
revno: 5381
revision-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
committer: Michael Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
branch nick: SAMBA_3_0-registry.bzr
timestamp: Tue 2007-06-19 11:54:01 +0200
  merge from upstream - now in sync again!
  source/include/reg_db.h        reg_db.h-20070615214610-cezf0v33opod19n3-1
  source/lib/privileges_basic.c => source/lib/privileges_basic.c.moved 
  source/lib/util_nttoken.c => source/lib/util_nttoken.c.moved 
  REVISION                       REVISION-20060530022625-68239662668b41c3
  source/auth/auth_util.c        auth_util.c-20060530022627-f9a3e5940d409fe9
  source/client/smbspool.c       smbspool.c-20060530022627-037d79e85d505b8b
  source/groupdb/mapping.c       mapping.c-20060530022627-0d4c0d27ca093883
  source/include/includes.h      includes.h-20060530022627-d1a059a99c05e8be
  source/include/smb_macros.h    smb_macros.h-20060530022627-412e2056512de943
  source/lib/charcnv.c           charcnv.c-20060530022627-e157371a538fdeb6
  source/lib/data_blob.c         data_blob.c-20060530022627-6dbdabdd0ae85f7f
  source/lib/select.c            select.c-20060530022627-0a8a8f371f75ead5
  source/lib/smbldap.c           smbldap.c-20060530022627-2d88240b15c77135
  source/lib/system.c            system.c-20060530022627-3f01435a4e07a714
  source/lib/system_smbd.c       system_smbd.c-20060530022627-e97a2e558e6fd98c
  source/lib/util.c              util.c-20060530022627-d569af0e687a4dd3
  source/lib/util_pw.c           util_pw.c-20060530022627-912c52afc587540f
  source/lib/util_reg.c          util_reg.c-20060711181331-c2d45d0e1f4a8648
  source/lib/util_str.c          util_str.c-20060530022627-0ba87cda5eaacc2e
  source/lib/util_tdb.c          util_tdb.c-20061021025435-o3vr4t381qf9lv7e-1
  source/libads/ldap.c           ldap.c-20060530022627-07f10a20cc50f671
  source/libsmb/cliquota.c       cliquota.c-20060530022627-6a0c6af7c7a1799b
  source/locking/brlock.c        brlock.c-20060530022627-3b8aec140997e136
  source/locking/locking.c       locking.c-20060530022627-4f229d47402340bb
  source/locking/posix.c         posix.c-20060530022627-997d33ad43f0bd3e
  source/nmbd/nmbd.c             nmbd.c-20060530022627-f3b08abf8f3e3c36
  source/nsswitch/idmap_rid.c    idmap_rid.c-20061212152807-oje7ib8mg9u2kxxg-1
  source/nsswitch/winbind_nss.h  winbind_nss.h-20060530022627-d0c8a4c069df06f6
  source/nsswitch/winbindd.c     winbindd.c-20060530022627-8bb76c46bd1253ec
  source/nsswitch/winbindd_ads.c winbindd_ads.c-20060530022627-7c5e13eefe48f902
  source/nsswitch/winbindd_cm.c  winbindd_cm.c-20060530022627-54b91b1c8940d29e
  source/nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c winbindd_pam.c-20060530022627-6b827f2f7ba30f85
  source/param/loadparm.c        loadparm.c-20060530022627-1efa1edb3eb0e897
  source/passdb/machine_sid.c    machine_sid.c-20060530022627-0ae56984d090a020
  source/passdb/pdb_tdb.c        pdb_tdb.c-20060530022627-b60f9dcd220e2886
  source/registry/reg_db.c       reg_db.c-20060530022627-e9a827257fb89131
  source/rpc_parse/parse_misc.c  parse_misc.c-20060530022627-2f2bf5c0060cbd6c
  source/rpc_server/srv_lsa.c    srv_lsa.c-20060530022627-81cfe5eecd61a4f2
  source/smbd/aio.c              aio.c-20060530065353-839ba30629e9be61
  source/smbd/blocking.c         blocking.c-20060530022627-b43dcc35e2ddb440
  source/smbd/fileio.c           fileio.c-20060530022627-1404925b99a776aa
  source/smbd/files.c            files.c-20060530022627-8e2ca5e2d798cd9b
  source/smbd/msdfs.c            msdfs.c-20060530024146-252992a3c60c990c
  source/smbd/negprot.c          negprot.c-20060530022627-a352553cf95f9931
  source/smbd/notify.c           notify.c-20060530022627-f5b19ce2772c47a0
  source/smbd/nttrans.c          nttrans.c-20060530022627-b483806ef6e0e97d
  source/smbd/password.c         password.c-20060530022627-9a5472626c6d94bc
  source/smbd/reply.c            reply.c-20060530022627-92de20342694c043
  source/smbd/sec_ctx.c          sec_ctx.c-20060530022627-5357c503c5244050
  source/smbd/server.c           server.c-20060530022627-212a418ec1144979
  source/smbd/sesssetup.c        sesssetup.c-20060530022627-0a6efae905e1529e
  source/smbd/share_access.c     share_access.c-20060530090225-6be2f147403f83a8
  source/smbd/trans2.c           trans2.c-20060530022627-7ce34cd85c3f02f5
  source/tests/summary.c         summary.c-20060530022627-e17f995a58207da2
  source/utils/ntlm_auth.c       ntlm_auth.c-20060530022628-e481af6280ebed07
