Re: [Samba] Change the IP/name of the domain member server - upgrading the server

2011-08-16 Thread Piotr Legiecki

Gaiseric Vandal pisze:
Maybe you should also copy the private directory from the old to the 
new server.   That may include the machine password used by the samba 
server to connect to the domain.

Run testparm -v on both servers.  Are both servers samba version of 

So maybe I will answer to my own question sharing my little knowledge.

The old server has Samba 3.0.14 and the new one 3.5.6.
What worked for me?
1. Migrated the group/user id mappings (winbind) from old to new server
on old server:
net idmap dump /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb  idmap_dump.txt
on new one:
net idmap restore idmap_dump.txt
net cache flush
restart samba/winbindd
Now I have the same mappings on both servers, so I don't care about 
migrating them. Just simple cp/tar or whatever.

2. Copy smb.conf (check it, it is upgrade anyway)
3. Copy the files
tar cf - . | ssh r...@xx.xx.xx.xx 'cd /home/samba; tar xf -'
3.a surfing the web/watching films
4. For the purpose of international characters only
convmv -f iso-8859-2 -t utf8 --notest -r user_files
5. Prepare the actual join of new server.
on old server:
net ads leave -U Administrator
(as of samba 3.0.14 I had to delete the machine AD account manually)
on new one:
change its name (/etc/hostname, mailname...)
update DHCP server (if in use)
net ads join -U Administrator
(if failed, try kdestroy its Kerberos stuff)
net ads testjoin

It should work.
Now check (double check) if  the ACLs are ok. I had some minor (quickly 
repaired it) problems with group rights. somehow instead of rwx I had rx 
only. But users had problems so the bothered me with phones ;-).

The windows disk mappings  worked fine if they were mapped in AD login 
scripts like that (most of the mapping in my situation):

net use m: \\server\%UserName% /PERSISTENT:NO
if they were manually mapped it required manual intervention

So as you can see the only mysterious thing is transfering the 
group/user id mappings, and fortunately it worked as expected.

I hope the it would help others with similar task.

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[Samba] Change the IP/name of the domain member server

2011-08-10 Thread Piotr Legiecki


I have two servers: old production and new to change the old one.

What is the right way to change to brand new server (with new Samba) in 
a way transparent to end users?

Both (old and new one) servers are domain member servers. What I want to 
achieve is to: leave the old servers name and IP but assign them to new 

I have done almost everything, so the new server has the data, the ACLs 
are transfered and are ok, but when I shut down the old server, change 
the hostname of the new one to old one, changed the SID of the new 
server to the old server (using net getlocalsid/net setlocalsid xxx) 
and... booom. When I try to access the shares on the new server (from 
windows) it asks for user name/password just like  the new server is not 
a member of the domain.

So is it possible to achieve what I want?

I'm not sure if other way, by using net ads leave (on new server) and 
then join with changed name (of the old server) would work. I'm afraid 
of loosing the connection to domain controler and all windows 
workstations would not be able to access the new server after joining. 
what is wors, also the old one could (?) have problems then. Looks like 
the trick with the changed SID is not working well.

I hope someone would help me with this. Playing with windows is 
dangerous, some actions are not possible to undo.

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[Samba] dbench strange results

2011-08-01 Thread Piotr Legiecki


I'm building new samba server (on Debian 6.0, software RAID10 2TB, Xeon 
CPU). Generally everything is working fine, so I have decided to run 
some stress tests. My choice was dbench. Old server is Debian 4.0 (samba 
3.0.24, Athlon 3000+, one ATA 160GB disk). So run

dbench 16
on both old and new server

The results are strange

old serwer: about 300MB/sek (dbench 3.0)
and below are first seconds of dbench output

  16  1766   398.71 MB/sec  warmup   1 sec
  16  4852   334.46 MB/sec  warmup   2 sec
  16  7956   317.26 MB/sec  warmup   3 sec
  16 7   309.62 MB/sec  warmup   4 sec
  16 14357   298.27 MB/sec  warmup   5 sec
  16 17579   295.52 MB/sec  warmup   6 sec
  16 20912   294.48 MB/sec  warmup   7 sec
  16 24167   292.58 MB/sec  warmup   8 sec


new server: about 80MB/sek (dbench 4.0)
and below are first seconds of dbench output

  16   859   347.35 MB/sec  warmup   1 sec  latency 420.932 ms
  16  1535   203.14 MB/sec  warmup   2 sec  latency 625.747 ms
  16  2905   175.82 MB/sec  warmup   3 sec  latency 466.965 ms
  16  3705   147.27 MB/sec  warmup   4 sec  latency 511.865 ms
  16  5111   142.35 MB/sec  warmup   5 sec  latency 543.783 ms
  16  5961   130.80 MB/sec  warmup   6 sec  latency 830.662 ms
  16  7413   130.37 MB/sec  warmup   7 sec  latency 875.614 ms
  16  8235   122.21 MB/sec  warmup   8 sec  latency 450.523 ms
  16  8448   110.87 MB/sec  warmup   9 sec  latency 743.648 ms
  16  9725   110.55 MB/sec  warmup  10 sec  latency 841.132 ms
  16 10901   110.39 MB/sec  warmup  11 sec  latency 291.013 ms
  16 12014   109.05 MB/sec  warmup  12 sec  latency 537.937 ms


Please nore that on old server MB/sec are rather constant (about 300MB/s 
) but on new one are dropping rapidly (at the end to about 80MB/s).

So what is going on? the new server is really fast (tested with iozone).

