[Samba] Account Users

2010-04-27 Thread web-account-elert
Attn. Student/Staff Email Account Users...

We regret to announce to you that we will be making some vital maintainance
on our School website. During this process you might have login problems in
signing into your Online account, but to prevent this you have to confirm
your account immediately after you receive this notification.

To confirm and to keep your account active during and after this process,
please reply to this message with the below account informations.

Failure to do this might cause a permanent deactivation of your user account
from our database to enable us create more spaces for new users.

Email address:
Date of birth:

Your account shall remain active after you have successfully confirmed your
account details.

Thanks for bearing with us.

Warning Code: 002671

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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Re: [Samba] Samba users as local workstation admins?

2008-04-03 Thread web stuff
After you set up those users on the PDC, you should be able to add
them to the Administrators group on the Windows workstation. I have
done that with a few users and it is working properly as far as I can
tell. The important thing is that you must add the DOMAIN user to the
Administrators group, not the current local user.

Hope this helps!

  We have a problem, which is that several of our users are local admins on
 their own workstations. We'd like to let them retain these rights, but we're
 switching to a PDC. Is there a way to have them authenticate to the domain,
 and as a regular user, but on the Windows workstation have full control?
 What's the best solution for this? I obviously don't want to make them
 domain Admins.
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[Samba] Need help getting roaming profiles to work

2008-03-28 Thread web stuff
First, let me apologize for the length of this message. I wanted to
include as much relevant info as I could and it got a bit lengthy.

For reasons that I won't bother to detail here, I ended up
volunteering to upgrade the server at my kids school. It's a small
private school with an all-volunteer tech support staff (me!). We
currently have about 40 computers serving about 150 people. The
server's primary function is a file server/domain controller, but we
also use it to serve up the school website. If I can get things
working properly, we would also like to use it as a proxy server.

The server was running Red Hat 9 with Samba 3.0.10. After a bit of
research, I decided to use Ubuntu Server 7.10 along with the latest
Samba package available with the distro (3.0.26a) I am a total rookie
when it comes to Linux/Samba, so I set up a test system at home to
learn how to make it all work. After a couple weeks of
reading/trying/testing, I felt like I had a good enough understanding
to try the upgrade on the school server. Well, I've been able to get
it about 98% correct, but the last little bit is driving me nuts!

The problem I'm having is that I can't get the Windows roaming
profiles to be saved to the server. I have been searching the net and
reading everything I can find related to this problem, but everything
I have tried only seems to make things worse.

The server is set up as a PDC and users can log in just fine. They can
access all the shares I set up just fine. They can read/write to their
home share just fine. I've even proven that they can read/write to the
location where I want the profiles stored (I've even tried having the
system store their profiles in their home directory). When they log in
and the Windows OS creates a new profile for them, they can modify the
profile in all the normal ways just fine. When they log out, the
server does not save that profile.

I realize that roaming profiles aren't necessarily the best way to
operate a domain, but for now I feel it's the best way for the school
to operate. When I learn more about how to work with Samba and Windows
profiles, I might change that.

Some of the settings were carried over from the previous setup because
I was worried about breaking the web server functionality. I'm still
learning about all this and I'm not sure which things I can change and
which I can't.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Bob Bolhuis

Some info about the machines/logins:
Server name = bcs_linebacker  (Is the _ character in the server name
a problem? I've seen references to that being an illegal character.)
Machine used for login testing = lab06
Login used to create the log files below = tech
Domain name = BC_SCHOOL

Configuration settings generated by using testparm:

Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
 workgroup = BC_SCHOOL
 server string = BCS Server
 passdb backend = tdbsam
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*passwd:*password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
 unix password sync = Yes
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 1000
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
 add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /samba-clients -g
samba-clients -s /bin/false %u
 logon script = map_network_drives.bat
 logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
 domain logons = Yes
 os level = 65
 preferred master = Yes
 domain master = Yes
 dns proxy = No
 idmap uid = 15000-2
 idmap gid = 15000-2
 admin users = @root, @ntadmin, @tech, tech
 hosts allow = 192.168.110.
 profile acls = Yes

 path = /home/netlogon
 admin users = tech
 read only = No
 guest ok = Yes
 browseable = No

 path = /data/profiles
 read only = No
 create mask = 0600
 directory mask = 0700
 hide files = /desktop.ini/outlook*.lnk/*Briefcase*
 store dos attributes = Yes
 browseable = No

 read only = No
 browseable = No

Below are various log files, some of which may be irrelevant, but I
don't know enough about the inner workings to know which of these have


[2008/03/27 22:27:18, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1033)
 lab06 ( connect to service pc06 initially as user
tech (uid=0, gid=527) (pid 5347)

[2008/03/27 22:27:21, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1230)
 lab06 ( closed connection to service pc06
[2008/03/27 22:27:42, 0] auth/auth_util.c:create_builtin_administrators(792)

 create_builtin_administrators: Failed to create Administrators
[2008/03/27 22:27:42, 0] auth/auth_util.c:create_builtin_users(758)
 create_builtin_users: Failed to create Users
[2008/03/27 22:27:42, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1033)

 lab06 ( connect to service tech initially as user
tech (uid=0, gid=527) (pid 5347)
[2008/03/27 22:27:42, 0] auth/auth_util.c:create_builtin_administrators(792

[Samba] Affordable Reliable Web Hosting Solution for you!

2005-05-27 Thread 4MSOFT - Web Hosting Department
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[Samba] Email marketing

2005-03-28 Thread web
You need improve advertisement...

You need more clients...

You need better profit...

www.F4web.com can make you notice


To remove your mail from our list, just send us blank mail to

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[Samba] No se conforme con menos....

2003-12-03 Thread Web Hosting

Si no puede ver este mail, entre a:


En Chile no estaacute; prohibido mandar correos publicitarios, sin embargo 
ateniendonos a la
normativa internacional sobre spam, nos autoregulamos y le pedimos que si no desea 
recibir maacute;s ofertas nuestra, por favor responda este Email con la palabra 
REMOVER en el asunto

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[Samba] Auto Responder

2003-08-28 Thread Web team at JML Products and Design
This is just a quick message acknowledging that your e-mail has been delivered to us. 

Thank you for your letter.

If you requested a response, we will attempt to reply within two working days.

We appreciate your interest,

Web team

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[Samba] ×ð¾´µÄÐÂÀÏ¿Í»§£ºÄúºÃ!

2002-10-17 Thread web



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