone who cares to provide help, often get responses.

Asking questions on mailing lists is both a technique and an art
form.  There are no guarantees of any kind of reply, ever.

Jay Ts
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[Samba] Re: Fixed: OpLocks caused the corruptions/slowness (Was: How Samba let us down)

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
when you have just a few files in the share that may be
problematic, like a single, huge file in a share, or some
number of files with somehow-similar names that can be matched 
using a file globbing pattern or patterns.

> We might reenable kernel then
> regular then level2 oplocks later to see if it was
> just one particular type.

Pretty please!  I'm really curious to find out exactly
what was happening.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] samba stop

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Linda Craddock wrote:
> I would like to know if you could assist me with stopping the samba
> services.  when I type /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart or stop, it says failed,

That will happen if the daemons are not running in the first place:

$ su
# /etc/init.d/smb stop
Shutting down SMB services: 
Shutting down NMB services: 
# /etc/init.d/smb stop
Shutting down SMB services: kill: can't find process "smbd"

Shutting down NMB services: kill: can't find process "nmbd"

(This was on Red Hat Linux, with the daemons running before the
first "smb stop"). Of course, you need to be superuser to
run the /etc/init.d/smb script.

> Also cannot see network from server nor can I cannot to Linux system over
> the network.

You mean it doesn't work through Samba, or you can't ping the server
or do anything else over the network? If it's just Samba, then you
might want to start the Samba daemons first. ;)

If you download the Samba source code (,
it includes the first edition of Using Samba (O'Reilly) in HTML form.
That should get you started.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
John H Terpstra wrote:
> Both ways. Remember file/data corruption is a death issue. We do NOT ship
> if we see it is broken and we are PARANOID about integrity. Also, remember
> that just because it works does not mean it is not broken. Oops, did I say
> [...]
> Also remember our unique claim, "We own the bugs!" How many software
> projects do you know of that make that claim?

Thanks, I was starting to think the Samba Team had a denial problem. :-)

As I said in another message, I didn't start out intending to get into
this subject; it just happened.  But, it's something I was curious
about, since I might want to comment further in Using Samba on Samba's
world-class level of development and assured reliability.

My own experience with computers (both personal and while consulting)
has been that "nothing is ever perfect", and that the overall quality of
service of a computer system is more dependent on who's using it
and how they're focused, rather than any intrinsic quality of the
hardware and software.  (This of course doesn't excuse flaky product
development, but point out that inept people are more likely to
choose flaky products or misuse good ones!)

Of course, it's still important to keep testing and debugging, to ensure
that when something bad is bound to happen, it chooses someone else's
software as a conduit of least resistance. ;)

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 06:36:26AM +0930, Richard Sharpe wrote:
> In my opinion, while it is possible to do what you say, that is not how
> you will detect corruption. Corruption of the sort you mention will be
> detected very quickly in normal tests.
> The sort of corruption I think we should check for is the following:

Um ... er ... excuse me, but I find the above statements to be "suspicious".

Rather than doing "normal tests", or checking for what "we should
check for", what about checking for cases in which Samba has been
configured *insanely*.  Or in other words, what happens when an admin
who is new to Samba (and maybe also to Unix) tries to create a Samba
configuration (including all installation steps and creating the
smb.conf) but winds up with a configuration that isn't anywere near ideal?

I'm thinking about the guy who started this thread who (assuming
I'm not mixing him up with other threads I've been reading/writing
today) wasn't running a WINS server?  Next question:

Is Samba routinely stress tested on networks where there is no
WINS or DNS server, and all name resolution is done by broadcasts?

And how about if in addition, multiple Samba servers are set up to
conduct browser wars (i.e., with the os level and preferred master
parameters set the same on both)?

I suppose I could come up with more examples, but I think you
get the idea, and in any case, I've already spent too much time on
this today, especially considering that I never intended to start
on this subject...

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:34:28PM -0500, Esh, Andrew wrote:
> We regularly do large file Copy-Paste tests with files between 30G and 60G.
> We have yet to see a problem.
> Tricord's market is Network Attached Storage, and our product is a file
> system. Samba is the main interface between our market and our file system.
> We spend a lot of time making sure the data that goes through Samba and into
> our file system comes back out in the same shape it went in. We have a whole
> department devoted to that purpose. Trust me, we'd notice if there was a
> problem. :)

Ok, that's interesting, and convincing in a limited way. Now I'm very
sure that your company's products work well -- that is, Samba is not
messing anything up running on the hardware/software in your products,
with the way you have Samba configured on them.

