off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous [3] (was Re;)

2018-08-25 Thread Yasha Karant

Thank you for your assistance and information.

Several comments.

1.  All of the operations I performed were done using whatever is in the 
stock repos (SL, elrepo, and the like) and whatever is in stock yum for 
SL 7.1 (the base system that had not been fully updated in a while).  If 
yum does perform the operation by first downloading all of the required 
RPM files and then starting the upgrade, the files should be on the 
machine.  It appeared from what I observed that some were downloaded, 
the upgrade began, and others were being uploaded as the upgrade 
proceeded so that two operations were happening in a multi-threaded 
manner.  That is a guess as I do not know where to look for the detailed 
logs as the system will boot (but no Xwindows).

2.  The mirrored RAID was done using whatever was "stock" in SL7 at that 
epoch -- no outside special RAID was used.  Clearly, the information I 
provided is insufficient definitively identify the RAID in question.  
What scrolling terminal command(s) provide such information?

3.  What form of tar will copy a full directory (with both hard and soft 
links) to a file that can then be restored?  I would use this for /home, 
/opt , and whatever systems configurations directories that need to be 
kept (SSH keys were mentioned).  If tar will not do this, what dd 
command will?

4.  I have a USB drive that contains the full image of the bootable 
installation procedure of a standard (not "everything") SL 7.5 ISO.  
Presumably, this image contains all of the RPMs that one would need.

4.1 What is the explicit command that provides a list of all of the 
current RPMs used in the SL 7.1 installed system?

4.1.1  Some of these came from non-SL repositories (such as the nvidia 
update packages) that would not be in the SL 7.5 installation ISO -- how 
does one configure the "repair" rpm invocation (not yum) not to go to 
the network to get these missing files but still not "crash"?

4.2 How does one convert the bootable install ISO into a RPM 
"repository" from which the replace packages rpm command will run -- 
*NOT* using the network?  I found an upstream vendor old set of 
instructions, but these probably would not work for SL current.

4.2.1  Does the live system ISO bootable image require a network 
connection to update, or can it be configured to use local USB media 
from the bootable install ISO image?

4.3 My experience with updating packages (not a full system or 
kernel/driver update) is that a "replacement" rpm file may require 
additional rpm files that were not required by the package being 
updated.  yum "automatically" takes care of this situation -- does rpm ?

4.4  Assuming that the nvidia package comes from a different distro, 
could I first get an updated system without nvidia support, then install 
the nvidia RPMs from USB media?

The tower chassis in question is on the floor under a table (used as a 
desk) that has cables going from the back to the keyboard, monitor, 
pointing device, printer, small local UPS power supply, and the RJ45 
IEEE 802.3 LAN jack.  Note that the security system of the campus will 
not activate a LAN jack with a different MAC address than the one 
assigned to it -- replacing a 802.3 machine at this campus requires 
explicit contact with the local IT management controlling the campus 
LAN.  Moreover, if a system has been "off" too long, the security system 
will "drop" the machine and require a call to IT LAN management. Thus, 
removal of a hard drive is possible but tedious.  This has nothing to do 
with SL but with local campus IT management policy (imposed by the 
campus executive for "security").

The system did not "crash" panic  -- it simply hung for several hours 
with no "visible" progress -- and was then rebooted.  It did panic with 
the SL 7.5 kernel, but not the SL 7.1 kernel, just no Xwindows.

Thanks again for any assistance.

Yasha Karant

On 08/24/2018 03:54 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 1:41 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:

Thanks for that approach.  As I can get to USB drives, would the
following work as root:

1.  Insert a blank multi byte external USB drive (e.g., Western Digital,
other vendors) on another machine and leave a blank format

2.  Assuming that the drive on the failed machine is /dev/sda (e.g.,
sda1 ... sdaN), and that the external drive appears as /dev/sdb,

dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

If you're going this route, you'll want to yank out the first hard
drive while booting from the second. Put a filesystem on the second
disk, and pour the first disk image into a file, not a raw disk.

