Re: [Samba] What great things can a non-windows user do with Samba

2013-07-13 Thread Linda Walsh

Robert Heller wrote:

At Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:52:49 -0400 Steve Litt wrote:


Hi all,

I ask this question about once a decade.

I have about 7 computers, all Linux or BSD. Are there any cool things I
can do with Samba, even though I have no Windows computers?

I haven't done timings against nfs for a while, but when I did, samba 
was notably
faster than NFS... but that was back on 100Mb ether and alot has changed 

My current samba tops out at about 25% of a 20Gbit ether -- it becomes
cpu bound due to the windows-design of 1 TCP connection serving all your
file system requests.

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 + Samba 3.5.6 = abject misery...

2013-05-20 Thread Linda Walsh

Stev e Holdoway wrote:
 The problem is that I'm descending further into the mire. Can't log on
 to the PC as local administrator account is disabled, can't log on in
 safe mode without arriving at the domain login screen, can't seem to
 find anything on the server side to fix this.

 Remembering well why I chose the dark side years ago, and losing the
 will to live...

Can you try to use the remote net DOM feature...on the server?

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 + Samba 3.5.6 = abject misery...

2013-05-19 Thread Linda Walsh

Chris Rowson wrote:
 On 19 May 2013 23:13, Steve Holdoway wrote:
 Can anyone help with this? I set it all up a few months ago, the samba
 side being standard upgrades via debian - configured as a PDC, and the
 windows 7 clients being clean installs, with the standard
 lanmanworkstation regedits done.

 They've been working fine since then, but have now started failing,
 instead raising the error message

  'The trust relationship between this work station and the primary
 domain has failed'
I had this problem alot until I told my windows computer  to disable
machine account
password changes.   I think it changes them about every 30 days or maybe
less -- but
it would change it's password and the server wouldn't be informed, so
the shared-secret
between the two of them was no longer decipherable.

To be honest, it doesn't sound like the BEST way, or the most SECURE way
to fix
the problem, BUT, given my windows machine is on a closed internal net,
practicality trumps imaginary security problems

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Re: [Samba] Practicality of fixing samba's case mangling problems?

2011-12-28 Thread Linda Walsh

Christopher R. Hertel wrote:


If you have filed a bugzilla report,
2011-07-27   *Bug 8325* - WINS should no 
longer be changing 'case' on hostnames' inconsistent with domain practice
2011-08-17*Bug 8380* - Samba needs to 
preserve casename on user/group/host to be MS-compat (all versions)
2011-08-29   *Bug 8417* - Samba needs to not 
mess with case of domain and host names
2011-09-05   *Bug 8435* - NMBD altering case 
of file names causes other subsystems to fail.

--- I've filed a few.

... and can identify the code that needs review, that would help.
Well, that's why I'm whining in public... it's a bit too much for me to 

The files (just looked at samba3 code):

- ./auth/pampass.c
- ./auth/pass_check.c

Ones with a - in front of them mention strup/lo, but don't use it for 
user or dom mangling.

There are a few.

Not really sure about how good the case mangling that is in there is...
as it tries to handle unicode, w/out knowing that max UTF-8 len for 
current unicode (up through

bit plane 17), takes 4 bytes , not 5 as a the code comments.

Also this made me wonder about making modifications, as I don't know 
what I' might

be trying to base code on...

* Conversion not supported. This is actually an error, but there are so
* many misconfigured iconv systems and smb.conf's out there we 
can't just

* fail. Do a very bad conversion instead JRA.

So not sure what one would end up with or what types of 
incompatibilities one might
introduce if one were to try to introduce changes to code to code that 
passes through

errors...  how does one define case for erroneous charset usage?
How are you at digging into the code? 

   Not ALOT of 'endurance', easily distracted

and can identify the code that needs review, that would help.  Patches are
even better.  

Last patch of mine got modified into a personal statement by someone 
about their bad experiences

w/the security 'community'[sic]...  *ahem*...

The more specific details that you can provide the better able
one of us will be to work with you on resolving the problems you are seeing.

Chris -)-

Well, I have raised the issue a few times...

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[Samba] Practicality of fixing samba's case mangling problems?

2011-12-27 Thread Linda Walsh
Samba has multiple areas of case mangling problems that cause 

when used with windows or linux clients.

How viable is the idea of fixing the problems?  Would the sky fall in if 
it preserved case, but
either 'ignored it', or gave preference to matches that included the 
case as typed (vs. alternate case

The first would be fairly compatible with current Win implementation, 
but the 2nd would be
more compatible when it comes to looking for Domain (and _likely_, 
machine names).

I've looked at the traffic in an attempted join of workstation 'Athenae' 
into 'Bliss',

which has had it's case mangled by samba3.

Dialogue goes something like:

Workstation 'Athenae' broacasts:  I want a login user= to domain Bliss.
(a query for a login server, I would gather.

PDC 'Ishtar' (samba3 on *nix), responds this login request, there is no
user  here.
Athenae then responses with login request for Athenae to 'Bliss' with marked
as a machine /domain trust account.

It doesnt' send a username, but a unicodename, as domain names can be 

and upper/lowercase.  Response from Bliss is 'Accepted/ok'.

Athenae now asks for the PDC so it can create a secure channel.  It gets 
ISHTAR/BLISS.  Win7 doesn't like that. 

It asked for Bliss, a Domain name, and got back BLISS, a WORKGROUP name.

So it issues a weird error message in the middle of it all and fails.

Similar problems happen in serving up a user's profile. under the Domain 

On linux, a path /home/BLISS, doesn't give you the same path as 
nor does 'x'/Domain Admins get take on linux for 'x/domain admins'... so 
don't work unless the case matches. 

I've tried many kludge arounds, including symlinks for the differently 
cased options,
as well as multiple entries for the same user in /etc/passwd -- 
something that
causes random behavior depending on how many items are in a cache, it's 
size and

who referenced which varient when.

As near as I can tell, this change started with Win2000, and use of port 
445 when
names larger than the Netbios len of 15 chars were allowed (beause names 
passed over

445, aren't required to be netbios compatible.

FWIW, I've seen both BLISS and Bliss on my local net as a workgroup and 
a Domain
and they have different icons.  Since Samba started supporting port 445 
speak, it seems
like it also, perhaps unwittingly undertaken to support case preservation. 

The alternative is to keep case mangling but only speak on ports 
but to, which I think would work as samba was originally designed, but 
as soon as

features of NT5 were grafted on, samba ran the risk of incompats.

How can we move forward and get this fixed?


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[Samba] Can't find domain (but domain logins for joined WS and roaming profile works! ; -/ !

2011-11-12 Thread Linda Walsh

I'm trying to join a 2nd workstation to my domain -- but it can't find 
the domain


It's a Win7 machine (same as 1st)...all settings are the same and
wireshark shows the problem is the DC is claiming it can't find
the domain name (that it is the DC for!?)...  um...

Lets see:
 wbinfo --all-domains
wbinfo --own-domain
wbinfo --verbose -D Bliss
Name  : BLISS
Alt_Name  :
SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3
Active Directory  : No
Native: No
Primary   : Yes
 wbinfo --ping-dc
checking the NETLOGON dc connection succeeded

Looks ok so far...and don't know what is really causing the problem, but
the next output didn't look right:

 wbinfo --dsgetdcname=Bliss

Is that supposed to be that way???  How do I fix/repair it?


(just noticed the tdb_file lib on the perl CPAN archive is very outdated.,
and tdbtool is a very awkward way to make repairs, though I've used
it successfully.  Once.  Are there any better tools for tdb editing? and
better...ones that have samba specific labels??? ;-)*sigh*...maybe
there's an easier way.

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Re: [Samba] winbind nsswitch resolving names issue

2011-10-31 Thread Linda Walsh

Alessio Tomelleri - ARPAV Dipartimento di Belluno wrote:

Is not clear to me why if I query my user, randomly it doesn't show mine
Domain Local Group, only Global Group... I underline this happen
randomly, it seems to me...

Finally I would ask some clarification about option compat in
nsswich.conf, 'cause I've not find in doc and man a clear explanation.

From Manpage from nsswitch.conf:
  ** Interaction with +/- syntax (compat mode)
  Linux  libc5 without NYS does not have the name service switch but does
  allow the user some policy control.   In  /etc/passwd  you  could  have
  entries  of  the  form  +user or +@netgroup (include the specified user
  from the NIS passwd map), -user or -@netgroup  (exclude  the  specified
  user),  and  +  (include every user, except the excluded ones, from the
  NIS passwd map).  Since most  people  only  put  a  +  at  the  end  of
  /etc/passwd  to  include  everything  from  NIS,  the switch provides a
  faster alternative for this case (`passwd: files  nis')  which  doesn't
  require the single + entry in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow.
  If this is not sufficient, the NSS `compat' service provides  full  +/-
  semantics.  By default, the source is `nis', but this may be overridden
  by specifying `nisplus' as source for the pseudo-databases  passwd_com‐
  pat,  group_compat  and shadow_compat.  These pseudo-databases are only
  available in GNU C Library.


That's as much as I know...i.e. will likely use your /etc/passwd/group
unless you have NISand GNU provides some GNU specific extensions to 
support similar features.

As to the other prob -- random info are running samba 
right?  Random results are a key feature!   ;-) you have something like nscd running or some other
directory service (ldap/yp/nis) that might be returning it's opinion
on the information rather than it always going to wb?

(I have lots of probs with wb, so anything I say should be considered with
a full salt container in hand...just in case)...


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Re: [Samba] samba-3.4.7 access to share from win7

2011-10-31 Thread Linda Walsh

viktor ruhle wrote:

Hello list,
I have tried rather much (forums, google) and trying this as the last option. 
The problem is that

 one is not able to access group samba shares from windows 7 machines, 
 everything ok from win-ts-2003  xp machines. Every user belongs to his

 primary group defined in samba+openldap pdc. If they want to access the
 share named according to their primary group (with permissions
 rwxrwx---), they only get acces denied error, I can't understand why
 it works from win-XP,2003 but not from win 7  other shares
 (homefolders - rwx-- and common shares - rwxrwxrwx) work without

Lots of things changed in say 'group' access''ok..

So that means the NT clients have to know a user is in group 'x',
(likely meaning it needs to be propagated from a samba acting s
a domain controller).

If not, how would the client know the user is in the group that has 
access?  I.e. it would deny access before ever trying access on the

net, I'd think.

If you want to maintain group acccess, you might want to use
'force groupmode', instead of or in addition to the masks...the masks
are bitwise-AND masks, (they can strip off stuff, but they won't turn it on).

I assume each user is in their own group -- like andre is in group andre
bib in group bib, helse in group it set to be their
primary group?  (shouldn't be necessary, but another thing to try
when you can't figure out why things are broken)...;-)

When you look at the properties of one of those dirs from
Winclient, what do you see for the property list?   Does it make
sense  I.e.
root: full,
group xxx: full  or what?

There's only 1 place i know of to set a Win7's primary group.

And that's from the User control panel -- control panel user 
accounts/manage user accounts...there you will see the option to set

only 1 group/login.  That one group, I think, gets equated to the
primary group (but it's a weak association, since windows doesn't
have the concept of a primary group AFAIK).

The log at the end doesn't give much to go on, BUT the failure of
the IPC at the very beginning might have been an attempt by windows
to find out what groups the user was in -- if that failed, then it
can't get those, and group access wouldn't work...

Sorry, not much to go on, but maybe gives you some ideas?


I have tried this (*) as well but still no luck ...

Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Local Security Policy
Local Policies - Security Options
Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
Send LM  NTLM responses
Minimum session security for NTLM SSP
Disable Require 128-bit encryption 

samba version - samba-3.4.7
distro - ubuntu 10.04 server edition
kernel - 2.6.32-28-generic

relevant part from smb.conf

   path = /home/grupper
   comment = Velg din gruppe
   writable = yes
   browseable = yes
   create mask = 0770
   directory mask = 0770

root@samba3:/home/grupper# ls -la
total 56
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root   4096 2011-04-06 16:02 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 root root   4096 2011-05-25 15:42 ..
drwxrwx---  2 root andre  4096 2011-04-06 16:02 andre
drwxrwx---  2 root bib4096 2011-04-06 16:01 bib
drwxrwx---  2 root helse  4096 2011-04-06 16:02 helse
drwxrwx---  2 root ikt4096 2011-04-06 16:01 ikt
drwxrwx--- 14 root kassen 4096 2011-06-27 12:00 kassen
drwxrwx---  2 root kirke  4096 2011-04-06 16:02 kirke
drwxrwx---  2 root ntk4096 2011-06-27 14:21 ntk
drwxrwx---  2 root ord4096 2011-04-06 16:02 ord
drwxrwx--- 70 root pro4096 2011-06-27 22:21 pro
drwxrwx---  2 root sad4096 2011-04-06 16:01 sad
drwxrwx---  2 root sko4096 2011-04-06 16:01 sko
drwxrwx---  2 root sosial 4096 2011-04-06 16:02 sosial

something from logs (hopefully relevent) when a win 7 machine tries to access 
one of above mentioned shares:
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/ipc.c(527) cmd=37 (SMBtrans) NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 62 of length 88 (0 toread)
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 1961) conn 0x7f2b102aaed0
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10200, 10002) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/trans2.c:3956(call_trans2qfilepathinfo)
  call_trans2qfilepathinfo: TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO: level = 1004
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/vfs.c:865(check_reduced_name)
  reduce_name [sad] [/home/grupper]
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/vfs.c:974(check_reduced_name)
  reduce_name: sad reduced to /home/grupper/sad
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/trans2.c:4070(call_trans2qfilepathinfo)
  call_trans2qfilepathinfo sad (fnum = -1) level=1004 call=5 total_data=0
[2011/07/08 15:52:25,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 63 of length 88 (0 toread)

[Samba] Dual interfaced computer...2 addrs for same hostname -- samba doesn't seem to like this?

2011-10-25 Thread Linda Walsh

 To support reliability, I have 2 network connections from my win7 
client to my home server.

Both the server and the client have 2 **internal** 192.168.3.XXX 

Doing a reverse DNS lookup, on either of the interfaces will return the 
same hostname.
Doing a forward DNS lookup on the hostname will randomly return one or 
the other (supposed to
be able to prioritize, but when I do that, I get a message 
(rrset-fixed), that the feature was disabled at compile time...) 
it's doing roundrobin with the 2 addrs..

Seems like samba is alternate denying requests to 1 address, while 
serving to the other address.

how can I get it to accept requests from either address and send back to 
which ever has the fewest
requests enqueuedbut even if it send it back over a different 
number, how do I get it to not say permission denied to me half of the time?

Very weird.

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[Samba] smbd: PANIC (pid xxxxx): internal error -- ? causes?

2011-10-02 Thread Linda Walsh

I have a bunch of these in my log...  Was wondering if anyone had seen them 
and what the cause might be?  Thanks...

Oct  1 03:25:15 Ishtar smbd[23925]: [2011/10/01 03:25:15,  0] 
Oct  1 03:25:15 Ishtar smbd[23925]:   PANIC (pid 23925): internal error
Oct  1 03:25:15 Ishtar smbd[23925]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 
Oct  1 03:25:15 Ishtar smbd[23926]: [2011/10/01 03:25:15,  0] 
Oct  1 03:25:15 Ishtar smbd[23926]:   PANIC (pid 23926): internal error
Oct  1 03:25:15 Ishtar smbd[23926]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 
Oct  1 03:29:49 Ishtar smbd[23927]: [2011/10/01 03:29:49,  0] 
Oct  1 03:29:49 Ishtar smbd[23927]:   PANIC (pid 23927): internal error
Oct  1 03:29:49 Ishtar smbd[23927]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 
Oct  1 03:29:49 Ishtar smbd[24021]: [2011/10/01 03:29:49,  0] 
Oct  1 03:29:49 Ishtar smbd[24021]:   PANIC (pid 24021): internal error
Oct  1 03:29:49 Ishtar smbd[24021]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 
Oct  1 03:31:14 Ishtar smbd[24022]: [2011/10/01 03:31:14,  0] 
Oct  1 03:31:14 Ishtar smbd[24022]:   PANIC (pid 24022): internal error
Oct  1 03:31:14 Ishtar smbd[24022]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 
Oct  1 03:31:14 Ishtar smbd[24164]: [2011/10/01 03:31:14,  0] 
Oct  1 03:31:14 Ishtar smbd[24164]:   PANIC (pid 24164): internal error
Oct  1 03:31:14 Ishtar smbd[24164]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 
Oct  1 03:31:17 Ishtar smbd[24165]: [2011/10/01 03:31:17,  0] 
Oct  1 03:31:17 Ishtar smbd[24165]:   PANIC (pid 24165): internal error
Oct  1 03:31:17 Ishtar smbd[24165]:#1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x55) 

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Re: [Samba] can't turn on wide links in homedir

2011-09-15 Thread Linda Walsh

simo wrote:

On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 18:16 -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

 Jeremy Allison wrote:

I didn't like re-enabling the feature as it re-introduces something
that was widely regarded as a security hole, 

People widely regarded the earth as flat and ... well sometime
as in some areas, as only 6000 years old...

Did you know the greks (150 BC and earlier) knew perfectly well the
earth was round and calculated things like the radius of the earth with
decent accuracy for the means and things like the precession ?

Sometimes people walk backward :)

   Science and reason almost always suffer in the face of
'mass (pun?) opinion' (or wide regard, as the case may be)...

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Re: [Samba] can't turn on wide links in homedir

2011-09-14 Thread Linda Walsh

Jeremy Allison wrote:

 We needed to make it impossible to configure Samba insecurely.  At the
 time this was proposed, it was posted to the list and no dissenting
 voices were heard.


   Not exactly true -- as soon as this feature was available for testing
in a downloadable package, there were dissenting voices.   Proposing
patches or changes on 1 product that one is responsible for, out of the
100's to 1000's of packages (over 3600 on one machine I just checked),
that people use on their machines, AND expecting any representative or
informed response from those that will affected by such a patch, is
provincial, at best.

   When people were hit by this remote-management disabling patch, in
the first release that included it, there was, there was notable dissent.

   It improved server security in the same way that ANY disabling of
remote- administration abilities will 'improve' server security -- i.e.
it may or it may result in creating worse problems.

   The 'bug'[sic],  was that a user could create a symlink in their home
dir to point to /etc/passwd.   Using that, they could allow /etc/passd to
be readable by anyone who had pass-through access on the user's home dir,
and the ability to read /etc/passwd.

 However, users who have their home directory on the server, as in one
some of the samba-suggested configurations where *nix security is
controlled by a samba PDC, could always manage symlinks remotely via ssh.
If a site expected users to be able to use directed links in specfic
shares, they could turn on wide-links for the share that needs them (on
which USERS may have no write access), while on user-writable shares,
wide-links would not be enabled.   This would be the expected way someone
would manage this feature.

 But limiting wide links to non-user-writeable shares was considered too
difficult for people to figure out.  And somehow, allowing wide-links to
function, ONLY on non-user-write-able shares was considered 'insecure'

 Even though there was an easy solution t0 the problem, the solution was
server-wide disabling of wide-links on all shares, if  unix extensions
were enabled ---  something that did more harm than good and likely
*created* 'insecure samba configurations', for sites that needed that
functionality by had to work around it..

 Contrary to the assertion that server-wide disabling of 'wide links'
(an imprecise and non descriptive term that probably led to the problem
that arose in the first place!) resulted in disallowing 'insecure
configurations', It created some configs that were more secure, AND some
configs that were less secure.  

 Now there is the strong possiblity of another option with another bad
name being added to get around previously ill-chosen named options  in
order to allow 're-hardening' of security on sites that were 'made less
secure' the original disabling patch.


 I  would like to put forth a possible alternative for consideration
(perhaps a bit late in the game), though perhaps a goal for a release in
the near future.  Better to say someting that  be accused later of saying

  - Revert the original patch.
  - deprecate 'wide links'.
  - add new, descriptive term:
allow symlinks outside share boundaries = (yes/no)

Or, longer term solution might be to add:

 permitted symlink targets = ...  veto symlink targets = ...


 permitted symlink targets = /

 veto symlink targets  = /etc  /proc /sbin /dev  /root  /tmp


 permitted symlink targets = /home /Share /backup /bin ...

(excluding /etc, thus passwd, for example).

 Claiming that some options are 'insecure' - when used correctly is
confusing, as it leads one to wonder why is it that an option that is not
insecure on linux, IS insecure on samba...are there bugs in samba that
make it more insecure?

 Certainly, if options are unclear, then they should be renamed over

 Through a @allow_compat prev version options could be immediately
deprecated, and 're-allowed' for 2-3 releases (or some fixed time).

 But going with descriptions that label 'useful (and used) features' as
insecure, when the opposite may be true for a given site is bound to
cause confusion and a desire to give multitudes of *worse* ways the samba
can be be abused even though it is claimed that it is impossible to
configure it insecurely...

I'm sure that wouldn't be appreciated, bug some might feel a need
to relate such configs, purely so that every useful samba config (or option)
can be prohibited in the name of protecting us...

