Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now

2008-09-01 Thread KeithBJohnson
Indeed, Astro, understand I'm bothered by the concept. This was something I 
said with sad regret, but which I believe to be true. I don't know that 
humanity will get to the point of getting rid of prejudice anytime soon without 
something catastrophic happeneing. Some think a near planetary extinction event 
like a nuclear war would do it. I just think it'd make the survivors fight for 
the scraps left. So my feeling of "transferance of bigotry" as a "solution" is 
not an endorsement, just a harsh look at what a screwed up people we still are.

-- Original message -- 
I didn't say it was good or desirable, just probably the only thing that could 
reduce bigotry on our own planet quickly. People can band together in fear and 
hatred to look over differences rendered small by a greater perceived threat. I 
learned that way back on an ep of "All in the Family", when Archie Bunker and 
George Jefferson--who were always fighting about George and other Blacks being 
in Archie's neighborhood--banded together in worry when a Puerto Rican family 
moved into the neighborhood! 
Great show, and sadly, true to fact.

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

A transference of bigotry??? Guys, think about it...

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and P-Funk? He is Johnny 

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 7:58 AM

IMO, Keith, that's *exactly* what it would take, an ID4-type event to force 
mankind to work together. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 2:27 AM

it's not among my faves, but i agree that it explored an area that needed 
exploring. I've often wondered if the only thing that would cure prejudice here 
on Earth--is if we have an extraterrestial target to move the bigotry from each 
other to aliens.

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

That it was a fantastic story all the way through, showing me a lot of the 
potential that was in the ST Universe and the actors. The xenophobia element 
was something I always suspected would have existed in the early days of the 
Federation among hew-mons, and it was perfectly presented, both subtly and 
overtly. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:02 AM

What were your thoughts about "Terra Prime"?

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

And, as much as the mirror-universe arc did for me, "Terra Prime" really got me 
moving. If only they'd taken that show from the Killer Bees earlier and given 
it to Coto... com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sat, 8/30/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 12:33 AM

Be still, Martin's beating heart! SciFi Channel is running an "Enterprise" 
marathon all night. They're at the point where the Orion "slave" girls ep was 
shown, and coming up at 1 am, the two-part mirror universe ep where the evil 
Archer grabs the futuristic starship.   Might be worth a look if you're up late 
and bored and tired of all the Sarah Palin talk...


Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now

2008-09-01 Thread KeithBJohnson
I didn't say it was good or desirable, just probably the only thing that could 
reduce bigotry on our own planet quickly. People can band together in fear and 
hatred to look over differences rendered small by a greater perceived threat. I 
learned that way back on an ep of "All in the Family", when Archie Bunker and 
George Jefferson--who were always fighting about George and other Blacks being 
in Archie's neighborhood--banded together in worry when a Puerto Rican family 
moved into the neighborhood! 
Great show, and sadly, true to fact.

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
A transference of bigotry??? Guys, think about it...

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and P-Funk? He is Johnny 

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 7:58 AM

IMO, Keith, that's *exactly* what it would take, an ID4-type event to force 
mankind to work together. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 2:27 AM

it's not among my faves, but i agree that it explored an area that needed 
exploring. I've often wondered if the only thing that would cure prejudice here 
on Earth--is if we have an extraterrestial target to move the bigotry from each 
other to aliens.

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

That it was a fantastic story all the way through, showing me a lot of the 
potential that was in the ST Universe and the actors. The xenophobia element 
was something I always suspected would have existed in the early days of the 
Federation among hew-mons, and it was perfectly presented, both subtly and 
overtly. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:02 AM

What were your thoughts about "Terra Prime"?

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

And, as much as the mirror-universe arc did for me, "Terra Prime" really got me 
moving. If only they'd taken that show from the Killer Bees earlier and given 
it to Coto... com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sat, 8/30/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 12:33 AM

Be still, Martin's beating heart! SciFi Channel is running an "Enterprise" 
marathon all night. They're at the point where the Orion "slave" girls ep was 
shown, and coming up at 1 am, the two-part mirror universe ep where the evil 
Archer grabs the futuristic starship.   Might be worth a look if you're up late 
and bored and tired of all the Sarah Palin talk...


Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

2008-09-01 Thread Daryle Lockhart

Worked wonders.

