[scifinoir2] Swordfish

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep thinking 
if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth the effort.

I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't (the 
only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked the DoD, 
Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to just being au 
naturel and seeing the code in his head). 

What do you think?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy


[scifinoir2] Perfectly Fine (Probably) Movies Grayson Hasn't Seen

2010-01-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Keith you asked, so here are a just a couple movies beyond Titanic and 
Monster's Ball on the list of award nominees/winners that are probably great 
and all but I haven't seen the, and don't plan to see them. What I will say is 
that for every popular movie on this list, I have seen a fringe movie that 
expanded my horizons.

American Beauty

The Reader 


Forest Gump

Mamma Mia (If this movie was about a black lady who slept with three guys and 
didn't know who her baby daddy was, with a Brothers Johnson soundtrack, I'm not 
so sure it would have had the same reception or be a huge production on the 
Vegas strip)

Slumdog Millionaire - I have no idea why this movie is on my list. I listened 
all about it on NPR. Got the concept, was excited about it. Listened to the 
soundtrack. Rented it. Had it for two months before Netflix asked me if there 
was a problem at which point I returned it. Now it's on HBO on Demand and I 
*still* haven't watched it. So maybe it's not me rejecting the movie, it's just 
on the list by default. I'll figure it out later.

Atonement - Pretty much anything featuring Keira Knightley that is not Pirates 
of the Caribbean makes my list, although my mother seems to think I would like 
The Duchess. 

Bright Star 
The Builder
The Prescription Playboy


[scifinoir2] Gamer - Spoilers

2010-01-22 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Hey Guys,

I'm coming out of lurkland! How's it going?

I didn't go see the movie Gamer when it was in theaters, mainly because I am 
all Gerard Butler'd out. But I think, perhaps, I would have gone to the movies 
if I had seen the rest of the cast. Though Gerard and Luda were not big 
enough draws for me, adding in Michael C Hall, that chick from The Closer or 
Kevin Bacon's wife, whichever (that is mean and misogynistic and potentially 
offensive, but I don't care for The Closer and I'm offended by the idea that 
chocolate will make me batty and orgasmal... I find *that* misogynistic), Amber 
Valletta who's always either in a messed up relationship or is a thinly veiled 
prostiute or some king or has a kid missing in a movie, Alison Lohman who 
starred in the exceptionally gross Drag Me to Hell, John Leguizamo (my Latin 
boyfriend), Ohymygod is that Keith David?, and Mr Ripped himself, Terry Crews 
as Hackman made it a little more interesting. 

What I find I like about this movie is this: Because I do play a lot of video 
games, including adventure games, shooters, and war games, I recognized the 
concept of bringing that into a violent focus through a film which reads 
completely and utterly vicious and reprehensible because it exactly portrays 
game action with live people, and that concept was fully realized for me.

I also think Terry Crews was stellar in the two seconds when he was not being 
all hack-y. At his introduction, he's breathing heavily and having what I can 
only refer to as a malevolent asthma attack that works well for the mood. The 
first speaking scene he's in I absolutely adore. He's sweaty, covered in blood 
and the lighting is very low. Since his and my complexion are about the same, I 
take sincere note of and appreciate the way they avoid over-lighting so that he 
both fades into the dark and becomes a menacing part of it that's almost anime 
in look and feel. Then he starts singing this cheerful song I've got no 
strings and he sounds really happy and it is super freaky and I love it.

Now let's add that it's got some pretty cool future-PC affects and what has to 
be one of my new favorite musicalslashdanceslaskfightyetcrazilyKubrikian scenes 
led by the serial killer everyone wants in their neighborhood. It has the 
potential, I'm seeing it, I'm wanting it. but...

It's kinda crappy... Yeah, I know. I know. But I needed to extol its positives 
earlier in order to fairly say it sucked... 

Here's my top ten list of things that irritated me:

1) The battle scenes were too long... Yeah, yeah, yeah I said that it made 
sense the way they were done and they appropriately simulated game play... 
so what!
2) Luda's attempt to persuade Simon into freeing Kable is a bit hard to 
believe... Oh I know the talk was necessary, but damn couldn't they make it a 
bit more eloquent of a moment? Actually, I retract that Luda and his whole 
organization the Humanz is not well thought out and is a trope for trope's sake.
3) Hackman does not get killed in a honorable battle mano a mano and I needed 
for that to happen.
4) Vomit and pee are not so great as energy sources even if they are renewable
5) Snowplows are not that agile
6) I saw the dude controlling Kable's wife in Seven, it didn't end so well for 
him...  Wait a minute... that wasn't Seven, that was The Last Comic Standing.
7) We're all slaves... Shaking my head at this scene.
8) Milo Ventimiglia: You embarassed yourself once in The Curse and it was 
amusing. This time, not so much. Rick Rape? Really, you should be ashamed of 
9) Why do people seem to equate the near future with the abuse latex?
10) My nanocells are meant to transmit. nuff said.

The ending of this movie is like the ending of one of my books before my editor 
gets violent with me. I get rushed and impatient and want to finish so damn bad 
I take rush. I admit it. It's a shortcoming. THAT'S why I thank my editor in 
advance for the literary violence and work on it every single day. But damn... 

Did anyone else see it?



[scifinoir2] Gwai Wik

2009-10-02 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole

Has anyone seen this movie? In English, it's titled the Re-Cycle. It's a horror 
film from Hong Kong. 

As a writer of some seriously disturbing fiction from time to time and from 
just a lover of horror, I have to say I really enjoyed this movie despite the 
really poor English subtitles. It had some genuinely scary moments based on 
real suspense. It also had some of the most visually stunning while 
simultaneously creepy effects I've seen in a long while (though the movie is 3 
years old and I did not care for the whole 
inside-the-womb-with-crazy-dangling-fetuses). Usually I fail to flinch at 
horror these days but this one had me jumping in my seat a couple of times. 

From one scene to the next after we devolve into madness at one point and I 
completely let go of trying to figure out what the heck is coming next. The 
score goes along with it really well, too. I think the thing that stops me 
from giving it five stars or even four is that at some point the story seems 
to be more about one upping itself on the crazy than coming to a satisfactory 
conclusion, then the denoument is a bit of PSA  which is a bit of a turn off 
(until the real ending which I enjoyed). Plus: Mass zombie uprising? mehhh... 
but the way that uprising ends... someone give that graphic artist a gold 
medal! Visually outstanding for me even without uber-budget effects.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder
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[scifinoir2] KillerCon

2009-09-14 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Anybody going?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder


[scifinoir2] Pontypool

2009-05-31 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
We just watched this movie. Have to admit I loved it. Has anyone else seen it? 
The entire movie takes place in a remote Ontario radio station, with a 
charismatic Stephen McHattie playing the grizzled radio host trying to report 
on a bizarre phenomenon outside without any anchor in reality or context in 
which to put the strange things he's hearing through the phone in lines, from 
other radio stations, and even his reporters in the field. There were 
many awesome quotes but here is my favorite:

That was our own Ken Looney interviewing a screaming baby coming from Mary 
Gulf's eldest son's dying gasp. That was a little baby. A tiny little baby.

Oh yeah... and there's Honey the missing cat.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
The Builder


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Cameron

2009-04-11 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
That's sad! I agree that it was indeed awesome!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 10:20:30 AM
Subject: RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Cameron

I need to start tattooing reminders on the insides of my eyelids... I was 
supposed to watch that.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Cameron
Date : Sat, 11 Apr 2009 07:55:00 -0400
From : Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherwood@ hotmail.com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

I was watching the Terminator season finale. It was awesome. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace Imperfection 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0 

To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
From: truthseeker013@ lycos.com 
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 22:12:22 -0400 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Cameron 

Aubrey, I'm completely lost. No idea what show you're watching... 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
Subject : [scifinoir2] Cameron 
Date : Fri, 10 Apr 2009 20:44:32 -0400 
From : Aubrey Leatherwood 
To : 

Just said Hasta Luego! LOLOLOLOLOLOL. .. hopefully someone else was watching. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www..aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace 

A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0 

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Re: [scifinoir2] ...and tonight on SciFi...Thor and Wolves

2009-04-11 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Is it my turn to take the bullet? I was forced into watching Twilight... so I 
might as well do this one. No need for anyone else to fall on the sword... 
I've got it.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 6:11:33 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] ...and tonight on SciFi...Thor and Wolves

I'm leery of anyone trying to do the Thor thing. Maybe I'm just still reeling, 
decades later, from the horrible, Incredible Hulk TV movie with Thor, where 
anyone could pick up Mjolnir.   Not sure what to make of this flick. Another in 
the long line of scifi crap?  
and the movie War Wolves. I think that's the one with John Saxon. It's 
already aired once, I believe. Anyone seen it? Tell me it's worth a good 
time-wasting for late night viewing?!

 * * * 

'Thor: Hammer of the Gods' airs Saturday, April 11 '09 at 9pm, and is repeated 
April 12 '09 at 1am on the SciFi Channel (US). This '09 made-for-TV movie stars 
Zachery Ty Bryan, Mac Brandt, Daz Crawford, John Laskowski, Raicho Vasilev, 
Alexis Peters, Melissa Leigh, Velislav Pavlov and George Zlatarev. Filmed in 
Sofia, Bulgaria, by Unified Film Organization (who brought us 'Polar Storm'). 
From Movie Web:
The epic saga focuses on a Viking boy, Modi, who is cursed to never touch a 
weapon lest he lose his soul. Modi is a frustrated Viking, angry with the world 
and the Gods themselves. His quest against the Gods forces him into 
hand-to-hand battles with giants, trolls, demons and even beautiful Valkyries.


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: The 10 Shows That Deserve to Return Next Fall (But Might Not)

2009-04-10 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
The Sarah Connor Chronicles is easily one of my favorite shows on television 
right now. The past few episodes have indeed been excellent and I'm saying I 
adore it. I like the cop in Dollhouse, the computer dork in dollhouse, and the 
star-crossed lovers in Dollhouse... not really taken with Eliza Dushku, but 
her handler is alright.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 2:27:40 PM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: The 10 Shows That Deserve to Return Next Fall 
(But Might Not)

B, I've been told that, and I keep meaning to tune in, but something always 
leaps in the way.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: The 10 Shows That Deserve to Return Next Fall (But 
Might Not)
Date : Fri, 10 Apr 2009 13:20:16 -
From : B. Smith daikaij...@yahoo. com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups..com

Well Dollhouse is done and Kings is nearly there. 

Is anyone else watching Terminator: The Sara Connor Chronicles? That show 
quietly has become one of the best shows on tv. The last two week's events have 
been a nasty mind*%#! and the season(maybe series) finale is shaping up to be 

--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, ravenadal wrote: 
 http://tv.yahoo. com/blog/ the-10-shows- that-deserve- to-return- next-fall- 
 but-might- not--228 
 The 10 Shows That Deserve to Return Next Fall (But Might Not) 
 By Angel Cohn, TWoP | Monday, April 6, 2009, 10:50 PM 
 Will 'Kings' be dethroned? 
 NBC/Andrew Eccles 
 With plenty of our favorite shows in danger of falling through the network 
 programming cracks, it's time to bring more attention to the series that 
 deserve another season, but may not get one. We know, we know, wishin' and 
 hopin' didn't do Pushing Daisies any good, but we're sending out a prayer 
 to the TV powers-that- be anyway: when upfront time rolls around in a month 
 or so, please let at least some of these shows reappear on your schedules. 
 1. Chuck 
 In short, this show is clever, all-around fun, with a great cast, stellar 
 writing and lots and lots of heart. And Chuck and Sarah may be the TV couple 
 we most enjoy seeing almost hook up, but not quite. Save that for season five 
 or six. 
 2. Life 
 Charlie Crews, the fruit-loving L.A. detective with a Zen attitude, has 
 become one of our favorite TV cops ever in just under two years, thanks to 
 Damian Lewis' deceptively placid, quirky charisma. This season, the weekly 
 cases got more creative, the supporting cast got stronger (partly due to the 
 addition of Donal Logue and Gabrielle Union) and the underlying conspiracy 
 plot got twistier. 
 3. Fringe 
 We tuned in because of Joshua Jackson, stuck around despite a slightly 
 sluggish start, and were finally rewarded with some fun science fiction. 
 We're just getting to the interesting mythology, and we're finally warming up 
 to Anna Torv, mostly because she kicks butt. It's a little bit of Alias and a 
 little bit of X-Files, with some really gross/awesome monsters of the week, 
 and just turning out to be a pretty enjoyable action series. 
 4. Better Off Ted 
 We need a good workplace comedy to make us laugh again, since The Office 
 has been disappointing us lately. This one is more akin to Andy Richter 
 Controls the Universe and is filled with that quirk and innate silliness 
 that turns off the general public who prefer the more straight-forward 
 sitcoms like Rules of Engagement. 
 5. Dollhouse 
 We're still iffy on this show, but it took a while for Angel to really hit 
 its stride, too. Even Buffy had some less-than-stellar first season 
 episodes. Perhaps that's just part of Joss Whedon's style. It seems like Joss 
 and Co. are making an active effort to work out the kinks to really get this 
 series to meet the high standards his fans hold him to. It's getting there, 
 but without a second season, we may never get to see that vision realized. 
 6. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 
 We've already lost one show with robots this season with the end of BSG. 
 Don't take our other one away from us. We need some robots kicking butt to 
 really round out our weekly TV viewing. Seriously though, we love the idea of 
 this show and every time it starts to wear our patience thin with family 
 drama, they hook us again with more cool Terminator technology. 
 7. Kings 
 This ambitious series is bringing a whole world to life, and the twisted tale 
 just started

Re: [scifinoir2] Has anybody seen The Golden Compass

2009-04-05 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
By pacing is adult did you mean geriatric? I saw the movie and enjoyed it for 
the artistry of it. I loved the little daemons. I figured something important 
was going on with dust but since I haven't read the books either, it was 
somewhat difficult for me to follow mainly because I kept getting bored and not 
paying attention... and I already knew Nicole Kidman was evil. I rewatc this 
movie recently and was again overwhelmed by the way it look and the little 
world building detailsbut was completely underwhelmed by the plot.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star : When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
Now available in print!

From: ravenadal ravena...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 8:58:53 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Has anybody seen The Golden Compass

I haven't read The Golden Compass and, while I have owned the DVD for some 
time, I haven't watched it yet. This morning, I am sitting in my basement 
office following my Sunday ritual where I read my two Sunday newspapers and 
listen to NPR and, as is my wont to do, watch television with the sound off. 

This morning I am watching The Golden Compass on the MORMAX pay movie channel 
and it is easy to see why it underperformed at the box office. The movie is 
gorgeous, painterly even, but watching it is like watching paint dry. I am 
thirty minutes in and literally NOTHING has happened. Once again, it is 
wonderful eye candy - the camera absolutely loves Daniel Craig and, especially, 
the usually pale and wan Nicole Kidman - and the hyper realistic (and ever 
present) animals are marvelously rendered and detailed but I can't imagine 
sitting in a theater with three small children and trying to keep them engaged 
during this. It is definitely not a repeat business movie. It is old-fashioned 
in its pacing and possibly too adult for its own good.

That said, however, it is a marvelous moving picture and has great background 
visuals. I will be playing this without the sound again some sunday morning.



Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

2009-04-05 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
you took the words right out of my fingers!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 3:36:57 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

Keith, Methos was commonly regarded as the oldest of all Immortals. With that, 
no doubt came the gift of common sense and the loss of a flair for the dramatic.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow
Date : Sun, 5 Apr 2009 17:38:44 + (UTC)
From : Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

Ha-ha! In the series, Duncan showed Tessa he was immortal by shooting himself, 
dying, then coming back to life while she was on the phone to the cops. I 
never got why an Immortal just didn't take a knife, cut himself, and let the 
wound heal instantly to make the point. I know Methos did that once to prove 
his immortality. 

- Original Message - 
From: Justin Mohareb 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 11:08:42 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow 

Just like McCloud from Highlander everytime he shows a chick he's immortal by 
stabbing himself in the belly. 

God, I hate those movies. 


On 4-Apr-09, at 10:27 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood  aubrey.leatherwood@ hotmail.com 

Please tell me that someone saw the RIDICULOUS love scene! Seriously? Michael 
Paré gets the horn whenever he retells the story of the brutal death of his 
family? And how did all those damn candles get lit? 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace Imperfection 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0 

To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
From: grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com 
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 19:25:31 -0700 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow 

Um... there's more? Really? It's possible he could be up to more? 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole.com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/index. php?main_ page=product_ infoproducts_id= 

From: Keith Johnson 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 9:06:36 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow 

Hahahahaha! That is funny! Other than acting in bad movies with fading stars 
like Pare and Segal, and hitting the gym to get that prison body, what's Ja 
Rule up to nowadays? 

- Original Message - 
From: Aubrey Leatherwood 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 10:00:40 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow 

I remember when Ja Rule had a number one album... nostalgia's a bitch. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0 

To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 01:59:25 + 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow 

Wow, I didn't know Pare was in BloodRayne! How sad. I remember back when people 
would speak of him in the same breath as Sean Penn, Timothy Hutton, and other 
promising up and coming young men... 

- Original Message - 
From: Aubrey Leatherwood 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 8:10:45 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow 

Hmmm... Michael Paré Isn't that the feller that was in BloodRayne I and 
II... Uhhuh. Yep, that's the feller. I think I'd rather alternate between 
working and playing that controversial Resident Evil 5. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: David Cronenberg Planning a Sequel to 'Eastern Promises'

2009-04-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Rave, you and I have had this conversation! :) lol... Y'know I love 
Cronenberg... even Eastern Promises... I'll take a sequel.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: ravenadal ravena...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 5:36:33 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: David Cronenberg Planning a Sequel to 'Eastern 

I am a huge David Cronenberg fan. I love his early funny stuff like Rabid 
(zombies!) and Scanners (exploding heads!) and I adore his SF with a heart 
phase that includes two of my favorite films: The Dead Zone and The Fly. I 
even like his kinky stuff: Videodrome,  Dead Ringers. But, of his more 
mature recent fare, I think A History of Violence is much more satisfying 
than Eastern Promises. 
I would much prefer another serving of Tom Stall/Joey Cusack over a second go 
round with steely Nikolai.


--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@...  wrote:

 -eastern-promises/  Cronenberg Planning a Sequel to 'Eastern Promises'
 by Elisabeth Rappe http://www.cinematical.com/bloggers/elisabeth-rappe/
 Mar 30th 2009 // 9:02PM
 Filed under: Drama http://www.cinematical.com/category/drama/ ,
 Independent http://www.cinematical.com/category/independent/ , Thrillers
 http://www.cinematical.com/category/thrillers/ , Mystery
 http://www.cinematical.com/category/mystery-and-suspense/  Suspense,
 RumorMonger http://www.cinematical.com/category/rumormonger/ , Scripts
 http://www.cinematical.com/category/scripts-and-screenwriting/ , Focus
 Features http://www.cinematical.com/category/focus-features/ ,
 DIY/Filmmaking http://www.cinematical.com/category/diy-filmmaking/ ,
 Newsstand http://www.cinematical.com/category/newsstand/ , Remakes and
 http://www.cinematical.com/category/remakes-and-sequels/ Sequels
 http://www.blogcdn. com/www.cinemati cal.com/media/ 2009/03/david_ 
 cronenberg2. j
 pgSequels are rarely good news -- but this one is. MTV
 http://moviesblog. mtv.com/2009/ 03/30/exclusive- david-cronenberg 
 s-for-%E2%80% 98eastern- promises% E2%80%99- sequel/ News caught up with 
 Cronenberg, who revealed he was moving forward with a sequel to Eastern
 http://www.moviefone.com/movie/eastern-promises/25300/main Promises.
 javascript: void(0);/ *1238443582989* / 
 We are going to have a meeting very soon between me, Steve Knight and Paul
 Webster to discuss what the script would be, Cronenberg said. I have some
 very strong ideas about what I would like to see, but I would like to hear
 what they have to say as well. And then after that, if all goes well, Steve
 goes away and writes a great script. If we all like it, we make it. If they
 make it, Viggo
 http://www.moviefone.com/celebrity/viggo-mortensen/1228459/main Mortensen
 will return.
 Cronenberg has never had any interest in revisiting his work -- and little
 of it ever has the loose ends that Eastern Promises did. It's the first
 time I've ever been in a situation where I actually want to do a sequel to
 something. I've never had the desire to do that before. But in this case, I
 thought we had unfinished business with those characters. I didn't feel that
 we had finished with Nikolai and we had done a lot of research that was more
 than we could stuff into that one movie.
 I'm thrilled beyond belief. The film exists perfectly fine on its own, but
 the mysterious Nikolai is begging to be explored further onscreen. I'll
 tip-toe around spoilers, but I never could understand why so many audience
 members believed it to be a happy, cut-and-dried ending. 
 If you're curious and into research, there's some fantastic essays in Vol II
 of the
 http://www.amazon. com/Russian- Criminal- Tattoo-Encyclope dia-II/dp/ 
 /ref=pd_sim_ b_2 Russian Criminal Tattoo encyclopedia. Given the scarcity of
 books on the topic I imagine this went into their research, plus the essays
 are rather Cronenberg-esque in the way they examine the tattoos and their
 effect on the human body. It gives an insight as to what Cronenberg and
 Mortensen might have had in mind when they created Nikolai. Definitely worth
 a read ... and a sequel.


Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

2009-04-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Um... there's more? Really? It's possible he could be up to more?

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 9:06:36 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

Hahahahaha! That is funny! Other than acting in bad movies with fading stars 
like Pare and Segal, and hitting the gym to get that prison body, what's Ja 
Rule up to nowadays?

- Original Message -
From: Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherwood@ hotmail.com
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 10:00:40 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

I remember when Ja Rule had a number one album... nostalgia's a bitch.

Aubrey Leatherwood
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com
FaceBook * MySpace 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0


To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 01:59:25 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

Wow, I didn't know Pare was in BloodRayne! How sad. I remember back when people 
would speak of him in the same breath as Sean Penn, Timothy Hutton, and other 
promising up and coming young men...

- Original Message -
From: Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherwood@ hotmail.com
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 8:10:45 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

Hmmm... Michael Paré... Isn't that the feller that was in BloodRayne I and 
II... Uhhuh. Yep, that's the feller.. I think I'd rather alternate between 
working and playing that controversial Resident Evil 5.

Aubrey Leatherwood
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com
FaceBook * MySpace 
A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0


To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 03:38:44 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Furnace on SciFi Tomorrow

Hey Greyson! Hey Aubrey! Hey Adrianne and Tracey!

You say you're tired of Stephen Baldwin in SciFi movies? Well, tomorrow night, 
you'll get your wish. Presenting, Furnace, a supernatural thriller in which 
inmates in a prison get immolated at the hands of a vengeful spirit.  And for 
your viewing pleasure, instead of Baldwin, you get Once-Upon-A- Time-Held- 
Promise actor Michael Pare in the lead. That ought to please you ladies! And 
helping hold down the fort--or prison--we also get treated to tough guy 
Good-Actor-But- Jacked-Up- Personal- Life Tom Sizemore, whose inclusion in this 
film almost saddens me more than Pare's. So much potential.
Oh--and to really give you enjoyment, rapper Ja Rule's in the cast too! Now 
what more could you ask?
I know all you ladies will be glued to the screen following every move of these 
hearthrobs as they solve the Myster of the Flaming Inmates!

Who needs Stephen Baldwin?

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Rediscover Hotmail®: Now available on your iPhone or BlackBerry Check it out. 


Re: [scifinoir2] Question

2009-04-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Actually, I caught that. The funniest thing to me was how they whined like kids 
all day and of course, wHill wHeaton. :)
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Augustus Augustus jazzynupe_...@yahoo.com
To: Sci Fi scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2009 11:52:10 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Question

hey group, got a question.  did anyone see 'family guy' last sunday?  just got 
around 2 it on my DVR.  the cast of ST:TNG did the voices 2 their characters.  
it's great!  



Re: [scifinoir2] Comedian Colbert's Win of Contest Puts NASA in Bind

2009-03-31 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Colbert strikes again. I love it. He keeps doing things that get him into 
the strangest kind of trouble. From the run for president to the actual hosting 
of dinner with the former president to this. 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 10:38:54 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Comedian Colbert's Win of Contest Puts NASA in Bind

This is a trip! NASA wanted serious suggestions for the module. At first, it 
seemed that fans of Joss Whedon's Firefly were going to get the name 
Serenity attached. Now, Colbert's won, and NASA doesn't know what to do. I 
don't think they want to name it after a (living) comedian. Maybe they have a 
rule against that? There's a joke going 'round now that maybe they'll name the 
latrine the Colbert Closet (my name) or something!    

 * * * 
http://uk.reuters. com/article/ scienceNews/ idUKTRE52T5TN200 90330

NASA in Colbert conundrum over Space Station

By Irene Klotz
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA's outreach to the public to drum up 
interest in the International Space Station started innocently enough with an 
online contest to name the station's new living quarters.
But Stephen Colbert, a comedian who poses as an ultra right-wing news 
commentator on cable television's Comedy Central, nosed into the act with a 
grass-roots appeal that has backed the staid U.S. space agency into a corner.

The comedian's supporters cast 230,539 write-in votes to name the new module at 
the $100-billion space outpost Colbert. The top NASA-suggested name, 
Serenity, finished a distant second, more than 40,000 votes behind.
Contest rules stipulate that the agency retains the right to basically do 
whatever it wants, but it may not be that easy.

Last week, U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah, a Pennsylvania Democrat, called on 
NASA to do the democratic thing and use the name that drew the most votes.

NASA decided to hold an election to name its new room at the International 
Space Station and the clear winner is Stephen Colbert, Fattah said in a 
statement. The people have spoken, and Stephen Colbert won it fair and square 
-- even if his campaign was a bit over the top.
NASA is taking some time to ponder its next move.

We have a plan and we're working with some folks and in a couple of weeks 
you'll know what the answer is, NASA's associate administrator Bill 
Gerstenmaier said.

(Editing by Jim Loney and Vicki Allen)


Re: [scifinoir2] Comedian Colbert's Win of Contest Puts NASA in Bind

2009-03-31 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Ha! I like that one, too!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Daryle Lockhart dar...@darylelockhart.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:22:58 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Comedian Colbert's Win of Contest Puts NASA in Bind

...so my 3 votes for The MF Doom Room never stood a chance.

On Mar 31, 2009, at 8:00 AM, Grayson Reyes-Cole wrote:

Colbert strikes again. I love it. He keeps doing things that get him into 
the strangest kind of trouble. From the run for president to the actual hosting 
of dinner with the former president to this. 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com
Bright Star
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

From: Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 10:38:54 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Comedian Colbert's Win of Contest Puts NASA in Bind

This is a trip! NASA wanted serious suggestions for the module. At first, it 
seemed that fans of Joss Whedon's Firefly were going to get the name 
Serenity attached. Now, Colbert's won, and NASA doesn't know what to do. I 
don't think they want to name it after a (living) comedian. Maybe they have a 
rule against that? There's a joke going 'round now that maybe they'll name the 
latrine the Colbert Closet (my name) or something!

 * * * 
http://uk.reuters. com/article/ scienceNews/ idUKTRE52T5TN200 90330

NASA in Colbert conundrum over Space Station

By Irene Klotz
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA's outreach to the public to drum up 
interest in the International Space Station started innocently enough with an 
online contest to name the station's new living quarters.
But Stephen Colbert, a comedian who poses as an ultra right-wing news 
commentator on cable television's Comedy Central, nosed into the act with a 
grass-roots appeal that has backed the staid U.S. space agency into a corner.

The comedian's supporters cast 230,539 write-in votes to name the new module at 
the $100-billion space outpost Colbert. The top NASA-suggested name, 
Serenity, finished a distant second, more than 40,000 votes behind.
Contest rules stipulate that the agency retains the right to basically do 
whatever it wants, but it may not be that easy.

Last week, U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah, a Pennsylvania Democrat, called on 
NASA to do the democratic thing and use the name that drew the most votes.

NASA decided to hold an election to name its new room at the International 
Space Station and the clear winner is Stephen Colbert, Fattah said in a 
statement. The people have spoken, and Stephen Colbert won it fair and square 
-- even if his campaign was a bit over the top.
NASA is taking some time to ponder its next move.

We have a plan and we're working with some folks and in a couple of weeks 
you'll know what the answer is, NASA's associate administrator Bill 
Gerstenmaier said.

(Editing by Jim Loney and Vicki Allen)


Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes

2009-03-31 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I think this would be the place for a heroes rant :) I'm still watching it. 
Personally I agree with every thing you said except the Sylar bit. Love him. 
Claire makes me want to weep every time she's on screen and Peter/Bizarro Peter 
gets on my nerves as well.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Rouge wlro...@aol.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 6:31:44 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Heroes

I know that I am not keeping with the subject matter of the group. But I was 
wondering are or is anyone still watching Heroes. I am at the point where I am 
fed up with the show and I was wondering if it is just that I am not giving it 
much of a chance. I mean don't get me wrong I get the idea that Sylar is the 
bad guy. I also get the idea that Peter wants to save the world. I also know 
that or understand that Claire wants to do something. But I am so tired of no 
one is able to touch Sylar at all. Is he the only person in that universe that 
is so bad that even he is not scared. If I am wrong please tell me and I will 
give it a shot if not then oh well. I am so sorry that I ranted--please forgive.
People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


Re: [scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again. (and Polar Storm)

2009-03-30 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Keith, great idea. You should write for SciFi. If Junior had done 
a Frankenstein on pacemaker dad, my opinion on this movie would have went up in 
so many ways. So very many. It would have turned this easily forgettable piece 
into something worthy of a cult following!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 9:26:50 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again. (and Polar Storm)

You summed up my experience perfectly. The acting was weak in some areas, such 
as that girl who's sorta-boyfriend gets killed when his car falls into a 
crevice. She's supposed to be in shock, but she just goes Poor Kevin, and 
doesn't really seem all that upset to me. And what about her dad later? Did 
they leave his body on the ground? Couldn't they have used CPR to keep his 
heart going? And given that the scientist's son wiped up that completely 
implausible lightning rod to start the car from an EMP, they might as well gone 
whole hog and had Junior do a Frankenstein on the girl's dad as well!

- Original Message -
From: Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ gmail.com
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 9:06:03 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again. (and Polar Storm)

I watched the movie too--it was like a train wreck, once I started I couldn't 
stop--and I kept thinking the same things you did.

Honestly, it had an interesting premise but the execution could've been better. 
I wanted to yell at the mom and the son for acting like selfish idiots, scream 
at the soldiers for not having better tech, and go WTF at the President for 
acting like he was doing anything other than running a country. Security risk, 
huh? His science advisor was an airhead, too.

Actors were good. In spite of the flaws in the plot and in some of the chars, I 
still got pulled in.

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On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

I agree. I thought the same thing. I kept thinking at first This is a cut 
above the standard SciFi Originals fare. And it was. Jack Coleman's a better 
actor than some of the schlubs they feature (Stephen Baldwin, for example). And 
I noticed the overall cast was a bit better too, their acting a cut above the 
usual porn- or c-movie rejects featured. 
Coleman's wife, even his son--all were decent. So I expected a decent B-movie. 

But ultimately it disappointed, because of the science and overall plotting. 
Coleman tried gamely, but so much was wrong. Some of the things that got me 
which couldn't be ignored:

* A 300-meter wide object hitting Earth caused the mantle to slide 
around the core and the Earth's axis to tilt out of alignment? WTF? No way an 
object that relatively small could cause that. You'd need an object on the 
order of  hundreds of miles wide. The latest scientific thought is the object 
which collided with Earth and caused the Moon to be created was a planet-sized 
body--and it's responsible for the current tilt of our planet's axis.
* The goofy scientist told the Prez the Earth would tilt back to 
normal? Huh? How the heck would that happen?
* The black female scientist was giving some data to Coleman about the 
strength of the radition field over Earth. She started yapping about the number 
of angstroms in the radiation. Wha...? Angstroms is a measurement of 
*length*, not radiation intensity!

* Later, when the EMP's started hitting, the same Sister tells Coleman, 
The EMPs read forty kilohertz!  Forty kilohertz?! , Coleman replies, Oh my 
God!    (Reminded me of the 1.21 gigawatts in Back to The Future). I kept 
wondering, What the f*** does ' 40kilohertz' matter in terms of an EMP? It 
just means it's in the radio wave area--not even up to low level microwaves.  
I think they meant to up that frequency level a bit,  cause even if the EMP was 
distributing communications, their reactions seemed to indicate it was more 
deadly,and that measurement doesn't support it.
* Can you really survive a massive EMP just by turning off electrical 
and electronic

Re: [scifinoir2] Polar Storm and Obama

2009-03-29 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

From: Omari Confer clockwork...@gmail.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 11:42:54 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Polar Storm and Obama

btw..Real or fake.there is only a black president when the world is 

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:19 PM, Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

Well, Aubrey, your Earthstorm Stephen Baldwin vehicle was followed by another 
SciFi Original:  Polar Storm.  Starring the dude who plays the guy with the 
glasses from Heroes, it deals with an asteroid that hit Earth --or came close 
to it--and has knocked Earth off its axis.  Like all movies like this, it has 
cheesy FX (the EMP that fried a dude in a car had me laughing) and is nothing 
to write home about. Standard background stories: kid not getting along with 
his parents, a maverick scientist who has to convince the idiots in Washington 
of the danger, etc.

But as I was about to turn away from it to let my wife watch Young and the 
Restless, my attention was caught by the President. He was black (played by 
First Wave star Roger Cross). Now, in recent times, I'd see a black 
president, say Huh. Never happen, more fictional than the aliens zapping the 
humans, and probably turn the channel unless the movie itself was interesting. 

But now, with a real life man of color in the White House, I have a reality 
basis for which to make a comparison! So now, with a cool, pimp-walking, b-ball 
playing Prez leading us, I can look at Cross' muscular, tough demeanor and say 
that's pretty realistic. Nothing wrong with a black prez looking like an 
athlete.  Now, I can thrill to watching the old white men get yelled at by the 
brother (okay--a little genetically- inbred payback fantasy!) and realize, 
that could happen--hell, Obama's probably cussing out a general even as the 
movie is playing! All of a sudden this fantasy isn't so fantastical. It's 
added a point of reality for me to relate to, and I can critic the Brother's 
performance against that of a real life Obama!   

cwm blog
http://centralheati ngblog.blogspot. com
http://www.stringth eory.mypodcast. com


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again.

2009-03-29 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Glad to have made you smile! :)
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 6:48:22 AM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again.

First Laugh of the Morn Award to the lovely lady!

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again.
Date : Sat, 28 Mar 2009 17:51:52 -0700 (PDT)
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

Did somebody say something about demolitions experts turned into astronauts 
riding a shuttle powered by a nucular (in honor of the former president) pulse? 
oh yeah, baby, I think I just died and went to... oh wait... oh no... I don't 
think I like it here very much. 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

 _ _ __ 
From: Martin Baxter 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:07:35 PM 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again. 

Oh, boy... decisions, decisions in the quest for quality TV. Earthstorm on 
one hand... King Lear on the other... 

Martin (facing a few tough minutes ahead) 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
Subject : [scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again. 
Date : Sat, 28 Mar 2009 19:06:54 -0400 
From : Aubrey Leatherwood 
To : 

Stephen Baldwin just called a black guy homie. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace 

A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0 

 _ _ _ _ _  
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[scifinoir2] Ozymandias???

2009-03-29 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
No, not the Watchmen character. 

Ozymandias, as many of you know, is the title of a poem by Percy Byshhe Shelley 
and it plays a big part in this internal conversation I've been having with 
myself over being a published author. Have any of you authors out there felt 
like you just don't belong? I mean, have you felt like the subjects you're 
tackling or your style of delivery may not be something ever mass consumed, but 
you're writing it anyway?

I've read a number of blogs and posts here and there debating the virtues or 
lack of virtues associated with writing to sell and talking about the 
importance of promotion. This is not one of those. This is a discussion, a 
question, about what you like to write, about whether what you enjoy in its 
empirical form fits in with what you read or it doesn't. It's about being 
remembered... or not. It's about whether you know who Horace Smith is or not.

If any of this applies to you or you'd like to comment on the subject, please 
stop by today's blog at Amused Authors. 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Ozymandias???

2009-03-29 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
LOL! Love you, Martin!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 11:20:01 AM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Ozymandias???

You called?

Seriously, Grayson, I did/didn't know who Smith was until I began reading your 
blog, and it all came flowing back into my brain. And I understand the physical 
effect that the two poems indicate, each in its way.. The best way I can 
explain it is that.

Shelley's Oz did a heckuva lot of damage in his passing. Smith's Oz did MORE, 
only leaving ONE leg sticking up from the sand. His Oz I REALLY wouldn't want 
to meet. (Pardon the shouting, gentles.)

As for what kind of a writer I am, I try to be straightforward, my first-person 
narrator seeing the obstacle ahead and taking it on as best he figures. But the 
nature of my thought processes, as Astro best described it, verge into 
surrealism, a possible result of the years I spent learning French, being 
immersed in the works of! French surrealists almost daily for three years. (As 
a result of that, I can't even put more than five words of the language 
together in my head without a migraine ensuing..) So my work does ultimately 
come out as stream-of-conscious ness.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] Ozymandias?? ?
Date : Sun, 29 Mar 2009 09:08:47 -0700 (PDT)
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
To : the_haunt_at_ p...@yahoogroups. com, lyricalpress@ yahoogroups. com, 
scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

No, not the Watchmen character. 

Ozymandias, as many of you know, is the title of a poem by Percy Byshhe Shelley 
and it plays a big part in this internal conversation I've been having with 
myself over being a published author. Have any of you authors out there felt 
like you just don't belong? I mean, have you felt like the subjects you're 
tackling or your style of delivery may not be something ever mass consumed, but 
you're writing it anyway? 

I've read a number of blogs and posts here and there debating the virtues or 
lack of virtues associated with writing to sell and talking about the 
importance of promotion. This is not one of those. This is a discussion, a 
question, about what you like to write, about whether what you enjoy in its 
empirical form fits in with what you read or it doesn't. It's about being 
remembered.. . or not. It's about whether you know who Horace Smith is or not. 

If any of this applies to you or you'd like to comment on the subject, please 
stop by today's blog at Amused Authors. http://amusedauthor s.wordpress. 
com/2009/ 03/29/do- you-know- who-horace- smith-is/ 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds  


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Ozymandias???

2009-03-29 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
On the subject of stream of consciousness. I wrote a scene in my last novel 
that took place in an isolation tank. I did the whole thing in stream of 
consciousness. When I finished I gasp edited it. I really couldn't seem to 
help myself. I mean I know better, but it was actually impossible for me to 
leave it alone. So, Martin, I applaud you and your ability to do it!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 11:20:01 AM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Ozymandias???

You called?

Seriously, Grayson, I did/didn't know who Smith was until I began reading your 
blog, and it all came flowing back into my brain. And I understand the physical 
effect that the two poems indicate, each in its way. The best way I can explain 
it is that.

Shelley's Oz did a heckuva lot of damage in his passing. Smith's Oz did MORE, 
only leaving ONE leg sticking up from the sand. His Oz I REALLY wouldn't want 
to meet. (Pardon the shouting, gentles.)

As for what kind of a writer I am, I try to be straightforward, my first-person 
narrator seeing the obstacle ahead and taking it on as best he figures. But the 
nature of my thought processes, as Astro best described it, verge into 
surrealism, a possible result of the years I spent learning French, being 
immersed in the works of! French surrealists almost daily for three years. (As 
a result of that, I can't even put more than five words of the language 
together in my head without a migraine ensuing.) So my work does ultimately 
come out as stream-of-conscious ness.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] Ozymandias?? ?
Date : Sun, 29 Mar 2009 09:08:47 -0700 (PDT)
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
To : the_haunt_at_ p...@yahoogroups. com, lyricalpress@ yahoogroups. com, 
scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

No, not the Watchmen character. 

Ozymandias, as many of you know, is the title of a poem by Percy Byshhe Shelley 
and it plays a big part in this internal conversation I've been having with 
myself over being a published author. Have any of you authors out there felt 
like you just don't belong? I mean, have you felt like the subjects you're 
tackling or your style of delivery may not be something ever mass consumed, but 
you're writing it anyway? 

I've read a number of blogs and posts here and there debating the virtues or 
lack of virtues associated with writing to sell and talking about the 
importance of promotion. This is not one of those. This is a discussion, a 
question, about what you like to write, about whether what you enjoy in its 
empirical form fits in with what you read or it doesn't. It's about being 
remembered.. . or not. It's about whether you know who Horace Smith is or not. 

If any of this applies to you or you'd like to comment on the subject, please 
stop by today's blog at Amused Authors. http://amusedauthor s.wordpress. 
com/2009/ 03/29/do- you-know- who-horace- smith-is/ 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds  


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again.

2009-03-28 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Did somebody say something about demolitions experts turned into astronauts 
riding a shuttle powered by a nucular (in honor of the former president) pulse? 
oh yeah, baby, I think I just died and went to... oh wait... oh no... I don't 
think I like it here very much.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:07:35 PM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again.

Oh, boy... decisions, decisions in the quest for quality TV. Earthstorm on 
one hand... King Lear on the other...

Martin (facing a few tough minutes ahead)

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] Earthstorm is on again.
Date : Sat, 28 Mar 2009 19:06:54 -0400
From : Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherwood@ hotmail.com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

Stephen Baldwin just called a black guy homie. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com 
FaceBook * MySpace 

A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex. 
Available March 16, 2009 from Lyrical Press 
The People You Know, The Sex They Have 
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0 

 _ _ _ _ _  
Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. 
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http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds  


[scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is Watchmen?)

