Re: [SC-L] Integrated Dynamic and Static Scanning

2009-07-30 Thread Brad Andrews

While I completely agree with this statement, it is a much tougher  
sell to management that is seeking to keep the company making money  
(or perhaps even alive).  I believe that having (and using) an  
imperfect tool is better than nothing, so I would at least push for  
that.  Getting things that play well together is even better.

I think a complete overhaul and digging security flaws out is even  
better, but is a much harder sell in many places in my experience.   
Perhaps I am too jaded, but you have to work with what you can get  
approved and paid for.

The cost of the indispensable experience is much higher than most  
companies will stomach.  :)

Some companies do value it, but most haven't seen the light yet in  
my experience.  While that is limited compared to many on this list, I  
think my perspective is something that is easy to lose track of when  
you are fixing security issues every day.  Everyone doesn't share the  
vision, unfortunately.

And some of those that see the problem don't have the budget and  
executive support to fix the problem


Brad Andrews
RBA Communications

Quoting Andre Gironda

On 7/28/09, Brad Andrews wrote:

Experts can't be replaced by tools.

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Re: [SC-L] Integrated Dynamic and Static Scanning

2009-07-30 Thread Brad Andrews

That is certainly true.  I was just commenting on the issue of systems  
that work together tightly.  None do now (as far as I know), but this  
should potentially allow that to happen.

I did here a few moans when this news came out, since IBM is not known  
for inexpensiveness from what I hear  :)


Brad Andrews
RBA Communications

Quoting McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)

Sometimes integration is a good and bad thing.

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Re: [SC-L] Source or Binary

2009-07-30 Thread Paco Hope
On 7/29/09 8:08 PM, silky wrote:

 Of course it's a binary, it runs by itself, when there is a java vm
 to run it. Just like you need a win32 vm to run a typical .exe.

You misunderstand the notion of virtual machines if you think of Win32 as a
virtual machine. There is nothing virtual about windows. It runs on the
real hardware (ignoring things like VMWare). Your Windows EXEs (except those
running in the .NET CLR) also run on the real x86 hardware. I.e., your
variables are loaded into CPU registers and operated on, etc.

The Java Virtual Machine is a theoretical machine, and Java code is compiled
down to Java bytecode that runs on this theoretical machine. The Java VM is
the actual Windows EXE that runs on the real hardware. It reads these
bytecodes and executes them. There is a very significant level of
abstraction between a Java program running in a Java virtual machine and
native code that has been compiled to a native object format (e.g., an
 Realizing that java binaries hold a lot more is a mental shift that
 probably must be actively kept in mind.
 Hold a lot more what? This doesn't make sense.

It makes a lot of sense. Because Java is a string-based language, a great
deal of symbolic information (e.g., class names, method names, inheritance
hierarchies) remains in the class file, literally in string format, after
you compile. If you're in the C++ world and you compile and then strip your
binaries, that symbolic information is reduced a lot. If you use a java
decompiler (e.g., jad, jode, etc.), you can get .java files from .class
files and they are remarkably usable. While C++ decompilation is possible,
the fidelity of decompiled Java programs is significantly higher. I.e., they
match their original source, sometimes in astonishing accuracy.

Take a look at java decompilation and compare it to what you know about
native code decompilation. It is absolutely true that (ignoring
anti-reversing techniques like obfuscation), Java binaries carry a lot more
usable information to help in the dissection and understanding of their
execution than an equivalent native-code program would.


Technical Manager, Cigital, Inc ? +1.703.585.7868
Software Confidence. Achieved.

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Re: [SC-L] Source or Binary

2009-07-30 Thread Wall, Kevin
In a message dated July 30, 2009 10:09 AM EDT, Paco Hope wrote...

 The Java Virtual Machine is a theoretical machine, and Java
 code is compiled
 down to Java bytecode that runs on this theoretical machine.
 The Java VM is
 the actual Windows EXE that runs on the real hardware. It reads these
 bytecodes and executes them. There is a very significant level of
 abstraction between a Java program running in a Java virtual
 machine and
 native code that has been compiled to a native object format (e.g., an

There's theory, and then there's practice. This is almost 100% accurate
from a practical matter with the exception of HotSpot or other JIT compiler
technologies that compile certain byte code into machine code and then
execute that instead of the original byte code.

I'm sure that Paco is aware of that, but just not sure all the other
readers are.

Kevin W. Wall   Qwest Information Technology, Inc.
kevin.w...@qwest.comPhone: 614.215.4788
It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students
 that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers
 they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration
- Edsger Dijkstra, How do we tell truths that matter?