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Re: [Samba] can't turn on wide links in homedir

2011-09-14 Thread Linda Walsh

Jeremy Allison wrote:

I didn't like re-enabling the feature as it re-introduces something
that was widely regarded as a security hole, 

People widely regarded the earth as flat and ... well sometime ago,
as in some areas, as only 6000 years old...

but recognised the need
some sites have to enable it without patching the code. So naming it
allow insecure widelinks is the best solution IMHO. That
way people who are experimenting won't turn it on by accident
and blame us (and yes, things like that *do* happen), but people
who need it can do so happily.

smb.conf is not a user interface, it's a configuration file. It's ok
to have ugly options we don't recommend people use (as  Volker said,
you can set guest user = root if you really want to :-).


If not, I didn't win.  I feel that I failed to communicate with you.

What we have here is a failure to communicate... :-) :-).

(name that movie ! :-).


I'm just fed up of discussing it. As you are one of the sites
who vociferously requested this option back in the code (even
to the extent of opening a bug and writing a patch) then let's
just leave things as they are. I won't respond again on this
topic, I have far too many other things to do.

   Oh...ok...well, ... um... thanks?  I think?


(still wish I could help you deal with the idiots who think the world is
flat...but I'm rarely if ever a good convincer of anything, even though
what I say is often valid )...*sigh*

I think my nick should have been


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Re: [Samba] Can't add users to well known groups...

2011-09-12 Thread Linda Walsh

François Legal wrote:

Not sure if this is relevant, but if (first case shown down here) 
Domain Admins is not so much a group but a map to unix group, I'm 
not surprised that you can't add users to this using sambe. I would 
rather use /etc/group or whatever to add users to the unix group mapped

Good point, 2 things: 1) My userid/login 'should' already be listed in the
group, (as it IS in /etc/group), but wins doesn't return the members that
SHOULD be listed in the group).

2) It is has scripts to modify users, groups and machines... (add  delete),
in a most primitive form, it could delete group/ re-add group w/new member


It just occurred to me, that maybe it's confusing itself -- in that,
currently, Samba mangles the casename of groups/users to lower case and
hosts/domains to upper case.  Current versions of windows don't do this --
they ignore but preserve case (unless there is some pre-existing copy of the
name already in some other 'case', in which case it will convert your typed
input into the 'pre-existing copy'.

But unix/linux not only doesn't change case, it doesn't ignore them either,
so if it took something like Domain Admins, and changed it to 'domain
admins', it wouldn't match the group name when it tried to look it up.

Nevertheless, the lookup problem, was definitely caused by code
that in the patched files files that tells it not to deal with 'well 
known groups' --

regardless if they are mappings or not...

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Re: [Samba] Can't add users to well known groups...

2011-09-10 Thread Linda Walsh

Harry Jede wrote:

On 15:48:09 wrote Linda Walsh:

I created the well known group Domain Admins pointing to a local
group, but I am not able to add users to the group -- it claims I
can only add users to
local or global groups...

But I only see local, domain ,well-known, builtin.

There are no global groups unless one would include all groups that
are not local (i.e. domain, well-known, and builtin)

So why doesn't it want to let me add to my domain admins group when
it is defined as a well known group (which it is, according to

Nobody may be able to answer your questions, if you dont give us some 
background information!

something like:
which samba version
which sam, ldapsam or tdbsam
do you use winbind
your global section of samba conf
the commands you have used
which well knwon groups you have cureently


running with latest 3.5.x: 3.5.11 as of this writing.
Using Tdb  winbind.
Since I as having problems with Domain Admins, tried deleting
it and recreating it as a domain group (so it doesn't show, below, as a
'well known group, but a domain group (even though it should be both)).
 sudo net -l groupmap list 

Domain Users
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-513
   Unix gid  : 513
   Unix group: Domain Users
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-1028
   Unix gid  : 62
   Unix group: man
   Group type: Domain Group
   Comment   : Unix Group man
Domain Controllers
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-516
   Unix gid  : 516
   Unix group: Domain Controllers
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Backup Operators
   SID   : S-1-5-32-551
   Unix gid  : 551
   Unix group: Backup Operators
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Power Users
   SID   : S-1-5-32-547
   Unix gid  : 547
   Unix group: Power Users
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Cert Publishers
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-517
   Unix gid  : 517
   Unix group: Cert Publishers
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
   SID   : S-1-5-32-552
   Unix gid  : 552
   Unix group: Replicators
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Domain Admins
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-544
   Unix gid  : 512
   Unix group: Domain Admins
   Group type: Domain Group
   Comment   : Domain Unix group
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-1005
   Unix gid  : 231
   Unix group: Juno
   Group type: Domain Group
   Comment   : Juno Printer Group
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-1017
   Unix gid  : 20001
   Unix group: media
   Group type: Domain Group
   Comment   : Unix Group media
   SID   : S-1-5-32-544
   Unix gid  : 544
   Unix group: Administrators
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Domain Guests
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-514
   Unix gid  : 514
   Unix group: Domain Guests
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Trusted Local Net Users
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-50002
   Unix gid  : 50002
   Unix group: trusted_local_net_users
   Group type: Domain Group
   Comment   : Trusted Local Net Users
Account Operators
   SID   : S-1-5-32-548
   Unix gid  : 548
   Unix group: Account Operators
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Schema Admins
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-518
   Unix gid  : 518
   Unix group: Schema Admins
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
RAS Servers
   SID   : S-1-5-32-553
   Unix gid  : 10123
   Unix group: BUILTIN\ras servers
   Group type: Local Group
   Comment   :
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-1006
   Unix gid  : 232
   Unix group: scan
   Group type: Local Group
   Comment   : Local Unix group
   SID   : S-1-5-32-545
   Unix gid  : 1
   Unix group: BUILTIN\users
   Group type: Local Group
   Comment   :
Domain Computers
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-515
   Unix gid  : 515
   Unix group: Domain Computers
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Domain Administrator
   SID   : S-1-5-21-3-7-3-500
   Unix gid  : 500
   Unix group: Domain Administrator
   Group type: Well-known Group
   Comment   : Wellknown Unix group
Print Operators
   SID   : S-1-5-32-550
   Unix gid  : 550
   Unix group: Print Operators

Re: [Samba] Can't add users to well known groups...

2011-09-10 Thread Linda Walsh
One of the more 'interesting commands (haven't done any tracing back 

net usersidlist
# net usersidlist
** glibc detected *** net: free(): invalid pointer: 0x7fc6489af1a0 ***
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
7fc64000-7fc640021000 rw-p  00:00 0
7fc640021000-7fc64400 ---p  00:00 0
7fc644aa-7fc644ab5000 r-xp  08:21 34086574   
7fc644ab5000-7fc644cb4000 ---p 00015000 08:21 34086574   
7fc644cb4000-7fc644cb5000 r--p 00014000 08:21 34086574   
7fc644cb5000-7fc644cb6000 rw-p 00015000 08:21 34086574   
7fc644cb6000-7fc644cb8000 r-xp  08:26 52771937   
7fc644cb8000-7fc644eb7000 ---p 2000 08:26 52771937   
7fc644eb7000-7fc644eb8000 r--p 1000 08:26 52771937   
7fc644eb8000-7fc644eb9000 rw-p 2000 08:26 52771937   
7fc644eb9000-7fc644ebc000 r-xp  08:26 56358620   
7fc644ebc000-7fc6450bb000 ---p 3000 08:26 56358620   
7fc6450bb000-7fc6450bc000 r--p 2000 08:26 56358620   
7fc6450bc000-7fc6450bd000 rw-p 3000 08:26 56358620   
7fc6450bd000-7fc645108000 r-xp  08:21 34085636   
7fc645108000-7fc645308000 ---p 0004b000 08:21 34085636   
7fc645308000-7fc64530c000 r--p 0004b000 08:21 34085636   
7fc64530c000-7fc645312000 rw-p 0004f000 08:21 34085636   
7fc645312000-7fc645329000 r-xp  08:21 34195072   
7fc645329000-7fc645529000 ---p 00017000 08:21 34195072   
7fc645529000-7fc64552a000 r--p 00017000 08:21 34195072   
7fc64552a000-7fc64552b000 rw-p 00018000 08:21 34195072   

7fc64552b000-7fc64552f000 rw-p  00:00 0
7fc64552f000-7fc645693000 r-xp  08:21 34195045   
7fc645693000-7fc645892000 ---p 00164000 08:21 34195045   
7fc645892000-7fc645896000 r--p 00163000 08:21 34195045   
7fc645896000-7fc645897000 rw-p 00167000 08:21 34195045   

7fc645897000-7fc64589c000 rw-p  00:00 0
7fc64589c000-7fc6458b2000 r-xp  08:21 34087169   
7fc6458b2000-7fc645ab2000 ---p 00016000 08:21 34087169   
7fc645ab2000-7fc645ab3000 r--p 00016000 08:21 34087169   
7fc645ab3000-7fc645ab4000 rw-p 00017000 08:21 34087169   
7fc645ab4000-7fc645ad3000 r-xp  08:26 34626548   
7fc645ad3000-7fc645cd2000 ---p 0001f000 08:26 34626548   
7fc645cd2000-7fc645cd3000 r--p 0001e000 08:26 34626548   
7fc645cd3000-7fc645cd4000 rw-p 0001f000 08:26 34626548   

7fc645cd4000-7fc645cd5000 rw-p  00:00 0
7fc645cd5000-7fc645d12000 r-xp  08:21 34086023   
7fc645d12000-7fc645f12000 ---p 0003d000 08:21 34086023   
7fc645f12000-7fc645f14000 r--p 0003d000 08:21 34086023   

[Samba] Bash completion file(s) for samba utils...

2011-09-10 Thread Linda Walsh

I was wondering if anyone already had completion files for samba utils like
'net' wbinfo...etc...  I can never remember all the params, I keep wanting
to hit tab to autocomplete for options like I can on many other sys

So I started looking at examples of existing completion files and started
cobbling one together...  if no one else has some (which would be great!),
I'll probably continue work on this in a spare cycle every once in a while,
or if anyone wants to add to it, I'd appreciate additions...

Other utils do host and user name lookup when the param or field being
auto-completed needs such -- similar features would be nice in this one,
but it's my first attempt at writing autocompletion for anything,

To use it, just 'source it' (i.e.: . filename or source filename).

It just has 1st level and a few 2nd level cmds at this point, so it's
pretty basic, but it's already helpful, so I thought I toss it out for
others to use/enhance/abuse..  etc.

I'm working w/samba 3.5.11 and bash 4.1, so it's may have some specifics to
those versions.  It doesn't have any of the ads sub commands in it, as my
current version doesn't have ads compiled in.  I don't know if
alphabetizing the compgen lists is needed (would certainly allow search
optimizations optimization if so), but am trying for alphabetizing the
response lists...(but it may be unnecessary).


function _net {
local cur prev;
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur prev;
_expand || return 0;

case $prev in 
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'add del flush get list search 
stabilize' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'addshare delincludes delparm 
delshare drop getincludes getparm import list listshares setincludes setparm 
showshare' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'join renamecomputer unjoin' -- 
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'dump export import' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'do dump locks' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'add addmem cleanup delete 
delmem list listmem memberships modify set ' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'add delete list' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'aclmapset delete dump restore 
secret setmap' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'createkey deletekey 
deletevalue enumerate getsd getvalue getvalueraw setvalue' --))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'audit info join oldjoin 
testjoin user password group share file printer changetrustpw trustdom 
abortshutdown shutdown samdump vampire getsid rights service registry shell' -- 
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'admin domain file group 
groupmember password printq server session share user validate ' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'addmem createbuiltingroup 
createdomaingroup createlocalgroup deletedomaingroup deletelocalgroup delmem 
list listmem mapunixgroup policy rights set show unmapunixgroup' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'domain name' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'add allowed delete list 
migrate users' -- ))
return 0
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'sessions shares' -- ))
return 0
case $cur in 
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'admin ads cache changesecretpw 
changetrustpw conf dom domain eventlog file getauthuser getdomainsid 
getlocalsid g_lock group groupmap 

Re: [Samba] Samba 3.5.11 shares and downloads with IE9 on Windows 7

2011-09-10 Thread Linda Walsh

Thomas Bork wrote:

On 11.09.2011 01:41, Linda W wrote:

This sounds like

I don't think, it's the same problem. I already tried without oplocks 
and smb2 isn't activated here.

Anyway - I could test a patch for 3.5.11.

Don't know if there is one -- and there was no SMB2 in 3.5.11...

But I misread this one...  It doesn't say it affects 3.5 or before... which one was it!...remember reading one recently that hit
3.6 ... that I thought had to do with file access problems. ..

Just your symptom sounded very similar..

I would see a file with the real name created in the target dir,
then see a tmp file created and grow to the size of the file, then would get
a message that the file couldn't be saved due to an access problem.

In the save dir, I'd find the initial file it created @ 0 bytes.

The 'tmp' file I'd find in my server's recycle dir for that dir -- and 
it would

be the full file.

(I have the vfs recycle2 option turned on for many of my shares... so 
the tmp files

ended up in there;  if you don't have that option turned on, then the files
would just get deleted)...

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Re: [Samba] Can't add users to well known groups...code patch (quick hack/commented out problem code seems to fix)...

2011-09-09 Thread Linda Walsh

Well, this code patch seems to fix the problem with my missing groups...

Seems like because they were declared as well known groups (Domain Admins,
Domain Users...etc.)
They weren't being listed...

Seems a bit odd for a PDC to not list well known groups... no?

It looks like the code was intended to prevent people from using
the BUILTIN groups -- which doesn't seem to make alot of sense

Can someone clarify why we shouldn't be able to add/subtract from
well known or builtin groups?

MS publishes a list of well known groups that most domains would expect 
to have,

but when I tried to add them to my domain, they all became unlistable
and unusable.

Color me confused?


Linda Walsh wrote:

I created the well known group Domain Admins pointing to a local group,
but I am not able to add users to the group -- it claims I can only 
add users to

local or global groups...

But I only see local, domain ,well-known, builtin.

There are no global groups unless one would include all groups that are
not local (i.e. domain, well-known, and builtin)

So why doesn't it want to let me add to my domain admins group when it is
defined as a well known group (which it is, according to MS)...

--- net_sam.c  2011-08-03 11:24:05.0 -0700
+++ net_sam.c   2011-09-09 19:27:39.190245264 -0700
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@

-   if ((grouptype == SID_NAME_ALIAS) || (grouptype == 

+   if ((grouptype == SID_NAME_ALIAS) ) {
   if ((membertype != SID_NAME_USER) 
   (membertype != SID_NAME_DOM_GRP)) {
   d_fprintf(stderr, _(%s is a local group, only 

@@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@
 with %s\n), nt_errstr(status));
   return -1;
-   } else if (grouptype == SID_NAME_DOM_GRP) {
+   } else if (grouptype == SID_NAME_DOM_GRP || grouptype == 

   uint32_t grouprid, memberrid;

   sid_peek_rid(group, grouprid);
@@ -1284,8 +1284,7 @@

-   if ((grouptype == SID_NAME_ALIAS) ||
-   (grouptype == SID_NAME_WKN_GRP)) {
+   if (grouptype == SID_NAME_ALIAS) {
   status = pdb_del_aliasmem(group, member);

   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
@@ -1293,7 +1292,7 @@
 with %s\n), nt_errstr(status));
   return -1;
-   } else if (grouptype == SID_NAME_DOM_GRP) {
+   } else if (grouptype == SID_NAME_DOM_GRP || SID_NAME_WKN_GRP) {
   uint32_t grouprid, memberrid;

   sid_peek_rid(group, grouprid);
@@ -1349,8 +1348,7 @@
   return -1;

-   if ((grouptype == SID_NAME_ALIAS) ||
-   (grouptype == SID_NAME_WKN_GRP)) {
+   if (grouptype == SID_NAME_ALIAS) {
   status = pdb_enum_aliasmem(group, talloc_tos(), members,
   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
--- net_groupmap.c 2011-08-03 11:24:05.0 -0700
+++ net_groupmap.c  2011-09-09 19:30:32.840929705 -0700
@@ -444,12 +444,12 @@
   return -1;

-   if (map.sid_name_use == SID_NAME_WKN_GRP) {
+   /*if (map.sid_name_use == SID_NAME_WKN_GRP) {
 _(You can only change between domain and local 
   return -1;
-   }
+   }*/


@@ -630,13 +630,15 @@
   /* Now we have a mapping entry, update that stuff */

   if ( c-opt_localgroup || c-opt_domaingroup ) {
-   if (map.sid_name_use == SID_NAME_WKN_GRP) {
+   /*
+* f (map.sid_name_use == SID_NAME_WKN_GRP) {
 _(Can't change type of the BUILTIN 
   group %s\n),
   return -1;
+   */

   if (c-opt_localgroup)
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[Samba] Can't add users to well known groups...

2011-09-08 Thread Linda Walsh

I created the well known group Domain Admins pointing to a local group,
but I am not able to add users to the group -- it claims I can only add 
users to

local or global groups...

But I only see local, domain ,well-known, builtin.

There are no global groups unless one would include all groups that are
not local (i.e. domain, well-known, and builtin)

So why doesn't it want to let me add to my domain admins group when it is
defined as a well known group (which it is, according to MS)...

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[Samba] Not crazy...really! Domain!=DOMAIN (win7 showing both versions of my dom)...

2011-09-06 Thread Linda Walsh

Hah!  Caught it in the act!...

Filed it with a bug report talking about the problem...

Shows me being offered a choice between two icon types (anyone know what
those are?  for 'BLISS' (the newly mangled samba name) and 'Bliss' (the
original name)...

Not sure why or how what went into the case name changing, but it was
another source of havoc on my setup, as on linux, usernames (Bliss\user !=
BLISS\user,) and pathnames /home/DOMAIN/user != /home/Domain/user

Still getting occasional weirdnesses ... though oddly most of my group
mapping problems went away recently after upgrading to 3.5.11 (don't know
if it was exactly co-incident, but that's the only thing I can think of
that would have changed that could have caused such a thing).   I still
can't SEE most of my groups... (no builtins, and only a few domain groups,
-- NO well-known groups (that are defined in my domain), like 'Domain
Admins'...(though it's still in some access lists in my local Win7
workstation, I can't ADD it on any new security tab .. nor most other
domain groups.

Oh well... keeps one entertained I suppose...

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Re: [Samba] Bug in 3.6.0 saving files.

2011-08-26 Thread Linda Walsh

Yes... more than one person has noticed it...

I think it has to do with SMB2 keeping multiple descriptors open in, 
perhaps, a cache,

to the same file...

When Windows writes 'many' (not all), files out, it will first 'create' 
the 'name' of the
new file to verify access in the target location, then it will write the 
file to a 2nd file
(.tmp), and at the end of it all, do a rename.  That way, if 
something interrupts, it,

you never get a partial file left there, either all or nothin'.

It's the rename that fails,  win deletes the tmp.

So when I saw this, I'd see ZERO length files under the name I'd saved,
and I'd find deleted 'tmp' dirs with the full content in the .recycle 
dir of my SMB share.

The exact cause I surmise, above, is _speculation_, based on a limited 
on some differences that SMB2 seems to allow that normally help achieve 
overall performance.   But I think samba, is, not seeing those locks as 
'advisory', but as

mandatory, so it tells windows that someone has it locked --

either that, OR Window''s request to release the lock is getting lost or 
perhaps, just

delayed, so the rename attempts to manip a locked file (thus fail)...

Obviously speculations on my part as to cause, but you are 3rd person to 
the problem -- cept another noted it with files downloading w/web 
browsers, and I noticed
it on writing out large image files from photoshop ( files in the 1-2+GB 


Justin Piszcz wrote:


If you open a word document on a Windows 7 PC on a samba share and 
attempt to save it (or ppt, etc) it will fail (SMB2 enabled).

Go back to 3.5.10, it works fine (SMB2 removed obviously).

Not sure if anyone has seen this but FYI.

Happens with Office 2007  2010.


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Re: [Samba] winbind wbcGetpwnam WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND

2011-08-24 Thread Linda Walsh

Shirish Pargaonkar wrote:

A call to wbcGetpwnam() with BUILTIN\Administrators
name (string) returns error 7 (WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND).

I tried just Administrators and got the same error.
Same error with user (string)  Everyone  also.

   I've noticed this problem as well...

In fact, every one of the well-known addresses that I manually added
(and are still listed, and mapped to local groups) are unavailable
for use at any client.Very sad since I went to the trouble
of creating all the local groups for these that Samba refuses to
return them even though they are defined.

Is this something else that needs a patch?