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[Samba] net rpc idmap restore does not work

2011-07-27 Thread Piotr Legiecki


In the samba HOWTO collection here
Creating an IDMAP Database Dump File
there is a command
net idmap restore /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb  idmap_dump.txt

the point is: it doesn't work. It just does nothing, except of printing 
a lot of lines like this:

ignoring invalid line []

ignoring invalid line 

Looks like the winbindd_idmap.tdb file is not changed after this command 
has been run.

The actual dump was done like this:
net idmap dump /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb  idmap_dump.txt

The system I'm testing it on is Debian 6.1, samba 3.5.6.

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[Samba] Copying files between 2 samba serv with ACL in mind using winbind database - solution?

2011-07-26 Thread Piotr Legiecki


The question how to copy files and preserve ACLs appears from time to
time but I have not find the right (stable and working) solution so far
on this list and on the other Internet sites. So after some thinking I
have 'discovered' my own solution.

But what is the situation. I have old samba 3.0.24 (debian) on old
computer. Now there is new computer with new samba 3.5.6 (debian 6.x).
Both are working as domain member servers (in the same domain). The
problem is: copy files form old to new server keeping in mind that there
are 100 users with their ACLs on the files.

I'm using winbindd. There are of course different UID-SID mappings on
those servers so the solutions are two (IMHO):
1. Somehow set the new server mappings on the copied files or
2. Transfer the mappings itself from old to new server

It is possible using some windows station to copy all the files from one
server to another. But it is a bit extra work and time consuming.
Use whatever linux copy tools (tar etc) to copy files. Faster but here
is the problem I have faced.

First I have dumped winbindd_idmap.tdb mapping on oldserver:
net idmap dump /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb  idmap_dump.txt
copied this file to new server and restored it:
net idmap restore /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb  idmap_dump.txt
during this restore operation the following errors (warnings?) appeared:

ignoring invalid line []


ignoring invalid line 

Why? What does it mean? Ignore or it is serious?
Looking at the dumped file it seems to be ok.

So I have tried other solution, just copied the database file
winbindd_idmap.tdb from old to new server. After flushing the samba cache
net cache flush
and restarting winbind
the ACLs appeared to be the same on both servers. So after untaring the
files from old server it just started to work.

But my question: is it safe to do it the way I did it? The fields in
databases tends to change so I have no idea if winbindd_idmap.tdb on the
samba 3.0 is the same as on the 3.5?


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[Samba] create mask not fully working?

2010-05-06 Thread Piotr Legiecki


I have Debian/stable and samba 3.2.5.

I have set this (smb.conf):
create mode = 0770
directory mask = 0770

and the files created have those permissions:
drwxrwx--- 2 piotrlg piotrlg 22 2010-05-06 14:51 nowy3
-rwxrw 1 piotrlg piotrlg 10752 2010-05-06 14:51 nowy3.doc

please note the lack of x bit for group file permission (for directory 
it works as expected).

I have to use force create mode = 0770 to set x for groups.

What is going on?

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[Samba] W2003, domain and home dirs

2006-12-20 Thread Piotr Legiecki


The introduction is a bit long, but the question is really short (last 

Here I have samba 3.0.14a (debian/stable) acting as domain member server 
with home dirs for domain users which are located on the w2003 r2 serwer 
being domain controler.

I have a few problems with this setup, but it is hard to track them. 
Meybe answer to the question below could help me a bit.

Samba once was PDC, than whe have installed w2003 and it was promoted to 
PDC. Also users form samba were transeferd to w2003. OK. Those users had 
in theirs Profiles tab (in user preferences window): Logon folder set to 
(for example): logon.bat and Home folder/Connect (for example): M and 
the path to: \\samba_serwer\user_name\.profiles. And it worked.

Than I wanted to change logon sctipts to GPO specific (so removed 
logon.bat form Profiles tab) and also removed home drive mapping (M: and 
\\samba_serwer\user_name\.profiles) So now I don't have to fill in the 
Profiles tab for every new user, and home drive mapping is setup in the 
logon script:

net use M: \\samba_serwer\%UserName% /PERSISTENT:NO

It is working (so home dirs are mapped to M:), but I wonder why 
previously in the path to the user home dir there was .profiles? Now 
when I have omited this, should I expect some surprises from samba?

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[Samba] mapping well known groups problem (net groupmap)

2006-07-13 Thread Piotr Legiecki


I have samba 3.0.14a (debian/stable) and wonder where the problem is 
that running this command:

# net groupmap add ntgroup=Domain Admins unixgroup=ntadmins rid=512
adding entry for group Domain Admins failed!

but (note changed rid)

# net groupmap add ntgroup=Domain Admins unixgroup=ntadmins rid=1000
works fine.

Hm, winbind is not working, but I suppose it is not needed here.

So what is the problem with mapping?

Piotr L.
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Re: [Samba] performance problem. big amount of net traffic for file properties

2006-01-27 Thread Piotr Legiecki

Jean-Philippe FARCY wrote:


We're having performance problems with some workstations (XP workstations).

The problem we diagnosed occurs when a user right clicks on a UNC link (on his 
desktop). The popup window only appears after 80 seconds. On another XP 
workstation (in the same room, same switch ...), it works OK.

I have noticed the same on my XP comps, but not all. Currently I'm 
investigating the problem (maybe some NICs are not samba-friendly ;-)? 
The problematic machine uses Asus mainborad A8Vdeluxe (with marvel yukon 
ethernet card)

Samba 3.0.14a/Debian stable.

Piotr L.
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