Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
I'm not gonna sue you, rave.

Just look at you reeally strangely for the
next six to eight weeks...

Martin (David Spade Hater since David Spade first appeared in public)

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

 Going with a comic actor is not a bad idea. Bixby was known primarily as a
 comic actor when he became David Bruce Banner. Ditto for Michael Keaton when
 he became the Batman. When you mentioned Jon Cryer my brain went even
 further out on a limb and thought David Spade.

 (So sue me).


 --- In, Keith
 Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote:
  I've never seen Cryer do drama, just offered up his physical
 characteristics. Then again, Bill Bixby was a handsome man who wasn't
 physically frail, but he was an effective David Banner because of his acting
 ability. He wasn't the weakling of Banner in the comics, but he was a very
 soft-spoken, gentle soul who worked very well as Banner in the series.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...
  Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 6:15:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers
  I agree, They need an Ed Begley Jr. type actor. Basically someone that
 does not have that strong physical look and more like a doctor. I don't
 think John Cryer would be able to pull off the transformation scenes.
  On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@... 
  They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor who
 looks and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome for
 Banner. Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean intensity
 was a bit too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce Banner. I
 think Phoenix would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than the
 puny Banner we need. Cast the net far and wide to find the right man, and
 notoriety be hanged! That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time.
  Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the whiny
 brother on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but that's
 the *look* you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if he's
 never seen the sun or the inside of a gym.
  - Original Message -
  From: Daryle Lockhart  dar...@... 
  So now I'm hearing they're talking seriously to Joaquin Phoenix. Which is
 both awesome and frightening at the same time to me.
  On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote:
  Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep Responds

  Source: Access Hollywood Sun Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT
  Edward Norton won't be reprising his role as the Incredible Hulk in
 2012's The Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to Access Hollywood on Sunday.

  Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the decision
 in a statement to HitFix .
  VIEW THE PHOTOS: Edward Norton
  We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the
 title role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige told the site. Our
 decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted
 in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative
 spirit of our other talented cast members. 'The Avengers' demands players
 who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H,
 Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to
 announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate
 about the iconic role in the coming weeks.
  The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars
 Robert Downey Jr. ( Iron Man ), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans
 (Captain America: The First Avenger), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury),
 Scarlett Johansson ( Iron Man 2's Black Widow), who are expected to
 reprise their superhero roles in team-up film The Avengers.
  VIEW THE PHOTOS: Scenes From ‘ The Incredible Hulk ’
  A rep for Norton responded to the statement to Hitfix on Sunday, calling
 it purposefully misleading and claiming that his client had been in
 discussions to return to the role.
  This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully
 misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light,
 the rep told the site. Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me
 and said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Banner in 'The
 Avengers.' He told me it would be his fantasy to bring Edward on stage with
 the rest of the cast at [Comic-Con] and make it the event of the convention.
 When I said that Edward was definitely open to this idea, Kevin was very
 excited and we agreed that Edward 

Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Keith, banner, since being relieved of his Hulk side, has felt the need to
vent his still-present rage through the mind games he plays on people. I saw
in another post that you aren't up on the Son of Hulk storyline, but Banner
took the kid under his wing, to make him tougher. The trips he put that kid
through were unbelievable.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Keith Johnson

 I wonder if Cera might not be a bit too young? I don't follow Hulk. What's
 up with Banner's behaviour?

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 7:18:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers

 Keith, if they want flavor-of-the-week, Michael Cera would be a great fit
 for Banner as well. And the character would have to be written, IMO, the way
 he's been done post-World War Hulk, after Banner and the Hulk were
 separated, and Banner became a truly scary bastich who played mind games
 with everyone around him.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Keith Johnson 

 They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor who
 looks and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome for
 Banner. Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean intensity
 was a bit too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce Banner. I
 think Phoenix would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than the
 puny Banner we need.  Cast the net far and wide to find the right man, and
 notoriety be hanged! That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time.

 Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the whiny
 brother on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but that's
 the *look* you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if he's
 never seen the sun or the inside of a gym.

 - Original Message -
 From: Daryle Lockhart

 So  now I'm hearing they're talking  seriously  to  Joaquin Phoenix. Which
  is both  awesome and frightening at the same time to me.


 On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote:

 Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep Responds
  Source: Access 
 Hollywood Sun
 Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT

 Edward Norton't be 
 reprising his role as the Incredible
 Hulk in 2012's The
 Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to * Access Hollywood * on Sunday.

 Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the decision
 in a statement to 


 We have made the decision to not bring Ed 
 Norton to portray 
 the title role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige
 told the site. Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary
 factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the
 creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. 'The
 Avengers' demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as
 evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our
 talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these
 requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks.

 The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars Robert
 Downey Jr. ( Iron
 Man ), Chris Hemsworth
 (Thor), Chris 
 America: The First Avenger), Samuel
 L. Jackson (Nick
 Fury), Scarlett 
 Johansson Iron
 Man 2's Black Widow),
 who are expected to reprise their superhero roles in team-up film The

 VIEW THE PHOTOS: Scenes From ‘
 Incredible Hulk ’

 A rep for Norton responded to the statement to Hitfix on Sunday, calling
 it purposefully misleading and claiming that his client had been in
 discussions to return to the role.

 This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully
 misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light,
 the rep told the site. Here are the facts: two 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Goldberg: Mel Gibson is Not a Racist

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
I'm with you on this, Mr Worf. Whoopi lost me as a fan back when, on the
view, she and Sherri Shepard both defended the use of the N-word as
acceptable, bringing Elisabeth Hasselbeck to tears as she decried its use.
Never agreed with Hasselbeck on a single point of hers before that.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I think Mel gets his racism from his father who is a well documented
 anti-semite and conspiracy theorist.

 I think Whoopi has bought into the Hollywood hype. She has been in the
 Hollywood system so long that she has lost her bearings on reality. This
 happens to a lot of people of color that gain acceptance through tokenism
 and may have genuine white friends, but that does not mean that all is right
 with the world.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Keith Johnson 


 I owe you an apology for high-mindedly saying I don't like being privy to
 people's private thoughts and utterances, odious though they may be. I still
 feel that way. I hate knowing that Gibson is such a racist on this level. I
 don't get why his girlfriend chose to release this crap to Radar Online
 instead of just the cops. I think, like the other topics we've discussed
 recently of media coverage, we are becoming way too much of a nation where
 everyone wants to get their stuff out in the media for a variety of
 reasons.  But, for all that I wish and think this stuff should never have
 been released this way, I must admit I've listened to it, and it sickens
 me.  The only question I have is, why is *anyone* still surprised at
 Gibson's racism? The drunken rants when he was arrested were enough
 evidence, the disturbing anti-Semitic tones of The Passion of the Christ
 were troublesome as well.

 As for Whoopi Goldberg saying he's not a racist, I have no idea what the
 hell her definition is, but I'm not surprised. She's dealt with self-hatred
 and hatred of black people for a long time. I've noticed over the years how
 she attacks people who use the term African-American, saying she's just
 an American, as if the term were insulting. I note how refused to wear a
 ribbon against racism for the Oscars one year, and even did a riff on it,
 but curiously, she wore things supporting everything from gay rights to
 women's rights. And I note that, the same lady who gives people like Gibson
 a pass is very quick to attack other blacks. years ago she was given an
 Essence award I believe. (Might have been NAACP...) When she got the award,
 Goldberg proceeded to thank the audience, then tell them Y'all have made it
 hard on me--very hard. She berated the audience for all the years that
 blacks had laughed at her looks, not supported her, and made her feel ugly.
 Odd that she was so quick to attack blacks publicly, takes offense at
 black labels,  yet can be so forgiving and understanding of racism like

 Oh yeah: I bet Danny Glover is saying, What the fu**, Mel?!

 *We've been following the goings-on over at the Mel Gibson
 Meltdownapalooza for the past few weeks.  By now, you've probably heard one
 or more of the audio tapes that Gibson's ex has leaked to the press, so we
 don't need to reiterate the blatant hate-speech, misogyny, and-- let's face
 it-- flat-out threats that Gibson spits out during these tapes.  This is the
 sorta situation that any reasonable, intelligent, rational thinking-person
 could look at and say, You know, I think that Mel Gibson's a bit of a
 racist, and probably a few other things.  With that said, Whoopi Goldberg
 has sprung into action to defend Mel Gibson as decidedly un-racist.  Read
 all about it below, my gentle Examiner readers...*

 This Mel Gibson thing's really getting out of hand.  The current news on
 the situation is that authorities are now looking into the Gibson/Oksana
 (that'd be his ex-wife) debacle for a multitude of reasons.  On one side of
 the fence, you've got Gibson's camp accusing Oksana of trying to extor
 Gibson by releasing the tapes to the media.  This side claims that Gibson
 was set-up and provoked into making the several audio tapes that have now
 leaked to the press.  On the other side of the debate, you've got Gibson's
 ex's people, who claim that Gibson beat her up, threatened to plant her in
 (his) rose garden, and that Gibson's a flaming racist.  Now, just because
 there aren't enough cooks in this particular kitchen, Whoopi Goldberg's
 got a few things to 

 *I have had a long friendship with Mel. You can say he's being a
 bonehead, but I can't sit and say that he's a racist having 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Goldberg: Mel Gibson is Not a Racist

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I think she lost me when she did the black face jokes thing with Ted Danson,

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm with you on this, Mr Worf. Whoopi lost me as a fan back when, on the
 view, she and Sherri Shepard both defended the use of the N-word as
 acceptable, bringing Elisabeth Hasselbeck to tears as she decried its use.
 Never agreed with Hasselbeck on a single point of hers before that.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I think Mel gets his racism from his father who is a well documented
 anti-semite and conspiracy theorist.

 I think Whoopi has bought into the Hollywood hype. She has been in the
 Hollywood system so long that she has lost her bearings on reality. This
 happens to a lot of people of color that gain acceptance through tokenism
 and may have genuine white friends, but that does not mean that all is right
 with the world.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Keith Johnson


 I owe you an apology for high-mindedly saying I don't like being privy to
 people's private thoughts and utterances, odious though they may be. I still
 feel that way. I hate knowing that Gibson is such a racist on this level. I
 don't get why his girlfriend chose to release this crap to Radar Online
 instead of just the cops. I think, like the other topics we've discussed
 recently of media coverage, we are becoming way too much of a nation where
 everyone wants to get their stuff out in the media for a variety of
 reasons.  But, for all that I wish and think this stuff should never have
 been released this way, I must admit I've listened to it, and it sickens
 me.  The only question I have is, why is *anyone* still surprised at
 Gibson's racism? The drunken rants when he was arrested were enough
 evidence, the disturbing anti-Semitic tones of The Passion of the Christ
 were troublesome as well.

 As for Whoopi Goldberg saying he's not a racist, I have no idea what the
 hell her definition is, but I'm not surprised. She's dealt with self-hatred
 and hatred of black people for a long time. I've noticed over the years how
 she attacks people who use the term African-American, saying she's just
 an American, as if the term were insulting. I note how refused to wear a
 ribbon against racism for the Oscars one year, and even did a riff on it,
 but curiously, she wore things supporting everything from gay rights to
 women's rights. And I note that, the same lady who gives people like Gibson
 a pass is very quick to attack other blacks. years ago she was given an
 Essence award I believe. (Might have been NAACP...) When she got the award,
 Goldberg proceeded to thank the audience, then tell them Y'all have made it
 hard on me--very hard. She berated the audience for all the years that
 blacks had laughed at her looks, not supported her, and made her feel ugly.
 Odd that she was so quick to attack blacks publicly, takes offense at
 black labels,  yet can be so forgiving and understanding of racism like

 Oh yeah: I bet Danny Glover is saying, What the fu**, Mel?!

 *We've been following the goings-on over at the Mel Gibson
 Meltdownapalooza for the past few weeks.  By now, you've probably heard one
 or more of the audio tapes that Gibson's ex has leaked to the press, so we
 don't need to reiterate the blatant hate-speech, misogyny, and-- let's face
 it-- flat-out threats that Gibson spits out during these tapes.  This is the
 sorta situation that any reasonable, intelligent, rational thinking-person
 could look at and say, You know, I think that Mel Gibson's a bit of a
 racist, and probably a few other things.  With that said, Whoopi Goldberg
 has sprung into action to defend Mel Gibson as decidedly un-racist.  Read
 all about it below, my gentle Examiner readers...*

 This Mel Gibson thing's really getting out of hand.  The current news on
 the situation is that authorities are now looking into the Gibson/Oksana
 (that'd be his ex-wife) debacle for a multitude of reasons.  On one side of
 the fence, you've got Gibson's camp accusing Oksana of trying to extor
 Gibson by releasing the tapes to the media.  This side claims that Gibson
 was set-up and provoked into making the several audio tapes that have now
 leaked to the press.  On the other side of the debate, you've got Gibson's
 ex's people, who claim that Gibson beat her up, threatened to plant her in
 (his) rose garden, and that Gibson's a flaming racist.  Now, just because
 there aren't enough cooks in this particular kitchen, Whoopi Goldberg's
 got a few things to 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
You, Mr Worf, are a GENIUS. I take back Cera in entirety.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 How about Jackie Earle Haley?

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:17 PM, B Smith wrote:

 Still thin but not frail. He's learned a few tricks and picked up some
 fighting skills.

 --- In, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@...
  Thanks for the update. Though snarky, isn't Banner still frail and
 weak looking?
  - Original Message -
  From: B Smith daikaij...@...
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:41:55 PM
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers
  Bruce Banner hasn't been the puny Banner stereotype for a long time.
 Banner is a bit of a snarky so and so and that could lead to some nice
 exchanges with Downey and Jackson. Norton played him just right but
 unfortunately he was such a pain to work with he was dropped.
  Michael Cera is way too young. Jason Bateman on the other hand could be
  --- In , Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@
   I wonder if Cera might not be a bit too young? I don't follow Hulk.
 What's up with Banner's behaviour?
   - Original Message -
   From: Martin Baxter martinbaxter7@
   Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 7:18:00 AM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers
   Keith, if they want flavor-of-the-week, Michael Cera would be a
 great fit for Banner as well. And the character would have to be written,
 IMO, the way he's been done post-World War Hulk, after Banner and the Hulk
 were separated, and Banner became a truly scary bastich who played mind
 games with everyone around him.
   On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Keith Johnson  KeithBJohnson@ 
   They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor
 who looks and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome for
 Banner. Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean intensity
 was a bit too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce Banner. I
 think Phoenix would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than the
 puny Banner we need. Cast the net far and wide to find the right man, and
 notoriety be hanged! That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time.
   Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the whiny
 brother on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but that's
 the *look* you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if he's
 never seen the sun or the inside of a gym.
   - Original Message -
   From: Daryle Lockhart  daryle@ 
   So now I'm hearing they're talking seriously to Joaquin Phoenix. Which
 is both awesome and frightening at the same time to me.
   On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote:
   Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep
   Source: Access Hollywood Sun Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT
   Edward Norton won't be reprising his role as the Incredible Hulk in
 2012's The Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to Access Hollywood on Sunday.
   Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the
 decision in a statement to HitFix .
   VIEW THE PHOTOS: Edward Norton
   We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the
 title role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige told the site. Our
 decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted
 in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative
 spirit of our other talented cast members. 'The Avengers' demands players
 who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H,
 Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to
 announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate
 about the iconic role in the coming weeks.
   The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars
 Robert Downey Jr. ( Iron Man ), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans
 (Captain America: The First Avenger), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury),
 Scarlett Johansson ( Iron Man 2's Black Widow), who are expected to
 reprise their superhero roles in team-up film The Avengers.
   VIEW THE PHOTOS: Scenes From ‘ The Incredible Hulk ’
   A rep for Norton responded to the statement to Hitfix on Sunday,
 calling it purposefully misleading and claiming that his client had been
 in discussions to return to the role.
   This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully
 misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light,
 the rep told the site. Here 

Re: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron

2010-07-14 Thread L Freeman

Geez. Did anyone think this might be WHY he is heading down south? I sure 
wouldnt want to play on the same team as a guy that would sleep with my mother.