* dd if=/dev/sda of-/mnt/directory/filename.img

Mount or manipulate the *image*, not the disk, so you don't see that
disk image as scanned by your disk controllers at boot time. That lets
you put ordinary "look up the disk names and mount them on the live
system, or with a live CD if I have to"

thereby "imaging" the current harddrive but having exact images of
/home, /opt, and 

Re: off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous

2018-08-24 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 1:41 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:
> Thanks for that approach.  As I can get to USB drives, would the
> following work as root:
> 1.  Insert a blank multi byte external USB drive (e.g., Western Digital,
> other vendors) on another machine and leave a blank format
> 2.  Assuming that the drive on the failed machine is /dev/sda (e.g.,
> sda1 ... sdaN), and that the external drive appears as /dev/sdb,
> issue
> dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

If you're going this route, you'll want to yank out the first hard
drive while booting from the second. Put a filesystem on the second
disk, and pour the first disk image into a file, not a raw disk.

* dd if=/dev/sda of-/mnt/directory/filename.img

Mount or manipulate the *image*, not the disk, so you don't see that
disk image as scanned by your disk controllers at boot time. That lets
you put ordinary "look up the disk names and mount them on the live
system, or with a live CD if I have to"

> thereby "imaging" the current harddrive but having exact images of
> /home, /opt, and the like
> 3.  Install SL7.5 from the bootable USB iso install image, manually
> partitioning to same sizes as on the existing drive
> 4.  cp -pr /home and the like from the USB image drive to the "new" SL
> 7.5 system, thereby restoring all files
> Note that the above has far fewer manual steps than the suggested procedure.
> I often use yumex GUI to perform such updates.  If the network
> "glitches"  during a yumex massive update, would the system again be in
> an unbootable state?

Network glitches. shouldn't be a big issue, unless some smart !@#$
wrote a customized RPM that violates RHEL standards and installs
components on the fly. I've seen people do that one, especially to
install third party drivers, and it works great until it doesn't work
at all and completely mucks up the state of your system. yum normally
downloads the packages, *then* runs RPM on them to actually install
them. But you've several times said the system crashed. That's not a
network glitch: that's a "we're stopping the system in the midst of
the kernel doing what should be atomic operations, but we've
interrupted them, moo-ha-ha". And some of those are database
operations, namely the RPM database.

> Does anyone have a mechanism for SL7.5 to perform an upgrade rather than
> a new install booting from the install ISO image file?

I've mentioned several: I think that the "rpm -U --replacepkgs"
approach will get you far enough to complete with a yum update

> Thanks,
> Yasha Karant
> On 08/21/2018 03:47 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 5:53 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:
> >> During the upgrade of a SL 7 non-current system to SL 7 (via yum update
> >> as root from the Internet), the campus network "glitched" and the system
> >> hung.  The 7.5 partially installed system panics; it has not recovered.
> >> The 7 non-current will boot but no X (no GUI), only a scrolling text
> >> terminal, presumably from which yum can be executed.
> > If you want to keep this beastie alive, I urge you to:
> >
> > * Boot from a live USB or DVD image with networking enabled
> > * Mount the old partitions at /mnt/sysimage, with subpartitions
> > appropriately under that
> > * chroot to /mnt/sysimage
> > * Run "rpm --rebuilddb", because it is probably corrupt
> > * Get the list of installed packages with "rpm -qa --qf '%{name}.%{arch}\n'"
> > * For every package, use "yum upgrade $name" and "yum reinstall $name"
> > * * yum reinstall may require enabling the obsolete repositories
> > * One or more are likely to balk due to two distinct versions of the
> > same package.  Resolve that balking package manually, downloading the
> > current version and using "rpm -U --replacepkgs $name"
> >
> >> I have downloaded Scientific-7.5-Install-Dual-Layer-DVD-x86_64.iso and
> >> then put this onto an USB flash "thumb" drive that I have confirmed is
> >> bootable and will start the installation steps.  I do not want to do a
> >> new install but rather an upgrade, not touching /home , /opt and the like.
> >>
> >> I have found old upstream vendor instructions for a previous upstream
> >> vendor major release of the enterprise (not enthusiast) system; please
> >> see below.  How are these to
> >> be modified for SL 7.5?  If I boot the Install ISO image (from the USB
> >> drive), is there a way to get to the old GUI upgrade option that seems
> >> no longer available?
> > It's nearly impossible to tell which components got messed up in a
> > mass upgrade. Start from a cleaned up upgrade process, as described
> > above.
> >
> >> Please reply to  Any assistance would be appreciated.
> >>
> >> Yasha Karant

Re: off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous [3]

2018-08-24 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 2:13 AM Yasha Karant  wrote:
> The pre SL 7.5 machine for which yum crashed during an upgrade does
> boot.  I ran parted as root on the hard drive with the following output:

[ RAID information snipped ]

"RAID" can means a lot of different settings, most of which are not
evident from the data you published. You've sometimes tried to
outsmart standard settings, so it's not clear if the XFS partitions
are elements in a RAID array, or have been gathered into LVM groups,
or what.