2009-03-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I'll confess to being 100% enamored with science concepts but 100% clumsy with 
understanding their application. When I was very little, six or seven, I was 
obsessed with knowing how TV worked. My mother (who didn't seem to realize 
there were channels besides PBS) took me down to the public library where she 
found a children's book written about TV. We read it together and I was awed. 
But I was also unhappy. i still didn't know how it worked. I couldn't go out 
and build a TV based on the concepts I learned in the book.

That's the story of my life with science. I've always been successful with the 
whys but never the hows. It's sad. Really. Feel bad for me. :-D 

So, because of my personal battle with science, I didn't set out to write a 
book with any science in it whatsoever, but that's what I ended up with. It 
was right for the book and right for what I wanted to create. So, because the 
science is there (actual science), I pressed my disclaimer that Bright Star was 
dark fantasy nearing horror, not to be read as science fiction. Which is trying 
to manipulate the system--I know--but never fear, it didn't work.

Reviews came in and that's what reviewers called it, Science Fiction... 
reviewers who are *also* not physicians (lol... why do I have to call them 
physicists?) . So, I feared *real* scientists getting a hold of my book and 
tearing it apart. But now, not so much. I am unlike Warner Brothers in that I 
don't have the wherewithall to retain the world's leader in superhero physics, 
and I'm not nearly known enough to spark intense forum debate, lol. I'm just 
happy to hold my little book in hand and be proud of what it is whether the 
science is spot on or not.

Now... I have also been told my attitude is an immense cop out. :) Don't get me 
wrong, I commend an author who goes out and gets a degree or certification in a 
subject in order to write about it. That level of authenticity can't be beat. 
But, in the end, my story isn't about science, it's about three messed up 
people. Or two messed up people and a third normal person who they subsequently 
mess up. I'm hoping that means I'm safe from the ghost of Newton.
So here's my question Did you question the flux capacitor? When Dr. Emmitt 
Brown decided to install one in a Delorean and power it with Plutonium did you 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” .. Read the full review at 

From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 12:26:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] How Scientifically Accurate Is Watchmen?

How Scientifically Accurate Is Watchmen?
A science consultant to the film explains some of its mysteries
By Katherine Harmon 
The anticipated film Watchmen, based on the 1980s DC Comics 12-part comic book 
series (later adapted as a graphic novel), hits theaters tomorrow. Die-hard 
fans of the original publication may fret over its faithfulness to the series, 
but studio execs also worried about their movie's faithfulness to science. To 
set their minds at ease, they placed a call to Jim Kakalios, a physics 
professor at the University of Minnesota. 



Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is Watchmen?)

2009-03-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
That is awesome, Martin. You know, I never cared about the Flux Capacitor, 
because I think I came in with a that's impossible anyway feeling. BUT There 
are many times when I *have* cared about the science. Some of my favorite 
movies, (Gattaca, Strange Days, 12 Monkeys) still puzzle me and I feel the same 
frustration you do when I don't get more detail. But, I always worry 
that--because it's fiction--I'll get disappointed the further they go. At some 
point they'll have to submit to reality or either leave fiction alone and go 
benefit mankind in a much more direct fashion... Does that make any sense?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 10:38:57 AM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate 
is Watchmen?)

Grayson, yes, I did care about how the flux capacitor worked. I bought the 
first Star Trek Technical Manual after my best friend in HS showed me his copy. 
To this day, I try to puzzle out how the FTL drive on Battlestar Galactica 
works, and fume because they won't go into it in greater detail.

Right now, I'm writing three major stories, one fantasy, one steampunk and one 
hard-SF. That one has so nuch tech stuff crammed into it that I have to 
appendix the scientific journals I read to obtain the ideas. 

The best definition of SF I've ever come across is that it's not all about 
zooming spaceships and laser blasters, but about scientific *ideas* and their 
impact on people.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is 
Date : Sun, 8 Mar 2009 07:37:13 -0700 (PDT)
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

I'll confess to being 100% enamored with science concepts but 100% clumsy with 
understanding their application. When I was very little, six or seven, I was 
obsessed with knowing how TV worked. My mother (who didn't seem to realize 
there were channels besides PBS) took me down to the public library where she 
found a children's book written about TV. We read it together and I was awed. 
But I was also unhappy. i still didn't know how it worked. I couldn't go out 
and build a TV based on the concepts I learned in the book. 

That's the story of my life with science. I've always been successful with the 
whys but never the hows. It's sad. Really. Feel bad for me. :-D 

So, because of my personal battle with science, I didn't set out to write a 
book with any science in it whatsoever, but that's what I ended up with. It 
was right for the book and right for what I wanted to create. So, because the 
science is there (actual science), I pressed my disclaimer that Bright Star was 
dark fantasy nearing horror, not to be read as science fiction. Which is trying 
to manipulate the system--I know--but never fear, it didn't work. 

Reviews came in and that's what reviewers called it, Science Fiction... 
reviewers who are *also* not physicians (lol... why do I have to call them 
physicists?) . So, I feared *real* scientists getting a hold of my book and 
tearing it apart. But now, not so much. I am unlike Warner Brothers in that I 
don't have the wherewithall to retain the world's leader in superhero physics, 
and I'm not nearly known enough to spark intense forum debate, lol. I'm just 
happy to hold my little book in hand and be proud of what it is whether the 
science is spot on or not. 

Now... I have also been told my attitude is an immense cop out. :) Don't get me 
wrong, I commend an author who goes out and gets a degree or certification in a 
subject in order to write about it. That level of authenticity can't be beat. 
But, in the end, my story isn't about science, it's about three messed up 
people. Or two messed up people and a third normal person who they subsequently 
mess up. I'm hoping that means I'm safe from the ghost of Newton. 
So here's my question Did you question the flux capacitor? When Dr. Emmitt 
Brown decided to install one in a Delorean and power it with Plutonium did you 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” .. Read the full

Re: [scifinoir2] Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints

2009-03-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Hear Hear, Keith!
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:39:22 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints

The problem nowadays is that everything is too micro-analyzed and watched. 
Whether it's Obama's performance, TV series, or movies, they are monitored on a 
minute-by-minute, second-by-second basis. A sixty-plus million dollar haul is 
great for a nearly three-hour, R-rated movie based on a comic that most 
people outside the fanbase never heard of. And even among comic fans, the 
majority have never read Watchmen. So, while the hype might have been way up 
there, i personally try to avoid it. I think it's doing well, it will do fairly 
well the next few weeks, even if box office drops greatly. It'll do well in 
countries like Britian where they appreciate a little more intelligent fare, 
and then it'll have great legs on DVD.

But people calling this a failure? Well, that's the problem with Hollywood 
nowadays. Nothing gets a chance to prove itself in the long haul.

- Original Message -
From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Cinque3000 cinque3...@verizon. net
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 2:21:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints

Watchmen's First Day... Disappoints
By Graeme McMillan, 9:00 AM on Sat Mar 7 2009, 15,320 views 
Well, this wasn't what we expected. According to initial estimations, Watchmen 
made less money in its first day than Zack Snyder's 300, despite playing in 
more theaters. Has the backlash happened early?
According to Exhibitor Relations, Watchmen made $25.1 million yesterday, 
including the $4.6 million from the Thursday night screenings, from 3,611 
theaters; 300's first day gross was $28.1 million from 3,103 theaters. The box 
office tracking site now projects an opening weekend gross for Snyder's latest 
movie of around $60 million, which is below 300's $70.8 million... as well as, 
worryingly for Warners, Ice Age 2, the movie to hold the March opening weekend 
record prior to the swords and Spartans flick. Deadline Hollywood's Nikki Finke 
agrees, saying that [i]t's now certain that $70M, even if Thursday's 1,600 
midnight shows are included in the total, is impossible, and quoting an 
unnamed marketing guru warning that things could get worse:
They will get a lot of initial interest because it's an event movie in March — 
and then the bottom falls out. Whether Warner Bros can broaden the campaign to 
sustain interest in Watchmen is what movie analysts will be watching after this 
While there's no doubting that Watchmen's opening weekend will be huge - at $60 
million, it'll still be the third largest March opening ever - it's far below 
what now look, in hindsight, like unrealistic expectations; even yesterday, 
after all, we were being told that advance tickets were outselling 300 and that 
that a $70 million weekend was the target (although /Film pretty much hit the 
target with their estimate of $63 million in the first weekend). Now, because 
of such excitement - and because 300 was being set up as the movie to compare 
this to, Watchmen's big weekend looks somewhat less impressive. But who knows? 
Maybe word of mouth will boost the movie's Saturday and Sunday.
Watchmen Scores $25.1 Mil Friday [Exhibitor Relations]


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is Watchmen?)

2009-03-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Ahh yes! Very true! But did Arthur C. Clarke explain how it worked? Actually, I 
have no idea whether he did or didn't... so please let me know. Did he?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 3:27:25 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically 
Accurate is Watchmen?)

It does, Grayson.

And, as for impossible , science fiction has made the impossible possible in 
many an instance. One I can name now - no one can copyright the satellite, 
because Sir Arthur C Clarke wrote a story about them years before anyone even 
*considered* lofting anything into orbit.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically 
Accurate is Watchmen?)
Date : Sun, 8 Mar 2009 09:06:08 -0700 (PDT)
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

That is awesome, Martin. You know, I never cared about the Flux Capacitor, 
because I think I came in with a that's impossible anyway feeling. BUT There 
are many times when I *have* cared about the science. Some of my favorite 
movies, (Gattaca, Strange Days, 12 Monkeys) still puzzle me and I feel the same 
frustration you do when I don't get more detail. But, I always worry 
that--because it's fiction--I'll get disappointed the further they go. At some 
point they'll have to submit to reality or either leave fiction alone and go 
benefit mankind in a much more direct fashion... Does that make any sense? 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

 _ _ __ 
From: Martin Baxter 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 10:38:57 AM 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate 
is Watchmen?) 

Grayson, yes, I did care about how the flux capacitor worked. I bought the 
first Star Trek Technical Manual after my best friend in HS showed me his copy. 
To this day, I try to puzzle out how the FTL drive on Battlestar Galactica 
works, and fume because they won't go into it in greater detail. 

Right now, I'm writing three major stories, one fantasy, one steampunk and one 
hard-SF. That one has so nuch tech stuff crammed into it that I have to 
appendix the scientific journals I read to obtain the ideas. 

The best definition of SF I've ever come across is that it's not all about 
zooming spaceships and laser blasters, but about scientific *ideas* and their 
impact on people.. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
Subject : [scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is 
Date : Sun, 8 Mar 2009 07:37:13 -0700 (PDT) 
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole 
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 

I'll confess to being 100% enamored with science concepts but 100% clumsy with 
understanding their application. When I was very little, six or seven, I was 
obsessed with knowing how TV worked. My mother (who didn't seem to realize 
there were channels besides PBS) took me down to the public library where she 
found a children's book written about TV. We read it together and I was awed. 
But I was also unhappy. i still didn't know how it worked. I couldn't go out 
and build a TV based on the concepts I learned in the book. 

That's the story of my life with science. I've always been successful with the 
whys but never the hows. It's sad. Really. Feel bad for me. :-D 

So, because of my personal battle with science, I didn't set out to write a 
book with any science in it whatsoever, but that's what I ended up with. It 
was right for the book and right for what I wanted to create. So, because the 
science is there (actual science), I pressed my disclaimer that Bright Star was 
dark fantasy nearing horror, not to be read as science fiction. Which is trying 
to manipulate the system--I know--but never fear, it didn't work. 

Reviews came in and that's what reviewers called it, Science Fiction... 
reviewers who are *also* not physicians (lol... why do I have to call them 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is Watchmen?)

2009-03-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
hey martin, hope you don't mind... but i used this business as blog-fodder 
today, i reference your frustration with not getting into the nuts and 
bolts but don't name names :) Then someone quoted Einstein on knowledge versus 
imagination... I hadn't heard the quote but that's because I apparently live 
under a rock. http//amusedauthors.wordpress.com
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 3:27:25 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically 
Accurate is Watchmen?)

It does, Grayson.

And, as for impossible , science fiction has made the impossible possible in 
many an instance. One I can name now - no one can copyright the satellite, 
because Sir Arthur C Clarke wrote a story about them years before anyone even 
*considered* lofting anything into orbit.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically 
Accurate is Watchmen?)
Date : Sun, 8 Mar 2009 09:06:08 -0700 (PDT)
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

That is awesome, Martin. You know, I never cared about the Flux Capacitor, 
because I think I came in with a that's impossible anyway feeling. BUT There 
are many times when I *have* cared about the science. Some of my favorite 
movies, (Gattaca, Strange Days, 12 Monkeys) still puzzle me and I feel the same 
frustration you do when I don't get more detail. But, I always worry 
that--because it's fiction--I'll get disappointed the further they go. At some 
point they'll have to submit to reality or either leave fiction alone and go 
benefit mankind in a much more direct fashion... Does that make any sense? 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
In Print April 6, 2009 

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

 _ _ __ 
From: Martin Baxter 
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 10:38:57 AM 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate 
is Watchmen?) 

Grayson, yes, I did care about how the flux capacitor worked. I bought the 
first Star Trek Technical Manual after my best friend in HS showed me his copy. 
To this day, I try to puzzle out how the FTL drive on Battlestar Galactica 
works, and fume because they won't go into it in greater detail. 

Right now, I'm writing three major stories, one fantasy, one steampunk and one 
hard-SF. That one has so nuch tech stuff crammed into it that I have to 
appendix the scientific journals I read to obtain the ideas. 

The best definition of SF I've ever come across is that it's not all about 
zooming spaceships and laser blasters, but about scientific *ideas* and their 
impact on people. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
Subject : [scifinoir2] The Flux Capacitor (was How Scientifically Accurate is 
Date : Sun, 8 Mar 2009 07:37:13 -0700 (PDT) 
From : Grayson Reyes-Cole 
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com 

I'll confess to being 100% enamored with science concepts but 100% clumsy with 
understanding their application. When I was very little, six or seven, I was 
obsessed with knowing how TV worked. My mother (who didn't seem to realize 
there were channels besides PBS) took me down to the public library where she 
found a children's book written about TV. We read it together and I was awed. 
But I was also unhappy. i still didn't know how it worked. I couldn't go out 
and build a TV based on the concepts I learned in the book. 

That's the story of my life with science. I've always been successful with the 
whys but never the hows. It's sad. Really. Feel bad for me. :-D 

So, because of my personal battle with science, I didn't set out to write a 
book with any science in it whatsoever, but that's what I ended up with. It 
was right for the book and right for what I wanted to create. So, because the 
science is there (actual science), I pressed my disclaimer that Bright Star was 
dark fantasy nearing horror, not to be read as science fiction. Which is trying 
to manipulate the system--I know

Re: [scifinoir2] Lost episode

2009-02-25 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I normally do but confess I'm not watching it tonight. As usual, I didn't watch 
the real episode either but it's there when I need it. :)
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: ravenadal ravena...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:36:05 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Lost episode

Anybody watching the pop-up video episode of Lost tonight? I am 
recording it as I watch it so I can read it later. 



Re: [scifinoir2] Is Lost found?

2009-02-22 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I'm watching... And, well, not to sound like a negative nelly, cause really I'm 
not... I don't agree that the series has redeemed itself. I'm still watching 
though only when I get around to clumps of episodes on DVR. 

So far this season, if you haven't been watching, there have been a lot of 
flashes of light and a lot of nose bleeds. That's about it. And those two 
things are the hallmark of what I am calling: The Time Travel Trident (and I 
don't mean the kind Poseidon carries) . Seriously, the time travel device in 
this series has been like taking a Sam's Club sized pack of Trident and chewing 
like mad to plug holes in the hull of an aesthetically pleasing, wonderfully 
innovative, but disastrously engineered ship. I'd like it to succeed but don't 
really see how it can.

Spoiler alert... I guess?

Now, I haven't seen the show where they actually get back on to the island yet. 
I'm going to do that this evening between watching basketball and *not* 
watching the Academy Awards. But, I've heard it was great. My bff said she has 
been on the edge of her seat all season and that show was epic. We've been 
known once or twice to disagree on these things. 

Someone charged that what's wrong with this season is that there has been 
little action because, finally, many questions are being answered. I stick some 
well chewed Trident to that opinion. My questions haven't been answered, but 
that could be because I've held on to those raised in the first couple of 
seasons. I have not been distracted by the bright shiny light in the sky and 
luckily have not succumbed to a bitch of a nosebleed. We did see Danielle 
Rousseaux show up on the island pregnant with her Bande des Frères. A bunch of 
the fellows fall in a hole and come out differnt (not misspelled, I'm from 
Alabama, that's how we say it). She shoots them and before our eyes, or rather 
I should say Voilà! We get a glimpse of the crazy she becomes later. The only 
mission she gets before everyone is dead, by the way, is to get to the radio 
tower to call for help. Convenient, but not an explanation. We already knew she 
came with a team. We already
 knew she was pregnant. We already knew she believed her team to have been 
infected with a disease. So what did I gain from that story line? Zip. I'm 
still confused about the survival/purpose of her kid, ya know the one that got 
the axe in front of Ben last year... or was it the year before... It occurs to 
me that I've spent too much time on this Lost silliness... Damn, somebody get 
me a beer...

Or, better yet, somebody tell me why you think this season is great. I long to 
feel differently because despite me thinking that the writers of Lost are like 
the bank's in October (they got a big stimulus package but instead of offering 
any help and forging forward to build, they decided to do housekeeping, balance 
their books, only to demand more resources and patience later), I'm still 
watching the show.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: ravenadal ravena...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:16:49 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Is Lost found?

I hear Lost is good again. Anybody watching?

(EW Subscriber: It is better to have loved Lost and lost than to
have never loved Lost at all.).



Re: [scifinoir2] The Death of Ghost Whisperer

2009-02-22 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Why, Rave? Why?
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: ravenadal ravena...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:24:41 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] The Death of Ghost Whisperer

http://ghostwhisper eroncbs.wetpaint .com/thread/ 2132621/The+ Death+of+ 
Ghost+Whisperer? t=anon

Fans of the Jennifer Love Hewitt drama were left heartbroken last
season when an accidental shooting left the psychic's husband, Jim
(David Conrad), in a coma in hospital. Hewitt's character woke up at
his bedside to see her husband apparently awake and well, only to
discover that she was speaking to his ghost. Yes, Jim had died and
Ghost Whisperer fans are livid.

Then they discovered Jim wasn't dead. Well, he was, but his spirit
was still alive and living in another body! And Hewitt's character is
the only one who can see him (good news for David Conrad who suddenly
has something to do)! Complication: he doesn't remember her or their
marriage! Payoff: fans get to see them fall in love all over again!



Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Lost found?

2009-02-22 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Martin... charging is cruel.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:36:35 AM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Lost found?

The question posed - Is 'Lost' found?

The answer, to paraphrase Soul Brother #1, It's LOST... in the wilderness.. .

Martin (bad quips can be avoided with a generous donation to the Martin Baxter 
Comic Book Fund)

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] Is Lost found?
Date : Sun, 22 Feb 2009 15:16:49 -
From : ravenadal ravena...@yahoo. com
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

I hear Lost is good again. Anybody watching? 

(EW Subscriber: It is better to have loved Lost and lost than to 
have never loved Lost at all.). 


http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds  


[scifinoir2] These aren't the droids we're looking for

2009-02-13 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Keith, Oh Keith. Thank you for thinking of me at such an exciting time, 
however, I think... perhaps... that you've been misled. See... gosh, how can I 
put this? I *don't* enjoy the actings chops (are they chops?) of Mr. Stephen 
Baldwin. I can see why you may have had the impression that I did, but-- though 
it pains me to say it--you've got it all wrong. I don't. I don't enjoy the 
acting chops of the Lesser Baldwin.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.net
To: scifino...@yahoogroups..com
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:05:09 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Urgent Programming Note for Grayson!

Hey all--and especially Grayson--just figured I'd let you know there's a great 
movie showing right now on SciFi. Called Earthstorm , it promises to be an 
exciting, edge-of-your- seat thriller. It deals with an apocalyptic event that 
I'm sure we all worry about: an asteroid crashes into Luna, unleashing cosmic 
chaos of debris raining down on Earth. In order to save the hapless peoples of 
Earth, a demolitions expert is called in to save the day.

Earthstorm stars grade A star Dirk Battlestar Galactica/ A-Team Benedict, 
and--most importantly- - Grayson's secret crush--Stephen Baldwin!


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: These aren't the droids we're looking for

2009-02-13 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
somehow, it think what they consider the evils of hollywood and what i consider 
the evils of hollywood may not completely match up...
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: B. Smith daikaij...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 8:57:46 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: These aren't the droids we're looking for

I find it hilarious that the lesser Baldwin and Dirk Benedict are 
both card carrying Conservative Christian Neocons who take every 
chance they get to bash the evils of Hollywood. 

--- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
grayson..reyescole@ ... wrote:

 Keith, Oh Keith. Thank you for thinking of me at such an exciting 
time, however, I think... perhaps... that you've been misled. 
See... gosh, how can I put this? I *don't* enjoy the actings chops 
(are they chops?) of Mr. Stephen Baldwin. I can see why you may have 
had the impression that I did, but-- though it pains me to say it--
you've got it all wrong. I don't. I don't enjoy the acting chops of 
the Lesser Baldwin.
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
 In Print April 6, 2009
 Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly 
imaginative and original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern 
fantasy, and science fiction will enjoy Bright Star . Read the full 
review at 
 http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php?
main_page=product_ infoproducts_ id=608
  _ _ __
 From: Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@ ...
 To: scifino...@. ..
 Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:05:09 PM
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Urgent Programming Note for Grayson!
 Hey all--and especially Grayson--just figured I'd let you know 
there's a great movie showing right now on SciFi. 
Called Earthstorm , it promises to be an exciting, edge-of-your- 
seat thriller. It deals with an apocalyptic event that I'm sure we 
all worry about: an asteroid crashes into Luna, unleashing cosmic 
chaos of debris raining down on Earth. In order to save the hapless 
peoples of Earth, a demolitions expert is called in to save the day.
 Earthstorm stars grade A star Dirk Battlestar Galactica/ A-
Team Benedict, and--most importantly- - Grayson's secret crush--
Stephen Baldwin!


Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse Preview

2009-01-28 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Consider it destroyed. Jeez. I just saw this commercial and already I am 
planning to euthenize myself (shut up Aub :-D ). There's this one scene that 
lasts less than to seconds of her in some sort of uniform, flying a helicopter 
with her hair up and glasses on. All I could think was that someone went 
low-rent on the Wonder Woman homage. I shudder... then I weep.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009

Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

From: Daryle Lockhart dar...@darylelockhart.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4:46:54 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse Preview

Fox will destroy this, too, and it will then be an online series. 

On Jan 28, 2009, at 5:13 PM, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:

Looks like...

 -- Original message  - -
From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ lycos.com
 By this, Keith, am I to presume that the show *will* actually make it to TV, 
 not direct-to-DVD as I think?
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse Preview
 Date : Wed, 28 Jan 2009 05:18:59 +
 From : KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
 To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
 I saw a commercial for it while watching Fringe. It was so quick and 
 so--typical. Had I not already known the plot, i don't think the commercial 
 would have revealed it, or interested me that much. I also didn't get why in 
 last shot of the commercial, Elisha Dushku is posing lying in what almost 
 like a cheesecake shot. What does that have to do with the show?
  -- Original message  - -
 From: Mike Street 
  Here is a preview of Weldon's Dollhouse. Looks interesting. ..might
  give it a try when it airs. Cast is a bit to young looking for my
  taste though
  http://www.fox. com/programming/ shows/new/ dollhouse_ video.htm
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ lycos.com
Date: January 28, 2009 3:39:37 PM EST
To: scifino...@yahoogro ups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse Preview

By this, Keith, am I to presume that the show *will* actually make it to TV, 
and not direct-to-DVD as I think?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse Preview
Date : Wed, 28 Jan 2009 05:18:59 +
From : KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
To : scifino...@yahoogro ups.com

I saw a commercial for it while watching Fringe. It was so quick and 
so--typical. Had I not already known the plot, i don't think the commercial 
would have revealed it, or interested me that much. I also didn't get why in 
the last shot of the commercial, Elisha Dushku is posing lying in what almost 
looks like a cheesecake shot. What does that have to do with the show? 

 -- Original message  - - 
From: Mike Street 
 Here is a preview of Weldon's Dollhouse. Looks interesting. ..might 
 give it a try when it airs. Cast is a bit to young looking for my 
 taste though 
 http://www..fox. com/programming/ shows/new/ dollhouse_ video.htm 

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds  



[scifinoir2] Foreigners vs Locals (was that thread about Mickey Rourke)

2009-01-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
You know, Keith, I'm having the reverse issue that you speak of:

We think much alike in that star casting thing. I don't know that I'd cast 
Rourke as a Russian, though. I have issues with the frequent casting of 
Americans in foreign roles, when surely there are good foreign-born actors who 
don't have to fake the accent.

There are so many non-American actors playing Americans in movies, and 
especially on TV, of late that I'm beginning to wonder. Someone made the 
argument that if you're US-born, your career should be made by your thirties, 
so if we want fresh actors (not those tainted by disney, paris hilton, strange 
baby names, or weird healthfood or interplanetary religious trends) we have to 
go abroad. Bull Hockey! I say... even if I do like Hugh Laurie (loved him in 
blackadder) and that guy from Life.
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009


Re: [scifinoir2] The Lit-SF Debate Has Become A Trope In Its Own Right

2008-12-19 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
These were definitely interesting reads. Thank you for sharing them, Tracey.. 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Thu, 12/18/08, Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com 

From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] The Lit-SF Debate Has Become A Trope In Its Own Right
To: scifinoir_...@yahoogroups.com, scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Cc: scifinoir-...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 10:22 PM

The Lit-SF Debate Has Become A Trope In Its Own Right
By Charlie Jane Anders, 1:00 PM on Thu Dec 18 2008, 309 views 
Yet another literary boffin has said science fiction novels can't be literary, 
and it's (not surprisingly) sparked some controversy. Benjamin Kunkel in 
Dissent Magazine wrote a long exegesis on the difference between SF and 
literature — in a nutshell, literature has more complex characters and trickier 
dilemmas about the place of the individual in society. Henry Farrell at Crooked 
Timber took issue with Kunkel's analysis. I had a sense that Farrell was 
oversimplifying Kunkel's argument, and that Kunkel was actually making some 
valid points mixed in with his ill-supported generalizations. 
I was struggling with how to say that in a blog post, but luckily, Cheryl 
Morgan did it for me. Her thoughtful response to Kunkel's argument is well 
worth reading for its own sake, as she dissects the difference between genres 
and tropes. (Like, it's actually possible to write a novel about clones without 
doing the usual Are clones human? thing.) In a weird sense, the debate over 
literary fiction vs. SF has in itself become ridden with tropes, and Morgan 
does a good job of cutting through them.


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: So... I watched Cha$e

2008-12-15 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Mon, 12/15/08, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com wrote:

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker...@lycos.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: So... I watched Cha$e
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 9:48 PM

I can see it more as a Spike show, as they do so many video game-related stuff.
(Not that I've watched, mind you. I still have my self-respect.)

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re: So... I watched Cha$e
 Date : Mon, 15 Dec 2008 18:56:53 +
 From : keithbjohn...@comcast.net
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

yeah, but it doesn't belong on a station supposedly dedicated to scifi...

-- Original message -- 
From: jgjcl2k1  
That's funny. I found chase entertaianing. Much better than any 
reality show I've watched before. It's just entertainment and as such 
does a good job. I wouldn't mind trying out for the game.

cocineroloco2000In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Aubrey Leatherwood 

 Why? Because I was working last night and didn't have the energy to 
change the channel. OK so the show is a lame. You guys knew this and 
you warned me and I appreciate it. But, being the gamer that I am, I 
have to say that even though I have no desire to watch it, I'd love 
to actually play it. I also see how they tried to make it relevant to 
Sci-Fi and failed miserably.
 On another note, thanks for the warm words Rave, stay away from 
Grayson's pack of OCs, I hear they give men breasts, or maybe that's 
urban legend.
 Also, after Cha$e went off, an animated feature named Dead Space: 
Downfall came on. I DVRd it but haven't watched it yet, anyone see it?
Aubrey Leatherwoodwww.aubreyleatherwood.comFaceBook * MySpaceThe 
People You Know, The Sex They HaveISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0Lyrical 
Press. IncRomantic Time Magazine gives The People You Know; The Sex 
They 4.5 stars and had this to say: The stories in this entertaining 
collection are crisply written, and the author doesn't waste time or 
words getting to the point. Despite their brevity, these sex-filled 
tales will make readers care about the characters. Most 
interestingly, even though there's no dialogue, the communication 
between the principals is quite clear -- a remarkable feat on the 
author's part. 
 You live life online. So we put Windows on the web. 




Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Is Dollhouse Doomed? 7 Trouble Signs

2008-12-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I enjoyed the movie welcome to the dollhouse... but i can assure i wouldn't 
want to see it weekend and weekend out... i like me some random messed up 
independent films. for what it's--not like i'm tellling you something you don't 
already know--dollhouse, no matter how doomed it is, is not going to be like 
that movie :D so be easy... lol

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Tue, 12/9/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Is Dollhouse Doomed? 7 Trouble Signs
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 3:35 PM

For me the problem has always been the title. Every time I see 
Dollhouse I think of Todd Solondz's Welcome to the Dollhouse, 
which, while critically acclaimed, is artsy-fartsy, more than a little 
bit precious, and nothing I want to see week in and week out. In 
fact, my interest in Dollhouse wasn't peeked until I saw a still 
picture of Dushku (bless you!) looking hot in her Dollhouse costume 
in a recent issue of Entertainment Weekly. The astro-cowgirl chic - 
think Gina Torres in Firefly - gets to me. It's just the way I'm 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 Is Dollhouse Doomed? 7 Trouble Signs
 Rejoicing ensued when word came that Joss Whedon--creator of the 
 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly--was returning to network TV 
with Fox's
 upcoming SF series Dollhouse, starring Buffy/Angel alumna Eliza 
 But that was months ago. And in the wake of news about the show's 
 development process, the buzz may be turning ugly. 
 This may sound ridiculously nerdy, but I'm kinda scared to get all
 emotionally invested with another of Whedon's shows after the 
 of Firefly, one person posted on YouTube.com after Dollhouse's 
 debuted there. 
 We are all big supporters of Whedon, too, but we have to worry 
 just like these others: 
 In Joss we trust, but not Fox. Should we start the 'Save Dollhouse'
 petitions now? :0) 
 So true. Let's hope Fox doesn't mess this up!! There is a space on 
 market for a show like this. Alias, Dark Angel, BTVS, Bionic Woman 
 gone. My fingers are well and truly crossed. 
 One of the most anticipated shows of the season, Dollhouse has had 
one of
 the most troubled preproduction journeys of any show in recent 
 Dollhouse follows a group of mind-wiped secret agents who have 
 personalities and skills implanted in their brains for each mission. 
 plays Echo, one of the dolls who is starting to become self-aware. 
 by premise alone, the show should be Whedon gold. But the devil is 
in the
 details. Here are seven reasons to worry. 
 This story continue below the video window. 
http://link. brightcove. com/services/ link/bcpid154514 8137/bctid190252 03
 1. Pilot issues. Whedon filmed the pilot episode, Echo. Then it 
 announced that Echo would now be the second episode, and a new 
 episode was being shot. Then the pilot was thrown out completely. 
This is
 disturbingly similar to what happened on Firefly, Whedon's last 
 show, which Fox canceled abruptly in the middle of its first season. 
In the
 case of Firefly, the original two-hour pilot was bumped to later in 
 show, and a new one-hour segment was shot to introduce viewers to 
 complicated 'verse of the series. In the case of Dollhouse, Fox 
suits were
 reportedly concerned that the original pilot was too hard to follow. 
 it became clear what paradigm the network was shooting for, it just 
 fit at all, even after I'd reshot more than half of it, Whedon 
posted on
 the site Whedonesque. com. How do you not know what the network is 
 for? Didn't they tell you? 
 This story continues below the image. 
 Stars Tahmoh Penikett (left) and Eliza Dushku (right) with creator 
 2. Work stoppage. Production was actually halted. Twice. Once for 
 issues on the fourth episode, and once for the sixth and seventh. 
 said in a blog, To get a sense of how completely turned around I 
was during
 this process, you should know there was a scene with Eliza and the
 astonishing Ashley Johnson that I wrote and shot completely 
 three different times, with different characters in different places
 (actually I wrote it closer to eight times), and none of it will 
ever see
 air. Really? The creator of the show had to reshoot something

Re: [scifinoir2] On the Telly Today...

2008-12-07 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I am on the Librarian block. I love that series. It's fun in a 
broader-span-of-history-national-treasure-y-kinda-way plus there is the added 
bonus that my favorite comedian Bob Newhart is in it. I love Bob Newhart.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Sun, 12/7/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [scifinoir2] On the Telly Today...
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 8:43 PM

For those not enthralled by football or crazy pursuits like reading or writing, 
there's some decent TV on today as a distraction.
First, the much-maligned SciFi channel is showing the miniseries Tin Man 
right now. I haven't seen it yet (on tape), but most of you gave it good 
reviews. That will be followed by Terry Gilliam's The Brothers Grimm, which 
I've never seen (is it any good?), and then capping off the evening is Tristan 
and Isolde, for those who need a fix of James Franco in a romantic fantasy.
Over on FX, the eleventy millionth showing of Batman Begins is currently on 
(and yeah, i find myself watching again). That's followed by the lesser film 
X-Men: The Last Stand, and then a much lesser film--The Punisher, the 
unintentional comedy with Thomas Jane and John Travolta. That last can be 
watched for a few laughs and groans if you're bored.
Finally, TNT has a good block. At 4 pm EST, they're showing the first of  three 
movies about The Librarian : a nerdy young man (Noah Wylie) who gets a job as 
a librarian, only to discover the place holds more ancient and mythical 
treasures than King Solomon's Mines (which is the title of one of the movies, 
by the way).  The third movie is new. I've thoroughly enjoyed the Librarian 
films as silly throwaway fare that's good for a laugh, with their unlikely 
adventures for Wylie around the world. Wylie and Bob Newhart are perfect for 
their roles. The Librarian films are followed by the debut of Leverage, a new 
series starring Tim Hutton about a modern-group of Robin Hoods who scam the 
rich and greedy. Although the premise is different, Leverage puts me in mind 
of the British series Hustle, which aired on AE. Miss that show, hope 
Leverage is worth a watch... 


Re: [scifinoir2] On the Telly Today...

2008-12-07 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
That's great, Keith!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] On the Telly Today...
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 12:01 AM

Yeah, Newhart is a great comedian. I've enjoyed him for years. Indeed, when I 
moved to the Chicago area after college, the third thing I made a beeline for 
in the city was those two round towers showed in the opening credits of The 
Newhart Show. The first was the Sears Tower; the second was Cabrini Green, the 
housing project featured in the Good Times opening trailer. (I always like to 
acquaint myself with all sides of a city).
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com 

I am on the Librarian block. I love that series. It's fun in a broader-span- 
of-history- national- treasure- y-kinda-way plus there is the added bonus that 
my favorite comedian Bob Newhart is in it. I love Bob Newhart.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

--- On Sun, 12/7/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Subject: [scifinoir2] On the Telly Today...
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 8:43 PM

For those not enthralled by football or crazy pursuits like reading or writing, 
there's some decent TV on today as a distraction.
First, the much-maligned SciFi channel is showing the miniseries Tin Man 
right now. I haven't seen it yet (on tape), but most of you gave it good 
reviews. That will be followed by Terry Gilliam's The Brothers Grimm, which 
I've never seen (is it any good?), and then capping off the evening is Tristan 
and Isolde, for those who need a fix of James Franco in a romantic fantasy.
Over on FX, the eleventy millionth showing of Batman Begins is currently on 
(and yeah, i find myself watching again). That's followed by the lesser film 
X-Men: The Last Stand, and then a much lesser film--The Punisher, the 
unintentional comedy with Thomas Jane and John Travolta. That last can be 
watched for a few laughs and groans if you're bored.
Finally, TNT has a good block. At 4 pm EST, they're showing the first of  three 
movies about The Librarian : a nerdy young man (Noah Wylie) who gets a job as 
a librarian, only to discover the place holds more ancient and mythical 
treasures than King Solomon's Mines (which is the title of one of the movies, 
by the way).  The third movie is new. I've thoroughly enjoyed the Librarian 
films as silly throwaway fare that's good for a laugh, with their unlikely 
adventures for Wylie around the world. Wylie and Bob Newhart are perfect for 
their roles. The Librarian films are followed by the debut of Leverage, a new 
series starring Tim Hutton about a modern-group of Robin Hoods who scam the 
rich and greedy. Although the premise is different, Leverage puts me in mind 
of the British series Hustle, which aired on AE. Miss that show, hope 
Leverage is worth a watch...


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on sci-fi? ANYWHERE?

2008-12-07 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? 
on sci-fi? ANYWHERE?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 12:53 AM


And, Grtayson, I have no idea what I'd do if it weren't H'Wood at
the head of the Screw-Up Line. Probably lose the last vestiges of my faith in

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or
series? on sci-fi? ANYWHERE?
 Date : Sat, 6 Dec 2008 09:29:49 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Hollywood missteps... What if it's not Hollywood? What if it's
independents? Or some fascinated foreign troupe?
And please do stop before your eyes pop out, Martin dearest, lol, then you
won't be able to read and respond to posts for a while and we'll all
miss you.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Sat, 12/6/08, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on
sci-fi? ANYWHERE?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 4:42 PM

Grayson, I'm on the record here as saying that live-action, for any work I
put to paper, is anathema, so much so that I've stipulated so in my will
two heirs being my niece and nephew). Anything of mine that should make it onto
film WILL be animated, and that the voice actors will be regular voice-work
people, no name stars. H'Wood has established a track record of missteps
that has put me off their work altogether. Remakes galore flying in the face of
good, original screenplays being forced to beg for funding - I'm going to
stop before my eyes pop out.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on
sci-fi? ANYWHERE?
 Date : Sat, 6 Dec 2008 07:04:29 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

I'm up early, trying to finish a piece, and thinking about a recent
inteview I did. I got a common question: If your book was turned into a movie,
who would play your characters?Able to come up with actors for most characters
but not all, I answered only for the female lead. 
After, I got stuck thinking of whether I thought it would even be a good idea
to turn a book like mine into a movie. While I don't think I know any
writers who would kick a movie deal out of bed (I'm one of them ), there
probably some that should.
This group has seen movies and series offered and remarked--to quote Keith B
Johnson--Who the @amp;(*^ greenlit this?!? I think my all-time
favorite is the recent misstep of giving those Geico Cave Men a show... One
could argue that it was doomed because it was not a feature length
concept to begin with, but seriously... could this show have worked?
My question is, what do you think makes something either good for live action
film, bad for it, or if you think all things can be live action film as long as
they have a good creative team driving the production, writing, and
Just curious.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 






[scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on sci-fi? ANYWHERE?

2008-12-06 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I'm up early, trying to finish a piece, and thinking about a recent inteview I 
did. I got a common question: If your book was turned into a  movie, who would 
play your characters?Able to come up with actors for most characters but not 
all, I answered only for the female lead. 
After, I got stuck thinking of whether I thought it would even be a good idea 
to turn a book like mine into a movie. While I don't think I know any writers 
who would kick a movie deal out of bed (I'm one of them g), there are 
probably some that should.
This group has seen movies and series offered and remarked--to quote Keith B 
Johnson--Who the @(*^ greenlit this?!? I think my all-time favorite is the 
recent misstep of giving those Geico Cave Men a show... One could argue that it 
was doomed because it was not a feature length concept to begin with, but 
seriously... could this show have worked?
My question is, what do you think makes something either good for live action 
film, bad for it, or if you think all things can be live action film as long as 
they have a good creative team driving the production, writing, and 
direction... Just curious.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on sci-fi? ANYWHERE?

2008-12-06 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Hollywood missteps... What if it's not Hollywood? What if it's independents? Or 
some fascinated foreign troupe?
And please do stop before your eyes pop out, Martin dearest, lol, then you 
won't be able to read and respond to posts for a while and we'll all miss you.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Sat, 12/6/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on 
sci-fi? ANYWHERE?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 4:42 PM

Grayson, I'm on the record here as saying that live-action, for any work I
put to paper, is anathema, so much so that I've stipulated so in my will (my
two heirs being my niece and nephew). Anything of mine that should make it onto
film WILL be animated, and that the voice actors will be regular voice-work
people, no name stars. H'Wood has established a track record of missteps
that has put me off their work altogether. Remakes galore flying in the face of
good, original screenplays being forced to beg for funding - I'm going to
stop before my eyes pop out.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [scifinoir2] group question: should it be a movie? or series? on
sci-fi? ANYWHERE?
 Date : Sat, 6 Dec 2008 07:04:29 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

I'm up early, trying to finish a piece, and thinking about a recent
inteview I did. I got a common question: If your book was turned into a  movie,
who would play your characters?Able to come up with actors for most characters
but not all, I answered only for the female lead. 
After, I got stuck thinking of whether I thought it would even be a good idea
to turn a book like mine into a movie. While I don't think I know any
writers who would kick a movie deal out of bed (I'm one of them ), there are
probably some that should.
This group has seen movies and series offered and remarked--to quote Keith B
Johnson--Who the @amp;(*^ greenlit this?!? I think my all-time
favorite is the recent misstep of giving those Geico Cave Men a show... One
could argue that it was doomed because it was not a feature length
concept to begin with, but seriously... could this show have worked?
My question is, what do you think makes something either good for live action
film, bad for it, or if you think all things can be live action film as long as
they have a good creative team driving the production, writing, and direction...
Just curious.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 




RE: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend

2008-12-06 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I keep forgetting to watch that show. And, I've been too lazy to DVR it. Is 
that a sign?

