[scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Tracey de Morsella
atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from Transformers 2
http://io9.com/tag/transformers2/ , while director Michael Bay explains
why you don't need to have a script when you start creating cool robot
action, in this exclusive commentary clip from the Revenge Of The Fallen

As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on TF2
without an actual script - all he had was an outline by writers Roberto Orci
and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work
after the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the
movie. As he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and
brainstorming with artists actually informed the movie's script, once it
finally had one. You probably have your own ideas about whether that was a
good thing.

Transformers: http://io9.com/tag/transformersrevengeofthefallen/  Revenge
Of The Fallen comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on Blu-Ray and DVD,
wherever awesomeness is available.

Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:

Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:
The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in
1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby
Digital and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French,
Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as

Disc 1:
. Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman

Disc 2:
. The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes
interviews with the cast and crew:
o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming
success of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the
o Domestic Destruction - Production: United States - Michael Bay believes in
going big: Big action and big explosions. Cast and crew are pushed to the
limit as they traverse the U.S. from New Mexico to Pennsylvania.
o Joint Operations - Production: Military - No other filmmaker in the world
enjoys the kind of military access and cooperation Michael Bay has. Here we
see just how efficient our armed forces are and the awe and respect shown by
the cast.
o Wonders of the World - Production: Middle East - You can't really
reproduce Egypt anywhere but Egypt so off we go to Giza and Luxor.
o Start Making Sense - Editing - In order to turn over the massive amount of
film as quickly as possible to VFX, four editors work tirelessly in a unique
tag-team approach to shape the film.
o Under the Gun - Visual Effects - Revenge of the Fallen features the most
complicated VFX in film history. So complicated in fact that the filmmakers
were unsure they would make the deadline. The DEVASTATOR VFX alone required
83% of ILM's total render farm capacity.
o Running the Gauntlet - Post-Production and Release - Working seven days a
week, Michael Bay and company usher the film through sound design, Digital
Intermediate color-timing and a globe-trotting whirlwind of premieres.
. A Day with Bay: Tokyo-An intimate and fun all-access journey with Michael
Bay as he travels to Tokyo, Japan tor the world premiere of the biggest film
of the year.
. 25 Years of TRANSFORMERS-Access an all-new featurette celebrating a
monumental milestone for one of Hasbro's most successful and popular
. NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-Explore conceptual artwork created by the
production for 12 of the most popular AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS from the
. Deconstructing Visual Bayhem with Commentary by Pre-Vis Supervisor
Steve Yamamoto- A series of multi-angle pre-visualization sequences allowing
viewers to learn how some of the film's most spectacular scenes were created
with an introduction by Michael Bay.
. Extended Scenes
. Music Video: Linkin Park's New Divide

. The ALLSPARK Experiment-Viewers get their chance to unleash the power of
the recently recovered ALLSPARK shard on Earth vehicles. Begin by selecting
and customizing a vehicle with a selection of parts and accessories. Then
apply the ALLSPARK to this creation and watch what happens. Applying the
ALLSPARK to certain custom combinations enables four new robot characters
with special powers. If viewers discover all four, they unlock a fifth
vehicle, which reveals a top secret message about the future of the
TRANSFORMERS movie franchise.
. NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-A database of some of the TRANSFORMERS
characters that appear in the new film, offering users access to each
robot's confidential file including:
o Innovative 3D spin galleries of each robot
o A timeline for each TRANSFORMERS 

[scifinoir2] Re: What Are You Reading?

2009-10-20 Thread B Smith
I really want to read some Neal Stephenson but I keep putting it off. I'll have 
to tackle it someday.

Has anyone read William Gibson's post-cyberpunk work like Pattern Recognition 
or Spook Country? My wife loved them both but they didn't fully hook me. I'm 
scared Stephenson's work will do the same.

On the other hand I loved Walter Jon Williams' This Is Not A Game. It's one of 
the most enjoyable books I've read this year.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Bosco Bosco ironpi...@... wrote:

 Anathem bu Neal Stephenson and Dream Of Perpetual Motion by author's name 
 escapes me. It's an advance copy that isn't out until next march.
 --- On Thu, 10/15/09, B Smith daikaij...@... wrote:
 From: B Smith daikaij...@...
 Subject: [scifinoir2] What Are You Reading?
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 8:50 AM
   My semi-legendary To be Read pile is starting to thin out 
 just a bit and it needs to be fed before it goes feral. Any suggestions?
 My wife has the last book of the John Twelve Hawks Fourth Realm trilogy The 
 Golden City hanging around and I may add it to the list.
 I just finished an urban fantasy by Seanan McGuire called Rosemary and Rue. i 
 liked it but I figured out the central mystery way too early and it made the 
 book drag a bit. Plus I was hoping for something a little more gritty.
 I have two books waiting to be read that might fit the bill: 
 Child of Fire by Harry Connolly. It's about a not so nice guy in debt to an 
 even meaner wizard. I've heard it's a bit grittier than the Harry Dresden 
 series and I'm in the mood for something similar.
 Next is Tom Sniegoski's A Kiss Before The Apocolypse. I first read his work 
 in a collection called Mean Streets that featured a Harry Dresden story. The 
 work that hooked me most was Sniegoski's story Noah's Orphans. Remy Chandler 
 was the seraphim Remiel who gave up his glory after the last war in Heaven. 
 He lived as a human but apart until the 20th century. He fell in love, got 
 drawn back into the great game of Heavenly politics and had to hold back an 
 apocolypse or three. In Noah's Orphans he is drawn into the mystery when 
 someone kills the Old Man Noah. To say more would spoil it. 
 I came into the middle of the series and mistakenly read the second book of 
 the series which has some uncanny parallels to the current season of 
 Supernatural. So now I'm finally reading the first book.
 So what's on your list?

