[Samba] documentation for idmap backend = ad ?

2005-09-22 Thread birger
I have been searching all day for documentation on the new idmap backend 
= ad feature. Where is it documented? I want shell and home dir 
templates from SFU as well as uid/gid. I have seen some examples in 
mailing lists for shell and home dir templates, but none seem to have 
acceptable syntax. Has this been implemented, and if so... what is the 
correct syntax to get it?

I have installed samba from the fedora core 4 develop repository, but it 
doesn't seem to have the ad module. I guess that means I have to compile 
it myself.


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Re: [Samba] configure dual samba 3.0.8 instances-one fedora box

2004-12-09 Thread birger
I did this yesterday, and don't have time for testing it yet, so I'll 
let you do the testing :-)

This is for Fedora Core 3, running samba 3.0.9-2 from the yum develop 
repository. Other builds may have stuff in other places.

First of all you will need a new IP address. This can be done on the 
existing network interface. On redhat/fedora you can use 
redhat-config-network or system-config-network as a gui for this. If you 
currently use eth0, set up a new address on eth0:1.

Then we have to make sure you existing domain leaves this IP address 
alone. And you have to decide which samba instance gets to own the 
loopback interface. I think I saw a note somewhere that swat cannot be 
used unless you bind to loopback, so only one domain may be able to use 
In /etc/samba/smb.conf (your existing instance), add
 interfaces = lo /24
 bind interfaces only = yes

Remove lo if this instance is not the one that should own loopback.
I guess you should restart this samba instance here and see that it only 
responds to the expected IP address(es) afterwards.

Then we start with the next instance.
Lets start in /etc/init.d
copy smb to smb-dom2
In smb-dom2:
 change all references to /var/run/samba, /etc/samba, 
/etc/sysconfig/samba (change samba to samba-dom2)
 change all references to /var/lock/subsys/smb (change smb to smb-dom2)
 add argument to all 'daemon' lines so they look like this:
   daemon --check=samba-dom2/smbd smbd $SMBDOPTIONS
   daemon --check=samba-dom2/nmbd nmbd $NMBDOPTIONS
 change all killproc lines by prepending samba-dom2/ to the first 
argument. e.g.
   killproc samba-dom2/smbd
 similarly change all status lines

If you need winbind on the domain, do something similar to the winbind 
startup file.

Now, copy /etc/sysconfig/samba to /etc/sysconfig/samba-dom2
Edit the file and add -s /etc/samba-dom2/smb.conf -l /var/log/samba-dom2 
to all 3 variables.

You may want to create the various directories at this point. 
/var/run/samba-dom2, /var/cache/samba-dom2 and /var/log/samba-dom2.

Now, set up /etc/samba-dom2/smb.conf
Change or add the following settings:
log file = /var/log/samba-dom2/%m.log
include = /etc/samba-dom2/smb.conf.%m
interfaces = /24
bind interfaces only = yes
pid directory = /var/run/samba-dom2
private dir = /etc/samba-dom2
lock directory = /var/cache/samba-dom2
Any other references to files or directories must also be reviewed. E.g. 
if you use a username map, change it to
username map = /etc/samba-dom2/smbusers

You should then be able to use chkconfig and service commands to turn on 
and off the smb and smb-dom2 services. Check thoroughly that they stop 
and start the correct instances!

In my setup, only the fist smb service has a winbind running, so I have 
not looked into setting up winbind for additional instances. There could 
be pitfalls!

Any feedback is appreciated. I really want to know how this works for you.
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[Samba] Mapping home directory share names to AD user names?

2004-12-08 Thread birger
Resending this as I sent it using wrong sender and it never appeared on 
the list...

I finally have a samba server running with security=ads and user name
mapping using smbusers file.
Now, to make this perfect I would like to have home directory shares
show up using the users AD names instead of the unix names. Is this
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Re: [Samba] net ads join fails - "Preauthetication failed"

2004-12-08 Thread birger
Resending, as I used wrong sender and it doesn't seem to have appeared 
on the list.

The problem is sort of solved...
First, I tried stopping smb and winbind and cleaning out all cache files
Then joining worked fine for a while. Then it didn't. Whenever it didn't
I got those weird messages with [EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO
Now the problem with the double realm name seems to be fixed. I still 
get the same errors joining (just with the correct realm name). Seen
from the AD side the join succeeds, and I can authenticate against AD as
expected. I'm not sure what this is, but I'll get someone on the AD side
to help me clean out the credentials for IFTSMB100 completely. Does
anyone here know what it takes to get completely rid of all traces of a
host in the kerberos part of AD so I can really retry from scratch?

To get to a working setup I had to add a domain-to-realm mapping in
krb5.conf so my domain maps to a realm name (map ift.uib.no to 
KLIENT.UIB.NO) and match the default realm in krb5.conf to the realm in
smb.conf (KLIENT.UIB.NO). This is the realm where computers live in this
setup. Users live in other domains.
My new config files are at http://www.ift.uib.no/~birger/krb5.conf and

I also upgraded kerberos and samba to the versions in the yum develop 
repo for fc3. samba*-3.0.9-2 and krb5*-1.3.5-2

Now, even with the preauthentication failures when joining I have a 
working server that authenticates as expected. :-)

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Re: [Samba] net ads join fails - "Preauthetication failed"

2004-12-07 Thread Birger Wathne
Sort of solved...
First, I tried stopping smb and winbind and cleaning out all cache files 
Then joining worked fine for a while. Then it didn't. Whenever it didn't 
I got those weird messages with [EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO 

Now that problem seems to be fixed, but I still get errors joining. Seen 
from the AD side the join succeeds, and I can authenticate against AD as 
expected. I'm not sure what this is, but I'll get someone on the AD side 
to help me clean out the credentials for IFTSMB100 completely. Does 
anyone here know what it takes to get completely rid of all traces of a 
host in AD so I can really retry from scratch?