This is what I see for a net groupmap list (massaged a bit...):

GID   |UnixGroup  |NTGroup|Grp_Type  |SID
---   |-  |-- --- |  |---
513   |Domain Users   |Domain Users   
516   |Domain Controllers |Domain Controllers 
551   |Backup Operators   |Backup Operators   
547   |Power Users|Power Users
517   |Cert Publishers|Cert Publishers
552   |Replicators|Replicators
544   |Administrators |Administrators 
514   |Domain Guests  |Domain Guests  
548   |Account Operators  |Account Operators  
518   |Schema Admins  |Schema Admins  
10123 |BUILTIN\ras servers|RAS Servers|Local 
512   |Domain Admins  |Domain Admins  
515   |Domain Computers   |Domain Computers   
500   |Domain Administrator   |Domain Administrator   
550   |Print Operators|Print Operators
546   |Guests |Guests 
501   |Domain Guest   |Domain Guest   
519   |Enterprise Admins  |Enterprise Admins  


Yet clients only see 'RAS Servers' out of these groups.

Before, when I had 'trusted domains only' turned on, I believe
that caused a problem showing my own groups as well as the
BUILTIN groups, as my domain's name is mixed case,
and samba doesn't play the way Windows does with such...

So (upper+lower case domain) 'Bliss' couldn't talk to
'BLISS or BUILTIN but instead looked for '*' ...which was
very confusing...

Started happening in 3.6 due to change in backend...
continued to happen in 3.5.10, due to mangled DB...
which seems like there are no tools to unmangle.

Like a way to set 'user' - 'uid' - SID
mappings in samba?

Seems like a basic.   It's there for groups (though they aren't
working either)...

(under what we love about the M5 and Samba probs, even though there's
no off switch  they both keep on going...(still resolving my SID-UID,
just no usernames))...which means file serving is still working just can't
do much w/changing permissions on things...).

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Re: [Samba] 3.6.0 winbind issues

2011-08-18 Thread Linda Walsh

Michael Wood wrote:

P.S. Sorry for the mostly off-topic post.

If it's mostly not about samba, it's probably 'ok' t0 NOT cc the list..?


Turning off that param, BTW, did help -- some things that hadn't been
working started, and then gave all sorts of new indications of

With that param on, and due to going to winbind as primary resolver
before local hostfiles, the server and Win7 WS couldn't do name lookups,
but could still do UID/SID that's been going on since June.

I tried to revert to 3.5.10, but as 3.6 had already mangled the DB, it was
still mangled w/3.5x...

It's been one long ongoing problem since I upgraded my server's OS
-- so many pieces of new SW had compat problems w/previous versions
(samba was only one, but has proven to be one of the more difficult ones to
get back 'just right'... -- probably partly to do with my having a manually
allocated, static TDB for the most part.  ... so it turning off that 
param has

allowed my server to be able to comminicate w/itself, and the Win7
WS now has a a happy schannel again, though some reminants of the
up-cased dom/hosts still linger in some DB's -- had to make sure my
/etc/lmhosts file was read BEFORE netbios (nmbd) also forces
name-changes ... *sigh*...

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Re: [Samba] PDC forgot it was part of domain... official (ha!) samba hack around to fix...

2011-08-18 Thread Linda Walsh

Michael Wood wrote:


On 3 August 2011 08:59, Linda Walsh wrote:

Among various problems since I upgraded to 3.6 (none of which got answered
really, -- so I backgraded to 3.5.10 and started debugging from there,
considering 3.6.0 too unstable/too incompatible for 'whatever' reason...

One of the probs I had was 'root' couldn't use net rpc anything --
kept getting auth failures.

Was this with 3.6.0 or after you downgraded again to 3.5.10?

Both .. haven't tried it since my servername started coming back together
(the 'mixed case' v. forced case causing parts of server not to know who it
was or similar -- (along with that param you mentioned).

Wasn't the passwd, -- could reset it via smbpasswd, no prob, and my
normal UID could do an rpc user, but didn't have the auth to the
local files to read them (so got no results back).

1) add self to group root
2) in /var/lib/samba and /etc/samba:
find . -gid 0 -print0|xargs -0 chmod g+rw
find . -gid 0 -type d|xargs -0 chmod g+xs

You're missing a -print0 on the second one there, but I assume that's
just a copy/paste error or something.


Then I noted that my 'user' could no longer auth either!

turned on -d10 on net rpc cmd,
Noted, it was trying to look up '*' for a pw server,

'*' doesn't resolve so well on my DNS server.

What was the actual log message?  Did you find out where this '*' was
coming from?

   It had to do with the trusted domains -- Because part of the server
was now upcasing everything, it thought it was a different 'server' than
the mixed-case' it was looking for a '*' meta server to tell it
where it's old name was...(very sad! ;-))...

It seems to me that finding out why there are no builtin SIDs might
have been a better idea than manually adding them.  But I suppose if
your idmap tdb was suspect then maybe this was indeed the best thing
to do.

   I am a bit impulsive @ times...but often, I *REALLY* want to get things
working again, on some level, as when things are badly broken,
no email, no files, no videos, no music, no programming, no homedirs
no internet, no art/wall/scan work/design...basically not good;
My Win7WS isn't at all setup to be useful w/o the server running.

Administrators sid=S-1-5-32-544 type=builtin
Users sid=S-1-5-32-545 type=builtin
Domain Controllers sid=S-1-5-32-516 type=builtin
Guests sid=S-1-5-32-546 type=builtin
Power Users sid=S-1-5-32-547 type=builtin
Account Operators sid=S-1-5-32-552 type=builtin

   I don't think the above was entirely the 'right' thing to do, even 

those are documented to be 'well known SIDS in the MS literature -- as
now many of those sids no longer can be added or browsed...

I'm not getting the '*' message any more, -- turning of the trusted-only
and getting my methods resolutions in the right order seems to have
helped, though now I'm getting new messages:

Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar winbindd[11885]: [2011/08/17 02:12:32,  0, 
class=winbind] winbindd/winbindd_passdb.c:194(rids_to_names)
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar winbindd[11885]:   Possible deadlock: Trying to 
lookup SID S-1-5-21-3-7-3 with passdb backend
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar winbindd[11885]: [2011/08/17 02:12:32,  0, 
class=winbind] winbindd/winbindd_passdb.c:194(rids_to_names)
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar winbindd[11885]:   Possible deadlock: Trying to 
lookup SID S-1-5-21-3-7-3 with passdb backend
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]: [2011/08/17 02:12:32,  0, 
class=rpc_srv] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:475(get_md4pw)
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]:   get_md4pw: Workstation ASTARTE$: no 
account in domain
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]: [2011/08/17 02:12:32,  0, 
class=rpc_srv] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:692(_netr_ServerAuthenticate3)
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]:   _netr_ServerAuthenticate2: failed 
to get machine password for account ASTARTE$: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]: [2011/08/17 02:12:32,  0, 
class=rpc_srv] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:475(get_md4pw)
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]:   get_md4pw: Workstation ASTARTE$: no 
account in domain
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]: [2011/08/17 02:12:32,  0, 
class=rpc_srv] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:692(_netr_ServerAuthenticate3)
Aug 17 02:12:32 Ishtar smbd[7382]:   _netr_ServerAuthenticate2: failed 
to get machine password for account ASTARTE$: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

These just started after I turned off that param...and some of the cases
got realigned again due to changes in resolution order.  the SID that it 
is trying
to lookup is the server's SID.  ASTARTE$, of course doesn't exist -- 
Astarte$ does.

Listed that way in /etc/passwd, and I know linux doesn't ignore case.

So that just means some part of some  DB needs to be cleaned up after 

mangled by libsmb's internal set-case code.

Still limping along...but I don't sit here and bang on samba probs, I do 
a few

things when I get ideas

Re: [Samba] PDC forgot it was part of domain... official (ha!) samba hack around to fix...

2011-08-18 Thread Linda Walsh

Michael Wood wrote:

I didn't get the benefit of '*' added to my wbinfo...

I don't understand what you mean by this.

Just saw this note by Bendikt Schindler:


Of course, as noted earlier, my wbinfo also doesn't seem to know about
builtin SID's either .. so am having to add them...

 Original Message 
Subject:samba 3.6: autorid has no domain order
Date:   Fri, 12 Aug 2011 18:23:14 +0200
From:   Benedikt Schindler

[snip  noting multiple future snips @ random! ]

I first tried autorid with a config like this:

   winbind enum users = yes
   winbind enum groups = yes

   idmap backend = autorid
   idmap gid = 10-149
   idmap gid = 10-149
   allow trusted domains = yes

... then later

I also read the mail about the new idmapping so i also tried these

   winbind enum users = yes
   winbind enum groups = yes
   allow trusted domains = yes

   idmap config A : backend = rid
   idmap config A : range   = 10 - 19
   idmap config A : base_rid= 1000

   idmap config B : backend  = rid
   idmap config B : range= 20 - 29
   idmap config B : base_rid = 1000

Then next note he says:
if i use this config:

 winbind enum users = yes
 winbind enum groups = yes
 allow trusted domains = yes

idmap config * : backend = tdb
idmap config * : range   = 7-9

 idmap config A : backend = rid
 idmap config A : range   = 10 - 19
 idmap config A : base_rid= 1000

 idmap config B : backend  = rid
 idmap config B : range= 20 - 29
 idmap config B : base_rid = 1000
i get folowing message from a SID of domain A: server3:~ # wbinfo -S 
S-1-5-21-1004336348-920026266-682003330-1113 failed to call wbcSidToUid: 
WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND Could not convert sid 
S-1-5-21-1004336348-920026266-682003330-1113 to uid i change this line

 allow trusted domains = no
server3:~ # wbinfo -S S-1-5-21-1004336348-920026266-682003330-1113 
failed to call wbcSidToUid: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND Could not convert 
sid S-1-5-21-1004336348-920026266-682003330-1113 to uid it does not 
work. i change this line

idmap config * : backend = rid

server3:~ # wbinfo -S S-1-5-21-1004336348-920026266-682003330-1113 100113

so it works ... but getent passwd still does not show any user.
so there is still a long way to go.

if i delete all the idmap config *  parts it won't work again.

But also if it does work i need trusted domain support. the only 
config that realy works right now, is the new autorid.

Alot of the error he is describing I saw as well, but I didn't see the email
about the new idmapping that told about '*'...(or that it was needed.

My server thought there was 2 domains due to the case-change problem -- 
why it kept looking for *, which I am guessing is supposed to be some 
type of domain locator addres.

My DB, since I'd only ever had 1 never had entries setup for 2, but when 
the name
got changed by NMB -- suddenly there 2 servers -- and calls coming in 
for Domain,

were getting refused on DOMAIN

That's my best explanation yet, as to what happened...

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Re: [Samba] 3.6.0 winbind issues

2011-08-16 Thread Linda Walsh

` Michael Wood wrote:

Hi Linda

Yeah...reported this a month ago... as well as other TDB/SID backend probs:

I wasn't sure if it was a 3.6 problem or some type of cockpit error, but
both emails
were ignored.

If you find something that looks like a bug and nobody responds to
your e-mail, perhaps you should report it via Bugzilla so that it
won't get lost.

  I don't feel that's something many developers want -- and I know some 
If you don't have firm evidence that it's the SW that is broken, they'll 
just close
out the bug with Works for Me, and I've wasted my time.  Too many 
times -- even
with repeatable test cases on too many different projects.This is 
especially true with
something like samba where when I asked for any help in tracking down 
this, I was asked to submit a 15-25MB samba log with debug set to 10 to 
the samba list -- NOT to upload
it to a bug, but dump huge amounts of data to the list.  I didn't feel 
comfortable doing that.  For all I know, unencrypted passwords might be 
buried in that logfile and I'd never catch them -- not to mention the 
flack I'd get for posting something so large to the list.
What were you thinking?  Well so and so told me, gonna jump off 
a cliff if he

tells you to do that...etc..

Even now, I'm not sure why setup is broken.

I can do a UID - SID translation and SID-UID translation on my userid,
BUT, when windows tries to lookup my userid in winbind, the log spits out:

[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  6, class=winbind] 

 accepted socket 28
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  3, class=winbind] 

 [17439]: request interface version
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  3, class=winbind] 

 [17439]: request location of privileged pipe
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  6, class=winbind] 

 accepted socket 29
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  6, class=winbind] 

 closing socket 28, client exited
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  3, class=winbind] 

 getgroups lindaw
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  7, class=winbind] 
 wb_gettoken: My domain -- rejecting getgroups() for 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  5, class=winbind] 
 Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-3-7-3-80026: 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  3, class=winbind] 

 getgroups lindaw
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  7, class=winbind] 
 wb_gettoken: My domain -- rejecting getgroups() for 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  5, class=winbind] 
 Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-3-7-3-80026: 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  3, class=winbind] 

 getgroups law
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  7, class=winbind] 
 wb_gettoken: My domain -- rejecting getgroups() for 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  5, class=winbind] 
 Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-3-7-3-80026: 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  3, class=winbind] 

 getgroups lindaw
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  7, class=winbind] 
 wb_gettoken: My domain -- rejecting getgroups() for 
[2011/08/15 08:30:02,  5, class=winbind] 
 Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-3-7-3-80026: 


@ note, it maps the correct (historically -- what windows has seen), SID 
to my username,

but then My Domain -- rejecting getgroups, so 'NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER'.

Things were 'worse.

Like root couldnt' use 'net' rpc user because 'root's ID, apparently, 
was broken, so it got
invalid password .. and a normal user -- even admin, can't do's not governed
by filed permissions, as far as I can tell, but literally a hard-coded 
check for 'root' (from
observation -- and making all the necessary files r/w by 'group root', 
which put my
login in.  i.e. I had r/w access to all the data files, but it refused 
to allow me to make

any changes, even though I was in the admin and dom-admin groups.

Most of the builtin groups were missingetc...
Hand added those back using groupmap -- but I couldn't point firmly to 
what caused
it -- 

Re: [Samba] 3.6.0 winbind issues

2011-08-16 Thread Linda Walsh

..Michael Wood wrote:

Personally, reading through and replying to a message like this takes
me a lot of time.  As I said I can't speak for the Samba developers,
but perhaps trying to keep your messages shorter will produce better

   In some cases, certainly, in other cases, doing so would only
require more questions about details I'd left out and, in some cases,
annoyance that I hadn't included such in the initial report.  
Thus I tend to put in more detail, figuring that the extra few seconds

to read an addition bit of detail they didn't need, will be more than
offset by the time savings to any who actually looked at the problem
in understanding the problem and it's context -- as WAY too often,
especially in the computer world, the context is what  may allow,
enable or even cause the bug to occur. 

Generally, I've more often found that for someone looking to uncover
a problem, giving more information, on the average, is more helpful
in eventual solving or finding the core of the problem.

Yes, as I said it depends on the circumstances.

If this message has annoyed you, I apologise.

Nothing, really, bothered me until your asked the question embedded
in that statement.  That got me to wondering _why_  you might have
cause for concern that I might be annoyed at anything you said -- you
appeared to be thorough and attentive to detail, why would someone be
annoyed about that?

Thus, I began to look for the possibility of Nth-order messages conveyed
through means other than the meanings of the words themselves.

Only in looking for such did I generate possible interpretations that
some might take offense to.  However, as all such interpretations are
generated by the receiver, based not upon what was being said but upon
creative interpretation of the actual content.  It's like people hearing
meaning in songs played backwards when no such meaning or words were
actually designed into the recording. 

Such is an example of the mind's automatically looking for messages
against a background of noise.  But it's like trying to recover information
after having lost pieces of the original:  you may stumble upon the
original message,  but given the permutations, there's usually no way
to verify if the message you [re]constructed was actually the real message
or if there ever had been
(presuming there was a real message encoded in the fragment to begin with:
that is,
(i.e. it may  if they have any resemblance to the orignal  or given the 
permutations, , with enough creativity, many
false interpretations can created, and it's possible that ore often than 
not, though, such messages really are

created from the 'noise', and were not meant or actually sent by the

ability to create (or discern), such

that , did I realize that you'd been
thorough to details, which I had appreciate, but wondered *if*, that was
how I was supposed to have taken it -- i.e. that you expected
most people wouldn't appreciate such and if that might not be part
of that which you were subtly trying to say. 

I will consider that possibility, but, I've noted there can be an 
infinite  variety of meta messages that a receiver can impart to a 
message the actual presence of which, is less than transparent.  It is 
also the case, that

a receiver can't, _really_,  know which, if any, of such interpretations
might have been intended, and which are illusory.  Thus I usually try to
avoid meta interpretation,   as presuming that such exist, is more
likely to lead to unseemly consequences, than taking the messages at face
value, at least in the eyes of most people, though not considering
the possibility of such can be equally, though differently, disadvantageous.

Thus...more food for thought.  ;-)


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Re: [Samba] SMB2 weird behavior with samba 3.6 PDC

2011-08-15 Thread Linda Walsh

` Mark Reidenbach wrote:

I tried enabling SMB2 on our network after upgrading to samba 3.6 and
experienced the following problems.  Commenting out Max Protocol = SMB2
makes the windows7 and vista clients happy.

   - [homes] Trying to open a html file in notepad fails on Windows7 Pro
   SP1.  Opening it in Firefox (default browser) or Open Office works ok.
   - [homes] Mozilla Thunderbird insists on downloading all the IMAP headers
   each time it is launched on Vista Pro SP2.

   What is it supposed to do?   My client checks for new headers and
downloads them all on each launch.  Of course what's really fun is when
you get to TB3 or above and it copies all of your IMAP folders into your
local roaming profile by default (and it isn't easy to disable unless
you already know how to do it).

   Great design...down load all IMAP messages from local server, and
then entire mail store gets sent back up to the server in logon (as
profile is stored)... and must be synced on login...  The Tbird people,
apparently didn't (and still refuse to understand  that IMAP is a remote
file-system that's not designed to have all of it downloaded to each
client you login to.  Whereas pop, usually when you d/led it, it was off
the server (though that later changed -- but it still doesn't keep
status the way IMAP does, nor does it have the search functions of IMAP.
You can have IMAP create a searchable DB of your email so larger
searches are lightning fast...instead, they copied my entire 4.5G mail
folder onto each local machine and account i used mozilla on.

computer or a USB key to samba
   works ok, 
but Firefox and Chrome are unable to save files to the samba

   shares.  They download files ok (e.g. file.part) but seem to be unable to
   rename the file when the download is complete.

   Yeah that was another problem I tried reporting and to get info on
over a month ago, but never  got a response.  Part of my problem (maybe
all of it), is they changed the idmap backend -- I was using static
UID/GID mappins for the most part,   when I went to 3.6, all of my GID's
changed and my pwdb got very hosed.   Still haven't recovered (most
things work, but winbind refuses to return any info on my GUID, even
though locally it knows what UID it maps to.  But log is filled with
GUID lookup errors for mine and random ones -- alot of S-0-0.

   The problem on the 'that'file is that apparently smb2 opens the
file you want to save in, first, but doesn't close it -- then downloads
to a .tmp file, and then does a rename over the first (or a copy, not sure

   Anyway server refuses to allow it -- as it thinks the first
file is still open.

   If you have server 'recycle bin' turned on (the samba module), (and
use savetree), you'll find the completed files in your recycle bin
named with some tmp name.   Just rename the file from the server
and copy it over the first. 

   - [public] Installing programs from samba seems to partially work.
   Installing Itunes 10.4 for 64 bit windows 7 seemed to work but the Apple
   Software Update program was not installed (uninstalling, copying
   iTunes64Setup.exe to the desktop, and running the setup program worked).

Odd, I've had a similar prob w/nvidia's sw-update prog -- but I wouldn't
have though it to be samba related...

Good luck --- I'm back at 3.10 -- and still have figured out how to
repair my DB.

Apparently the DB format got changed, and isn't backward compat (or
something!) -- i.e. when looking up my domain, it tries to look for '*'
first, which it then expecs to hve return the domain.   I have no '*'
entry in my tdb file.  Top level entry that everything is under is the
Domain name.

So many types of lookups don't work.

Had lots of performance problems with MSWin swamping my network
connection really bad -- so that I couldn't play AV hosted on the
server.  Tried every downward tuning option available (my net was
optimized for SMB1 -- 125MB writes/ 119-121MB/s reads over a 1Gbit
net...(max speed, not average!)  But I think that the new SMB2 code is
much 'tighter in windows, so it executes more quickly so it is difficult
for other traffic to get a chance.

Unfortunately MS designed their file-serving protocol to be
undifferentiable for setting QOS on...(i.e. it establishs 1 connection
in the name of 'system', and all I/O to/from server goes through the 1
server.  So no way for a user to prioritize I/O (can prioritize by port,
but as all file  i/o is done through 1 port, doesn't help, and by process,
except that system does the I/o for file processes -- all glummed together.

It's just peachy!

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Re: [Samba] SMB2 weird behavior with samba 3.6 PDC

2011-08-15 Thread Linda Walsh

` Mark Reidenbach wrote:

What I meant to say is that Thunderbird downloads every message every 
time it is launched when I have max protocol = smb2 enabled.� 
Without that line it checks the headers and is done.� Even if it's not 
efficient I don't mind it downloading and caching the message once, 
but having to do so on every launch takes a lot of time and a lot of 

But SMB2 wouldn't affect the IMAP protocol.   Is your local Thunderbird dir
stored on a network share?   If that's the case, then it's probably the 
same problem
that others are experience about UID's not being resolved consistently 
(if at all)...that would cause possible file read/write problems and it 
might think it needs to

d/l again.

