Re: [Samba] User submitted job

2011-02-18 Thread Jeff Ross

On 02/18/11 14:14, Christ Schlacta wrote:

On 2/18/2011 05:49, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Is there a way for a user to run a job on the server?

In particular, I want to implement a 'one click' backup using rsync.  
An icon on the desktop would do something (in a batch script maybe or 
some canned program) that would run a job under their ID that would 
rsync their home directory to a backup directory.

magic files.

In my experience, if you leave backups to users you're in big trouble 
because it doesn't matter how easy you make the backup it isn't going to 
get done.

DeltaCopy is what you are after:


Jeff Ross
Wyoming Children's Action Alliance

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Re: [Samba] Eficient method to run [net time \\server] on logon script with winxp+domain ?

2008-10-14 Thread Jeff Ross

Bruno La Torre wrote:

hamacker ha scritto:

I can not find any element inside gpedit to change that.
Do you know, what element I can change that ?

hamacker ha scritto:

Any eficient method to run [net time \\server] on logon script with
winxp+domain ?

configuration computer
   windows settings
  protection settings
 local settings
set right user
   set change time

sorry for my traslation.

By co-incidence I've just been looking into this myself.

I found this article most helpful:

If I use INTERACTIVE as suggested, my netlogon script is able to sync 
the time to the samba server.  Non-privledged users are not able to set 
the time at the toolbar clock, though.

Jeff Ross
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Re: [Samba] Large Backups to Windows

2008-07-22 Thread Jeff Ross

Justin Pittman wrote:


This is a kind of scenario question for best practices -- within limits.  I've
inherited a less than ideal backup situation: backups are transferred from
Samba to Windows.  I can't get out of this situation without major
re-engineering and the only problem is the time it takes to do full backups.

-200GiB is taking a few days to backup
-Cpio is doing the backup across cifs

Here are optimizations I've tried so far:

+switch from smbfs to cifs -- yes this is an old-ish system but Samba 3.0.10
+mount local noatime
+installed 1G more memory -- almost 1.5G is cached
+verified low processor & vm usage -- data i/o doesn't
+appear to be spreading to other subsystems configure Windows for larger
+FS cache

These Samba and Windows hosts are on the same network (and the same, Gig
switch as far as I can tell).  What scares me is the latency of backups
(because it's really no longer a Saturday backup) and the time to
restore.  Anyone
tried cpio & smbd blocking factors? Or what other networking suggestions are
there?  The only kind of tweaking I've done is for tape backups but that was
local to a host ...



DeltaCopy has a windows rsync client that works great to push files out 
to a samba server.  There is an rsync server as well, but I've not yet 
had to use it.


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[Samba] Integrating Misys into existing Samba network

2008-02-21 Thread Jeff Ross


I do the networking for a smallish medical clinic here.  They have 
decided to go with the Misys MyWay Electronic Medical Records system.  
The engineers from Mysis about freaked out when the found out that I'm 
running Samba on OpenBSD, and had all kinds of issues they were worried 
about--whether their Windows Server 2003 system with Active Domain would 
integrate with Samba was the biggest, how SQL Serve would integrate was 
next and so on.

I'm not using Active Domain for the samba server, and never have, so I 
couldn't really address their concerns.

My question, then, is two fold:  has anyone out there integrated Misys 
into a Samba network, and if not, can anyone see a reason why I can't 
just drop their server into the network?  As I understand it, and 
believe me, I know not much about Misys at all yet, each client has to 
authenticate against the Misys server.  I fail to see why this is a 
problem but if you've ever had a bad experience integrating some sort of 
middleware like this into an existing network I'd sure like to hear 
about it.

The sooner the better--their Misys server is scheduled to be installed 
on Wednesday, 2/27/2008.


Jeff Ross
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[Samba] Duplicate Desktop Icons...

2007-01-22 Thread Jeff Ross


I posted this problem a while back but wasn't able to resolve the issue. 
 It's gotten worse--now almost all of my users in the network have the 
duplicate icon problem.

I'm recently upgraded to samba-3.0.23d from 3.0.21 on an OpenBSD 4.0 
server.  I'm using folder redirection to redirect the Application Data, 
Desktop, My Documents, and Favorites folders off to 
%LOGONSERVER%\profiles\%USERNAME%\ on the server by changing the 
appropriate values in the registry with regedt32.  Additionally, I've 
used mmc to make these changes to use local profiles with folder 

Local Computer Policy->Administrative Templates->System->User Profiles

Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile  Enabled
Delete cached copies of roaming profilesDisabled
Prevent roaming profile changes from propagatingEnabled
Only allow local user profiles  Enabled

User Configuration->Administrative Templates->System->User Profiles

Exclude directories in roaming profile  Enabled
Directories Excluded
Application Data;Desktop;My Documents;Favorites

Most of my users now have duplicate icons on their desktops.  For 
example, if there is a file named test.doc in the 
/profiles/username/Desktop directory on the server, their desktop will 
actually display two icons for the file.  The properties on either icon 
show its location to be \\SAMBA\profiles\username\Desktop, and deleting 
one of the icons will make the other also go away when the desktop is 

The My Documents folder does not display this double icon problem when I 
open the folder, so I don't think the problem is specific to folder 

I didn't have any luck finding anything about this problem on Google, so 
any insights would be greatly appreciated.