--- On Tue, 7/13/10, Mr. Worf wrote:

From: Mr. Worf
Subject: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 4:12 PM






http://kissmyassleb ron.bigcartel. com/product/ you-can-head- south-but- 
your-mom- rides-west

Designated Hitter




Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
Mahogany at: http://groups. group/mahogany_ pleasures_ of_darkness/





Re: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I look at it this way. He has to deal with it sooner or later that his mom
is going to date someone. Sure, his teammate may not be ideal, but he
doesn't really have any say on who she is going to like either.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:56 AM, L Freeman wrote:

 Geez. Did anyone think this might be WHY he is heading down south? I sure
 wouldnt want to play on the same team as a guy that would sleep with my

 --- On *Tue, 7/13/10, Mr. Worf* wrote:

 From: Mr. Worf
 Subject: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron
 Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 4:12 PM


 http://kissmyassleb ron.bigcartel. com/product/ you-can-head- south-but-

 Designated Hitter

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: http://groups. group/mahogany_ pleasures_


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Goldberg: Mel Gibson is Not a Racist

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
I'd forgotten all about that stunt. Another mark against her in my book.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I think she lost me when she did the black face jokes thing with Ted

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm with you on this, Mr Worf. Whoopi lost me as a fan back when, on the
 view, she and Sherri Shepard both defended the use of the N-word as
 acceptable, bringing Elisabeth Hasselbeck to tears as she decried its use.
 Never agreed with Hasselbeck on a single point of hers before that.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 I think Mel gets his racism from his father who is a well documented
 anti-semite and conspiracy theorist.

 I think Whoopi has bought into the Hollywood hype. She has been in the
 Hollywood system so long that she has lost her bearings on reality. This
 happens to a lot of people of color that gain acceptance through tokenism
 and may have genuine white friends, but that does not mean that all is right
 with the world.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:


 I owe you an apology for high-mindedly saying I don't like being privy
 to people's private thoughts and utterances, odious though they may be. I
 still feel that way. I hate knowing that Gibson is such a racist on this
 level. I don't get why his girlfriend chose to release this crap to Radar
 Online instead of just the cops. I think, like the other topics we've
 discussed recently of media coverage, we are becoming way too much of a
 nation where everyone wants to get their stuff out in the media for a
 variety of reasons.  But, for all that I wish and think this stuff should
 never have been released this way, I must admit I've listened to it, and it
 sickens me.  The only question I have is, why is *anyone* still surprised 
 Gibson's racism? The drunken rants when he was arrested were enough
 evidence, the disturbing anti-Semitic tones of The Passion of the Christ
 were troublesome as well.

 As for Whoopi Goldberg saying he's not a racist, I have no idea what the
 hell her definition is, but I'm not surprised. She's dealt with self-hatred
 and hatred of black people for a long time. I've noticed over the years how
 she attacks people who use the term African-American, saying she's just
 an American, as if the term were insulting. I note how refused to wear a
 ribbon against racism for the Oscars one year, and even did a riff on it,
 but curiously, she wore things supporting everything from gay rights to
 women's rights. And I note that, the same lady who gives people like Gibson
 a pass is very quick to attack other blacks. years ago she was given an
 Essence award I believe. (Might have been NAACP...) When she got the award,
 Goldberg proceeded to thank the audience, then tell them Y'all have made 
 hard on me--very hard. She berated the audience for all the years that
 blacks had laughed at her looks, not supported her, and made her feel ugly.
 Odd that she was so quick to attack blacks publicly, takes offense at
 black labels,  yet can be so forgiving and understanding of racism like

 Oh yeah: I bet Danny Glover is saying, What the fu**, Mel?!

 *We've been following the goings-on over at the Mel Gibson
 Meltdownapalooza for the past few weeks.  By now, you've probably heard 
 or more of the audio tapes that Gibson's ex has leaked to the press, so we
 don't need to reiterate the blatant hate-speech, misogyny, and-- let's face
 it-- flat-out threats that Gibson spits out during these tapes.  This is 
 sorta situation that any reasonable, intelligent, rational thinking-person
 could look at and say, You know, I think that Mel Gibson's a bit of a
 racist, and probably a few other things.  With that said, Whoopi Goldberg
 has sprung into action to defend Mel Gibson as decidedly un-racist.  Read
 all about it below, my gentle Examiner readers...*

 This Mel Gibson thing's really getting out of hand.  The current news on
 the situation is that authorities are now looking into the Gibson/Oksana
 (that'd be his ex-wife) debacle for a multitude of reasons.  On one side of
 the fence, you've got Gibson's camp accusing Oksana of trying to extor
 Gibson by releasing the tapes to the media.  This side claims that Gibson
 was set-up and provoked into making the several audio tapes that have now
 leaked to the press.  On the other side of the debate, you've got Gibson's
 ex's people, who claim that Gibson beat her up, threatened to plant her in
 (his) rose garden, and that Gibson's a flaming racist.  Now, just because

Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
I didn't initially see why anyone would hold a phone by the bottom like that
to lose signal strength, until Sunday, when I was running an errand with my
niece. That's how she texts, so I figure that's how all of the kids do it.
Myself, I text by cupping my phone in my right hand and making the
keystrokes with my left index finger.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I think that it is just a design flaw. If you touch the corner of the phone
 it is probably making you ground.  Consumer Reports said that the signal
 drops about -20db! Which can take about 1/2 of a signal.

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Still not quite buying this...

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Sent too soon, forgot to add that she doesn't lose signal strength when she
does it. Which gives credence to your design flaw theory, Mr Worf.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 I didn't initially see why anyone would hold a phone by the bottom like
 that to lose signal strength, until Sunday, when I was running an errand
 with my niece. That's how she texts, so I figure that's how all of the kids
 do it. Myself, I text by cupping my phone in my right hand and making the
 keystrokes with my left index finger.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I think that it is just a design flaw. If you touch the corner of the
 phone it is probably making you ground.  Consumer Reports said that the
 signal drops about -20db! Which can take about 1/2 of a signal.

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Still not quite buying this...

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody
 hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Consumer Reports will not recommend Apple iPhone 4

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
As though that'll make the bad press go away. Great move.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 G4 reported today that Apple has been deleting posts on the Consumer
 Reports article from their group websites. Hmmm that was a m$ move there.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Consumer Reports will not recommend Apple iPhone 4

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  [image: A customer looks at an iPhone 4 at the Apple Store 5th
 Avenue in New York, in this June 24, 2010 file photo. REUTERS/Eric

 A customer looks at an iPhone 4 at the Apple Store 5th Avenue in New York,
 in this June 24, 2010 file photo.

 Credit: Reuters/Eric Thayer/Files

 SAN FRANCISCO | Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:01pm EDT

 SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Consumer Reports said it cannot recommend
 Apple's iPhone 4 to buyers after tests confirmed the device's
 well-publicized reception glitches.

 It added that that ATT Inc, the exclusive mobile phone carrier for the
 iPhone 4, was not necessarily the main culprit.

 The influential nonprofit organization, which publishes guides on
 everything from cars to TVs, said in a report released on Monday that it
 also tested other phones -- including the iPhone 3GS and Palm Pre -- and
 found none had the signal-loss problems of Apple's latest iPhone.

 The report was the latest blow to the iPhone 4, which sold 1.7 million
 units in its first three days on the market but has been plagued by
 complaints of poor reception. Many of the complaints involve a wraparound
 antenna whose signal strength is said to be affected if touched in a certain

 Kaufman Bros analyst Shaw Wu said he was surprised by the stance that
 Consumer Reports took on the new iPhone. Wu noted that the group's
 recommendations are used as a guide by many consumers.

 Consumer reports is a respected publication. This could have an impact on
 iPhone sales, Wu said.

 Apple shares were down 1 percent at $257.06 on Monday afternoon on the

 The company has been sued by iPhone customers in at least three complaints
 related to antenna problems.

 When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side --
 an easy thing, especially for lefties -- the signal can significantly
 degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in
 an area with a weak signal, contributor Mike Gikas said in a report on the
 Consumer Reports website.

 Our findings call into question the recent claim by Apple that the iPhone
 4's signal-strength issues were largely an optical illusion caused by faulty
 software that 'mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should for a given
 signal strength,' Gikas said.

 Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

 Gikas recommended covering the gap in the wraparound antenna with duct
 tape or some other non-conductive material.

 Apple has said almost any cellphone will suffer a loss of signal if held
 in certain ways. It said later it had discovered a software glitch that
 overstates signal strength, though it did not directly address concerns
 about the antenna with that admission.

 On the flip side, Consumer Reports said the iPhone scored high on other
 testing grounds such as battery life, sharp display and high-quality video

 However, Gikas said the signal problem was the reason the iPhone 4 would
 not be classified as a recommended device in its smartphone ratings.

 Apple needs to come out with a permanent -- and free -- fix to the
 antenna problem before we can recommend the iPhone4, said Gikas in his blog
 post on

 (Reporting by Carolina Madrid and Gabriel 
 Editing by Edwin Chan, Matthew 

Re: [scifinoir2] 6 Coolest Inventions you Probably D idn’t Know Exist

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Evil Lifeform that I am, I could bring such havoc with that All-in-One
credit card. That's one they might want to pull off the table.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 6 Coolest Inventions you Probably Didn’t Know Exist December 2, 2009 by
 Progress Bar on a Traffic Light

  has been given for a concept that would allow existing traffic lights
 to be retrofitted with progress bars that offer a visual representation of
 when the light will change.
 Damjan Stanković -the designer- promotes this stoplight as an eco solution
 in the following ways: If you’ve got the amount of time you’ve got to stop
 in front of you, you can shut your engine off, wait, be calm, and turn it
 back on again when the time is almost up. This not only lessens the amount
  use sitting still, but it lessens the amount of crazy madness you have
 wondering if the stoplight is stuck, or just really, really long.Source

  Waterproof Gadget Coating

 Golden Shellback Coating is here and it is specifically created to protect
  damage and loss of function due to harsh weather conditions and
 moisture. This protective shield produces a vacuum-deposited film that is
 non-flammable and insoluble in solvents. It is an ideal protection for
 plastic, copper, aluminum, metal, ceramic, steel, tin, or glass.
 The price of this excellent anti-corrosion coating depends on the equipment
 you want to use it for. For the BlackBerry 
 $120; the iPod Shuffle, $60; the iPod 
 Airport Sleep Pods

 Have you ever slept at the airport? For those of us who want the
 convenience of 
  the airport, without so much of the crazy, there’s these amazing things
 right here! 
  they go by the name of, designed by Arch Group for those who need
 private time in strange, unfriendly places!
 There’s a thousand instances where the ideal personal cubical could come in
 handy. Here’s one of them: the airport. In between flights, what do you do?
 Sit in some marginally comfortable seats. Lots of time in between flights,
 what do you do? Sleep box.
 The box itself is 2mx1.4mx2.3m. The main bed is 2×0.6m, equipped with an
 automatic system which changes the 
  Fifth Element.) The bed is a soft, flexible strip of polymer and pulp
 Ventilation system, sound alerts, built-in LCD television, wireless internet
 power sockets, extra luggage space under lounges. Payment is made in time,
 anywhere from 15 minutes to several 

  Live Checking Card

 Do you know who the Green Monster is? It’s that skunk-of-a-bill that you
 get at the end of the month; it devours all your Dollars because you
 overspent! Only if you could use something like the Live Checking Card! A
 Credit Card won’t let you go beyond your limits. It’s a digital thang with
 an E-ink display that allows you to check your payment history on it. It
 even tracks your 
  transaction through
 A cumulative amount shows up on the screen every time you swipe the card;
 giving you your account balance on your finger tips.
 Designers: Jin-young Yoon, Wook-sun Oh, Young-ho Lee  Jun-kyo Lee. 
 Hydropak – World’s First Portable Fuel Cell

 The HydroPak is the world’s first commercially available fuel 
 The system consists of a fuel cell and water-activated 
 Insert a hydrogen cartridge and add water, and the fuel cell would be
 sufficient to recharge your laptop 

Re: [scifinoir2] [Far, Far Away Off Topic] Is 2010 New York City, America's Summ

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Brent, from my own standpoint, I understand how it affects you all too well.
For one particular pair of legs, I was almost run over by an 18-wheeler. (I
must admit that the middle of the crosswalk was a bad place to stop and
admire...) ;-)

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:06 PM, brent wodehouse wrote:

 Ah, sadly, we are somewhat at odds then, Martin. You see, it's fiendishly
 difficult to describe, but... Words fail me. The sight when one
 encounters... when the vision of... ineffable. I guess the feeling...
 beyond the ken of mere mortals (certainly this mortal :-). It pushes one
 out of acceptable comportment into a sort of glassy-eyed delirium. You
 see, there; it makes one confused and exhilarated at the same time.


 I've ceased making sense. All I can be certain of is that the effect is
 total. :-)


 Martin Baxter wrote:

 Brent, as a Leg Man for Life, I am bereft.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:29 PM, brent wodehouse wrote:



 Is 2010 New York City, America's Summer of Ass?

 By Foster Kamer

 Mon., Jul. 12 2010

 The times, they change. The ebb and flow of the universe is simply
 something to be gerneally understood as such, and nothing more. For
 action, there's an equal reaction. And for every physics law, there's a
 metaphysical plane to apply it to that generally shows its face when
 look at it from the right direction at a certain point. Like this one.
 From behind. In other words:

 In 2009, New York City, and the rest of America had the Summer of

 In 2010, New York City, and the rest of America has the Summer of Ass.

 Because 2009 was the Summer, when, like, every celebrity died! And
 sad. So America must be rewarded with something. The revitalized
 popularity emerging for big derrieres -- an easily-achievable physical
 feat, one may argue -- is, of course, society's natural karmic award
 bearing the pain of all those dead celebrities last year.

 The New York Daily News didn't note this in their piece of the Summer
 Ass -- which, by the way, Runnin' Scared Dot Com would like to
 get behind (heh) in a big way (heh, that's another big ass joke, right
 there) -- but after much looking, and looking, and looking, and
 talking to
 impressively-assed celebrities like Kim Kardashian, they think they've
 unlocked the secret of the reemergence of the ample back-asset


 'Gone are the days of being ashamed of a wider bottom, with America
 becoming more diverse amid shifting standards, according to Stylesight
 trend analyst Sharon Graubard. I think it's about the diversity of our
 population and more accepted beauty, and a wider range of accepted
 beauty, Graubard explains.'

