[Samba] Re: Using Lotus Domino LDAP as Samba Backend

2005-03-30 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase
Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can I use the Lotus Domino LDAP Server as backend for Samba?


 Has anyone tried this, or some experiences in that?

Migrated to (Domino) LDAP in a small Samba 3.0 domain about half a year
ago. I'm currently working on my thesis which will cover Domino LDAP
integration, feel free to contact me offlist if you have any specific


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Re: [Samba] Redhat 8 Samba+CUPS

2003-03-23 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 Hi all.  In the interest of using a more mainstream business
 distribution, I changed my faithful file/printserver over to Redhat
 8.0 from Debian Testing. Now, my shared directories are working fine
 but printing is not working.  I can browse to the printer using net
 view or Network Neighborhood in Windows or using smbclient -L in
 Linux but printing is not working. I've checked /var/log/samba/ and
 the only errors I found dealt w/ permissions on /var/spool/cups which
 I fixed w/ a chmod 1777.  Right now I suspect the printcap name =
 /etc/printca is my problem but I'm not sure.

You didn't include your printer share definitions, but we'll have a look at
the global part first:

 path = /var/spool/cups

Probably a better idea is to have another spool directory for Samba's print
files. This makes your configuration more flexible and avoids possible
permission problems with the cups spool dir. We use path =
/var/spool/samba and did a chmod 777 on this dir. Cupsd is running as
user lp in group lp (see cupsd.conf) and a listing of /var/spool/samba

drwx--   3 lp   lp   12288 Mär 23 11:22 cups
drwxrwxrwx   2 lp   lp  25 Mär 23 11:22 samba

If you omit the -r switch usually used with the lpr print command, the
(postcript) print files should stay in the Samba spool dir and not be
deleted. This may be useful for debugging purposes.

 printing = cups
 printcap name = /etc/printcap

In the thread Clarifying CUPS Printing Kurt Pfeifle gave a detailed
description regarding the printing and printcap name parameters, see
Please check if Samba is compiled against the cups library with the
following command ldd `which smbd` | grep libcups.

 valid users = bax morbo amy nobody planetexpress bender
 invalid users = root wins support = true

Not a printing related question, but why do have valid users in the global
part? Users without valid /etc/passwd and smbpasswd entries can't even
connect to shares unless guest ok = yes is set. A nice and easy option is
to disable users, see man smbpasswd. What reason do you use invalid users
= root for and shouldn't the wins support param follow on the next line?

 default = printers

Why do have this parameter in your smb.conf? Is it still supported and what
does testparm say?

Does printing from linux work at all?

Another thing to watch for are PAM settings and restrictions if the Samba
and / or Cups packages are compiled with PAM support. You specified obey
pam restrictions = Yes in your smb.conf, which may be related to your
printing problems. See the files for cups and Samba in /etc/pam.d.


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Re: [Samba] Desperate! passwd sync problem...please help!

2003-03-23 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 After the 15-20 sec wait smbpasswd eventually returns stating,
 Password changed for user sc. The thing is that neither the samba
 or the system passwd is changed, and whats more, the system passwd
 command is still running in the background until I kill it manually.

Did you try to change the user's password in a linux terminal first? Please
note that the Samba password change fails if the Linux password change
failed before. This is by design and documented in the passwd program
section of the smb.conf doc.

 obey pam restrictions = yes

Do you have any PAM restrictions on password length or password quality set?
We don't have Samba's PAM support enabled and I'm no PAM expert either but
this may be worth looking at.

 passwd chat debug = yes
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
 *Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n

Does the passwd chat string *exactly* match the messages you get when
changing a password on the console? You have passwd chat debug enabled, so
what does the logging output show you?