> would not image the mirrored "RAID" drives from one of the mirror set?

In theory, mirroring a drive by replicating to a another drive or a
disk image should copy all the content. But it can also confuse the
system, because it copies the uuid's of the partitions to the new disk
or disk image. Chaos can ensue. Having both drives attached at the
same time, in that setup, can be. well, it could trigger
adventures. That kind of thing is partly why I recommended using a
live CD or DVD image, even if it's on a USB drive.

> By this means, all of /home , /opt  and the like should be recoverable?
> There may be minor discrepancies but as the system was not being used
> other than for root to run yum, the image should have all vital
> configuration files as
> well as all end-user home directories.
> Also, as the system does boot, is there anyway to start yum "fresh" and
> force an upgrade at this point?  Only the Xwindows system fails under

It would help your models if you looked, not at "yum", but at the
underlying "rpm" tool that yum actually uses. yum is a wrapper for
RPM, organizing *what* packages to manipulate with RPM underlying RPM
commands like "instlal", "update", or "delete". It's why I suggest
reinstalling all the packages with "rpm -U --replacepkgs", from a list
of installed packages. Since you have a 2 TB drive lying around, you
can even pre-mirror the current yum repositories to directories there
and work from local copies. There are scripts for just that sort of
mirroring at
 They're a
bit out of date, but there is one there specifically for Scientific

> the old system.  During the boot sequence, one can choose the SL7.5
> image, but this one fails with a panic due to the yum upgrade failure.

See what I've been saying about "re-installing all your RPM's, with
the 'rpm -U --replacepkgs'" options.

> However, the older system image does boot as the above output serves t
> verify.  My guess is there are one or more yum bookkeeping files that
> need modification for a "fresh" yum update to be enabled.
> Any further assistance would be appreciated.
> Yasha Karant

Maybe a "grubby" misconfiguration when the kernel was being installed?
Like I keep saying, "re-install the RPMs". I suspect that will address
your issues. And, if I may say from personally recovering critical
systems from failed upgrades, including incompatible kernels? Been
there, done that. The re-install can be done from a live DVD or USB
drive, and it's pretty effective. Slow, but effective.

off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous [3]

2018-08-24 Thread Yasha Karant
The pre SL 7.5 machine for which yum crashed during an upgrade does 
boot.  I ran parted as root on the hard drive with the following output:

Model: ATA TOSHIBA DT01ACA2 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End Size    Type  File system Flags
 1  32.3kB  41.1MB  41.1MB  primary   fat16   diag
 2  41.9MB  11.1GB  11.1GB  primary   ntfs    boot, diag
 3  11.1GB  51.1GB  40.0GB  primary   xfs
 4  51.1GB  2000GB  1949GB  extended
 5  51.1GB  1051GB  1000GB  logical   xfs
 6  1051GB  1251GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 7  1251GB  1451GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 8  1451GB  1651GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 9  1651GB  1751GB  100GB   logical   xfs
10  1751GB  1791GB  40.0GB  logical   linux-swap(v1)
11  1791GB  1941GB  150GB   logical   xfs

Model: ATA TOSHIBA DT01ACA2 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B

Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End Size    Type  File system Flags
 1  32.3kB  41.1MB  41.1MB  primary   fat16   diag
 2  41.9MB  11.1GB  11.1GB  primary   ntfs    boot, diag
 3  11.1GB  51.1GB  40.0GB  primary   xfs
 4  51.1GB  2000GB  1949GB  extended
 5  51.1GB  1051GB  1000GB  logical   xfs
 6  1051GB  1251GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 7  1251GB  1451GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 8  1451GB  1651GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 9  1651GB  1751GB  100GB   logical   xfs
10  1751GB  1791GB  40.0GB  logical   linux-swap(v1)
11  1791GB  1941GB  150GB   logical   xfs