 Realize what a win-win situation this is for everyone:

 * The Big-Bottomed: Pleased.
 * The Ass Men: Pleased.
 * The Workout Industry: Pleased.
 * The Food Industry: Pleased.
 * The Ass-Accentuating Denim Industry: Pleased.
 * Pat Kiernan: Pleased


 Of all of society's ills, will the large-ass trend work to heal any of
 them? Only time will tell. In the mean time, there's certainly one
 marginalized group that may -- nay, must -- see something good yielded
 all of this:

 * The Booty Jam Nostalgists.
 Lest you not understand what a Booty Jam is, all you need to know
 is: It
 is a song created for hyper-utilization by those with, um, big asses.
 hopefully, these songs will come back, because they are amazing.
 Certainly, you can have your Sir Mix-A-Lot, you may have your Apple
 Bottom Jeans and your Nelly, but ah, you don't know anything about
 69 Boyz, and 2 Live Crew's heyday, until you experience it. Like this.


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

 Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 

 Previously we posted a list on conspiracy 
 but the items on this list are not really suited to that genre. This is a
 list of bizarre theories or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a
 list of the facts as far as modern science is concerned. This is not meant
 as a criticism of believers, but as a discussion of the theories and facts.

 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a 
 a dagger and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your will
 completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the

 The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning
 demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under
 laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There are
 incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of
 using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is
 very weak evidence.


 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever brought
 forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by several
 others. It states that the royal 
  Britain, President Bush’s family as well as many other higher ups are
 actually aliens that are here to secretly take over earth, feeding off of
 humans to maintain their “human form”.

 The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of
 people such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come
 forth with many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile
 aspects of the reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have
 been proven fake or are so obviously fake no one has wasted time and
 resources to look into it.
 2008 is actually 1711

 [image: Herman]

 The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed and
 we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually is.

 The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the
 very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also claim
 the written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era. Though
 they have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence from
 them to prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us from
 being able to scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who
 believes what, though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side
 against the Middle Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that the
 carbon dating is incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an
 almost perfect time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast
 this one aside without proof.
 Nazi Advances

 [image: Warbonds 

 The Theory: The theory is the Nazis were much farther ahead than
 would allow them to be at the time. It ranges wildly but one of the most
 popular versions is that the Nazis landed on the moon as early as 1942 and
 established a moon base on the dark side of the moon. They also had
 establishments with at least half a dozen alien civilizations, and that the
 remaining Nazis remain on the moon to this day.

 The facts: There are so many holes in this Theory, for example most
 skeptics believe that we haven’t had any contact at all with aliens as of
 yet, as well the dark side of the moon is freezing, they would need amazing
  accomplish living there. They would need a way to renew all their
 resources; this could be explained by growing plants for food and air. But
 they would also need an energy source of some kind, which there would have
 to be one not yet discovered by us back here on earth.
 Hollow Earth

 [image: Hollow Earth Complete Shell 

Re: [scifinoir2] ATT may also lose AMC

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
I caught that online, back when Hulu was free.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 That's too bad. You missed out on a couple of good shows such as Mad Men.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:42 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mr Worf, in all honesty, I wouldn't count AMC as a loss. I haven't put my
 TV there in three years.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:37 AM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 I just caught a commercial on AMC stating that ATT may lose AMC as well.
 Looks like they are trying to pull all of the good channels from ATT.

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Why wasn't it allowed to finish?

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 BMW is also working on a super hybrid as well. They were all pretty much
 won over a couple of years ago when an electric was entered into one of the
 road races in Europe. It did extremely well but wasn't allowed to finish.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 They've got it on the boards right now, I hear.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Porchea and Ferrari are both working on one as well. Although I think
 Ferrari will probably do a hybrid first.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Martin Baxter 

 I'm impressed.

 But the Veyron still owns the better part of me.

 On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

 *CHARGE!* SLS AMG E-Cell has an electric motor powering each of the
 wheels. More Photos 
  By LAWRENCE ULRICH Published: July 8, 2010

-  Twitter
- Recommend
- Sign In to 

   - Yahoo! 

 INTRODUCED in New York in 1954, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL was a
 stunningly advanced machine, the first production car to trade a 
 for fuel injection.
   Slide Show
  2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS 

-  Behind the Wheel | 2011 Mercedes-Benz Sls Amg: Winging It One
  11, 2010)

   Now, with the SLS AMG echoing the style of that original gullwing
 sports car, Mercedes may produce an electric version that could give the
 company environmental bragging rights. Mercedes is testing the prototype 
 AMG E-Cell, in which the standard model’s 563-horsepower gasoline V-8 has
 been replaced with four electric motors, one powering each wheel, that 
 up 535 horsepower and 649 pound-feet of peak torque.

 Mercedes estimates a 0-to-60 time of four seconds flat for the electric
 SLS, just a few tenths slower than the gasoline version. Power is stored 
 a liquid-cooled 
 battery; brakes capture energy and return it to the battery.

 Ola Kallenius, chairman of Mercedes’s AMG high-performance division,
 said the company was considering a small production run for the SLS 

 At a recent presentation for the car in Norway, a retired Formula 
  David Coulthard, tested the E-Cell on an airstrip and public roads.
 His drive and commentary were documented on Web video. “My first 
 of an electric 
 Mr. Coulthard said, emerging from the E-Cell with a grin. “You will not
 believe the performance.”

 The E-Cell, along with cars like the new S400 hybrid sedan, shows
 Mercedes shifting more of its renowned technical resources toward 
 fuel economy and developing alternative propulsion systems. Mercedes, 
 has paid more than $300 million in federal fines since 

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I'm surprised that we haven't seen any of these in a movie yet.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

 Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 

 Previously we posted a list on conspiracy 
 but the items on this list are not really suited to that genre. This is a
 list of bizarre theories or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a
 list of the facts as far as modern science is concerned. This is not meant
 as a criticism of believers, but as a discussion of the theories and facts.

 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a 
 a dagger and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your will
 completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the

 The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning
 demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under
 laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There are
 incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of
 using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is
 very weak evidence.


 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever
 brought forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by
 several others. It states that the royal 
  Britain, President Bush’s family as well as many other higher ups are
 actually aliens that are here to secretly take over earth, feeding off of
 humans to maintain their “human form”.

 The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of
 people such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come
 forth with many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile
 aspects of the reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have
 been proven fake or are so obviously fake no one has wasted time and
 resources to look into it.
 2008 is actually 1711

 [image: Herman]

 The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed
 and we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually

 The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the
 very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also claim
 the written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era. Though
 they have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence from
 them to prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us from
 being able to scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who
 believes what, though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side
 against the Middle Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that the
 carbon dating is incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an
 almost perfect time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast
 this one aside without proof.
 Nazi Advances

 [image: Warbonds 

 The Theory: The theory is the Nazis were much farther ahead than
 would allow them to be at the time. It ranges wildly but one of the most
 popular versions is that the Nazis landed on the moon as early as 1942 and
 established a moon base on the dark side of the moon. They also had
 establishments with at least half a dozen alien civilizations, and that the
 remaining Nazis remain on the moon to this day.

 The facts: There are so many holes in this Theory, for example most
 skeptics believe that we haven’t had any contact at all with aliens as of
 yet, as well the dark side of the moon is freezing, they would need amazing
  accomplish living there. They would need a way to renew all their
 resources; this could be explained by growing plants for food and air. But
 they would also need an energy source of some kind, which there would have
 to be one not yet 

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
H'Wood, being full of the Brain-Dead, tends to miss the obvious.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I'm surprised that we haven't seen any of these in a movie yet.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

 Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 

 Previously we posted a list on conspiracy 
 but the items on this list are not really suited to that genre. This is a
 list of bizarre theories or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a
 list of the facts as far as modern science is concerned. This is not meant
 as a criticism of believers, but as a discussion of the theories and facts.

 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a 
 a dagger and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your will
 completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the

 The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning
 demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under
 laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There are
 incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of
 using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is
 very weak evidence.


 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever
 brought forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by
 several others. It states that the royal 
  Britain, President Bush’s family as well as many other higher ups are
 actually aliens that are here to secretly take over earth, feeding off of
 humans to maintain their “human form”.

 The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of
 people such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come
 forth with many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile
 aspects of the reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have
 been proven fake or are so obviously fake no one has wasted time and
 resources to look into it.
 2008 is actually 1711

 [image: Herman]

 The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed
 and we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually

 The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the
 very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also claim
 the written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era. Though
 they have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence from
 them to prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us from
 being able to scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who
 believes what, though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side
 against the Middle Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that the
 carbon dating is incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an
 almost perfect time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast
 this one aside without proof.
 Nazi Advances

 [image: Warbonds 

 The Theory: The theory is the Nazis were much farther ahead than
 would allow them to be at the time. It ranges wildly but one of the most
 popular versions is that the Nazis landed on the moon as early as 1942 and
 established a moon base on the dark side of the moon. They also had
 establishments with at least half a dozen alien civilizations, and that the
 remaining Nazis remain on the moon to this day.

 The facts: There are so many holes in this Theory, for example most
 skeptics believe that we haven’t had any contact at all with aliens as of
 yet, as well the dark side of the moon is freezing, they would need amazing
  accomplish living there. They would need a way to renew all their
 resources; this could be 

Re: [scifinoir2] Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Because of the class that it was in. Because it was listed as experimental
and not a fully regulated car, they could compete but not finish. It was
still early in its development.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Why wasn't it allowed to finish?

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 BMW is also working on a super hybrid as well. They were all pretty much
 won over a couple of years ago when an electric was entered into one of the
 road races in Europe. It did extremely well but wasn't allowed to finish.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Martin Baxter 

 They've got it on the boards right now, I hear.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Porchea and Ferrari are both working on one as well. Although I think
 Ferrari will probably do a hybrid first.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Martin Baxter

 I'm impressed.

 But the Veyron still owns the better part of me.

 On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

 *CHARGE!* SLS AMG E-Cell has an electric motor powering each of the
 wheels. More Photos 
  By LAWRENCE ULRICH Published: July 8, 2010

-  Twitter
- Recommend
- Sign In to 

   - Yahoo! 

 INTRODUCED in New York in 1954, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL was a
 stunningly advanced machine, the first production car to trade a 
 for fuel injection.
   Slide Show
  2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS 

-  Behind the Wheel | 2011 Mercedes-Benz Sls Amg: Winging It One
  11, 2010)

   Now, with the SLS AMG echoing the style of that original gullwing
 sports car, Mercedes may produce an electric version that could give the
 company environmental bragging rights. Mercedes is testing the prototype 
 AMG E-Cell, in which the standard model’s 563-horsepower gasoline V-8 has
 been replaced with four electric motors, one powering each wheel, that 
 up 535 horsepower and 649 pound-feet of peak torque.

 Mercedes estimates a 0-to-60 time of four seconds flat for the
 electric SLS, just a few tenths slower than the gasoline version. Power 
 stored in a liquid-cooled 
 battery; brakes capture energy and return it to the battery.

 Ola Kallenius, chairman of Mercedes’s AMG high-performance division,
 said the company was considering a small production run for the SLS 

 At a recent presentation for the car in Norway, a retired Formula 
  David Coulthard, tested the E-Cell on an airstrip and public roads.
 His drive and commentary were documented on Web video. “My first 
 of an electric 
 Mr. Coulthard said, emerging from the E-Cell with a grin. “You will not
 believe the performance.”

 The E-Cell, 

[scifinoir2] Honda's New Steam-Powered Hybrid Engine

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
This is an old article, but I remember watching a show about a month or two
ago that mentioned this engine. I haven't heard much about it. Have you?
Honda's New Steam-Powered Hybrid

*by* *Terrence O'Brien*— Feb 21st 2008 at
[image: Honda's New Steam Powered Hybrid Engine]

Honda has just unveiled a concept car using a so-called Rankine cycle
co-generation unit to power a hybrid engine. The engine recycles wasted heat
from the exhaust to generate steam that turns a turbine-generating
electricity, which charges the batteries. The concept has proven more
efficient than the regenerative breaking system employed by most current
hybrid cars, including the Prius, especially when cruising at highway

The concept is not entirely new, and Honda claims that at 62 miles-per-hour
the new engine is 3.8 percent more efficient than past versions. Apparently,
the engine is currently not efficient enough (not to mention too expensive)
to merit being installed in a production vehicle, but Honda has said that
this may change if it can can make the engine even more efficient.

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Fascinating, thanks! I loved Planet Hulk, enjoyed the World War Hulk 
series, but kind of lost interest after that. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:37:15 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick 

Keith, banner, since being relieved of his Hulk side, has felt the need to vent 
his still-present rage through the mind games he plays on people. I saw in 
another post that you aren't up on the Son of Hulk storyline, but Banner took 
the kid under his wing, to make him tougher. The trips he put that kid through 
were unbelievable. 

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Keith Johnson  

I wonder if Cera might not be a bit too young? I don't follow Hulk. What's up 
with Banner's behaviour? 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter  

Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 7:18:00 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick 

Keith, if they want flavor-of-the-week, Michael Cera would be a great fit for 
Banner as well. And the character would have to be written, IMO, the way he's 
been done post-World War Hulk, after Banner and the Hulk were separated, and 
Banner became a truly scary bastich who played mind games with everyone around 

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Keith Johnson  

They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor who looks 
and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome for Banner. 
Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean intensity was a bit 
too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce Banner. I think Phoenix 
would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than the puny Banner we 
need. Cast the net far and wide to find the right man, and notoriety be hanged! 
That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time. 

Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the whiny brother 
on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but that's the *look* 
you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if he's never seen the 
sun or the inside of a gym. 

- Original Message - 
From: Daryle Lockhart  

So now I'm hearing they're talking seriously to Joaquin Phoenix. Which is both 
awesome and frightening at the same time to me. 


On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote: 

Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep Responds 

Source: Access Hollywood Sun Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT 

Edward Norton won't be reprising his role as the Incredible Hulk in 2012's The 
Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to Access Hollywood on Sunday. 

Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the decision in a 
statement to HitFix . 

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Edward Norton 

We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title 
role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige told the site. Our decision is 
definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need 
for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other 
talented cast members. 'The Avengers' demands players who thrive working as 
part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, 
and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who 
fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the 
coming weeks. 

The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars Robert 
Downey Jr. ( Iron Man ), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans (Captain 
America: The First Avenger), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Scarlett Johansson 
( Iron Man 2's Black Widow), who are expected to reprise their superhero 
roles in team-up film The Avengers. 

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Scenes From ‘ The Incredible Hulk ’ 

A rep for Norton responded to the statement to Hitfix on Sunday, calling it 
purposefully misleading and claiming that his client had been in discussions 
to return to the role. 