I learned that there were messages I'd grown up  with that I had to  
break...but they had become subliminal so I  didn't even realize what  
was happening. Everything down to my own self image had been  
influenced by toxic messages I'd heard  growing up. I'd People who  
were dead and gone...but their words were still at work in my life. I  
did some talk therapy  for a while,  but then I tried something  
called EMDR therapy, which was really great  because it literally  re- 
processes the way you remember traumatic events. I  let a lotgo after  
that, and, I  think,  because a better person for it. My  kids  
absolutely  LOVE the change. I used to  be the heavy dark cloud when  
something went wrong (because I grew up  with an "uh-oh, here comes  
dad" type father) but now I am a lot  more pro-active,  a lot  more  
"let's show you how to hold this so that you won't break it"  instead  
of being this heavy when it's broken. Without therapy, there's no way  
my wife and I,  who  both grew up  in the same housing projects,  
would be together today. SO many  messages we didn't realize we were  
reacting to, but personally, I was surprised,  because I thought I  
was being this progressive thinker and being outside of the box.  
Turned out I was missing things right under my nose!

I highly recommend it. BEFORE something goes wrong. My  wife has been  
talking to publicist turned author Terrie Williams a lot lately,  
specifically about depression/mental illness and the Black Church,  
and we're all surprised at  how once you decide to take your mental  
health seriously,  how lots of things that  are designed to   
completely  derail you --  roll off your back. But when you  DON'T   
deal with  it,  or even acknowledge that  it  can be a problem, it  
makes other problems worse!

On Sep 1, 2008, at 9:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

how that therapy work for you? What did you learn?

-- Original message --
From: Daryle Lockhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dude was hilarious in Zoolander. He is the perfect Fox Mulder,  
which is a blessing and a curse, I guess. I watched him play  
basketball once and remember being impressed by a couple of moves.

I think anyone bold enough to admit their weaknesses should be  
applauded. At the very least, we should reserve judgement until he  
comes out. If he turns out to be a rehab addict like the Lahans and  
Spears of the world, THEN it's open season.

When I went into therapy, everyone I knew looked at me sideways.  
"his marriage must be in trouble", etc. The truth is I felt like  
something wasn't working and I wanted to break it down. All the way  
down. Now the naysayers and nem are pretty much all trying to  
figure out what's wrong in their lives/marriages/careers. If you  
need help, you need help. Nothing wrong with going to get said  
help, just in not letting it work.

On Aug 31, 2008, at 7:43 AM, Martin wrote:

Exactly that, Keith. Aside from his over-the-top performance in  
"Evolution", he's been the same character all the way through his  

--- On Sun, 8/31/08,  

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex  

Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:12 AM

I'm indifferent. He's an interesting guy, though, very smart, well  
Why don't you like him? Dull personality, think he's acting is  
from the Charles Bronson school?

 -- Original message  --
From: Martin 

I've *never* been a Duchovny fan. The only think I've liked him in  
was "Evolution".

And now I like him *less*. Man is married to a DOLL, and he lets  
his hormones take him on tour? com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:33 PM

David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

14 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character
on Showtime's "Californication, " has entered a rehabilitation  

for sex addiction.

The 48-year-old actor said he did so voluntarily, in a statement
released Thursday by his lawyer, Stanton Stein. He added: "I ask for
respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this
situation as a family."

Duchovny's publicist, Flo Grace, confirmed the report, which first
appeared on the Web site She and Stein both declined
further comment.

"All of us at Showtime wish David and his family the best during this
very private time," the network said in a statement.

The second season of "Californication" begins Sept. 28.

Duchovny starred as the conspiracy-minded Fox Mulder on "The X-Files"
TV series and in


2008-09-01 Thread Astromancer
A transference of bigotry??? Guys, think about it...

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and P-Funk? He is Johnny 

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 7:58 AM

IMO, Keith, that's *exactly* what it would take, an ID4-type event to force 
mankind to work together. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 2:27 AM

it's not among my faves, but i agree that it explored an area that needed 
exploring. I've often wondered if the only thing that would cure prejudice here 
on Earth--is if we have an extraterrestial target to move the bigotry from each 
other to aliens.
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

That it was a fantastic story all the way through, showing me a lot of the 
potential that was in the ST Universe and the actors. The xenophobia element 
was something I always suspected would have existed in the early days of the 
Federation among hew-mons, and it was perfectly presented, both subtly and 
overtly. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:02 AM

What were your thoughts about "Terra Prime"?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

And, as much as the mirror-universe arc did for me, "Terra Prime" really got me 
moving. If only they'd taken that show from the Killer Bees earlier and given 
it to Coto... com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sat, 8/30/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 12:33 AM

Be still, Martin's beating heart! SciFi Channel is running an "Enterprise" 
marathon all night. They're at the point where the Orion "slave" girls ep was 
shown, and coming up at 1 am, the two-part mirror universe ep where the evil 
Archer grabs the futuristic starship.   Might be worth a look if you're up late 
and bored and tired of all the Sarah Palin talk...