If you still can't get the password sync working, you could use a wrapper
script to do the Linux password synchronisation. We use this small Perl
script to do the pass change and some logging (see the comments and
necessary changes):

# in smb.conf:
#   encrypt passwords = Yes
#   passwd program = /path/to/samba/scripts/chgpasswd.pl %u %n
#   passwd chat = .
#   unix password sync = Yes
# touch /path/to/samba/logs/log.pass
# in /path/to/samba/source/smbd/chgpasswd.c:
#   after the line 'pstring_sub(passwordprogram, %u, name);'
#   append
#   pstring_sub(passwordprogram, %n, newpass);
use Time::localtime;

($username, $newpass) = @ARGV;

# Change the Linux password and do some logging:
my $tm = localtime();
$datestring = sprintf %02d.%02d.%04d,$tm-mday, $tm-mon + 1, $tm-year +
$logdateiname = sprintf /path/to/samba/logs/pass.log;

# change password in /etc/shadow without interaction:
$cmdtext = sprintf echo %s:%s | /usr/sbin/chpasswd, $username,
$logtext = sprintf User \%s\ password changed,$username;
open (logfile, $logdateiname);
printf logfile  %s - %02d:%02d:%02d : %s \n, $datestring,
$tm-hour, $tm-min, $tm-sec, $logtext;
close logfile;

# change NIS DB
#   $cmdtext = sprintf make -C /var/yp  /dev/null;
#   system($cmdtext);

Good luck,

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Re: [Samba] uninstall samba

2003-03-23 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I try to find command to uninstall samba but no any help !!!

You need to provide a lot more info regarding your system and the software
(packages) you are using. You should fix the settings of your email client
also, and use your common name instead of root.
If it's Linux you're using then something like rpm -e
name_of_samba_package will do. Have a look at HowTos and the documentation
provided by your Linux/Unix distribution and get used to common admin tasks.
Unix/Linux training and a good book covering general administration topics
might also be useful.


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Re: [Samba] migrating to samba

2003-03-23 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I set up a samba (on redhat 8.0), and i will get rid of my 2000
 primery domain controller. Is there a way to migrate all the user
 information (passwords) on 2000 to samba?

As far as I recall net rpc vampire will do this at least for PDCs running
in legacy mode, but I have no experience in this area.
and read docs, HowTos and other fine manuals.


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Re: [Samba] Printing via Samba to Windows Networked Printers.

2003-03-18 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I am trying to print to Windows Networked Printers via Samba in OSX.
 I keep getting the error: Unable to connect via Samba, will try again
 in 60 seconds.
 Any advice?

Read the Howto and the docs, walk through the diagnosis.txt, ask again with
much more details regarding your setup and so on  ...

Good luck,

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Re: [Samba] W2K PDC preconfigured security templates

2003-03-18 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 Plan to use W2K PDC and a couple of Samba 2.2.8 file servers.
 Has anyone used the preconfigured templates that are
 shipped with W2K server(basicdc.inf, securedc.inf) on their PDC?
 Gotchas? Landmines? Necessary Modifications?

Guess you'd better post your question to one of those Win forums when asking
for Win2k PDC support ;-)). We did implement the compatws.inf on our Win2k
clients with success though and LGPOs also.

Good luck,

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Re: [Samba] Print server

2003-03-18 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I was wondering if their was an option in samba that can control how
 many print jobs a samba/windows 98/XP client user can have in a day?

No way to get this done with Samba config options. Consult the man pages and
docs of the printing system you are using. And please use your real name and
provide more detail when posting to the list again.


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Re: [Samba] Windows XP + Samba

2003-03-18 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I am trying to make windows XP to legalize in the SAMBA,
 I configured the samba to be dominio Master all perfect one.
 I obtain until adding the XP for dominio of the samba.
 Now it comes the problems:
 1.  Always that I effect login, appears a screen for password change.
 How to remove this?
 2.  I do not want to be moving of profile, I want one profile for all
 the usuarios that to login in that one scheme, as to make this?

1. Are you sure you get the password change message when logging in to the
domain? As ra as I know Samba doesn't support password change dialogs at
least in 2.x versions so it's got to be some kind of local password ?!?
Strange ...
2. Have a look at mandatory profiles.