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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] CERIAS : Beware SQL injections due to missing prepared statement support

2009-07-30 Thread Pascal Meunier
Actually it's not vulnerable because the strings are escaped first.  My point 
is simply that using prepared statements would have been more robust than 
escaping strings on the client side.  I'm sorry I didn't make that clear, I'll 
go edit my post now.


Kenneth Van Wyk wrote:
 Here's one for the daily UGH!
 Great points raised by Pascal Meunier (see below) about poorly
 implemented language support for Prepared Statement SQL calls.  In
 particular, Python's pyPGSQL actually takes its prepared statement and
 translates internally to an old-style concatenated string query, thereby
 opening itself up to various SQL injection vulnerabilities.
 Interesting article, Pascal.  Thanks!
 Kenneth R. van Wyk
 KRvW Associates, LLC
 (This email is digitally signed with a free x.509 certificate from
 CAcert. If you're unable to verify the signature, try getting their root
 CA certificate at -- for free.)
 Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
 List information, subscriptions, etc -
 List charter available at -
 SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
 as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

[SC-L] Static Vs. Binary

2009-07-30 Thread John Steven
Something occurred to me last night as I pondered where this discussion¹s
tendrils are taking us.

An point I only made implicitly is this: The questionfor yearshas been
³conduct your SA on source code or binary?². You can see that there are
interesting subtleties in even those languages that target intermediate
representational formats (like Java and the .NET family of languages that
compiles to MSIL). The garbage-collection-optimization problems that plague
those asking ³How do I assure password String cleanup in Java² are of the
same ilk as the gcc optimizations that trouble the C/C++ realm.

Yes, this question is still pertinent. It _is_ interesting to those looking
for thorough/sound analysis to consider fidelity and resolution at this
level. People are beginning to echo what I've been saying for years, this
problem extends beyond the initial compile into the runtime optimizations
and runtime compilers. My previous post reiterates that there's a lot more
to it than most people consider.

I think I allowed that clarification to muddle my more strategic point:

Whereas THE question used to be source code vs. binary representation,
the question is NOW: What set of IOC-container/XML combos,
aspect weaver results, method/class-level annotations, and other such
tomfoolery governs the execution of my application beyond what the
compiler initially output?

As Fortify, Veracode, and others punch out this 'static analysis on binaries
via SAAS' battle, they and the organizations they serve would do well to
keep this question in mind... Or risk the same failures that the current
crop of parser-based static-analysis tools face against dynamic approaches.


On 7/29/09 8:44 AM, John Steven wrote:

 The question of ³Is my answer going to be high-enough resolution to support
 manual review?² or ³ support a developer fixing the problem?² comes down
 to ³it depends².  And, as we all know, I simply can¹t resist an ³it depends²
 kind of subtlety.
 Yes, Jim, if you¹re doing a pure JavaSE application, and you don¹t care about
 non-standards compilers (jikes, gcj, etc.), then the source and the binary are
 largely equivalent (at least in terms of resolution) Larry mentioned gcj.
 Ease of parsing, however, is a different story (for instance, actual
 dependencies are way easier to pull out of a binary than the source code,
 whereas stack-local variable names are easiest in source).
 Where you care about ³a whole web application² rather than a pure-Java module,
 you have to concern yourself with JSP and all the other MVC technologies.
 Placing aside the topic of XML-based configuration files, you¹ll want to know
 what (container) your JSPs were compiled to target. In this case, source code
 is different than binary. Similar factors sneak themselves in across the Java
 Then you¹ve got the world of Aspect Oriented programming. Spring and a broader
 class of packages that use AspectJ to weave code into your application will
 dramatically change the face of your binary. To get the same resolution out of
 your source code, you must in essence Oapply¹ those point cuts yourself...
 Getting binary-quality resolution from source code  therefore means predicting
 what transforms will occur at what point-cut locations. I doubt highly any
 source-based approach will get this thoroughly correct.
 Finally, from the perspective of dynamic analysis, one must consider the
 post-compiler transforms that occur. Java involves both JIT and Hotspot (using
 two hotspot compilers: client and server, each of which conducting different
 transforms), which neither binary nor source-code-based static analysis are
 likely to correctly predict or account for. The binary image that runs is
 simply not that which is fed to classloader.defineClass[] as a bytestream.
 ...and  (actually) finally, one of my favorite code-review techniques is to
 ask for both a .war/ear/jar file AND the source code. This almost invariable
 get¹s a double-take, but it¹s worth the trouble. How many times do you think a
 web.xml match between the two? What exposure might you report if they were
 identical? ... What might you test for If they¹re dramatically different?
 Ah... Good times,
 John Steven 
 Senior Director; Advanced Technology Consulting
 Direct: (703) 404-5726 Cell: (703) 727-4034
 Key fingerprint = 4772 F7F3 1019 4668 62AD  94B0 AE7F EEF4 62D5 F908
 Software Confidence. Achieved.
 On 7/28/09 4:36 PM, ljknews wrote:
 At 8:39 AM -1000 7/28/09, Jim Manico wrote:
 A quick note, in the Java world (obfuscation aside), the source and
 binary is really the same thing. The fact that Fortify analizes
 source and Veracode analizes class files is a fairly minor detail.
 It seems to me that would only be 