Re: [scifinoir2] Hurricanes and Storms Affecting You?

2008-09-01 Thread KeithBJohnson
Okay, thoughts and prayers that way...

-- Original message -- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Keith, I do have a friend who lives in Alabama. her 91-year-old mother is in 
New Orleans now, refusing to leave. (She must have several angels and ministers 
of grace defending her, because she stayed through Katrina. Lost her house, but 
she hadn't lived in it for about a year, as she was recovering from ill health 
in an assisted-living facility. The lower floors of it did flood, but she 
stayed put and safe. A braver woman than I. When I hear anything about her, 
I'll pass it on.

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: [scifinoir2] Hurricanes and Storms Affecting You?
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 5:32 PM

Anyone here live in, or have loved ones in, the areas currently ravaged by 
storms: Mobile, Jackson, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and of course, New Orleans? 
If so, i hope they're doing okay. I lived through a big hurricane back in the 
'80s in Houston, and it ain't no joke. I love violent weather in one way, but 
having the house you're sheltering in literally shaken by 120 mph winds, seeing 
a large tree  blown apart by a lightning bolt like something from Zeus?  
Dealing with days of after affects like flooded streets, unsafe drinking water, 
lack of power and refrigeration, and various critters of all kinds scurrying 
around in the muck looking for shelter or food? Sitting up in watch at night to 
make sure looters don't take advantage of total darkness and chaos? Not 
something I'd care to repeat.
Thoughts with you or yours if you're being affected by this.

By the way, if any of you or someone you know are in storm-ravaged areas, how 
is communication handled? Do people still have access to cell phones to send 
text messages to friends across the country to say "I'm okay"?  I wonder how 
people nowadays are able to stay in touch when, say, someone in New Orleans has 
to flee and only has a few moments to send a message, or phone service is 
spotty?Are there services or sites that help those in disaster areas stay 
in touch with their loved ones across the country? For example, is there a way 
for someone in Baton Rouge who for some reason can't reach a relative in New 
York to use an intermediate service, web site, or person to get a message sent? 
Maybe text a message to a site or person who would act as a go-between to 
communicate with people on the other side? I've heard of this social networking 
thing "Twitter", that's used to send brief (140-word max) messages, and it 
evidently can be setup to let others see m essages. Seems like that
's a way for someone with a cell phone to drop a quick message and make sure 
several people so designated could later read the message, once the sender's no 
longer in touch.   


Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

2008-09-01 Thread Astromancer
I'm with Martin on David Duchovny's acting style which 'flatline' describes to 
a 'T...Also, though sex addiction sounds cute, it is no joke. Like with most 
addictions and mental illnesses, people tend to think that you actually can 
choose not the have such afflictions...I am no psychologist, but i do know this 
much from personal experience; somewhere along the line, you lose the ability 
to decide to do it and it becomes something you have to do or can't help but 
do...In some cases, mental disorders become a disease that actually affect you 
physically as well...I had (and have) to learn how to do things I did every day 
of my life when as I recovered from severe depression; things like bathing, 
vocabulary, getting out of bed, socializing, and rebuilding my life-long work 
ethic from scratch...When even sex becomes an addiction, it is no longer a will need help...As corny as it sounds, that is the truth of 
it...Okay, done with the rant...