    revno: 5275.1.894
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Mon 2007-06-18 11:15:16 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23541)  2007-06-18 11:10:00 -0500 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007)
          Linking the LSA pipe module only once is probably enough.
    revno: 5275.1.893
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Mon 2007-06-18 09:00:30 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23539)  2007-06-18 08:59:09 -0500 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007)
          Remove code duplication and unify behaviour of winbind_nss_*.h files
    revno: 5275.1.892
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Mon 2007-06-18 07:30:58 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23538)  2007-06-18 07:22:42 -0500 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007)
          Fix for wild-card rename: We can't return directly on error, we need 
    revno: 5275.1.891
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Mon 2007-06-18 04:31:02 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23537)  2007-06-18 04:25:31 -0500 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007)
          Revert the inbuf/outbuf part of r23528: This caused the Solaris CC 
make test
          to break. The Solaris CC put the static char 
          odd address, the malloc'ed one is always aligned. The problem showed 
up in
          pull_ucs2, ucs2_align uses the address of InBuffer as an indication 
whether to
          bump up the src of the string by one. Unfortunately in the trans 
calls the
          data portion is malloced and thus has different alignment guarantees 
than a
          static variable. This one is bigger....
    revno: 5275.1.890
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sun 2007-06-17 18:15:45 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23536)  2007-06-17 18:13:32 -0500 (Sun, 17 Jun 2007)
          Fix a typo. James: Please check!
    revno: 5275.1.889
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sun 2007-06-17 14:31:20 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23530)  2007-06-17 14:23:32 -0500 (Sun, 17 Jun 2007)
          Fix bugs #4678 and #4697 which had the same root cause.
          In make_server_info_pw() we assign a user SID in our
          authoritative SAM, even though this may be from a
          pure "Unix User" that doesn't exist in the SAM.
          This causes lookups on "[in]valid users" to fail as they
          will lookup this name as a "Unix User" SID to check against
          the user token. Fix this by adding the "Unix User"\unix_username
          SID to the sid array. The correct fix should probably be
          changing the server_info->sam_account user SID to be a
          S-1-22 Unix SID, but this might break old configs where
          plaintext passwords were used with no SAM backend.
    revno: 5275.1.888
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sun 2007-06-17 00:30:37 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23528)  2007-06-17 00:19:30 -0500 (Sun, 17 Jun 2007)
          Two changes to make the valgrind massif (heap profiler) output 
          Remove the allocated inbuf/output. In async I/O we copy the buffers
          explicitly now, so NewInBuffer is called exactly once. This does not
          reduce memory footprint, but removes one of the larger chunks that
          clobber the rest of the massif output
          In getgroups_unix_user on Linux 2.6 we allocated 64k groups x 4 bytes
          per group x 2 (once in the routine itself and once in libc) = 512k 
          to throw it away directly again. This reduces it do a more typical 
          of 32 groups per user. We certainly cope with overflow fine if 32 is 
          enough. Not 100% sure about this one, a DEVELOPER only thing?
    revno: 5275.1.887
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 18:01:08 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23527)  2007-06-16 17:52:51 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          Use existing escaping function pointed by James
    revno: 5275.1.886
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 14:01:12 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23525)  2007-06-16 13:59:02 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          I believe this patch is ok, got no reply of it being not ok.