This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully 
misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light, the 
rep told the site. Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me and 
said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers.' He 
told me it would be his fantasy to bring Edward on stage with the rest of the 
cast at [Comic-Con] and make it the event of the convention. When I said that 
Edward was definitely open to this idea, Kevin was very excited and we agreed 
that Edward should meet with [director] Joss Whedon to discuss the project. 
Edward and Joss had a very good meeting 

Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
The phone shouldn't be that sensitive, 'cause you never know how someone will 
hold a device--especially a phone. I'm not quite sure how duct tape fixes the 
problem, though. Apple's frustrating at times with what they give us and what 
they don't. For my iPod, for example, I stay upset that it doesn't have a built 
in antenna for radio reception. The device must have headphones, which function 
as the antenna. The problem is, that makes it very sensitive to positioning, so 
that I sometimes find myself fiddling with the position of the headphone cord 
to strengthen signals for weaker stations. Reminds me of the days when we had 
to keep adjusting the rabbit ears for the old TVs. Why Apple couldn't have 
lined the inside of the iPod with a flat antenna, and then let the headphones 
*add* their strength to that, is beyond me. I know there's room inside for 
that. I guess it's cost control, but in this one aspect, it was poor design. So 
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a design issue with the iPhone 4 antenna, 
and not just the simple software glitch they keep putting forth as the cause. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:07:06 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal 

I didn't initially see why anyone would hold a phone by the bottom like that to 
lose signal strength, until Sunday, when I was running an errand with my niece. 
That's how she texts, so I figure that's how all of the kids do it. Myself, I 
text by cupping my phone in my right hand and making the keystrokes with my 
left index finger. 

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Mr. Worf  wrote: 

I think that it is just a design flaw. If you touch the corner of the phone it 
is probably making you ground. Consumer Reports said that the signal drops 
about -20db! Which can take about 1/2 of a signal. 

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Martin Baxter  

Still not quite buying this...

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant 

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
Mahogany at: 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant 

Re: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron

2010-07-14 Thread Tracy Curtis
I hadn't seen this shirt. It's an ugly attack. If the past 7 years in Cleveland 
can provide any predictions, I don't imagine the Miami press or paparazzi will 
be kind to her. 

On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 http://kissmyassleb ron.bigcartel. com/product/ you-can-head- south-but- 
 your-mom- rides-west
 Designated Hitter
 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
 Mahogany at:

[scifinoir2] Dream Weaver - Rave's Inception Review

2010-07-14 Thread Kelwyn

It is hard to quantify how good Inception is. It is a two and one half hour 
roller coaster ride with enough thrills and spills to keep you glued to your 
seat - when you are not perched on the edge of it.

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

2010-07-14 Thread Tracy Curtis
I take in a lot of media.  But I've never heard the idea that the Middle Ages 
didn't exist. 

On Jul 14, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I'm surprised that we haven't seen any of these in a movie yet.
 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Martin Baxter 
 Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.
 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:
 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them
 Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 Comments
 Previously we posted a list on conspiracy theories, but the items on this 
 list are not really suited to that genre. This is a list of bizarre theories 
 or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a list of the facts as far as 
 modern science is concerned. This is not meant as a criticism of believers, 
 but as a discussion of the theories and facts.
 The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a candle, a dagger 
 and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your will 
 completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the 
 The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning 
 demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under 
 laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There are 
 incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of 
 using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is 
 very weak evidence.
 The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever brought 
 forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by several 
 others. It states that the royal family of Britain, President Bush’s family 
 as well as many other higher ups are actually aliens that are here to 
 secretly take over earth, feeding off of humans to maintain their “human 
 The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of people 
 such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come forth with 
 many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile aspects of the 
 reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have been proven fake or 
 are so obviously fake no one has wasted  time and resources to look into it.
 2008 is actually 1711
 The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed and 
 we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually is.
 The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the 
 very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also claim the 
 written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era. Though they 
 have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence from them to 
 prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us from being able to 
 scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who believes what, 
 though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side against the Middle 
 Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that the carbon dating is 
 incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an almost perfect 
 time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast this one aside 
 without proof.
 Nazi Advances
 The Theory: The theory is the Nazis were much farther ahead than technology
 would allow them to be at the time. It ranges wildly but one of the most 
 popular versions is that the Nazis landed on the moon as early as 1942 and 
 established a moon base on the dark side of the moon. They also had 
 establishments with at least half a dozen alien civilizations, and that the 
 remaining Nazis remain on the moon to this day.
 The facts: There are so many holes in this Theory, for example most skeptics 
 believe that we haven’t had any contact at all with aliens as of yet, as well 
 the dark side of the moon is freezing, they would need amazing machinery to 
 accomplish living there. They would need a way to renew all their resources; 
 this could be explained by growing plants for food and air. But they would 
 also need an energy source of some kind, which there would have to be one not 
 yet discovered by us back here on earth.
 Hollow Earth
 The Theory: The theory is the earth is actually hollow and is not filled with 
 magma. It ranges from there being several layered shells on the inside 
 (usually four) to the inside having ground like ours, with 800 miles of crust 
 between us and them, most people usually say there is also an inner sun.
 The facts: Though this is not quite as insane or as impossible as the others 
 it is still highly unlikely. We don’t know for sure what’s under our earth’s 
 crust but this theory completely forgets to mention where the magma that 
 erupts from volcanoes comes from if the earth is hollow. As well, the inner 
 sun would 

Re: [scifinoir2] Dream Weaver - Rave's Inception Review

2010-07-14 Thread Tracy Curtis
Thank you for linking to your review. This movie is one of the few I'm looking 
forward to seeing. 

On Jul 14, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Kelwyn wrote:
 It is hard to quantify how good Inception is. It is a two and one half hour 
 roller coaster ride with enough thrills and spills to keep you glued to your 
 seat - when you are not perched on the edge of it.

[scifinoir2] Re: Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Kelwyn
Yeah, yeah, yeah - buh-bye!

--- In, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote:

 I'm not gonna sue you, rave.
 Just look at you reeally strangely for the
 next six to eight weeks...
 Martin (David Spade Hater since David Spade first appeared in public)
 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:
  Going with a comic actor is not a bad idea. Bixby was known primarily as a
  comic actor when he became David Bruce Banner. Ditto for Michael Keaton when
  he became the Batman. When you mentioned Jon Cryer my brain went even
  further out on a limb and thought David Spade.
  (So sue me).
  --- In, Keith
  Johnson KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
   I've never seen Cryer do drama, just offered up his physical
  characteristics. Then again, Bill Bixby was a handsome man who wasn't
  physically frail, but he was an effective David Banner because of his acting
  ability. He wasn't the weakling of Banner in the comics, but he was a very
  soft-spoken, gentle soul who worked very well as Banner in the series.
   - Original Message -
   From: Mr. Worf HelloMahogany@
   Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 6:15:17 PM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers
   I agree, They need an Ed Begley Jr. type actor. Basically someone that
  does not have that strong physical look and more like a doctor. I don't
  think John Cryer would be able to pull off the transformation scenes.
   On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Keith Johnson  KeithBJohnson@ 
   They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor who
  looks and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome for
  Banner. Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean intensity
  was a bit too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce Banner. I
  think Phoenix would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than the
  puny Banner we need. Cast the net far and wide to find the right man, and
  notoriety be hanged! That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time.
   Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the whiny
  brother on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but that's
  the *look* you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if he's
  never seen the sun or the inside of a gym.
   - Original Message -
   From: Daryle Lockhart  daryle@ 
   So now I'm hearing they're talking seriously to Joaquin Phoenix. Which is
  both awesome and frightening at the same time to me.
   On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote:
   Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep Responds
   Source: Access Hollywood Sun Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT
   Edward Norton won't be reprising his role as the Incredible Hulk in
  2012's The Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to Access Hollywood on Sunday.
   Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the decision
  in a statement to HitFix .
   VIEW THE PHOTOS: Edward Norton
   We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the
  title role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige told the site. Our
  decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted
  in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative
  spirit of our other talented cast members. 'The Avengers' demands players
  who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H,
  Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to
  announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate
  about the iconic role in the coming weeks.
   The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars
  Robert Downey Jr. ( Iron Man ), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans
  (Captain America: The First Avenger), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury),
  Scarlett Johansson ( Iron Man 2's Black Widow), who are expected to
  reprise their superhero roles in team-up film The Avengers.
   VIEW THE PHOTOS: Scenes From ‘ The Incredible Hulk ’
   A rep for Norton responded to the statement to Hitfix on Sunday, calling
  it purposefully misleading and claiming that his client had been in
  discussions to return to the role.
   This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully
  misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light,
  the rep told the site. Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me
  and said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Banner in 'The
  Avengers.' He told me it would be his fantasy to 

[scifinoir2] Cover Affairs on USA

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Did anyone watch it? What did you think? Going in, I had to shake my This is a 
clone of 'Alias' feeling, given that the principal is a young and new recruit 
to the CIA. And I have to admit there are still things that make one feel that 
way. But there are differences, the most notable of which that Annie isn't 
working for an evil organization posing to be the CIA--although her bosses 
definitely have their hidden agendas and secrets. The main difference in 
characterization seems to be that in Alias, Sydney wasn't as cynical as Annie 
is inside. Sydney went into the CIA for something to do, Annie has gone in 
because she was terribly hurt by a man and doesn't ever want to feel weak 
again. The action was constant, the blot zippy and fluid, and I never got 
bored. I also admit I like Piper Perabo as Annie. She's got a good mix of fresh 
and new, but tough and even cold when she needs to be. I also like the 
supporting cast: Christopher Gorham (Jake 2.0), Sendhil Ramamurthy (Suresh from 
Heroes), (Kari Matchet, Invasion, Nate's ex-wife on Leverage) , and Peter 
Gallagher. A fast and fun show, a la Human Target or Burn Notice, it keep 
me entertained. 

One thing that struck me, though, was all the in-show advertising that went on. 
There were a huge number of product plugs in the show. Here's lines from the 
show I can recall: 

Wow, you have a Starbucks inside the CIA?... 
The pipes here haven't been cleaned since the Johnson Administration. You'd be 
better off buying a bottle of Evian Water 
I checked and see you've made several reservations in the last few months on 
It's 'Miller Time'! 
You're actually trying to use a Listerine Breath Strip to capture a 

The insertions were handled well, but after a while, boy were they noticeable! 
Is this going to be the new way of television? I know Eureka plugged that 
Subaru of Jo's, and I remember an awful ep of Smallville in which Green-K 
infected StrideRite gum played a central role. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
(removing the strange look advisory now) [?]

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

 Yeah, yeah, yeah - buh-bye!

 --- In, Martin
 Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote:
  I'm not gonna sue you, rave.
  Just look at you reeally strangely for
  next six to eight weeks...
  Martin (David Spade Hater since David Spade first appeared in public)
  On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Kelwyn ravena...@... wrote:
   Going with a comic actor is not a bad idea. Bixby was known primarily
 as a
   comic actor when he became David Bruce Banner. Ditto for Michael Keaton
   he became the Batman. When you mentioned Jon Cryer my brain went even
   further out on a limb and thought David Spade.
   (So sue me).
   --- In 
   scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.comscifinoir2%, Keith

   Johnson KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
I've never seen Cryer do drama, just offered up his physical
   characteristics. Then again, Bill Bixby was a handsome man who wasn't
   physically frail, but he was an effective David Banner because of his
   ability. He wasn't the weakling of Banner in the comics, but he was a
   soft-spoken, gentle soul who worked very well as Banner in the series.
- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf HelloMahogany@
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 6:15:17 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for
I agree, They need an Ed Begley Jr. type actor. Basically someone
   does not have that strong physical look and more like a doctor. I don't
   think John Cryer would be able to pull off the transformation scenes.
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Keith Johnson  KeithBJohnson@ 
They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor
   looks and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome
   Banner. Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean
   was a bit too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce
 Banner. I
   think Phoenix would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than
   puny Banner we need. Cast the net far and wide to find the right man,
   notoriety be hanged! That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time.
Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the
   brother on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but
   the *look* you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if
   never seen the sun or the inside of a gym.

- Original Message -
From: Daryle Lockhart  daryle@ 
So now I'm hearing they're talking seriously to Joaquin Phoenix.
 Which is
   both awesome and frightening at the same time to me.
On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote:
Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep
Source: Access Hollywood Sun Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT
Edward Norton won't be reprising his role as the Incredible Hulk in
   2012's The Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to Access Hollywood on
Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the
   in a statement to HitFix .
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Edward Norton
We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the
   title role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige told the site.
   decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead
   in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative
   spirit of our other talented cast members. 'The Avengers' demands
   who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert,
 Chris H,
   Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking
   announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is
   about the iconic role in the coming weeks.
The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars
   Robert Downey Jr. ( Iron Man ), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans
   (Captain America: The First Avenger), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury),
   Scarlett Johansson ( Iron Man 2's Black Widow), who are expected to
   reprise their superhero roles in team-up film The Avengers.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Scenes From ‘ The Incredible Hulk ’
A rep for Norton responded to the statement to Hitfix on Sunday,
   it purposefully misleading and claiming that his client had been in
   discussions to return 

Re: [scifinoir2] Cover Affairs on USA

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Keith, I had it Autotuned, but my Little Voice bade me remove the tag ten
minutes before the show came on, and I didn't watch it. No idea why.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Keith Johnson

 Did anyone watch it? What did you think? Going in, I had to shake my This
 is a clone of 'Alias' feeling, given that the principal is a young and new
 recruit to the CIA. And I have to admit there are still things that make one
 feel that way. But there are differences, the most notable of which that
 Annie isn't working for an evil organization posing to be the CIA--although
 her bosses definitely have their hidden agendas and secrets.  The main
 difference in characterization seems to be that in Alias, Sydney wasn't as
 cynical as Annie is inside. Sydney went into the CIA for something to do,
 Annie has gone in because she was terribly hurt by a man and doesn't ever
 want to feel weak again. The action was constant, the blot zippy and fluid,
 and I never got bored. I also admit I like Piper Perabo as Annie. She's got
 a good mix of fresh and new, but tough and even cold when she needs to be. I
 also like the supporting cast: Christopher Gorham (Jake 2.0), Sendhil
 Ramamurthy (Suresh from Heroes), (Kari Matchet, Invasion, Nate's
 ex-wife on Leverage), and Peter Gallagher. A fast and fun show, a la
 Human Target or Burn Notice, it keep me entertained.

 One thing that struck me, though, was all the in-show advertising that went
 on. There were a huge number of product plugs in the show. Here's lines from
 the show I can recall:

 Wow, you have a Starbucks inside the CIA?...
 The pipes here haven't been cleaned since the Johnson Administration.
 You'd be better off buying a bottle of Evian Water
 I checked and see you've made several reservations in the last few months
 It's 'Miller Time'!
 You're actually trying to use a Listerine Breath Strip to capture a

 The insertions were handled well, but after a while, boy were they
 noticeable! Is this going to be the new way of television? I know Eureka
 plugged that Subaru of Jo's, and I remember an awful ep of Smallville in
 which Green-K infected StrideRite gum played a central role.


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers Flick

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
More than welcome, Keith! And I did much the same with the run after reading
that issue at Publix one afternoon.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Fascinating, thanks! I loved Planet Hulk, enjoyed the World War Hulk
 series, but kind of lost interest after that.