But, what about "everything else"?  There are over 300 Samba configuration
parameters, each of which can be at least boolean, and may have many
possible settings. Combine that with all the possible architectures
Samba can run on (hardware and OSs), and all the network configurations,
and such.  We're way beyond "Rubik's Cube" levels of complexity here!
There is absolutely no way I'm going to believe anyone's tested every
possible configuration. The most you can do is test for what you think
is most likely to be a problem, while choosing to completely ignore
other possibilities. I'm not saying that's wrong; on the contrary,
there's simply no way to avoid it!

I can easily believe that the Samba Team knows of no possible ways
in which Samba can corrupt data, but my way of dealing with reality
is more to admit that "things can happen" and be open to reports,
rather than to maintain an "attitude" and try to squash any reports
that would suggest otherwise.

I'm a little surprised at how quickly Samba Team members jumped
on what I wrote, even though I was not actually maintaining that
Samba corrupted data!

You can take this as a philosophical meandering if you please. ;)


Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Esh, Andrew wrote:
> Here at Tricord, we run Samba through some pretty intense tests, as well.
> Since we are a file system producer, we focus on corruption bugs. We haven't
> found any in Samba,

Since I've been curious about this anyway, I might go ahead and check:

Do you (And J. Terpstra, and others) test sending really huge files,
such as 700 MB ISO CD-ROM images or bigger, across the net, and then
run a cmp on them, going in each direction.  That is:

1. Start with a reference huge file on Windows, known to match an
   existing file on Unix, then copy it over through Samba and
   do a cmp on them?  About how many times is this done in your
   tests?  More than a few hundred?

2. Also run the test the other way, and compare the copies on
   the Windows side?

> I'm not trying to chime in here, but if there was
> the kind of bug someone would notice within the first few hours of use, we'd
> have hit it hundreds of times already, just in our testing this week. We've
> been testing like this for more than two years.

That's what I thought, too.  My take on it was that it was related to
Samba, but not necessarily caused by it.  In any case, it was all more
than a year ago, and isn't an issue to me at all.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
John H Terpstra wrote:
> For the record, I thouroughly test samba pre-releases before we ever ship.
> To the best of my knowledge, NOT ONE version of samba we have released
> ever CAUSED (or resulted in) file/data corruption. If I sound defensive -
> that's is exactly correct because file corruption is a DEATH issue!

Ok, first of all, check my wording carefully:

> > I've seen problems in the early 2.2.x releases (when transferring
> > large files) that could be perceived as (or called) "file corruption",
> > but the problem went away sometime before 2.2.4.

The key words are "perceived" and "called". The idea there was that
the guy who was having problems was referring to data corruption,
while not saying _exactly_ what the problems were. Maybe there can
be things that some people would call "data corruption" that actually
don't result in loss of data.

My own experience was that when working with early 2.2.x releases,
(I think it was 2.2.2 or earlier).  Every once in a while there would
be an error while copying large files over the network.  This happened
maybe 5 times within a period of some months. It happened a couple
of times while I was copying CD-ROM (iso9660) images from Windows
98 to Linux/Samba, and about 4 times while installing an application
which had it's install CD residing on a Samba share.  (I got tired
of searching for installation CDs every time I reinstalled Windows,
so threw them on the server's hard disk.)

In each case, I "fixed" the problem simply by redoing the operation,
and it succeeded on the next try.  And the problems haven't happened
since upgrading to 2.2.3, IIRC.  I haven't seen any problems at
all in a long time.

BTW, I remember reading messages on the samba list from other
users who were reporting similar problems around the same time.

> I can make NO assertions regarding the integrity of smbfs as I
> regard this as most undesirable technology.

Wow, this is news to me.  Why?  And do your comments also apply
to Steve French's Linux CIFS filesystem?

My experience here is that smbfs isn't perfect, but works pretty
well, and I *really* like it!  Without smbfs, I end up having to
run to the Windows system to transfer files. (Sorry, but smbclient
just doesn't "do it" for me. It works, but is really inconvenient.)

> Every reported case of file corruption I have looked at has been due to:
>   1. Bad or defective or low grade ethernet cards

I'm using 3com 3c905's on the systems in question, along with ...

>   2. Defective HUBs / Ether-Switches

Netgear FS-105 5-port fast ethernet switch.

>   3. Defective Hardware on the Server

No problems outside of those I described. IIRC, the two systems
were Athlon/1GHz and Pentium/200, with ASUS A7V and Intel motherboards.

