Author: mkhl
Date: 2006-06-20 01:08:18 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 16384



Semi-informed doodling about a mapping module, affected by late
insights into local_password and password_hash concerning the scope of
mappings, the requirement for context and more asynchronism.



Added: branches/SOC/mkhl/map.txt
--- branches/SOC/mkhl/map.txt   2006-06-20 01:03:04 UTC (rev 16383)
+++ branches/SOC/mkhl/map.txt   2006-06-20 01:08:18 UTC (rev 16384)
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+* An LDB Mapping Module                 -*- outline -*-
+** Scenario
+Usage of an instance of the map module requires tha full set of data
+to be split in two "partitions", a local (fallback) and a remote
+(mapped) one.  The remote partition will be used to store additional
+data but may differ from the local partition in the schema it uses.
+The goal is to store as much data as possible on the remote partition.
+A user is required to define mappings between local and remote data
+schemas to account for these differences, but also to enable usage of
+the remote partition for as large a dataset as possible.
+Data not explicitly accounted for in the defined mappings is ignored
+by the remote partition and stored on the local partition instead.
+** Assumptions
+*** Mapped vs. Not Mapped
+Each record exists in either of two states:
+**** Not mapped:
+The record and all of its data are stored on the local partition; the
+additional attribute "isMapped" is not present in the record.
+**** Mapped:
+The record is split into a local and a remote part stored on the local
+and remote partition respectively; an additional internal attribute
+"isMapped" is added to the local part of the record.
+The local part of a mapped record is allowed to consist only of the
+"isMapped" attribute, denoting the case when all "real" data is mapped
+to the remote partition.
+*** Internal attribute "isMapped"
+The local part of each mapped record includes an internal attribute
+"isMapped", the value of which might denote the DN of the remote part.
+It is not present in the local part of a record that is not
+mapped. (Or maybe it is but with a distinguished/empty value).
+The attribute is not visible from the outside(?) and cannot be
+modified directly.
+*** Local != Fallback
+Each attribute must either be mapped or ignored; the local part should
+be reserved for ignored data and not serve as fallback storage for
+failed mappings.
+Failure to map an attribute indicates a problem with the specified
+mappings and should be reported.
+*** No smart mapping
+The map module has no knowledge of constraints present in the backend
+of the remote partition, such as objectClass restrictions.
+Constraint violation results from the remote backend indicate a
+problem with the specified mappings and should be reported.
+*** Uniqueness of local names
+The specified mappings should be uniquely indexable by the local name
+of a handled attribute.
+Generation of multiple remote attributes from a single local attribute
+will be possible but should be defined in a single mapping to ease
+conversions from the remote to the local format (as for search
+(This might be problematic for attributes that form a records RDN, as
+only one attribute can be used for that at a time...)
+*** Stable naming contexts
+Mappings must not tamper with the naming context of a record.  The
+naming context is (part of) what specifies the destination partition
+for a datase; its modification is defined globally in a special record
+of the map instance.
+** Mappings
+*** Abstractly
+A mapping represents, viewed abstractly, a function of type
+Request x Context --> Request
+The structure of LDB modules performs dispatching based on request
+type itself, so we can substitute the request contents for Request in
+that type.  Disregarding delete and rename requests, which contain
+only one or two target DNs, the contents of a request are of type LDB
+message, so we assume a type
+Message x Context --> Request
+The ldb_map module disregards context completely, modelling only
+Message --> Message
+and a few restricted subforms of types
+Message Element --> Message Element
+or even just
+String --> String
+This is convenient for most cases and increases expressiveness of the
+"mapping definition language" but limits the overall power of
+mappings, as e.g. the password_hash module cannot currently be
+expressed with the ldb_map module due to lacking context (the domain
+data search result and the array `attrs' of the
+`password_hash_mod_search_self' function.
+The only way to access that data is by making (synchronous) LDB calls
+from within the attribute generation function.
+*** As Balls of Mud
+The canonical way to fetch context is to prefix the "real" request
+with a search request that results in the required data and is then
+stuffed in the requests async context.
+This pattern could of course be factored into the map module; mappings
+requiring this data would then need ways to request it, either as an
+array of strings (for the simpler case where additional info about the
+record itself is required) or as an array of (search) requests (for
+the general case, allowing the whole database to be queried).
+** Requests
+*** Delete
+look for "isMapped" on local self
+if set:
+  delete remote DN
+delete local DN
+*** Rename
+look for "isMapped" on local self
+if set:
+  rename remote record
+rename local record
+*** Add
+for each attribute:
+  if it is local:
+    request it locally
+  if it doesn't require context:
+    map it
+    request it remotely
+  otherwise:
+    register requested query
+if query registered:
+  get context from query result
+if remote record requested:
+  add remote record with context
+  add local record with "isMapped"
+  add local record w/o "isMapped"
+*** Modify
+if no requested changes are remote:
+  just run local request
+look for "isMapped" on local self
+if not set:
+  turn request into "add"
+  add remote record (with context)
+  modify local record with "isMapped"
+  modify remote record (with context)
+  modify local record
+*** Search
+if no requested attribute is remote or "*":
+  just run local request
+  run query with local attributes and "isMapped"
+if "isMapped" is not set and remote attribues were requested:
+  abort
+  query remote DN with remote attributes
+unmap remote result
+merge local and remote result
+remove "isMapped" from result

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