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Sun, 12/7/08, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 1:37 AM

It seems as though they have added many many many diffent subplots to extend 
the one book into a series.  After two episodes (I gave up after two) they were 
so far away from the book that they should’nt even give it the same name.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf 
Of KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend

So, is it even close to the books? I can't tell where they're going in the 
series: is there supposed to be a destination or endpoint for where Richard and 
his compatriots are headed? Are they headed toward a specific goal or 
confrontation, or just wandering the countryside?


You know, my wife walked into the living room one day when I was watching the 
show, sat down, and in less than two minutes said This must be done by the 
same people who did 'Xena' and 'Hercules'   I asked her why she said that. I 
was expecting her to say some things like, I recognize the scenery, the 
production values of the villages and costumes are the same, etc.   Instead, 
she said I knew it was the same people because they have the same goofy way of 
fighting and acting. She commented on how people who got hit did those 
over-the-top flips that were so common in those two other shows. Remember? Herc 
or his friend hit a guy on the chin and he does a complete flip worthy of a 
circus star. She noted that the fighting styles are way too dynamic and 
acrobatic in nature to be realisitc. And she pointed out the same method they 
use of having an army attack the heroes, but you can tell in reality it's 
about ten guys, aided with a whole bunch of
 camera c uts. And the dialogue and lame humour is the same, she noted.


So true. It really does feel like Xena-lite or something. I watch it if i'm 
home and bored simply because i jones for some distracting sword-and-sorcery, 
but it's not exactly original or overwhelming. 


 -- Original message  -- 
From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

Well first of all the guy is too small and too chiseled.  Richard is supposed 
to be this big farm boy type of guy.  Big enough that he is the same size if 
not bigger than the D'harian troops (who are supposed to be huge).  He also 
lacks the confidence and resolve that Richard has in the books.  Richard is 
able to see the truth in things and accpet them, the actor playing Richard 
seemed a bit unsure of himself and his destiny.  They also seem to have left 
themselves with a big whole to fill with the book of shadows so I am a bit 
curious as to how they will deal with that, but I'm not sure if I will be able 
to force myself to watch another 20 episodes.



On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:56 PM, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:

What specifically about the actor playing Richard do yoiu not like? What would 
be your thought for a better type of actor?


 -- Original message  -- 
From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

I have to warn everyone that if you have read the series and you really like 
it, try to stay away from the show.  It is loosely based on the books with many 
differences, and in my opionion Richard is cast completly wrong (totally not 
what I imagined when I read the books).



2008/11/2 Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

Thanks for the heads up. I've set the DVR to record. it took me a minute to 
find the first two episodes since I had missed them and I had to do a little 
research to figure out what I had missed but WGN has them rerunning this week. 
I set up a location station to record the rest of the series. I haven't read 
the books and I don't know anything about it but I figured it was worth a shot.


--- On Sun, 11/2/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 
From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Subject: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 1:33 AM

Watching this series debut this weekend? It's based on the Sword of Truth 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Recommend Your Vampire Favorites

2008-12-06 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
My favorite line in 30 Days of Night come from the dirty little vamp friend 
(don't know his name, but he's my favorite character) You gon' gimme what I 
want to EAT and what I want to DRINK. The line's not pognant on paper, but you 
gotta hear that guy say it. I also enjoy all of his speeches in his cell... BAR 
DE WINDERS! Love that guy.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Sun, 12/7/08, B. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Recommend Your Vampire Favorites
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 7:46 AM

Yes they were. The movie is so-so but the vamps are nasty.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, KeithBJohnson@ ... wrote:

 Yeah, i'd like to see a bigger return to the true bloodsuckers, the
half-dead (not undead), zombie, creature-looking things that tend to
just tear out your throat, not caress you gently as they lustily drain
the lifeblood. Were the vamps in Thirty Days of Night of that variety?
  -- Original message  -- 
 I like your picks. I'm not into hunky vampires at all.
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  Like Martin and I said, i'm tiring of the suave, young vampire as
 hunk nowadays. I'm also not a real big fan of vampyrs. Nothing against
 them, just not in love with the genre. So my list is relatively small:
  Nosferatu - one of the first and one of the best
  Dracula (1931) - Bela Lugosi as the Count. A bit dated and camp,
 but still fun to watch
  Billy the Kid vs. Dracula -- you read that right! A Western
 vampire flick, so horribly bad it's a must-see!
  Curse of the Undead - An undead gunslinger-for- hire in the old
 West! Watch the priest's shirt button with a cross on it used as a
 killer bullet!
  Dance of the Vampires (aka The Fearless Vampire Killers) - Roman
 Polanski's comedic take was goofy, entertaining fun
  Dracula (1972) - the classic with Peter Cushing as Van Helsing and
 Christopher Lee as the Count. Gotta love using the candlesticks to
 make a Cross!
  Blacula - so bad it's good, Blaxploitation enters the realm of the
  Salem's Lot - the original miniseries. The little vampire boy
 floating oustide saying Mommy, I'm cold still creeps me out.
  Fright Night - another fun movie about vampires, with a good
 modern take.
  The Lost Boys - the movie's a kick, vamps like some kind of
 fun-loving Peter Pans--who just happen to like chewing on necks!
  Ultraviolet - the Brit miniseries that took a new (to me) take on
 vamps as a misunderstood ethnic group. Good, intelligent, and
  Blade and Blade II - not like the comic, but good escapist action
   -- Original message  -- 
  From: tdemorsella tdlists@ 
  a few days ago, Bosco brought to our attention, a Vampire flick (Let
  The Right One In) that many of us likely would have missed. Are
  their other gems out there? Please post a list of some of your
  favorite vampire movies and books.



RE: [scifinoir2] Recommend Your Vampire Favorites

2008-12-05 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I enjoyed The Breed, with Adrian Pail. Bokeem Woodbine, and Bai Ling

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 


Re: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more

2008-12-05 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
And ends up a million?

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Fri, 12/5/08, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, December 5, 2008, 5:09 AM

Well...I don't think you'd be interested.. .It starts with a piece of car, 
power tools, and a word processor...

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and George Clinton? He is 
Johnny Ross.- From THE SIDE STREET CHRONICLES by C.W. Badie

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com wrote:

From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 9:01 PM

Now that you... um... have the motivation.. . how you gonna make it? I'm 
looking for an investment!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews gave Bright 5 Stars: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly 
imaginative and original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and 
science fiction will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 
http://ghostwriterr eviews.com/ index.php? main_page= product_infoproducts_id= 

--- On Fri, 12/5/08, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more
Date: Friday, December 5, 2008, 2:50 AM

Now this is an incentive to earn my first million!

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and George Clinton? He is 
Johnny Ross.- From THE SIDE STREET CHRONICLES by C.W. Badie

--- On Wed, 12/3/08, space [EMAIL PROTECTED] net wrote:

From: space [EMAIL PROTECTED] net
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 5:47 PM

A friend had me check out this personal submarines  site which was amazing but 
then I found Poseidon seafloor resort.
Right over the top! –enjoy –jeff.




Re: [scifinoir2] Recommend Your Vampire Favorites

2008-12-05 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Forgot about Queen of the Damned... Loved many parts of that one, too.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Fri, 12/5/08, Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Recommend Your Vampire Favorites
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, December 5, 2008, 3:10 PM

I enjoyed Blade, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Queen of the Damned.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon:  http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:09 AM, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:

Of the ones you listed, i've only seen Blade.  Near Dark is a must-see that 
I've heard about for years, but always manage to miss it when it's aired on 

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

I am Gigantic Fan of Near Dark with Bill Paxton and Lance Henrickson as redneck 
trailer trash vampires cruising through Oklahoma. It is completely friggin 

Also Loves Include:

The Hunger with David Bowie, Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve.
Shadow Of The Vampire with Willem Defoe

Bram Stoker's Dracula with Gary Oldman


--- On Thu, 12/4/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Recommend Your Vampire Favorites
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 7:39 PM

Like Martin and I said, i'm tiring of the suave, young vampire as hunk 
nowadays. I'm also not a real big fan of vampyrs. Nothing against them, just 
not in love with the genre. So my list is relatively small:
Nosferatu - one of the first and one of the best
Dracula (1931) - Bela Lugosi as the Count. A bit dated and camp, but still 
fun to watch
Billy the Kid vs. Dracula -- you read that right!  A Western vampire flick, 
so horribly bad it's a must-see!
Curse of the Undead - An undead gunslinger-for- hire in the old West! Watch 
the priest's shirt button with a cross on it used as a killer bullet!
Dance of the Vampires (aka The Fearless Vampire Killers) - Roman Polanski's 
comedic take was goofy, entertaining fun
Dracula (1972) - the classic with Peter Cushing as Van Helsing and 
Christopher Lee as the Count. Gotta love using the candlesticks to make a Cross!
Blacula - so bad it's good, Blaxploitation enters the realm of the Undead
Salem's Lot - the original miniseries. The little vampire boy floating 
oustide saying Mommy, I'm cold still creeps me out.
Fright Night - another fun movie about vampires, with a good modern take.
The Lost Boys - the movie's a kick, vamps like some kind of fun-loving Peter 
Pans--who just happen to like chewing on necks!
Ultraviolet - the Brit miniseries that took a new (to me) take on vamps as a 
misunderstood ethnic group. Good, intelligent, and atmospheric.
Blade and Blade II - not like the comic, but good escapist action
 -- Original message  -- 
From: tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com 

a few days ago, Bosco brought to our attention, a Vampire flick (Let
The Right One In) that many of us likely would have missed. Are
their other gems out there? Please post a list of some of your
favorite vampire movies and books.




Re: [scifinoir2] Roll Call: Name Your Favorite Games

2008-12-05 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Um I NEVER want to see it made into a movie, but my all time favorite video 
game is MediEvil with the skeleton Sir Daniel Fortesque as the the protagonist. 
But beyond that, I swear there are too many for me to name. I love video games. 
And... just so you all know... I AM the undisputed champion of Galaga!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly imaginative and 
original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and science fiction 
will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Sat, 12/6/08, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Roll Call: Name Your Favorite Games
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 12:38 AM

Aubrey and Adrianne's post reminded me that hamers tend to stay hidden
on this list. Let's change that Why don't you guys come out of
hiding. Please declare your favorites, the ones you would like to see
be made into movies and those you hate. Also, tell us why.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com]
On Behalf Of Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Happy Place

*raises hand* World of Warcraft here. :D :D

Oh yeah, and now that I have a new, sweet machine, gotta reinstall
Second Life.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:08 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood
aubrey.leatherwood@ hotmail.com wrote:

I don't know if there are gamers on this loop... But it's Friday
night, I just had a fine dinner, I've got a nice drink, a fire, and
the doors open to a nice windy night. The lights are off in the living
room, the TV's on, and I have scooted my recliner and ottoman right up
to it, and despite the fact that I'm supposed to wait, I am about to
crack the seal on the new Prince of Persia while I'm alone. This is a
happy moment.

Aubrey Leatherwood
www.aubreyleatherwo od.com
FaceBook * MySpace
The People You Know, The Sex They Have
ISBN: 978-0-9818905- 0-0
Lyrical Press. Inc



Re: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more

2008-12-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Now that you... um... have the motivation... how you gonna make it? I'm looking 
for an investment!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
In Print April 6, 2009
Ghost Writer Reviews gave Bright 5 Stars: Grayson-Reyes Cole is an incredibly 
imaginative and original writer, and fans of dark fantasy, modern fantasy, and 
science fiction will enjoy “Bright Star” . Read the full review at 

--- On Fri, 12/5/08, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, December 5, 2008, 2:50 AM

Now this is an incentive to earn my first million!

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and George Clinton? He is 
Johnny Ross.- From THE SIDE STREET CHRONICLES by C.W. Badie

--- On Wed, 12/3/08, space [EMAIL PROTECTED] net wrote:

From: space [EMAIL PROTECTED] net
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: innerspace, scifi no more
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 5:47 PM

A friend had me check out this personal submarines  site which was amazing but 
then I found Poseidon seafloor resort.
Right over the top! –enjoy –jeff.



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Yo Adrienne (Marion, Aubrey, Grayson and , ofcourse, our Exalted List Goddes

2008-12-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Hey Rave,
Thanks for the message. I have a pack of estrogen in my purse. I can provide 
you with as much as you need as long as no one thinks you're getting your 
supply from Canada. lol... It's early... I'm working... it's cold... and i've 
got edits... I am mildy disoriented but that's no sweat. I live in Pinellas 
county. The average age is 65... and more often than not, someone on the news 
has been found wandering the streets mildly disoriented.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Yo Adrienne (Marion, Aubrey, Grayson and , ofcourse, 
our Exalted List Goddes
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 6:43 PM

I was cut off! The Subject line should read: 

Yo Adrienne (Marion, Aubrey, Grayson and, of course, our Exalted List 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 Lovely to see you ladies participating. Keep it up! We need more 
 estrogen up in this punk!
 http://blackplush. blogspot. com/



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: What movies/DVD’s did you see over the holiday - Group Discus sion

2008-12-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I'm glad that you like where you are even if it's not the most financially 
sustainable. I'm also glad that there will be food on the table and presents 
under the tree!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Wed, 12/3/08, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: What movies/DVD’s did you see over the holiday 
- Group Discussion
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 5:02 AM

Thanks. There is a small but very pleasant upside. I am working as temp for the 
holiday season at my favorite book store, Book People. If nothing else, the 
work is pleasant enough and I actually LIKE being there. It's not the most 
financially sustainable position but at least there will be food on the table 
and presents under the tree this year. All in all, not so bad considering.


--- On Tue, 12/2/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: What movies/DVD’s did you see over the holiday - 
Group Discussion
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 11:15 AM

Hey, Bosco, sorry to hear about the loss of your shop and your current 
economic troubles. As someone who was unemployed for two and a half 
years during the Reagan Depression of the early eighties, I am hopeful 
I am high enough up the economic ladder to only get soaked up to the 
waist this time.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 Hey Hey, I've been super busy working two jobs trying to make ends 
meet since I lost my skate shop back in September. I finally had a day 
off on Thanksgiving and I caught, Let The Right One In. I could 
simplify it and say it's Vampire love story that takes place in Sweden 
but that would not even begin to do it justice. Let The Right One In 
is a unique and fascinating take on the Vampire. No retarded slick 
Eurotrash faux sexiness or overly romanticized mellow-dramatic tragic
 darkness. It's completely different from anything you've ever seen 
in a
 Vampire film. It's a little slow for standard American tastes but if 
you're a fan of well crafted story, I can't recommend this film 
enough. It's not just a great Vampire film, it's a great film period. 
I can't think of anything I've enjoyed more in ages.
 You can find a better and more articulate review here:
 http://www.austinch ronicle.com/ gyrobase/ Calendar/ Film?
 and the IMDB Listing here:
 http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt1139797/
 --- On Sun, 11/30/08, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 From: tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD’s did you see over the 
holiday - Group Discussion
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
 Date: Sunday, November 30, 2008, 10:26 PM
 Many of us seem to take time over the holidays to go to 
the movies or
 check out some DVDs. What movies/DVD's did you see over the
 holidays? Let us know which ones you liked or hated and why.



Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD’s did you see over the holiday - Group Discussion

2008-12-02 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I want to see this movie!  Everything I've heard about it and the book has been 
overwhelmingly positive.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD’s did you see over the holiday - 
Group Discussion
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 3:52 AM

Hey Hey, I've been super busy working two jobs trying to make ends meet since I 
lost my skate shop back in September. I finally had a day off on Thanksgiving 
and I caught, Let The Right One In. I could simplify it and say it's Vampire 
love story that takes place in Sweden but that would not even begin to do it 
justice. Let The Right One In is a unique and fascinating take on the 
Vampire. No retarded slick Eurotrash faux sexiness or overly romanticized 
mellow-dramatic tragic darkness. It's completely different from anything you've 
ever seen in a Vampire film. It's a little slow for standard American tastes 
but if you're a fan of well crafted story, I can't recommend this film enough. 
It's not just a great Vampire film, it's a great film period. I can't think of 
anything I've enjoyed more in ages.

You can find a better and more articulate review here:

http://www.austinch ronicle.com/ gyrobase/ Calendar/ Film?Film= oid%3A700912

and the IMDB Listing here:

http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt1139797/

--- On Sun, 11/30/08, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com wrote:

From: tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com
Subject: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD’s did you see over the holiday - Group 
Date: Sunday, November 30, 2008, 10:26 PM

Many of us seem to take time over the holidays to go to the movies or
check out some DVDs. What movies/DVD's did you see over the
holidays? Let us know which ones you liked or hated and why.




Re: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - Group Discussi

2008-12-02 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Another one of those movies I keep seeing but passing up. Never fear, Rave 
On to the breach dear friends, I'm going to see it! :D

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - Group 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 5:08 PM

Uh, we are talking about comic book characters, right? As for movies 
that surprise me (and, frankly, I was surprised by how well IRON MAN 
did what it had to do) I recently saw a movie called THE DEAD GIRL 
which surprised, shocked and challenged me on every level - I never 
saw anything that was about to happen. It was chocked full of great 
actors going balls out(Toni Collette, Giovanni Ribisi, Brittany 
Murphy, Mary Beth Hurt, Josh Brolin, Kerry Washington, etc.) and it 
made less than twenty thousand dollars at the American box office. 
Further, as much as I was challenged and engaged by this movie, I am 
afraid that any friend or acquaintance I could recommend it to would 
hate me with every fiber in their being for subjecting them to the 
grim truth and reality of THE DEAD GIRL. It is decidedly NOT the feel 
good movie of the year.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, marian_changling md_moore42@ ... 

 1. But what does he do about it? His appreciation is implied, but
 never demonstrated. That's why it a boy movie and not a man movie. 
 He never makes the next step.
 2. Yeah, he realizes that making weapons is wrong. In order to
 correct his error, he makes more weapons. I realize that within the
 construct of the movie, he has little choice. But it is a 
 I will agree that they successfully managed to make an arrogant
 unlikeable character the center of a story. That is very hard to 
 People want protagonists to be likable. 
 Hey look, I don't care for chick-flicks either. I want to be
 surprised in a movie. This movie did not surprise me. But it did
 what it was supposed to do. Very well. I still wouldn't have paid
 $10 to see it. 
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan
 adrianne.brennan@  wrote:
  I disagree on two points.
  1) He finally wised up--or is starting to, at least--that the 
 of his
  dreams is underneath his nose while he's been playing around with
 all of the
  2) He realized making weapons and supporting war is wrong, and
 started using
  his technology to help people instead. Of course, he had to get
 kidnapped by
  a terrorist group in order for that to happen, but I think it was 
a rude
  awakening. There's something to be said for that--you can't argue 
  changes happened there.
  Yes, he's still arrogant as hell, but he's also got a sequel ahead
 of him,
  and you can't argue that he's not a flawed, 3D character.
  ~ Where love and magic meet ~
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com
  Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
  Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
  On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 5:08 PM, marian_changling 
md_moore42@ wrote:
   Ah, but I liked the Batman movie. I think that one just gave me 
   emotional involvement. Story-wise, I can't say that there was 
   character development in either. The protagonists' character is 
   same at the end as it was in the beginning.
   I'd have to think a minute to give you an action-adventure movie 
   has the lead character grow and change. Manhunter, maybe?
   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan
   adrianne.brennan@  wrote:
I loved it, and I'm a thirty-year- old chick. :) Guess it 
   depends on
your tastes.
~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Marian Moore md_moore42@  
 My brother-in-law had a copy of Ironman, so I can finally 
take it
   off my
 Netflix list. It was ok. A boy movie, as I suspected. 
It was
 Not as much as this year's edition of Batman, but since I 
 with the comic at all, it had the advantage of novelty.

 http://makeda42. livejournal. com/

  - - --

 Yahoo! Groups Links

    - - --
   Yahoo! Groups Links



Re: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - Group Discussi

2008-12-02 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I hav 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, marian_changling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: marian_changling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - Group 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 11:05 PM

I can't say that it is very original ideal. 
I do recall reading that producers find that women are more likely 
to accompany their male dates to a movie like Ironman than men are 
likely to accompany women to a movie classified as a chick-flick. 
That makes it more economical for producers to make an Ironman; 2 
tickets sales to 1 ticket sale. I guess a Sex in the City movie 
where women go in droves is rare. (point in fact, I skipped that 
movie myself.)