>   4. Incorrect Protocol Stack configuration on the MS Windows client

I just set up the Windows system as usual, with IP address, workgroup,
computer name, WINS and DNS servers, etc.  But, being Windows 98,
the installation that was on the system might well have been corrupted
somehow!  That would not be unusual, after all.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Jeremy Allison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Jay Ts wrote:
> > 
> > > The corruption might be related to oplocks.  I'm doing

Just to keep myself out of more trouble today, I'd like
to point out that I didn't write the above. ;-)

> File corruption is treated as a drop everything - priority
> 1 bug in Samba. If this were a generic problem known with
> 2.2.6 we'd be issuing a patch *immediately*.

I'm really lost at this point (too many replies to too many
threads while having "one of those days"), but I think I/we
suggested he _upgrade_ to 2.2.6, if he isn't already running
a pretty recent release.

I've seen problems in the early 2.2.x releases (when transferring
large files) that could be perceived as (or called) "file corruption",
but the problem went away sometime before 2.2.4.

Jay Ts
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[Samba] Re: Running smb without nmb? (Linux Suse 8.1 feature)

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
[samba-technical has been removed from addresses because
it's for discussing source code.]

l. a. walsh wrote:
> I recently upgraded my Linux distro to SuSE 8.1 which
> came w/samba 2.2.5.
> A feature of the upgrade was that it 'split' the startup
> script for samba from 1 script for _smb_ & _nmb_ to 2 scripts.

Wow, you are right.  I have an installation of SuSE 8.1 here,
and had to boot it up to check.  Looks like I have a note to
add to Chapter 2...

> Question is this: is there any good reason
> for splitting the two or making so one is runnable w/o the other?

AFAIK, SuSE is the only Linux distribution that does this.  But ...
now I'll have to check a few others and see.

I'd guess that they split them up (having both a smb and nmb
script in /etc/init.d) to allow the two daemons to be controlled
independently.  That is, you can do a

# /etc/init.d/nmb restart

and restart just nmbd, without having to restart smbd.

> So how/why would splitting these scripts be a good thing? 

I think it's a matter of opinion whether or not this is better.
Obviously, someone at SuSE thinks it is! :)
I'd suggest writing a script that does something like:


/etc/init.d/smb $1
/etc/init.d/nmb $1

That way, it will work like Red Hat and other distributions,
so you can start/stop/restart/(etc.) Samba with one command.

Jay Ts
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[Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Steve Langasek wrote:
> Jay Ts wrote:
> > kernel oplocks are for synchronizing SMB clients and
> > local Unix processes. If you have no processes on linux
> > accessing the files, then it's probably safe to disable them.
> > But, if you are using Linux, the only way you should have
> > kernel oplocks enabled in the first place is if you have
> > installed the kernel ACL patch, or are running XFS filesystem.
> > Some newer distributions come with the ACL patch installed,
> > I think.  What version of Linux are you running?
> Kernel oplock support is orthogonal to ACL support.  Kernel oplocks are
> supported by the mainline 2.4 Linux kernels.

It must be a bad day for me; I know better, and you are correct.
I have a bothersome tendency to confuse the ACL support issue
with the kernel oplock support issue (in the same sentence, no less. eek).
Linux and some other OSs support kernel oplocks, but some Unices don't.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Security issue

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Bart wrote:
>   My question is probable more a windows 2000 issue, but since my
> experience is that linux-related mailinglists result in more usable
> information, I give his a try.

That's correct, and maybe you should get a copy of Microsoft's Windows
2000 Resource Kit rather than asking Windows-related questions here.
(Since you are using Windows 2000 as a workstation, the Professional
version of the RK should do it, and you probably don't need the
Server RK.)

>   Does anybodyy know how the access control in shared win2000
> folders works? I assumed that if you put it on the network with a share,
> and you would give access rights to the share, this would be sufficient.

No. The way to do it is to configure access rights using ACLs, and then
share the folder allowing full control.  Or at least, that's the way
Microsoft recommends.

Another method would be to set the ACLs to allow full control, then
set the share permissions, but this is not as fine-grained. (The share
permissions apply to all files and directories in the share, whereas
ACLs can be set individually.)