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:37:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers

 Keith, banner, since being relieved of his Hulk side, has felt the need to
 vent his still-present rage through the mind games he plays on people. I saw
 in another post that you aren't up on the Son of Hulk storyline, but Banner
 took the kid under his wing, to make him tougher. The trips he put that kid
 through were unbelievable.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Keith Johnson

 I wonder if Cera might not be a bit too young? I don't follow Hulk. What's
 up with Banner's behaviour?

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 7:18:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Marvel Dumps Norton as Banner for Avengers

 Keith, if they want flavor-of-the-week, Michael Cera would be a great
 fit for Banner as well. And the character would have to be written, IMO, the
 way he's been done post-World War Hulk, after Banner and the Hulk were
 separated, and Banner became a truly scary bastich who played mind games
 with everyone around him.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Keith Johnson

 They need to quit worrying about name actors and just get an actor who
 looks and can play the part. Eric Bana was way too buff and handsome for
 Banner. Norton was probably closer, but his almost Shakespearean intensity
 was a bit too much for the skinny, unsure, milksop that is Bruce Banner. I
 think Phoenix would come off too much like a crazed mad scientist than the
 puny Banner we need.  Cast the net far and wide to find the right man, and
 notoriety be hanged! That's the damn problem with H'Wood all the time.

 Someone who looks the part, for example, would be Jon Cryer, the whiny
 brother on Two and A Half Men. Not saying he *should* do it, but that's
 the *look* you need for Banner-someone who looks soft and weak, as if he's
 never seen the sun or the inside of a gym.

 - Original Message -
 From: Daryle Lockhart

 So  now I'm hearing they're talking  seriously  to  Joaquin Phoenix.
 Which  is both  awesome and frightening at the same time to me.


 On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Cinque B wrote:

 Marvel: Norton Won't Return As Hulk For 'Avengers'; Norton's Rep Responds
  Source: Access 
 Hollywood Sun
 Jul 11, 2010, 8:15 pm EDT

 Edward Norton't 
 be reprising his role as the Incredible
 Hulk in 2012's The
 Avengers, a Marvel rep confirmed to * Access Hollywood * on Sunday.

 Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige explained the decision
 in a statement to 


 We have made the decision to not bring Ed 
 Norton to portray 
 the title role of Bruce Banner in 'The Avengers,' Feige
 told the site. Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary
 factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the
 creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. 'The
 Avengers' demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as
 evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our
 talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these
 requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks.

 The actors referred to in the statement include current Marvel stars Robert
 Downey Jr. ( Iron
 Man ), Chris Hemsworth
 (Thor), Chris 
 America: The First Avenger), Samuel
 L. Jackson (Nick
 Fury), Scarlett 
 Johansson Iron
 Man 2's Black Widow),
 who are expected to reprise their superhero roles in team-up film The


Re: [scifinoir2] Dream Weaver - Rave's Inception Review

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
rave, I need not read your review to tingle in anticipation. Your two-line
description did that all on their lonesome. [?][?][?][?]

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

 It is hard to quantify how good Inception is. It is a two and one half hour
 roller coaster ride with enough thrills and spills to keep you glued to your
 seat - when you are not perched on the edge of it.


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Tracy, I heard a blurb about it once at Above Top Secret. Literally one
post, one reply on the thread, and then the admins shut the thread down. The
only conspiracy theory I've ever head of regarding time on the calendar is
the one surrounding the fact that, back in 1752, Great Britain finally
decided to join the rest of Europe in using the Gregorian Calendar, giving
up eleven days in September. The conspiracy theory is that the Illuminati
actually stole the time, toward their own ends. Lawrence Miles wrote a
series of books and stories about it, in Faction
with a few extra curves tossed in. I've begun looking for everything related
to this, because I think that Doctor Who might be verging toward introducing
it as a storyline.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Tracy Curtis wrote:

 I take in a lot of media.  But I've never heard the idea that the Middle
 Ages didn't exist.

 On Jul 14, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I'm surprised that we haven't seen any of these in a movie yet.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

 Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 

 Previously we posted a list on conspiracy 
 but the items on this list are not really suited to that genre. This is a
 list of bizarre theories or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a
 list of the facts as far as modern science is concerned. This is not meant
 as a criticism of believers, but as a discussion of the theories and facts.

 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a 
 a dagger and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your will
 completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the

 The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning
 demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under
 laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There are
 incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of
 using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is
 very weak evidence.


 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever
 brought forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by
 several others. It states that the royal 
  Britain, President Bush’s family as well as many other higher ups are
 actually aliens that are here to secretly take over earth, feeding off of
 humans to maintain their “human form”.

 The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of
 people such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come
 forth with many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile
 aspects of the reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have
 been proven fake or are so obviously fake no one has wasted time and
 resources to look into it.
 2008 is actually 1711

 [image: Herman]

 The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed
 and we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually

 The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the
 very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also claim
 the written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era. Though
 they have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence from
 them to prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us from
 being able to scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who
 believes what, though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side
 against the Middle Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that the
 carbon dating is incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an
 almost perfect time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast
 this one aside without proof.
 Nazi Advances

 [image: Warbonds 

 The Theory: The theory is the Nazis were much farther ahead 

Re: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Tracy, this whole thing is ugly. Stuff like this is why I don't claim to be

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Tracy Curtis wrote:

 I hadn't seen this shirt. It's an ugly attack. If the past 7 years in
 Cleveland can provide any predictions, I don't imagine the Miami press or
 paparazzi will be kind to her.

 On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 http://kissmyassleb ron.bigcartel. com/product/ you-can-head- south-but-
 your-mom- rides-west

 Designated Hitter

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Keith, I can't help but think that Apple's line of thinking was Let's get
the product out there... they'll lap it up so fast that they'll never notice
things like that.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 The phone shouldn't be that sensitive, 'cause you never know how someone
 will hold a device--especially a phone. I'm not quite sure how duct tape
 fixes the problem, though.Apple's frustrating at times with what they
 give us and what they don't. For my iPod, for example, I stay upset that it
 doesn't have a built in antenna for radio reception. The device must have
 headphones, which function as the antenna. The problem is, that makes it
 very sensitive to positioning, so that I sometimes find myself fiddling with
 the position of the headphone cord to strengthen signals for weaker
 stations. Reminds me of the days when we had to keep adjusting the rabbit
 ears for the old TVs. Why Apple couldn't have lined the inside of the iPod
 with a flat antenna, and then let the headphones *add* their strength to
 that, is beyond me. I know there's room inside for that. I guess it's cost
 control, but in this one aspect, it was poor design. So I wouldn't be
 surprised if there's a design issue with the iPhone 4 antenna, and not just
 the simple software glitch they keep putting forth as the cause.

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:07:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4

 I didn't initially see why anyone would hold a phone by the bottom like
 that to lose signal strength, until Sunday, when I was running an errand
 with my niece. That's how she texts, so I figure that's how all of the kids
 do it. Myself, I text by cupping my phone in my right hand and making the
 keystrokes with my left index finger.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I think that it is just a design flaw. If you touch the corner of the
 phone it is probably making you ground.  Consumer Reports said that the
 signal drops about -20db! Which can take about 1/2 of a signal.

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Still not quite buying this...

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody
 hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Honda's New Steam-Powered Hybrid Engine

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Not Word One until now, Mr Worf. 21st Century Steampunk. If only it didn't
look like crap...

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 This is an old article, but I remember watching a show about a month or two
 ago that mentioned this engine. I haven't heard much about it. Have you?
 Honda's New Steam-Powered Hybrid 

 *by* *Terrence O'Brien
 * — Feb 21st 2008 at 1:06PM
 [image: Honda's New Steam Powered Hybrid Engine]

 Honda has just unveiled a concept car using a so-called Rankine cycle
 co-generation unit to power a hybrid engine. The engine recycles wasted heat
 from the exhaust to generate steam that turns a turbine-generating
 electricity, which charges the batteries. The concept has proven more
 efficient than the regenerative breaking system employed by most current
 hybrid cars, including the Prius, especially when cruising at highway

 The concept is not entirely new, and Honda claims that at 62 miles-per-hour
 the new engine is 3.8 percent more efficient than past versions. Apparently,
 the engine is currently not efficient enough (not to mention too expensive)
 to merit being installed in a production vehicle, but Honda has said that
 this may change if it can can make the engine even more efficient.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

2010-07-14 Thread Martin Baxter
Okay, thanks for the clarification.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Because of the class that it was in. Because it was listed as experimental
 and not a fully regulated car, they could compete but not finish. It was
 still early in its development.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Why wasn't it allowed to finish?

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 BMW is also working on a super hybrid as well. They were all pretty much
 won over a couple of years ago when an electric was entered into one of the
 road races in Europe. It did extremely well but wasn't allowed to finish.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Martin Baxter 

 They've got it on the boards right now, I hear.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Porchea and Ferrari are both working on one as well. Although I think
 Ferrari will probably do a hybrid first.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 I'm impressed.

 But the Veyron still owns the better part of me.

 On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

 *CHARGE!* SLS AMG E-Cell has an electric motor powering each of the
 wheels. More Photos 
  By LAWRENCE ULRICH Published: July 8, 2010

-  Twitter
- Recommend
- Sign In to 

   - Yahoo! 

 INTRODUCED in New York in 1954, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL was a
 stunningly advanced machine, the first production car to trade a 
 for fuel injection.
   Slide Show
  2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS 

-  Behind the Wheel | 2011 Mercedes-Benz Sls Amg: Winging It One
  11, 2010)

   Now, with the SLS AMG echoing the style of that original gullwing
 sports car, Mercedes may produce an electric version that could give the
 company environmental bragging rights. Mercedes is testing the 
 prototype SLS
 AMG E-Cell, in which the standard model’s 563-horsepower gasoline V-8 
 been replaced with four electric motors, one powering each wheel, that 
 up 535 horsepower and 649 pound-feet of peak torque.

 Mercedes estimates a 0-to-60 time of four seconds flat for the
 electric SLS, just a few tenths slower than the gasoline version. Power 
 stored in a liquid-cooled 
 battery; brakes capture energy and return it to the battery.

 Ola Kallenius, chairman of Mercedes’s AMG high-performance division,
 said the company was considering a small production run for the SLS 

 At a recent presentation for the car in Norway, a retired Formula
  David Coulthard, tested the E-Cell on an airstrip and public roads.
 His drive and commentary were documented on Web video. “My first 
 of an electric 

[scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Yesterday, two teenage girls were struck by lightning here in the Atlanta area 
( ). They were 
standing under a tree near their apartment complex. One of the girls is likely 
to live, the other died. I'm not sure if the girls intended to use the tree as 
shelter, or were simply standing near it when the lightning struck. Either way, 
they didn't realize the danger, which really saddens me. I remember as young 
boy being lectured over and over by my mom about getting in out of the storm. 
It was drilled into me not to stand near a tree, a chain link fence, telephone 
pole, or a car during a storm. I remember my mom yelling at me to throw down 
the rake, shovel, waterhose, or baseball bat I might have been holding as dark 
clouds and rumbling thunders approached. And boy was it hammered home not to 
use the phone or take a bath during a storm. I think as the years go by, and 
fewer people grow up with the wisdom of ancestors who spent a lot of time 
outdoors, we perhaps fail to remember or heed those lessons. Frankly, as our 
technology allows us to avoid things like power outages and interrupted phone 
service more, I think sometimes the threats that Nature still presents seem to 
diminish. Even I-- with all of Mom's warnings in my head, and all the knowledge 
of such things a degree in Electrical Engineering brought--have in the past 
foolishly jumped into the shower in my second-floor bathroom with storms raging 
practically overhead. And Lord knows youngsters often dismiss such warnings as 
the superstitions of old folk. 
But as this event sadly shows, Nature is still supreme, and we really need to 
heed those old, country-sounding words of wisdom. To that effect, I'm posting a 
few tips on how to avoid lightning strikes gathered from the Net. Sorry for the 
link and the use of multiple sources, but I think the information is a quick 
read and just might save a life. If nothing else, please be sure you have a 
talk with your kids about it, so we don't have more stories like this sad one. 



Outdoors, the idea is to avoid being near--or being--the highest object around. 
Get away from isolated trees, metal fences, wire clotheslines, and the like, 
and avoid standing in an exposed area or near water. If you are the tallest 
thing around, or in a boat on open water, crouch down to reduce your height 
(but don't lie flat). Lay down metal sports equipment and dismount bicycles. 
Take especially swift action if your hair stands on end, as that means charged 
particles are starting to use your body as a pathway. The safest form of 
vehicle is one with a fully enclosed, all-metal body, which helps to channel 
electricity around the interior. Make sure the car's windows and doors are 
completely closed. Finally, remember that lightning can, and often does, strike 
the same spot more than once--even the same person. U.S. park ranger Roy 
Sullivan reportedly was struck seven times between 1942 and 1977.] 

• If you're boating or swimming, get to land, get off the beach and find 
shelter immediately. Stay away from rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. 
Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and nearby lightning strikes 
often travel through it. 
• Whenever possible, take shelter in substantial, permanent, enclosed 
structures, such as reinforced buildings. Avoid unprotected gazebos, rain or 
picnic shelters, baseball dugouts and bleachers; these structures are often 
isolated and located in otherwise open areas, making them a target for 
lightning. Also, they're generally poorly anchored and can easily be uprooted 
and blown over by strong thunderstorm winds. Lastly, these structures offer 
little protection from large hail. 
• If there are no reinforced buildings in sight, take shelter in a car, 
truck or other hard-topped vehicle. Keep the windows closed. Although rubber 
tires provide no protection from lightning, the steel frame of a hard-topped 
vehicle does increase protection if you are not touching metal. If lightning 
does strike your car, you may be injured but you are much safer inside a 
vehicle than outside. 
• If you are in the woods, find an area protected by a low clump of trees. 
Never stand under a large tree in the open. Be aware of possible flooding in 
low-lying areas. 
• As a last resort, if no shelter is available, go to a low-lying, open 
place away from trees, poles or metal objects. Pick a place that is not subject 
to flooding. Have as little contact with the ground as possible; make yourself 
the smallest target possible. Squat low to the ground, and cover your head. Do 
not lie flat, as this makes you a larger target. 
• Avoid tall structures, such as towers, tall trees, fences, telephone 
lines and power lines. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
true's one reason i'm rarely an early adopter of new tech nowadays. I 
let the bugs get worked out, the price drop, and the feature set expand before 
I buy. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:40:25 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal 

Keith, I can't help but think that Apple's line of thinking was Let's get the 
product out there... they'll lap it up so fast that they'll never notice things 
like that. 