Model: Linux Software RAID Array (md)
Disk /dev/md126: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End Size    Type  File system Flags
 1  32.3kB  41.1MB  41.1MB  primary   fat16   diag
 2  41.9MB  11.1GB  11.1GB  primary   ntfs    boot, diag
 3  11.1GB  51.1GB  40.0GB  primary   xfs
 4  51.1GB  2000GB  1949GB  extended
 5  51.1GB  1051GB  1000GB  logical   xfs
 6  1051GB  1251GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 7  1251GB  1451GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 8  1451GB  1651GB  200GB   logical   xfs
 9  1651GB  1751GB  100GB   logical   xfs
10  1751GB  1791GB  40.0GB  logical   linux-swap(v1)
11  1791GB  1941GB  150GB   logical   xfs

End output.

An external  USB 2 Tbyte drive is mounted by this system as /dev/sdg

Is there any reason that as root

dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdg

would not image the mirrored "RAID" drives from one of the mirror set?  
By this means, all of /home , /opt  and the like should be recoverable?  
There may be minor discrepancies but as the system was not being used 
other than for root to run yum, the image should have all vital 
configuration files as

well as all end-user home directories.

Also, as the system does boot, is there anyway to start yum "fresh" and 
force an upgrade at this point?  Only the Xwindows system fails under 
the old system.  During the boot sequence, one can choose the SL7.5 
image, but this one fails with a panic due to the yum upgrade failure.  
However, the older system image does boot as the above output serves to 
verify.  My guess is there are one or more yum bookkeeping files that 
need modification for a "fresh" yum update to be enabled.

Any further assistance would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Re: off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous [2]

2018-08-23 Thread Yasha Karant

The response below does not seem to agree with what I observed.

The downloads strictly were from the specified repos for an update, all 
from the web (no local NFS, etc., caching).  If what is stated below is 
correct, unless yum is not re-entrant, once the installation (update) 
had started, all of the necessary RPMS (perhaps one hundred) should be 
on the harddrive. Because the old SL 7 system will boot (no X11), and
the files should be on the hard drive, then yum should be able to 
re-enter where it "left off".

If the RPM files are kept in a temporary directory that is erased upon 
re-boot, an unfinished update could (would) fail.

Assuming that the bootable SL system can get to the network (or will 
this require "network manager"?), is there a way to force yum to start 
the update from the beginning?

In the interim, I am going to image the system hard drive to a 2 Tbyte  
external USB hard drive using dd.

If I cannot get yum to "restart", I will do a full install from the USB 
ISO SL 7.5 install image, and then restore /home , /opt, ssh-keys, and 
the like from the

image, unless a better approach appears in response.

Yasha Karant

On 08/23/2018 11:37 AM, Chris Schanzle wrote:
If you do the first paragraph below, you'll have a unknown mess and 
will always consider the system "flaky".  Please:  reinstall from 
scratch and restore your home directory data.  You'll at least be in a 
well-known state and that's worth a lot to your peace of mind.  Maybe 
try to save/restore your /etc/ssh/ directory to keep your host keys or 
other /etc data in case you need it for service reconfiguration.

Yum does not require the network after the installation begins. I.e., 
it downloads the packages to local disk first, then starts the install.

The system may have hung for other reasons (e.g., NFS mounts), but not 
because yum needed the network.

Hope that helps!

On 08/22/2018 02:16 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
Another approach to consider:  the failed system is SL 7.2 and does 
boot but does not bring up the GUI (e.g., ctrl-alt-F3 brings up a 
login prompt on a scrolling terminal screen and all users, including 
root, may log into the system).  I have other working SL 7.2 systems 
(I have had no time to update and have no GSRAs or Staff right now to 
help). If I cp -pr /usr , /bin , whatever (but not /home and the 
like) from a working system to the failed system, will the failed 
system then be able to use other mechanisms for an update rather than 
a full new install of SL 7.5 followed by a restore of /home and the 

Why was this system being upgraded?  It appears that the Palo Alto 
security systems on the end-users 802.3 network segment was 
"complaining", hopefully "fixed" by SL 7 current.  (Different 
security is used on the 802.11 networks.)