In either case, be aware that there are two levels of checking: one
at the filesystem level, and another at the sharing level.  Samba also
works like that, since you can set permissions on individual files,
and also set parameters such as 'read only' and 'valid users' in
share definitions in the smb.conf file.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition
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[Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Chris de Vidal wrote:
>Mathew McKernan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > By the look of it, the reason why it is so slow is
> > the fact that you may not be running a WINS Server.
> While this is a great way to increase speed,
> A. It's plenty fast on the NT, Netware, and other
> Samba servers.  In fact, the slowness appears to be
> totally isolated to the new Samba server.
> B. The slow browsing is on the hard drive once
> connected to the server, not cruising network
> neighborhood where WINS would be most effective.
> C. Our primary problem is data corruption, not
> performance, though they could be related.

It might be that the lack of WINS is causing massive
network traffic at odd moments, as systems engage
in broadcast name resolution. It is a good idea to
avoid this sort of thing whenever possible. Perhaps
the contention on the net is causing accesses to
your Samba server to timeout.  (Just a thought.)

> The corruption might be related to oplocks.  I'm doing
> research.
> Is it safe to disable kernel, regular, and level2
> oplocks if we're not doing any linux-side read/writes?

kernel oplocks are for synchronizing SMB clients and
local Unix processes. If you have no processes on linux
accessing the files, then it's probably safe to disable them.
But, if you are using Linux, the only way you should have
kernel oplocks enabled in the first place is if you have
installed the kernel ACL patch, or are running XFS filesystem.
Some newer distributions come with the ACL patch installed,
I think.  What version of Linux are you running?

> Have you seen better documents on implementing Samba
> WINS than what is on or in /usr/share/doc?

Are you Running Linux from a source or binary distribution?
If you've compiled from source, your Samba docs would be
in the source tree (docs directory) and you would have the
first edition of Using Samba there as well.  There is a
whole chapter on name resolution and browsing. The information
there is old, but mostly correct.

Since what you wrote above possibly suggests you didn't see
that, I suspect you might be running a binary distribution,
and maybe it's old ... so, what version of Samba are you
running?  Try compiling a new version (2.2.6, for example).
Older versions had bugs, and I've seen the same behavior that
you describe with earlier releases of 2.2.x.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition
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Re: [Samba] Samba Server

2002-10-23 Thread Jay Ts
Andreas Lindenbauer wrote:
> Pls try: smbpasswd -a [username]

Yes - and also include in your smb.conf:

encrypt passwords = yes

> Samba keeps it's usernames and passwords in the file
> /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd

Yes, if you installed from the source distribution.
If running a binary distribution (.rpm, .deb, etc.), including
bundled versions that come with the OS installation, then
smbpasswd may be found elsewhere, perhaps in /etc/samba.

In any case, you can look in the smbpasswd file (it's ASCII text)
to make sure the users have entries in it.

Wendi, if this doesn't fix it for you, please include your smb.conf
in an email, so we can check your configuration a bit more deeply.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition
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Re: [Samba] SMB.Conf when using security = domain

2002-10-17 Thread Jay Ts
Jennifer Crusade wrote:
> well i have been trying to get my linux box to join my nt domain (not as a
> PDC just as a client) and it just wont join dang naggit!  run "smbpasswd -j
>  -r  like it says to do in the book it gives me
> the following error: 
> cli_net_auth2:Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED cli_nt_setup_creds : auth2
> challenge failed modify_trust_password:unable to setup the PDC credentials
> to machince 
>  Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED 2001/01/25 20:28:46 :
> change_trust_account_password : failed to change password for domain
>  unable to join domain  

When adding Samba to the domain, you need to specify the -U option to
name the administrative account on the domain controller:

smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -r PDC_NETBIOS_NAME -UAdministrator%ADMIN_PASSWORD

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] question

2002-10-14 Thread Jay Ts

Gina Scott wrote:
> I have samba installed on my HP Unix box.  One problem I am having is
> that on most windows xp and 2000 machines finding my samba server is not
> a problem.  On some xp machines tho, it can't find my samba server at
> all.  Does anyone have any ideas on where I can look on the machine to
> figure out why it won't see my samba server?

By "can't find", do you mean the Samba server doesn't appear in
My Network Places (the browse list)? And if so, did you wait a good,
long time for the browse list to update?

Otherwise, I'd check the TCP/IP configuration on the XP systems
carefully, and test name service.

If the problem is a dialog that comes up during log on, then the
XP systems might need the RequiresSignOrSeal registry patch.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Wonderful interview with tridge :-).

2002-10-04 Thread Jay Ts

Yes, a wonderful article - an intelligently-written
description of Samba that my mom can understand.

