
There is a small document, which (I hope) useful to others samba user
to avoid mistakes, wrong path, that i take, to reach my goal.

This document is covered by license: xkcd501[12].

1. Target
2. Situation
2.1. Software versions
2.2. Software setup
3. Data migration
3.1. alternatives
3.1.1. robocopy
3.1.2. xcopy
3.1.3. net
3.1.4. smbfs/cifs
4. Migration
4.1. Start samba
4.2. ACL vs ACL
4.3. mount.cifs
4.4. copy using xcopy
4.5. copy using robocopy
4.6. documentation ...
4.7. net rpc share
4.9. share_info.tdb
4.10. ACL test using WINXP on DST
4.11. documentation ...
4.12. Searching for root
4.13. Samba works
4.14. Samba compiling
4.15. Limitations of net rpc share migrate
5. Migrations isn't migration
5.1. How to do better?

1. Target

Goal is to migrate shares from old Pentium III with Windows
2003 (name it SRC) to Samba on Debian stable (name it DST).

2. Situation

Both servers are inside a domain. Primary (and the only one) DC
runs on Windows 2008 R2. Clients are mostly Windows Vista,
Windows 7, some Linux with Samba, some Windows XP machines.

SRC is used on during work hours, huge downtime isn't acceptable.
Stores about 2TB data on local SATA/IDE disks on NTFS file systems.
SRC has about 10 shares. And a lot of files (some times a lot of
small files)... Network card is 100Mbps, but copy test shows that
on large files SRC capable to make 50Mbps with near 100% CPU-kernel
time. On small files speed drops, drops near 10-20 times.

Having full time copy this can lead to 20 days [1] copy operation.

2.1. Software versions

DST is run on Debian Stable 5.0 (lenny) with samba 2:3.2.5-4lenny13
with kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64 on Intel Core i7, data stored in raiserfs3
with ACL.

SRC with Windows 2003 running on Pentium 3. Data stored on several
NTFS partitions.

2.2. Software setup

DST are joined into Domain. Domain name is MSHOME. This document doesn't
covers, domain join part, this is described inside The Official Samba
3.5.x HOWTO and Reference Guide[5].

There I will show that DST is correctly (I hope) configured, and how to
check that.

Is the winbindd deamon running?
DST# pidof winbindd
12111 12108 12072 12067 12064

Is winbind enabled in nsswitch.conf?
DST# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep winbind
passwd:         compat winbind
group:          compat winbind

Is winbind working?
DST# getent passwd | grep administrator
DST# wbinfo -u | grep -i administrator
DST# wbinfo -U 10004
DST# wbinfo -s S-1-5-21-3103004317-3667232127-1157729718-500
MSHOME+Administrator 1

What /etc/samba/smb.conf is?
DST# testparm -s 2>/dev/null| grep
'\(workgroup\|realm\|security\|password server\|idmap\|winbind\)'
        workgroup = MSHOME
        realm = MSHOME.LOCAL
        security = ADS
        password server =
        idmap uid = 10000-20000
        idmap gid = 10000-20000
        winbind separator = +
        winbind enum users = Yes
        winbind enum groups = Yes
        winbind use default domain = Yes

How share is made?
DST# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | tail -n 4
   path = /srv/testshare
   browseable = yes
   writable = yes

What permissions has test share?
DST# ls -ld /srv/testshare/
drwxrwxrwt+ 2 root root 112 2010-12-28 07:18 /srv/testshare/
DST# getfacl /srv/testshare/
# file: srv/testshare/
# owner: root
# group: root

Is this directory writable?
DST# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
DST# touch /srv/testshare/0.txt; echo $?

Is this directory writable by domain Administrator?
DST# su -s /bin/sh administrator -c 'id;touch
/srv/install/testshare/10004.txt;echo $?'
uid=10004(administrator) gid=10013(rtchsdomainservices)
groups=10002(BUILTIN+administrators),10006(domain admins),10008(schema
admins),10009(enterprise admins),10010(denied rodc password
replication group),10013(rtchsdomainservices),10014(group policy
creator owners),10018(rtc server local group)

3. Data migration

To reach our goal, we need to move data from one server/storage to another
one, file by file, share by share. And by doing that we need to make sure
 - data is in sync
 - ACL are copied
 - minimal downtime.

Every service migration (how good it will be) needs data copy part. Lets
make a little discus about it.