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 Hey, Marian, thanks for this! My previous visceral response 
 notwithstanding, I really appreciate this take - boy movie - a 
 perspective I hadn't considered before, obvious though it is.
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Marian Moore md_moore42@  
  My brother-in-law had a copy of Ironman, so I can finally take 
 off my Netflix list. It was ok. A boy movie, as I suspected. 
 was enjoyable. Not as much as this year's edition of Batman, but 
 since I wasn't familiar with the comic at all, it had the 
advantage of 
  http://makeda42. livejournal. com/



Re: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - Group Discussi

2008-12-02 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
That last message of mine was cut off... I was gonna go on about how I had 
*not* seen Sex and the City...

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - 
Group Discussi
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 11:13 PM

I have 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, marian_changling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: marian_changling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re:What movies/DVDs did you see over the holiday - Group 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 11:05 PM

I can't say that it is very original ideal. 
I do recall reading that producers find that women are more likely 
to accompany their male dates to a movie like Ironman than men are 
likely to accompany women to a movie classified as a chick-flick. 
That makes it more economical for producers to make an Ironman; 2 
tickets sales to 1 ticket sale. I guess a Sex in the City movie 
where women go in droves is rare. (point in fact, I skipped that 
movie myself.)

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:

 Hey, Marian, thanks for this! My previous visceral response 
 notwithstanding, I really appreciate this take - boy movie - a 
 perspective I hadn't considered before, obvious though it is.
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Marian Moore md_moore42@  
  My brother-in-law had a copy of Ironman, so I can finally take 
 off my Netflix list. It was ok. A boy movie, as I suspected. 
 was enjoyable. Not as much as this year's edition of Batman, but 
 since I wasn't familiar with the comic at all, it had the 
advantage of 
  http://makeda42. livejournal. com/



[scifinoir2] What movies/DVD?s did you see over the holiday - Group Discussion

2008-12-01 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
This weekend I watched Trans-Siberian which I kept seeing at the video store 
and kept passing up. It wasn't what I expected, if I expected anything. It 
started slow, especially with Ben Kingsley showing up at the beginning then not 
again until an hour into the movie. It wasn't my favorite, but I didn't hate it.
I watched Clone Wars again... eh.
Watched Wall-E. It was cute. Argued with fellow viewers that I was fine with 
the preachifying because the cruisers were so cute with their nubby 
digits and big gulps.
I also banned both Dario and Asia Argento from my eyes and ears over the 
weekend. Any fans of Dario? If so... please help me see why.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008


Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD?s did you see over the holiday - Group Discussion

2008-12-01 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I enjoyed Wall-E. I don't know about the hype but it was beautfiul and 
emotionally developed. I don't know about better than the Incredibles but it 
had some awe inspiring moments, many of them at the very beginning of the 
film. I also really enjoyed Kung Fu Panda. 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD?s did you see over the holiday - 
Group Discussion
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 3:53 PM

I've heard people wax ecstatic over Wall-E. Is it as good as all that? I've 
heard it's even better than The Incredibles , which I loved. True?  I'm 
looking forward to revisiting Kung Fu Panda again. Caught me off guard by how 
good it was. Really impressive visuals, colors, and fight scenes, and the 
humour of Jack Black is right on target. Made the movie a lot more enjoyable, 
as I was expecting more kiddie fare.
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com 

This weekend I watched Trans-Siberian which I kept seeing at the video store 
and kept passing up. It wasn't what I expected, if I expected anything. It 
started slow, especially with Ben Kingsley showing up at the beginning then not 
again until an hour into the movie. It wasn't my favorite, but I didn't hate it.
I watched Clone Wars again... eh.
Watched Wall-E. It was cute. Argued with fellow viewers that I was fine with 
the preachifying because the cruisers were so cute with their nubby 
digits and big gulps.
I also banned both Dario and Asia Argento from my eyes and ears over the 
weekend. Any fans of Dario? If so... please help me see why.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008


Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD?s did you see over the holiday - Group Discussion

2008-12-01 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I haven't seen it yet, but you can be assured I will see it as soon as it's out 
on DVD. I didn't see The Dark Knight in the theaters because, to be honest, I 
was worried about the Joker. I knew the take on it was dark, and I'm fine with 
dark, but the Joker has always had a special villain place in my heart. I mean 
I'm very fascinated by the Joker character. When I saw the trailers and ads, I 
got the impression that the Ledger Joker was all dark and without the intricate 
and subtle (not in action but in meaning) comedy and mania that infused his 
crimes. I've been assured and reassured that that has not been lost in the 
characterization... We shall see... is it out tomorrow?

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD?s did you see over the holiday - 
Group Discussion
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 9:37 PM

I'll probably rent it on pay-per-view, and if i love it, buy it next year. I'm 
most excited about buying The Dark Knight DVD when it drops next week
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com 

I enjoyed Wall-E. I don't know about the hype but it was beautfiul and 
emotionally developed. I don't know about better than the Incredibles but it 
had some awe inspiring moments, many of them at the very beginning of the 
film. I also really enjoyed Kung Fu Panda. 
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] What movies/DVD?s did you see over the holiday - 
Group Discussion
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 3:53 PM

I've heard people wax ecstatic over Wall-E. Is it as good as all that? I've 
heard it's even better than The Incredibles , which I loved. True?  I'm 
looking forward to revisiting Kung Fu Panda again. Caught me off guard by how 
good it was. Really impressive visuals, colors, and fight scenes, and the 
humour of Jack Black is right on target. Made the movie a lot more enjoyable, 
as I was expecting more kiddie fare.
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com 

This weekend I watched Trans-Siberian which I kept seeing at the video store 
and kept passing up. It wasn't what I expected, if I expected anything. It 
started slow, especially with Ben Kingsley showing up at the beginning then not 
again until an hour into the movie. It wasn't my favorite, but I didn't hate it.
I watched Clone Wars again... eh.
Watched Wall-E. It was cute. Argued with fellow viewers that I was fine with 
the preachifying because the cruisers were so cute with their nubby 
digits and big gulps.
I also banned both Dario and Asia Argento from my eyes and ears over the 
weekend. Any fans of Dario? If so... please help me see why.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008



Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament

2008-11-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Thank you, Martin! Yeah, I'm solid on writing what I want to write, to post or 
not to post was the question, and you helped me with that!
OK so I'm curious. You don't commit your work to .doc but you do have it in 
some format that allows folks to make judgments regarding it's 
hyper-violent-at-times nature? Hmmm. so does that mean your pieces are in posts 
somewhere in the cyber nebulous?
On a side note... I'm studying violence in my own work. By nature, I'm not a 
violent person and not into torture porn to use a phrase I've seen a lot of 
lately, but my latest novel required violence, most of it directed at the 
female main character and, strangely enough, most of it brought on by herself. 
It's odd, horrific, eerie, disturbing, and I couldn't be happier that the story 
came out of me...
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Author of LPI's Mainstream Bestseller Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...


--- On Sun, 11/23/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicanment
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 1:44 PM

Grayson, at the end of the day, we can only write what's inside of

To a degree, *all* of the stories I'm working on are of the
men-are-idiots-in-some-way vein, and the content, as you would know if I could
find the time to commit my work to a doc so that you could read it, is of the
hyper-violent-at-times variety, which has landed me in something of a conundrum
in a non-writing group I post at daily. (Another user is virulently misogynistic
in almost all of his posts, something I call him out on, but several female
users don't see it that way at all, which has made me look at myself with a
critical eye regarding how my words might come across.) That brought me neatly
around to my initial statement.

Write. Post. Let the masses be judges, but not *the* judge.


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament

2008-11-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Sheer intimidation, lol! I like it. Although, I woke up in the middle of the 
night (it's a usual thing) and what's on television but SuperJail. Has anyone 
seen this. The animation is gross in my opinion and not to my liking 
Another concept I totally dig executed by it's uh execution.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 5:34 PM

More than welcome, Grayson!

And no, my work isn't posted anywhere online. I considered posting at one
website, but time said otherwise. (The story of my life... :-( ) Keith and Astro
here have read some of it, along with about seven other friends of mine. In this
story, my character used to deal with violence in the same way that a pre-teen
kid might, with an almost-gleeful abandon. A set piece in it, which I ahve yet
to fully explore, involves what's called the Death Register, when only the
most exceptionally brutal-yet-imaginitive deaths are recorded for posterity.. 
example I can give - one character is in the Register for convincing 150+ people
to airlock themselves, as opposed to fighting him. He got the write-up for sheer

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
 Date : Mon, 24 Nov 2008 06:09:31 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Thank you, Martin! Yeah, I'm solid on writing what I want to write, to post
or not to post was the question, and you helped me with that!
OK so I'm curious. You don't commit your work to .doc but you do have
it in some format that allows folks to make judgments regarding it's
hyper-violent-at-times nature? Hmmm. so does that mean your pieces are in posts
somewhere in the cyber nebulous?
On a side note... I'm studying violence in my own work. By nature, I'm
not a violent person and not into torture porn to use a phrase
I've seen a lot of lately, but my latest novel required violence, most of it
directed at the female main character and, strangely enough, most of it brought
on by herself. It's odd, horrific, eerie, disturbing, and I couldn't be
happier that the story came out of me...
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Author of LPI's Mainstream Bestseller Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...


--- On Sun, 11/23/08, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicanment
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 1:44 PM

Grayson, at the end of the day, we can only write what's inside of

To a degree, *all* of the stories I'm working on are of the
men-are-idiots-in-some-way vein, and the content, as you would know if I could
find the time to commit my work to a doc so that you could read it, is of the
hyper-violent-at-times variety, which has landed me in something of a conundrum
in a non-writing group I post at daily. (Another user is virulently
in almost all of his posts, something I call him out on, but several female
users don't see it that way at all, which has made me look at myself with a
critical eye regarding how my words might come across.) That brought me neatly
around to my initial statement.

Write. Post. Let the masses be judges, but not *the* judge.



Re: [scifinoir2] Bite Club: a short refresher on vampire lore

2008-11-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Has anyone seen last week's South Park episode where Butters goes vamp and no 
one can tell the vamp kids from the goth kids? Genius.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Bite Club: a short refresher on vampire lore
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 7:23 PM

www.chicagotribune. com/features/ lifestyle/ chi-vampire- rules-
1124nov24,0, 6349216.story

chicagotribune. com

A short refresher course on vampire lore

Every generation reinvents the vampire, bending the rules and 
regulations that govern these sexy bloodsuckers. Below, a primer on 
vamp mythology and how it has changed, from 1897 to last weekend.

By Robert K. Elder, Maureen Ryan, Kevin Pang and Lilah Lohr

November 24, 2008

Vintage Dracula

Dracula, by Bram Stoker (book and movies)

Origin: The heartsick count in Stoker's 1897 novel, perhaps inspired 
by the 15th Century Vlad Dracula of Wallachia, also known as Vlad the 
Impaler. The vampire creature is inspired by tradition but previously 
written about in 1819's The Vampyre, a short story by John Polidori.

Powers: Super strength, speed and sexy, sexy, sexy; the ability to 
change form (bats, bugs and a wolf)

Weaknesses: Sunlight, garlic, crucifixes, holy water, wooden stake to 
the heart, women

Count Chocula

Cereal spokesvampire

Origin: Introduced in 1971 by General Mills as a Chocolatey Cereal 
with Spooky-Fun Marshmallows

Powers: Providing 35 percent of your recommended daily riboflavin 

Weaknesses: Boo Berry; lactose intolerant

Count von Count (a.k.a. The Count)

Sesame Street

Origin: Created in 1972 for Sesame Street; hosts Number of the Day 

Powers: Spontaneously creating thunderclaps with a single Ah ha ha ha 

Weaknesses: #9632;


Blacula, starring William Marshall (movie, 1972)

Origin: African vampire prince Mamuwalde is imprisoned by Count 
Dracula, only to be released in Los Angeles in 1972. 

Powers: Awesome tagline: His bite was outta sight. 

Weaknesses: Pam Grier, who in the 1973 sequel Scream Blacula Scream, 
stabs a voodoo doll, killing Blacula

Lestat, Louis and Akasha

The Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice (book and movie)

Origin: In Rice's mythology (begun with Interview With the Vampire 
in 1976), vampires originate from an Egyptian queen who is cursed with 
a bloodthirsty spirit.

Powers: Super strength, speed, telekinesis and flight. Older vamps can 
set things ablaze at will, can read thoughts and cloud human minds.

Weaknesses: Sunlight, fire, unable to have children; immortal malaise.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Joss Whedon (movie, TV show, comics)

Origin: Once a soulless vampire, Angel (introduced in 1997) was cursed 
by a gypsy to regain his soul—and thus carry the guilt of his deeds.

Powers: Super strength, speed, able to spin off own show

Weaknesses: Sunlight, wooden stakes, crucifixes, holy water and Sarah 
Michelle Gellar


Dracula 2000, produced by Wes Craven (movie)

Origin: The first vampire is actually the biblical Judas. His 
punishment for betraying Jesus: immortality and insatiable hunger.

Powers: Super strength, speed, ability to disappear from box office

Weaknesses: Sunlight, silver, Christian iconography, fire

Edward Cullen

Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer (2005 book and 2008 movie)

Origin: Cullen was born in Chicago in 1901, and turned by a senior 
vampire when Cullen nearly died in the 1918 influenza pandemic. 

Powers: Super strength, speed, telepathy; marblelike, cold, hard skin; 
fwoopy hair.

Weaknesses: Dismemberment, fire; direct sunlight makes skin 
glittery, the piercing screams of 7th-grade girls.

—Robert K. Elder, Maureen Ryan, Kevin Pang, Lilah Lohr

Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune



Re: [scifinoir2] Bite Club: a short refresher on vampire lore

2008-11-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
My mom called me cracking up!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Bite Club: a short refresher on vampire lore
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 7:29 PM

Not yet. I'm going to have to watch it with my dad when I see him for 
Thanksgiving, lol

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:  http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
yahoo.com wrote:

Has anyone seen last week's South Park episode where Butters goes vamp and no 
one can tell the vamp kids from the goth kids? Genius.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Bite Club: a short refresher on vampire lore
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 7:23 PM

www.chicagotribune. com/features/ lifestyle/ chi-vampire- rules-
1124nov24,0, 6349216.story

chicagotribune. com

A short refresher course on vampire lore

Every generation reinvents the vampire, bending the rules and 
regulations that govern these sexy bloodsuckers. Below, a primer on 
vamp mythology and how it has changed, from 1897 to last weekend.

By Robert K. Elder, Maureen Ryan, Kevin Pang and Lilah Lohr

November 24, 2008

Vintage Dracula

Dracula, by Bram Stoker (book and movies)

Origin: The heartsick count in Stoker's 1897 novel, perhaps inspired 
by the 15th Century Vlad Dracula of Wallachia, also known as Vlad the 
Impaler. The vampire creature is inspired by tradition but previously 
written about in 1819's The Vampyre, a short story by John Polidori.

Powers: Super strength, speed and sexy, sexy, sexy; the ability to 
change form (bats, bugs and a wolf)

Weaknesses: Sunlight, garlic, crucifixes, holy water, wooden stake to 
the heart, women

Count Chocula

Cereal spokesvampire

Origin: Introduced in 1971 by General Mills as a Chocolatey Cereal 
with Spooky-Fun Marshmallows

Powers: Providing 35 percent of your recommended daily riboflavin 

Weaknesses: Boo Berry; lactose intolerant

Count von Count (a.k.a. The Count)

Sesame Street

Origin: Created in 1972 for Sesame Street; hosts Number of the Day 

Powers: Spontaneously creating thunderclaps with a single Ah ha ha ha 

Weaknesses: #9632;


Blacula, starring William Marshall (movie, 1972)

Origin: African vampire prince Mamuwalde is imprisoned by Count 
Dracula, only to be released in Los Angeles in 1972. 

Powers: Awesome tagline: His bite was outta sight. 

Weaknesses: Pam Grier, who in the 1973 sequel Scream Blacula Scream, 
stabs a voodoo doll, killing Blacula

Lestat, Louis and Akasha

The Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice (book and movie)

Origin: In Rice's mythology (begun with Interview With the Vampire 
in 1976), vampires originate from an Egyptian queen who is cursed with 
a bloodthirsty spirit.

Powers: Super strength, speed, telekinesis and flight. Older vamps can 
set things ablaze at will, can read thoughts and cloud human minds.

Weaknesses: Sunlight, fire, unable to have children; immortal malaise.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Joss Whedon (movie, TV show, comics)

Origin: Once a soulless vampire, Angel (introduced in 1997) was cursed 
by a gypsy to regain his soul—and thus carry the guilt of his deeds.

Powers: Super strength, speed, able to spin off own show

Weaknesses: Sunlight, wooden stakes, crucifixes, holy water and Sarah 
Michelle Gellar


Dracula 2000, produced by Wes Craven (movie)

Origin: The first vampire is actually the biblical Judas. His 
punishment for betraying Jesus: immortality and insatiable hunger.

Powers: Super strength, speed, ability to disappear from box office

Weaknesses: Sunlight, silver, Christian iconography, fire

Edward Cullen

Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer (2005 book and 2008 movie)

Origin: Cullen was born in Chicago in 1901, and turned by a senior 
vampire when Cullen nearly died in the 1918 influenza pandemic. 

Powers: Super strength, speed, telepathy; marblelike, cold, hard skin; 
fwoopy hair.

Weaknesses: Dismemberment, fire; direct sunlight makes skin 
glittery, the piercing screams of 7th-grade girls.

—Robert K. Elder, Maureen Ryan, Kevin Pang, Lilah Lohr

Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune



Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament

2008-11-24 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Yeah. That show is just wrong.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 11:51 PM

Thank you!

And I've seen one ep of SuperJail. I think it had transvestites
in it. That, or the Zocor I take was doing really odd things to my head.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
 Date : Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:38:40 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Sheer intimidation, lol! I like it. Although, I woke up in the middle of the
night (it's a usual thing) and what's on television but SuperJail. Has
anyone seen this. The animation is gross in my opinion and not to my liking.
Another concept I totally dig executed by it's uh execution.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 5:34 PM

More than welcome, Grayson!

And no, my work isn't posted anywhere online. I considered posting at one
website, but time said otherwise. (The story of my life... :-( ) Keith and
here have read some of it, along with about seven other friends of mine. In
story, my character used to deal with violence in the same way that a pre-teen
kid might, with an almost-gleeful abandon. A set piece in it, which I ahve yet
to fully explore, involves what's called the Death Register, when only the
most exceptionally brutal-yet-imaginitive deaths are recorded for posterity...
example I can give - one character is in the Register for convincing 150+
to airlock themselves, as opposed to fighting him. He got the write-up for

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
 Date : Mon, 24 Nov 2008 06:09:31 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Thank you, Martin! Yeah, I'm solid on writing what I want to write, to post
or not to post was the question, and you helped me with that!
OK so I'm curious. You don't commit your work to .doc but you do have
it in some format that allows folks to make judgments regarding it's
hyper-violent-at-times nature? Hmmm. so does that mean your pieces are in posts
somewhere in the cyber nebulous?
On a side note... I'm studying violence in my own work. By nature, I'm
not a violent person and not into torture porn to use a phrase
I've seen a lot of lately, but my latest novel required violence, most of
directed at the female main character and, strangely enough, most of it brought
on by herself. It's odd, horrific, eerie, disturbing, and I couldn't be
happier that the story came out of me...
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Author of LPI's Mainstream Bestseller Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...


--- On Sun, 11/23/08, Martin Baxter wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicanment
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 1:44 PM

Grayson, at the end of the day, we can only write what's inside of

To a degree, *all* of the stories I'm working on are of the
men-are-idiots-in-some-way vein, and the content, as you would know if I could
find the time to commit my work to a doc so that you could read it, is of the
hyper-violent-at-times variety, which has landed me in something of a conundrum
in a non-writing group I post at daily. (Another user is virulently
in almost all of his posts, something I call him out on, but several female
users don't see it that way at all, which has made me look at myself with a
critical eye regarding how my words might come across.) That brought me neatly
around to my initial statement.

Write. Post. Let the masses be judges, but not *the* judge.




[scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicanment

2008-11-22 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Hi All,
So I find myself in a predicament. On Halloween, I was involved in an author 
chat, when one thing led to another, and a new WIP was born. WIPs are good, 
right? Well this one is dark, paranormal, and quite certainly headed in the 
direction of a complicated romance. I'm enjoying writing it and added it to an 
author blog I belong to so I could complete it in installments of 500-800 words 
and not interfere with everything else I have going on.
Anyway, here's my predicament. 1) The story is shaping up to be a vampire 
theme. Agh! There's nothing at all wrong with vampire themes but they seem to 
be cropping up everywhere these days (if you watched south park this week, you 
know from whence i speak). I think the story will probably be unique but I 
keep wanting to scrap it and start all over because the theme seems to be 
everywhere. I know some publishing houses are not accepting vampire stories 
right now because they are inundated with them. Throw in Twilight and TruBlood 
and really, vamps are everywhere. On the other side of it, the story's not for 
sale... It's a free read on a blog... *sigh* should I care? Would this bother 
any of you?
Second issue: I love men. There, I've said it. Not just in a that's who I'm 
attracted to kind of way, but in the sense that I have a healthy respect for 
them as well. I'm an equal rights kind of lady, but the story so far has been 
unkind to the male race of this species I'm writing about. I'm not a man-hater, 
but I'm wondering if the story comes off that way. The men have a history of 
leaving their wives even when it could mean death for the abandoned bride. The 
featured female's story begins when her husband of 13 days leaves her and 
disappears into a parallel universe of sorts. I probably would not change my 
story because it is what it is... but I'm questioning whether I should be 
bothered by it or not. Whether it should be a free read offering of mine or not.
At the end of the day, I'm going to write whatever comes out of my head, but 
I'm still confounded by this story. 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Mainstream Bestseller Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...