My smb.conf file is below.


Jeff Ross

workgroup = WYKIDS
netbios name = Samba
interfaces = em0
bind interfaces only = Yes
passdb backend = tdbsam
pam password change = Yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*Password* %n\n *Re-enter*new*password*%n\n 

username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
unix password sync = Yes
debug timestamp = no
log level = 1
syslog only = yes
syslog = 3
smb ports = 139
name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
time server = Yes
#printcap name = CUPS
#show add printer wizard = No
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m '%u'
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r '%u'
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd '%g'
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g'
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G '%g' '%u'
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /tmp '%u'
;shutdown script = /var/lib/samba/scripts/

preexec  = sh -c  'echo  \"Welcome  to  %S!\" |/usr/local/bin/smbclient 
-M %m -I %I' &

abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c
logon drive = H:
logon home = \\%L\%U
logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
logon script = scripts\logon.bat
domain logons = Yes
preferred master = Yes
wins support = Yes
utmp = Yes
map acl inherit = Yes
#printing = cups
#cups options = Raw
printing = bsd
veto files = /*.eml /*.nws/ *.{*}/
veto oplock files = /*.doc /*.xls /*.mdb /*.pdf /*.PST
passdb expand explicit = no
nt acl support = no
# Share Definitions 

   comment = Home Directories
   valid users = %S
   read only = No
   browseable = No
  default case = lower
  preserve case = no
  short preserve case = no
  mangled names = yes
  case sensitive = no
  writable = yes
   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /var/netlogon
   writable = yes
   browsable = yes
  path = /profiles
  writable = yes
  create mask = 0600
  directory mask = 0700
  browsable = yes
  acl check permissions = no
  hide files = /desktop.ini/outlook*.lnk/*Briefcase*/Thumbs.db
# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to
# specifically define each individual printer
   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = no
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
   guest ok = no
   writable = no
   printable = yes

   comment = Applications
   path = /apps
   read only = no
   public = yes
   create mask = 1775
   directory mask = 1775

   comment = Bookkeeping
   path = /bookkeeping
   read only = no
   public = no

   comment = Archives
   path = /archives
   read only = yes
   public = yes

   comment = Shared
   path = /shared
   read only = no
   public = yes
   create mask = 1775
   directory mask = 1775

   comment = STARS
   path = /stars
   read only = no
   public = yes
   create mask = 1775
   directory mask = 1775

[Samba] Duplicate Icons on Desktop after Upgrade

2006-11-28 Thread Jeff Ross


I'm recently upgraded to samba-3.0.23d from 3.0.21 on an OpenBSD 4.0 
server.  I'm using folder redirection to redirect the Application Data, 
Desktop, My Documents, and Favorites folders off to /profiles/username 
on the server.  Two users now have duplicate file icons on their 
desktops.  For example, if there is a file named test.doc in the 
/profiles/username/Desktop directory on the server, their desktop will 
actually display two icons for the file.  The properties on either icon 
show its location to be \\SAMBA\profiles\username\Desktop, and deleting 
one of the icons will make the other also go away when the desktop is 

For one user I've also switched from roaming profiles to a local profile 
but that hasn't made a difference.

The My Documents folder does not display this double icon problem when I 
open the folder, so I don't think the problem is specific to folder 

I didn't have any luck finding anything about this problem on Google, so 
any insights would be greatly appreciated.

My smb.conf file hasn't changed since the upgrade.  It is available at


Jeff Ross
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[Samba] Implications of the "-i" switch to s/nmbd ...

2006-08-21 Thread Jeff Ross

(3.0.21b, OpenBSD -current)

I'm trying to get the smbd and nmbd processes to run under daemontools and
to log to multilog.

Using the -F -S switches should work, and is widely cited in google
searches, but logging to multilog stops shortly after the daemons start. 
The last message that goes to multilog is

standard input is not a socket, assuming -D

and from then on logging goes to the standard samba log file.

If I replace the -F -S switches in my daemontools run script with the -i
(interactive) switch, both smbd and nmbd seem to work as I want under

The man pages suggest that this will be a big perfomance hit, but I wonder
if anyone has any real world experience with this?