3.1. alternatives

After some unsuccessful try, and some searches I found some hints how to
do this "in samba way". [2] [3]

3.1.1. robocopy

Robocopy tool from Microsoft. Tool witch was made by some one inside of
corporation, and seems by mistake was discovered by sales people...
After that was some made the ugly part (added Robocopy GUI).

Distribution scheme of this tools is also confused. This can be found
inside resource kit (these days it's possible free download), or as
attachment from one of technet pages. Find download isn't easy.

To make this situation more worse, Robocopy is replaced with "better"
version: RichCopy.

This command must run from Windows. This can be a separate Windows
machine or SRC.

This tool is designed for recursive copy, so simple one file copy
is a big challenge. This tool can copy files, but if fails to
set correct ACL or owner doesn't issues any warnings.

3.1.2. xcopy

native Windows from MS-DOS. Sadly this is deprecating in favor of
Robocopy [4].

This command must run from Windows. This can be a separate Windows
machine or SRC.

If fails to set ACL or owner stops copy with error.

3.1.3. net

This is tool is from SAMBA suit, not from Windows. Has same name, but
different functionality. Bad name choice. This confuses Administrators,

in [3] was suggested to use this command to copy data with ACL's.

DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC --acls --attrs \
  --timestamps -v -U Administrator%password

This command must run from Linux. This can be a separate Linux
machine or DST.

if something is wrong, no message is produced. If You aren't samba
developer, then options -d 10 can't help You too...

3.1.4. smbfs/cifs

Sadly but this seems to be the right and simples way doesn't work.
Author of this document tried many times and many ways but without
any success get acl's listed after mount share from SRC on DST.

smbclient can fetch ACL's from Windows server, but this isn't enought,
becaues smbclient can't be used with rsync, pax.

4. Migration

4.1. Start samba

This part was easy, aptitude install samba winbind, some work, to join
into domain test config, add some shares.

4.2. ACL vs ACL

ACL isn't portable as it's can be. Seems that posix guys and Windows
people has a different and incompatible view to world[6].

4.3. mount.cifs
Now is need to copy files from Windows to Samba. First idea was to
mount windows share localy and use rsync or pax copy whole files with
ACLS, sadly linux cifs client doesn't export this info.

4.4. copy using xcopy

this was found on list[2]. This fails in some strange ways. There was any
helpful message (googlable token), so tried next method.

Login into both servers:

WINXP>net use \\SRC\testshare /user:Administrator *
Type the password for \\SRC\testshare:
The command completed successfully.

WINXP>net use \\DST\testshare /user:Administrator *
Type the password for \\DST\testshare:
The command completed successfully.

copy using xcopy

WINXP>xcopy \\SRC\testshare\test.txt \\DST\testshare\test.txt /E /H /R /K /O
Does \\DST\testshare\test.txt specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? F
File creation error - This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this

4.5. copy using robocopy

C:\cygwin\home\rokas>robocopy \\SRC\testshare\folder1
\\SRC\testshare\foo /E /COPY:DATSO /DCOPY:T

   ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows     ::     Version XP026

  Started : Tue Dec 28 22:21:19 2010

   Source : \\SRC\testshare\folder1\
     Dest : \\SRC\testshare\foo\

    Files : *.*

  Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DATSO /DCOPY:T /R:1000000 /W:30


          New Dir          1    \\SRC\testshare\folder1\
2010/12/28 22:21:19 ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Copying NTFS Security to
Destination Directory \\SRC\testshare\folder1\
Access is denied.

            New File               2.7 m        file.exe
2010/12/28 22:21:19 ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Copying NTFS Security to
Destination Directory \\SRC\testshare\folder1\
Access is denied.


                Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
     Dirs :         1         1         0         0         0         0
    Files :         1         0         0         0         1         0
    Bytes :    2.79 m         0         0         0    2.79 m         0
    Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00                       0:00:00   0:00:00

    Ended : Tue Dec 28 22:21:19 2010

4.6. documentation ...

In [7] is recommended first migrate users. But this isn't our target. And this
workaround seems to be a very big workaround. This method is also

4.7. net rpc share

DST# net rpc share migrate shares testshare -S SRC -U administrator%password

as from unix world[*], this means: command completed successful.