As the campus network where I work i not designed for reliable 
systems work but rather end-user files (if the network glitches, 
simply repeat the download, etc.), is there a mechanism to update 
from media, say using the iso install image from a USB thumb drive?

Thanks for any assistance.

Yasha Karant

On 08/21/2018 03:47 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 5:53 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:
During the upgrade of a SL 7 non-current system to SL 7 (via yum 
as root from the Internet), the campus network "glitched" and the 
hung.  The 7.5 partially installed system panics; it has not 

The 7 non-current will boot but no X (no GUI), only a scrolling text
terminal, presumably from which yum can be executed.

If you want to keep this beastie alive, I urge you to:

* Boot from a live USB or DVD image with networking enabled
* Mount the old partitions at /mnt/sysimage, with subpartitions
appropriately under that
* chroot to /mnt/sysimage
* Run "rpm --rebuilddb", because it is probably corrupt
* Get the list of installed packages with "rpm -qa --qf 

* For every package, use "yum upgrade $name" and "yum reinstall $name"
* * yum reinstall may require enabling the obsolete repositories
* One or more are likely to balk due to two distinct versions of the
same package.  Resolve that balking package manually, downloading the
current version and using "rpm -U --replacepkgs $name"

I have downloaded Scientific-7.5-Install-Dual-Layer-DVD-x86_64.iso and
then put this onto an USB flash "thumb" drive that I have confirmed is
bootable and will start the installation steps.  I do not want to do a
new install but rather an upgrade, not touching /home , /opt and 
the like.

I have found old upstream vendor instructions for a previous upstream
vendor major release of the enterprise (not enthusiast) system; please
see below.  How are these to
be modified for SL 7.5?  If I boot the Install ISO image (from the USB
drive), is there a way to get to the old GUI upgrade option that seems
no longer available?

It's nearly impossible to tell which components got messed up in a
mass upgrade. Start from a cleaned up upgrade 

Re: off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous [2]

2018-08-22 Thread Yasha Karant
Another approach to consider:  the failed system is SL 7.2 and does boot 
but does not bring up the GUI (e.g., ctrl-alt-F3 brings up a login 
prompt on a scrolling terminal screen and all users, including root, may 
log into the system).  I have other working SL 7.2 systems (I have had 
no time to update and have no GSRAs or Staff right now to help).  If I 
cp -pr /usr , /bin , whatever (but not /home and the like) from a 
working system to the failed system, will the failed system then be able 
to use other mechanisms for an update rather than a full new install of 
SL 7.5 followed by a restore of /home and the like?

Why was this system being upgraded?  It appears that the Palo Alto 
security systems on the end-users 802.3 network segment was 
"complaining", hopefully "fixed" by SL 7 current.  (Different security 
is used on the 802.11 networks.)

As the campus network where I work i not designed for reliable systems 
work but rather end-user files (if the network glitches, simply repeat 
the download, etc.), is there a mechanism to update from media, say 
using the iso install image from a USB thumb drive?

Thanks for any assistance.

Yasha Karant

On 08/21/2018 03:47 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 5:53 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:

During the upgrade of a SL 7 non-current system to SL 7 (via yum update
as root from the Internet), the campus network "glitched" and the system
hung.  The 7.5 partially installed system panics; it has not recovered.
The 7 non-current will boot but no X (no GUI), only a scrolling text
terminal, presumably from which yum can be executed.

If you want to keep this beastie alive, I urge you to:

* Boot from a live USB or DVD image with networking enabled
* Mount the old partitions at /mnt/sysimage, with subpartitions
appropriately under that
* chroot to /mnt/sysimage
* Run "rpm --rebuilddb", because it is probably corrupt
* Get the list of installed packages with "rpm -qa --qf '%{name}.%{arch}\n'"
* For every package, use "yum upgrade $name" and "yum reinstall $name"
* * yum reinstall may require enabling the obsolete repositories
* One or more are likely to balk due to two distinct versions of the
same package.  Resolve that balking package manually, downloading the
current version and using "rpm -U --replacepkgs $name"

I have downloaded Scientific-7.5-Install-Dual-Layer-DVD-x86_64.iso and
then put this onto an USB flash "thumb" drive that I have confirmed is
bootable and will start the installation steps.  I do not want to do a
new install but rather an upgrade, not touching /home , /opt and the like.