Re: [scifinoir2] National Treasure (Part Deux)

2008-11-19 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Ahem... I liked it, too for all those reasons.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] National Treasure (Part Deux)
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 7:02 PM

I fell asleep at 9 pm yesterday and woke up at 3 am. Wide awake in 
the middle of the night I decided to channel surf the plethora of 
movie channels at my disposal since my upgrade to ATT U-Verse. I 
stumbled upon the last segment of THE DEAD GIRL which features 
Brittany Murphy (as the titular heroine), Josh Brolin and Kerry 
Washington. All three of them are amazing. I immediately set my DVR 
to capture the next showing of THE DEAD GIRL so I can see the whole 

Then I caught the beginning of NATIONAL TREASURE:THE BOOK OF 
SECRETS. Due to devastating reviews from critics I respect, I had 
assidiously avoided watching either of the NATIONAL TREASURE movies 
but I was pleasantly surprised by BOOK OF SECRETS. For one thing, it 
really moves. I saw THE DIVICI CODE, and I enjoyed it, but DIVICI is 
decidedly pokey compared to SECRETS. 

I like smart people making smart conversation and SECRETS is chocked 
full of them. I liked the breezy arguments and the arcane points of 
contention. Heck, I like Nicolas Cage. Further, I love history, 
puzzles, anagrams, codes, hieroglypics, and ancient languages and 
lost civilizations. 

I like when great actors slum and five of my favorites - Helen 
Mirren, Ed Harris, Harvey Keitel and Jon Voight - cavort marvelously 
(shamelessly? )in this movie. 

Lastly, I enjoyed the pure out-sized audacity of SECRETS: breaking 
into, successively, the Queen's quarters at Buckingham Palace, the 
oval office, a secret archive at the Library of Congress AND 
temporarily kidnapping the President of the United States. Not to 
mention, the denouement at Mount Rushmore. I mean, that is something 
right out of Marvel's MASTER OF KUNG FU, vol. 1, issue 22 (penciled 
by the great Paul Galacy).

Sure, you have to suspend belief and, for a guy trying to restore his 
family's honor, Ed Harris' character is, inexplicably, the ruthless 
head of a vicious criminal enterprise, but I have spent worse two 
hour blocks in front of a television.




RE: [scifinoir2] Re:Don#39;t See SAW

2008-11-18 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
LOL, Martin... I'm just sayin', I'm marginalized, hee hee. I loved that show. I 
just started watching it again on Netflix... Unfortunately, they aren't listed 
in order (had to hunt down a list) and not all episodes are there 
mysterious. Still awesome.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re:Don#39;t See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 1:17 PM

PS American Gothic was awesome tv for the five minutes it lasted. Go
ahead, say it wasn't, you know you want to.

Now, Grayson... WHY would I deny the truth? ;-

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
 Date : Mon, 17 Nov 2008 20:17:30 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Dude. :) He doesn't come back to life, his legacy lives on. I like the idea
of a person brilliant enough to plan out events far beyond their death. It's
far fetched for sure and suffers in the execution but I enjoy the idea. However,
I'm quite content to be the only person on the viewership island I live on.


PS American Gothic was awesome tv for the five minutes it lasted. Go ahead, say
it wasn't, you know you want to.

Said Kakese Dibinga wrote: 
 Uhm, he died right? Laid on a table, chest peeled open? This is why I
stopped reading comic books, colossus comes back, Gwen Stacy comes back, the
Osborne come back,,, I'm done Said Said Yenga Kakese Dibinga Director
General The Bayindo Group SA POB 1782 Los Angeles, CA 90078-1782 O:
1.323.603.8380 EM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com IM (Yahoo):skdibinga 



Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW

2008-11-18 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Speakin' of that great clone fiasco... um... why did they decide to throw that 
into the mix on Heroes... I mean really... they put it in this did ABSOLUTELY 
NOTHING with it.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 1:09 PM


The Great Clone Fiasco. Surprisingly, no grand mal seizures to accompany them.
Were the people responsible for that put up against the wall and pelted with
soaked copies of those issues?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
 Date : Tue, 18 Nov 2008 07:03:15 -0500
 From : Justin Mohareb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

They didn't. There was one annual where her clone came back (but it
got better), and that... odd sequence where her illegitimate children
with Norman Osborne returned to bedevil Spider-man.

She's still cold in the ground.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:42 AM, ravenadal  wrote:
 Wait! Hold the phone! I stopped reading and buying SPIDER-MAN in the
 early eighties, but I watched the Green Goblin send Gwen Stacy to her
 death in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #121 (June 1973) - she snapped her
 neck in a fatal fall. HOW THE HECK DID THEY BRING HER BACK


Read the Bitter Guide to the Bitter Guy.


Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW

2008-11-18 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
OMG Martin Sink me, I LOVE IT. God I haven't heard that in a long time. 
Awesome... ok what were you saying? You lost me after you took me back some 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 10:54 PM

Grayson, to paraphrase Sir Percy Blakeney, Sink me if I know!

I remember when all of that crap was flying through the air, trying to sort out
who was the original Peter Parker, hoping that it would all turn out to be a Pam
Ewing-type dream, being deeply disappointed to wake up with it all still sitting
on my desk. I stopped buying Spiderman after the end of that run, only bought
one Spidey book since, the one in which Aunt May learned his identity. Also, I
don't normally get rid of comics after I buy them. I did with every issue of
Spiderman I owned. Took a 60% loss in the deal.

Ask me if I care. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
 Date : Tue, 18 Nov 2008 05:48:25 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Speakin' of that great clone fiasco... um... why did they decide to throw
that into the mix on Heroes... I mean really... they put it in this did

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 1:09 PM


The Great Clone Fiasco. Surprisingly, no grand mal seizures to accompany them.
Were the people responsible for that put up against the wall and pelted with
soaked copies of those issues?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
 Date : Tue, 18 Nov 2008 07:03:15 -0500
 From : Justin Mohareb 
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

They didn't. There was one annual where her clone came back (but it
got better), and that... odd sequence where her illegitimate children
with Norman Osborne returned to bedevil Spider-man.

She's still cold in the ground.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:42 AM, ravenadal wrote:
 Wait! Hold the phone! I stopped reading and buying SPIDER-MAN in the
 early eighties, but I watched the Green Goblin send Gwen Stacy to her
 death in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #121 (June 1973) - she snapped her
 neck in a fatal fall. HOW THE HECK DID THEY BRING HER BACK


Read the Bitter Guide to the Bitter Guy.



Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW

2008-11-18 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I feel you on getting rid of the issues. I hardly ever part with books even if 
I dislike them, but a few times I've gotten really angry at what the author did 
with the story (especially if the author is a good writer that sucks me in for 
the okeydoke) when trying to untie the ever-present knot. I give you Anne Rice. 
I've read a ton of her books, but I swear I burned one on the grill once. (Have 
I mentioned that I am the Queen of Grill? Actually, it transcends gender, I am 
the Emperor of the Grill... did ribs tonight (sorry non-pork eaters) and they 
are superb)

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 10:54 PM

Grayson, to paraphrase Sir Percy Blakeney, Sink me if I know!

I remember when all of that crap was flying through the air, trying to sort out
who was the original Peter Parker, hoping that it would all turn out to be a Pam
Ewing-type dream, being deeply disappointed to wake up with it all still sitting
on my desk. I stopped buying Spiderman after the end of that run, only bought
one Spidey book since, the one in which Aunt May learned his identity. Also, I
don't normally get rid of comics after I buy them. I did with every issue of
Spiderman I owned. Took a 60% loss in the deal.

Ask me if I care. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
 Date : Tue, 18 Nov 2008 05:48:25 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Speakin' of that great clone fiasco... um... why did they decide to throw
that into the mix on Heroes... I mean really... they put it in this did

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 1:09 PM


The Great Clone Fiasco. Surprisingly, no grand mal seizures to accompany them.
Were the people responsible for that put up against the wall and pelted with
soaked copies of those issues?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re:Don't See SAW
 Date : Tue, 18 Nov 2008 07:03:15 -0500
 From : Justin Mohareb 
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

They didn't. There was one annual where her clone came back (but it
got better), and that... odd sequence where her illegitimate children
with Norman Osborne returned to bedevil Spider-man.

She's still cold in the ground.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:42 AM, ravenadal wrote:
 Wait! Hold the phone! I stopped reading and buying SPIDER-MAN in the
 early eighties, but I watched the Green Goblin send Gwen Stacy to her
 death in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #121 (June 1973) - she snapped her
 neck in a fatal fall. HOW THE HECK DID THEY BRING HER BACK


Read the Bitter Guide to the Bitter Guy.



Re: [scifinoir2] Ratings: 'True Blood' Keeps Extending Its Fangs

2008-11-17 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Oh no, America says I got it wrong!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/17/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Ratings: 'True Blood' Keeps Extending Its Fangs
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 8:38 PM

HBO drama continues to grow viewership as season goes on

By Alex Weprin -- Broadcasting  Cable, 11/4/2008 2:59:00 AM

HBO vampire drama True Blood continues to scare up new viewers. 
Sunday's episode drew 2.35 million according to live plus same day 
data, a 63% increase over the season premiere, which drew 1.44 

When replays, DVR and HBO On Demand are taken into consideration, True 
Blood is averaging a gross audience of 6.4 million viewers.



Re: [scifinoir2] Don't See SAW

2008-11-17 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Ohhh Rave... lol

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Don't See SAW
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:27 AM

The good news is SAW V has stalled at $81 million (SAW IV made $139 

The bad news is Tobin Bell, who plays the diabolically ethical villain Jigsaw - 
who, incidentally DIED at the end of SAW III - has been 
signed to star in FIVE more SAW movies.




RE: [scifinoir2] Re:Don#39;t See SAW

2008-11-17 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Dude. :)  He doesn#39;t come back to life, his legacy lives on. I like the 
idea of a person brilliant enough to plan out events far beyond their death. 
It#39;s far fetched for sure and suffers in the execution but I enjoy the 
idea. However, I#39;m quite content to be the only person on the viewership 
island I live on.


PS American Gothic was awesome tv for the five minutes it lasted. Go ahead, say 
it wasn#39;t, you know you want to.

Said Kakese Dibinga wrote: 
 Uhm, he died right? Laid on a table, chest peeled open? This is 
 why I stopped reading comic books, colossus comes back, Gwen Stacy comes 
 back, the Osborne come back,,, I'm done Said Said Yenga Kakese Dibinga 
 Director General The Bayindo Group SA POB 1782 Los Angeles, CA 90078-1782 O: 
 1.323.603.8380 EM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com IM (Yahoo):skdibinga 


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in True Blood

2008-11-16 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I'm going to get smacked around for this I know... (hey adrianne, my iwofa 
pal, how you doin'?) but I stopped watching TruBlood two episodes ago. I was 
hooked and then I was unhooked. Still love Lafayette but just can't do it 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 7:55 PM

Coolness.  :D  I really do love the show.  I think Lafayette has totally stolen 
it--I adore him.  Sam's not bad, and Bill is WAY more interesting in the show 
than in the books--or is it just me?

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:  http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:50 PM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Any friend of TRUE BLOOD is a friend of mine!


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan

adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:

 I am completely addicted to that show, and it's the first one that
I've been
 able to say that about in years on this side of the pond that is NOT
done by
 Joss Wheden, lol.

 ~ Where love and magic meet ~
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html

 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:52 AM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] . wrote:

  I love TRUE BLOOD!  Vampires, shape-shifters, blood, violence,
  humor and sex - does it get any better than that?  Further,
  Reynolds, played by Nelsan Ellis, may be the greatest homie-erotic
  character to hit cable since Michael K. Williams' Omar Little from
  Barack Obama has said that HBO's The Wire is his favorite show and
  that Omar is his favorite character. That's not an endorsement.
  not my favorite person, but he's a fascinating character.
  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdlists@
   No details other than IO think I saw her cause the Black girl to
  have a car
   accident.  This is what I found
   A recent casting scoop from E! suggests that Michelle Forbes
   http://www.imdb. com/name/ nm405/  (In Treatment
   http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt0835434/ ) will be cast as a
   named Maryann,  IMDB has her listed as appearing in four
  and that
   she will become as series regular
   - - --
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 - - --

Yahoo! Groups Links



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in True Blood

2008-11-16 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
probably before... the last episode i watched was the one where sam woke up 
naked at the foot of sookie's bed like a doggy. jason wanted to marry the chick 
that had him bleeding a vampire, tara got money to exorcise her demon, and the 
vamps used sookie to help them catch a thief. pfft.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:17 PM

Did you disengage before or after the shaft-shifter episode?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:

 I'm going to get smacked around for this I know... (hey adrianne, my 
iwofa pal, how you doin'?) but I stopped watching TruBlood two 
episodes ago. I was hooked and then I was unhooked. Still love 
Lafayette but just can't do it anymore.
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
 Lyrical Press October 2008
 --- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:
 From: Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ ...
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) 
to appear in True Blood
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
 Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 7:55 PM
 Coolness.  :D  I really do love the show.  I think Lafayette has 
totally stolen it--I adore him.  Sam's not bad, and Bill is WAY more 
interesting in the show than in the books--or is it just me?
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ bamc.html
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2: 
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
 On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:50 PM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
 Any friend of TRUE BLOOD is a friend of mine!
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan
 adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:
  I am completely addicted to that show, and it's the first one that
 I've been
  able to say that about in years on this side of the pond that is 
 done by
  Joss Wheden, lol.
  ~ Where love and magic meet ~
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com
  Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
  Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
  On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:52 AM, ravenadal ravenadal@ . wrote:
   I love TRUE BLOOD!  Vampires, shape-shifters, blood, violence,
   humor and sex - does it get any better than that?  Further,
   Reynolds, played by Nelsan Ellis, may be the greatest homie-
   character to hit cable since Michael K. Williams' Omar Little 
   Barack Obama has said that HBO's The Wire is his favorite show 
   that Omar is his favorite character. That's not an endorsement.
   not my favorite person, but he's a fascinating character.
   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella 
No details other than IO think I saw her cause the Black girl 
   have a car
accident.  This is what I found
A recent casting scoop from E! suggests that Michelle Forbes
http://www.imdb. com/name/ nm405/  (In Treatment
http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt0835434/ ) will be cast as a
named Maryann,  IMDB has her listed as appearing in four
   and that
she will become as series regular
    - - --
   Yahoo! Groups Links
  - - --
 Yahoo! Groups Links



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in True Blood

2008-11-16 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I love offbeat, I love odd, I adore jarring, and I write dark fantasy and 
horror, so twisted and aggressive are ok by me. I also don't mind the sex.My 
issue isn't with any of that stuff, my problem is that every character on the 
show at this point, in my opinion (and only my opinion! again not judging those 
who enjoy the show), except Lafayette seems to have gone incredibly stoopid! 
Stoopid McDummyton.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:24 PM

Hey Grayson!  No smacking from me.  People either REALLY love the show right 
now or really hate it--it's not to everyone's taste.

I'm used to watching weird, offbeat, and sometimes jarring stuff, so it doesn't 
bother me. The combination of the erotic and the horror is a tough one to pull 
off, and the series definitely goes more into horror than most vampire shows do.

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:  http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
yahoo.com wrote:

I'm going to get smacked around for this I know... (hey adrianne, my iwofa 
pal, how you doin'?) but I stopped watching TruBlood two episodes ago. I was 
hooked and then I was unhooked. Still love Lafayette but just can't do it 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ gmail.com wrote:

From: Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ gmail.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 7:55 PM

Coolness.  :D  I really do love the show.  I think Lafayette has totally stolen 
it--I adore him.  Sam's not bad, and Bill is WAY more interesting in the show 
than in the books--or is it just me? 

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:  http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:50 PM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Any friend of TRUE BLOOD is a friend of mine!


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan

adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:

 I am completely addicted to that show, and it's the first one that
I've been
 able to say that about in years on this side of the pond that is NOT
done by
 Joss Wheden, lol.

 ~ Where love and magic meet ~
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com

 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html

 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html

 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:52 AM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] . wrote:

  I love TRUE BLOOD!  Vampires, shape-shifters, blood, violence,
  humor and sex - does it get any better than that?  Further,
  Reynolds, played by Nelsan Ellis, may be the greatest homie-erotic
  character to hit cable since Michael K. Williams' Omar Little from
  Barack Obama has said that HBO's The Wire is his favorite show and
  that Omar is his favorite character. That's not an endorsement.
  not my favorite person, but he's a fascinating character.
  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdlists@

   No details other than IO think I saw her cause the Black girl to
  have a car
   accident.  This is what I found
   A recent casting scoop from E! suggests that Michelle Forbes
   http://www.imdb. com/name/ nm405/  (In Treatment
   http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt0835434/ ) will be cast as a
   named Maryann,  IMDB has her listed as appearing in four
  and that
   she will become as series regular
   - - --
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 - - --

Yahoo! Groups Links



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in True Blood

2008-11-16 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Yep. Oh, don't get me wrong, I was curious about the Sam thing... but it didn't 
outweigh my frustation with so many other parts of it.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:30 PM

You watched the episode where Sookie woke up with Sam naked at the 
foot of her bed and you QUIT? Man, I couldn't WAIT to see the next 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:

 probably before... the last episode i watched was the one where sam 
woke up naked at the foot of sookie's bed like a doggy. jason wanted 
to marry the chick that had him bleeding a vampire, tara got money to 
exorcise her demon, and the vamps used sookie to help them catch a 
thief. pfft.
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
 Lyrical Press October 2008
 --- On Sun, 11/16/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:
 From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to 
appear in True Blood
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
 Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:17 PM
 Did you disengage before or after the shaft-shifter episode?
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:
  I'm going to get smacked around for this I know... (hey adrianne, 
 iwofa pal, how you doin'?) but I stopped watching TruBlood two 
 episodes ago. I was hooked and then I was unhooked. Still love 
 Lafayette but just can't do it anymore.
  Grayson Reyes-Cole 
  http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
  Bright Star 
  When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
  Lyrical Press October 2008
  --- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ ... 
  From: Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ ...
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) 
 to appear in True Blood
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
  Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 7:55 PM
  Coolness.  :D  I really do love the show.  I think Lafayette has 
 totally stolen it--I adore him.  Sam's not bad, and Bill is WAY more 
 interesting in the show than in the books--or is it just me?
  ~ Where love and magic meet ~
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com
  Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne 
 brennan.com/ bamc.html
  Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2: 
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
  On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:50 PM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
  Any friend of TRUE BLOOD is a friend of mine!
  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan
  adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:
   I am completely addicted to that show, and it's the first one 
  I've been
   able to say that about in years on this side of the pond that is 
  done by
   Joss Wheden, lol.
   ~ Where love and magic meet ~
   http://www.adrianne brennan.com
   Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
   http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
   Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
   http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
   On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:52 AM, ravenadal ravenadal@ . wrote:
I love TRUE BLOOD!  Vampires, shape-shifters, blood, violence,
humor and sex - does it get any better than that?  Further,
Reynolds, played by Nelsan Ellis, may be the greatest homie-
character to hit cable since Michael K. Williams' Omar Little 
Barack Obama has said that HBO's The Wire is his favorite show 
that Omar is his favorite character. That's not an 
not my favorite person, but he's a fascinating character.
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella 

 No details other than IO think I saw her cause the Black 
have a car
 accident.  This is what I found

 A recent casting scoop from E! suggests that Michelle Forbes
 http://www.imdb. com/name/ nm405/  (In Treatment
 http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt0835434/ ) will be cast as 
 named Maryann,  IMDB has her listed as appearing in four
and that
 she will become as series regular

 - - --
Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in True Blood

2008-11-16 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
That's what my mama said. She's still watching it and convinced it's her duty 
to fill me in every Sunday night after it goes off.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Adrianne Brennan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:24 PM

Heh! You missed what happened with Tara and the exorcist woman.  VERY 

~ Where love and magic meet ~
http://www.adrianne brennan.com
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:  http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ botdm.html

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
yahoo.com wrote:

probably before... the last episode i watched was the one where sam woke up 
naked at the foot of sookie's bed like a doggy. jason wanted to marry the chick 
that had him bleeding a vampire, tara got money to exorcise her demon, and the 
vamps used sookie to help them catch a thief. pfft.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/16/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) to appear in 
True Blood
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:17 PM

Did you disengage before or after the shaft-shifter episode?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 

grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:

 I'm going to get smacked around for this I know... (hey adrianne, my 
iwofa pal, how you doin'?) but I stopped watching TruBlood two 
episodes ago. I was hooked and then I was unhooked. Still love 
Lafayette but just can't do it anymore.
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 

 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
 Lyrical Press October 2008
 --- On Sun, 11/16/08, Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:
 From: Adrianne Brennan adrianne.brennan@ ...
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Michelle Forbes(next Gen/Battlestar) 
to appear in True Blood
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

 Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 7:55 PM
 Coolness.  :D  I really do love the show.  I think Lafayette has 
totally stolen it--I adore him.  Sam's not bad, and Bill is WAY more 
interesting in the show than in the books--or is it just me?
 ~ Where love and magic meet ~
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com
 Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne 
brennan.com/ bamc.html
 Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2: 
 http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
 On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:50 PM, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
 Any friend of TRUE BLOOD is a friend of mine!
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Adrianne Brennan
 adrianne.brennan@ ... wrote:
  I am completely addicted to that show, and it's the first one that
 I've been
  able to say that about in years on this side of the pond that is 
 done by
  Joss Wheden, lol.
  ~ Where love and magic meet ~
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com
  Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates:
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ bamc.html
  Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon on 12/2:
  http://www.adrianne brennan.com/ botdm.html
  On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:52 AM, ravenadal ravenadal@ . wrote:
   I love TRUE BLOOD!  Vampires, shape-shifters, blood, violence,
   humor and sex - does it get any better than that?  Further,
   Reynolds, played by Nelsan Ellis, may be the greatest homie-
   character to hit cable since Michael K. Williams' Omar Little 
   Barack Obama has said that HBO's The Wire is his favorite show 
   that Omar is his favorite character. That's not an endorsement.
   not my favorite person, but he's a fascinating character.
   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella 
No details other than IO think I saw her cause the Black girl 
   have a car
accident.  This is what I found
A recent casting scoop from E! suggests that Michelle Forbes
http://www.imdb. com/name/ nm405/  (In Treatment
http://www.imdb. com/title/ tt0835434/ ) will be cast as a
named Maryann,  IMDB has her listed as appearing in four
   and that
she will become as series regular
    - - --
   Yahoo! Groups

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Life gets a full season

2008-11-14 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Life and Chuck are tied for my favorite show on NBC... After that, it's 30 
Rock, then I'm done with the network.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Fri, 11/14/08, Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Life gets a full season
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, November 14, 2008, 2:08 AM

Life is my favorite show on NBC. And yes, I understand that 
Heroes is on NBC.