I wish I had a study like Tridge's that I could keep
quiet! :-)  So far, I only have the 2 noisy rooms.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Samba - Performance Issues

2002-10-02 Thread Jay Ts

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 12:57:17PM -0500, Vinay Kudithipudi wrote:
> ===SMB.CONF===
> [global]
>   workgroup = MYGROUP
>   netbios name = {HOSTNAME}
>   wins server = {WINSSERVER}
>   server string = {HOSTNAME}
>   security = SHARE
>   encrypt passwords = Yes
>   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>   max log size = 50
>   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

IIRC, someone wrote in recently saying that the sizes of SO_RCVBUF
and SO_SNDBUF can have huge effects on performance, and setting
them to 8192 (which used to be a good idea) can reduce performance.
I suggest removing them from the socket options and measuring the
performance at the defaults, then try modifying them and comparing

Also, TCP_NODELAY is the default, right?  So maybe just comment
out the socket options parameter, restart the daemons, and check
to see if the problem goes away.

> I was wondering if there is any documentation for fine tuning SAMBA. Any
> help is appreciated. Thanks.

Nowadays, it's usually best to "leave things alone" (i.e., at the defaults).
It's important to not change things in a way that reduces performance.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Roaming Profiles question

2002-09-26 Thread Jay Ts

Stacy J.Dunkle wrote:
> Can 9x/ME profiles be safely kept in the same place as NT/2K/XP 
> profiles?

My experience here (running all of Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP)
is that no, they cannot.  You risk nasty problems by mixing them

Furthermore, I keep roaming profiles from the various versions
separated, too.  E.g., I don't even keep Windows 2000 and XP
profiles in the same location!

You _may_ be able to get away with it, but I certainly wouldn't
recommend mixing them. If you want to experiment, use a small
number of throwaway clients, and make a backup of the profile
directory on the Samba server before anything has a chance to
get messed up. YMMV, and be careful!

Although it won't be out for a while, the 2nd edition of
Using Samba has some directions for how to configure Samba
for keeping the profiles separate, and some guidelines regarding
how to manage them safely.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition
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Re: [Samba] Roaming profiles problem

2002-09-25 Thread Jay Ts

Ryszard Hodiak wrote:
> I can login onto a Worksations (Win2k) and profiles are updated but
> when I log-off from Workstation still have
> a copy of the profile on Workstation and furthermore even being local
> Administrator on W2k box I can't delete taht local profile copy- it says sth
> like that: "Can not delete files.  Files mayby in use"
> I'm just wonder wheather it is Windows problem or Samba configure problem?

That seems like normal behavior.  Windows always keeps a local
copy of the roaming profiles - that's just how they work.  It
copies the profile from the server during logon, then uses the
local copy.  Any updates to the profile are copied back to the
server during logoff.

And yes, the profiles are difficult to delete from the local
system!  There are different ACLs in use, and some of them
have a really tight hold on the files they protect.  But, if
you really want to delete a local profile, it can be done.

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Book on using Samba

2002-09-23 Thread Jay Ts

>I could like to get the a book  which is suitable for me to
> learn Samba and its application on Microsoft OS like Win NT and WIn 2K
> .Kindly recommend me and where can I purchase one ? Thanks.

I'll start off the discussion, and hopefully, someone else will
have comments on some of the other books.  I'm totally biased towards,
err ... myself! ... and members of the Samba Team who have written

You can go to and select your nearest mirror
site for the Samba web pages, then click on the "books" link.
You are apparently in Singapore, so it would be here:

Since Samba is being developed pretty rapidly over the past
few years, I'd advise selecting a book that has been updated
recently. This pretty much eliminates the one I'm working on
(Using Samba, O'Reilly), for the next few months, anyway,
although you can the first edition (1999) for free in HTML
format in the Samba source code distribution, in the docs/ directory.

For the moment, try SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours, 2nd Edition,
which is by Gerald Carter, a very active member of the Samba Team.
According to the webpage (which happens to be maintained by Jerry
himself) that book was updated just last year.

And if you don't mind waiting a while, the second edition of
Using Samba will be available -- try searching for my name
(Jay Ts) on There is a listing there for it, although
the description they had last time I looked was for the first

Also, there is Special Edition, Using Samba, by Richard Sharpe,
another Samba Team member.  It was updated in 2000.

There was one more book I which I could mention - I glanced at
it once in a book store, and thought it was pretty decent,
but I don't remember the title or author.

Any other recommendations?