I have found old upstream vendor instructions for a previous upstream
vendor major release of the enterprise (not enthusiast) system; please
see below.  How are these to
be modified for SL 7.5?  If I boot the Install ISO image (from the USB
drive), is there a way to get to the old GUI upgrade option that seems
no longer available?

It's nearly impossible to tell which components got messed up in a
mass upgrade. Start from a cleaned up upgrade process, as described

Please reply to  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Re: off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous

2018-08-22 Thread Yasha Karant
Thanks for that approach.  As I can get to USB drives, would the 
following work as root:

1.  Insert a blank multi byte external USB drive (e.g., Western Digital, 
other vendors) on another machine and leave a blank format

2.  Assuming that the drive on the failed machine is /dev/sda (e.g., 
sda1 ... sdaN), and that the external drive appears as /dev/sdb,


dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

thereby "imaging" the current harddrive but having exact images of 
/home, /opt, and the like

3.  Install SL7.5 from the bootable USB iso install image, manually 
partitioning to same sizes as on the existing drive

4.  cp -pr /home and the like from the USB image drive to the "new" SL 
7.5 system, thereby restoring all files

Note that the above has far fewer manual steps than the suggested procedure.

I often use yumex GUI to perform such updates.  If the network 
"glitches"  during a yumex massive update, would the system again be in 
an unbootable state?

Does anyone have a mechanism for SL7.5 to perform an upgrade rather than 
a new install booting from the install ISO image file?


Yasha Karant

On 08/21/2018 03:47 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 5:53 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:

During the upgrade of a SL 7 non-current system to SL 7 (via yum update
as root from the Internet), the campus network "glitched" and the system
hung.  The 7.5 partially installed system panics; it has not recovered.
The 7 non-current will boot but no X (no GUI), only a scrolling text
terminal, presumably from which yum can be executed.

If you want to keep this beastie alive, I urge you to:

* Boot from a live USB or DVD image with networking enabled
* Mount the old partitions at /mnt/sysimage, with subpartitions
appropriately under that
* chroot to /mnt/sysimage
* Run "rpm --rebuilddb", because it is probably corrupt
* Get the list of installed packages with "rpm -qa --qf '%{name}.%{arch}\n'"
* For every package, use "yum upgrade $name" and "yum reinstall $name"
* * yum reinstall may require enabling the obsolete repositories
* One or more are likely to balk due to two distinct versions of the
same package.  Resolve that balking package manually, downloading the
current version and using "rpm -U --replacepkgs $name"

I have downloaded Scientific-7.5-Install-Dual-Layer-DVD-x86_64.iso and
then put this onto an USB flash "thumb" drive that I have confirmed is
bootable and will start the installation steps.  I do not want to do a
new install but rather an upgrade, not touching /home , /opt and the like.

I have found old upstream vendor instructions for a previous upstream
vendor major release of the enterprise (not enthusiast) system; please
see below.  How are these to
be modified for SL 7.5?  If I boot the Install ISO image (from the USB
drive), is there a way to get to the old GUI upgrade option that seems
no longer available?

It's nearly impossible to tell which components got messed up in a
mass upgrade. Start from a cleaned up upgrade process, as described

Please reply to  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Re: off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous

2018-08-21 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 5:53 PM Yasha Karant  wrote:
> During the upgrade of a SL 7 non-current system to SL 7 (via yum update
> as root from the Internet), the campus network "glitched" and the system
> hung.  The 7.5 partially installed system panics; it has not recovered.
> The 7 non-current will boot but no X (no GUI), only a scrolling text
> terminal, presumably from which yum can be executed.

If you want to keep this beastie alive, I urge you to:

* Boot from a live USB or DVD image with networking enabled
* Mount the old partitions at /mnt/sysimage, with subpartitions
appropriately under that
* chroot to /mnt/sysimage
* Run "rpm --rebuilddb", because it is probably corrupt
* Get the list of installed packages with "rpm -qa --qf '%{name}.%{arch}\n'"
* For every package, use "yum upgrade $name" and "yum reinstall $name"
* * yum reinstall may require enabling the obsolete repositories
* One or more are likely to balk due to two distinct versions of the
same package.  Resolve that balking package manually, downloading the
current version and using "rpm -U --replacepkgs $name"

> I have downloaded Scientific-7.5-Install-Dual-Layer-DVD-x86_64.iso and
> then put this onto an USB flash "thumb" drive that I have confirmed is
> bootable and will start the installation steps.  I do not want to do a
> new install but rather an upgrade, not touching /home , /opt and the like.
> I have found old upstream vendor instructions for a previous upstream
> vendor major release of the enterprise (not enthusiast) system; please
> see below.  How are these to
> be modified for SL 7.5?  If I boot the Install ISO image (from the USB
> drive), is there a way to get to the old GUI upgrade option that seems
> no longer available?