          This closes #4624 for me.
    revno: 5275.1.885
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 14:01:08 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23524)  2007-06-16 13:54:13 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          Fix bug 2319.
          Got report this is all ok form a tester. Close a loong
          standing bug preventing people to freely use any character
          in their password when printing via cups were involved.
    revno: 5275.1.884
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 13:30:17 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23523)  2007-06-16 13:19:42 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          Gaa -- had renamed "name" to "path" and apparently not compiled after
    revno: 5275.1.883
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 13:15:57 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23522)  2007-06-16 13:07:44 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          Save us a kilobyte stack space in a hot code path: I can't see a 
          why check_path_syntax should not be able to run in-line. The 
          pointer either walks side by side with the source pointer or is
          decremented. So as far as I can see s>=d is true throughout the whole
          Jeremy, I'm checking this only into 3_0 for now. Please review and ack
          or directly merge this to 3_0_26.
    revno: 5275.1.882
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 07:01:39 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23518)  2007-06-16 06:48:11 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          Remove the silly assumption that string_replace requires a pstring.
          Jeremy, I am always very confused about the different length arguments
          in convert_string and friends. Can you take a look at the change in
          string_replace and verify it's ok? Thanks!
          While at it, remove the pstring limit for strhasupper and strhaslower.
    revno: 5275.1.881
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Sat 2007-06-16 05:16:00 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23517)  2007-06-16 05:02:51 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jun 2007)
          After Jeremy has given is ack on irc:
          Change rename_internals to open the file/directory and then call
          rename_internals_fsp. Two reasons: Remove code duplication and remove 
          race condition. The race condition was due to the fact that in
          can_rename the share mode check closed the file and then after that 
          the rename.
    revno: 5275.1.880
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 20:17:12 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23516)  2007-06-15 20:04:22 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Fix bug found & fixed by Doug Rudoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
          - when cleaning up invalid locks make sure we mark the lck
          struct as modified so it'll get saved back correctly (that
          was the original intent).
    revno: 5275.1.879
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 20:01:15 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23515)  2007-06-15 19:54:58 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Ensure status isn't used uninitialized.
    revno: 5275.1.878
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 19:45:47 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23514)  2007-06-15 19:39:52 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Remove unused function ads_get_dn_from_extended_dn().
    revno: 5275.1.877
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 19:01:55 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23513)  2007-06-15 18:52:01 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Fix one more use of VALUE_PREFIX.
    revno: 5275.1.876
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 19:01:50 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23512)  2007-06-15 18:47:40 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Fix conflict in #define for SECDESC_PREFIX. Ensure all
          reg #defines use "REG_" prefix. Michael - please check
          gcc warnings on compiles.
    revno: 5275.1.875
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 17:00:54 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23510)  2007-06-15 16:58:49 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Tidy calls to smb_panic by removing trailing newlines. Print the
          failed expression in SMB_ASSERT.
    revno: 5275.1.874
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 16:46:12 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23509)  2007-06-15 16:38:10 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          This activates the global options from the registry in loadparm. 
          The global options are stored as values in the subkey "global"
          of the SMBCONF registry key. 
          The activation is accomplished in smb.conf though a new special 
          semantic of the "include" parameter: "include = registry" triggers
          the processing of the registry global options exactly at the
          position of the include statement. Options read from the registry
          take the same precedence as parameters loaded from a file via
          include. Need to reload the registry globals is detected by
          watching the tdb sequence number. 
          Registry shares are automatically activated when the registry
          globals are processed.
          So a "registry only" configuration can be realized by an
          smb.conf that looks as follows:
          include = registry
          The global options and registry shares can be conveniently
          edited with the "net conf" utility.
          A possible pitfall consists in using "include = registry"
          together with the "lock directory" directive in the registry.
          This problem will be addressed in the next time.