I don't have a windows server to test against, but surely this isn't 
acceptable behavior from a windows server.� Hopefully one of the samba 
team members could help debug why all common browsers are unable to 
download files to a samba share.

   I'ts not just browsers.

   I was saving a large file (maybe that's the key -- a file that takes 
a long time to
write -- was saving a 2GB image from from photoshop -- couldn't save it 
AT all..

Had to pull it out of the vfs_recycle to put it in place.

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Re: [Samba] Large file stream extended attribute support

2011-08-11 Thread Linda Walsh

T L wrote:

Hi list,

Does Samba support large extended attributes? By this I'm referring to
attributes that are alternate streams attached to a file.

Seeing a problem when the referenced stream points to large files (sometimes

Thanks for the help,
- T

	I'm guessing it depends on what file system you are using and how big 
the extended attributes are that it supports.  XFS, I think is limited 
to something like 64k/attr (but don't quote me on that!) of extended 
attributes; I've no idea if there is a combined limit.

Maybe another file system supports larger.

There's also a samba option to store extended attributes in a file 
'somewhere' ...

it's a vfs module...

IT says 'experimental''...but the vfs_streams_depot, might work

There are also modules 'vss_streams_xattr, to store them in extended 

and there's a vfs_xattr_tdb, which can store EA's in a TDB,

I don't know if the modules 'stack'...but if the vfs_streams_depot doesn't
work, then if you used the vfs_xattr_tdb, and stored all your attr's in 
a TDB (a database
file), then the vfs_streams_xattr to store streams in xattrs ***might*** 

the streams in the tdb...

But 3M for an alternate data stream is pretty 'huge'compared to 
normal purposes -- generally to hold things like the file's source 
(internet or not, so it can give you a message about it possibly being 
'unsafe' to open)little bits and pieces.

It's not 'normally', AFAIK, used for general purpose data storage...i.e. 
3M of data should
probably be stored in a normal file, not a 'resource-fork/data stream, 
as those are more for


Here's what the manpage for xfs-attr says about 'extended attrs':

 Extended  attributes  implement  the  ability  for  a  user  to  attach
   name:value pairs to objects within the XFS filesystem.

   This document describes the attr command, which  is  mostly 
   with  the IRIX command of the same name.  It is thus aimed 
   at users of the XFS filesystem - for  filesystem  independent 
   attribute  manipulation,  consult the getfattr(1) and 
setfattr(1) docu‐


   Extended attributes can be used to  store  meta-information 
about  the
   file.   For example character-set=kanji could tell a document 
   to use the Kanji  character  set  when  displaying  that 
document  and
   thumbnail=...  could  provide a reduced resolution overview of 
a high

   resolution graphic image.

   In the XFS filesystem, the names can be up to 256 bytes in 
length, ter‐
   minated  by  the  first  0  byte.  The intent is that they be 
   ASCII (or other character set) names for the attribute.  The 
values can

   be up to 64KB of arbitrary binary data.

(of course you 'could' have 3M of metadata, but it would be unusual...)

Do you really have 3M of name=attribute strings?

Good luck!...

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[Samba] difference between '%u' and '%U'?

2011-08-10 Thread Linda Walsh

I realized in looking at my smb.conf, I'm not using these in
a consistent manner, and  well I just don't understand what the
differences are between them.

Sure I can read the smb.conf page:
   session username (the username that the client wanted, not
   necessarily the same as the one they got).
   username of the current service, if any.
So if I use %U, what name might I get 'instead'?

For example, MS, seems to save my profile under 'user.V2'...even
though my smb config has:

logon path = \\%D\%U\profile
logon home = \\%D\%U
logon drive = i:

But my 'home' is always set to  /home/Domain/User,
but my profile (under W7), is stored under /home/Domain/User.V2...

So when my home dir is mounted, I don't see the 'appdir' of *my*
profile, but the appdir of an XP login (which has caused more than
a little bit of confusion over the years)

Now, I 'hack' around this by mounting 'i:' manually,
and setting it to '/home/Domain/User.V2'(which still feels
like a 'hack', but at least my homedir contains my profile and
not my XP profile!

So how are %u and %U supposed to be different?   Should one evaluate
to 'User.V2'?

Thanks for any 'enlightenment!'

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Re: [Samba] No admin privileges after upgrade from 3.5.8 to 3.6.0rc3

2011-08-04 Thread Linda Walsh

Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:


since I was bitten badly by this today, I take the additional time to 
report this issue here. 

After upgrading from samba 3.5.8 to 3.6.0rc3, Administrator on the xp 
clients (yes, still xp sp3, no vista, no win7 clients here) lost its 
admin privileges.

My Samba PDC setup evolved over about a decade now, 

but since it still
needs to support a small environment only (20 xp, 30 users), I kept 
the security = user approach,

(only need to support 1-2 users ! ... + my many personalities!

Users and admin can domain login just fine, but with 3.6.0rc3, the 
admin lost his privileges, simply downgrading samba to 3.5.8 fixed 

I didn't catch my problem soon enough and it corrupted my DB,
so after going back to 3.5.10, I'm slowing working on ironing out the 
problems again.

Here's my samba build:

That's linked to project network:samba:STABLE. If somebody from this 
project there is reading here: Doesn't the term STABLE and the 
project description imply stable released packages? IMHO, a release 
candidate doesn't match this criteria, but others might disagree. 
/openSUSE Build Service internals

I saw the joke on the suse servers...but these are the same guys jumping
to every new tech for 'stable' User releases (still haven't recovered from
an 11.2-11.4 server upgrade done last april...keep finding gotcha's and
collateral damage.
FWIW, I reported 3.6 problems in the user database area on the samba tech
list back a month ago...never got any feedback.

My prob, is everytime I get my config 'correct', they change the 
definition of

correct in a newer version...(sigh...what else is new...)...

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[Samba] PDC forgot it was part of domain... official (ha!) samba hack around to fix...

2011-08-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Among various problems since I upgraded to 3.6 (none of which got answered
really, -- so I backgraded to 3.5.10 and started debugging from there,
considering 3.6.0 too unstable/too incompatible for 'whatever' reason...

One of the probs I had was 'root' couldn't use net rpc anything --
kept getting auth failures.

Wasn't the passwd, -- could reset it via smbpasswd, no prob, and my
normal UID could do an rpc user, but didn't have the auth to the
local files to read them (so got no results back).

1) add self to group root
2) in /var/lib/samba and /etc/samba:
find . -gid 0 -print0|xargs -0 chmod g+rw
find . -gid 0 -type d|xargs -0 chmod g+xs

Then I noted that my 'user' could no longer auth either!

turned on -d10 on net rpc cmd,
Noted, it was trying to look up '*' for a pw server,

'*' doesn't resolve so well on my DNS server.

My domain name does, but it was trying to contact '*' for
a pw server instead of using itself  (this used to work before
I tried upgrading to 3.6, FWIW)...

Anyway, explicit hackaround:

passwd server=localhost

to my smb.conf.

Now the PDC is smart enough to know to look up passwords on
itself rather than going out and looking for '*', which
wbinfo REALLY didn't like --

lots of * not found messages from wbinfo...

Along with the idmap tdb format becoming incompat, (or maybe that's
the only one involved), apparently during the 'upgrade'[sic],
I didn't get the benefit of '*' added to my wbinfo...

Of course, as noted earlier, my wbinfo also doesn't seem to know about
builtin SID's either .. so am having to add them...

(writing script ...)

/tmp/domsid perl -e 'while () {
printf net groupmap add %s,$_;
Administrators sid=S-1-5-32-544 type=builtin
Users sid=S-1-5-32-545 type=builtin
Domain Controllers sid=S-1-5-32-516 type=builtin
Guests sid=S-1-5-32-546 type=builtin
Power Users sid=S-1-5-32-547 type=builtin
Account Operators sid=S-1-5-32-552 type=builtin

For some reason part of the refrain to the theme from Gilligan's Island
just popped into my head...
As primitive as can be

You'd think there'd be a better way, but ...C'est la vie...

(always winning friends and influencing people...*cough* (To do what?)...)

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[Samba] Why isn't Domain\User' = to User on PDC? Isn't it supposed to be?

2011-08-01 Thread Linda Walsh

When I access my PDC, via a unix service,
from a Domain client with a domain login,
the PDC attempts to validate Domain\User against the the
authentication DB, but on a mounted file system,

a user on the PDC = 'domain\user' ... (which is what
I thought it should be).

But if I use 'ssh Pdc',
it authenticates as user 'Domain\User'

Now I hacked around this for myself, by adding an entry to the /etc/passwd
that dups my PDC usr, except prefixes it with the Domain name.

in /etc/passwd:
But that just seems 'wrong'
Shouldn't pam_winbind, in the pam stack be 'Domain'  PDC aware?
Or would that just be an RFE??

How do others deal with the above issues?  Or is something
'handling' them (i.e. doing the mapping?)

Note, that
wbinfo -u
wbinfo --domain=DOMAIN -u

return identical lists.

so why isn't pam_winbind treating DOMAIN\USER as USER?

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Re: [Samba] [SOLVED] Windows 7 client not mounting 'HOME' share.

2011-07-30 Thread Linda Walsh

Julien Celle wrote:

it appears that the logon home parameter
should be set to the following value :
logon home = \\%L\%U
instead of the one I was using :
logon home = \\%L\homes\%U
I don't really understand why. Anybody could explain ?

I have noticed, (I use %D instead of %L), that
\\%D\homes == \\%D\%U

Mounting either one will mount the home dir.
'homes' is something of a 'reserved name' among the sharenames.

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[Samba] winbind - NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED ( auth probs)....related?

2011-07-29 Thread Linda Walsh

I'm seeing this for several lookups in winbind for items
that I have not explicitly added.  Should I add them?

 Could not find domain for
 Could not convert sid S-0-0: NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED

 Could not find domain for sid S-1-1-0
 Could not convert sid S-1-1-0: NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED

 Could not find domain for sid S-1-5-11
 Could not convert sid S-1-5-11: NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED

 Could not find domain for sid S-1-5-2
 Could not convert sid S-1-5-2: NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED

Also was seeing this for an XP machine (not seeing the messages
for the Win7 machine):

winbindd_getpwnam: My domain -- rejecting getpwnam() for BLISS\athena$.

But machine athena was able to join the what
would such a message mean?

I'm able to access my server files normally from that machine
as 'me', but when I have a friend over, I set them up w/an
account for gaming, and they can't access the server...
(fortunately the game is on the local machine)...but
I made sure they have an account on the server,
they are listed in wbinfo -u  (as am I),

But no password works for validating them and they see no shares.

It's also the case that my 'root' user can't do any net rpc tasks
because the password comes up 'invalid'...
I've reset it with 'smbpasswd', but still net rpc user, (to list
users, won't let me because it claims I'm typing in an invalid
passwd.. winbind needing something?

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.4, Windows 7, Roaming profiles and Folder redirection

2011-07-25 Thread Linda Walsh
John H Terpstra wrote:
 On 07/21/2011 10:07 AM, Tanuki uk wrote:
 I'm quite new to Samba administration and I've inherited a working samba
 setup with roaming profiles however the login and logout times for
 users has
 been growing and I'm starting to think it's time do something about
 it. I'm
 thinking redirect some folders to a samba share on the network will
 speed up
 the login and logout times.
 The increasing logon and logoff times are most frequently caused by
 people storing files on their desktops (a VERY bad practice in corporate
 environments) - the entire desktop is written to the server when the
 user logs off from a machine.  This is particularly problematic when
 people log onto multiple machines at the same time.
 Additionally, the files that are stored under My Documents are also
 copied from the profile server to the workstation at logon and are
 written back to the profile server at logoff.
 PS: I came across one site where users had up to 120GB files in their
 My Documents and up to 20GB on their desktop.  Needless to say, they
 could not afford the long logon and logoff times. :-)
In my Win7 setup, I have my domain user sharing some files
with the local user (which was setup first), so:
domainuser in their 'homedir: (along with registry, and 'appdata/roaming')

lrwxrwxrwx  1   18 2011-02-14 17:40 Contacts - Documents/Contacts/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   17 2010-01-26 03:55 Desktop - Documents/Desktop/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   16 2010-07-08 13:59 Documents - ../law/Documents/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   19 2011-02-14 17:37 Downloads - Documents/Downloads/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   19 2011-06-27 16:19 Favorites - Documents/Favorites/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   15 2011-06-27 16:36 Links - Documents/Links/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   15 2011-07-12 04:25 Music - Documents/Music/
lrwxrwxrwx  1   18 2010-07-08 13:59 Pictures - Documents/Pictures/

The ../law (local user) has:

%lrwxrwxrwx 2011-02-14 17:40 Contacts - Documents/Contacts/
%lrwxrwxrwx 2010-02-08 14:41 Cookies -
lrwxrwxrwx  2010-04-01 22:25 Desktop - Documents/Desktop/
lrwxrwxrwx  2010-04-06 00:13 Documents - //Bliss/home/law/Documents/
lrwxrwxrwx  2011-02-14 17:37 Downloads - Documents/Downloads/
lrwxrwxrwx  2011-06-27 16:19 Favorites - Documents/Favorites/
%lrwxrwxrwx 2011-07-12 04:26 Links - Documents/Links/
lrwxrwxrwx  2011-07-12 04:27 Music - Documents/Music/
lrwxrwxrwx  2010-04-06 00:15 Pictures - Documents/Pictures/
%lrwxrwxrwx 2010-02-08 14:44 Recent - AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Recent/
%lrwxrwxrwx 2010-02-08 14:45 SendTo - AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/SendTo/
%lrwxrwxrwx 2010-02-08 14:45 Start Menu -
AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/

Note: the % entries were attempts to provide compat with XP, client, BUT,
the XP client doesn't understand 'mklink' style symlinks...
(I think the kernel doesn't understand them, so even if you created them,
they wouldn't work).
instead, you have ntfs hardlinks, and 'junctions', which are more limited
but can be made to work -- like my 'Documents directory, is a separate Share
I can mount it by //Bliss/Documents, and it will mount the user-specific
share, for their doc dir, (same dir as //Bliss/home/law/Documents in above).
I then can mount it at a rootdir -- something junctions seemed to have some
requirement for)...

Since things work 'flakey' (links are sometimes turned into files, so windows
will try to access things via other means), I setup cross-user links for
dirs I wanted shared -- don't share the appdirs!  (it isn't that you can't, or
that it won't work, but it isn't reliable, and you have to keep the apps on the
different clients in sync  if you don't or you have a workstation that doesn't
read a profile in on login for some reason (I've had it happen more than once),
but it *DOES* write the full profile out on logout), and if that workstation
was recently reformatted and doesn't have all the same settings
as the more current workstations, your 'unconfig'ed settings 'overwrite' your
newer settings .. then when they login on the new workstations...they get
settings that don't make sense or are months old or in a default config.

Backups and keeping a recent lsm snapshot going in the background can allow
quick recovery, it can still be a royal pain and certainly a nightmare on a
larger site.

The things that work well -- keeping my Desktop inside Documents, and keeping
Documents on the network share -- that way it's never updated via the roaming

Still have some 'wayward', ill behaved apps (Adobe apps in particular, but
also some personal backup SW, -- Thunderbird 3.x or above ... that download
huge amounts of data into the user's local-roaming profile.  (Adobe 2-3G,
Backup SW .. varies, Tbird -- will download an entire network-share of
email (IMAP) -- designed so network users could share 1 mail depot, into their
appdir -- by default.  Supposedly easy to turn off, but have had it 

Re: [Samba] Win7 can't joint Samba domain?

2011-07-02 Thread Linda Walsh

Mike Eggleston wrote:

On Fri, 01 Jul 2011, John Drescher might have said:

We've been trying to get a newly loaded Win7 (64-bin) box to join our internal 
Samba domain. The error that keeps appearing is the win7 box can't find the 
domain controller and is looking for the registry keys NetpLoadParameters 
DNSNameResolutionRequired. We've set these registry keys before on other boxes, 
and have tried on this box, and stuff isn't working?

Any suggestions on what to try?

Also search for the samba mailing list trust issues with windows7
machines. In this you will find how to disable the machine password


John (and anyone else),

That link says the same registry keys we're trying to set. Attempting to
join the Samba domain is still failing with an error those registry keys
cannot be found. This same installation disk was used to install Win7
on another box and it worked just fine. I can't think of any changes. I
don't understand why the previous box and win7 worked and this new box
with win7 is failing.

	1) The Wiki page, I feel is unclear.  It uses CCS to stand for CurrentControlSet, 
i.e. put this in a .reg file and merge it from the desktop...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Have you looked at a wireshark trace?

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[Samba] idmap backend defaults to tdb... but doesn't have entries for '*'...

2011-06-28 Thread Linda Walsh

I think this is one of my config problems.

my tdb map backend is the default tdb with manually setup accounts after
provisioning a new db to get the builtins.   

While it works for my domain, if some app requests '*' group/user
enumeration (an app running on a domain-client (machine joined, logged
w/domain account), it gets 'no such domain'...  But for a machine in my
domain, to the pdc, the domain would be assumed, so '*' (I think) would
make sense.

So why isn't '*' picking up my domain?

FWIW, I spent way too much time on keyboard yesterday and wrists are sore
(first time in months)...but then also in trying to fix the mappings --
since the log message about *, said 'no range defined', I tried defining a
range.It took me a while to realize how many things broke -- not sure
if it took a while to overwrite the correct passdb.tdb or what...but by
the end of the day I was chasing wild geese -- due to a corrupted

I restored to the morning's backup and was back up, but waisted several
hours trying to fix the '*' requires range error message in the log.  So
why isn't * picking up the domain entries that it is running as the PDC

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[Samba] cygwin 'QueryUserInfo' fails dueto samba error. Wazup?

2011-06-27 Thread Linda Walsh

I made progress in tracking down a problem on cygwin that's been bothering
me for a while since Win7 and domain.

when I do:

mkpasswd -D

mkpasswd (434): [31] A device attached to the system is not functioning.

A network trace shows that it's trying to get the home dir
information from my main user. Wwhen it queries the info 
Samba returns STATUS UNSUCCESSFUL (indicated in network status of trace).

in the log, I see :

[2011/06/27 17:41:16.099526,  3] smbd/service.c:845(make_connection_snum)
 Connect path is '/var/tmp' for service [IPC$]
[2011/06/27 17:41:16.099526,  3] smbd/vfs.c:102(vfs_init_default)
 Initialising default vfs hooks
[2011/06/27 17:41:16.099526,  3] smbd/vfs.c:128(vfs_init_custom)
 Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
[2011/06/27 17:41:16.099526,  3] smbd/service.c:1095(make_connection_snum)
 athenae ( connect to service IPC$ initially as user lindaw 
(uid=5013, gid=201) (pid 18720)
[2011/06/27 17:41:16.099526,  3] smbd/msdfs.c:870(get_referred_path)
 get_referred_path: |home| in dfs path \Bliss\home is not a dfs root.

Um...what does that mean?

I'm trying to check what wbinfo thinks -- and that might hold a clue to
the problem, as it's got it's own confusion.  It lists the expected users
and groups (with no Domain prefix in front of them -- this is right? right, 
for running on the DC?), it also shows:

# wbinfo -p
 Ping to winbindd succeeded
# wbinfo --all-domains

# wbinfo --own-domain 

# wbinfo --trusted-domains
# wbinfo --online-status BLISS
 BUILTIN : online

 BLISS : online
# wbinfo -P
 checking the NETLOGON dc connection succeeded
# wbinfo --getdcname BLISS
 Could not get dc name for BLISS

   ^ --This is the first indication of a problemalso when I try
wbinfo --dsgetdcname   it just goes off and thinks about it.
(don't know if it ever would come back...waited about 30 seconds,
but gave up)

I can map a uid to a sid:

# wbinfo --uid-to-sid=5013

but I can't ask about a user (w/ or w/o the domainname in front of it):

# wbinfo -i [domain\\]username
 failed to call wbcGetpwnam: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND

Ideals?  about any of these?

Conceivably all my bases are belong to idiot, but, 'most things work'...

I've been trying some changes, but have made things worse (and then
better again)...and now am a bit better than when I started, but am
stumped on how to proceed...



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Re: [Samba] cygwin 'QueryUserInfo' fails dueto samba error. Wazup?

2011-06-27 Thread Linda Walsh
I'm also seeing messages from nmbd saying (msgs reformatted/truncated for 

wins...request: Name refresh for name BLISS00 IP
wins...request: Name BLISS00 group bit = True does not match group \
   bit in WINS for this name.

wins...request: Name refresh for name BLISS00 IP
wins...request: Name BLISS00 group bit = True does not match group \
   bit in WINS for this name.