Good luck,

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Re: [Samba] Windows XP + Samba

2003-03-18 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 domain? As far as I know Samba doesn't support
 password change dialogs at least in 2.x versions

 Just fyi, it works (regarding domain pasword changes,
 not local) as my users use it often.

Ooops, my message was written to be misunderstood quite easily. The fact
that puzzled me, was the password change dialog on each and every login.
There should be a passchange dialog if a) his password expires or b) he
chooses to change the password himself after a certain amount of time or c)
some sort of local service requires a pass change. So if meaningful domain
password expiry notification and the (optional?) subsequent password change
request triggered by Samba is not possible with Samba 2.x (yet) there's only
options b) and c) left, right?


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Re: [Samba] local user admin rights on samba pdc

2003-03-16 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I have noticed that it is causing a problem for some other software
 also. I know that i need to grant local admin rights for that user
 but what is the best method on doing this?
 If I try to access softare by logging in as root on the win2k boxon
 the pdc domain it still prevents me from installing a palm pilot or
 running some particular software.
 All of the software that needs some sort of admin priveledges work
 fine if you logon as administrator to the local machine.

Domain users are common users with limited privileges. This is by design and
affects pure Windows domains also. Several non MS software products are
written pretty badly and rely on changes to be written to system registry
but common users usually do not have permission to alter registry keys. You
need to change the registry keys in question in order to get your special
software to work properly for local common users and domain users.

Get regmon, a nice tool to monitor registry access at
- login as domain user
- runas /user:administrator regmon
- change regmon's filter to include ACCDENIED
- start palm software as usual and watch the ACCDENIED flying by :-)
- double click on one of the ACCDENIED entries and change security settings
for the registry key

This is a tedious and time consuming approach to fix one or the other
software package, but at least the only reliable method I know of. You may
want to try to add the domain users group to the local power user group -
didn't work for us at that time. Things might change when Samba 3.0 is
released and group mapping support will be available (?)

Good luck,

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Re: [Samba] Re: XP logon failure but still logs on -- no roamingprofile

2003-03-16 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

Did you try a plain and simple logon.bat first, like
NET USE X: \\share\tmp /persistent:no
just to make sure your logon.bat isn't faulty ? You could even use a
logoff.bat (net use * /delete ...) if you suspect the mapped drives to
cause the errors.

 net use o: \\share\office2000p /persistent:no /yes

Wonder what's the /yes switch for, doesn't seem to be documented in the XP
net use manual page (?)

 net time \\share /set /yes

At least on Win2k workstations your users need power user privileges to
change or set time service settings. As local administrator do the
- net stop w32time (in case the service is running)
- net time /setsntp:192.168.x.x
- net start w32time (and/or change service start type)

Any errors or warnings in your workstations logs?

The XP/Win2k profile issue has been discussed in recent threads, so we added
nt acl support = No to stop local caching of roaming profiles in our Win2k
only domain:

  comment = ...
  path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon
  root preexec = /usr/local/samba/scripts/genlogon.pl %u %g %m
  root postexec = /usr/local/samba/scripts/genlogoff.pl %u
  read only = No 
  browseable = No 
  guest ok = Yes
  locking = No

  comment = ...
  path = /profile/NT5
  read only = No
  guest ok = No
  browseable = No
  # fix for Win2k = SP2:
  nt acl support = No
  # fix for XP = SP1:
  #csc policy = disable
  #share modes = No

Good luck,

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Re: [Samba] gpedit.msc as centralized policy for 2k/xp clients

2003-03-16 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 Is it possible to apply these at logon? through/via logon scripts to
 centralize admin? I believe the user side is not applied till login
 anyway? regards, Richard Coates.