DST# find /srvtestshare/

shows that seems nothing changed.

same command with -d 10 gives not helpful (not googable token) message:

[2010/12/28 15:42:19, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893)
  rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine SRC pipe \srvsvc fnum 0x4028 returned 24 bytes.
      srvsvc_NetShareGetInfo: struct srvsvc_NetShareGetInfo
          out: struct srvsvc_NetShareGetInfo
              info                     : *
                  info                     : union srvsvc_NetShareInfo(case 502)
                  info502                  : NULL
              result                   : WERR_NET_NAME_NOT_FOUND
[2010/12/28 15:42:19,  1] utils/net_rpc.c:run_rpc_command(181)
  rpc command function failed! (NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)

other command was also tried:

DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC
DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC --acls
DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC --acls --attrs
DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC --acls --attrs --timestamps
DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC --acls --attrs
--timestamps --destination DST

change "add share command" in smb.conf

other combinations ....

* - be silent if ok, only report errors.


after some above unsuccessful tries NT_STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED

Dmesg was clean, DST fs wasn't RO, local permissions was OK, smb.conf
also, other share with same config works ok, testshare fails to WINXP
create new file. So what is difference between two identical directories
on Linux filesystem, and same smb.conf files.

Tried with no success:
- reconnect WINXP client shares
- remove and recreate share directories
- recheck smb.conf share
- restart smb processes
- all above in other random orders.

All tests shows that this is Samba fault. But why?

DST# smbcontrol debug all:11
didn't help.

4.9. share_info.tdb

don't ask how this came to my head, maybe this was effect of long
samba HowTo readings...

aptitude install tdb-tools
DST# tdbdump /var/lib/samba/share_info.tdb
key(13) = "INFO/version\00"
data(4) = "\02\00\00\00"
key(18) = "SECDESC/testshare\00"
data(XX) = "..... some binary data ......"

DST# tdbtool --help
Could not open --help: No such file or directory
tdb> ^D
DST# man tdbtool
No manual entry for tdbtool
See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.

of course who uses documentation? Only sissies... Real admins don't read
documentation, they copy paste "rm -rf /" from internet without check
on man page what this does...

so remove this bogus entry
DST# tdbtool /var/lib/samba/share_info.tdb delete "SECDESC/testshare\00"

4.10. ACL test using WINXP on DST

seems we back to beginning. No more strange fails.

From windows GUI was tried to change ACL, change owner. Seems somehow
samba fails to allow this operation.

4.11. documentation ...

In [8] there is very helpful tip to take migration using temporal root account.

These two sentences was that break point...

4.12. Searching for root

As stated in [7] net command operates on two servers, both of them is connected
using same account name. On other side DST account must have UID 0. This UID
has account root. How to connect to SRC as root but have administrator rights?

 - create user inside of domain with name root. But root/MSHOME isn't that same
as root on DST. root and root/MSHOME will be enumerated on DST. Inelegant.
 - create local user on SRC with name root. Possible same name
collision problem.
Need to configure some archaic system, which was unmaintained very long.

later ideas (untested):
 - use samba id mapping subsystem to map Administrator/MSHOME to UID 0.

seems that this way we can't go. We need somehow Administrator/MSHOME bind with
UID 0.

here comes smb.conf with parameter "admin users (S)". Manpage of smb.conf(5)
not very helpful with examples.

 admin users = Administrator,root,@"DOMAIN+Domain Admins"

after half hour and smbd debug came to idea:
 admin users = MSHOME+administrator

Note: samba/linux uses all lover cases for names. This seems that naming
scheme is: case insensitive (sometimes), case not preserving, lowercase.
So better to use lover case, and hope for best.

DST# smbstatus
shows connection UID = 0

4.13. Samba works

after test from WINXP station seems that HSHOME/Administrator can change file
owners, and add ACL's

4.14. Samba compiling

DST# net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC -U
Administrator%password --acls --attrs --timestamps
syncing    [testshare] files and directories including ACLs, including
DOS Attributes (preserving timestamps)
[2010/12/28 16:50:10,  0] utils/net_rpc_printer.c:net_copy_fileattr(275)
  failed to set file-attrs: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Could handle directory attributes for top level directory of share
Could not handle the top level directory permissions for the share: testshare

This net tool tries change timestamp on \\DST\testshare but samba
refuses to do that.
code showing this error is[10]:

        if (copy_attrs || copy_timestamps) {

                /* get file attributes */
                if (!cli_getattrE(cli_share_src, fnum_src, &attr, NULL,
                                 &f_ctime, &f_atime, &f_mtime)) {
                        DEBUG(0,("failed to get file-attrs: %s\n",
                        nt_status = cli_nt_error(cli_share_src);
                        goto out;