[scifinoir2] Protests return alien' outfits to home planet

2009-10-20 Thread Kelwyn


Activists blast 'illegal alien' costume

By Leticia Espinosa

1:04 PM CDT, October 19, 2009

Several well-known chain stores have halted sales of an illegal alien 
Halloween costume after complaints from immigrant-rights activists.

The costume includes an orange jumpsuit similar to prison garb, with ILLEGAL 
ALIEN stamped across the chest, a green card and a space alien mask.

Activists began complaining Friday when they learned the costume was being sold 
in stores or on Web sites of retailers including Target, Walgreen's and Amazon. 
The costume was priced between $27.49 and $39.99.

The costume makes a mockery of the status of millions of immigrants in need of 
immigration reform, said Jorge Mujica of Chicago, an activist with the group 
March 10th Committee.

Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and 
Refugee Rights, urged a boycott of stores selling the costume. When a 
corporation dehumanizes immigrants, the best thing is to stop buying from it, 
he said.

After Target heard from activists it apologized and halted sales of the 
costume. It was never our intent to offend the consumers with the products we 
offer, a Target statement said.

Walgreen's spokeswoman Vivika Vergara said the costume was never on sale in its 
stores and was pulled from its online store. We received feedback from 
customers and decided it was best to stop carrying it so it would not be 
subject to varied interpretation, she said in an e-mail message.

The maker of the costume, Forum Novelties Inc., based in Melville, New York, 
could not be reached for comment.

Activists also were offended by a revealing illegal alien costume for women 
that included a mini-dress, sleeveless top and handcuffs.

Activist and Radio Arte host Tania Unzueta called the costume a mockery.

She said anyone who sells the costume doesn't know a thing about the 
depression, anguish, pain, frustration and anger that comes from being an 
undocumented immigrant in the United States.


Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune


[scifinoir2] '2012' is big business for film, big headache for academics

2009-10-20 Thread Kelwyn

'2012' is big business for film, big headache for academics

By John Johnson Jr.

Tribune Newspapers

October 20, 2009

 Is 2012 the end of the world?

If you scan the Internet or believe the marketing campaign behind the movie 
2012, scheduled for release in November, you might be forgiven for thinking 

Dozens of books and fake science Web sites are prophesying the arrival of 
doomsday that year, either by means of a rogue planet colliding with Earth or 
some other cataclysmic event.

Normally, sober scientists regard incidents of Internet hysteria with nothing 
more than a raised eyebrow. But a few scientists have become so concerned that 
they decided not to remain silent. 

Two years ago, I got a question a week about it, said NASA scientist David 
Morrison, who hosts the Web site Ask an Astrobiologist. 

Now I'm getting a dozen a day. Two teenagers said they didn't want to see the 
end of the world, so they were thinking of ending their lives.

Morrison said he attributes the uptick in excitement to the fact that several 
items have become conflated into one mega-myth. One is the persistent Internet 
rumor that a planet called Nibiru, or Planet X, is going to crash into Earth. 

Then there's the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, suggesting that the 
Mayans knew something we don't. Finally, end-of-the-worlders have seized upon 
the hubbub about the 2012 date to proclaim that end times are drawing near.

According to Rosemary Joyce, a professor of anthropology at University of 
California, Berkeley, the Mayans never predicted anything. 

Though the 2012 date is approximately when the ancient calendar would roll 
over, like the odometer on a car, it did not mean the end, merely the start of 
a new cycle. 

Some authors have tried to merge that idea, Joyce said, with Mayan mythology 
that said Earth had gone through ages of creation, each ending in a disaster.

But there's no prediction, she said. They did not predict the end of the 

In such an environment, the viral marketing campaign for a movie like 2012, 
which encourages people to Vote for the Leader of the Post-2012 World, can 
seem like confirmation that the apocalypse is indeed here, rather than that a 
movie is about to open.

A spokesman for Columbia Tri Star, Steve Elzer, said we believe consumers 
understand that the advertising is promoting a fictional film. 


Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune

[scifinoir2] Re: Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Kelwyn
In related news, Frank Lloyd Wright said you don't need a blueprint to build a 
house and Julia Child said you don't need a recipe to cook French cuisine.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@... wrote:

 atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from Transformers 2
 http://io9.com/tag/transformers2/ , while director Michael Bay explains
 why you don't need to have a script when you start creating cool robot
 action, in this exclusive commentary clip from the Revenge Of The Fallen
 As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on TF2
 without an actual script - all he had was an outline by writers Roberto Orci
 and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
 about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work
 after the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the
 movie. As he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and
 brainstorming with artists actually informed the movie's script, once it
 finally had one. You probably have your own ideas about whether that was a
 good thing.
 Transformers: http://io9.com/tag/transformersrevengeofthefallen/  Revenge
 Of The Fallen comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on Blu-Ray and DVD,
 wherever awesomeness is available.
 Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:
 Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:
 The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
 presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
 English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
 English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in
 1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby
 Digital and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French,
 Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as
 Disc 1:
 . Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
 Disc 2:
 . The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
 documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes
 interviews with the cast and crew:
 o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming
 success of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the
 o Domestic Destruction - Production: United States - Michael Bay believes in
 going big: Big action and big explosions. Cast and crew are pushed to the
 limit as they traverse the U.S. from New Mexico to Pennsylvania.
 o Joint Operations - Production: Military - No other filmmaker in the world
 enjoys the kind of military access and cooperation Michael Bay has. Here we
 see just how efficient our armed forces are and the awe and respect shown by
 the cast.
 o Wonders of the World - Production: Middle East - You can't really
 reproduce Egypt anywhere but Egypt so off we go to Giza and Luxor.
 o Start Making Sense - Editing - In order to turn over the massive amount of
 film as quickly as possible to VFX, four editors work tirelessly in a unique
 tag-team approach to shape the film.
 o Under the Gun - Visual Effects - Revenge of the Fallen features the most
 complicated VFX in film history. So complicated in fact that the filmmakers
 were unsure they would make the deadline. The DEVASTATOR VFX alone required
 83% of ILM's total render farm capacity.
 o Running the Gauntlet - Post-Production and Release - Working seven days a
 week, Michael Bay and company usher the film through sound design, Digital
 Intermediate color-timing and a globe-trotting whirlwind of premieres.
 . A Day with Bay: Tokyo-An intimate and fun all-access journey with Michael
 Bay as he travels to Tokyo, Japan tor the world premiere of the biggest film
 of the year.
 . 25 Years of TRANSFORMERS-Access an all-new featurette celebrating a
 monumental milestone for one of Hasbro's most successful and popular
 . NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-Explore conceptual artwork created by the
 production for 12 of the most popular AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS from the
 . Deconstructing Visual Bayhem with Commentary by Pre-Vis Supervisor
 Steve Yamamoto- A series of multi-angle pre-visualization sequences allowing
 viewers to learn how some of the film's most spectacular scenes were created
 with an introduction by Michael Bay.
 . Extended Scenes
 . Music Video: Linkin Park's New Divide
 . The ALLSPARK Experiment-Viewers get their chance to unleash the power of
 the recently recovered ALLSPARK shard on Earth vehicles. Begin by selecting
 and customizing a vehicle with a selection of parts and accessories. Then
 apply the ALLSPARK to this creation and watch what happens. Applying the
 ALLSPARK to certain custom combinations enables four new robot characters
 with special powers. If viewers discover all four, they unlock a fifth
 vehicle, which reveals a top secret 

Re: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Mr. Worf
I get the feeling that's how Bay works strike or no strike. He just makes a
few phone calls and mentions something about car chases, and helicopters and
they start the ball rolling.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Tracey de Morsella 
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com wrote:

  atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from *Transformers
 2 http://io9.com/tag/transformers2/*, while director Michael Bay
 explains why you don't need to have a script when you start creating cool
 robot action, in this exclusive commentary clip from the *Revenge Of The
 Fallen* DVD.

 As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on 
 *TF2*without an actual script — all he had was an outline by writers Roberto 
 and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
 about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work
 after the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the
 movie. As he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and
 brainstorming with artists actually informed the movie's script, once it
 finally had one. You probably have your own ideas about whether that was a
 good thing.

 *Transformers: Revenge Of The 
 * comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on Blu-Ray and DVD, wherever
 awesomeness is available.

 Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:

 Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:
 The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
 presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
 English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
 English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in
 1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby
 Digital and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French,
 Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as

 Disc 1:
 • Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman

 Disc 2:
 • The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
 documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes
 interviews with the cast and crew:
 o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming
 success of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the
 o Domestic Destruction – Production: United States - Michael Bay believes
 in going big: Big action and big explosions. Cast and crew are pushed to the
 limit as they traverse the U.S. from New Mexico to Pennsylvania.
 o Joint Operations – Production: Military - No other filmmaker in the world
 enjoys the kind of military access and cooperation Michael Bay has. Here we
 see just how efficient our armed forces are and the awe and respect shown by
 the cast.
 o Wonders of the World – Production: Middle East - You can't really
 reproduce Egypt anywhere but Egypt so off we go to Giza and Luxor.
 o Start Making Sense - Editing - In order to turn over the massive amount
 of film as quickly as possible to VFX, four editors work tirelessly in a
 unique tag-team approach to shape the film.
 o Under the Gun – Visual Effects – Revenge of the Fallen features the most
 complicated VFX in film history. So complicated in fact that the filmmakers
 were unsure they would make the deadline. The DEVASTATOR VFX alone required
 83% of ILM's total render farm capacity.
 o Running the Gauntlet – Post-Production and Release - Working seven days a
 week, Michael Bay and company usher the film through sound design, Digital
 Intermediate color-timing and a globe-trotting whirlwind of premieres.
 • A Day with Bay: Tokyo-An intimate and fun all-access journey with Michael
 Bay as he travels to Tokyo, Japan tor the world premiere of the biggest film
 of the year.
 • 25 Years of TRANSFORMERS-Access an all-new featurette celebrating a
 monumental milestone for one of Hasbro's most successful and popular
 • NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-Explore conceptual artwork created by the
 production for 12 of the most popular AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS from the
 • Deconstructing Visual Bayhem with Commentary by Pre-Vis Supervisor
 Steve Yamamoto- A series of multi-angle pre-visualization sequences
 allowing viewers to learn how some of the film's most spectacular scenes
 were created with an introduction by Michael Bay.
 • Extended Scenes
 • Music Video: Linkin Park's New Divide

 • The ALLSPARK Experiment-Viewers get their chance to unleash the power of
 the recently recovered ALLSPARK shard on Earth vehicles. Begin by selecting
 and customizing a vehicle with a selection of parts and accessories. Then
 apply the ALLSPARK to this creation and watch what happens. Applying the
 ALLSPARK to certain custom combinations enables four new robot characters
 with special powers. If viewers discover all four, they 

Re: [scifinoir2] '2012' is big business for film, big headache for academics

2009-10-20 Thread Mr. Worf
This is what I was talking about. The History channel has a couple of shows
that have been building on this topic. Seems like if they aren't talking
about Hitler, they are talking about the end of the world on that channel.