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] LDAP HOWTO

2002-09-21 Thread Jay Ts

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 11:28:36PM +0200, Bostjan Golob wrote:
> I'd like to know if there is any interest in a Samba with LDAP HOWTO 
> using Samba 3.0? During the last days I was compiling some documentation 
> about it and I would be prepared to write some documentation.
> I didn't do any detailed search on the 'net however I'm unaware of any 
> comprehensive howto on this topic.

Would it be very different than the Samba-LDAP-HOWTO.html document?
That one, which is in the docs/htmldocs directory of the Samba
source distribution, is for using the --with-ldapsam configure option
in pre-3.0 releases (2.2.x).  That was removed from Samba 3.0, but
it still uses OpenLDAP.

Either way, I think it would be a good idea.  Really, just about
anything that will help people use the Active Directory support
and other features in Samba 3.0 would be good at this point!

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Bad links in user profile

2002-09-21 Thread Jay Ts

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 10:34:09PM +0400, Vladimir I. Umnov wrote:
> Why some times apears bad links in user profiles.

Bad shortcuts can appear if the computer that created or
modified the profile has a file or application on it
(that the shortcut refers to) that does not exist on
other computers. But ...

> After deletion this bad links (usually in
> NetHood, some times it is files in different folders), all work fine. W2K
> client report, what this files can not read, but I can read them in default
> profile mode from home directory.
> Users can not login with they profile information before I delete this
> files.

this seems to be something different. Are you sharing profiles
among different Windows versions?  That is, do you have anything
other than Windows 2000 using the same profile?  I've found that
sharing profiles among different versions to be problematic.

Microsoft acknowledges that there are incompatibilities (there
was a Knowledge Base article I found that was about a problem
sharing profiles between, IIRC(?) Windows 95 and Windows 98).
I would suggest that first, you never share profiles between
Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT/2000/XP, and beyond that, things
seem to work better (here, at least) if profiles are restricted
to use only within the same specific version (e.g., do not let
Windows 2000 and Windows XP share them).

Jay Ts
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Re: [Samba] Time Server?

2002-06-15 Thread Jay Ts

> an yes you do not to have the  'time server = yes'
> setup in smb.conf on samba server.

Oh ... are you saying that without 'time server = yes'
in smb.conf, the Windows clients can still do the
'net time' command using the Samba server, and it will

I just looked in the smb.conf manual page, and it says:

time server (G)
   This parameter determines if  nmbd(8)advertises
   itself as  a  time  server  to  Windows clients.

   Default: time server = no

So maybe that means that the 'time server' parameter
is just there to make sure that the server is advertised
by the name service.  And since the 'net time' command
specifies the server explicitly, it does not need that.

Can I get an affirmation of this from someone who is
sure about it?  (Samba Team?)

Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] Time Server?

2002-06-15 Thread Jay Ts

A caveat about using the 'net time' method: the time only gets
set when the client logs onto the network, so if the client system
is left logged on for long periods, its clock will wander from the

Previously I wrote that you need the Samba system to be the PDC, but
I think this might not be a requirement.  I haven't tried it, but
in a workgroup environment, or when Samba is set up with security =
user (but not in a domain) you might be able to configure the Samba
server with 'time server = yes', and find some way to configure each
Windows client to run the 'net time' command - such as with a
startup script, or using a method that runs the command every few

Jay Ts

> In NT/2k/XP you need to allow your users to set the time (Users Manager).
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Sanjiv Bawa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 5:54 AM
> Subject: RE: [Samba] Time Server?
> > This works fine with Win98, but does not work with NT/2k/XP because of a
> > permissions problem. Any way to get around that?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of Jay Ts
> > Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:38 PM
> > To: David Busby
> > Subject: Re: [Samba] Time Server?
> > 
> > 
> > > I've got my Samba box (RedHat 7.2) running NTP client to sync with
> > > PARC.  I want my windaz clients to be able to read time from it
> > > automagically.  Is there a way to do that?
> > 
> > Yes; you need to run Samba as the PDC, then give the clients a logon
> > script (e.g., \\server\netlogon\logon.bat, stored on the Samba server)
> > that includes the command
> > 
> > net time \\ /set /yes
> > 
> > In your smb.conf:
> > 
> > [global]
> > time server = yes
> > logon script = logon.bat
> > 
> > [netlogon]
> > path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
> > writable = no
> > browsable = no
> > 
> > The path can be wherever you want; I'm using /usr/local/samba/netlogon
> > as an example.  I think the above will do it for you - I didn't really
> > check all of that! ;)
> > 
> > Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] Time Server?