Re: [SC-L] Static Vs. Binary

2009-07-30 Thread Pravir Chandra
First, I generally agree that there are many factors that make the true and 
factual fidelity of static analysis really REALLY difficult.

However, I submit that by debating this point, you're belaboring the correct 
angle of survivable Neptunian atmospheric entry with people that don't 
generally value the benefit of flying humans past the moon. 

The point being, if you're debating the minutiae of static analysis vis-a-vis 
compile time optimizations, you're convincing people to let good be the enemy 
of perfect. There are few (if any) perfect technologies, but we use them 
because they're needed and provide a ton of great value. Anyone who doubts this 
should glance at the device you're reading this on and imagine yourself 
refusing to use it because it doesn't have perfect security (or reliability, or 
usability, etc.).


~ ~  ~ ~~~ ~~ ~
Pravir Chandra  chandraatlistdotorg
PGP:CE60 0E10 9207 7290 06EB   5107 4032 63FC 338E 16E4
~ ~~ ~~~ ~  ~ ~

-Original Message-
From: John Steven

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 17:20:52 
To: Secure
Subject: [SC-L] Static Vs. Binary

Something occurred to me last night as I pondered where this discussion¹s
tendrils are taking us.

An point I only made implicitly is this: The questionfor yearshas been
³conduct your SA on source code or binary?². You can see that there are
interesting subtleties in even those languages that target intermediate
representational formats (like Java and the .NET family of languages that
compiles to MSIL). The garbage-collection-optimization problems that plague
those asking ³How do I assure password String cleanup in Java² are of the
same ilk as the gcc optimizations that trouble the C/C++ realm.

Yes, this question is still pertinent. It_is_ interesting to those looking
for thorough/sound analysis to consider fidelity and resolution at this
level. People are beginning to echo what I've been saying for years, this
problem extends beyond the initial compile into the runtime optimizations
and runtime compilers. My previous post reiterates that there's a lot more
to it than most people consider.

I think I allowed that clarification to muddle my more strategic point:

Whereas THE question used to be source code vs. binary representation,
the question is NOW: What set of IOC-container/XML combos,
aspect weaver results, method/class-level annotations, and other such
tomfoolery governs the execution of my application beyond what the
compiler initially output?

As Fortify, Veracode, and others punch out this 'static analysis on binaries
via SAAS' battle, they and the organizations they serve would do well to
keep this question in mind... Or risk the same failures that the current
crop of parser-based static-analysis tools face against dynamic approaches.


On 7/29/09 8:44 AM, John Steven wrote:

 The question of ³Is my answer going to be high-enough resolution to support
 manual review?² or ³ support a developer fixing the problem?² comes down
 to ³it depends².  And, as we all know, I simply can¹t resist an ³it depends²
 kind of subtlety.
 Yes, Jim, if you¹re doing a pure JavaSE application, and you don¹t care about
 non-standards compilers (jikes, gcj, etc.), then the source and the binary are
 largely equivalent (at least in terms of resolution) Larry mentioned gcj.
 Ease of parsing, however, is a different story (for instance, actual
 dependencies are way easier to pull out of a binary than the source code,
 whereas stack-local variable names are easiest in source).
 Where you care about ³a whole web application² rather than a pure-Java module,
 you have to concern yourself with JSP and all the other MVC technologies.
 Placing aside the topic of XML-based configuration files, you¹ll want to know
 what (container) your JSPs were compiled to target. In this case, source code
 is different than binary. Similar factors sneak themselves in across the Java
 Then you¹ve got the world of Aspect Oriented programming. Spring and a broader
 class of packages that use AspectJ to weave code into your application will
 dramatically change the face of your binary. To get the same resolution out of
 your source code, you must in essence Oapply¹ those point cuts yourself...
 Getting binary-quality resolution from source code  therefore means predicting
 what transforms will occur at what point-cut locations. I doubt highly any
 source-based approach will get this thoroughly correct.
 Finally, from the perspective of dynamic analysis, one must consider the
 post-compiler transforms that occur. Java involves both JIT and Hotspot (using
 two hotspot compilers: client and server, each of which conducting different
 transforms), which neither binary nor source-code-based static