Alternatively, does anyone have a real solution to getting the daemons to
work correctly under daemontools?

Jeff Ross
Wyoming Children's Action Alliance

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Re: [Samba] Excluding redirected directories causes file deletion on logout...(solved)

2006-06-21 Thread Jeff Ross

On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, Jeff Ross wrote:


Samba:  samba-3.0.21

I built a new WinXP (sp2 and fully updated) box with the the idea of making a 
Default User profile.  I followed the directions in the "Making Happy Users" 
section of the Samba-3 By Example guide.

Folder redirection is working, using the %LOGONSERVER%\profiles\%USERNAME%\ 
string to replace %USERPROFILE%.

But, when I use gpedit.mmc to exclude the redirected folders from the roaming 
profile, as instructed here

all files in the redirected folders are deleted when the user logs out.

In other words, if a user logs in, downloads the firefox installer and saves 
it on the desktop, I can immediately see it in that user's /profiles/Desktop 
directory on the Samba server.  When the user logs out, the firefox installer 
is deleted from the /profiles/Desktop directory and obviously no longer on 
the Desktop when the user logs in again.

This surely can't be correct, but I don't know if this is a documentation 
problem, a Windows problem, or a samba problem.  If instead of putting the 
folders I redirected in the exclusion box, I _disable_ the whole "Exclude 
directories in roaming profile" option, I don't get the file deletion 
problem, however, I also then see the redirected folders copied to the users 
computer on login.

I put a copy of my smb.conf and a level 5 log of a new user logging in, 
getting and using the Default User profile, copying the firefox installer 
from /apps to his Desktop and then logging off on our web site

Many thanks,

Jeff Ross
Wyoming Children's Action Alliance

As a followup for the archives, my initial diagnosis about the Excluded 
redirected directories causeing file deletion was not correct.  Instead, 
with redirected folders working, it appears that it is mandatory that the 
"Prevent roaming profile changes from propagating to the server" in the 
Group Policy editor be enabled.

Start->Run->gpedit.mmc->Computer Configuration->Administrative 
Templates->System->User Profiles

Enable "Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders"
Enable "Delete cached copies of roaming profiles" (See IMPORTANT below!)
Enable "Prevent roaming profile changes from propagating to the server"

Start->Run->gpedit.mmc->User Configuration->Administrative
Templates->System->User Profiles

Enable "Exclude directories in roaming profile"
Put the directories you redirected with regedt32 in the exclusion box.

My list is:  Local Settings;Temporary Internet 
Files;History;Temp;Application Data;Cookies;Desktop;Favorites;My 
Documents;NetHood;PrintHood;Recent;SendTo;Start Menu;Templates

Hope that helps someone else in the future.  If I'm not correct in any of 
this, please reply to set the record straight.

Jeff Ross

IMPORTANT!  If your users use Outlook Express, or Outlook with the default 
setup, you CANNOT delete the cached copy of the local profile on logout. 
Outlook Express stores all of its junk in the Local Settings folder, and 
if this folder is deleted on logout, all POP mail, address books, and 
settings WILL BE DELETED!.

You might think that the Local Settings folder could also be redirected to 
the server, but Outlook Express will refuse to start if you do.

Thunderbird stores its mail in Application Data, so it works very well 
with redirected folders.

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[Samba] Excluding redirected directories causes file deletion on logout...

2006-06-16 Thread Jeff Ross


Samba:  samba-3.0.21

I built a new WinXP (sp2 and fully updated) box with the the idea of 
making a Default User profile.  I followed the directions in the "Making 
Happy Users" section of the Samba-3 By Example guide.

Folder redirection is working, using the 
%LOGONSERVER%\profiles\%USERNAME%\ string to replace %USERPROFILE%.

But, when I use gpedit.mmc to exclude the redirected folders from the 
roaming profile, as instructed here

all files in the redirected folders are deleted when the user logs out.

In other words, if a user logs in, downloads the firefox installer and 
saves it on the desktop, I can immediately see it in that user's 
/profiles/Desktop directory on the Samba server.  When the user logs out, 
the firefox installer is deleted from the /profiles/Desktop directory and 
obviously no longer on the Desktop when the user logs in again.

This surely can't be correct, but I don't know if this is a documentation 
problem, a Windows problem, or a samba problem.  If instead of putting the 
folders I redirected in the exclusion box, I _disable_ the whole "Exclude 
directories in roaming profile" option, I don't get the file deletion 
problem, however, I also then see the redirected folders copied to the 
users computer on login.

I put a copy of my smb.conf and a level 5 log of a new user logging in, 
getting and using the Default User profile, copying the firefox installer 
from /apps to his Desktop and then logging off on our web site

Many thanks,

Jeff Ross
Wyoming Children's Action Alliance

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