[Samba] pdbedit uses debug level from smb.conf

2006-10-27 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

Hi there,

i noticed that pdbedit uses the debug level from smb.conf - is this 
correct? Seems a bit damaged to be :o)

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Re: [Samba] Alternative to smbldap-tools

2006-10-25 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res


ganael.laplanche schrieb:

I've written shell scripts called the "ldapscripts"... You can try them on

thank you :-) I had a look on your scripts and they seem really good to 
me. Will give them a try.

Best Regards,

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[Samba] Alternative to smbldap-tools

2006-10-24 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

Hi There,

i'm keep having problems with samba and smbldap-tools for adding machine 
accounts on the fly. So I'm somewhat sick of smbldap-tools and i wanted 
to know if someone is aware of an alternative to it. I haven't found one 
yet. Anyone? (except writing it myself what would be the very last 
alternative :)

Thanks in advance

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[Samba] IdealX Samba Console on Debian Sarge

2006-10-13 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res


i would like to have a nice graphical gui for my samba PDC and found 
IdealX Samba Console to be just what i searched for (at least as it 
looks like on the website). But i seem to be to dumb to install it on 
debian sarge. I've downloaded the archive from the website and as the 
installation instructions seem to miss an explanation howto _install_ it

(before configuring)i tried to do it myself with 'make install'.
Well does installl a few files under /opt/IDEALX but is anything but not 

So i wanted to know: Is somebody aware of a howto explaining the 
installation of idealx samba console on debian sarge? Or even better: Is 
there any unofficial repository which provides deb packages?

Thanks in advance and Greets

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[Samba] Group Policies

2006-10-12 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

Hi there,

is it possible to install group policies on a samba pdc which are 
automatically loaded on connecting to this PDC with a windows client?
I thought i could remember that i read something like that, but i was 
unable to find anything about this topic in the Samba Documentations.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.23c, ACL and Debian Sarge

2006-10-12 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

Hi there,

Guillaume Riviere schrieb:

Dear All,

I search for the packages of samba for GNU/Debian sarge
with acl compiled inside.

the default sarge packages aswell as the enterprise samba packages *do* 
have acl support compiled into. I currently have a setup with ACLs 
running here. :-)

In fact I did try the 2 links provided by the web site but it still 
doesn't work ACL and Samba 2.0.23c
(samba.org and entreprisesamba.org). This is an upgrade from the 
3.0.14a, with this version the ACL
support was ok. No it doesn't work anymore (Samba only see the basic 

Did you check that your mounts are acl-enabled? E.g. what das mount say?
How is your samba configured? Does it work under debian as expected?

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Re: [Samba] Samba as PDC, LDAP-based authentication for windows & linux clients

2006-10-09 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

Hi there,

Cybionet schrieb:

No just one LDAP directory work great for the Windows and Linux Client.

thanks for that answere. Found some howtos around telling me the same,
but seems like i anyways need to store two hashes. Who cares. Anyways
thats a good reason to start off :-))

2. I know that windows users can change there password on the windows
terminalserver. But how do the linux users do?
 I must admit that I don't success password change if your Samba+LDAP 
server use 'sambaPwdMustChange' attribute. Otherwise a simple script can 
change password for Linux client on LDAP.

In this howto [1] i read about an howto to change passwords from linux. 
But if i store two password hashes (MD4 for NT, MD5 for Windows) - how 
do i take care that both changes reflect on both hashes?



[1] http://homex.subnet.at/%7Emax/ldap/index.php
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[Samba] Samba as PDC, LDAP-based authentication for windows & linux clients

2006-10-06 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

Hi There,

we currently run a Windows Server 2003 Terminalserver and a NT4 PDC /
File Server. Additional there is a server in the development unit acting
as login server for the linux boxes. We now want to introduce a new file
server and thereby replace the nt4 domain controller with a samba domain
controller and consollidate it with the linux login server. I'm pretty
sure it should be possible to do this with a central ldap server, samba
and nfs. But there are some pitfalls i may stuck on, so i want to know
if someone realised something like that before and can answere me some
questions. Access control should be handled by posix acls.