If there is error then go out without any continue. This is ok, I want
get error on oher
failures. But this is first one....

after some smbd debug found this peace of code [9]

        if (fname[0] == '.' && fname[1] == '\0') {
                 * Not sure here is the right place to catch this
                 * condition. Might be moved to somewhere else later -- vl
                reply_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED);

This seem to be rational. From Samba POV there is posible that samba
don't control directory which is root for share. But in other hand
samba has share_info.tdb....

so a little diff will help us:

--- samba-3.2.5.orig/source/smbd/reply.c
+++ samba-3.2.5/source/smbd/reply.c
@@ -1105,7 +1105,8 @@
                 * Not sure here is the right place to catch this
                 * condition. Might be moved to somewhere else later -- vl
-               reply_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED);
+               //reply_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED);
+               reply_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_OK);

seems that same was reported[11] but no one tried this mode. Seems that it isn't
technically possible that Samba can work this way. So a little 5
years, no one care, no tests...

Back to compile:
LNX-debian# apt-get build-dep samba
LNX-debian$ apt-get source samba
LNX-debian$ cd samba-3.2.5
do online patch
LNX-debian$ debuild -us -uc

after ~20 min deploy new samba server:

DST# dpkg -i samba_3.2.5-4lenny13_amd64.deb

and net rpc share migrate files testshare -S SRC -U
Administrator%password --acls --attrs --timestamps
copied 127GB data in ~10 hours.

4.15. Limitations of net rpc share migrate

this tool can migrate only whole share. This is insane limitation....
If my share
migration takes 24 times, but i have only 6 hours window on night to
take operation?
What to do? Split into smaller parts? NO! net rpc share decides that for you!:

  No one wants copy smaller units than share. Only sissies uses files
and folders. Real admins uses shares.... Big shame.

5. Migrations isn't migration

why 20 days downtime isn't acceptable?

When 20 days downtime is acceptable?
- when user in advance is trained to expect service availability 20%
or less. Sadly our users expects over 95% availability.
- when You are BOFH and user fears of You.
- when You are far far away from users....
- when You have no users. :) (possible best theoretical case).

So this term "migration" is chosen incorrect as subcommand for tool
net. This is only slow/dumb file copy, no magic.

5.1. How to do better?

Let's say we can't shrink data set, or increase bandwidth. But our
goal is to minimize downtime. If there was possible to have long
transition time, but short downtime for one file/directory, then this
can be not so perfect solution, but almost ideal.


- use msdfs samba extension to create stub shares, and link files to
SRC from DST.
- copy one directory by one, from SRC to DST.
- if folder is to big, then split into multiply copies.

this is possible on LNX:
- list SRC directory content from DST
- create directories on DST
- create msdfs links

impossible on LNX:
- copy files from SRC to DST preserving ACL



[1] http://www.google.com/search?q=4+TB+%2F+20Mbps
  (4 terabytes) / (20 Mbps) = 19.4180741 days

  Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 23:56:06 -0500
  From: George <greenadm...@xxxxxxxxx>
  Subject: Re: [Samba] Keeping Windows ACL's when migrating to SAMBA Server

  Rightnow i got it half working but am having trouble with part of
it. If I use robocopy, It copies the files and ACL but not the
correct create of modify dates

  robocopy \\man_fs2\Batteries \\bed-fs1\servers\man_fs2\Batteries /sec /e

  If I use xxcopy I can copy all the files with the proper create and
modify dates but it wont copy the ACL's.

  xxcopy \\man_fs2\Batteries \\bed-fs1\servers\man_fs2\Batteries /backup


  On 12/12/2010 1:08 PM, Jeremy Allison wrote:

      On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 09:21:32AM -0600, Chris Weiss wrote:

          On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 1:01 PM, George<greenadm...@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

              We setup a Ubuntu SAMBA 3.5 server and would like it to
replace our current
              Windows 2003 file server. I can manually copy the files
over but need to
              keep all the Windows UID's and GID's but am having
trouble copying the files
              over. Does anyone have any idea what im doing wrong or
have any ideas for me
              to do this?

          what are you using to copy?  a normal file copy wont' keep permissions
          even windows to windows, but robocoy will, and I think xcopy can

      I just helped an OEM do a (successful) file migration complete
      with ACLs from Windows to Samba using robocopy, so I'd suggest
      that as the tool of choice.

      Remember to do the migration as a (temporary) root account,
      as robocopy may need to write ACLs that the migrating user
      cannot access.