There are a bunch of books coming out soon too.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com wrote:


 '2012' is big business for film, big headache for academics

 By John Johnson Jr.

 Tribune Newspapers

 October 20, 2009

  Is 2012 the end of the world?

 If you scan the Internet or believe the marketing campaign behind the movie
 2012, scheduled for release in November, you might be forgiven for
 thinking so.

 Dozens of books and fake science Web sites are prophesying the arrival of
 doomsday that year, either by means of a rogue planet colliding with Earth
 or some other cataclysmic event.

 Normally, sober scientists regard incidents of Internet hysteria with
 nothing more than a raised eyebrow. But a few scientists have become so
 concerned that they decided not to remain silent.

 Two years ago, I got a question a week about it, said NASA scientist
 David Morrison, who hosts the Web site Ask an Astrobiologist.

 Now I'm getting a dozen a day. Two teenagers said they didn't want to see
 the end of the world, so they were thinking of ending their lives.

 Morrison said he attributes the uptick in excitement to the fact that
 several items have become conflated into one mega-myth. One is the
 persistent Internet rumor that a planet called Nibiru, or Planet X, is going
 to crash into Earth.

 Then there's the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, suggesting that
 the Mayans knew something we don't. Finally, end-of-the-worlders have seized
 upon the hubbub about the 2012 date to proclaim that end times are drawing

 According to Rosemary Joyce, a professor of anthropology at University of
 California, Berkeley, the Mayans never predicted anything.

 Though the 2012 date is approximately when the ancient calendar would roll
 over, like the odometer on a car, it did not mean the end, merely the start
 of a new cycle.

 Some authors have tried to merge that idea, Joyce said, with Mayan
 mythology that said Earth had gone through ages of creation, each ending in
 a disaster.

 But there's no prediction, she said. They did not predict the end of the

 In such an environment, the viral marketing campaign for a movie like
 2012, which encourages people to Vote for the Leader of the Post-2012
 World, can seem like confirmation that the apocalypse is indeed here,
 rather than that a movie is about to open.

 A spokesman for Columbia Tri Star, Steve Elzer, said we believe consumers
 understand that the advertising is promoting a fictional film.


 Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune


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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Black Man stars in 2nd Highest Rated TV Drama

2009-10-20 Thread wlrouge
I think NCIS has shown or proven it has become the little show that could.

From: Kelwyn ravena...@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 5:40 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Black Man stars in 2nd Highest Rated TV Drama

 I personally find the original NCIS surprisingly watchable.  Still, I was 
 very surprised to see it at the top of the ratings.  Perhaps I shouldn't 
 have been.  NCIS is one of the rare television programs that has gone UP 
 in ratings every season it has been on.  I have not yet seen NCIS:LA.

 In either case, the success of NCIS:LA does not bode well for Network 
 television.  NCIS: Miami, anyone?


 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... 

 Well, like I said a couple of weeks ago. the NCIS: LA show completely 
 failed to engage me. I've already stopped watching. given that it's not 
 as good as the original (which I never watched), I won't miss missing it.
 Sad state of affairs for TV. What's funny, though, is the end of the 
 article calls The Mentalist an original show, but it's not: a bunch of 
 regular cops stand around while some kind of specialist with a unique 
 talent/perspective helps solve crimes? Try Monk, Psych, Castle and 
 others with the same basic formula.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:21:29 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Black Man stars in 2nd Highest Rated TV Drama

 Forty-four years after Bill Cosby co-starred in I Spy, a black man 
 headlines the second highest rated drama on television.

 The larger issue of cookie cutter television addressed in the article 
 below is chilling.



 Why 'NCIS:LA' Is Getting the Best Ratings of the Season for a New Show

 CBS's Formula to Keep Viewers and Advertisers Happy Is Also a Sign of 
 Trouble for Original Scripted Fare

 By Brian Steinberg

 Published: October 13, 2009

 NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Every Tuesday at 9 p.m., a group of 
 government-backed investigators helps save the nation from rogue 
 operatives, terrorists or federal employees who go astray for any number 
 of reasons -- all with lots of action and just a touch of humor.

 If the question, Haven't I seen this somewhere before? echoes in the 
 back of your mind, chances are you might be watching CBS, which seems to 
 be making a concerted effort to maintain sizable audiences for its 
 schedule by building programs with concepts its viewers already find 
 familiar. NCIS: LA, a West Coast tweak on the original NCIS that 
 centers on the premise above, appears to be the most-watched freshman 
 program of the infant 2009-2010 season.
 For the week ending Oct. 4, about 17.4 million people watched the 
 program, according to Nielsen; the only drama that topped it was its 
 predecessor, NCIS, which was the most-watched broadcast show of the 
 week (NBC's Sunday Night Football is the only thing that kept the 
 L.A.-centered spin-off from taking second place among viewers, though 
 ABC's Dancing with the Stars had a higher household rating than the new 

 Popular with advertisers too
 Advertisers like the spin-off, too; according to CBS executives, the 
 program is reaching a high sellout in the fourth quarter market for 
 so-called scatter advertising, or ad time purchased closer to air date. 
 Because it fluctuates based on the immediate market, scatter is taken as 
 a good sign of a program's overall popularity with marketers. Recent 
 advertisers on NCIS: LA included Home Depot, Wal-Mart Stores and 
 Pfizer's Lipitor. NCIS took in around $118 million in advertising 
 during the 2008-2009 season, according to TNS Media Intelligence.