LGPOs are applied at logon, at least the user-specific part. The
machine-specific part comes to effect after rebooting the system. As I
understand the GPO stuff usually depends on an AD environment if (more or
less time consuming) LGPO tweaking on each and every non AD local machine is
not an option. In the document you mentioned
The answer to question 6.2 says the scripting possibilities are limited so
logon scripts probably won't work. This GPO stuff is very powerful and
interesting in terms of user and machine restrictions but MUCH more
complicated compared to the NT4 policy scheme (sigh). I don't have time to
investigate any further on this right now, sorry.

After applying LGPOs the users profile folders contain the following files:

May be it's possible to set up LGPOs on one computer and copy ntuser.pol
(GPO settings) and ntuser.ini (profile Exclusion List) to users profile
folders on other machines? Just guessing and hoping there's a clean and easy
solution ...

The following guide provided by MS may be of interest too:

Good luck,

 On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 03:30, Ulrich Kohlhase wrote:
 We use local (!) GPOs on our Win2k clients with great success:
 - log on to master workstation as administrator
 - create a link to the C:\WINNT\system32\GroupPolicy folder on
 your administrator's desktop 
 - optionally add gpedit.msc to mmc (add snapin ...)
 - change settings in GPOs to fit your needs or your company's
 security policy (especially admin templates)
 - export and import on other workstations or clone master

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[Samba] gpedit.msc as centralized policy for 2k/xp clients

2003-03-13 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I would like to figure out how to do this
 gpedit.msc+AD+gpc+gpt magic for
 win2k/xp with linux+samba(2.2/3.0/tng)+openldap and is it possible at

We use local (!) GPOs on our Win2k clients with great success:
- log on to master workstation as administrator
- create a link to the C:\WINNT\system32\GroupPolicy folder on your
administrator's desktop
- optionally add gpedit.msc to mmc (add snapin ...)
- change settings in GPOs to fit your needs or your company's security
policy (especially admin templates)
- export and import on other workstations or clone master workstation

Please bear in mind that LGPOs affect ALL local users and Samba domain
users, including the local administrator account. So be careful when
changing the LGPOs since the user-specific policy settings are immediately
effective! Administrators control can be retained by denying read access on
the GroupPolicy folder, logging off and logging on again. This trick
probably won't work on WinXP any more, so you will need to find a different
Please post your findings, especially if an alternative for WinXP and/or
central policy management is at all possible.

Good luck,

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[Samba] Re: how to view users logged in samba server??

2003-03-13 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

An alternative approach is to compile Samba form source with the configure
option --with-utmp or use a precompiled package, which has utmp support
enabled. The command who | grep smb | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | uniq will then
list users with connections to Samba shares (who is part of GNUs sh-utils
and should be included in all Linux distributions).

Good luck,

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[Samba] Re: Changing unix group ownership through Samba

2003-03-13 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 I want to be able to change the unix group ownership on directories
 and files from the Windows 2000/XP clients connecting to Samba. That
 is, if a directory is owned by the unix group unixgroup1 on the
 machine Samba is running on, I want to be able to change it to
 unixgroup2 from the client. What is the simplest way to do this?

You may want to have a look at ACLs, included in recent versions of the
journallimg filesystems XFS, JFS, ext3 and ReiserFS. SuSE and probably
RedHat also (?) should by default have ACL aware kernels. I'd personally
recommend XFS but your mileage may vary.

Good luck,

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[Samba] Re: Samba, rsync and a newbie sorting it out...

2003-02-19 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

If security is of no concern, i.e. workstation to Samba server backup in a
LAN, you might consider using tools like xxcopy. See
http://www.xxcopy.com. If your users permanently map a Samba network share
to say G: the freeware version works just fine.

Example batch file for xxcopy:
@echo off
xxcopy /ec E:\user\data1\ G:\temp\data1\ /clone /YY /ong:\backuplog.txt /PB
xxcopy /ce E:\user\data2\ G:\temp\data2\ /clone /YY /oag:\backuplog.txt /PB

xxcopy uses a lot (!) of command line parameters, which are fairly well

Good luck,

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[Samba] RE: Clarifying CUPS Printing

2002-11-03 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

Thanks for pointing to the samba docs, last time I read the relevant
parts regarding printing and cups is a couple of months ago ;-). We did
have a working configuration already, but I changed smb.conf slightly
just in case ...

