Re: [Samba] Printing on Samba with WinNT...

    * To: Rainer Hantsch <rainer at hantschdotcodotat>
    * Subject: Re: [Samba] Printing on Samba with WinNT...
    * From: John H Terpstra <jht at sambadotorg>
    * Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 15:29:34 +0000 (GMT)


I know that noone owes an answer to anyone, but get into my situation:
You have some angry people sitting in your neck, permamently telling you that
they still cannot do this and that. Googleing around results in useless
things. Finally you decide to subscribe this list to get help, ask more than 3
times - in kindly words - and get no useful answer, if any, only suggestions
which sound in the best meaning as patches.  :-/
Anyway, I beg your pardon.

This is a volunteer list. I spend over 3 hours per day helping people. It would take an army of people like me to answer fully all requests we receive.

I very, very, very much appreciate John T.'s answers on this list. He is most of the time giving very precise, hitting on the nail's top answers, and he also very often gives enough background info to not only reproduce the solution by slavishly copying the settings he suggests, but also understand *why* it works this way.

That means that many questions go unanswered. We would all like
to see more help activity.

It would change dramatically if at least 25% of people who successfully acquired help on this list would feel obliged to give the same help to other newbies only on one occasion.

A significant number of people subscribe to this list in the hope of
getting a quick and painless answer to their spacific problem. It may take
someone 15-30 minutes to think through what they want and to offer a
simple reply. The alternatives to do this are:

        1. Do not repsond - leave the person to sort their own way through
                our documentation. Usualy, that does cause frustration.

        2. Point them to the HOWTO - but that irritates someone who just
                wants an instant answer so they can get on with life.

One other options is this:

   -- anybody who ever got real quick and to the point help on this
      list should feel obliged to "give back" that help. He should
      stay and watch for another newbie to appear, and answer a questions
      he knows to answer. This could safe some time to John and others
      to work on the perfections of the written documentation, or of
      other Samba developers to work on the code and bugfixing....

We would love to learn what can be done to provide perfect documentation
so that everyone can find instant answers. :-)) Until that time, the best
advice is that there is no substitute for doing your own research - and I
do not mean to offend with that statement.

...and give back what you learned in that research to any newbie asking a simple question.

- John T.

Cheers, Kurt

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