 Yet the success of NCIS: LA illustrates an emerging dilemma for the 
 biggest TV networks in the land: To keep the large audiences that 
 advertisers demand of them, they aren't able to experiment much with new 
 show concepts or quirky ideas. Indeed, the CW's schedule includes three 
 hours a week of revamps of two old Fox hits, Melrose Place and 90210. 
 One can make the argument that ABC's new Flash Forward serves up the 
 same elements -- mystery, long story arcs, riddles -- that made its 
 soon-to-end Lost such a showpiece, and that its new Modern Family 
 sitcom steals its documentary-style storytelling from NBC's The Office.

 One might even suggest that the premise for another successful CBS show, 
 The Good Wife, is ripped from the headlines -- making it something that 
 already resonates with potential fans.

 When you think about the landscape of television today, there are so 
 many choices -- and so many good choices -- how do you give yourself a 
 leg up? asked David Stapf, president-CBS Television Studios, which 
 produces NCIS: LA and the CW's Melrose and 90210 updates. 

RE: [scifinoir2] Protests return alien' outfits to home planet

2009-10-20 Thread Martin Baxter

Would that the events of 2012 could be made real...

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 14:50:48 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Protests return alien' outfits to home planet




Activists blast 'illegal alien' costume

By Leticia Espinosa

1:04 PM CDT, October 19, 2009

Several well-known chain stores have halted sales of an illegal alien 
Halloween costume after complaints from immigrant-rights activists.

The costume includes an orange jumpsuit similar to prison garb, with ILLEGAL 
ALIEN stamped across the chest, a green card and a space alien mask.

Activists began complaining Friday when they learned the costume was being sold 
in stores or on Web sites of retailers including Target, Walgreen's and Amazon. 
The costume was priced between $27.49 and $39.99.

The costume makes a mockery of the status of millions of immigrants in need of 
immigration reform, said Jorge Mujica of Chicago, an activist with the group 
March 10th Committee.

Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and 
Refugee Rights, urged a boycott of stores selling the costume. When a 
corporation dehumanizes immigrants, the best thing is to stop buying from it, 
he said.

After Target heard from activists it apologized and halted sales of the 
costume. It was never our intent to offend the consumers with the products we 
offer, a Target statement said.

Walgreen's spokeswoman Vivika Vergara said the costume was never on sale in its 
stores and was pulled from its online store. We received feedback from 
customers and decided it was best to stop carrying it so it would not be 
subject to varied interpretation, she said in an e-mail message.

The maker of the costume, Forum Novelties Inc., based in Melville, New York, 
could not be reached for comment.

Activists also were offended by a revealing illegal alien costume for women 
that included a mini-dress, sleeveless top and handcuffs.

Activist and Radio Arte host Tania Unzueta called the costume a mockery.

She said anyone who sells the costume doesn't know a thing about the 
depression, anguish, pain, frustration and anger that comes from being an 
undocumented immigrant in the United States.


Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune



Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: What Are You Reading?

2009-10-20 Thread Martin Baxter

B, my personal Stephenson recommendation is the Baroque Cycle Trilogy 
(Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World). The pirates hooked 
me, personally. :-)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: daikaij...@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 13:35:26 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: What Are You Reading?


  I really want to read some Neal Stephenson but I keep putting 
it off. I'll have to tackle it someday.

Has anyone read William Gibson's post-cyberpunk work like Pattern Recognition 
or Spook Country? My wife loved them both but they didn't fully hook me. I'm 
scared Stephenson's work will do the same.

On the other hand I loved Walter Jon Williams' This Is Not A Game. It's one of 
the most enjoyable books I've read this year.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Bosco Bosco ironpi...@... wrote:

 Anathem bu Neal Stephenson and Dream Of Perpetual Motion by author's name 
 escapes me. It's an advance copy that isn't out until next march.




 --- On Thu, 10/15/09, B Smith daikaij...@... wrote:


 From: B Smith daikaij...@...

 Subject: [scifinoir2] What Are You Reading?

 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

 Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 8:50 AM













   My semi-legendary To be Read pile is starting to thin out 
 just a bit and it needs to be fed before it goes feral. Any suggestions?




 My wife has the last book of the John Twelve Hawks Fourth Realm trilogy The 
 Golden City hanging around and I may add it to the list.




 I just finished an urban fantasy by Seanan McGuire called Rosemary and Rue. i 
 liked it but I figured out the central mystery way too early and it made the 
 book drag a bit. Plus I was hoping for something a little more gritty.




 I have two books waiting to be read that might fit the bill: 




 Child of Fire by Harry Connolly. It's about a not so nice guy in debt to an 
 even meaner wizard. I've heard it's a bit grittier than the Harry Dresden 
 series and I'm in the mood for something similar.




 Next is Tom Sniegoski's A Kiss Before The Apocolypse. I first read his work 
 in a collection called Mean Streets that featured a Harry Dresden story. The 
 work that hooked me most was Sniegoski's story Noah's Orphans. Remy Chandler 
 was the seraphim Remiel who gave up his glory after the last war in Heaven. 
 He lived as a human but apart until the 20th century. He fell in love, got 
 drawn back into the great game of Heavenly politics and had to hold back an 
 apocolypse or three. In Noah's Orphans he is drawn into the mystery when 
 someone kills the Old Man Noah. To say more would spoil it. 




 I came into the middle of the series and mistakenly read the second book of 
 the series which has some uncanny parallels to the current season of 
 Supernatural. So now I'm finally reading the first book.




 So what's on your list?



Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Martin Baxter

Tracey... you mean that Bay once *used* scripts? 8-O

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com; ggs...@yahoo.com; cinque3...@verizon.net
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 00:52:35 -0700
Subject: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start 
Making An Awesome Movie



atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from Transformers 2,
while director Michael Bay explains why you don't need to have a script when
you start creating cool robot action, in this exclusive commentary clip from
the Revenge Of The Fallen DVD.

As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on TF2
without an actual script — all he had was an outline by writers Roberto
Orci and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work after
the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the movie. As
he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and brainstorming with
artists actually informed the movie's script, once it finally had one. You
probably have your own ideas about whether that was a good thing.

Revenge Of The Fallen comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on
Blu-Ray and DVD, wherever awesomeness is available.

Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:

Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:

The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in 1080p
high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby Digital
and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French, Spanish and
Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as follows:

Disc 1:

• Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman

Disc 2:

• The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes interviews
with the cast and crew:

o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming success
of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the sequel?

o Domestic Destruction – Production: United States - Michael Bay believes
in going big: Big action and big explosions. Cast and crew are pushed to the
limit as they traverse the U.S. from New Mexico to Pennsylvania.

o Joint Operations – Production: Military - No other filmmaker in the
world enjoys the kind of military access and cooperation Michael Bay has. Here
we see just how efficient our armed forces are and the awe and respect shown by
the cast.

o Wonders of the World – Production: Middle East - You can't really
reproduce Egypt anywhere but Egypt so off we go to Giza and Luxor.

o Start Making Sense - Editing - In order to turn over the massive amount of
film as quickly as possible to VFX, four editors work tirelessly in a unique
tag-team approach to shape the film.

o Under the Gun – Visual Effects – Revenge of the Fallen features
the most complicated VFX in film history. So complicated in fact that the
filmmakers were unsure they would make the deadline. The DEVASTATOR VFX alone
required 83% of ILM's total render farm capacity.

o Running the Gauntlet – Post-Production and Release - Working seven days
a week, Michael Bay and company usher the film through sound design, Digital
Intermediate color-timing and a globe-trotting whirlwind of premieres.

• A Day with Bay: Tokyo-An intimate and fun all-access journey with
Michael Bay as he travels to Tokyo, Japan tor the world premiere of the biggest
film of the year.

• 25 Years of TRANSFORMERS-Access an all-new featurette celebrating a
monumental milestone for one of Hasbro's most successful and popular

• NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-Explore conceptual artwork created by the
production for 12 of the most popular AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS from the film.

• Deconstructing Visual Bayhem with Commentary by Pre-Vis Supervisor

Steve Yamamoto- A series of multi-angle pre-visualization sequences allowing
viewers to learn how some of the film's most spectacular scenes were created
with an introduction by Michael Bay.

• Extended Scenes

• Music Video: Linkin Park's New Divide


• The ALLSPARK Experiment-Viewers get their chance to unleash the power
of the recently recovered ALLSPARK shard on Earth vehicles. Begin by selecting
and customizing a vehicle with a selection of parts and accessories. Then apply
the ALLSPARK to this creation and watch what happens. Applying the ALLSPARK to
certain custom 

Re: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Mr. Worf
Probably very cursory scripts and then he hires pro writers to come in and
punch up the script.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Martin Baxter

 Tracey... you mean that Bay once *used* scripts? 8-O

 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
 bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant


 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com; ggs...@yahoo.com; cinque3...@verizon.net
 From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
 Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 00:52:35 -0700
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To
 Start Making An Awesome Movie

 atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from *Transformers
 2 http://io9.com/tag/transformers2/*, while director Michael Bay
 explains why you don't need to have a script when you start creating cool
 robot action, in this exclusive commentary clip from the *Revenge Of The
 Fallen* DVD.
 As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on 
 *TF2*without an actual script — all he had was an outline by writers Roberto 
 and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
 about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work
 after the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the
 movie. As he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and
 brainstorming with artists actually informed the movie's script, once it
 finally had one. You probably have your own ideas about whether that was a
 good thing.
 *Transformers: Revenge Of The 
 * comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on Blu-Ray and DVD, wherever
 awesomeness is available.
 Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:
 Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:
 The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
 presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
 English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
 English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in
 1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby
 Digital and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French,
 Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as
 Disc 1:
 • Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
 Disc 2:
 • The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
 documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes
 interviews with the cast and crew:
 o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming
 success of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the
 o Domestic Destruction – Production: United States - Michael Bay believes
 in going big: Big action and big explosions. Cast and crew are pushed to the
 limit as they traverse the U.S. from New Mexico to Pennsylvania.
 o Joint Operations – Production: Military - No other filmmaker in the world
 enjoys the kind of military access and cooperation Michael Bay has. Here we
 see just how efficient our armed forces are and the awe and respect shown by
 the cast.
 o Wonders of the World – Production: Middle East - You can't really
 reproduce Egypt anywhere but Egypt so off we go to Giza and Luxor.
 o Start Making Sense - Editing - In order to turn over the massive amount
 of film as quickly as possible to VFX, four editors work tirelessly in a
 unique tag-team approach to shape the film.
 o Under the Gun – Visual Effects – Revenge of the Fallen features the most
 complicated VFX in film history. So complicated in fact that the filmmakers
 were unsure they would make the deadline. The DEVASTATOR VFX alone required
 83% of ILM's total render farm capacity.
 o Running the Gauntlet – Post-Production and Release - Working seven days a
 week, Michael Bay and company usher the film through sound design, Digital
 Intermediate color-timing and a globe-trotting whirlwind of premieres.
 • A Day with Bay: Tokyo-An intimate and fun all-access journey with Michael
 Bay as he travels to Tokyo, Japan tor the world premiere of the biggest film
 of the year.
 • 25 Years of TRANSFORMERS-Access an all-new featurette celebrating a
 monumental milestone for one of Hasbro's most successful and popular
 • NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-Explore conceptual artwork created by the
 production for 12 of the most popular AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS from the
 • Deconstructing Visual Bayhem with Commentary by Pre-Vis Supervisor
 Steve Yamamoto- A series of multi-angle pre-visualization sequences
 allowing viewers to learn how some of the film's most spectacular scenes
 were created with an introduction by Michael Bay.
 • Extended Scenes
 • Music Video: Linkin Park's New Divide