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and P-Funk? He is Johnny 

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 7:13 AM

I'm not saying that you or anyone else should run out and pick it up, even as a 
rental. It's *not* a great movie, in *any* sense. It's pretty much an 
over-the-top gross-out of a movie, good for stupid laughs and little else. 
Hence, it drew my attention easily. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 1:43 AM

I've never seen "Evolution", though I take it you like it?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

Exactly that, Keith. Aside from his over-the-top performance in "Evolution", 
he's been the same character all the way through his career. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:12 AM

I'm indifferent. He's an interesting guy, though, very smart, well educated.
Why don't you like him? Dull personality, think he's acting is from the Charles 
Bronson school?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

I've *never* been a Duchovny fan. The only think I've liked him in was 

And now I like him *less*. Man is married to a DOLL, and he lets his hormones 
take him on tour? com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:33 PM

David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

14 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character
on Showtime's "Californication, " has entered a rehabilitation facility
for sex addiction.

The 48-year-old actor said he did so voluntarily, in a statement
released Thursday by his lawyer, Stanton Stein. He added: "I ask for
respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this
situation as a family."

Duchovny's publicist, Flo Grace, confirmed the report, which first
appeared on the Web site She and Stein both declined
further comment.

"All of us at Showtime wish David and his family the best during this
very private time," the network said in a statement.

The second season of "Californication" begins Sept. 28.

Duchovny starred as the conspiracy-minded Fox Mulder on "The X-Files"
TV series and in two films. "The X-Files: I Want to Believe" opened in
t heaters earlier this summer.

He and his wife, actress Tea Leoni, have two children. The couple
married in 1997.



[scifinoir2] Gustav, Palin's Pregnant Teen Daughter and the Troopergate

2008-09-01 Thread Bosco Bosco
First off, best wishes and prayers for all those affected by Gustav. It sounds 
like it was not as bad as expected. Hope everyone survived okay.

As for the rest of the subject line, It's gotta be tough to be McCain right 
about now and I for one couldn't be happier. All this on the tail of the best 
DNC in recent memory. I'll admit to doing a bit of jig at the keyboard. 



[scifinoir2] File - Map_of_SciFiNoir_Member_Locations

2008-09-01 Thread scifinoir2

Hi SciFiNoir Family.  This is a reminder to add your name to our group map that 
lets members know in what cities other scifinoir members live.  Most of you 
probably live really close to other memers and do not even know it.  This map 
will hopefully correct that.  Please click through to add your point on the 
map. Takes less than a minute.  


Tracey de Morsella, your moderator

Re: [scifinoir2] Hurricanes and Storms Affecting You?

2008-09-01 Thread Martin
Keith, I do have a friend who lives in Alabama. her 91-year-old mother is in 
New Orleans now, refusing to leave. (She must have several angels and ministers 
of grace defending her, because she stayed through Katrina. Lost her house, but 
she hadn't lived in it for about a year, as she was recovering from ill health 
in an assisted-living facility. The lower floors of it did flood, but she 
stayed put and safe. A braver woman than I. When I hear anything about her, 
I'll pass it on.

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: [scifinoir2] Hurricanes and Storms Affecting You?
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 5:32 PM

Anyone here live in, or have loved ones in, the areas currently ravaged by 
storms: Mobile, Jackson, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and of course, New Orleans? 
If so, i hope they're doing okay. I lived through a big hurricane back in the 
'80s in Houston, and it ain't no joke. I love violent weather in one way, but 
having the house you're sheltering in literally shaken by 120 mph winds, seeing 
a large tree  blown apart by a lightning bolt like something from Zeus?  
Dealing with days of after affects like flooded streets, unsafe drinking water, 
lack of power and refrigeration, and various critters of all kinds scurrying 
around in the muck looking for shelter or food? Sitting up in watch at night to 
make sure looters don't take advantage of total darkness and chaos? Not 
something I'd care to repeat.
Thoughts with you or yours if you're being affected by this.
By the way, if any of you or someone you know are in storm-ravaged areas, how 
is communication handled? Do people still have access to cell phones to send 
text messages to friends across the country to say "I'm okay"?  I wonder how 
people nowadays are able to stay in touch when, say, someone in New Orleans has 
to flee and only has a few moments to send a message, or phone service is 
spotty?    Are there services or sites that help those in disaster areas stay 
in touch with their loved ones across the country? For example, is there a way 
for someone in Baton Rouge who for some reason can't reach a relative in New 
York to use an intermediate service, web site, or person to get a message sent? 
Maybe text a message to a site or person who would act as a go-between to 
communicate with people on the other side? I've heard of this social networking 
thing "Twitter", that's used to send brief (140-word max) messages, and it 
evidently can be setup to let
 others see m
essages. Seems like that's a way for someone with a cell phone to drop a quick 
message and make sure several people so designated could later read the 
message, once the sender's no longer in touch.   