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Keith Johnson  

The phone shouldn't be that sensitive, 'cause you never know how someone will 
hold a device--especially a phone. I'm not quite sure how duct tape fixes the 
problem, though. Apple's frustrating at times with what they give us and what 
they don't. For my iPod, for example, I stay upset that it doesn't have a built 
in antenna for radio reception. The device must have headphones, which function 
as the antenna. The problem is, that makes it very sensitive to positioning, so 
that I sometimes find myself fiddling with the position of the headphone cord 
to strengthen signals for weaker stations. Reminds me of the days when we had 
to keep adjusting the rabbit ears for the old TVs. Why Apple couldn't have 
lined the inside of the iPod with a flat antenna, and then let the headphones 
*add* their strength to that, is beyond me. I know there's room inside for 
that. I guess it's cost control, but in this one aspect, it was poor design. So 
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a design issue with the iPhone 4 antenna, 
and not just the simple software glitch they keep putting forth as the cause. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter  
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:07:06 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal 

I didn't initially see why anyone would hold a phone by the bottom like that to 
lose signal strength, until Sunday, when I was running an errand with my niece. 
That's how she texts, so I figure that's how all of the kids do it. Myself, I 
text by cupping my phone in my right hand and making the keystrokes with my 
left index finger. 

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Mr. Worf  wrote: 

I think that it is just a design flaw. If you touch the corner of the phone it 
is probably making you ground. Consumer Reports said that the signal drops 
about -20db! Which can take about 1/2 of a signal. 

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Martin Baxter  

Still not quite buying this...

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant 

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
Mahogany at: 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant 

If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant 

[scifinoir2] Re: Cover Affairs on USA

2010-07-14 Thread B Smith
It's fun but there's very much of a been there done that feel about the show. 
I'll watch a few more episodes before making up my mind.

--- In, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote:

 Keith, I had it Autotuned, but my Little Voice bade me remove the tag ten
 minutes before the show came on, and I didn't watch it. No idea why.
 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Keith Johnson
  Did anyone watch it? What did you think? Going in, I had to shake my This
  is a clone of 'Alias' feeling, given that the principal is a young and new
  recruit to the CIA. And I have to admit there are still things that make one
  feel that way. But there are differences, the most notable of which that
  Annie isn't working for an evil organization posing to be the CIA--although
  her bosses definitely have their hidden agendas and secrets.  The main
  difference in characterization seems to be that in Alias, Sydney wasn't as
  cynical as Annie is inside. Sydney went into the CIA for something to do,
  Annie has gone in because she was terribly hurt by a man and doesn't ever
  want to feel weak again. The action was constant, the blot zippy and fluid,
  and I never got bored. I also admit I like Piper Perabo as Annie. She's got
  a good mix of fresh and new, but tough and even cold when she needs to be. I
  also like the supporting cast: Christopher Gorham (Jake 2.0), Sendhil
  Ramamurthy (Suresh from Heroes), (Kari Matchet, Invasion, Nate's
  ex-wife on Leverage), and Peter Gallagher. A fast and fun show, a la
  Human Target or Burn Notice, it keep me entertained.
  One thing that struck me, though, was all the in-show advertising that went
  on. There were a huge number of product plugs in the show. Here's lines from
  the show I can recall:
  Wow, you have a Starbucks inside the CIA?...
  The pipes here haven't been cleaned since the Johnson Administration.
  You'd be better off buying a bottle of Evian Water
  I checked and see you've made several reservations in the last few months
  It's 'Miller Time'!
  You're actually trying to use a Listerine Breath Strip to capture a
  The insertions were handled well, but after a while, boy were they
  noticeable! Is this going to be the new way of television? I know Eureka
  plugged that Subaru of Jo's, and I remember an awful ep of Smallville in
  which Green-K infected StrideRite gum played a central role.
 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] [] they still hating on Lebron

2010-07-14 Thread Tracy Curtis
Martin, what do you usually claim to be?

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tracy, this whole thing is ugly. Stuff like this is why I don't claim to be

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Tracy Curtis tlcurti...@gmail.comwrote:

 I hadn't seen this shirt. It's an ugly attack. If the past 7 years in
 Cleveland can provide any predictions, I don't imagine the Miami press or
 paparazzi will be kind to her.

 On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 http://kissmyassleb ron.bigcartel. com/product/ you-can-head- south-but-
 your-mom- rides-west

 Designated Hitter

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Cover Affairs on USA

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
I had the same feeling, but liked it more than my wife, who said it was just 
okay. I think she expected more because it's produced by Doug Liman, who 
directed the first Bourne movie, and produced the rest. 

- Original Message - 
From: B Smith 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:25:44 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Cover Affairs on USA 

It's fun but there's very much of a been there done that feel about the show. 
I'll watch a few more episodes before making up my mind. 

--- In , Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote: 
 Keith, I had it Autotuned, but my Little Voice bade me remove the tag ten 
 minutes before the show came on, and I didn't watch it. No idea why. 
 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Keith Johnson 
  Did anyone watch it? What did you think? Going in, I had to shake my This 
  is a clone of 'Alias' feeling, given that the principal is a young and new 
  recruit to the CIA. And I have to admit there are still things that make 
  feel that way. But there are differences, the most notable of which that 
  Annie isn't working for an evil organization posing to be the CIA--although 
  her bosses definitely have their hidden agendas and secrets. The main 
  difference in characterization seems to be that in Alias, Sydney wasn't as 
  cynical as Annie is inside. Sydney went into the CIA for something to do, 
  Annie has gone in because she was terribly hurt by a man and doesn't ever 
  want to feel weak again. The action was constant, the blot zippy and fluid, 
  and I never got bored. I also admit I like Piper Perabo as Annie. She's got 
  a good mix of fresh and new, but tough and even cold when she needs to be. 
  also like the supporting cast: Christopher Gorham (Jake 2.0), Sendhil 
  Ramamurthy (Suresh from Heroes), (Kari Matchet, Invasion, Nate's 
  ex-wife on Leverage), and Peter Gallagher. A fast and fun show, a la 
  Human Target or Burn Notice, it keep me entertained. 
  One thing that struck me, though, was all the in-show advertising that went 
  on. There were a huge number of product plugs in the show. Here's lines 
  the show I can recall: 
  Wow, you have a Starbucks inside the CIA?... 
  The pipes here haven't been cleaned since the Johnson Administration. 
  You'd be better off buying a bottle of Evian Water 
  I checked and see you've made several reservations in the last few months 
  It's 'Miller Time'! 
  You're actually trying to use a Listerine Breath Strip to capture a 
  The insertions were handled well, but after a while, boy were they 
  noticeable! Is this going to be the new way of television? I know Eureka 
  plugged that Subaru of Jo's, and I remember an awful ep of Smallville in 
  which Green-K infected StrideRite gum played a central role. 
 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant 

Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4 Signal

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
All most people are doing is paying for bragging rights when they buy early.
I bought the new X see how cool I am?

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Keith Johnson

 true's one reason i'm rarely an early adopter of new tech
 nowadays. I let the bugs get worked out, the price drop, and the feature set
 expand before I buy.

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:40:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4

 Keith, I can't help but think that Apple's line of thinking was Let's get
 the product out there... they'll lap it up so fast that they'll never notice
 things like that.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Keith Johnson 

 The phone shouldn't be that sensitive, 'cause you never know how someone
 will hold a device--especially a phone. I'm not quite sure how duct tape
 fixes the problem, though.Apple's frustrating at times with what they
 give us and what they don't. For my iPod, for example, I stay upset that it
 doesn't have a built in antenna for radio reception. The device must have
 headphones, which function as the antenna. The problem is, that makes it
 very sensitive to positioning, so that I sometimes find myself fiddling with
 the position of the headphone cord to strengthen signals for weaker
 stations. Reminds me of the days when we had to keep adjusting the rabbit
 ears for the old TVs. Why Apple couldn't have lined the inside of the iPod
 with a flat antenna, and then let the headphones *add* their strength to
 that, is beyond me. I know there's room inside for that. I guess it's cost
 control, but in this one aspect, it was poor design. So I wouldn't be
 surprised if there's a design issue with the iPhone 4 antenna, and not just
 the simple software glitch they keep putting forth as the cause.

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:07:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Apple's Clean Hands May Have Dirtied iPhone 4

 I didn't initially see why anyone would hold a phone by the bottom like
 that to lose signal strength, until Sunday, when I was running an errand
 with my niece. That's how she texts, so I figure that's how all of the kids
 do it. Myself, I text by cupping my phone in my right hand and making the
 keystrokes with my left index finger.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 I think that it is just a design flaw. If you touch the corner of the
 phone it is probably making you ground.  Consumer Reports said that the
 signal drops about -20db! Which can take about 1/2 of a signal.

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Martin Baxter 

 Still not quite buying this...

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody
 hell wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant

 If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
 wrote the script? -- Charles E Grant


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
They say that your chances of being struck by lightning is less if you are

I find it interesting that some people have been struck and survived.
Remember that guy that was struck 9 times?

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Yesterday, two teenage girls were struck by lightning here in the Atlanta
 area ( ).
 They were standing under a tree near their apartment complex. One of the
 girls is likely to live, the other died. I'm not sure if the girls intended
 to use the tree as shelter, or were simply standing near it when the
 lightning struck. Either way, they didn't realize the danger, which really
 saddens me. I remember as  young boy being lectured over and over by my mom
 about getting in out of the storm. It was drilled into me not to stand near
 a tree, a chain link fence, telephone pole, or a car during a storm. I
 remember my mom yelling at me to throw down the rake, shovel, waterhose, or
 baseball bat I might have been holding as dark clouds and rumbling thunders
 approached. And boy was it hammered home  not to use the phone or take a
 bath  during a storm. I think as the years go by, and fewer people grow up
 with the wisdom of ancestors who spent a lot of time outdoors, we perhaps
 fail to remember or heed those lessons. Frankly, as our technology allows us
 to avoid things like power outages and interrupted phone service more, I
 think sometimes the threats that Nature still presents seem to diminish.
 Even I-- with all of Mom's warnings in my head, and all the knowledge of
 such things a degree in Electrical Engineering brought--have in the past
 foolishly jumped into the shower in my second-floor bathroom with storms
 raging practically overhead. And Lord knows youngsters often dismiss such
 warnings as the superstitions of old folk.
 But as this event sadly shows, Nature is still supreme, and we really need
 to heed those old, country-sounding words of wisdom. To that effect, I'm
 posting a few tips on how to avoid lightning strikes gathered from the Net.
 Sorry for the link and the use of multiple sources, but I think the
 information is a quick read and just might save a life. If nothing else,
 please be sure you have a talk with your kids about it, so we don't have
 more stories like this sad one.



 Outdoors, the idea is to avoid being near--or being--the highest object
 around. Get away from isolated trees, metal fences, wire clotheslines, and
 the like, and avoid standing in an exposed area or near water. If you are
 the tallest thing around, or in a boat on open water, crouch down to reduce
 your height (but don't lie flat). Lay down metal sports equipment and
 dismount bicycles. Take especially swift action if your hair stands on end,
 as that means charged particles are starting to use your body as a pathway.
 The safest form of vehicle is one with a fully enclosed, all-metal body,
 which helps to channel electricity around the interior. Make sure the car's
 windows and doors are completely closed. Finally, remember that lightning
 can, and often does, strike the same spot more than once--even the same
 person. U.S. park ranger Roy Sullivan reportedly was struck seven times
 between 1942 and 1977.]

- If you're boating or swimming, get to land, get off the beach and
find shelter immediately. Stay away from rivers, lakes and other bodies of
water. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and nearby lightning
strikes often travel through it.
- Whenever possible, take shelter in substantial, permanent, enclosed
structures, such as reinforced buildings. Avoid unprotected gazebos, rain 
picnic shelters, baseball dugouts and bleachers; these structures are often
isolated and located in otherwise open areas, making them a target for
lightning. Also, they're generally poorly anchored and can easily be
uprooted and blown over by strong thunderstorm winds. Lastly, these
structures offer little protection from large hail.
- If there are no reinforced buildings in sight, take shelter in a car,
truck or other hard-topped vehicle. Keep the windows closed. Although 
tires provide no protection from lightning, the steel frame of a 
vehicle does increase protection if you are not touching metal. If 
does strike your car, you may be injured but you are much safer inside a
vehicle than outside.
- If you are in the woods, find an area protected by a low clump of
trees. Never stand under a large tree in the open. Be aware of possible
flooding in low-lying areas.
- As a last resort, if no shelter is available, go to a low-lying, open
place away from trees, poles or metal objects. Pick a place 

Re: [scifinoir2] 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

2010-07-14 Thread Tracy Curtis
I'm busy wrapping my mind around this one.  It definitely can make good
story material.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tracy, I heard a blurb about it once at Above Top Secret. Literally one
 post, one reply on the thread, and then the admins shut the thread down. The
 only conspiracy theory I've ever head of regarding time on the calendar is
 the one surrounding the fact that, back in 1752, Great Britain finally
 decided to join the rest of Europe in using the Gregorian Calendar, giving
 up eleven days in September. The conspiracy theory is that the Illuminati
 actually stole the time, toward their own ends. Lawrence Miles wrote a
 series of books and stories about it, in Faction 
 with a few extra curves tossed in. I've begun looking for everything related
 to this, because I think that Doctor Who might be verging toward introducing
 it as a storyline.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Tracy Curtis tlcurti...@gmail.comwrote:

 I take in a lot of media.  But I've never heard the idea that the Middle
 Ages didn't exist.

 On Jul 14, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I'm surprised that we haven't seen any of these in a movie yet.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them

 Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 

 Previously we posted a list on conspiracy 
 but the items on this list are not really suited to that genre. This is a
 list of bizarre theories or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a
 list of the facts as far as modern science is concerned. This is not meant
 as a criticism of believers, but as a discussion of the theories and facts.

 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a 
 a dagger and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your 
 completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the

 The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning
 demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under
 laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There 
 incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims 
 using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it 
 very weak evidence.


 [image: Picture 

 The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever
 brought forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by
 several others. It states that the royal 
  Britain, President Bush’s family as well as many other higher ups are
 actually aliens that are here to secretly take over earth, feeding off of
 humans to maintain their “human form”.

 The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of
 people such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come
 forth with many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile
 aspects of the reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have
 been proven fake or are so obviously fake no one has wasted time and
 resources to look into it.
 2008 is actually 1711

 [image: Herman]

 The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed
 and we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually

 The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since
 the very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also
 claim the written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era.
 Though they have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence
 from them to prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us 
 being able to scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who
 believes what, though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side
 against the Middle Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that 
 carbon dating is incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an
 almost perfect time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast

[scifinoir2] 11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE money

2010-07-14 Thread brent wodehouse

11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE money

The fifth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,
made more than $938 million worldwide at the box office yet still lost
$167 million.

How is that even possible?

Well, it's all thanks to the magic of what is commonly known as Hollywood
accounting a creative way of crunching numbers said to be used by all the
studios to make even the biggest blockbusters look like losers. The reason
they do this is to minimize, if not outright eliminate, the percentage of
net profits they are obligated to dole out in profit participation deals
and royalties. After all, how can a studio pay Tom Cruise that 20 percent
of the back end that they owe him if the movie has theoretically not made
a dime?

This is why Peter Jackson had to sue New Line Cinema to get his
contractually obligated fair share of the billions of dollars generated by
The Lord of the Rings. Yeah, we're guessing those three movies were deemed
losers too in the studios' funny way of calculating such things.

We thought we'd look into this further and find out which other sci-fi and
fantasy favorites have yet to turn a profit despite raking in gazillions.
The answers may surprise you. But since this is SCI FI Wire and not
Accounting 101, you can do the math yourself ... just don't let the
studios do it for you.