To get to a working setup I had to add a domain-to-realm mapping in 
krb5.conf and match the default realm in krb5.conf to the realm in 
smb.conf (KLIENT.UIB.NO). This is the realm where computers live in this 
setup. Users live in other domains.
My new config files are at http://www.ift.uib.no/~birger/krb5.conf and

birger wrote:
After a lot of different problems and variations of krb5.conf and 
samba.conf files I am currently stuck with the following error trying 
to join a domain

net ads join -U [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Klienter\IT\MatNat\IFT\Samba 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
[2004/12/02 15:34:36, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1367)
 ads_add_machine_acct: Host account for iftsmb100 already exists - 
modifying old account
Using short domain name -- KLIENT
[2004/12/02 15:34:39, 0] libads/kerberos.c:get_service_ticket(335)
 get_service_ticket: kerberos_kinit_password 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO failed: Preauthentication failed
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x00632800 ***

Fedora Core 3, Samba  3.0.9 as installed by yum.
# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Valid starting ExpiresService principal
12/02/04 14:45:02  12/03/04 00:45:04  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   renew until 12/03/04 14:45:02
Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached
I have tried removing the definition in the AD server and recreating. 
Samba manages to create the account, but still fails like above. Note 
the double @KLIENT.UIB.NO. I think I'll go home now and take a break 
while my head clears after fighting with security = ads for 2 days...

In this AD environment hosts are defined in KLIENT.UIB.NO, while users 
belong to either UIB.NO or STUDENT.UIB.NO (a separate forest with 
trust relationships). I have had it working as far as wbinfo listing 
users from both worlds, but I still couldn't access shares. Then 
something broke, and now I can't join the domain again. What have I 
done wrong here?

My config files are at
http://www.ift.uib.no/~birger/krb5.conf and 

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Re: [Samba] net ads join fails - "Preauthetication failed"

2004-12-05 Thread Birger Wathne
birger wrote: 

net ads join -U [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Klienter\IT\MatNat\IFT\Samba 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
[2004/12/02 15:34:36, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1367)
 ads_add_machine_acct: Host account for iftsmb100 already exists - 
modifying old account
Using short domain name -- KLIENT
[2004/12/02 15:34:39, 0] libads/kerberos.c:get_service_ticket(335)
 get_service_ticket: kerberos_kinit_password 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO failed: Preauthentication failed
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x00632800 ***

I seem to have solved this part of the problem.
Stop everything, move aside /var/cache/samba, create a new empty 
directory and retry. Worked as it should.

Now I'm back to my old problems. :-/
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[Samba] net ads join fails - "Preauthetication failed"

2004-12-02 Thread birger
After a lot of different problems and variations of krb5.conf and 
samba.conf files I am currently stuck with the following error trying to 
join a domain

net ads join -U [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Klienter\IT\MatNat\IFT\Samba 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
[2004/12/02 15:34:36, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1367)
 ads_add_machine_acct: Host account for iftsmb100 already exists - 
modifying old account
Using short domain name -- KLIENT
[2004/12/02 15:34:39, 0] libads/kerberos.c:get_service_ticket(335)
 get_service_ticket: kerberos_kinit_password 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO failed: Preauthentication failed
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x00632800 ***

Fedora Core 3, Samba  3.0.9 as installed by yum.
# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Valid starting ExpiresService principal
12/02/04 14:45:02  12/03/04 00:45:04  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   renew until 12/03/04 14:45:02
Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached
I have tried removing the definition in the AD server and recreating. 
Samba manages to create the account, but still fails like above. Note 
the double @KLIENT.UIB.NO. I think I'll go home now and take a break 
while my head clears after fighting with security = ads for 2 days...

In this AD environment hosts are defined in KLIENT.UIB.NO, while users 
belong to either UIB.NO or STUDENT.UIB.NO (a separate forest with trust 
relationships). I have had it working as far as wbinfo listing users 
from both worlds, but I still couldn't access shares. Then something 
broke, and now I can't join the domain again. What have I done wrong here?

My config files are at
http://www.ift.uib.no/~birger/krb5.conf and 

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[Samba] Installation du Samba 2.2.8a

2003-08-27 Thread Blanche Birger Madagascar
Nous venons d’installer Samba dans notre serveur Unix SVR4 MPRAS.
Nous avons rencontré les problèmes suivants :
-smbclient –L ServeurSamba => session request failed
-smbcontrol –d4 nmbd debug 2 => fcntl_lock gave errno 13
(Permission denied)
Pouvez-vous nous aider ?
Madame Saholy RANAIVOSON.
Blanche Birger Madagascar
15 bis, rue P. Lumumba - Tsaralalana - B.P: 317
101 - Antananarivo - Madagascar (GMT+3)
Tél.: +261 20 22 228 02
Fax: +261 20 22 279 01
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