[scifinoir2] Hurricanes and Storms Affecting You?

2008-09-01 Thread KeithBJohnson
Anyone here live in, or have loved ones in, the areas currently ravaged by 
storms: Mobile, Jackson, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and of course, New Orleans? 
If so, i hope they're doing okay. I lived through a big hurricane back in the 
'80s in Houston, and it ain't no joke. I love violent weather in one way, but 
having the house you're sheltering in literally shaken by 120 mph winds, seeing 
a large tree  blown apart by a lightning bolt like something from Zeus?  
Dealing with days of after affects like flooded streets, unsafe drinking water, 
lack of power and refrigeration, and various critters of all kinds scurrying 
around in the muck looking for shelter or food? Sitting up in watch at night to 
make sure looters don't take advantage of total darkness and chaos? Not 
something I'd care to repeat.
Thoughts with you or yours if you're being affected by this.

By the way, if any of you or someone you know are in storm-ravaged areas, how 
is communication handled? Do people still have access to cell phones to send 
text messages to friends across the country to say "I'm okay"?  I wonder how 
people nowadays are able to stay in touch when, say, someone in New Orleans has 
to flee and only has a few moments to send a message, or phone service is 
spotty?Are there services or sites that help those in disaster areas stay 
in touch with their loved ones across the country? For example, is there a way 
for someone in Baton Rouge who for some reason can't reach a relative in New 
York to use an intermediate service, web site, or person to get a message sent? 
Maybe text a message to a site or person who would act as a go-between to 
communicate with people on the other side? I've heard of this social networking 
thing "Twitter", that's used to send brief (140-word max) messages, and it 
evidently can be setup to let others see messages. Seems like that'
s a way for someone with a cell phone to drop a quick message and make sure 
several people so designated could later read the message, once the sender's no 
longer in touch.   

[scifinoir2] This ain't no jive, particle physics rap is a hit

2008-09-01 Thread brent wodehouse

This ain't no jive, particle physics rap is a hit

EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Who says science doesn't turn people on? Kate
McAlpine is a rising star on YouTube for her rap performance - about
high-energy particle physics.

Her performance has drawn a half-million views so far on YouTube.

The 23-year-old Michigan State University graduate and science writer raps
about the Large Hadron Collider, the groundbreaking particle accelerator
that has been built in a 17-mile circular tunnel at the CERN laboratory
near Geneva, Switzerland.

McAlpine raps that when the collider goes into operation on Sept. 10, "the
things that it discovers will rock you in the head."

The $3.8 billion machine will collide two beams of protons moving at close
to the speed of light so scientists can see what particles appear in the
resulting debris.

"Rap and physics are culturally miles apart," McAlpine, a science writer
at CERN, wrote to the Lansing State Journal in an e-mail last week, "and I
find it amusing to try and throw them together."

Others, including physicists, also find it amusing.

"We love the rap, and the science is spot on," said CERN spokesman James

McAlpine received permission to film herself and friends dancing in the
caverns and tunnels where the experiments will take place.

"I have to confess that I was skeptical when Katie said she wanted to do
this, but when I saw her previous science rapping and the lyrics, I was
convinced," Gillies said. "I think you'll find pretty close to unanimity
among physicists that it's great."

McAlpine honed her physics rapping skills at Michigan State's National
Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, where she was part of a student
research program two years ago.

Information from: Lansing State Journal,

[scifinoir2] Re: Recasting "Lost in Space" (Was: "Stargate: Universe")

2008-09-01 Thread ravenadal
You make a persuasive argument but so far the advertising as income
model has worked primarily for search engines and gossip sites.  And
like all other media, what works for one is not going to work for
everyone.  Google is striving.  MSN (with all of Microsoft's muscle)is
struggling.  Yahoo is somewhere in the middle.  Traditional newspapers
are dying on the vine because while they get a lot of traffic on-line
as of yet they have been unable to translate that into income.  As for
porn sites, most of the pay sites are struggling because free porn is
plentiful. (As a side note, I remember my response when I heard
Christie Brinkley's ex-husband spent thousands a month on internet
porn: "What? Doesn't he know how much internet porn you can get for
free?").  By the by, free porn does not mean all of those free sites
are profitable.  Most are put up by geeks who like to share their
personal stash.

