[Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 2.0.0-beta2 is out!

2021-07-06 Thread Romain Beauxis

A little over a year after introducing support for abstract internal frame
content in liquidsoap, we’re happy to announce that the second beta of
liquidsoap 2.0.0 is now available:

This journey, which started over a year and a half ago at FOSDEM is now
bringing liquidsoap to a new level. One can now do things that were
previously thought as impossible or very hard to implement. This includes:
* Taking advantage of a fully-featured language with modules, exceptions,
nullable values and more.
* Mixing encoded and raw content, sharing encoders, leveraging most of
FFmpeg’s supported encoders/decoders/filters
* Streaming video efficiently

With this second beta, we are solidifying the current code, although with
perhaps one more disrupting change in the pipes (see below). We encourage
any interested user to migrate their script and report any issue as we aim
* Maintain compatibility with migrated scripts for the final version as
much as possible
* Provide production-ready stability as quickly as possible

To this end, we try our best to be responsive to any bug report concerning
the 2.0.0 release branch. In order to help migrating scripts, we have
started a migration page here:
https://www.liquidsoap.info/doc-dev/migrating.html with tips about what
needs to be changed and will update it as we get reports from our users.

We are in the process of updating our online documentation so you should
already see some improvements there.  Also, we now have a fully featured
Liquidsoap book (see: https://www.liquidsoap.info/doc-dev/book.html) that
provides a lot more details and background information about liquidsoap and
streaming in general.

This release also introduces new CI-based APK package builds for alpine for
the x86_64 and aarch64 architectures as well as docker images for Alpine
linux available here: https://hub.docker.com/r/savonet/liquidsoap-alpine.
These images are 5x smaller than our default production images!

One last thing: we have a pull request pending that aims at exporting
settings as proper, typed, module here. This pull-request will be merged in
the near future and should, hopefully, be the last breaking change for
existing scripts. While we try to maintain backward compatibility as much
as possible during the beta release cycle, this was not possible for this
one. However, we believe that the benefits it will bring outweighs the
drawback of having to change your script settings syntax.

Happy Liquidsoap hacking y’all!
— Romain and Sam
Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 2.0.0-beta1 - windows issues

2021-07-06 Thread p····· g·······

so, i have let the LS v2 run for a little longer and here's the conclusion:
if there are _no harbours / no activity in harbours_ and _no activity over 
telnet_ LIQUIDSOAP DOES NOT BLOAT!!! it kept under 300MB of RAM after 
running for 10 days.
i have connected through telnet a few hours ago to check the uptime :) and 
since i did that it's over 600MB now and ticking up. so, not difficult to 

thanks for giving some clues for re-writing of configs, i somehow failed to 
produce any working code with it:

something  = on_metadata(fun (meta) -> system("echo %date% %time% 
#{(meta[\"artist\"])} #{(meta[\"title\"])} >> c:/thisstuffhasplayed.txt"), 

gives me "Error 4: Undefined variable on_metadata"

also thing like x = insert_metadata(radio)
gives me "
Error 5: this value has type
 source(_) (inferred at line 208, char 4-26)
but it should be a subtype of
 _ * _"



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