It's nearly impossible to tell which components got messed up in a
mass upgrade. Start from a cleaned up upgrade process, as described

> Please reply to  Any assistance would be appreciated.
> Yasha Karant

off line upgrade to 7.5 from 7 previous

2018-08-21 Thread Yasha Karant
During the upgrade of a SL 7 non-current system to SL 7 (via yum update 
as root from the Internet), the campus network "glitched" and the system 
hung.  The 7.5 partially installed system panics; it has not recovered. 
The 7 non-current will boot but no X (no GUI), only a scrolling text 
terminal, presumably from which yum can be executed.

I have downloaded Scientific-7.5-Install-Dual-Layer-DVD-x86_64.iso and 
then put this onto an USB flash "thumb" drive that I have confirmed is 
bootable and will start the installation steps.  I do not want to do a 
new install but rather an upgrade, not touching /home , /opt and the like.

I have found old upstream vendor instructions for a previous upstream 
vendor major release of the enterprise (not enthusiast) system; please 
see below.  How are these to
be modified for SL 7.5?  If I boot the Install ISO image (from the USB 
drive), is there a way to get to the old GUI upgrade option that seems 
no longer available?

Please reply to  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

14.5. Upgrading the System Off-line with ISO and Yum
For systems that are disconnected from the Internet or Red Hat Network, 
using the yum update command with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
installation ISO image is an easy and quick way to upgrade systems to 
the latest minor version. The following steps illustrate the upgrading 

Create a target directory to mount your ISO image. This directory 
is not automatically created when mounting, so create it before 
proceeding to the next step, as root, type:

mkdir mount_dir

Replace mount_dir with a path to the mount directory. Typicaly, 
users create it as a subdirectory in the /media/ directory.
Mount the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 installation ISO image to the 
previously created target directory. As root, type:

mount -o loop iso_name mount_dir

Replace iso_name with a path to your ISO image and mount_dir with a 
path to the target directory. Here, the -o loop option is required to 
mount the file as a block device.
Check the numeric value found on the first line of the .discinfo 
file from the mount directory:

head -n1 mount_dir/.discinfo

The output of this command is an identification number of the ISO 
image, you need to know it to perform the following step.
Create a new file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory, named for 
instance new.repo, and add a content in the following form. Note that 
configuration files in this directory must have the .repo extension to 
function properly.


Replace media_id with the numeric value found in 
mount_dir/.discinfo. Set the repository name instead of repository_name, 
replace repository_url with a path to a repository directory in the 
mount point and gpg_key with a path to the GPG key.
For example, the repository settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 
Server ISO can look as follows:


Update all yum repositories including /etc/yum.repos.d/new.repo 
created in previous steps. As root, type:

yum update

This upgrades your system to the version provided by the mounted 
ISO image.
After successful upgrade, you can unmount the ISO image, with the 
root privileges:

umount mount_dir

where mount_dir is a path to your mount directory. Also, you can 
remove the mount directory created in the first step. As root, type:

rmdir mount_dir

If you will not use the previously created configuration file for 
another installation or update, you can remove it. As root, type:

rm /etc/yum.repos.d/new.repo

Example 14.1. Upgrading from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 to 5.9
Imagine you need to upgrade your system without access to the Internet 
connection. To do so, you want to use an ISO image with the newer 
version of the system, called for instance 
RHEL5.9-Server-20121129.0-x86_64-DVD1.iso. You have crated a target 
directory /media/rhel5/. As root, change into the directory with your 
ISO image and type:

~]# mount -o loop RHEL5.9-Server-20121129.0-x86_64-DVD1.iso /media/rhel5/

To find the identification number of the mounted image, run:

~]# head -n1 /media/rhel5/.discinfo

You need this number to configure your mount point as a yum repository. 