      Will get fixed properly when I finish implementing SE_RESTORE
      and SE_BACKUP privileges but until then the root account works
      just as well.


  To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
  instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba

  Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 14:19:40 +0900
  From: TAKAHASHI Motonobu <mo...@xxxxxxxxx>
  Subject: Re: [Samba] Keeping Windows ACL's when migrating to SAMBA Server

  2010/12/19 George <greenadm...@xxxxxxxxx>:
  > Rightnow i got it half working but am having trouble with part of it. If I
  > use robocopy, It copies the files and ACL but not the correct create of
  > modify dates
  > robocopy \\man_fs2\Batteries \\bed-fs1\servers\man_fs2\Batteries /sec /e
  > If I use xxcopy I can copy all the files with the proper create and modify
  > dates but it wont copy the ACL's.
  > xxcopy \\man_fs2\Batteries \\bed-fs1\servers\man_fs2\Batteries /backup
  > George

  How about "net share migrate" command?

  I once tried to examine this command like:

  $ net -S oldsrv rpc share migrate all --destination newsrv --acls temp2
  migrating: [TEMP2], path: C:\TEMP2, comment: comments, without share-ACLs
  syncing    [TEMP2] files and directories including ACLs, without DOS
  migrating: [TEMP2], path: C:\TEMP2, comment: comments, including share-ACLs

  Note that you must set "add share command" parameter in the target server.

  And "force unknown acl user = yes" may be helpfull.

  TAKAHASHI Motonobu <mo...@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
  instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCOPY

[5] http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/index.html

... Samba handles Windows ACLs from the perspective of UNIX file
system administration and thus adopts the limitations of POSIX ACLs.
Therefore, where POSIX ACLs lack a capability of the Windows NT/200X
ACLs, the POSIX semantics and limitations are imposed on the Windows
administrator. ...

[7] http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/NetCommand.html
... The migration process can be completed only with the Samba server
already being fully operational. The user and group accounts must be
migrated before attempting to migrate data share, files, and printers.

  Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 10:08:11 -0800
  From: Jeremy Allison <j...@xxxxxxxxx>
  Subject: Re: [Samba] Keeping Windows ACL's when migrating to SAMBA Server

 On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 09:21:32AM -0600, Chris Weiss wrote:
 > On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 1:01 PM, George <greenadm...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 > > We setup a Ubuntu SAMBA 3.5 server and would like it to replace our current
 > > Windows 2003 file server. I can manually copy the files over but need to
 > > keep all the Windows UID's and GID's but am having trouble
copying the files
 > > over. Does anyone have any idea what im doing wrong or have any
ideas for me
 > > to do this?
 > what are you using to copy?  a normal file copy wont' keep permissions
 > even windows to windows, but robocoy will, and I think xcopy can

 I just helped an OEM do a (successful) file migration complete
 with ACLs from Windows to Samba using robocopy, so I'd suggest
 that as the tool of choice.

 Remember to do the migration as a (temporary) root account,
 as robocopy may need to write ACLs that the migrating user
 cannot access.

 Will get fixed properly when I finish implementing SE_RESTORE
 and SE_BACKUP privileges but until then the root account works
 just as well.

 To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
 instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba



[11] http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2005-September/110456.html
    Previous message: [Samba] winbindd ADS Windows 2003 SFU idmap=ad,
with Suse Linux9.1, no AD UI
    Next message: [Samba] Data migration using net rpc share migrate
    Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]


I¹m in the process of testing out the net rpc share migrate data migration
tool but keep running into an error message when using the --acl option.

I¹m testing using the following command:
net rpc share migrate files -S --acls --attrs --timestamps -v -U
but get with this error for each file in the share:
[2005/09/05 16:50:02, 0] utils/net_rpc_printer.c:net_copy_fileattr(384)
  could not set secdesc on \WinAXE_Plus_v7\xwpdllid.dll:
could not copy file \WinAXE_Plus_v7\xwpdllid.dll: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Each file copies OK and the timestamp is correct but none of the ACL¹s are

ACL/xattrs mount options have already been added to the filesystem and I can
use setfacl/getfacl so can¹t see a problem with ACL support and the share is
on a PC logged in with the user account specified so all the files are owned
by that account. I guess this must be a permission problem somewhere but
can¹t think what it may be.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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[12] http://xkcd.com/501/


p.s. references was copied inside letter, because links makes dead to
fast these days...
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