Re: [SC-L] any one a CSSLP is it worth it?

2010-04-14 Thread Mike Lyman
On 4/12/2010 2:03 PM, Matt Parsons wrote:
> I am a CISSP with programming experience, static code analysis and web
> penetration testing.   I am thinking about taking the CSSLP.   I just
> bought the review book.   Is it worth getting this certification?   Is
> it going to raise my rates and help me get more contracts?   Is the
> GIAC better or should I pursue both or neither?   I wrote about the
> first concept of the CSSLP on my blog.   Any feedback would be greatly
> appreciated.  

It's supposed to be on track to become a US DoD cert in 8570. If you are
in that world that will help.

Meanwhile it's part of our brag sheet as we work on getting new business
in the software assurance area among our DoD customers. We've got two of
us on our team from early in the experience assessment phase. Not sure
how much it helps sell things over and above our reputation among our
customers but we keep it out there.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-26 Thread Mike Lyman
Benjamin Tomhave wrote:
> First, security in the software development concept is at least an
> intermediate concept, if not advanced. Riffing on Brad's comments, it
> seems irrational to think that you can jump straight from structural
> basics with which many students struggle (OO anybody?) directly to
> concepts that bridge computer architecture, code structure, and various
> other problems.

Like most technical skills, there is a range of skills that play into
secure software. When you are teaching hello world, you are not coving
program architecture and requirements management. In a similar way you
are not going to get into advanced secure software concepts when you are
teaching hello world. You teach the appropriate skill levels at the
appropriate time and some of these are going to be skills that play into
secure programming. For students at perhaps the high school level and
above, you can probably even begin to introduce them as things that
impact security even if the focus is mainly on doing things right. Bad
habits develop early and we need to prevent them as early as possible.

Earlier I related how I had college instructors tell us not to worry
about extras like error handling but to concentrate on the lesson he was
trying to teach us. Clearly many of us were able to worry about error
handling, we were trying to do it. We tried to do user friendly
interfaces (command line at the time) and respond to incorrect input,
don't bother with that, just concentrate on the lesson. The wrong
lessons were taught those days. Forget the implied requirements, just
get the job done as quickly as possible. Wrong lesson. Early on, way
back in high school, I learned about problems with dividing by zero and
learned to check for it even if it wasn't explicitly in the code. That
was the beginning of input validation. Early on I learned the limits of
integer types on computers (also in high school), that was the beginning
of learning about integer overflow problems.

Secure coding needs to be injected into the entire curriculum to keep
the bad habits from developing early but it needs to be done at a skills
appropriate level. We're not going to teach people to do a threat
modeling when they are doing hello world. We can't teach people to
validate input when they have not had any lessons on comparison
operators, if statements or case statements etc. Once they've had those
though, some basic input validation becomes a great programming
assignment to test their understanding of those skills.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-24 Thread Mike Lyman
Brad Andrews wrote:
> But we are not talking about separate classes.  The assertion (which I
> probably clipped, sorry) was that it should be woven into the
> curriculum.  I was noting where and how to do so, starting in the
> intro level classes.  Just telling a starting programmer to properly
> check input length is all well and good, but falls far short of making
> a secure programmer. 

Sorry if this comes across as a misread of the above but it touches on a
pet peeve of mine in this business. Falls far short or that doesn't fix
the problem is used quite a bit to dismiss steps we could be taking.
Since we cannot create truly secure systems or software, we need to
embrace efforts that still improve things as long as the cost of the
effort is appropriate for the gain in security. Instead of "properly
check input length is all well and good, but falls far short of making a
secure programmer" I prefer to think of all the security bugs we could
have avoided if most programmers has a well ingrained habit of doing
just that. We'd still have a lot of problems left to address but we'd
have avoided a lot of pain if this little thing had been taught better
or even taught at all. (When I do secure development intro type classes,
my if you only take one thing away from today, make it Don't Trust
Input. You'll learn the rest later but that one thing will fix many

I went to a different type college than most people. It exists to train
officers for the US Army. Most of the military training focuses on basic
soldier skills and the things we needed to know to lead small units at
the lieutenant level with platoons and captain level with companies if
we had to. We knew enough of the higher level skills to be able to put
what we were doing into context and maybe, if we got into a really bad
spot, we could, for a time, command a battalion or brigade until
somebody else could get there to take over. We weren't ready to be
generals yet but we were reasonably ready for where we were in our
careers for the first several years and most knew there was still a lot
we had to learn and practice to really be good lieutenants even though
we'd spent four years preparing for the job.