1. Do i need two seperate LDAP directories for linux auth and
samba-based windows auth? (e.g. because of different password hashes? or
is there maybe a possibility to store passwords in _one_ ldap directory
in _one_ hashing format which works for both windows and linux?)
If i need seperate LDA directories: Where should i start to keep things

2. I know that windows users can change there password on the windows
terminalserver. But how do the linux users do?

Any tipps about that scenario are appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Patrick Schönfeld

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Re: [Samba] pdc loosing domain sometimes

2006-06-19 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res

as far as i can see that in your posted configuration you run to smb servers
as your configuration file states: Both are configured to be local master.
In that
case each server will regular try to become the master browser, will be
for a moment, then the other server will become local master again. You
disable the local browser = yes on the system, that should not be the local
(Would be the same in a homogene windows network: 2 servers configured as
master / PDC will fight each other stetic)


Patrick Schönfeld
in medias res Gesellschaft für Kommunikationstechnlogien mbH
Dahlenerstr. 570
D-41239 Mönchengladbach

tel. +49 (0) 2166 -  685
fax. +49 (0) 2166 -  800

- Original Message - 
From: Markus Markert
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: [Samba] pdc loosing domain sometimes

hi list,

i have a strange problem. sometimes my samba pdc is loosing the domain
and a linux workstation with active samba on it gets the domain master
status. maybee someone of you had the same problem or can help me.

the smb.conf global section of the pdc server

workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = NETBIOSNAME
server string = SAMBA PDC Server
security = user
passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// ldap://192.168.0.xx";
log level = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast
time server = Yes
printcap name = CUPS
printing = cups
printer admin = samba @"MY USER GROUP"
use sendfile = no
show add printer wizard = yes
encrypt passwords = true
Dos charset = 850
Unix charset = ISO8859-1
local master = yes
os level = 255
domain master = Yes
prefered master = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
domain logons = yes
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon drive = U:
logon home = \\%L\%U
logon script = %U.bat
wins support = Yes
bind interfaces only = true
interfaces = eth0 192.168.0.xx/24

# LDAP Parameters deleted, works very well

smb.conf of the global sektion which is collect sometimes the domain master
the network
workgroup = WORKGROUP
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
printcap cache time = 750
cups options = raw
printer admin = samba @"MY USER GROUP"
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
map to guest = Bad User
include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
security = user
local master = yes
os level = 1

do you think it could be better if i write in the smb.conf`s of the clients,
domain logons=no and domain master=no, can help me??

hope that someone can help me.


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[Samba] Samba keeps locks on files

2006-06-19 Thread schönfeld / in-medias-res
Hi there,

we recently migrated from an old novell server to a samba server with DOS
Everything went well and while testing the whole setup everything went okay,

Okay a little about the setup now, so that my explanations can be followed.
The system
consists of a linux client, mainly used as a "service gateway", but also
there is a component
installed which is called update-server. Its purpose is to regular check a
specific file on the smbfs
for changes. There are also the already mentioned dos clients which are
faxservers with
special faxcards that need to run under dos. They also access the samba
server and does (but not only)
write entries to the file the update-server checks. The server itself is
Debian GNU/Linux

Well so far, so good. For the first 3 month everything went really well
except some problems
resolving netbios names in the network. But then it occured that the
update-server didn't find
changes in the specific file. A sight in the trace files of the above
mentioned faxservers did show up
permission errors which wouldn't alarm me much, as system is supposed to
work with dos locking and
a locked file results in such a message. But it was to many and everytime
the faxservers tried to
access the same file. Easy to guess: The changes file needed by the update
server. Hmm.. okay i thought
and checked with strace and lsof if the update server helds a lock on the
file. No no. It doesn't. It opens
the file, reads it and another file and closes all files again in a period
of a few ms. But on the samba server
it does show up one or to processes holding locks on a file for more then 2
days, as smbstatus states!
Again: According to strace and lsof that is impossible!

I don't know how i could trace it more, so i would appreciate every hint to
trace the problem down.
Hereafter is the samba configuration file.

Best regards

Patrick Schönfeld

; Server information
comment = Faccess Fileserver
server string = Faccess Fileserver
netbios name = faccess-fs
log level = 2
; Global configuration
; Elections ->
local master = yes
os level = 65
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes
domain logons = no
wins support = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

; Workgroup configuration
workgroup = faccess

; Security
security = share
guest only = yes
create mask = 0777
encrypt passwords = false
guest account = root

; Case configuration
case sensitive = no
preserve case = no
default case = lower

; Netlogon
logon script = %m.bat
logon path = /server/netlogon
root preexec = faxlogon %I %m
#root postexec = faxlogoff %m

; File shares
; -
path = /server/sys
guest only = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no
writable = yes

path = /server/netlogon
public = no
writeable = no
browsable = no

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