In monitoring logs, saw that the browse
list was dumped into /var/lib/samba/browse.dat, so decided to check it 

For my server/DC, I see the following entries:


ISHTAR  408d9b2b Bliss on Ishtar running Samba 3.6.0rc2 

BLISS   40809a2b Bliss on Ishtar running Samba 3.6.0rc2 

May not be related to original problem (may be something completely
different, but thought I would mention it if pertinent).

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Re: [Samba] Problem getting Samba fully working

2011-06-25 Thread Linda Walsh

Moe, John wrote:

Hello all,

Relevant info up front: Gentoo PC, using 2.6.38 kernel and Samba 3.4.12.

I'm trying to get a FreeRadius instance working for our Windows network.
To do so, I need a Linux box running Samba.  I've installed and
configured Kerberos, Samba and FreeRadius, and can get most things to
work.  I can get a Kerberos key using kinit, and sudo net ads keytab
list shows me tickets.  I can use things like net ads user myuser -U
myuser to get info about my user account.  I can use sudo wbinfo -t
to show the secret trust is OK, and sudo net ads testjoin works as
well.  I can even log on to my switch using RADIUS authentication to my
AD account (using ntlm_auth).  So a lot of the pieces are working

[2011/06/21 07:12:21,  1]
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code
DCERPC_FAULT_ACCESS_DENIED received from host!

I am not sure the above messages are from your
ssh...  And I know nothing about configuration with Free Radius or
Kerberos, so your problems may be completely different from ones
I've had but...

I take it you are running ssh on the Win7 workstation and trying to
login to the linux samba server.

if your username in the domain is 'user' (i.e. you are 'domain\user'),
and your linux account is 'user', 
then on the ssh line, you might try

'ssh user@linux-server'  instead of the normal 'ssh linux-server'

If that works, then your 'sshd' server on your linux server
is probably receiving 'domain\user' as the username, (not just 'user')
and doesn't know what to do with that.

Theoretically should be resolvable via proper pam and config files 
(all the file ops map my 'domain\user' = 'user' on the PDC), but, 
a _*hack*_ I use (but would find a better solution in a production

environment) is to create a 2nd /etc/passwd  /etc/shadow entry
that dups my 'user' but has the username field changed to 'DOMAIN\user'.
(getting the capitalization to agree with what the workstation think's 
it is, is important in this case; upper case is norm, so unless you've

customized things in the win registry, shouldn't be a prob (not that I
would have any knowledge of this, of course...)

But I'd try to get 'winbind' config'ed with pam to map the username
properly for a best fix (on my 'todo list') ... just hasn't
been that important ...

Best short term:

specify the username with the hostname when using the 'ssh' (or scp, 
i.e. 'scp file user@remote:/tmp' ) ...

In any event, using kerberos/freeradius, there should be some way
to make sure that a 'domain\user' is mapped to 'user' on a PDC...

Or it might be the 'ssh' client that shouldn't be prepending the 
windows domainname  not sure.

But hopefully gives you some ideas where to look...

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Re: [Samba] Different permissions displayed in security tab andadvanced tab

2011-06-25 Thread Linda Walsh

Dale Schroeder wrote:

On 06/24/2011 12:11 AM, Linda W wrote:
David was trying to view and change permissions on a user that was 
already listed on the security tab; he was not adding a user or group.

I did this just now, changed it to full control for the one listed
user and group and 'Everyone'...  I then told it to propagate 
it did, but visiting a sub folder doesn't have the 'propagated from parent'

But the perms got changed with the exception of trying to delete
'Creator_owner and 'creator_group'...they see to not be deletable.

I haven't tested the full extent of changing 'creator-owner/group', but
the user and group that are listed as the creator ownergroup is changeable.

If yours looks like mine, the permissions of the user and group defined 
as the posix owner and group are blanked out, and if  you try to mark 
anything there, it will fail.

	They are not blanked out -- they say 'special' because they only 
apply to the current folder (and are not propagated).  Otherwise they say
'Full control' which is what the user hasbut the user's perms can 
be set to 'full control' on the security and permisions page because you

can set the user and group id's to have Full control that is inheritable
on the subdirs and file.  But right now, unix doesn't support have the
'inherited from' information set(because the acls are set on each item,
whereas on NT may files can share 1 access list.  Much like on linux,
already, multiple names can point to the same inode.

Sometimes, there will be an error window popup; other times, the checked 

Like you, I have the drive mounted with user_xattr and acl. 

My mount options include no user_xattr or acl options  (they aren't
'options' in xfs but 'features', like unix permission bits - they don't
have to be specified to be turned on).

This is a long standing difference between Samba and native MS, more of 
an annoyance than a problem.
I have read that Samba is working on full acl compatibility with MS, I 
think in 3.6.  We'll have to wait and see if this corrects the differences.

I'm currently running 3.6, so maybe that explains some of the 
differences we are seeing...

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Re: [Samba] filesystem of choice?

2011-06-24 Thread Linda Walsh

On 24/06/11 09:46 AM, John G. Heim wrote:

I'm setting up a new linux fileserver and I was wondering if samba
likes one filesystem more than another. I have to format a 1.8Tb
partition sometime today and I'll probably do ext3 unless samba
prefers something else.

I would use 'xfs'.  I believe samba was originally developed
over xfs, so it's likely the ea-suppot and acl support has had the most
testing there.  Especially if your file server is setup with a UPS, 
then I'd strongly recommend it.   If not, ext4 might be safer (with write

through).   It will be slower, but safer.

With a UPS, XFS's default 'write-back', will give the fastest
performance for large file writes (I think reads as well).   It's worst
performance is on removing large numbers of files, as that is pretty
much a  synchronous operation...

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Re: [Samba] filesystem of choice? (app-dependant, but I prefer xfs for larger files)

2011-06-24 Thread Linda Walsh

John Drescher wrote:

� � � �I would use 'xfs'. �I believe samba was originally developed
over xfs, so it's likely the ea-suppot and acl support has had the most
testing there. �Especially if your file server is setup with a UPS, then I'd
strongly recommend it. � If not, ext4 might be safer (with write
through). � It will be slower, but safer.

� � � �With a UPS, XFS's default 'write-back', will give the fastest
performance for large file writes (I think reads as well). � It's worst
performance is on removing large numbers of files, as that is pretty
much a �synchronous operation...

I would just use ext4, it does not have the ext3 large file slowness
or xfs slowdown with lots of small files.


xfs doesn't have much of a slowdown with small files
other than in deleting them.  That said, it *was* optimized
for people wanting to stream media (multiple channels) in real
time...  It was designed to excel with large file I/O.   So it's
possible benchmarks may show some small advantages in small
file I/O, (outside of deletes), but most of those problems can
be ameliorated or eliminated if you are on good hardware (UPS
backedup, any RAID's w/battery backed up cache) -- then
you might also improve performance by turning on/of write barriers
depending on your HW.

XFS should also be tuned for RAID stripe size for
optimal performance and give a large Metadata area when creating
it (128M) or 32768b (b=4k blocks);

@mount time, optimal speed options that I use include

(and possibly nobarriers depending on hw)...

But it really depends on your HW and your usage.
If you don't need fast file read/write on large files my large
array with 2 striped, 6,7.2k-SATA-disk RAID5's (a 'RAID50'), gets 1GB/s
read/write on large I/O's

	Speeds are comparable to raw device access.   Usually, 
for large reads/writes, using *direct access*, is 15-20% faster than

going through the linux-file buffers (for I/O's that exceed my system's memory 
size, thus making the cache effectively useless).  you still
get all the overhead of fs-cache management, but no benefit when moving
around files larger than sysmem.  That overhead may make not
make much difference with a single 7.2k sata with top xfer rate of 120-140MB/s 
(2-3TB), but as you up the data rate, the overhead becomes
more significant.  

I have not benched xfs against ext4, but when I benched it
against ext3, it was faster in all tests except large# (500-1000 files at a time) 

	BTRFS looks promising, but I, _personally_, think  it 
not quite ready for production systems.

I'm sure ext4 has improved much, and excels in some benchmarks, just
as xfs excels in some  -- it would depend on user usage.  Of course
xfs has been around since ... um...the mid 90' it has been 
fairly well tested...(though the port on linux is always 'ongoing' due

to new kernel interfaces and ongoing xfs performance optimizations)...

-- but that's a measurement
specific to my I/O rate and somewhat on my CPUs' speeds (2x2.67MHz Xeon
w/4 Core's ea).  

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Re: [Samba] howto cache 'root' password for net commands?

2011-06-21 Thread Linda Walsh

Volker Lendecke wrote:

Try to start winbind, then

wbinfo --ccache-save


net --use-ccache

Haven't tested that for a while, so it might not work. But
it's supposed to :-)

Maybe the options were removed?  or maybe needs special compile options for 
them to be

wbinfo --ccache-save

Invalid option
Usage: [OPTION...]

net --use-ccache
Invalid command: net 

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Re: [Samba] howto cache 'root' password for net commands?

2011-06-21 Thread Linda Walsh

Linda Walsh wrote:

Volker Lendecke wrote:

Try to start winbind, then
wbinfo --ccache-save
net --use-ccach
Haven't tested that for a while, so it might not work. But
it's supposed to :-)

Maybe the options were removed?  or maybe needs special compile options 
for them to be


Never mind...found the prob -- it takes an argfiguring it out...

Love the Samba error messages -- they come close to capturing the MS-Win spirit
in helpfulness...but really,  it should have just said 'error code 0x8008037' 
or some
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Re: [Samba] howto cache 'root' password for net commands?

2011-06-21 Thread Linda Walsh

Volker Lendecke wrote:

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 07:06:23PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

Volker Lendecke wrote:

Try to start winbind, then

wbinfo --ccache-save


net --use-ccache

Haven't tested that for a while, so it might not work. But
it's supposed to :-)

Maybe the options were removed?  or maybe needs special compile options for 
them to be

Sorry, that's only available with Samba 3.5 and later.

It was not including an arg that was the prob...

(running 3.6.0-rc2 w/ 'user managed wide links' patch... :-) )

(won't be in 3.6.0 though, but maybe 3.6.1...)...
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Re: [Samba] Sticky bit problem

2011-06-19 Thread Linda Walsh

David Aldrich wrote:


We are building a Linux app under Centos 5.3, using gnu make 3.81 and gcc 4.12. 
 The working directory is on a remote machine and is either a Samba share or a 
Windows 7 share.  We find that in the case of a Windows 7 share the resulting 
executable has the sticky bit set in group:

On Windows 7 share:

-rwxrwSrwx 1 snip myapp
T is the sticky bit, 
S is the SxID bit

BUT, a cap S, means the execute bit isn't set. so theoretically,
someone in the same group wouldn't be able to access any files or subdirs
but they could, theoretically read the names of the files...

I noticed that a group SGID bit also wasn't passed on in CIFS
when trying to duplicate some bug...

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Re: [Samba] Sticky bit problem

2011-06-19 Thread Linda Walsh

Linda Walsh wrote:

David Aldrich wrote:


We are building a Linux app under Centos 5.3, using gnu make 3.81 and 
gcc 4.12.  The working directory is on a remote machine and is either 
a Samba share or a Windows 7 share.  We find that in the case of a 
Windows 7 share the resulting executable has the sticky bit set in group:

On Windows 7 share:

-rwxrwSrwx 1 snip myapp

T is the sticky bit, S is the SxID bit

BUT, a cap S, means the execute bit isn't set. so theoretically,
someone in the same group wouldn't be able to access any files or subdirs
but they could, theoretically read the names of the files...

Forget what I said above --  you said it was on an executable, 
not on a dir.

the cap S means the execute bit isn't set.   If the 'SGID' AND the
execute bit are set then it's a lowercase 's'

So of course, someone in whatever group shoudln't
be able to execute it since the execute bit is 'off'.

if the SGID bit is 'on', it should force whoever executes the file
into that group (while they are running that program) (if they aren't 
already)you may not want that...  but apparently, over CIFS, the
SGID bit isn't being transmitted anywaythe permissions just look
odd on the CIFS shouldn't show it as group executable.

What that is really saying on 'linux' is that anyone in that group can't
execute it.

The user can, group cannot, everyone else can

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[Samba] howto cache 'root' password for net commands?

2011-06-19 Thread Linda Walsh

I have a minorly complicated root password that is hard to type correctly,
quicklyyet samba 'seems' to be  encouraging me to create a 
simple one in order to do managagement on the server via 'net'

I don't like to type the password more than once, the more times I type it, 
the more times it can be either monitored, or seen, or whatever...

So am I doing something incorrectly in my server management -- because
one has to run as 'root' to manage things with the net command, so you've
already typed in the password -- but then it asks you to type in the password

Even windows save credentials under your loginso why is 'net' re-asking
me root's password, when it knows I am running as root?   (when I don't, it
says most things won't work (and they don't)) how to cache?

Or is there some setting I've munged to create this problem for myself?

(certainly not inconceivable... ;-) )...

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Re: [Samba] Samba process throttled back?

2011-06-17 Thread Linda Walsh

Lang, Rich wrote:


We are running Samba 3.0.33 on a 2-node Linux cluster running RedHat 5.6 ES.  
Its primary application is to serve out a single network drive to support our 
business (out 350GB in size).  For several years, this solution has been 
running flawlessly.  File access was almost as fast as a local disk, so putting 
files on the server was never a problem.  Our clients are running mostly 
Windows XP Pro.  We have a few Windows 7 clients.

   Any difference in performance between the client types?

   Did the problems coincide with adding win7 machines to the network?   

   Any new software on the clients (antivirus, firewall...etc?)  Is
something using up more memory on them?  

   on your sockets, I up the SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF to at least 65536
each (more won't help until full smb2 support is in samba)

   Did you get any new windows servers on your network around the time
of the problem?  I notice that you have your 'os level = 0', that means
for things like name resolution, your smb server will have lowest
 priority -- even below a win98 client, as I understand it.

   You mention you ran an 'strace -f' on smbd.   Have you looked at a
wireshark trace?  That would tell you more -- like when negotiating a
TCP session, if your windows client keeps reducing the RCV buffer size
that would have told you why the reads were getting smaller.  Maybe you
are getting packet drops, or similar -- Reminds me,  do you have
switches or hubs, what type of ethernet speed...I take it nothing in the
hardward on the clients or the server has changed?

   You say you are using RH.  Has the SW remained static since
installation and through this problem increase (I.e. an auto-update of
SW might have changed some setting in the kernel, or some firewall might
have been added, modifiedetc...)...

   Are the windows client's 'paging' more?   I.e. was there any change
in the VB script or the SW it's using such that now there could be a
memory leak, thus increased paging?

   Have you set/optimized your TCP/IP params on XP? (and what little
you can do on Win7...  which is less configurable than XP)   Have
you added more clients (significant?)...

   On the Win clients...what SP are the XP clients running at?   Many
people complained when SP2 came out -- especially affected were network
applications.   SP3 has the best performance of the XP series (even
better than the original), while SP1 was slower than 'SP0' (original),
and SP2 was slower still...

   I don't have any specific theories...just asking for more data at
this point, since there are so many possible variables...and just having
the information out there would help anyone investigate the problem...

Good luck!

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[Samba] RFE: Proposed fix for incompat introduced with 'unix extensions' and 'wide links' 3.4(?)..

2011-06-11 Thread Linda Walsh

After an upgrade, I got re-bitten by the 'unix-extensions and
wide links' incompat.  (They used to be compat but were made
incompat in the 3.4.x timeframe due to security concerns).

At the time it was suggested I write a patch complete
with documentation to describe the fix.   The below
seems to fit the bill.  I was wondering what people thought
about it's inclusion in future versions...

I'd call this a proto-patch since it is against my distro's (opensuse)
source RPM for 3.5.7...   First the description, and then the patch.

I think it sufficiently describes the security concerns that were
presented at the time, as well. 


client managed wide links (G)

 This options can allow clients to  manage the 'wide links'
 created on a server.  It enables this by permitting 'unix
 extensions' and 'wide links' to be true at the same time in the
 same config.  Management is only enabled if 'unix extensions' is
 also true, and 'wide links' only function when enabled on a
 per-share basis.

 This creates similar security issues as allowing the same userid
 to have a local account on the server. (where they could then
 create/manage wide links).  As a local user, they can create
 symlinks in any directory they have access to that can point to
 any inode (file, dir, dev, etc...) on the server.

 If your users have local accounts on the server, this option
 should not cause any decrease in security, as links created
 through 'unix extensions' by a client are subject to normal file
 and share restrictions.  This does mean, though, if a user is in
 the 'Domain Admins' group on the server, they can likely manage
 links on any writable share.

 Default: client managed wide links = no


--- source3/param/loadparm.c.orig   2011-02-27 09:42:19.0 -0800
+++ source3/param/loadparm.c2011-06-09 16:53:19.192163402 -0700
@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@
bool bHostMSDfs;
bool bUseMmap;
bool bHostnameLookups;
+   bool bClientManagedWidelinks;
bool bUnixExtensions;
bool bDisableNetbios;
char * szDedicatedKeytabFile;
@@ -939,6 +940,15 @@
+   .label  = client managed wide links,
+   .type   = P_BOOL,
+   .p_class= P_GLOBAL,
+   .ptr= Globals.bClientManagedWidelinks,
+   .special= NULL,
+   .enum_list  = NULL,
+   .flags  = FLAG_ADVANCED
+   },
+   {
.label  = unix charset,
.type   = P_STRING,
.p_class= P_GLOBAL,
@@ -5085,6 +5095,7 @@
Globals.bUseMmap = True;
+   Globals.bClientManagedWidelinks = False;
Globals.bUnixExtensions = True;
Globals.bResetOnZeroVC = False;
Globals.bCreateKrb5Conf = true;
@@ -5535,6 +5546,7 @@
FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_enhanced_browsing, Globals.enhanced_browsing)
FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_use_mmap, Globals.bUseMmap)
FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_unix_extensions, Globals.bUnixExtensions)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_client_managed_widelinks, Globals.bClientManagedWidelinks)
FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_use_spnego, Globals.bUseSpnego)
FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_client_use_spnego, Globals.bClientUseSpnego)
FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_hostname_lookups, Globals.bHostnameLookups)
@@ -9905,6 +9917,7 @@

void widelinks_warning(int snum)
+   if (lp_client_managed_widelinks()) return;
if (lp_unix_extensions()  lp_widelinks_internal(snum)) {
DEBUG(0,(Share '%s' has wide links and unix extensions enabled. 

These parameters are incompatible. 
@@ -9915,10 +9928,9 @@

bool lp_widelinks(int snum)
-   /* wide links is always incompatible with unix extensions */
-   if (lp_unix_extensions()) {
-   return false;
-   }

-   return lp_widelinks_internal(snum);
+   if (lp_client_managed_widelinks()
+   || !lp_unix_extensions()) return lp_widelinks_internal(snum);
+   return false;

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[Samba] Prob found: (Re: missing symbols talloc_* (opensuse 11.4/samba 3.5.7-xxx))

2011-06-06 Thread Linda Walsh

Linda Walsh wrote:

 upgraded to opensuse 11.4.

basic smbd is running mostly fine (some name res-errors, login server 
missing, (can't connect to Domain service).  Notably nmbd won't start due

to undefined symbols:

/usr/sbin/nmbd: symbol lookup error: /usr/sbin/nmbd: undefined symbol: 

ldd -r shows a bunch of similar undefined symbols (shown further below).

nmbd was linking with a 'mismatched' (and unowned) libwbclient0 in
/lib64 -- the real libwclient0 from the suse package is installed
in /usr/lib64.

So this was basically a local system config screwup were I had out-of-date,
self-built libs in the wrong place that were given preference over the
official system built ones.  A configuration-build mistake put them
in /lib64 instead of the desired /usr/lib64


live  learn.
thought I'd doc the resolution incase anyone else ran into something similar.

FWIW, I used ldd -r on nmbd to see what libs it was really loading.
I also noted that 'readelf' showed nmbd didn't need talloc, which is
what led me to start looking at the libs that nmbd was pulling in

C'est la vie

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Re: [Samba] missing symbols talloc_* (opensuse 11.4/samba 3.5.7-xxx)

2011-06-05 Thread Linda Walsh

simo wrote:

Any ideas as to what library i'm missing?

Looks like nmbd is not being linked against libtalloc.

Sure looks like it, but shouldn't it be dynamically loaded?

The libtalloc packages ARE installed.

I must have something messed up for the standard distro-packages not 
to load/link

This makes no sense though, trying to load nmbd, can't find
_talloc_realloc_array, yet (FWIW, there was only, I moved it to 
real version, 

lrwxrwxrwx 118 Jun  5 17:49 /usr/lib64/ -*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 43280 Mar  1 04:21 /usr/lib64/*


# readelf -s|grep realloc
   34:  0 FUNCGLOBAL DEFAULT  UND realloc@GLIBC_2.2.5 
   49: 700047 FUNCGLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _talloc_realloc_array
   62: 6ff0 7 FUNCGLOBAL DEFAULT   12 talloc_realloc_fn
   65: 6b80  1124 FUNCGLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _talloc_realloc

The library is there, the symbols are in the library.  Why isn't it 
linking?!  ARG!