> Some will sit through a class with glazed eyes and no understanding.

We'll always have that. The old doctor joke about 50% of the doctors out
there graduated in the bottom half of their class applies to our
industry as well with the added burden of plenty doing what we do with
no formal training at all. There are reasons we do peer reviews, formal
code reviews and testing. This is just a small piece of the puzzle that
has not been addressed well enough but it is just a piece.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-22 Thread Mike Lyman
Brad Andrews wrote:
> Has anyone who holds to this taught a beginning level programming
> class?  Getting students to understand what a loop is can be hard
> enough, given limited time.  Diving into exploits and buffer overflows
> can be much more difficult.

Getting into exploits at this level is probably more than many can
handle but it's not a bad time to teach proper bounds checking and
making sure any math operations don't result in overflows. Part of the
lesson might even be to create loops with math that cause these errors
deliberately if students are no longer taught how numbers are
represented in memory and what happens when you exceed the limits directly.

Might not be a bad idea though to step back on basic courses and rather
than dive in to programing concepts right away start with some
demonstrations of what happens with bad code and follow up with
refreshers periodically through the course. Nothing in great depth
unless the students can handle it but showing them what happens after
coding errors might raise awareness and start them thinking what happens
when this breaks rather than strictly focusing on how do it get it to
work. I cringe at the thought of what I used to do in code based on the
habits that started in high school and college.

> I am sure some things could be put into a basic class, but the ideas
> are a bit deeper.  Security at the "Hello World!" or Mortgage
> Calculator program level seems quite difficult.
> This bears some thinking through, but the security risks seem to be:
> - Make sure the input amount is in dollars.
> - Make sure the term is numeric and within "reasonable" ranges.
> - Make sure that interest rate is in the form of XX.XX.

That's a great start at getting them to think about how they have to
treat input and validate it. I don't recall any of my instructors ever
focusing on making sure the input to anything is what was expected. I'm
sure some did but I don't recall it. Even if the students don't always
get it right at this point, get them started thinking about it.

> Where do you inject security there?  Sure, you can note the importance
> of checking the data, but just because someone checks the input here
> doesn't mean they will have a clue on checking the input on a web form
> for an SQL injection attempt.

You might not touch on this until you get to those type applications. If
they were taught to question input all along though, by time you get to
something like this the habit might be forming.


Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-22 Thread Mike Lyman
Andy Steingruebl wrote:
> I think our real question isn't just how to reach the "professional"
> programmer trained via formal training programs, but also how to reach
> the "amateur" programmer trained via books, trial+error, etc.

One area here is making sure examples are done correctly. The database
examples that connected to an MS SQL server with userid=SA;password=""
used to drive me crazy. "The sample code does it that way so I better do
it that way." It makes for more complicated sample code but it may be
the only way to reach these self taught folks.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-21 Thread Mike Lyman
Neil Matatall wrote:
> So where does secure coding belong in the curriculum?
> Higher Ed?  High School?
> Undergrad? Grad? Extension?

Secure coding needs to be taught anytime programing is taught.

>From my experience in my son's boy scout troop, I'm not sure I'd call it
out as security and confuse middle school/junior high school students
but I'd teach them basics like input validation and bounds checking as
basic good programing. The security aspects can wait until later when
they can better handle several concepts at once.

After that is just needs to be part of the course and called out for
what it is. There is room for stand alone security focused training and
courses but it needs to be drilled in all along the way. I recall my own
computer science instructors telling us *not* to spend time on bells and
whistles and concentrate on the concept the lesson was covering. If the
lesson was on pointers, adding things like error checking and user
friendly features didn't count for anything. I can understand why that
was said but it sends the wrong message and begins the development of
bad habits. That was 20 to 30 years ago and most computer users' idea of
security was locking their car doors but it did set us up for bad
habits. Basics need to be drilled in early and always count for
something even if the lesson is while loops.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Unclassified NSA document on .NET 2.0 Framework Security

2008-11-24 Thread Mike Lyman
Dinis Cruz wrote:
> Don't get me wrong, this is a great document if one is interested in
> writing applications that use CAS (Code Access Security), I would love
> for this to be widely used.