That said, I do believe in your model for profiting from the web. 
When I put my website back up I am going to make a concerted run at
supporting both the site and myself through on-line traffic and
advertising support.


--- In, Daryle Lockhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem with the entertainment industry is that  it often  
> confuses adding multiple layers to 2 dimensional thinking with 3  
> dimensional  thinking. This is why there is a huge falloff in  
> entertainment  revenue,  even though entertainment CONSUMPTION is high.
> The lifeblood of the internet is advertising. Because you are  
> reaching huge audience with low overhead. The entertainment industry  
> has typically survived by charging people for entry. Pay per unit,   
> pay  per ticket,  etc. The model  is clear. Pay 1 dollar  for  
> something,  add $3 in value to it, charge $20 for it. Well,  now less  
> people have the $20 for your crappy $3 product, so sales will fall  
> off. Add to this the fact that  there is an internet where one can be  
> entertained for FREE (or at  least it feels free), and you have your  
> revolution.
> You  can't go to a market where people are getting things for free  
> and ask them to pay for it all. That's just silly. However. Someone  
> IS paying,  every day,  billions of  dollars. Advertisers.
> What's killing the bottom line in theatrical  releases?  Advertising.  
> You have to out-market  another picture in order to get that first  
> week advantage,  and if you don't get  it, your picture is done. A  
> $100M picture has to have around $20M in advertising to  drive people  
> to see it. So of COURSE you're not going to make your money   
>'ve blown 100 thousand dollars on print ads in  
> Entertainment Weekly! There's no way to recoup that. You  haven't  
> even proven that the ad resulted in someone going to  see the picture!
> What's fueling Google to be an internet juggernaut? Advertising.  
> Nobody  pays to use Google.  Nobody but advertisers pay to be seen  
> there. and make more money per month than  
> most  of the 80 pictures that  came out this spring/summer. Why? They  
> reach the same audience. Because they get their money  from advertising.
> Because advertisers pay to reach people who  go to   
> Paramount doesn't get paid for their audience. They are charging  
> their audience. Imagine if Tracey decided today that in order to  be  
> a part of this group  you had to pay. It would be the Tracey and  
> Chris show within a week. (Well, not really, I think the core crew  
> would come up  off some money and support,  but you get the idea)  
> People would walk off pouting and fussing. Now, what if Tracey found  
> out that an advertiser was willing to pay her $75,000 for 3 months  
> just  to put an ad in front of us, and the more we clicked on that   
> ad, the more money she'd make, because the advertisers would soon  
> return, and, as Obi-wan warned, in greater numbers. Well, there would  
> be a routinely annoying ad in these messages that we would all either  
> click on or ignore,  and suddenly, SciFiNoir is a business.
> This is essentially all the entertainment industry has to do. Take  
> the money that's out there instead of trying to get blood from a stone.
> Why not build an entertainment model supported by advertising? Why   
> buy controlling interest in a theater chain,  and make money from the  
> ads on the screen? National Amusements, for example, makes NICE money  
> from those trailers and commercials. Music, Sports,  and movies need  
> to get into the GETTING money  business. Just  put your business into  
> a growth area and take what  comes. And there's no greater growth  
> area than interactive.
> BIg studios should  do what  Disney does.  Make the movie,  then make  
> the merchandise. Own the merchandise, give the movie money away.  
> Throw the movie out there,  and use it to  sell merchandise and  
> tickets to Orlando. Build a brand so  big t

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Recasting "Lost in Space" (Was: "Stargate: Universe")

2008-09-01 Thread Daryle Lockhart

The problem with the entertainment industry is that  it often  
confuses adding multiple layers to 2 dimensional thinking with 3  
dimensional  thinking. This is why there is a huge falloff in  
entertainment  revenue,  even though entertainment CONSUMPTION is high.

The lifeblood of the internet is advertising. Because you are  
reaching huge audience with low overhead. The entertainment industry  
has typically survived by charging people for entry. Pay per unit,   
pay  per ticket,  etc. The model  is clear. Pay 1 dollar  for  
something,  add $3 in value to it, charge $20 for it. Well,  now less  
people have the $20 for your crappy $3 product, so sales will fall  
off. Add to this the fact that  there is an internet where one can be  
entertained for FREE (or at  least it feels free), and you have your  

You  can't go to a market where people are getting things for free  
and ask them to pay for it all. That's just silly. However. Someone  
IS paying,  every day,  billions of  dollars. Advertisers.

