Using RedHAT 9.0 and Samba that came with it.. Samba states it is up and
running..Here is the current samba.conf file.. I can browse from the linux
box and get into the window shares. Can ping the address of the linux
server.. See the workgroup from windows, but no machine or folders
Please Help..

#samba conf-12-12-03
# Global parameters

workgroup = rharch
server string = rh-server
netbios name = rhserver
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = Yes
security = SHARE
encrypt passwords = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 500
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
os level = 33
preferred master = yes
dns proxy = No
wins support = no
guest ok = yes
guest account = smbuser

comment = Public Storage
path = /home/public
writeable = yes
map archive = yes
map hidden = yes
map system = No
create mask = 744
directory mask = 755

comment = Data
path = /home/samba/data
writeable = yes
map archive = Yes
map hidden = Yes
map system = No
create mask = 744
directory mask = 770
force group = smb

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