The Lord of the Rings

Budget: $285 million (all three movies combined)

Worldwide box office: $2.9 billion (all three movies combined)

As noted above, Peter Jackson had to sue to force New Line Cinema to allow
its books to be audited and get Jackson his proper share of the Rings
trilogy's box office and DVD sales. The estate of J.R.R. Tolkien and 15 of
the trilogy's actors also sued the studio for their cuts of the movies'

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Budget: $315 million

Worldwide box office: $937 million

According to a net profit statement obtained by Deadline, the movie cost
around $315 million to make (if we're reading it right), while the
official budget is listed at as $150 million. A big difference
for sure, but either way the studio claims the movie has generated a loss.
So why keep making them if no one's earning any money?


Budget: $48 million

Worldwide box office: $411 million

The first modern Batman movie cost $48 million to make (relative peanuts
compared to today) and raked in hundreds of millions. Yet as reported in
Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters' 1997 book Hit  Run: How Jon Peters and
Peter Guber Took Sony For A Ride In Hollywood, producers Benjamin Melniker
and Michael Uslan sued Warner Bros. Pictures, claiming they had not seen a
penny of the net profits.


Budget: $139 million

Worldwide box office: $807 million

Spidey's creator, Stan LeeStan Lee, for Pete's sake!had to sue Marvel and
the producers of the first movie for his share of the movie's profits.

Iron Man

Budget: $140 million

Worldwide box office: $572 million

While director Jon Favreau took home a not-too-shabby $4 million paycheck
to direct Shellhead's first movie, Favreau has said that he's also due 10
percent of the movie's net profitsmoney he doesn't expect to see for
years, if ever.

Alice in Wonderland

Budget: $200 million

Worldwide box office: $1.02 billion

According to Showbiz Management Advisors, Disney has not shown a profit on
Tim Burton's surprise 3D hit despite it making five times its budget at
the box office. Net profit participants have yet to earn a penny.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Budget: $70 million

Worldwide box office: $349 million

Gary Wolf, the science fiction writer on whose novel this alternate
reality animated classic was based, is still waiting for his share of
gross receipts from the movie22 years after it came out. According to, Wolf claimed as late as 2005 that the studio owed him $7
millionwhile Disney alleged that Wolf owed it anywhere from $500,000 to $1
million because of an accounting error!

The Last Unicorn

Budget: N/A

Domestic box office: $6.5 million (worldwide box office not available)

Peter S. Beagle, who wrote the beloved novel on which this 1982 animated
film was based (he also wrote the screenplay), has to date not received
his contractual share of any revenues or profits derived from the movie,
including home video and merchandise sales. While Beagle has not filed a
lawsuit, a public campaign on his behalf was launched in 2005 (Beagle also
has his own Lord of The Rings issues, which can be checked out at the
above link).

Babylon 5

Budget: $110 million (all five seasons combined)

Earnings: More than $1 billion (estimated)

Apparently Hollywood accounting is done for TV shows as 

Re: [scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Now why would women survive more often than mean? Does body fat content have 
anything to do with how the body would conduct the electricity?? 

- Original Message - 
From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 4:31:39 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes 

They say that your chances of being struck by lightning is less if you are 

I find it interesting that some people have been struck and survived. Remember 
that guy that was struck 9 times? 

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Keith Johnson  

Yesterday, two teenage girls were struck by lightning here in the Atlanta area 
( ). They were 
standing under a tree near their apartment complex. One of the girls is likely 
to live, the other died. I'm not sure if the girls intended to use the tree as 
shelter, or were simply standing near it when the lightning struck. Either way, 
they didn't realize the danger, which really saddens me. I remember as young 
boy being lectured over and over by my mom about getting in out of the storm. 
It was drilled into me not to stand near a tree, a chain link fence, telephone 
pole, or a car during a storm. I remember my mom yelling at me to throw down 
the rake, shovel, waterhose, or baseball bat I might have been holding as dark 
clouds and rumbling thunders approached. And boy was it hammered home not to 
use the phone or take a bath during a storm. I think as the years go by, and 
fewer people grow up with the wisdom of ancestors who spent a lot of time 
outdoors, we perhaps fail to remember or heed those lessons. Frankly, as our 
technology allows us to avoid things like power outages and interrupted phone 
service more, I think sometimes the threats that Nature still presents seem to 
diminish. Even I-- with all of Mom's warnings in my head, and all the knowledge 
of such things a degree in Electrical Engineering brought--have in the past 
foolishly jumped into the shower in my second-floor bathroom with storms raging 
practically overhead. And Lord knows youngsters often dismiss such warnings as 
the superstitions of old folk. 
But as this event sadly shows, Nature is still supreme, and we really need to 
heed those old, country-sounding words of wisdom. To that effect, I'm posting a 
few tips on how to avoid lightning strikes gathered from the Net. Sorry for the 
link and the use of multiple sources, but I think the information is a quick 
read and just might save a life. If nothing else, please be sure you have a 
talk with your kids about it, so we don't have more stories like this sad one. 



Outdoors, the idea is to avoid being near--or being--the highest object around. 
Get away from isolated trees, metal fences, wire clotheslines, and the like, 
and avoid standing in an exposed area or near water. If you are the tallest 
thing around, or in a boat on open water, crouch down to reduce your height 
(but don't lie flat). Lay down metal sports equipment and dismount bicycles. 
Take especially swift action if your hair stands on end, as that means charged 
particles are starting to use your body as a pathway. The safest form of 
vehicle is one with a fully enclosed, all-metal body, which helps to channel 
electricity around the interior. Make sure the car's windows and doors are 
completely closed. Finally, remember that lightning can, and often does, strike 
the same spot more than once--even the same person. U.S. park ranger Roy 
Sullivan reportedly was struck seven times between 1942 and 1977.] 

• If you're boating or swimming, get to land, get off the beach and find 
shelter immediately. Stay away from rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. 
Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and nearby lightning strikes 
often travel through it. 
• Whenever possible, take shelter in substantial, permanent, enclosed 
structures, such as reinforced buildings. Avoid unprotected gazebos, rain or 
picnic shelters, baseball dugouts and bleachers; these structures are often 
isolated and located in otherwise open areas, making them a target for 
lightning. Also, they're generally poorly anchored and can easily be uprooted 
and blown over by strong thunderstorm winds. Lastly, these structures offer 
little protection from large hail. 
• If there are no reinforced buildings in sight, take shelter in a car, 
truck or other hard-topped vehicle. Keep the windows closed. Although rubber 
tires provide no protection from lightning, the steel frame of a hard-topped 
vehicle does increase protection if you are not touching metal. If lightning 
does strike your car, you may be injured but you are much safer inside a 

Re: [scifinoir2] 11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE money

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
This is amazing, and most of it is downright criminal. Reminds me of all the 
RB, blues, and rock-and-roll singers who were screwed back in the day by 
monster hit records that the producers claimed never made a profit. I read a 
few years back that a movie to be deemed profitable actually had to earn 2-1/2 
times the total production budget. I think that formula actually excluded 
marketing costs from production budget. Even that simple formula confused me. 
How does 2.5 times the budget become the barely made a profit limit? But this 
stuff hear is beyond the pale... 

- Original Message - 
From: brent wodehouse 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:17:35 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] 11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE 

11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE money 

The fifth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 
made more than $938 million worldwide at the box office yet still lost 
$167 million. 

How is that even possible? 

Well, it's all thanks to the magic of what is commonly known as Hollywood 
accounting a creative way of crunching numbers said to be used by all the 
studios to make even the biggest blockbusters look like losers. The reason 
they do this is to minimize, if not outright eliminate, the percentage of 
net profits they are obligated to dole out in profit participation deals 
and royalties. After all, how can a studio pay Tom Cruise that 20 percent 
of the back end that they owe him if the movie has theoretically not made 
a dime? 

This is why Peter Jackson had to sue New Line Cinema to get his 
contractually obligated fair share of the billions of dollars generated by 
The Lord of the Rings. Yeah, we're guessing those three movies were deemed 
losers too in the studios' funny way of calculating such things. 

We thought we'd look into this further and find out which other sci-fi and 
fantasy favorites have yet to turn a profit despite raking in gazillions. 
The answers may surprise you. But since this is SCI FI Wire and not 
Accounting 101, you can do the math yourself ... just don't let the 
studios do it for you. 

The Lord of the Rings 

Budget: $285 million (all three movies combined) 

Worldwide box office: $2.9 billion (all three movies combined) 

As noted above, Peter Jackson had to sue to force New Line Cinema to allow 
its books to be audited and get Jackson his proper share of the Rings 
trilogy's box office and DVD sales. The estate of J.R.R. Tolkien and 15 of 
the trilogy's actors also sued the studio for their cuts of the movies' 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 

Budget: $315 million 

Worldwide box office: $937 million 

According to a net profit statement obtained by Deadline, the movie cost 
around $315 million to make (if we're reading it right), while the 
official budget is listed at as $150 million. A big difference 
for sure, but either way the studio claims the movie has generated a loss. 
So why keep making them if no one's earning any money? 


Budget: $48 million 

Worldwide box office: $411 million 

The first modern Batman movie cost $48 million to make (relative peanuts 
compared to today) and raked in hundreds of millions. Yet as reported in 
Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters' 1997 book Hit  Run: How Jon Peters and 
Peter Guber Took Sony For A Ride In Hollywood, producers Benjamin Melniker 
and Michael Uslan sued Warner Bros. Pictures, claiming they had not seen a 
penny of the net profits. 


Budget: $139 million 

Worldwide box office: $807 million 

Spidey's creator, Stan LeeStan Lee, for Pete's sake!had to sue Marvel and 
the producers of the first movie for his share of the movie's profits. 

Iron Man 

Budget: $140 million 

Worldwide box office: $572 million 

While director Jon Favreau took home a not-too-shabby $4 million paycheck 
to direct Shellhead's first movie, Favreau has said that he's also due 10 
percent of the movie's net profitsmoney he doesn't expect to see for 
years, if ever. 

Alice in Wonderland 

Budget: $200 million 

Worldwide box office: $1.02 billion 

According to Showbiz Management Advisors, Disney has not shown a profit on 
Tim Burton's surprise 3D hit despite it making five times its budget at 
the box office. Net profit participants have yet to earn a penny. 

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 

Budget: $70 million 

Worldwide box office: $349 million 

Gary Wolf, the science fiction writer on whose novel this alternate 
reality animated classic was based, is still waiting for his share of 
gross receipts from the movie22 years after it came out. According to, Wolf claimed as late as 

Re: [scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I think it had something to do with their chemical makeup. I dunno.

I did find this on the Nasa Science page:

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Now why would women survive more often than mean? Does body fat content
 have anything to do with how the body would conduct the electricity??

 - Original Message -
 From: Mr. Worf
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 4:31:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

 They say that your chances of being struck by lightning is less if you are

 I find it interesting that some people have been struck and survived.
 Remember that guy that was struck 9 times?

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Keith Johnson 

 Yesterday, two teenage girls were struck by lightning here in the Atlanta
 area ( ).
 They were standing under a tree near their apartment complex. One of the
 girls is likely to live, the other died. I'm not sure if the girls intended
 to use the tree as shelter, or were simply standing near it when the
 lightning struck. Either way, they didn't realize the danger, which really
 saddens me. I remember as  young boy being lectured over and over by my mom
 about getting in out of the storm. It was drilled into me not to stand near
 a tree, a chain link fence, telephone pole, or a car during a storm. I
 remember my mom yelling at me to throw down the rake, shovel, waterhose, or
 baseball bat I might have been holding as dark clouds and rumbling thunders
 approached. And boy was it hammered home  not to use the phone or take a
 bath  during a storm. I think as the years go by, and fewer people grow up
 with the wisdom of ancestors who spent a lot of time outdoors, we perhaps
 fail to remember or heed those lessons. Frankly, as our technology allows us
 to avoid things like power outages and interrupted phone service more, I
 think sometimes the threats that Nature still presents seem to diminish.
 Even I-- with all of Mom's warnings in my head, and all the knowledge of
 such things a degree in Electrical Engineering brought--have in the past
 foolishly jumped into the shower in my second-floor bathroom with storms
 raging practically overhead. And Lord knows youngsters often dismiss such
 warnings as the superstitions of old folk.
 But as this event sadly shows, Nature is still supreme, and we really need
 to heed those old, country-sounding words of wisdom. To that effect, I'm
 posting a few tips on how to avoid lightning strikes gathered from the Net.
 Sorry for the link and the use of multiple sources, but I think the
 information is a quick read and just might save a life. If nothing else,
 please be sure you have a talk with your kids about it, so we don't have
 more stories like this sad one.



 Outdoors, the idea is to avoid being near--or being--the highest object
 around. Get away from isolated trees, metal fences, wire clotheslines, and
 the like, and avoid standing in an exposed area or near water. If you are
 the tallest thing around, or in a boat on open water, crouch down to reduce
 your height (but don't lie flat). Lay down metal sports equipment and
 dismount bicycles. Take especially swift action if your hair stands on end,
 as that means charged particles are starting to use your body as a pathway.
 The safest form of vehicle is one with a fully enclosed, all-metal body,
 which helps to channel electricity around the interior. Make sure the car's
 windows and doors are completely closed. Finally, remember that lightning
 can, and often does, strike the same spot more than once--even the same
 person. U.S. park ranger Roy Sullivan reportedly was struck seven times
 between 1942 and 1977.]

- If you're boating or swimming, get to land, get off the beach and
find shelter immediately. Stay away from rivers, lakes and other bodies of
water. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and nearby lightning
strikes often travel through it.
- Whenever possible, take shelter in substantial, permanent, enclosed
structures, such as reinforced buildings. Avoid unprotected gazebos, rain 
picnic shelters, baseball dugouts and bleachers; these structures are 
isolated and located in otherwise open areas, making them a target for
lightning. Also, they're generally poorly anchored and can easily be
uprooted and blown over by strong thunderstorm winds. Lastly, these
structures offer little protection from large hail.
- If there are no reinforced buildings in sight, take shelter in a
car, truck or other 

Re: [scifinoir2] 11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE money

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
You're right Keith it is the same scam. They are cooking the books big time
and its been going on for decades.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 This is amazing, and most of it is downright criminal. Reminds me of all
 the RB, blues, and rock-and-roll singers who were screwed back in the day
 by monster hit records that the producers claimed never made a profit. I
 read a few years back that a movie to be deemed profitable actually had to
 earn 2-1/2 times the total production budget. I think that formula actually
 excluded marketing costs from production budget. Even that simple formula
 confused me. How does 2.5 times the budget become the barely made a profit
 limit? But this stuff hear is beyond the pale...

 - Original Message -
 From: brent wodehouse
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:17:35 PM
 Subject: [scifinoir2] 11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to
 LOSE money

 11 biggest sci-fi blockbusters that still managed to LOSE money

 The fifth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,
 made more than $938 million worldwide at the box office yet still lost
 $167 million.

 How is that even possible?

 Well, it's all thanks to the magic of what is commonly known as Hollywood
 accounting a creative way of crunching numbers said to be used by all the
 studios to make even the biggest blockbusters look like losers. The reason
 they do this is to minimize, if not outright eliminate, the percentage of
 net profits they are obligated to dole out in profit participation deals
 and royalties. After all, how can a studio pay Tom Cruise that 20 percent
 of the back end that they owe him if the movie has theoretically not made
 a dime?