2002-06-14 Thread Jay Ts

>   I've got my Samba box (RedHat 7.2) running NTP client to sync with
> PARC.  I want my windaz clients to be able to read time from it
> automagically.  Is there a way to do that?

Yes; you need to run Samba as the PDC, then give the clients a logon
script (e.g., \\server\netlogon\logon.bat, stored on the Samba server)
that includes the command

net time \\ /set /yes

In your smb.conf:

time server = yes
logon script = logon.bat

path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
writable = no
browsable = no

The path can be wherever you want; I'm using /usr/local/samba/netlogon
as an example.  I think the above will do it for you - I didn't really
check all of that! ;)

Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] 2nd edition of Using Samba

2002-06-11 Thread Jay Ts

> > (The first edition of Using Samba is _slightly_ out of date. ;-)
> Is the 2nd edition of Using Samba already out ? If yes where to find
> it ?

I'm still working on it.  I hope you can wait a few more months.

Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] smbwrapper or smbmount ?

2002-06-10 Thread Jay Ts

> The O'Reilly "Using Samba" book, recommend not to include smbmount
> support as it is for Linux only:
> "This feature wasn't being maintained at the time the book was
> written, so the Samba team made it an optional feature and provided
> smbwrapper instead. The smbwrapper feature works on more Unix
> platforms than smbmount, so you'll usually want to use
> --with-smbwrapper instead of this option"
> Is it still true ?

No.  smbmount and the smbfs filesystem are being maintained (albeit
for Linux only, AFAIK), and work pretty well on Linux.  Actually,
smbwrapper now *doesn't* work on Linux.  (The first edition of
Using Samba is _slightly_ out of date. ;-)

Support for smbfs should be included in your Linux kernel. I expect
that all distributions include it nowadays.  (Someone please tell
me if this is wrong.)

You need to install Samba, compiled with the --with-smbmount option
to the configure program. Make sure you have a correct smb.conf 
file for Samba after installation.

>From there, you can use smbmount to mount SMB shares (from Windows
systems or Samba servers) in your Linux filesystem.  A typical
smbmount command might look something like this:

smbmount //maya/d d -o credentials=/home/jay/.smbpw,uid=jay,gid=jay,fmask=664,dmask=775

This mounts the \\maya\d share on the directory named d in the current
working directory on the Linux system. Authentication credentials
(username, password) are kept in /home/jay/.smbpw.  This method is
a little more secure than putting the password in plaintext on the
command line(!).  The rest of the options are for specifying what UID,
GID and permissions to give to the files in the mounted share.

See the smbmount manual page for more details.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition

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Re: [Samba] A good book...

2002-05-29 Thread Jay Ts

> Eric Johnson wrote:
> > So my question is...  Which one is the book everyone figures is the best?
and Joel replied:
> The book that comes free with SWAT is fine.

That would be Using Samba, 1st edition, the version that I
"lifted" (legally; it's an Open Content book) from O'Reilly's
website and put into its current form.  And now I'm the author
who is doing the 2nd edition "upgrade" for O'Reilly, and I have
to say, the 1st edition is way out of date in many ways.  However,
it's free (always a good price :) and covers the basics, so it's possible
to get by on it pretty easily, if you are willing to also dig into
the man pages (especially for smb.conf) and other documents included
in the Samba release (in docs/textdocs and docs/htmldocs) to catch
up to Samba 2.2.x or 3.0.

It's taken a long time for the 2nd edition to come out, partly
because I'm a slow writer, and partly because I want everything
to be just right (and partly because O'Reilly waited a rather
long time to offer me the job! :0).  But hopefully it will be
out in a few months, and be _a_lot_ better than the 1st edition.
And maybe even worth actual money - I hope!!! :)

In the meantime, there are other books on Samba, some of them
written by members of the Samba team (Gerry Carter and Richard
Sharpe).  I would suggest looking into those as well.

Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] Help! desktop.ini hell!

2002-05-04 Thread Jay Ts

Gary wrote:
> I am using Windows XP Pro clients with 2.2.4 on a RH 7.2 box. Roaming 
> profiles work correctly. However, I have noticed that Samba seems to handle 
> the "desktop.ini" file incorrectly. On startup using my roaming profile, 
> notepad pops up with the contents of one desktop.ini file.

That would be caused by desktop.ini appearing in the Startup menu.

> Various other ones are scattered throughout my start menu.

Yep, I've noticed this too!  And IIRC, sometimes a desktop.ini will
appear from nowhere in a folder.  And I do remember this one: a
desktop.ini can appear on the taskbar.  Very annoying.