Setup: SuSE Linux, XFS, 2.4.18 kernel, cups 1.1.16
load printers = Yes 
printcap name = cups 
lpq cache time = 10 
lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p 
lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j 
lppause command = /usr/bin/lp -i %p-%j -H hold
lpresume command = /usr/bin/lp -i %p-%j -H resume
queuepause command = /usr/sbin/reject %p
queueresume command = /usr/sbin/accept %p
printer name = ljfach2
print command = 
/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/samba/lib/printhp2100.pl %p %s %u %m %I %T

We now have
--a: Samba linked against libcups
--c: printcap = cups in smb.conf
--d: Printcap /etc/printcap in cupsd.conf
and omitted
--b: printing = cups in smb.conf
to make sure our custom print commands are used.

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[Samba] RE: firewall

2002-11-03 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s --dport 139 --syn -j ACCEPT
 -A INPUT -p udp -m udp -s --dport 137 -j ACCEPT
 -A INPUT -p udp -m udp -s --dport 138 -j ACCEPT

Did you specify OUTPUT rules also ? You may want to try the following
lines taken from a working server config. keep_state is a special
chain for stateful inspection and logging purposes:

-A INPUT   -p tcp -s --sport 1024: --dport 137:139 -j
-A OUTPUT  -p tcp -d --sport 137:139 --dport 1024: -j
-A OUTPUT  -p tcp -d --sport 1024: --dport 137:139 -j
-A INPUT   -p tcp -s --sport 137:139 --dport 1024: -j
-A INPUT   -p udp -s --dport 137:139 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT  -p udp -d --dport 137:139 -j ACCEPT

-N keep_state
-A keep_state -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
-A keep_state -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert und emerg
-A keep_state -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 10 -j LOG
--log-level notice --log-prefix Packets dropped: 
-A keep_state -j DROP

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[Samba] RE: RE: firewall

2002-11-03 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 Well, still no go. I've attached the script I used to create the 
 firewall. Tcpdump still shows an icmp packet going back to 
 the queried machine to say the UDP port is unreachable.

 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i wlan0 -m state --state 
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --syn -j REJECT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp -j REJECT

Ooops ;-)), you're sure you want to have these rules at the end of your
script ??

 Can anyone comment on what the -m flag is for?

Quoting from the iptables man page:
iptables can use extended packet matching modules. These
are  loaded in two ways: implicitly, when -p or --protocol
is specified, or with the -m or --match options,  followed
by  the  matching  module name; after these, various extra
command line options become available,  depending  on  the
specific  module.

Please have a look at the following website for a couple of great
tutorials and FW script examples. I'd personally recommend reading Oskar
Andreasson's tutorial also:

Good luck,

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[Samba] RE: samba digest, Vol 1 #1814 - 19 msgs

2002-11-01 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting 
 User nobody !

Did you compile the samba sources by yourself with --with-pam or
--with-pam_smbpass ? If so, better recompile the latest version 2.2.6
without pam support, since you most likely won't need pam.
Optionally change the file samba in /etc/pam.d to something like:

auth   required /lib/security/pam_permit.so
accountrequired /lib/security/pam_permit.so
password   required /lib/security/pam_permit.so
sessionrequired /lib/security/pam_permit.so

Simplify your smb.conf and make sure guest account is set in both
passwd and smbpasswd:

workgroup = KUIPERS_HOME
server string = Samba Server %v
printing = cups
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
encrypt passwords = no
security = share
map to guest = Bad User
guest account = smbguest
guest ok = Yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
allow hosts = 192.168.0.
os level = 33

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
guest ok = Yes
printable = yes
print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r

path = /var/lib/samba/printers
guest ok = Yes 
browseable = No 
read only = Yes
write list = adm root

available = yes
path = /home/archive
create mask = 775
guest ok = Yes

Good luck,

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[Samba] RE: Clarifying CUPS Printing