 This is why Peter Jackson had to sue New Line Cinema to get his
 contractually obligated fair share of the billions of dollars generated by
 The Lord of the Rings. Yeah, we're guessing those three movies were deemed
 losers too in the studios' funny way of calculating such things.

 We thought we'd look into this further and find out which other sci-fi and
 fantasy favorites have yet to turn a profit despite raking in gazillions.
 The answers may surprise you. But since this is SCI FI Wire and not
 Accounting 101, you can do the math yourself ... just don't let the
 studios do it for you.

 The Lord of the Rings

 Budget: $285 million (all three movies combined)

 Worldwide box office: $2.9 billion (all three movies combined)

 As noted above, Peter Jackson had to sue to force New Line Cinema to allow
 its books to be audited and get Jackson his proper share of the Rings
 trilogy's box office and DVD sales. The estate of J.R.R. Tolkien and 15 of
 the trilogy's actors also sued the studio for their cuts of the movies'

 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Budget: $315 million

 Worldwide box office: $937 million

 According to a net profit statement obtained by Deadline, the movie cost
 around $315 million to make (if we're reading it right), while the
 official budget is listed at as $150 million. A big difference
 for sure, but either way the studio claims the movie has generated a loss.
 So why keep making them if no one's earning any money?


 Budget: $48 million

 Worldwide box office: $411 million

 The first modern Batman movie cost $48 million to make (relative peanuts
 compared to today) and raked in hundreds of millions. Yet as reported in
 Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters' 1997 book Hit  Run: How Jon Peters and
 Peter Guber Took Sony For A Ride In Hollywood, producers Benjamin Melniker
 and Michael Uslan sued Warner Bros. Pictures, claiming they had not seen a
 penny of the net profits.


 Budget: $139 million

 Worldwide box office: $807 million

 Spidey's creator, Stan LeeStan Lee, for Pete's sake!had to sue Marvel and
 the producers of the first movie for his share of the movie's profits.

 Iron Man

 Budget: $140 million

 Worldwide box office: $572 million

 While director Jon Favreau took home a not-too-shabby $4 million paycheck
 to direct Shellhead's first movie, Favreau has said that he's also due 10
 percent of the movie's net profitsmoney he doesn't expect to see for
 years, if ever.

 Alice in Wonderland

 Budget: $200 million

 Worldwide box office: $1.02 billion

 According to Showbiz Management Advisors, Disney has not shown a profit on
 Tim Burton's surprise 3D hit despite it making five times its budget at
 the box office. Net profit participants have yet to earn a penny.

 Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

 Budget: $70 million

 Worldwide box office: $349 million

 Gary Wolf, the science fiction writer on whose novel this 

[scifinoir2] The George Forman grill, the early years

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
[image: funny food photos - George Foreman, The Early Years]

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I think there was one supposed to run at Indy but I haven't heard much about
it since last year.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Okay, thanks for the clarification.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Because of the class that it was in. Because it was listed as experimental
 and not a fully regulated car, they could compete but not finish. It was
 still early in its development.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Martin Baxter 

 Why wasn't it allowed to finish?

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 BMW is also working on a super hybrid as well. They were all pretty much
 won over a couple of years ago when an electric was entered into one of the
 road races in Europe. It did extremely well but wasn't allowed to finish.

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Martin Baxter

 They've got it on the boards right now, I hear.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Porchea and Ferrari are both working on one as well. Although I think
 Ferrari will probably do a hybrid first.

 On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 I'm impressed.

 But the Veyron still owns the better part of me.

 On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Mr. Worf 

 Tesla May Get Some Company: The Supercar Goes Electric

 *CHARGE!* SLS AMG E-Cell has an electric motor powering each of the
 wheels. More Photos 
  By LAWRENCE ULRICH Published: July 8, 2010

-  Twitter
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   - Yahoo! 

 INTRODUCED in New York in 1954, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL was a
 stunningly advanced machine, the first production car to trade a 
 for fuel injection.
   Slide Show
  2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS 

-  Behind the Wheel | 2011 Mercedes-Benz Sls Amg: Winging It One
  11, 2010)

   Now, with the SLS AMG echoing the style of that original gullwing
 sports car, Mercedes may produce an electric version that could give 
 company environmental bragging rights. Mercedes is testing the 
 prototype SLS
 AMG E-Cell, in which the standard model’s 563-horsepower gasoline V-8 
 been replaced with four electric motors, one powering each wheel, that 
 up 535 horsepower and 649 pound-feet of peak torque.

 Mercedes estimates a 0-to-60 time of four seconds flat for the
 electric SLS, just a few tenths slower than the gasoline version. 
 Power is
 stored in a liquid-cooled 
 battery; brakes capture energy and return it to the battery.

 Ola Kallenius, chairman of Mercedes’s AMG high-performance division,
 said the company was considering a small production run for the SLS 

 At a recent presentation for the car in Norway, a retired Formula
  David Coulthard, tested the E-Cell on an airstrip and public roads.
 His drive and commentary 

[scifinoir2] Google releases App Inventor

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Google's new software allows you to create your own apps for the Google
Droid phone. No experience in programming required. Just point and click /
drag and drop. Beat that Apple!

There is a company called Game Salad that allows you to make games for the
Mac and Apple Iphone/Touch and Flash driven phones using similar software.
Very cool.

[scifinoir2] Top 10 American Icons That Are Not American

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Top 10 American Icons That Are Not American

Share This javascript:void(0)- Published October 19, 2008 - 204

We all grow up with famous brands that evoke that special memory of home.
Brands that are especially American – brands that make us burst with
national pride. But, alas, what many people don’t realize is that many of
those brands are not American any longer (or never were!) This is a list of
the ten most famous American icons that are, in fact, foreign. If you can
think of others, be sure to mention them in the comments.

[image: 1128351985539 Firestone Dest At

The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company was founded by Harvey Firestone in
1900 to supply pneumatic tires for wagons, buggies, and other forms of
wheeled transportation common in the era. Firestone soon saw the huge
potential for 
for automobiles. The company was a pioneer in the mass production of
tires. Firestone used this relationship to become the original equipment
supplier of Ford Motor Company automobiles, and was also active in the
replacement market. Firestone was bought out in 1988 by Bridgestone, a
Japanese rubber conglomerate based in Tokyo and founded in 1931. Bridgestone
is currently ranked first in the global tire market, with Michelin second,
Goodyear third and Continental fourth.

Dial Soap

[image: Dial-Antimicrobial-Soap]

The Dial 
a maker of personal care and household cleaning
in Scottsdale, Arizona. It began as a brand of deodorant soap
manufactured by Armour and Company, the legendary Chicago meatpacking firm,
and through a series of mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, emerged by
the 2000s as a stand-alone leading personal care and household cleaning
products company. In 2004, the company was bought by Henkel KGaA, a German
consumer products firm. Other brands owned by Henkel are Schwarzkopf,
Sellotape, and Persil, the company’s most famous brand (and the name of the
world’s first laundry detergent).


Shell Oil Company is the United States-based affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell,
a multinational oil company (“oil major”) of Anglo Dutch origins, which is
amongst the largest oil companies in the world. Approximately 22,000 Shell
based in the U.S. The head office in the U.S. is in Houston, Texas.
Shell Oil Company is a 50/50 partner with the Saudi Arabian government-owned
oil company Saudi Aramco in Motiva Enterprises, a refining and marketing
joint venture which owns and operates three oil refineries on the Gulf Coast
of the United States. Parent company Royal Dutch Shell has its origins in
Holland and Britain.
Church’s Chicken


Church’s Chicken is a U.S. chain of fast food
in fried chicken. The chain was founded as Church’s Fried
Chicken To Go by George W. Church, Sr. on April 17, 1952 in San Antonio,
across the street from The Alamo. The company now has more than 1,600
locations worldwide. Their slogan is “I know what good is.” At the end of
2004 the company was sold to Arcapita (formerly Crescent Capital
Investments). Because Arcapita is an Islamic venture capital firm, bacon was
removed from the menu after the sale (pork not being halal). In accordance
with Islamic Sharia law, the company does not invest in any
offer credit or charge interest, or sell pornography, alcohol, or pork
products. The company also owns Caribou Coffee.
Toll House Cookies

[image: 533195833

Toll House is a brand of cookies and brownies marketed by Nestle. It is
named for the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts, where Ruth Graves
Wakefield is credited with inventing the chocolate chip
mistake in the 1930s in a nearby Rhode Island town. Ruth Graves
approached Nestle after the popularity of her cookies skyrocketed. The price
that Nestle paid her for the recipe was a life-time supply of chocolate.
Nestle is a Swiss company and owns the rights to the cookies and the recipe.


[scifinoir2] Another 10 Conspiracy Theories

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Another 10 Conspiracy Theories

Share This javascript:void(0)- Published February 18, 2008 - 241

Following on from our popular Top 10 Conspiracy Theories
we are now presenting you with another 10. While the theories on this list
may not be as well known as the first list, I think many of them are a lot
more interesting. So, without further ado, another 10 conspiracy theories.

10. Paul is Dead

[image: Paulisdead]

“Paul is dead” is an urban legend alleging that Paul McCartney of the
British rock band The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike
and sound-alike. Evidence for McCartney’s death consists of “clues” found
among the Beatles’ many recordings, most of which are treated as if they
were deliberately placed by The Beatles or others. Literally hundreds have
been cited at various times by various people. They include statements
allegedly heard when a song is played backwards, symbolism found in obscure
lyrics, and ambiguous imagery on album covers. A few of them are well known,
such as the fact that McCartney is the only barefooted Beatle and is out of
step with the others on the cover of Abbey Road.

9. Pan Am Flight 103

[image: Panam103]

Pan Am Flight 103 was Pan American World Airways’ third daily scheduled
transatlantic flight from London’s Heathrow International Airport to New
York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. On Wednesday December 21,
1988, the aircraft flying this route—a Boeing 747-121 named Clipper Maid of
the Seas—was destroyed by a bomb. The remains landed in and around the town
of Lockerbie in southern Scotland. A theory for which no evidence has been
produced suggests that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had set up
a protected drug route from Europe to the United States—allegedly called
Operation Corea—which allowed Syrian drug dealers, led by Monzer al-Kassar
(who was involved with Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship
heroin to the U.S. using Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on
Palestinian groups based in Syria. The CIA allegedly protected the suitcases
containing the drugs and made sure they were not searched. On the day of the
bombing, as the theory goes, terrorists exchanged suitcases: one with drugs
for one with a bomb. Another version of this theory is that the CIA knew in
advance this exchange would take place, but let it happen anyway, because
the protected drugs route was a rogue operation, and the American
intelligence officers on PA 103 – Matthew Gannon and Maj. Charles McKee –
had found out about it, and were on their way to Washington to tell their

8. Peak Oil is a Lie

[image: Peakoil]

There are theories that the “Peak Oil” concept is a fraud concocted by the oil
increase prices amid concerns about future supplies. The oil industry
supposedly is aware of vast reserves of untapped oil, but does not utilize
them, so that they can maintain the illusion of artificial scarcity.
Parallels are drawn between this and the diamond industry, where it is
recognized that a monopoly cabal maintain an illusion of artificial scarcity
of diamonds, in order to increase their value.

7. AIDS is Manmade

[image: Aids]

There are claims that AIDS is a man-made disease (i.e. created by scientists
in a laboratory). Some of these theories allege that HIV was created by a
conspiratorial group or by a secretive agency such as the CIA. It is thought
to have been created as a tool of genocide and/or population control. Other
theories suggest that the virus was created as an experiment in biological
and/or psychological warfare,
and then escaped into the population at large by accident. Some who believe
that HIV
a government creation see a precedent for it in the Tuskegee syphilis
study, in which government-funded researchers deceptively denied treatment
to black patients infected with a sexually transmitted disease. It has been
claimed that the CIA deliberately administered the HIV virus to African
Americans and homosexuals in the 1970s, via tainted hepatitis vaccinations.
Groups such as the New Black Panther Party and Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of
Islam assert that this was part of a plan to destroy the black race. Others
claim that it was administered in Africa as a way of crippling the
development of that continent.

6. Water Fluoridation

[image: Fluoride Docileville]

Fluoride is commonly added to drinking water in the United States and other
countries. It is usually justified by drawing attention to the positive
benefits to teeth, reducing tooth decay. There is evidence to suggest that
fluoridating the water supply may be harmful for those using it,

[scifinoir2] Chupacabra Sighting Times Two

2010-07-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Chupacabra Sighting Times Two by Mike Krumboltz

 8 hours ago
2,247 Votes

A barn in Hood County, Texas, has become ground zero in the hunt for the

Earlier this week, animal control officer Frank Hackett shot and killed what
was unquestionably one of the ugliest creatures to ever walk the planet.
That much we know. What's less clear is whether or not the departed
the elusive goat-sucking beast.

Interestingly, that wasn't the only chupacabra sighting around Hood County.
A second creature was spotted and killed several miles away. Both appear to
be either hairless coyotes, extremely ugly dogs, or, who knows? Maybe the
thing they call *el chupacabra*.

In the wake of the discovery, Web searches on chupacabra
and chupacabra
both roared to life, as did Web lookups for chupacabra
and chupacabra
According to Virtue Science,
the name literally translates to goat sucker. Legend states that the beast
would attack goats and suck their blood. Think of them as a less sexy
version of Twilight's infamous vampire Edward Cullen.

Officer Hackett was careful not to say whether or not this is really the
mysterious beast. He's going to wait for the DNA tests before he makes up
his mind. There is one thing he does know: It wasn't normal. And another
officer on the scene commented that she'd never seen anything like it.

Below you can watch the locals discuss their findings, but beware. The
images of the creature are quite nasty.

Visit for breaking news, world
and news about the

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

[scifinoir2] 2 Readercon samples

2010-07-14 Thread marian_changling
Two very different glimpses of Readercon

There are other videos out there that others took.

[scifinoir2] It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D films

2010-07-14 Thread brent wodehouse
Hero Complex

For your inner fanboy

It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D films

July 14, 2010


Re: [scifinoir2] It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D films

2010-07-14 Thread Keith Johnson
So each movie will be shot primarily in 2D--except for some fight scenes--then 
converted to 3D? I wish I understood why the conversion is better. The Cap 
movie director says shooting in 3D was horrible, hence the conversion route. 
But isn't it better to do it completely in 3D from the start, the way Cameron 
did? This half-a$$ system is more irritating than the nigh-irrational move to 
3D itself. 

And dude, one thing from the article: David Tennant as a possible Bruce Banner? 
That would be freaking awesome, almost as much as Jackie Earle Haley in the 
role! I just don't see Nathan Filian--way too big and macho. 

- Original Message - 
From: brent wodehouse 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:42:01 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D 

Hero Complex 

For your inner fanboy 

It's official: 'Thor' and 'Captain America' will be 3-D films 

July 14, 2010 


[scifinoir2] (Movie trailer) Daughters of the Dragon: Borderclash

2010-07-14 Thread thebayindo
Something we're currently in production on...