(going to examing build source...sigh)

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[Samba] upgrade prob; extension conflict-workaround or fix yet? (widelinks unix ext)

2011-06-05 Thread Linda Walsh

I just upgraded my samba to my dist's version:
(3.5.7) and got a message:

Ishtar smbd[8204]:   Share 'IPC$' has wide links and unix extensions enabled. 
These parameters are incompatible. Wide links will be disabled for this share.

This used to work, though admittedly, I think it was because I had a 'fixed'
version that removed the check in anticipation of the official switch 
that would allow this.

I **WANT** to be able to control my 'widelinks' from my windows

My setup is that my 'windows workstation(s)' are divided in 2, with
their file system being on the smb server.  So me being able to manage
links from my windows workstation is an ease of use issue.

It's 'sad' there's no way to define / separate user owned links
from 'system' links...i.e. if the ownership on 'symlinks' wasn't so
hard to change and was able to be used reliably for ones created
by users vs. 'trusted' links created by 'root'   That would
address (I think) security concerns of this feature...

But in my local case, security isn't a concern, since the 
linux-fs/smb-fs IS my windows-fs.  It may not be the standard setup,

but I know I'm not the only one who uses samba this way (from previous
comments when this issue arose the first time).

Perhaps a simple:
   allow client-managed-links (yes/no)

could disable this check?  Would you accept a patch?

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[Samba] missing symbols talloc_* (opensuse 11.4/samba 3.5.7-xxx)

2011-06-03 Thread Linda Walsh

I just recently upgraded to opensuse 11.4.

basic smbd is running mostly fine (some name res-errors, login server missing, 
(can't connect to Domain service).  Notably nmbd won't start due
to undefined symbols:

/usr/sbin/nmbd: symbol lookup error: /usr/sbin/nmbd: undefined symbol: 

ldd -r shows a bunch of similar undefined symbols (shown further below).

my samba rpm is samba-3.5.7-1.17.1.x86_64.

My package versions:

rpm -qa --qf %-40{NVR}\t%{DISTRIBUTION}\n |sort|grp 'sa?mb|cif|alloc|wbcl'

cifs-utils-4.6-3.6.1openSUSE 11.4
fusesmb-0.8.7-110.1 openSUSE 11.4
ldapsmb-1.34b-298.17.1  openSUSE 11.4
libsmbclient0-32bit-3.5.7-1.17.1openSUSE 11.4
libsmbclient0-3.5.7-1.17.1  openSUSE 11.4
libsmbios2-2.0.2-21.1   openSUSE 11.4
libsmbios-bin-2.0.2-21.1openSUSE 11.4
libtalloc2-2.0.1-2.17.1 openSUSE 11.4
libtalloc2-32bit-2.0.1-2.17.1   openSUSE 11.4
libwbclient0-32bit-3.5.7-1.17.1 openSUSE 11.4
libwbclient0-3.5.7-1.17.1   openSUSE 11.4
pam_smb-2.0.0rc6-160.1  openSUSE 11.4
pam_smb-32bit-2.0.0rc6-160.1openSUSE 11.4
python-smbc-1.0.10-4.1  openSUSE 11.4
samba-32bit-3.5.7-1.17.1openSUSE 11.4
samba-3.5.7-1.17.1  openSUSE 11.4
samba-client-32bit-3.5.7-1.17.1 openSUSE 11.4
samba-client-3.5.7-1.17.1   openSUSE 11.4
samba-doc-3.5.7-1.17.1  openSUSE 11.4
samba-krb-printing-3.5.7-1.17.1 openSUSE 11.4
samba-winbind-32bit-3.5.7-1.17.1openSUSE 11.4
samba-winbind-3.5.7-1.17.1  openSUSE 11.4
smb4k-0.10.9-3.1openSUSE 11.4
smb4k-doc-0.10.9-3.1openSUSE 11.4
smb4k-lang-0.10.9-3.1   openSUSE 11.4
xmms2-plugin-samba-0.7-14.2 openSUSE 11.4
yast2-samba-client-2.20.2-3.1   openSUSE 11.4
yast2-samba-server-2.20.2-3.1   openSUSE 11.4

The missing symbols (and libs being tried when loading nmbd):

ldd -r /usr/sbin/nmbd =  (0x7fffe1bf9000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d5f9c000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d5d84000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d5b8) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d5962000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d5756000) = /usr/lib64/ 
(0x7fc6d552) = /usr/lib64/ (0x7fc6d5255000) = /usr/lib64/ (0x7fc6d502d000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d4e29000) = /usr/lib64/ (0x7fc6d4be2000) = /usr/lib64/ (0x7fc6d49d3000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d47bb000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d444e000)
   /lib64/ (0x7fc6d61b3000) = /usr/lib64/ 
(0x7fc6d4245000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d4042000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d3e25000) = /usr/lib64/ (0x7fc6d3c0a000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d39ae000) = /lib64/ (0x7fc6d35fd000)
undefined symbol: _talloc_memdup(/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_vasprintf  (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_asprintf   (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_strndup(/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_named  (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_free  (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_array (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_reference_loc (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_pool   (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_init   (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_get_name   (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_strdup (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_set_name   (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_zero  (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_steal_loc (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_report_depth_cb(/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_asprintf_append_buffer (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_reference_count(/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_vasprintf_append_buffer(/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_realloc_array (/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: _talloc_zero_array(/usr/sbin/nmbd)
undefined symbol: talloc_set_name_const 

Re: [Samba] Samba performance

2011-06-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Juan Pablo wrote:
Thanks a lot for the advice. It will run these tests and try to find meaningfull 
information from them. I will post back results.


Juan Pablo

What type of speeds are you expecting?

With a GB network, your limit is 125MB/s.   I get that
with writes, but max out @around 119MB/s on reads due to the 
not being able to have 'overlapping reads'...;-)...

I found to get max performance, I had to adjust the network
params in both linux and windows.

If I'm totally missing some point, I don't get it.

I notice you are trying to use network bonding.  I had problems
getting network bonding to work correctly.

	have you tried sniffing with 'wireshark'?   Maybe look for 
duplicate packets or retries?   To get optimal speeds you need '0 dups'

and '0 retries'...

I've only been able to optimize a single Gb ethernet connection.
A bonded pair -- even direct from server to Win7 of matched Intel dual-port
G-Pro cards gave lower performance than a single wire.

It's odd though, with smbclient -- I'd think that would use
'lo0'  (no?)  I'd think that would get better.   

I noticed in the test below use of 8MB files.  70MB/s would be
a good speed for reading those over the net.  My best raw speeds were using
16-256MB on multi-gig files.   But opening single files ... I'd try
opening them all first, then sending the data, so you are measuring
data perf.

My maximum write perf was done to a file (from windows)
CF=notrunc,nocreat; OF=direct
dd if=/dev/zero of='file' bs=16M count=128 oflag=$OF conv=$CF

Optimizing the network settings on both the linux server and win7 client
gave me another ~20-30%.

I wouldn't trust my testing now, though, as I recently upgraded, and can't
even get nmbd to run...(sigh)...
1 step forward, 3 steps back!

Test typeLocal (dd) Local (smbclient) Window 7
Case1161  101  

Case2122  119  


Case1: Read 1000 files 8 MByte each
Case2: 4 processes each reading 1000 files of 8 MByte each

Any idea how can I debug where the bottleneck is or why I get so low numbers 
when reading from Windows?

strace the smbd process with strace -ttT. Network trace.
Look at netstat -nt while the test is running. Send/Recv
queues full? Run top, is the CPU fully busy? There's no
silver bullet for performance tuning unfortunately, sorry.


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Re: [Samba] Samba performance

2011-06-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Alan Hodgson wrote:

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 08:02:56PM -0700, Juan Pablo wrote:

- 4 Intel Gigagit ethernet NIC ports with 802.3ad bonding connected to a
switch configured tu use 802.3ad
- 8 2TB 7.2 krpm SATA disks with hardware RAID5 (RAID stripe size 1024
bytes, controller and disk cache enabled, readahead enabled)
- XFS filesystem (created with the following parameters: size=64k -d
- Average file size in the share: 8 MByte
- Gigabit network composed by Cat5E certified cabling and DLink DGS-3427
gigabit switch.

The way Linux does is not really how you might expect.


It's still not great though. You'd really be better off with a 10Gb/s interface 
out to your switch if you need to guarantee multiple 1Gb/s connections over a 
small number of simultaneous connections.

	Given my experience with bonded ethernet, I'd have to agree.  
	I'm 'just' waiting for the 10Gb prices to come down.  Still a bit 
out of reach for a home network setup.


su=1024k?!?   What raid controller are you using?   Usually 64K is usually
recommended for max performance.  But then above you say RAID strip size is
1024bytes?   There is a difference, no?  Which is it?
Either way: a bit off from optimal.

You want to set your log size to 32768b (not 64k; note: 32768b=128k).

For mount options, I have 'swalloc,largeio,logbsize=256k,nobarrier'.

Note, for nobarrier, you *should* have your system on a UPS, and a battery
backup on the RAID controller's cache (LSI controllers have this, others
may as well).

Note, some perf-related options(from my smb.conf) (with host networking 
tuned as well), I have:

aio read size = 65546
aio write size = 65536
max xmit = 66576
min receivefile size = 65536
map acl inherit = Yes
server schannel = no
socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_SNDBUF=4194304 SO_RCVBUF=4194304
use sendfile = yes

Note: I'm not sure why my max xmit is  64k, I probably had a reason
when I set it up -- not even sure if 64k is legal, it might explain why my
read rates are 6MB/s slower than my writes (119MB/s vs. 125MB/s) over Gb lan.

Those are MAX rates to a linear file -- NOT random small reads/writes, BTW
Though I'll regularly see 50MB in random, with 100MB for large files.

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Re: [Samba] Samba Tuning to increase Throughput

2011-04-07 Thread Linda Walsh

vijay vijay wrote:
Hi All, 
I have gone through threads related to throughput issue in this list. Found few 
similar issue, but could not get the solution. 

So looking for some advice from group.
I am trying to use the samba to access a USB disk connected to our evaluation 
board which has xtensa core running at 400 MHz. 

Samba 3.5.x is running on the board. We are getting below throughput as tested 
with the colasoft capsa software on the client PC. 

Read:27.9 mbps
Write :  24.5 mbps
I was trying to find the where the bottleneck is? Initially thought issue could 
be at the USB, 

But when we tested only USB (without samba) throughput it was coming 
Read:162.5 mbps

Write :  80 mbps
So with this it appears that some bottleneck is because of the use of samba. 
When I tried to access same USB disk with Linux using samba, throughput was 

Read:157.9 mbps
Write :  134.5 mbps
So it appears that samba is not correctly configured on my board .  
Any pointers what we should investigate in this? 
Any help would be highly appreciated?

With samba you are getting a read speed of 157.9mbps and the disk 
is only capable of 162.5mpbs, while with samba you can write at 134.5mpbs

and the disk is only capable of 80mpbs?

Seems like you have a problem on the client, as with samba you say
your read speed is 97% the maximum offered by the USB disk and
the write speed is 68% faster using 'samba' than when you write to
it directly (not quite sure how samba accomplishes that, but 
it IS great software, I guess!)

Can you elaborate further as to the problem?  As it seems you are saying
you have some client running at 400Mhz, (about 1/7th the speed of a
modern PC, and are only getting about 1/7th the throughput).   Seems like
the client might be a bit underpowered, or what are you saying?

FWIW -- if you need to optimize speed on a fast connection, (1Gbps), you need
to increase your TCP buffers on the linux computer and increase the TCP window
size on most windows clients -- though I note that you didn't say what windows
client you have running on this 400MHz computer, Windows 98?  XP?


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Re: [Samba] samba howto: sticky bit on directories

2011-04-01 Thread Linda Walsh

Daniel Müller wrote:

On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 19:24:17 -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

Daniel MCller wrote:

This is working with samba sernet newest release:
This is setting the bit for the group even with msoffice-files


directory mask=2770
force directory mode=2770
create mask = 2770
force create mode=2770
force security mode=2770
force directory security mode=2770

Unfortunately, I don't think the 'local linux' version allows the
setUID functionality to work on directories.

SetGID and allowing the propagation of the GID _does_ work.

I'd guess on the reasoning: on any linux I've run on, users can't give
away files to other users.   Allowing this 'bit' to work would

effectively do the same thing.

Hm!! but I do it on centos 5.5 , it is working


You do what?   You mean you, for example:

mkdir ~/suid-test-dir
chmod 777 ~/suid-test-dir
sudo chown daemon.daemon ~/suid-test-dir
sudo chmod u+s,g+s ~/suid-test-dir
touch ~/suid-test-dir/file

Now what are the user and group set on the file?

I see the file's user still set to me (i.e. setuid on dir didn't work), 
though the files group is set to 'daemon' (i.e. setgid on dir does work).

You are saying that on centos, both the user and group of 'file' are
*both* set to 'daemon'?

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Re: [Samba] samba howto: sticky bit on directories

2011-03-28 Thread Linda Walsh

Daniel MCller wrote:

This is working with samba sernet newest release:
This is setting the bit for the group even with msoffice-files correctly
directory mask=2770
force directory mode=2770
create mask = 2770
force create mode=2770
force security mode=2770
force directory security mode=2770

   Unfortunately, I don't think the 'local linux' version allows the
setUID functionality to work on directories.

SetGID and allowing the propagation of the GID _does_ work.

I'd guess on the reasoning: on any linux I've run on, users can't give
away files to other users.   Allowing this 'bit' to work would effectively
do the same thing.

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[Samba] pam_winbind([sshd|su|...]:account): valid_user: wbcGetpwnam gave WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND

2011-03-03 Thread Linda Walsh

I've been getting these in my log for some time and was wondering what I had
to do to get 'pam_winbind' to 'work' with my samba 'DC'?

In looking around the net, others w/this error message were having a
problem with blocking login's and password changes, completely.

In my case, I have the '' module in '/etc/pam.d/common-passwd'
setup with 'password sufficient', instead of 'password required', and have
other modules (like pam_unix2) that can continue the authorization should
pam_winbind fail.   So the above error doesn't seem to prevent any
valid operation from succeeding,
 I'm wondering why I am getting the error.  I.e.

 1) is it a mistake for samba (or winbind, or whoever) to have configured
winbind to be in the pam-authorization chain *at-all*?   OR
 2) Since I am trying to run my samba server as a DC (my local Win7 
is joined to the domain), I *should* have this module in the stack, but 

it isn't configured correctly (this is what I believe to be the case).

 In the case of 2, the errors seem to occur only on authorizations 

on the DC (i.e. the main machine running samba in DC mode).  So somehow,
winbind isn't setup to correct process 'unix' validations through my
samba DC. 

Is this type of 'unix' verification supported against a 3.5.4 Samba DC,
or is this only supported for testing against a windows DC?

I.e. if it is the later, then I shouldn't try to use winbind at all(?) :-(.

If it is supported, any idea where I might look to see why winbind
isn't supporting 'local' Samba DC validation?

I could just take the route of 'disabling' any attempt at using winbind
for my unix validation attempts as an 'easy way out' to get rid of these
messages, but I'd prefer to fix the problem rather than bury it,

So, is this a lost cause, or an arcane misconfiguration?  If the latter,
any idea where to look for the break?  

I have a feeling it has something to do with local login's having no
Domain name attached to them (i.e., because they are 'local', and it not
realizing that 'local' = 'Domain'...  but that's a pure guess on my part...



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Re: [Samba] pam_winbind([sshd|su|...]:account): valid_user: wbcGetpwnam gave WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND

2011-03-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Bob Miller wrote:
lotsa stuff...

will have to do a bit of investigation at this point
Thanks for the 'encouragement' (i.e. it works for you!)  
Gives me something to go on ... (though may take a while

to verify all the nuts  bolts...).

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Re: [Samba] Samba Share Access Delay !

2011-01-12 Thread Linda Walsh

Supriya Kher wrote:

windows machine writes to \\Linux IPAddress\output.  It has been
observed consistently that accessing the shared folder from windows using
UNC as \\LinuxIpAddress\output
 takes a very long time. Each access takes around 45 to 50 seconds !
though there are no  network issues.

Any directions on how to get around this problem ?  Can it controlled via
specific share level/global settings in smb.conf ?


I had something *like* this, but not quite this bad -- it was very 
persistent -- no matter what program I ran, my max xfer speed was 
about 2MB/s (read  write).

Nothing I tried fixed it -- until I rebooted.

Then it went mysteriously away (back to full speed of 119M/125MB 

I looked at the the wireshark traces for the bad-case -- the only odd thing
I saw (which wouldn't explain the whole thing) was that my max window size had
dropped to under 64k (normal is 1M).  

It hasn't repeated. 

It _sorta_,  *looked* like something was inserting itself to look at the packets in and 
out and doing a really bad job of being 'transparent'.  But since it hasn't re-occurred,

I haven't thought much about it.

In my case, it *appeared* to affect all network traffic (I kept checking the 
sync rate on the line, figuring it had to be syncing at 10Mb and not 1Gb, but 
wasn't the case).

You might try a 'wireshark' trace?  Try to see who is doing the 'lagging'

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[Samba] How to net group add 'group' (I scrod myself...can't figure out how descrod)

2010-05-04 Thread Linda Walsh
  I have:
interfaces = lo0, eth2
socket address =
socket address = 127.0.0.l

in my smb.conf, but when I try to 
net group add anything (on server running samba 3.5.2, as a DC):
asks for current log'ed in users's password  mypwd
Could not connect to server

So what am I missing?

Shouldn't interfaces=lo0 and the second socket addr line
w/ be all that is needed?

Thanks for any descrodding help! :-)

Full smb.conf follows:

display charset = UTF-8
workgroup = BLISS
unix extensions = yes
netbios name = BLISS
netbios aliases = web-proxy, clock
server string = Bliss on %h running Samba %v
interfaces = lo0, eth2 
bind interfaces only = Yes
server schannel = No
passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/.internals/passwd.tdb
guest account = guest
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd '%u'
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
unix password sync = Yes
log level = 2
log file = /var/log/samba/log-%m(%...@%d)
max log size = 4096
debug class = Yes
min receivefile size = 65536
max xmit = 66576
name resolve order = wins lmhosts host 
time server = Yes
enable asu support = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_SNDBUF=4194304 
show add printer wizard = No
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m %u
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -c Machine -d 
/dev/null -s /bin/false %u
logon path = \\%D\%U\profile
logon drive = h:
logon home = \\%D\%U
domain logons = Yes
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
wins support = Yes
wins hook = /home/law/bin/wins_hook
socket address =
socket address =
usershare max shares = 100
idmap alloc backend = tdb
idmap uid = 15000-2
idmap gid = 1-14999
winbind enum users = Yes
winbind enum groups = Yes
winbind use default domain = Yes
winbind trusted domains only = Yes
recycle: keeptree = true
read only = No
acl group control = Yes
create mask = 03755
guest ok = Yes
aio read size = 65536
aio write size = 65536
ea support = Yes
map acl inherit = Yes
block size = 4096
use sendfile = Yes
printing = bsd
print command = lpr -r -P'%p' %s
lpq command = lpq -P'%p'
lprm command = lprm -P'%p' %j
acl group control = yes
wide links = Yes

path = /home/%D/%U
write list = @Administrators, root, law
csc policy = disable

comment = public include files
path = /home/public
read only = Yes

comment = Network Profiles Service
path = /home/%D/profiles/%U
profile acls = Yes
vfs objects = recycle
recycle: keeptree = true

acl group control = yes
comment = DomUser Roaming Home Dir (Generic Homes, u=%u, U=%U, s=%S, 
d=%D, w=%w)
path = /home/%D/%U
create mask = 0751
vfs objects = recycle, readahead, shadow_copy2
recycle: keeptree = true
shadow:snapdir = /home/snapdir
shadow:basedir = /home

acl group control = yes
comment = Server Home Dir (Generic Homes, u=%u, U=%U, s=%S, d=%D, w=%w)
path = /home/%U
create mask = 0751
vfs objects = recycle, readahead, shadow_copy2
recycle: keeptree = true
shadow:snapdir = /home/snapdir
shadow:basedir = /home

comment = Juno scans
path = /home/scan
valid users = @trusted_local_net_users
write list = law, Juno

comment = /home (allhomes)
path = /home
valid users = @trusted_local_net_users
vfs objects = recycle, readahead, shadow_copy2
recycle: keeptree = true
shadow:snapdir = /home/snapdir
shadow:basedir = /home

comment = Dom User Documents
path = /home/%D/%U/Documents
valid users = %D\%U, Administrators
vfs objects = recycle, readahead, shadow_copy2
recycle: keeptree = true
shadow:snapdir = /home/snapdir
shadow:basedir = /home

comment = C:\Windows (Athenae in /home/C:Windows)
path = /home/C:Windows
read list = law, @wheel, root, @admins, @nt_admins, @domain_admins
read only = Yes
create mask = 0751

Re: [Samba] question difference of roaming profile between WinXP and Win7

2010-04-06 Thread Linda Walsh
John Drescher wrote:
 Also. They can NOT point to the same path. That was the point of
 having a .v2. Vista+ and XP profiles are not compatible with each

What part is incompatible? Or is it known?  
This this is something that I ran into as well, but didn't have
time to chase down.  But I was disturbed to see my different clients
now using different profiles when before I could share the same home

Now, files that once were insync in the different profiles
are growing out of sync.