2002-11-01 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

 The docs state when using CUPS the relevent lines of SMB.CONF 
 should look like this:
 And that any manual printing command are ignored.  However, if we set
 printcap = cups nothing happens and we cannot see any printers.
 What we do have is the following:
 printer admin = DomainAdmins,root
 load printers = yes
 printing = cups
 printcap= /etc/printcap
 print command = lpr.cups -r -P%p -o raw %s
 lpq command = lpstat -o %p
 lprm command = cancel.cups %p-%j
 See any problems with this?

Cups printcap is installed in /etc by default. We use the following
settings for quite a while now:

printer admin = root
print command = /usr/bin/lpr -r -cups -P %p %s
printing = cups
load printers = Yes 
printcap name = /etc/printcap
lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p 
lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j 
lppause command = /usr/bin/lp -i %p-%j -H hold
lpresume command = /usr/bin/lp -i %p-%j -H resume
queuepause command = /usr/bin/disable %p
queueresume command = /usr/bin/enable %p

Samba spool files get deleted just fine as requested by the -r switch
... (somebody mentioned spool files where left after jobs completed)

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[Samba] Re: root prexec/postexec login scripts

2002-10-28 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

In case you still need a configurable login script ...

Add to [netlogon] share:
root preexec = perl /usr/local/samba/lib/genlogon.pl %u %g %m
root postexec = perl /usr/local/samba/lib/genlogoff.pl %u

Good luck,


# genlogon.pl
# smb.conf:
# root preexec = genlogon.pl %u %g %m
use Time::localtime;

($username, $groupname, $pcname) = ARGV;

my $tm = localtime();
$datestring = sprintf %02d.%02d.%04d,$tm-mday, $tm-mon + 1,
$tm-year + 1900;

$logdateiname = sprintf /usr/local/samba/var/netlogon.log;
open (logfile, $logdateiname);
printf logfile  %s - %02d:%02d:%02d : User \%s\ \t group \%s\
logs in %s \n, $datestring, $tm-hour, $tm-min
, $tm-sec, $username, $groupname, $pcname;
close logfile; 

# Start login script:
open LOGON, /usr/local/samba/netlogon/$username.bat;
print LOGON \ECHO OFF\r\n;

# Home shares
print LOGON NET USE Z: $server\\$username /persistent:no\r\n;

# Shares for individual groups
if ($groupname eq GROUP || $groupname eq group)
   print LOGON NET USE X: $server\\SHARE1 /persistent:no\r\n;
   print LOGON NET USE Y: $server\\SHARE2 /persistent:no\r\n;

# Close output file
close LOGON;

# genlogoff.pl

system(rm /usr/local/samba/netlogon/$ARGV[0].bat);


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[Samba] Separated Win2k and XP profiles anybody ?

2002-05-18 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

I am reposting this issue since my last mail probably got lost in Samba
mailing lists heavy traffic:
At work (several Win2k and XP clients, Samba PDC, Linux Router) we would
like to separate Win2k and XP profiles, since XP obviously uses
different registry settings and users report lost desktop settings, etc.

The first approach was to use variable substitution:

path = /profile/%a
read only = No
guest ok = No
nt acl support = no

Both XP and Win2k returned Win2k and copied the server based profile
to /profile/Win2k, which implies that XP and Win2k clients cannot be
separated by variable substitution (?). Is separation of profiles for
these OSs at all possible ?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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[Samba] separate Win2k and XP profiles

2002-05-15 Thread Ulrich Kohlhase

Dear Samba gurus,

We would like to separate Win2k and XP profiles, since XP obviously uses
different registry settings and profiles just love to get  confused
Our first approach was to use variable substitution:

path = /profile/%a
read only = No
guest ok = No
nt acl support = no

Both XP and Win2k returned Win2k and no more testing was done. Is
separation of profiles for these OSs at all possible ?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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