When we recommended recommending CAS during a review of the U.S. Defense
Information System Agency's new Application Security and Development
Security Technical Implementation Guide earlier this year we were met
with what amounted to blank stares. (At least it seemed like that since
it was a phone conference.) Some on the call understood it and agreed
with the recommendation but those hosting the call and doing the writing
didn't seem to grasp it. It may be a while before we see too many
adopting this or requiring it for a while.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] Software security definition(s)

2008-03-14 Thread Mike Lyman
Arian J. Evans wrote:
> What is "secure" software?
> It is one quality of an application that can be measured
> by the emergent behaviors of the software while trying to
> meet and enforce its use-case in a given run-time environment.

Fairly new to the list so if I cover things discussed before or breach 
some list standards here feel free to jump all over me.

What is secure software good discussion to help us set our sights on 
where we need to go. Want to keep it grounded in the reality of today 
though just a bit.

I think one of the problems we have in the security industry is "secure" 
itself is a bad term. Somebody, somewhere can find a way to attack any 
computer as long as it exists. I've often told folks I'm beginning to 
work with that you could power off a computer, encase it in a block of 
cement, dump in it the ocean to try to secure the data in it it and 
Robert Ballard could probably located it and retrieve it for anybody 
willing to pay for it and meanwhile it hasn't been very useful to you. 
Even short of that drastic of a step, if users can use it, somebody can 
attack it. Features themselves are double edged swords; "del *.*" or 
"sudo rm *" can be useful commands or very dangerous ones. Even with 
draconian input validation, users could mess up the integrity of the 
data just by fat fingering input or selecting the wrong item in a pick 
list or a disk controller going bad could cause garbage. Somebody 
reading over a user's sholder can comprise the confidentially of the 
data or listening to them at lunch time. (Ever want to know what is 
going on at Microsoft just go to the opening day of any major science 
fiction movie at any theater in the Redmond area.) Flooded network pipes 
or cut cables can create DoS attacks. A user walking away from his desk 
without locking the computer opens up non-repudiation issues. "Secure" 
can be successfully attacked in too many ways and proven insecure.

I try to focus more on secure enough to do the job it needs to do in the 
environment it will operate in. That adds a lot of complexity that is 
difficult to deal with since it makes simple check lists less useful but 
it can also simplify things. I've had experiences where we removed 
security features because they were unnecessary for the application and 
its environment. Had a design team engineer FT Knox to that could have 
protected data for years when that data was going live on a public 
website in less than 24 hours. They were rather surprised to have 
security remove things that were way too costly for the nature of what 
they were doing.

Just started as the security reviewer/lead on a new project yesterday. 
Went into my standard introductions about how this is an ever changing 
world and what passes as good enough today may be wide open tomorrow and 
we just have to live with that fact. We don't have the time or budget to 
fully inject security into their development life cycle at this time or 
dive deep into their code but any improvement is still improvement. What 
we do now will make them better on the next version or the next project. 
(Have seen that happen in a big way with some of the teams we work 
with.) We may have a larger budget next time or get more mileage out of 
the same budget because of what they learn now. As is all too typical, 
our customers get us engaged after the project is already in progress so 
we can't inject security considerations from the beginning and help 
drive the design or the application or the specifications. We do what we 
can while in progress. It'll be better than it would have been without 
our efforts.

When we are done, will it be secure? No, we couldn't ultimately achieve 
that anyway but will it be secure enough for its intended use and 
environment is the better question. Should be but even then I won't give 
concrete answer. Based on what we know today it probably will be but 
somewhere somebody may well be crafting that next attack that blows us 
out of the water.

Mike Lyman

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Re: [SC-L] quick question - SXSW

2008-03-14 Thread Mike Lyman
Arian J. Evans wrote:
> Overall security is not a feature or a function that you can monetarize.
> It's not even cool or sexy. It's an emergent behavior that is only
> observed when it is making your software harder to use.

Maybe it is just the US Department of Defense environment where I am 
currently working but I see developers start to see this as cool and 
sexy. Most are picking it up quickly and a few are even interested in 
diving in deep into the security world. They ask great questions and are 
doing a lot of independent research on it. We are in an environment 
where they get security awareness training a few times a year and are 
constantly bombarded with security messages but some of them really are 
getting into it. It gives them something new to learn and it is driving 
them to go deeper into some development subjects that they normally 
would not ever be allowed to look at due to delivery schedules. Security 
is giving them a good excuse to go learn more.

Mike Lyman

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