          Note on the code:
          Processing of the registry options is accomplished by a function
          process_registry_globals() in loadparm.c The current version is
          only an interim solution: It is handcoded instead of using the
          infrastructure of reg_api.c. The reason for this is that using 
          reg_api still has too large linker dependencies, bloating virtually
          all targets by PASSDB_OBJ, SMBLDAP_OBJ, GROUPDB_OBJ and LDB stuff.
          A version of process_registry_globals that uses reg_api is 
          included but commented out. The goal is to eventually refactor
          and restructure the registry code so that one can use the reg_api
          to access only the registry tdb and not link all the dynamic
          backends with all their linking implications.
    revno: 5275.1.873
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 14:31:49 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23508)  2007-06-15 14:24:04 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Fix sync_file() to return NTSTATUS and return this
          on failure in the write path.
    revno: 5275.1.872
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 11:01:30 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23507)  2007-06-15 10:51:45 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Split one general function normalize_dbkey from reg_db.c into 
          (To be used in other place in subsequent commit.)
    revno: 5275.1.871
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Fri 2007-06-15 05:46:38 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23504)  2007-06-15 05:40:36 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
          Use tdb_wrap_open (instead of usual tdb_open) in reg_db.
          This eliminates the need of maintaining reg_db's own 
          reference counter for the tdb. Maybe as a next step...
    revno: 5275.1.870
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 14:00:23 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23502)  2007-06-14 13:48:51 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Restore exit-on-idle.  Small refactoring for clarity. Exit if
          we are idle and we timed out waiting for something to do.
    revno: 5275.1.869
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 11:00:53 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23501)  2007-06-14 10:50:47 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Move notify_rename before rename_internals_fsp and call it from there.
    revno: 5275.1.868
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 10:01:23 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23500)  2007-06-14 09:45:37 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Two changes to survive the now activated test for 
          With the target being open we have to return NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED 
          root_fid != 0 leads to NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
    revno: 5275.1.867
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 09:46:00 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23497)  2007-06-14 09:35:29 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Disable building of libaddns (no defined API) and 
          libmsrpc (unmaintained).
    revno: 5275.1.866
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 09:15:39 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23496)  2007-06-14 09:12:53 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Fix logic error in getgrnam_recv() that broke
          getgrnam() for machine and domain local groups.
    revno: 5275.1.865
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 08:30:57 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23495)  2007-06-14 08:26:31 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Replace literal occurrences of libsmb/errormap.o by $(ERRORMAP_OBJ).
    revno: 5275.1.864
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 08:15:41 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23494)  2007-06-14 08:12:32 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Further reduce the diff between 3_0 and 3_0_26 by some reformatting
          and rearrangements.
    revno: 5275.1.863
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 07:30:54 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23489)  2007-06-14 07:29:04 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          (Re-)Add tdbtorture as a build target to 3_0_26.
          Add the tdbtorture test to the test script in 3_0 and 3_0_26.
    revno: 5275.1.862
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 07:15:43 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23486)  2007-06-14 07:03:46 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Ok, this time with a hopefully successful make test in the right 
          Remove two local variables
    revno: 5275.1.861
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 06:30:56 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23485)  2007-06-14 06:29:35 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          This checkin consists mostly of refactorings in preparation of the
          activation of global registry options in loadparm.c, mainly to
          extract functionality from net_conf.c to be made availabel elsewhere
          and to minimize linker dependencies. 
          In detail:
          * move functions registry_push/pull_value from lib/util_reg.c to new 
          * create a fake user token consisting of builtin administrators sid 
          se_disk_operators privilege by hand instead of using 
          to minimize linker deps for bin/net.
          + new function registry_create_admin_token() in new 
          + move dup_nt_token from auth/token_util.c to new file 
          + adapt net_conf.c and accordingly. 
          * split lib/profiles.c into two parts: new file lib/profiles_basic.c
          takes all the low level mask manipulation and format conversion 
          (se_priv, privset, luid). the privs array is completely hidden from
          profiles.c by adding some access-functions. some mask-functions are 
          static anymore.