Most changes I make in one profile, I want to show
up in my other profile.  This used to be 'automatic'.  

Now they are out of sync with each other...

Anyway to resync them?  For common subdirs, I might be able to
use a widelinked dir out of either profile to the shared subdirs, but
for individual files...would be a pain to symlink each to a single source on 
the server, not to mention unwieldy.  

Wondered why MS insisted on making my
home shares named user.V2 when that wasn't their
real name, and user had worked fine before.

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[Samba] shadow_copy2 prob? FSCTL..GET..DATA: max_data_count(114) too small (118) bytes needed!

2010-02-06 Thread Linda Walsh

I have /home as a logical volume.  I have snapshots:

LV  VG   Attr   LSize  Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
 2010.02.05-01.26.19 Home swi-ao 10.00G lvol0   39.81
 2010.02.06-02.37.52 Home swi-ao  5.00G lvol00.25
 lvol0   Home owi-ao  1.00T   

and they are mounted:

/dev/mapper/Home-2010.02.05--01.26.19 on /home/snapdir/@GMT-2010.02.05-01.26.19 
type xfs (ro,nouuid)
/dev/mapper/Home-2010.02.06--02.37.52 on /home/snapdir/@GMT-2010.02.06-02.37.52 
type xfs (ro,nouuid)

My 'home's definitions (I have 3 shares that all resided on /home partition':

'ServHome'  (home of user on the server)
'home'  (share of the root of the share) and
'/homes'(the per-user in Domain share) where their profiles go

Each has:
   vfs objects = recycle readahead shadow_copy2
   recycle: keeptree=true
   shadow:snapdir = /home/snapdir
   shadow:basedir = /home
Yet when I go look at files that that have been modified on the 6th, I see no
previous versions.

In /var/log/samba/clientname.log, I see:

 linw opened file mail/bind read=Yes write=No (numopen=3)
[2010/02/06 03:23:41,  0] smbd/nttrans.c:1970(call_nt_transact_ioctl)
 FSCTL_GET_SHADOW_COPY_DATA: max_data_count(114) too small (118) bytes needed!
[2010/02/06 03:23:57,  2] smbd/close.c:612(close_normal_file)
 linw closed file mail/bind (numopen=2) NT_STATUS_OK

Is the max data count too small the problem?  Is there a bug in this
version of samba?  Is this relevant?

Or is there something else wrong I don't see?

linux on suse 11.1 
samba 3.4.3-12.1

Any insight appreciated


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Re: [Samba] shadow_copy2 prob? FSCTL..GET..DATA: max_data_count(114) too small (118) bytes needed!

2010-02-06 Thread Linda Walsh

Volker Lendecke wrote:

On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 03:37:28AM -0800, Linda Walsh wrote:

 linw opened file mail/bind read=Yes write=No (numopen=3)
[2010/02/06 03:23:41,  0] smbd/nttrans.c:1970(call_nt_transact_ioctl)
 FSCTL_GET_SHADOW_COPY_DATA: max_data_count(114) too small (118) bytes 

[2010/02/06 03:23:57,  2] smbd/close.c:612(close_normal_file)
 linw closed file mail/bind (numopen=2) NT_STATUS_OK

Is the max data count too small the problem?  Is there a bug in this
version of samba?  Is this relevant?

Or is there something else wrong I don't see?

linux on suse 11.1 
samba 3.4.3-12.1

Looks like samba bug 6850, fixed in 3.4.4.



We got previous versions!


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[Samba] shadow_copy script example leads to system hang?

2010-02-04 Thread Linda Walsh

I don't know if this was present (maybe not?) when the script was written, but
the script for taking a snapshot in the instructions for shadow_copy: that looks
like this:

xfs_freeze -f /home/
lvcreate -L10M -s -n $SNAPNAME /dev/Home/lvol0
xfs_freeze -u /home/
mkdir /home/shadow_share/@GMT-$SNAPNAME
mount /dev/Home/$SNAPNAME \
  /home/shadow_share/@GMT-$SNAPNAME -onouuid,ro

Causes an, apparently, well-known system hang when you do the lvcreate.  

The workaround is to NOT use xfs_freeze.  I don't know if this is a kernel
bug -- haven't gotten things tracked down far enough yet, but I can
confirm that the above does cause a hard hang that eventually requires 
rebooting the system to unwedge everything.

kernel = from OpenSuse 11.1

Samba = 3.4.3-12

lvcreate from lvm2-2.02.39-8

The notes I read inidicated a problem in the kernel or maybe, more specifically
the xfs in the kernel.  Will have to check with xfs folks to see if they've
heard of this...

Have yet to sub to the lvm list...(TODO(byme): sub lvm list)

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Re: [Samba] single stream performance issue, Win2K, WinXP, Samba 3.2.5-4lenny7 (Debian Lenny)

2010-01-25 Thread Linda Walsh

Stan Hoeppner wrote:

For raw bandwidth maximization, what port and protocol are used won't
make much difference, if any.  In fact it shouldn't make _any_
difference in raw b/w.  Communications between the Samba server and
Win2K client appear to be exclusively over TCP 139 at this point
according to netstat, instead I'm misreading or looking in the wrong

--- I haven't read the rest of the thread yet, so forgive me if I am
  covering things that have already been covered.

  139 AFAIK, uses UDP, that means one packet up, it gets ACKED, (packet
send back to sender) then another packet goes up.

  445 uses TCP, which can have multiple packets sent without waiting for
an ACK.  Suppose round trip for an 'empty packet is 2 ms.  For round
numbers use 1000B/packet. So you send 1000B on a 1MB/s line (yeah, it's
an odd flaver of ethernet).  But for each 1000 bytes sent, it takes
1000/10^6(B/s)  = 1ms.  So it would take 2 seconds to send.  Now the
other side could wait for the response to come back and that would take
another 1ms for an empty packet (which can include an 'ACK'.  So round
trip time for 1000 bytes would be 3m.  Now your 1MB line has dropped to
1000B / 3ms.

Instead of nearly 1000 packets/second, you only see a throughput of 
300k on our 1MB line : 33%.  Yuck!

Now tcp doesn't require nearly the overhead for single packets.  Opening
the TCP connection takes extra long -- maybe in our example it would take
5ms.  But then further packets can be sent with .05ms overhead instead of
1ms. (these figures are illustrative, not accurate!) But now you send 30
packets at 1ms+.5 each, and they all travel and are received in 30.30 ms.
The ack back takes another .5 (as it's within the TCP stream, where you
only need send packet# and ack -- no addressing or port or security info.
That 'intro stuff' is only done once at the begining of each stream open
(which in Samba is only once/ session -- not once/connection).
Additonally, the Ack back takes place AS the next packet is being sent.
Most implementations will allow the next one-to-several packets to be
sent WITHOUT having heard back.  That's important. 

So the total wait time -- is 1.5*30 or 45ms+ + the last ack has to waited
for -- so 45.5 ms. to send your 30,000 bytes.  Now we're talking 659k on
our 1MB line.  Not perfect, but maybe as perfect as less than ideal
hardware allows due to overhead (or maybe OS overhead/packet...whatever).
But in this *bogus*, (but representative in a relative sense) example TCP
bought over 100% more throughput.  In real life, might add 10-30%.
Depends on hardward and OS implementation.

Do you see why TCP=better? (for large packet sizes).  For small, sparse
amounts of data, UDP might be better.

The penalty of per-packet overhead RTT times goes *up* with the faster
networking equipment you use.  At 1GB, 1ms is a loss of a million bits!

That make sense?

So a UDP connection is much more inefficient and may show as busy but
some of that is spent constructing/sending headers while other parts are
waiting on ACKS.


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Re: [Samba] single stream performance issue, Win2K, WinXP, Samba 3.2.5-4lenny7 (Debian Lenny)

2010-01-23 Thread Linda Walsh

Igor wrote:

 I don't find it strange at all. Your computer is acting as a traffic
 proxy between two samba servers. If you have 100Mb network interface
 your bandwidth should split exactly in two.
	But he said he doesn't get a split in two when a win2k server

is used (he gets 11Mbps).I.e. Two network streams in two different
directions should NOT halve throughput, _unless_ something is operating
in half-duplex mode.   100Mbps, full duplex should, _easily_,
allow two 8 MBps streams if they are going in opposite directions.  

Stan wrote:

Interestingly, if I launch a file copy with the SH source file being
on one smb share on the server, and the destination being SH another
smb share (separate filesystem) on the server, the combined throughput
SH is also 8MB/s, 4 up and 4 down, which is very strange as this
should be two SH distinct streams.

	I agree.  Is it possible your network device isn't running 
in FULL duplex?   

Other things to check (to optimize speed compared to ftp):

1) Ensure your communications are using TCP (port 445) and not
UDP (port 139).

	2) Ensure encryption (Sealing) is off.  

	3) Ensure packet Signing is off. 

The overhead of 2  3 contribute to around a 15% performance hit according
to 1 MS source.  (Obviously turning such things off presumes you are on
a 'safe' network consistent with FTP usage, vs. SCP/SSH).

	You need to make sure that, at least, one side has each of 
Sign and Seal turned off and the other side has it set to 'no' or 'auto'.
If one side has 'require' set for the feature, and the other has the 
same feature turned off, it will prohibit communications.

(who's been bummed by the huge drop in networking and disk performance
in windows 7).

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[Samba] Win7 can and cannot join domain; speed issues? (tests to /dev/zero /dev/null?)

2010-01-15 Thread Linda Walsh

I've made some pseudo progress  .. I deleted my DNS domain name from my 
client -- after that, I was able to get a message (Welcome to Bliss Domain) -- followed by 'Domain join failed, you will not be in the Domain.  Reboot now to activate your new domain name.

Upon reboot, it thinks I am in Bliss domain, BUT it acts completely
unjoined -- no domain groups in group list selections, Shares won't
work -- says I need permission from 'Domain\me', or the
funniest (if I it wasn't also sad), was when I connected to the share
as ClientWorkstation\me, it then told me I couldn't alter
files w/o permission from Athena\me.  Um...I am me?...and I'm on my
workstation, but it thinks I need permission from me?  What's up with

Anyways, back to workgroup Bliss, and file sharing is normal again.

Also have an ongoing oddity --  read/write speed to a network share.

I can't figure out why it's so slow.  Writes are faster than reads.

My tests are a bit weird.  To test out write, I write to /dev/null
on the target sys, and to test read, I'm reading from /dev/zero.

Locally, these copies return instantaneously.  But over the network
I get about 34MB/s read, and 39MB/s write.  But oddly smbd is 
nearly 100% cpu bound.  I was using 'dd' with a 1GB block size.

So shouldn't 'smbd' usually have been asleep awaiting I/O completion
(which is near instantaneous).  I'd expect to be getting more along
the lines of 60-70MB/s R+W (Gigabit network with large packet (9014) enabled.  
It's a bit faster than standard packets by about 10%.  But
that's not real exciting...

Shouldn't tests to a remote /dev/zero and /dev/null be valid for
testing a no-filesystem load raw transfer rate?


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[Samba] 0 length domain name SCHANNEL can't be used to fetch trust account password?

2010-01-13 Thread Linda Walsh

I have a few errors I'm trying to chase down in an effort to get a
Win7 client in my domain.  WinXP works -- tested unjoining and
rejoining today, and it can still join.

I have the registry adds for DNSNameResolutionRequired=0 under
LanmanServerClient/Params (put it in both places in attempt to get
things working), as well as a DomainCompatibilityMode=1

I've tried moving to winbind for some flexibility, and it led me
down an interesting path with some log messages on startup:

initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number
[2010/01/13 15:46:06,  2] winbindd/winbindd_util.c:235(add_trusted_domain)
Added domain BUILTIN  S-1-5-32
[2010/01/13 15:46:06,  2] winbindd/winbindd_util.c:235(add_trusted_domain)
Added domain BLISS  S-1-5-21-3-7-3
[2010/01/13 15:46:08,  0] libsmb/namequery.c:75(saf_store)
saf_store: refusing to store 0 length domain or servername!
[2010/01/13 15:46:08,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:948(cli_pipe_validate_current_pd
cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR receiv
ed from host ISHTAR!

Anyone seen an error about 0 length names before?

The OP_RNG error led me to try some ops with net rpc on ishtar.

I tried a net rpc samdump and got:

get_schannel_session_key: could not fetch trust account password for domain 
cli_rpc_pipe_open_schannel: failed to get schannel session key from server for domain BLISS.
Could not initialise schannel netlogon pipe. Error was 

I presume this isn't just a 'noise level' problem?  How can I
re-initialize the schannel session key for Bliss?

I even tried changing the trustpassword to see if that would reset
the the schannel key.  It failed due to an inability to get the
schannel session key.

Also, maybe it's unimportant, but with winbind running, I tried to
fetch the DC name for my domain with wbinfo --getdcname 'Bliss',
but it returned Could not get dc name for Bliss. Should this work
with samba 3.4.3 ?

The Windows client goes from getting 'Domain name can't be found to
Access Denied depending on combinations of the Sign/Seal level of
security and NTLM/LM/NTLMv2 params (trying various combinations.
Note: I've tried the identical settings of the XP client without

Anyone solved these problems or seen them before?


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Re: [Samba] Issue Joining Win7 to Samba Domain (tried wiki instructions)

2009-12-22 Thread Linda Walsh

Moray Henderson wrote:

The server string is Ishtar, but that is not the server name; you need
to set netbios name for that.

 Wouldn't the hostname take care of that?  That's the name of the

 I don't recall ever adding that param before (remember, this does work
on an XP machine, and _did_ work on Win7 at 'one point'...but Win7 lost
it's trust relationship with the Server.

 At one point, I was trying to add a 2nd interface to each box (servers
 clients) over which I could use 9k packets instead of the standard
1500 byte packets.  I added a 2nd interface on each client that could
participate in the 9k network, and created a 2nd ip network at
192.168.5.x, paralleling their 1.5k 192.168.3.x network addr.  It was
during this time that I lost the network trust relationship.  So I
thought it had to do with that.  But now, having expunged from the
configs and setups all traces of the 192.168.5. network, there's been no

 The SMB server seemed confused by seeing a 2nd addr for itself.  I saw
traffic and log messages that made me think that the server thought its
other interface addr was a separate server trying to be the DOMAIN
MASTER for the same domain.  But with the Win7 client getting trust
probs, and then not able to join, I decide to go back to basics, and
only use the 1.5k size until I could get all the kinks out again.

 Your domain is Bliss, but you also have a netbios alias for Bliss;
 could that be confusing something?  

  I've tried multiple ways (including w/o it), this smb.conf is merely
my current/latest attempt.  :-)

 My setup has server signing =
 No, and I don't know the recycle option.

  Tried it both ways, but since Win7 expects it, and the default for
servers is on, I thought I'd go with compatible in this iteration.

Do you see anything useful in /var/log/samba/log.smbd or log.athenae
if you bump up the debug level?  

 Nothing useful up to debug level 4.

Could something have changed on your
server between the successful join a few weeks ago and the attempt to
rejoin after reinstalling? 

 Much -- especially considering the many things I tried before asking 
on here.  I found out that my internal DNS wasn't even functioning and

my internal host resolution was being done completely through 'nmb' for
my win clients.  

Do you have other Win7 clients that do

 Just the one win7 (and one winxp).  Only have 1 SMB server right now.

Could there be another server on your network intercepting
domain requests?  

 I'm on an isolated internal net, so no connections outside this
network (except through a proxy/email gateway).

nmblookup BLISS#1C
should list the IP address of the Domain Controllers of Bliss.

 And it's loopback address.  Those are the two I get.

You said you had used Wireshark; have you also tried tcpdump at the
server end?

 I use wireshark on the server end (it's running linux).

 Win XP had a command line utility called nbtstat; does
Win7 still have it?  If so, try something like 

nbtstat -a Ishtar nbtstat -c

 Win7 doesn't have that command and I don't know what it's equivalent 

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Re: [Samba] Issue Joining Win7 to Samba Domain ( tried wiki instructions)

2009-12-22 Thread Linda Walsh

David Southwell wrote:
Just want to ask the obvious questions as I did not see it mentioned.. what 
version of Windows 7 is the client machine?

Sorry, meant to include this...

64-bit, Final Release, Complete [marketed under buzzword 'Ultimate'].
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Re: [Samba] Issue Joining Win7 to Samba Domain (tried wiki instructions)

2009-12-21 Thread Linda Walsh

Moray Henderson wrote:

Something to do with the name of the machine?

SMB server name is 'ishtar', Domain 'Bliss' (Ha!, wishful thinking...
it's a goal!)), and Win7 client is 'athenae'. All are in DNS domain 
(an internal domain name).  Theoretically straightforward.  

 You said you had to reinstall this machine - if Samba thinks it already is a 
member of the domain, and Windows is trying to rejoin, that could confuse it.  
Are there any characters besides alphanumeric in the name?

	Well, I 'sorta' unjoined from the domain before I reinstalled, but I don't know if it 'took'.  It didn't pause a bit like it was talking to the PDC, and the reason I unjoined is I got a 'failure of trust relationship with PDC'.  So I wanted to try unjoining and rejoining to see if that would fix it.  I unjoined, and never was able to rejoin before the machine got rebuilt.  I unjoined on another machine and had problems joining for a bit due to some network testing I was doing -- but after I restored the config, the XP machine was able to rejoin the network.  The win7 machine is still out in the cold, so to speak.  

	I even tried joining using the net dom join syntax (using -S /-U for the machine and user on the win7 machine that had perms to join) -- the PDC, did talk to the machine, as if I specified a non-existant or bad password for the user on the client machine, I got not authorized or user not found message, but when I had a correct user/pw for the client machine, I got same message on the SMB PDC The Name cannot be found'.  It sounds like it can't find the PDC Domain name Domain...what else is the name?  It knows the client machine name.  The client machine name was still in /etc/passwd (I just tried it with the userid deleted -- same same). 

One odd thing, but it should make no difference, is the win7 client is 
the only all-uppercase machine in the 'net sam list workstations' .. all the 
rest are all lower case with a '$' after them.  The Win7's name is all 
uppercase w/$.  I tried
unjoining, as well, from the PDC, and got message that the unjoin couldn't be 
done because the join had failed.

---my smb.conf is below:

acl group control = yes
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m %u
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -c Machine -d 
/dev/null -s /bin/false %u
#aio read size = 65536
#aio write size = 65536
bind interfaces only = Yes
block size = 4096
browseable = Yes
create mask = 3755
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g 
display charset = UTF8
dns proxy = yes
domain logons = Yes
domain master = Yes
ea support = yes
enable asu support = yes
guest account = guest
guest ok = Yes
#include= /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
interfaces =
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 2
logon home = \\%D\%U
logon path = \\%D\%U
# unused; relative to netlogon(w9x) logon script = scripts\%U.bat
map acl inherit = yes
max log size = 4096
#   max xmit = 66576
#   min receivefile size = 65536
name resolve order = wins lmhosts host
netbios aliases = web-proxy clock socks-proxy Bliss
#netbios name = Bliss
os level = 65
passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/.internals/passwd.tdb
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd '%u'
printing = bsd
read only = No
recycle: keeptree = true
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'
server signing = auto
server string = Ishtar
security = user
show add printer wizard = no
smb ports = 139
time server = Yes
unix password sync = yes
use sendfile = true
recycle: keeptree=true
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
wins support = Yes
workgroup = Bliss

comment =  public include files
path = /home/public
read only = Yes
browseable = Yes
guest ok = yes

comment = Network Profiles Service
path = /home/profiles
read only = No
browseable = Yes
	profile acls = Yes 
	vfs objects = recycle

recycle: keeptree=true

comment = Home Dir (Generic Homes, u=%u, U=%U, s=%S, d=%D, w=%w)
path = /home/%U
valid users = %S, %D%w%S
read only = No
create mask = 0750
vfs objects = recycle readahead
	recycle: keeptree=true 

comment = /home (allhomes)
path = /home
valid users = @trusted_local_net_users
read only = No
browseable = yes
vfs objects = recycle
	recycle: keeptree=true 


Re: [Samba] Issue Joining Win7 to Samba Domain (tried wiki instructions)

2009-12-17 Thread Linda Walsh

Moray Henderson wrote:

Last time I saw something like this, it was because the client (Win XP)
did not have a WINS server set, and couldn’t find the domain.  Can you
ping the server from the problem client - by IP address and by name?  Is
its firewall blocking any SMB ports?


FWIW, I checked my Win7 client.  It still has its win server set to
the Samba PDC.  The PDC has 'smb ports = 139' set to attempt to use the %m
macro in the config file.  The win7 client currently has firewall set to 
disabled, as it's located on a isolated subnet.