RE: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Tracey de Morsella
When I first saw this I thought it was a parody.  Since most of us complain
about the lack of story.  The fact that he admits it and feels no shame is a


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:16 PM
To: SciFiNoir2; ggs...@yahoo.com; cinque3...@verizon.net
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script
To Start Making An Awesome Movie


Tracey... you mean that Bay once *used* scripts? 8-O

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant



To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com; ggs...@yahoo.com; cinque3...@verizon.net
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 00:52:35 -0700
Subject: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To
Start Making An Awesome Movie



atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from Transformers 2
http://io9.com/tag/transformers2/ , while director Michael Bay explains
why you don't need to have a script when you start creating cool robot
action, in this exclusive commentary clip from the Revenge Of The Fallen
As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on TF2
without an actual script - all he had was an outline by writers Roberto Orci
and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work
after the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the
movie. As he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and
brainstorming with artists actually informed the movie's script, once it
finally had one. You probably have your own ideas about whether that was a
good thing.
Transformers: http://io9.com/tag/transformersrevengeofthefallen/  Revenge
Of The Fallen comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on Blu-Ray and DVD,
wherever awesomeness is available.
Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:
Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:
The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in
1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby
Digital and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French,
Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as
Disc 1:
. Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
Disc 2:
. The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes
interviews with the cast and crew:
o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming
success of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the
o Domestic Destruction - Production: United States - Michael Bay believes in
going big: Big action and big explosions. Cast and crew are pushed to the
limit as they traverse the U.S. from New Mexico to Pennsylvania.
o Joint Operations - Production: Military - No other filmmaker in the world
enjoys the kind of military access and cooperation Michael Bay has. Here we
see just how efficient our armed forces are and the awe and respect shown by
the cast.
o Wonders of the World - Production: Middle East - You can't really
reproduce Egypt anywhere but Egypt so off we go to Giza and Luxor.
o Start Making Sense - Editing - In order to turn over the massive amount of
film as quickly as possible to VFX, four editors work tirelessly in a unique
tag-team approach to shape the film.
o Under the Gun - Visual Effects - Revenge of the Fallen features the most
complicated VFX in film history. So complicated in fact that the filmmakers
were unsure they would make the deadline. The DEVASTATOR VFX alone required
83% of ILM's total render farm capacity.
o Running the Gauntlet - Post-Production and Release - Working seven days a
week, Michael Bay and company usher the film through sound design, Digital
Intermediate color-timing and a globe-trotting whirlwind of premieres.
. A Day with Bay: Tokyo-An intimate and fun all-access journey with Michael
Bay as he travels to Tokyo, Japan tor the world premiere of the biggest film
of the year.
. 25 Years of TRANSFORMERS-Access an all-new featurette celebrating a
monumental milestone for one of Hasbro's most successful and popular
. NEST: Transformer Data-Hub-Explore conceptual artwork created by the
production for 12 of the most popular AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS from the
. Deconstructing Visual Bayhem with Commentary by Pre-Vis Supervisor
Steve Yamamoto- A series of multi-angle pre-visualization sequences allowing
viewers to learn how some of 

Re: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

2009-10-20 Thread Mr. Worf
That is because a lot of them are extremely out of touch with the movie
making creative process. Making a movie is a craft that takes a combination
of a lot of ingredients. You see it with people like the Coen brothers.
(Hell even the Worchowski brothers isn't all that bad.)

Unfortunately, people like Bay thinks that that process only takes someone
to come up with an idea then cobble it together from there. They get lost in
the process and forget exactly what they are doing and allow the process to
guide the final outcome of the product with very little input or oversight.
You see it with some artists as well. They will take an idea then outsource
different pieces to put it together. Can it still be called art if something
is created that way?

Many jazz artists work that way. They may have specific chord changes that
they want at a particular time,in a particular key signature but the rest is
up to the musician and how they see fit. It works great with people that are
on the same wavelength. BUT not all the time.

The movie industry suffers from this because there are dozens and sometimes
hundreds or even thousands of people working on a project. By the time they
are doing the editing, the movie has morphed into many different versions of
itself. Even the editing process becomes a part of the creative process. (If
you have someone like Walter Murch editing your film it definitely will be.
Apocalypse now and other films owe him big. He literally wrote the book on
creative editing. )

So after Bay green lights something, he may never look at it again until the
rushes or the final edits.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella 
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com wrote:

  When I first saw this I thought it was a parody.  Since most of us
 complain about the lack of story.  The fact that he admits it and feels no
 shame is a amazing

 *From:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Martin Baxter
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:16 PM
 *To:* SciFiNoir2; ggs...@yahoo.com; cinque3...@verizon.net
 *Subject:* RE: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A
 Script To Start Making An Awesome Movie

 Tracey... you mean that Bay once *used* scripts? 8-O

 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
 bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant



 To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com; ggs...@yahoo.com; cinque3...@verizon.net
 From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
 Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 00:52:35 -0700
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Michael Bay Explains Why You Don't Need A Script To
 Start Making An Awesome Movie

 atch some great Decepticon-on-military-satellite action from *Transformers
 2 http://io9.com/tag/transformers2/*, while director Michael Bay
 explains why you don't need to have a script when you start creating cool
 robot action, in this exclusive commentary clip from the *Revenge Of The
 Fallen* DVD.
 As you might know, the writers' strike forced Bay to start work on 
 *TF2*without an actual script — all he had was an outline by writers Roberto 
 and Alex Kurtzman. So a lot of the movie's early designs and ideas came
 about without a real script, and when Orci and Kurtzman came back to work
 after the strike, Bay was able to tell them which robots he wanted in the
 movie. As he says in this clip, all of that pre-visualization work and
 brainstorming with artists actually informed the movie's script, once it
 finally had one. You probably have your own ideas about whether that was a
 good thing.
 *Transformers: Revenge Of The 
 * comes out on DVD tomorrow, October 20, on Blu-Ray and DVD, wherever
 awesomeness is available.
 Here's what the press release says about the two-disc DVD/Blu-Ray edition:
 Two-Disc Special Edition DVD  Blu-ray:
 The TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen two-disc Special Edition DVD is
 presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital
 English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with
 English, French and Spanish subtitles. The Blu-ray will be presented in
 1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby
 Digital and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital with English, English SDH, French,
 Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. The disc breakdown is as
 Disc 1:
 • Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
 Disc 2:
 • The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen-This multi-chapter
 documentary chronicles the entire creation of the film and includes
 interviews with the cast and crew:
 o Seeds of Vengeance - Development and Design - After the overwhelming
 success of 2007's Transformers, how do the filmmakers top themselves for the
 o Domestic Destruction – Production: United States - Michael Bay believes
 in going big: Big action and big 

[scifinoir2] fake chinese goods

2009-10-20 Thread Mr. Worf
This website has some pics of the goods that they are selling in China right


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Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: What Are You Reading?

2009-10-20 Thread Bosco Bosco
Hey B

I've read all the Gibson and most of the Stephenson. 

I loved everything by Stephenson from Snow Crash forward. He's very literate, 
well researched and intelligent. He can be a little dry from time to time. Each 
work explores a variety of themes from science to banking to economics to 
technology. He probably knows as much about the history of the computer as any 
human being alive. At heart of every novel is an adventure story. So while he's 
exploring some truly heady subject matter, he's also sailing the seas with 
pirates or spying behind enemy lines etc. I think my favorite is a tie between 
The Diamond Age, an exploration of the possibilities nano-technology and 
Cryptonomicon, a tale about the birth of modern computers and cryptology. I 
love Snow Crash and the Baroque Cycle but the other two really turned my gears.

As for Gibson, I read Pattern Recognition which I found to be fun but not great 
Gibson. Spook Country was better than okay but not quite good. It dragged. 
Essentially Gibson's work is all built on the same structural mystery frame. It 
begins to wear a little thin in the latest trilogy. That said, I'm still 
looking forward to the third installment in the Pattern/Spook series.


--- On Tue, 10/20/09, B Smith daikaij...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: B Smith daikaij...@yahoo.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: What Are You Reading?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 8:35 AM


  I really want to read some Neal Stephenson but I keep putting 
it off. I'll have to tackle it someday.

Has anyone read William Gibson's post-cyberpunk work like Pattern Recognition 
or Spook Country? My wife loved them both but they didn't fully hook me. I'm 
scared Stephenson's work will do the same.

On the other hand I loved Walter Jon Williams' This Is Not A Game. It's one of 
the most enjoyable books I've read this year.

--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Bosco Bosco ironpi...@. .. wrote:

 Anathem bu Neal Stephenson and Dream Of Perpetual Motion by author's name 
 escapes me. It's an advance copy that isn't out until next march.




 --- On Thu, 10/15/09, B Smith daikaiju66@ ... wrote:


 From: B Smith daikaiju66@ ...

 Subject: [scifinoir2] What Are You Reading?

 To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

 Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 8:50 AM













   My semi-legendary To be Read pile is starting to thin out 
 just a bit and it needs to be fed before it goes feral. Any suggestions?




 My wife has the last book of the John Twelve Hawks Fourth Realm trilogy The 
 Golden City hanging around and I may add it to the list.




 I just finished an urban fantasy by Seanan McGuire called Rosemary and Rue. i 
 liked it but I figured out the central mystery way too early and it made the 
 book drag a bit. Plus I was hoping for something a little more gritty.




 I have two books waiting to be read that might fit the bill: 




 Child of Fire by Harry Connolly. It's about a not so nice guy in debt to an 
 even meaner wizard. I've heard it's a bit grittier than the Harry Dresden 
 series and I'm in the mood for something similar.




 Next is Tom Sniegoski's A Kiss Before The Apocolypse. I first read his work 
 in a collection called Mean Streets that featured a Harry Dresden story. The 
 work that hooked me most was Sniegoski's story Noah's Orphans. Remy Chandler 
 was the seraphim Remiel who gave up his glory after the last war in Heaven. 
 He lived as a human but apart until the 20th century. He fell in love, got 
 drawn back into the great game of Heavenly politics and had to hold back an 
 apocolypse or three. In Noah's Orphans he is drawn into the mystery when 
 someone kills the Old Man Noah. To say more would spoil it. 




 I came into the middle of the series and mistakenly read the second book of 
 the series which has some uncanny parallels to the current season of 
 Supernatural. So now I'm finally reading the first book.




 So what's on your list?