What's killing the bottom line in theatrical  releases?  Advertising.  
You have to out-market  another picture in order to get that first  
week advantage,  and if you don't get  it, your picture is done. A  
$100M picture has to have around $20M in advertising to  drive people  
to see it. So of COURSE you're not going to make your money've blown 100 thousand dollars on print ads in  
Entertainment Weekly! There's no way to recoup that. You  haven't  
even proven that the ad resulted in someone going to  see the picture!

What's fueling Google to be an internet juggernaut? Advertising.  
Nobody  pays to use Google.  Nobody but advertisers pay to be seen  
there. and make more money per month than  
most  of the 80 pictures that  came out this spring/summer. Why? They  
reach the same audience. Because they get their money  from advertising.

Because advertisers pay to reach people who  go to   
Paramount doesn't get paid for their audience. They are charging  
their audience. Imagine if Tracey decided today that in order to  be  
a part of this group  you had to pay. It would be the Tracey and  
Chris show within a week. (Well, not really, I think the core crew  
would come up  off some money and support,  but you get the idea)  
People would walk off pouting and fussing. Now, what if Tracey found  
out that an advertiser was willing to pay her $75,000 for 3 months  
just  to put an ad in front of us, and the more we clicked on that   
ad, the more money she'd make, because the advertisers would soon  
return, and, as Obi-wan warned, in greater numbers. Well, there would  
be a routinely annoying ad in these messages that we would all either  
click on or ignore,  and suddenly, SciFiNoir is a business.

This is essentially all the entertainment industry has to do. Take  
the money that's out there instead of trying to get blood from a stone.

Why not build an entertainment model supported by advertising? Why   
buy controlling interest in a theater chain,  and make money from the  
ads on the screen? National Amusements, for example, makes NICE money  
from those trailers and commercials. Music, Sports,  and movies need  
to get into the GETTING money  business. Just  put your business into  
a growth area and take what  comes. And there's no greater growth  
area than interactive.

BIg studios should  do what  Disney does.  Make the movie,  then make  
the merchandise. Own the merchandise, give the movie money away.  
Throw the movie out there,  and use it to  sell merchandise and  
tickets to Orlando. Build a brand so  big that everybody's kids bug  
you  to upgrade your cable package to get their channel. How many  
times do Black filmmakers have to hear the George Lucas story  before  
somebody  gets it?  How many different ways  do people need to  learn  
about Desilu? Do we really have to start a Black Troma Pictures to  
get this point  across? This ain't new, folks,  and it is the ONLY  
THING THAT  WORKS.  Take. The. Easy. Money.

You NEVER hear  about how hard it is to get an adult picture made.  
Why? Because the Adult industry spent  the years 1995-2001 getting  
itself together so that they  wouldn't be caught out there when  
people stopped paying $40 for DVDs and VHS tapes.

Digital distribution, my  friends.  It is happening  everywhere else  
except with us. there is a paradigm shift in marketing and  
promotion...and we are missing it!

Daryle Lockhart

On Sep 1, 2008, at 1:06 AM, ravenadal wrote:

The clarion call of digital distribution is similar to the siren call
of digital publishing on demand. I know a lot of authors who have
self-published, I can count the number who have made money on one hand
with fingers left over. The authors I know who have gotten paid are
still those who have published traditionally.

Ditto for film distribution. Just today I read an article about the
current hard times for independ


2008-09-01 Thread KeithBJohnson
how that therapy work for you? What did you learn?

-- Original message -- 
From: Daryle Lockhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Dude was hilarious in Zoolander. He is the perfect Fox Mulder, which is a 
blessing and a curse, I guess. I watched him play basketball once and remember 
being impressed by a couple of moves. 

I think anyone bold enough to admit their weaknesses should be applauded. At 
the very least, we should reserve judgement until he comes out. If he turns out 
to be a rehab addict like the Lahans and Spears of the world, THEN it's open 

When I went into therapy, everyone I knew looked at me sideways. "his marriage 
must be in trouble", etc. The truth is I felt like something wasn't working and 
I wanted to break it down. All the way down. Now the naysayers and nem are 
pretty much all trying to figure out what's wrong in their 
lives/marriages/careers. If you need help, you need help. Nothing wrong with 
going to get said help, just in not letting it work.