          Generally, SID- and LUID-related stuff that has more dependencies 
          is kept in lib/profiles.c
          * Move initialization of regdb from net_conf.c into a function 
          registry_init_regdb() in lib/util_reg_smbconf.c.
    revno: 5275.1.860
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 05:01:07 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23484)  2007-06-14 04:59:07 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          When chasing AD referrals make sure to honor the base returned from 
the server.
    revno: 5275.1.859
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 05:01:02 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23483)  2007-06-14 04:51:13 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Revert 23482, I must have run 'make test' in the wrong subdir.
    revno: 5275.1.858
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Thu 2007-06-14 05:00:56 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23482)  2007-06-14 04:45:39 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jun 2007)
          Slightly simplify the rename code: Remove two local variables that are
          not really needed.
    revno: 5275.1.857
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 23:15:25 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23480)  2007-06-13 23:00:35 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Fix DEVELOPER_CFLAGS quoting.
    revno: 5275.1.856
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 22:45:27 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23478)  2007-06-13 22:38:43 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Change the handling of the developer CFLAGS so that they are always
          emited to the Makefile in the DEVELOPER_CFLAGS variable. This makes
          it easy to turn developer mode on and off without waiting for
          configure to run. The developer flags are only added to CFLAGS for
          the --enable-developer and --enable-krb5developer cases.
    revno: 5275.1.855
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 17:00:56 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23477)  2007-06-13 16:59:39 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Build farm fix: Use int rather than MIT's krb5_int32 when setting 
context flags.
    revno: 5275.1.854
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 16:45:16 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23475)  2007-06-13 16:42:31 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Fix the prototype for sys_broken_setgroups and log *BSD group list
          truncation a bit more verbosely.
    revno: 5275.1.853
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 16:01:01 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23474)  2007-06-13 15:49:20 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Here's a small patch that disables the replay cache 
          when verifying a ticket from winbindd_pam.c.
          I've found during multiple, fast, automated SSH logins (such
          as from a cron script) that the replay cache in MIT's krb5
          lib will occasionally fail the krb5_rd_req() as a replay attack.
          There seems to be a small window during which the MIT krb5
          libs could reproduce identical time stamps for ctime and cusec
          in the authenticator since Unix systems only give back
          milli-seconds rather than the micro-seconds needed by the
          authenticator.  Checked against MIT 1.5.1.  Have not
          researched how Heimdal does it.
          My thinking is that if someone can spoof the KDC and TDS
          services we are pretty hopeless anyways.
    revno: 5275.1.852
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 15:45:52 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23472)  2007-06-13 15:43:49 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          add missing default setting for 'winbind nss info' (merge from  
    revno: 5275.1.851
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 15:45:47 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23471)  2007-06-13 15:40:54 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Here's a rough patch for expanding domain group membership
          in the winbindd_getgrnam() call.  Couple of comments:
          * Adds "winbind expand groups" parameter which defines the
          max depth winbindd will expand group members.  The default
          is the current behavior of one level of expansion.
          * The entire getrgnam() interface should be async.  I
          haven't done that.
          * Refactors the domain users hack in fill_grent_mem() into
          its own function.
    revno: 5275.1.850
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 15:45:42 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23470)  2007-06-13 15:40:50 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Fix supplementary group list truncation for *BSD. We need to pass
          the correct group list length and only truncate to NGROUPS_MAX if
          it is too long.
    revno: 5275.1.849
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 14:15:38 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23469)  2007-06-13 14:01:41 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Fix a comment
    revno: 5275.1.848
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 08:30:36 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23468)  2007-06-13 08:15:16 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Open registry.tdb with sequence number.
          Add a function to retrieve the registry db sequence number.
          This is in preparation of loadparm integration of registry global
          smb.conf options: this will allow to detect changes in order to 
trigger reload.
    revno: 5275.1.847
    merged: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    parent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    committer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    branch nick: SAMBA_3_0.bzr
    timestamp: Wed 2007-06-13 08:00:42 -0500
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (r23467)  2007-06-13 07:52:36 -0500 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
          Next little simplification: In rename_internals it's a bit pointless 
          first ask for existence of a file when we do the open_file_ntcreate in
          can_rename later on anyway. That also gets us the right error message 
          case the file is not there automatically.

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