I don't know if this applies to your network there, but I've found it
helpful to keep the roaming profiles of the different Windows versions
separated in different directories, so a Win XP client won't ever get
a profile from a Win2000 client, for example.  I don't know if this
helps with the desktop.ini problem, but it helped with other things here.

A possible workaround might be to add a cron job that looks for
the desktop.ini files in the profiles directory, and deletes them.
If you run the job every minute, that may be sufficient to keep
the files deleted so that if you log out and then back in again
(as quickly as you can), the file will get deleted in between.

And hey, I haven't tried it, but what about:

veto files = desktop.ini


Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] local/roaming profile default

2002-05-03 Thread Jay Ts

> > With Windows NT/2000/XP, it is possible for an administrator to
> > set either a roaming or local profile for each user of the computer.
> > The method varies a little among versions,
> I'm not concerned with the method as I'm familiar with the OS's.
> It's the difference in the default operation that I've experienced. When
> a new user logs onto a workstation (NT/2k/XP) that is a member of an MS
> PDC the profile starts out as local and can be made roaming by an admin.
> When a new user logs onto a workstation that is a member of a Samba PDC
> the profile starts out as roaming and can be changed to local.

Are you really sure of this?  I don't have time to check it right now,
but the way I remember it is that new users get a local profile, no
matter whether Windows or Samba is used as the PDC.  At least, that's
the way it worked when I did a fresh install of Windows, added a user
account, and logged onto the domain for the first time.

Is it possible that what you are experiencing there is attributable
to "funky Windows behavior", rather than whether Samba or Windows
is used as the PDC?

Jay Ts

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Re: [Samba] local/roaming profile default

2002-05-02 Thread Jay Ts

> Chris wrote:
> IIRC when using an MS PDC the workstations use local profiles by default
> allowing an admin to change a profile to roaming, if desired.
> When using Samba (2.2.3a) as a PDC the behavior I see is that every
> users that logs on gets a roaming profile by default. This is quite
> problematic.
> What is the proper way to allow for some roaming profiles yet have the
> default be local profiles?

The selection of local vs. roaming profile is done on the client,
not the domain controller. AFAIK, Samba correctly reproduces the
behavior of a Windows NT or 2000 PDC.

With Windows 95/98/Me, roaming profiles will be enabled if the
client is configured for multi-user access (each user is allowed
to keep their own settings).

With Windows NT/2000/XP, it is possible for an administrator to
set either a roaming or local profile for each user of the computer.
The method varies a little among versions, but on Windows XP, it is
Control Panel->System->Advanced tab->User Profiles:Settings.
Windows 2000 is almost identical, and IIRC, NT is a bit different.
(NOTE: this is not under User Accounts or the Computer Management
Administrative Tool, where you might expect it!)

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba, 2nd edition

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Re: [Samba] Windows 98 Netlogon Script

2002-04-25 Thread Jay Ts

> Hi - was wondering if Windows 98 Netlogon script generation was possible
> with samba - so as to be able to create custom netlogon scripts for users
> at boot time - as can be done with WinNT.

Using Samba as the PDC, you need to define a [netlogon] share, like this

path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
writable = no
browsable = no

and you need this in your [global] section:

; logon script used for all users,
; relative to [netlogon] share directory
logon script = logon.bat

(If you want different scripts for different users/computers/etc., you
can use the %variables to point to different logon scripts.) Then, create
the logon.bat script, using CRLF newlines (either use vi with the :se ff=dos
command, or create a standart Unix text file, and convert it with unix2dos).

If you want to use the script on Win 95/98/Me, you must use a .bat
extension. Not a .cmd extension, which only works on Win NT/2000/XP.

That's pretty much it.  When Windows boots, you will see a MS-DOS
window pop open for a moment and run the script.

> So far I've been unsuccessful in getting 98 to use these. 
> While we're at it - will 2000 or XP use them?

It works with all of Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT/2000/XP. I have
them all running here, using the same logon script. Just as an example,
here is the script:

net use H: /home
net use T: \\toltec\test
net time \\toltec /set /yes
net use J: \\mixtec\jay
net use K: \\mixtec\d

The first line maps my home directory on the toltec Samba PDC as my home
directory.  Line 3 performs network time synchronization with the PDC.
For that to work, you need the line

time server = yes

in your smb.conf [global] section. The other lines map shared directories
on my Samba servers to drive letters.

Jay Ts
author, Using Samba (O'Reilly), 2nd edition

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