On Aug 31, 2008, at 7:43 AM, Martin wrote:

Exactly that, Keith. Aside from his over-the-top performance in "Evolution", 
he's been the same character all the way through his career.

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:12 AM

I'm indifferent. He's an interesting guy, though, very smart, well educated.
Why don't you like him? Dull personality, think he's acting is from the Charles 
Bronson school?

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

I've *never* been a Duchovny fan. The only think I've liked him in was 

And now I like him *less*. Man is married to a DOLL, and he lets his hormones 
take him on tour? com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:33 PM

David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

14 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character
on Showtime's "Californication, " has entered a rehabilitation facility
for sex addiction.

The 48-year-old actor said he did so voluntarily, in a statement
released Thursday by his lawyer, Stanton Stein. He added: "I ask for
respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this
situation as a family."

Duchovny's publicist, Flo Grace, confirmed the report, which first
appeared on the Web site She and Stein both declined
further comment.

"All of us at Showtime wish David and his family the best during this
very private time," the network said in a statement.

The second season of "Californication" begins Sept. 28.

Duchovny starred as the conspiracy-minded Fox Mulder on "The X-Files"
TV series and in two films. "The X-Files: I Want to Believe" opened in
t heaters earlier this summer.

He and his wife, actress Tea Leoni, have two children. The couple
married in 1997.



2008-09-01 Thread Martin
IMO, Keith, that's *exactly* what it would take, an ID4-type event to force 
mankind to work together.

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 2:27 AM

it's not among my faves, but i agree that it explored an area that needed 
exploring. I've often wondered if the only thing that would cure prejudice here 
on Earth--is if we have an extraterrestial target to move the bigotry from each 
other to aliens.
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

That it was a fantastic story all the way through, showing me a lot of the 
potential that was in the ST Universe and the actors. The xenophobia element 
was something I always suspected would have existed in the early days of the 
Federation among hew-mons, and it was perfectly presented, both subtly and 
overtly. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:02 AM

What were your thoughts about "Terra Prime"?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

And, as much as the mirror-universe arc did for me, "Terra Prime" really got me 
moving. If only they'd taken that show from the Killer Bees earlier and given 
it to Coto... com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sat, 8/30/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on Scifi Channel Now
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 12:33 AM

Be still, Martin's beating heart! SciFi Channel is running an "Enterprise" 
marathon all night. They're at the point where the Orion "slave" girls ep was 
shown, and coming up at 1 am, the two-part mirror universe ep where the evil 
Archer grabs the futuristic starship.   Might be worth a look if you're up late 
and bored and tired of all the Sarah Palin talk...




Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

2008-09-01 Thread Martin
I'm not saying that you or anyone else should run out and pick it up, even as a 
rental. It's *not* a great movie, in *any* sense. It's pretty much an 
over-the-top gross-out of a movie, good for stupid laughs and little else. 
Hence, it drew my attention easily.

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 1:43 AM

I've never seen "Evolution", though I take it you like it?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

Exactly that, Keith. Aside from his over-the-top performance in "Evolution", 
he's been the same character all the way through his career. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, KeithBJohnson@  

From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:12 AM

I'm indifferent. He's an interesting guy, though, very smart, well educated.
Why don't you like him? Dull personality, think he's acting is from the Charles 
Bronson school?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

I've *never* been a Duchovny fan. The only think I've liked him in was 

And now I like him *less*. Man is married to a DOLL, and he lets his hormones 
take him on tour? com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:33 PM

David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction

14 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character
on Showtime's "Californication, " has entered a rehabilitation facility
for sex addiction.

The 48-year-old actor said he did so voluntarily, in a statement
released Thursday by his lawyer, Stanton Stein. He added: "I ask for
respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this
situation as a family."

Duchovny's publicist, Flo Grace, confirmed the report, which first
appeared on the Web site She and Stein both declined
further comment.

"All of us at Showtime wish David and his family the best during this
very private time," the network said in a statement.

The second season of "Californication" begins Sept. 28.

Duchovny starred as the conspiracy-minded Fox Mulder on "The X-Files"
TV series and in two films. "The X-Files: I Want to Believe" opened in
 heaters earlier this summer.

He and his wife, actress Tea Leoni, have two children. The couple
married in 1997.