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Re: [Samba] Windows 7 won't authenticate

2009-12-17 Thread Linda Walsh

mickey harvey wrote:

I am trying to access a samba share from windows 7. The samba version is
3.3.3 on FreeBSD 7.2, The samba daemons are running and I can see the server
in my Network Places on the Windows client. When I try to login using the
username spacebizall and password (the same as the account on the server)
I receive an unknown username or password error. I installed the registry
patch here Attached are the samba
log file and config. Test is the share I am trying to connect to.

Also one of the packets caught my attention, it appears as if my username
being sent is including my hostname for some reason:

28  0.491330192.168.137.1   SMB Session Setup 
Request, NTLMSSP_AUTH, User: MICKEY-PC\spacebizall

I have Win7 and samba problems as well, in your case it almost looks 
like your win7 box is acting like a Domain controller = to itself.  I wonder if 
this is what the 'home network' feature is supposed to look like.  I'm not 
familiar with it.  But it has the idea of home network servers and clients -- I 
wonder if it uses it's hostname as a domain name?  Do you have the home 
networking feature turned on? (It's on be default).  Don't know if that's 
anything to do with your problem.  Just a thought.

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Re: [Samba] Problem Joining Win7 to Samba Domain (tried wiki instructions)

2009-12-16 Thread Linda Walsh

Ryan Casey wrote:

I'm trying to join a Windows 7 client to a samba domain.  We're
running samba 3.3.9 from SerNet.  I've changed the registry settings
on the Win7 client per the wiki page

Unfortunately, I'm still getting:
The following error occurred attempting to join the domain because the
following error has occurred: The specified domain either does not
exist or could not be contacted.

Ditto.  While the wiki *did* work a few weeks ago, I had to
reinstall Win7 after a 'System-Restore' deleted most files on the disk.
(There wasn't much on it except for program installations).  I am able
to join with a XP client -- unjoined, rejoined, rejoiced.  But the Win7
is giving nothing in the log (level 4) concerning the problem and in 
Wireshk, I'm seeing attempts at Net LOGON both with blank names and

with the machine name (machine$), and the Samba (3.4.3) DC says name
doesn't exist.I do have the dword entries as mentioned in the wiki --
and that did work last time, but this time, nada.

Not sure what debugging step to try next.  Ideas?

*sigh* step forward, two steps back...
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Re: [Samba] samba 3.4.2-1: ERROR! Out of file structures

2009-11-26 Thread Linda Walsh

Justin Piszcz wrote:

When performing a lot of file I/O on a samba share, I see the following:
Nov 15 16:01:47 l1 smbd[31472]:   ERROR! Out of file structures 
Is the proper fix to, e.g.:

ulimit -n 32768 before starting samba?

Or is there a samba-specific option that should be used instead?


	I have a 'ditto' here, also running 3.4.2-1 (64-bit).  I've seen 
it with a win7 client -- the client throws an exception claiming it's 
lost the connection to the server when this happens.I usually have 
to reopen the share it happens on from the root when this happens -- 
it's like it loses it's place in a large tree of files.

Seems Windows 7 might be using more file descriptors.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.2.15 is working with Winows 7 !!!

2009-11-14 Thread Linda Walsh

Daniel M|ller wrote:

After a lot of trying this is the solution for all with samba 3.2.15
installed. My Windows 7 client machine joins the domain on the fly 
with this registry hack.


These were key for me.  The other ones were already
in my registry, but these 'values', added under the Parameters 
'key', worked like a charm.  Thanks!

Not sure what the DomainCompatibilityMode refers to, but
I can understand the DNS name resolution issue being a problem,
since my local domain name isn't really part of my DNS chain.

	Interesting, them making that a requirement -- guess they 
are trying to get rid of that irregularity.  A good heads-up

for me with future Windows versions...*sigh*.
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[Samba] Samba assignment of privileges

2009-10-09 Thread Linda Walsh

Even though Samba doesn't use all of the NT privileges, does it allow assigning 
them to domain
users or groups?
I.e. this list:
|Group Policy Name|Constant Name|
|Access this computer from the network|SeNetworkLogonRight  |
|Access Credential Manager as a trusted   |SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege  |
|caller   | |
|Act as part of the operating system  |SeTcbPrivilege   |
|Add workstations to domain   |SeMachineAccountPrivilege|
|Adjust memory quotas for a process   |SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege |
|Allow log on locally |SeInteractiveLogonRight  |
|Allow log on through Terminal Services   |SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight|
|Back up files and directories|SeBackupPrivilege|
|Bypass traverse checking |SeChangeNotifyPrivilege  |
|Change the system time   |SeSystemtimePrivilege|
|Change the time zone |SeTimeZonePrivilege  |
|Create a pagefile|SeCreatePagefilePrivilege|
|Create a token object|SeCreateTokenPrivilege   |
|Create global objects|SeCreateGlobalPrivilege  |
|Create permanent shared objects  |SeCreatePermanentPrivilege   |
|Create Symbolic Links|SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege|
|Debug programs   |SeDebugPrivilege |
|Deny access to this computer from the|SeDenyNetworkLogonRight  |
|network  | |
|Deny access to this computer from the|SeDenyBatchLogonRight|
|network  | |
|Deny log on as a service |SeDenyServiceLogonRight  |
|Deny log on locally  |SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight  |
|Deny log on through Terminal Services|SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight|
|Enable computer and user accounts to be  |SeEnableDelegationPrivilege  |
|trusted for delegation   | |
|Force shutdown from a remote system  |SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege|
|Generate security audits |SeAuditPrivilege |
|Impersonate a client after authentication|SeImpersonatePrivilege   |
|Increase a process working set   |SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege|
|Increase scheduling priority |SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege  |
|Load and unload device drivers   |SeLoadDriverPrivilege|
|Lock pages in memory |SeLockMemoryPrivilege|
|Log on as a batch job|SeBatchLogonRight|
|Log on as a service  |SeServiceLogonRight  |
|Manage auditing and security log |SeSecurityPrivilege  |
|Modify an object label   |SeRelabelPrivilege   |
|Modify firmware environment values   |SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege |
|Perform volume maintenance tasks |SeManageVolumePrivilege  |
|Profile single process   |SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege  |
|Profile system performance   |SeSystemProfilePrivilege |
|Remove computer from docking station |SeUndockPrivilege|
|Replace a process level token|SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege|
|Restore files and directories|SeRestorePrivilege   |
|Shut down the system |SeShutdownPrivilege  |
|Synchronize directory service data   |SeSyncAgentPrivilege |
|Take ownership of files or other objects |SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege |

When I look at the net sam rights command -- I see no way to assign the 
but for Samba to act as a PDC, shouldn't it be able to manage all of the 
rights/priviledges even
if it doesn't use them itself?

How difficult would it be to manipulate the bits if the actual privs system is 
already in place?

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[Samba] how does one edit a domain group

2009-10-09 Thread Linda Walsh

After I mapped a local group to a domain group, I'm not longer able
edit it with 'net sam'.

Is there another tool I should use?  How do I add users on other
computers, in the domain to the group?

I don't see a tool on a client station for allowing editing of
domain groups??

I tried a NT4-compat remote domain management tool, but it just
crashed when I tried to connect it to samba...(oops/sigh)...

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[Samba] progress! (just good problems this post)!

2009-09-22 Thread Linda Walsh
Thanks to various inputs (and lots of reading/rereading of my books/manpages) 
and lots of experimentation...(and light bulbs turning on).

I now have windows ACLS/permissions working on my samba shares and they are
being automatically stored in the XFS xattrs.  (I checked that they are being
added on the server with the xattr cmd).  Yippie! (yeah, big whoop to you ol' 
timers, steps).  This was my happiest accomplishment!  Other smaller steps:

Converted to tdbsam (from smbpasswd) (at least until I get ldap working).
and have domain users/groups working (again! -- they were working a few years 
but during some upgrade, they stopped.  Any wonder why I tremble at server 

Even am trying out the equivalent of the 'trashcan' (too bad it's not 
in windows with undo and with the trashcon-icon functionality...).

Now I wonder if I can get the windows system-restore service to start keeping
state on some of those drives:-).

Just thought I'd buck the normal trend and post some positive stuff about
things I've gotten working over the past few weeks...


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[Samba] smb.conf(5) format meaning question

2009-09-17 Thread Linda Walsh
In the smb.conf manpage, there is a notation used, (G) or (S) for global or 

Does (S) mean it can only be used in a Share section (i.e. - will be ignored 
in the global section), or is that they *can* be applied at the share level, 
and, possibly set a default in the 'G'lobal section?

ea support = yes

Seems like that could mean that extended attrs are supported globally, 
though, as it is marked with an (S), I'm not sure if that's a valid
interpretation.  I didn't see, or missed the section before the first use
of the notation that tells me if (S) means will only have an effect in
a 'S'hare section or if it means it can be used in either place.

I've sorta got it in my head that most (S) switch that could make sense 
could be used/set in the global section as a 'default' for all shares, but
I don't find that documented in the manpage, so I'm questioning...??

(maybe the manpage could be more clear (if its the case that I don't need 
glasses and missed it...;^) ).
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Re: [Samba] smb.conf(5) format meaning question

2009-09-17 Thread Linda Walsh
Michael Wood wrote:
 S means it can be used in a share definition and also in the Global section:
 I've sorta got it in my head that most (S) switch that could make sense 
 could be used/set in the global section as a 'default' for all shares, but
 I don't find that documented in the manpage, so I'm questioning...??
 It's in the PARAMETERS section.

Thanks for pointing to the right paragraph.  I think I glossed over
it because I didn't see the same notation in the definition, as used in
the successive text. 

There are some notational conventions used in the documentation
that I feel could use some improvement, but I know, in some cases, that
the underlying source is based on DocBook, and I don't know if some of
those conventions are enforced by DB, or can be adjusted with a style
sheet.  But until I think or come up with a better concrete solution,
I'll keep my mouth shut and just thank you for pointing me at the 
correct section...:-)


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[Samba] Domain SID vs. Local SID on Domain Controller SID requirements

2009-09-15 Thread Linda Walsh
IF a samba server is setup to be a domain controller, should
it's local SID = the domain SID?

Also, what are the requirements of a SID?

I usually see S-1-5-21-x-y-z, where x,y,z = 10 digits, but
could x,y,z be 1,2,3 (for example)?   I.e. do they have to be
10 digit numbers or can they be shorter? 

If I have a simple setup, and want a sid I can remember can I
just make it 'short'?

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Re: [Samba] Domain SID vs. Local SID on Domain Controller SID requirements

2009-09-15 Thread Linda Walsh
simo wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 11:42 -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
 IF a samba server is setup to be a domain controller, should
 it's local SID = the domain SID?
 yes the PDC exports the local SAM as the domain SAM
 (the SAM is the DB where user information is stored including SIDs)


 If I have a simple setup, and want a sid I can remember can I
 just make it 'short'?
 No, users SID are composed of Domain SID + RID, the Domain SID part is
 identical for all domain user and is generated once by the PDC at
 installation time.

Sorry -- my fault -- I wasn't clear, I meant setting the the 
Domain SID (Net setdomainsid S-1-5-21-1-2-3).
Sounds like the answer is can be any 32-bit int in those fields.
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[Samba] doc examples bug regarding 'xattr' special switch need

2009-09-14 Thread Linda Walsh
This may already be fixed, but various places talk about the need
for a 'user_xattr' switch on mounts to use extended attributes.

I've never known 'xfs' to have such a switch -- if they are enabled
in the kernel, they just work -- I tried it.

I also tried adding the switch and verified it is not an accepted
switch for XFS.   Is the documentation referring to some newer
filesystem that has incompatible options (regarding external 

I'm running a stock SuSE kernel and they are enabled by default (and
fully available to non-root users).  

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[Samba] How to get Default builtins added?

2009-09-14 Thread Linda Walsh
I recently decided to upgrade to the tdbsam: backend, but I'm
missing the built-security principles.

Do I need to go back to the smbpasswd backend, and add them in
the file *first* before converting?

I had them there at one point, but I think I think I deleted 
them because they weren't working.  Cygwin's mkgroup command couldn't
seem to pull in the groups from my samba server). But, by default, 
files I create through the 'gui' get created with group '513' (Domain

Any scripts to add the default principles to a newly
converted TDBSAM?

Thanks for any help...been hitting the Samba-3 howto book and
the pdf updates and man pages to no avail, and my fingers are 
falling off (sigh).


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Re: [Samba] How to get Default builtins added?

2009-09-14 Thread Linda Walsh
FYI -- I tried adding then with pdbedit but it said they don't exist
in /etc/passwd -- but they 'do'...just with not the same exact names.

I was going to use the 'map' command to map the names from the tdbsam
to the unix side, but I have to get them into the tdb sam first.

Also, I really wasn't clear about how I am to add the principles -- 
I know the form of the sids, but isn't a large part of it to be
filled in by the samba-server when I add the user?

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[Samba] Re: nmbd: broadcast packet send FAILURE: Invalid argument.

2009-06-10 Thread Linda Walsh

Previously I wrote (abbreviated msg summary):

nmbd: become_domain_master_browser_bcast: Attempting to become dom mast \
  browser, wrkgrp BLISS, subnet;  nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c: \
become_dom_master_browser_bcast: querying subnet for \
dom mastr brwsr on wrkgrp BLISS
2 x {
libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(839);  Packet send failed to \ 
 ERRNO=Invalid argument; nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:send_netbios_packet(160) }

send_netbios_packet: send_packet() to IP port 137 failed
nmbd/nmbd_namequery.c:query_name(244);  query_name: Failed to send \
  pckt trying to query name BLISS1d

Looking at traffic from the originating machine, on port 137, I see:
Source  Dest.   Proto   Info
4 x {   #Note: ISHTAR=primary hostname, others are aliases
Ishtar  bcast   NBNSRegistration NB $HOSTNAME$20
Ishtar  bcast   NBNSRegistration NB $HOSTNAME$03
Ishtar  bcast   NBNSRegistration NB $HOSTNAME$00
Then 3 lines for $HOSTNAME$=BLISS (domain name), but with
suffix values of:
00, 1e, 1c
About 31 seconds later, I see some client interaction with some valid
and an 'invalid' (or potentially misleading) response(?):
Source  Dest.   Proto   Info
Athena  Ishtar  NBNSName query NB BLISS1c
Ishtar  Athena  NBNSName query response NB
Athena  Ishtar  NBNSName query NB BLISS1b
Ishtar  Athena  NBNSName query response NB
At about 608.2 second intervals, there were 4 repetitions of the above
4 lines (when I terminated monitoring).

1st Observation -- There is nothing on the line indicating what the
parameter ERROR is that is being returned in the log
2) Should NMBD be 'advertising' to other hosts that it is a master
browser for  It seems it should limit that information
to any 'clients' on the host, but not broadcast that to other
hosts, as their 'localnet', if it had more than one host (i.e.
virtual hosts) would be 'local' to those other hosts -- i.e. I'm
not sure it would be a global NBNS for other host's local subnets
(which would be virtual 'vmnets', I

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[Samba] why is my nmbd confused about network interfaces?

2009-06-09 Thread Linda Walsh

The only thing related to 'addresses' in my
/etc/samba/smb.conf file is a hosts allow:
hosts allow = 127.1

I'm going to ignore the 'local hosts case, as if I solve the other,
the localhost case may get solved by inference.

I thought the 'hosts allow' would allow any host on the
local subnet.

The hosts have no problems that I'm aware of, but 'nmbd'
is issuing confused messages in the log.

Upon starting it tries (and successfully) becomes the
For the local subnet, it starts out trying to become master on subnet
'', but isn't the subnet

The it gets further errors and eventually fails:

nmbd:  become_domain_master_browser_bcast:
nmbd:  Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup BLISS \
   on subnet
nmbd: nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:become_domain_master_browser_bcast(304)
nmbd:  become_domain_master_browser_bcast: querying subnet \
   for domain master browser on workgroup BLISS
nmbd:  libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(839)
nmbd:   Packet send failed to ERRNO=Invalid argument
nmbd:  nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:send_netbios_packet(160)
nmbd:  libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(839)
nmbd:   Packet send failed to ERRNO=Invalid argument
nmbd:  nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:send_netbios_packet(160)
nmbd:   send_netbios_packet: send_packet() to IP port 137 failed
nmbd:  nmbd/nmbd_namequery.c:query_name(244)
nmbd:  query_name: Failed to send packet trying to query name BLISS1d

My local 'ifconfig for eth0' shows my inet params as:
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

So it would 'seem' to be in order.

Any ideas why I am getting this repetitive failure?

If nmbd successfully becomes the master-browser, will it stop retrying
every 5 minutes (*crossing fingers*)?


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[Samba] Re: 1MB/s gigabit transfers on dell poweredge

2009-03-24 Thread Linda Walsh

John Drescher wrote:

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Ian McDonald wrote:

Raid 5 is not a good setup for performance...

Its not good for database performance and random small writes but it
shines in large file operations. Either way a 3 disk raid5 (software
or hardware) should be able to generate 100MB/s sustained on linux so
this probably is not an issue.


Especially since John Terpstra's home setup uses a 4-disk RAID and
gets up to 90MB xfers over CIFS.  (Is that with standard size network/TCP
packetsizes?  Or anything non-default for tuning on that?) :-)

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[Samba] RFE: manpage smb.conf`

2009-03-24 Thread Linda Walsh

Under log level (debuglevel)
	there is nothing to indicate what the numbers mean, there is only the 
enumeration of debug-sections.

While I wouldn't need what each number does in each debug area,
I did note the following helpful behavior regarding use of numbers
only (which I presume would be equal to specifying that number for 'all',
or listing out all sections).
0 = nothing
1 = session/workstation logins, filesystem attaches
(i.e. ~1 cluster of msgs/workstation login)
2 = per-file open  close ( other)...
3 = ~11 times output in '2'...
 maybe sufficient ---

'1' and maybe '2' would be useful to document as useful 'features'.
And, the fact that '3' expands logging by such a large amount (well
beyond 'normal needs' by nearly any measure).


  For my 'debug' purposes (at one point),  '2' would have been
what I was looking for.  Instead, I chose '3', not realizing, until
recently, *how much*  extra*  logging info, that generated ... ;^}

-  For _my_ normal usage, maybe '1' would be reasonably what I'd
like as it gives me an idea that things are working w/basic session
connect info, but should have little impact on performance  security,
- '2, gives, at least, 1-2 hits per-file in the log (open,close  ???).
-  As for '3'(or above):   OMG!   ...
   (I don't remember 3 being so verbose at some, perhaps, distant, point
in the past...)

Things keep changing, I know, but hard to keep even 1 finger on the pulses
of every program used.

  I like the (new?) name debuglevel over log level.

It indicates more clearly that it's pretty much limited to debug,
and only coincidentally has some informational 'session-only'
log entries for hosts (at =1), and, similarly,
has (at least) open/close entries for every file access, per-host (at =2)

  Might be nice to have those levels of functionality {
(1) Session login  filesystem attaches,  and
(2) per-file-audit operations
} specified apart from debug, but that's just a 'polish' detail that
I've no idea anyone would want or need apart from a debug context
(where the levels are not documented for someone who only wanted
to turn on such basic logging levels).

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Re: [Samba] Re: 1MB/s gigabit transfers on dell poweredge

2009-03-24 Thread Linda Walsh

John H Terpstra - Samba Team wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

Especially since John Terpstra's home setup uses a 4-disk RAID and
gets up to 90MB xfers over CIFS.  (Is that with standard size network/TCP
packetsizes?  Or anything non-default for tuning on that?) :-)

My TCP/IP is at default settings - no tuning at all.  It works well
enough that I can't be bothered with tuning.

I can see why.

At 90MB over a 1GB line, tuning would be an unneeded luxury.

(I'm lucky to get a sustained 700Mb for any xfer over my 1GB-ether,
but my fileserver isn't running raid and is running with P-III's)

Linda W.

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Re: [Samba] Accent problem

2005-08-18 Thread Linda Walsh

use UTF-8 on your samba server (delete both the unix and display
charset).  Might check to see that your server is setup in UTF-8
as well, but I think this is the default in SuSE these days.
(see /etc/sysconfig/language and related variables and manpages).

That should pass through file-name support that will have the files looking
the same on your linux box and windows box...


Cédric MARCOUX wrote:


I just wonder how to setup samba to correctly handling accentued 

At this moment, if i write Cédric thrue windows network, Cédric appear 
correctly thrue the windows share however Cédric is written as C?dric 
on the linux server thus I cannot write back C?dric to a windows 
machine thrue smbmount because ? is not accepted for writing on remote 

Does anybody have the magic number?

For the moment hera are my configuration:

Samba 3.02a on SuSE 9.1
unix charset = ISO8859-15
display charset = ISO8859-15

I have tried to mount remote windows share with cifs, different 
iocharset and codepage but ever able to copy C?dric (that is normal)

So the only thing I want to know is how to setup Samba for write 
Cédric on the server and not C?dric.


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