The episode Did You Feel That? is one of the best hours of TV I 
have watched in a long time. This is great news.

On Nov 13, 2008, at 8:11 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 Round for the house, on me.

 It may not be a spectacular hit, but it's still head-and-shoulders 
 above most of what's running now (not mentioning The Show About A 
 Car and His Man).

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Life gets a full season

 Date : Thu, 13 Nov 2008 00:28:44 -0800

 From : Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com

 To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

 Life Continues

 NBC series gets a full season.

 by Eric Goldman

 November 10, 2008 - NBC has picked up the back nine episodes for 
 2 of Life
 , meaning the police drama will
 get a full 22-episode season. While Life has decent reviews and 
 some loyal
 fans, it's not exactly a notable hit in the ratings. However, its 
 comes at a time when the vast majority of first and second year 
 series are
 struggling in the ratings, and on NBC in particular, meaning more 
 is being given to shows that seem to have even a hint at growing their
 audience. That means that the good news for fans is that a show 
 like Life is
 being given more of a chance to build an audience than it might 
 have in the
 midst of a stronger overall schedule, where it likely would have been
 dropped sooner.

 Life's pickup follows on the heels of NBC also giving a full season 
 to their
 new version of Knight Rider.
 NBC's Chuck , which debuted fall
 2008 - at the same time as Life -- was given a full 22-episode 
 order before
 the fall TV Season began.



Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Be a fugitive slave for a night in Escape on the Undergro und Railroad

2008-11-11 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Um yeah... me too.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/11/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Be a fugitive slave for a night in Escape on the 
Undergro und Railroad
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Cc: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'Curtis, Jr.' [EMAIL 
'Valery Jean' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'Wendell Theophilus Smith' [EMAIL 
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 10:53 PM

Call me crazy, but I'm gonna pass on this.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [scifinoir2]
Be_a_fugitive_slave_for_a_night_in_Escape_on_the_Undergro  und_Railroad
 Date : Tue, 11 Nov 2008 14:47:21 -0800
 From : Tracey de Morsella
 To :
scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com,   [EMAIL PROTECTED],'Curtis,
Brathwaite' [EMAIL PROTECTED],   'Valery
Jean' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'Wendell Theophilus
Smith' [EMAIL PROTECTED],'Whitney J

Be a fugitive slave for a night in Escape on the Underground

Cleveland offers the historically curious a sample of the heart-pounding
panic, anger, and tears of escaped slaves making their way to freedom in


By Wendy

Hoke | Correspondent / November 4, 2008 edition


William Rieter/Special to The Christian Science Monitor

Going back to the 1850s: Sherrie Tolliver (right) gets into character as
Lissie, an Underground Railroad conductor in Cleveland's



All is quiet in this wooded valley - for now.

Autumn's sweetness is in the air as water rushes over rocks in Tinker's
Creek and a golden sun sets trees aglow in the Cleveland Metroparks Bedford

But gathered in the picnic shelter on this early October evening is a cast
of volunteers set to recreate a world as far from peace and tranquility as

Escape on the Underground Railroad, a recreation of a run for
freedom that
uses volunteer actors to help put participants in the shoes of runaway
slaves, is set to begin.
There will be panic - chases with howling hounds and heart-pounding dashes
for cover in the dark; anger -- slaves thrown to the ground and
humiliated; sorrow - real tears shed. And there will be a tangible
connection made to the history of this area, a stopping point on the secret
route of abolitionist safe houses used by escaped slaves on their way to
Canada in the 1850s.

This is the final night of the Garfield Park Nature Center's 12th season of
reenactments and will be for adults only. Park manager Carl Casavecchia
reminds the crew of this and asks them to turn up the intensity.

As the crew sorts props, gathers long skirts together with safety pins, and
counts kerosene lanterns, Mr. Casavecchia has more reminders: The effigy is
hanging in the tree, don't put the slaves under the lit
torches, and if
someone gets hurt, the code phrase the cast should use is Moses is going

Then the crew disperses into the woods to get in place before the 60
participants - men and women, white and African American - arrive to take
the roles of slaves in 1852.
Ohio was always a free state, but following passage of the Fugitive Slave
Law of 1850, escaped slaves could be captured anywhere in the US. So on this
night, the slaves were Canada-bound. Whether the uUncerground
went through

Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Oh no.
I mean she's gorgeous in my opinion...
oh no.
I love Wonder Woman...
don't do this to me.

I saw her in that Pink Panther thing, The Fighting Temptations, Dream Girls, 
Carmen the remake... Austin Powers Goldmember... 
don't do this to me.
Not MY Wonder Woman!
On a foot note... I met Etta James... and I don't want that done to me either.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mike Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Mike Street [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 6:48 PM

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/entertainme nt/7718580. stm

Pop star Beyonce has said she wants to play Wonder Woman in a film of the comic 
book heroine. 
The singer has met DC Comics and film studio Warner Bros to express her 
interest in future superhero roles on the big screen. 
I want to do a superhero movie and what would be better than Wonder Woman? 
she told the Los Angeles Times. 
And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful 
thing. It's time for that, right? 
Wonder Woman, played by Lynda Carter on TV in the 1970s, has never been made 
into a feature film. 
Beyonce was nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in Dreamgirls two years 
ago, and has also had film parts in Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Pink 
She will soon be seen playing singer Etta James on the big screen in Cadillac 
Records, and has a major role in the thriller Obsessed. 
After doing these roles that were so emotional I was thinking to myself: 'OK, 
I need to be a superhero,' Beyonce said. 
Although, when you think about the psychology of the heroes in the films these 
days, they are still a lot of work, of course, and emotional. But there's also 
an action element that I would enjoy.  

Michael Street, jr
streetforce1@ gmail.com
http://www.greasygu ide.com 

Obama 08 - Yes we can
http://www.barackob ama.com 


Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I agree 100% with Beyoncé in the Last Dragon. That makes way more sense to me! 
Who was that? Vanity?

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mike Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Mike Street [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 8:14 PM

Not to have Beyonce play every role but maybe she might be a good pic to play 
Laura Charles in the Last Dragon remake that's in pre-production now. If not 
Beyonce then I'd like to see Rihanna in this role.   


Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Um, you mean you didn't see Bring It On: For the Last Time Dammit? Nope. She 
can't act. But she's better than Beyonce in that particular shallow pool of pop 
tart thespianic talent.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/10/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 10, 2008, 4:32 AM

can Rihanna act? I've never gotten all the buzz on her...
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Mike Street streetforce1@ gmail.com 

Not to have Beyonce play every role but maybe she might be a good pic to play 
Laura Charles in the Last Dragon remake that's in pre-production now. If not 
Beyonce then I'd like to see Rihanna in this role.   


Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
If they made it campy, fine. Could totally live with that. But you know 
Hollywood... No more nice big hair, no more spinning around... They won't pay 
an homage to the show... They will do their own bastardized rendition... She 
probably won't even work for the military in the update! And what about Diana's 
homeland and the rest of the Amazons? Eh?
Grayson... out!

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mike Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Mike Street [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 8:11 PM


I'm not to opposed to the idea however don't expect to see to much acting. I 
wouldn't mind a slightly camp version of WW...with lots of running, the classic 
spin, lots of big hair and a big throw back to what made WW a hit on TV. 
Beyonce could totally look the part. She has the body and the looks and would 
bring in the box office dollars. my only concern would be that they have the 
House of Dearon design the outfit...cause then you'd know it would suck. 

On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Omari Confer clockworkman@ gmail.com wrote:

Damn Negroesfirst they ruin the presidency ...now comic books

(fist shaking)


On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Mike Street streetforce1@ gmail.com wrote:

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/entertainme nt/7718580. stm

Pop star Beyonce has said she wants to play Wonder Woman in a film of the comic 
book heroine. 
The singer has met DC Comics and film studio Warner Bros to express her 
interest in future superhero roles on the big screen. 
I want to do a superhero movie and what would be better than Wonder Woman? 
she told the Los Angeles Times. 
And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful 
thing. It's time for that, right? 
Wonder Woman, played by Lynda Carter on TV in the 1970s, has never been made 
into a feature film. 
Beyonce was nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in Dreamgirls two years 
ago, and has also had film parts in Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Pink 
She will soon be seen playing singer Etta James on the big screen in Cadillac 
Records, and has a major role in the thriller Obsessed. 
After doing these roles that were so emotional I was thinking to myself: 'OK, 
I need to be a superhero,' Beyonce said. 
Although, when you think about the psychology of the heroes in the films these 
days, they are still a lot of work, of course, and emotional. But there's also 
an action element that I would enjoy.  

Michael Street, jr
streetforce1@ gmail.com
http://www.greasygu ide.com 

Obama 08 - Yes we can
http://www.barackob ama.com 

cwm blog
http://centralheati ngblog.blogspot. com
http://www.stringth eory.mypodcast. com

Michael Street, jr
streetforce1@ gmail.com
http://www.greasygu ide.com 

Obama 08 - Yes we can
http://www.barackob ama.com 


RE: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
You articulated exactly my thoughts.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 7:18 PM

Physically it could work, but she displays no emotional depth in her 
performances.  It would be too cartoony  and I don’t mean that in a good 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf 
Of Grayson Reyes-Cole
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

Oh no.


I mean she's gorgeous in my opinion...




oh no.


I love Wonder Woman...


don't do this to me.

I saw her in that Pink Panther thing, The Fighting Temptations, Dream Girls, 
Carmen the remake... Austin Powers Goldmember.. . 


don't do this to me.


Not MY Wonder Woman!


On a foot note... I met Etta James... and I don't want that done to me either.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 


Bright Star 

When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008


--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mike Street streetforce1@ gmail.com wrote:
From: Mike Street streetforce1@ gmail.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 6:48 PM

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/entertainme nt/7718580. stm 


Pop star Beyonce has said she wants to play Wonder Woman in a film of the comic 
book heroine. 

The singer has met DC Comics and film studio Warner Bros to express her 
interest in future superhero roles on the big screen. 

I want to do a superhero movie and what would be better than Wonder Woman? 
she told the Los Angeles Times. 

And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful 
thing. It's time for that, right? 

Wonder Woman, played by Lynda Carter on TV in the 1970s, has never been made 
into a feature film. 

Beyonce was nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in Dreamgirls two years 
ago, and has also had film parts in Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Pink 

She will soon be seen playing singer Etta James on the big screen in Cadillac 
Records, and has a major role in the thriller Obsessed. 

After doing these roles that were so emotional I was thinking to myself: 'OK, 
I need to be a superhero,' Beyonce said. 

Although, when you think about the psychology of the heroes in the films these 
days, they are still a lot of work, of course, and emotional. But there's also 
an action element that I would enjoy.  

Michael Street, jr
streetforce1@ gmail.com
http://www.greasygu ide.com 

Obama 08 - Yes we can
http://www.barackob ama.com 



Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
My point quot;fooquot; lol is that I can see Beyonce totally rockin#39; a 
part first brought to life by Vanity. She was pretty, too. She couldn#39;t 
*act* but she was pretty. 

--Grayson in a damn airport when she had no intention as of noon today of 

Omari Confer wrote: 
 Watch yo self fooVanity is my girl... On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 
 2:25 PM, Grayson Reyes-Cole  grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com  wrote: 
 I agree 100% with Beyoncé in the Last Dragon. That makes way more sense to 
 me! Who was that? Vanity? 
  Grayson Reyes-Cole http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
  Bright Star 
  When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... 
 Lyrical Press October 2008 
    --- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mike Street  streetforce1@ gmail.com  wrote: 
  From: Mike Street  streetforce1@ gmail.com  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] 
 Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 8:14 PM 
  Not to have Beyonce play every role but maybe she might be a good pic to 
 play Laura Charles in the Last Dragon remake that's in pre-production now. If 
 not Beyonce then I'd like to see Rihanna in this role.  
  -- cwm blog http://centralheati ngblog.blogspot. com STRING THEORY 
 http://www.stringth eory.mypodcast. com 


RE: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

2008-11-09 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
You articulated exactly my thoughts.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 7:18 PM

Physically it could work, but she displays no emotional depth in her 
performances.  It would be too cartoony  and I don’t mean that in a good 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf 
Of Grayson Reyes-Cole
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman

Oh no.


I mean she's gorgeous in my opinion...




oh no.


I love Wonder Woman...


don't do this to me.

I saw her in that Pink Panther thing, The Fighting Temptations, Dream Girls, 
Carmen the remake... Austin Powers Goldmember.. . 


don't do this to me.


Not MY Wonder Woman!


On a foot note... I met Etta James... and I don't want that done to me either.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 


Bright Star 

When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008


--- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mike Street streetforce1@ gmail.com wrote:
From: Mike Street streetforce1@ gmail.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Beyonce in talks to Play Wonder Woman
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 6:48 PM

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/entertainme nt/7718580. stm 


Pop star Beyonce has said she wants to play Wonder Woman in a film of the comic 
book heroine. 

The singer has met DC Comics and film studio Warner Bros to express her 
interest in future superhero roles on the big screen. 

I want to do a superhero movie and what would be better than Wonder Woman? 
she told the Los Angeles Times. 

And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful 
thing. It's time for that, right? 

Wonder Woman, played by Lynda Carter on TV in the 1970s, has never been made 
into a feature film. 

Beyonce was nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in Dreamgirls two years 
ago, and has also had film parts in Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Pink 

She will soon be seen playing singer Etta James on the big screen in Cadillac 
Records, and has a major role in the thriller Obsessed. 

After doing these roles that were so emotional I was thinking to myself: 'OK, 
I need to be a superhero,' Beyonce said. 

Although, when you think about the psychology of the heroes in the films these 
days, they are still a lot of work, of course, and emotional. But there's also 
an action element that I would enjoy.  

Michael Street, jr
streetforce1@ gmail.com
http://www.greasygu ide.com 

Obama 08 - Yes we can
http://www.barackob ama.com 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Wanted 2 Scribe Set

2008-11-08 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I saw Wanted and really liked it (everything except that first chase scene with 
the motorcylce and the bus and everything, I hadn't quite suspended my 
disbelief at that point in the story, lol) I thought the ending was perfect 
The storyline, in my opinion, is easy to continue. In a book series, you kill 
an important character off because you have too, but the story or series 
continues, especially if it's not the main characters, right? it's the movie 
part... huge stars bit it in the first one, so you need new huge stars in the 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Sat, 11/8/08, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Wanted 2 Scribe Set
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, CINQUE  [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'paul 
demorsella' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'Aisha Demorsella Large' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 5:47 AM

Wanted 2 Scribe Set
Sequel may have more global scope.
by Jim Vejvoda
November 5, 2008 - Wanted screenwriter Chris Morgan will reprise his scripting 
duties for Universal Pictures' sequel to the 2008 action hit. 

Morgan told MTV that he is currently hashing out the story for Wanted 2 with 
director Timur Bekmambetov. (SPOILER WARNING) Obviously, the biggest problem in 
crafting a sequel is that so many characters died in the original. 

That is the challenge here, said Morgan, but the point is to continue the 
journey that Wes [Gibson, played by James McAvoy] started in the first film. 
Wherever he ended up at the end of the film, now it's time to move him 

The writer added, There's a natural journey that Wes needs to take. Morgan 
added that Wanted 2 is going to be opened up to be more global. 

Morgan also said that Mark Millar, creator of the comic book upon which the 
film was based, will be more involved with the sequel.


Re: [scifinoir2] FW: Joe the plumber was on welfare.... lol

2008-11-07 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Um... reminder...he's a *plumber* ... i don't think passing civics is a 
requirement for the job :) and we all *knew* he was a plumber... lol

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Fri, 11/7/08, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FW: Joe the plumber was on welfare lol
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 1:01 PM

It's fascinating that a man who would fail Jr. High Civics gets so much camera 
time. Someone should remove his tongue.


--- On Fri, 11/7/08, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com 

From: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com
Subject: [scifinoir2] FW: Joe the plumber was on welfare lol
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, 'ObamaBrigade'  
ObamaBrigade@ yahoogroups. com, 'grassroots4obama'  grassroots4obama@ 
yahoogroups. com, 'Chris de Morsella' cdemorsella@ yahoo.com, 'Glenn 
Sigler' [EMAIL PROTECTED] com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] rutgers.edu, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] com, 'Chris de Morsella' cdemorsella@ yahoo.com
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 6:53 AM

From: Mr. Everything [mailto:everythingi [EMAIL PROTECTED] com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 3:42 PM
To: Keith Johnson; Cinque3000; sonofafieldnegro@ sbcglobal. net; [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] com; 'Tracey de Morsella'; afrikanmind@ hotmail.com; 'Albert 
Fields'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] com; 'Cleo'; dorothyhamm@ sbcglobal. net; [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] com; [EMAIL PROTECTED] net; 'Kai Pettaway'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] com; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com; 'Michael Gordon'; michael.v.w. [EMAIL PROTECTED] com; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com; 'Valery Jean'; 'Wendell Theophilus Smith'; williamsfred@ 
speakeasy. net; 'Chris de Morsella'; 'Glenn Sigler'; 'GTW'; 'Lockhart, Daryle'; 
'Lord Sauron'; 'Martin Baxter'; 'Phyllis Johnson'; 'ravenadal'; martin.baxter. 
Subject: Joe the plumber was on welfare lol

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=ZPzW2XELAfwfeature=email



Re: [scifinoir2] Boom Baby! South Park Parodies Election Night

2008-11-07 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I thought they were parodying Oceans 11 12 and 13? LOL

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Fri, 11/7/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Boom Baby! South Park Parodies Election Night
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 5:13 AM

This episode is inspired! Catch it if you can.


http://www.associat edcontent. com/article/ 1184665/south_ parks_about_ las
t_night_quickly. html

South Park's About Last Night Quickly Spoofs Election Aftermath, Heist 

By Robert Dougherty

The entire election season inspired tons of parodies and spoofs, but 
it didn't result in any parodies from the one show that goes farther 
than any spoof on network TV could. Although the election was full of 
material that South Park could have easily parodied or mocked, South 
Park did not do any election spoofs during the primary season, or 
during the pre-election runup.

Instead, they saved doing an election parody until the night after it 
ended, which was fittingly titled About Last Night. And of course, 
South Park used Obama and McCain themselves in yet another movie genre 

In waiting until Obama was declared the winner, South Park once again 
demonstrated how current and topical they are. About Last Night 
literally lifted lines said in Obama and McCain's speeches the 
previous night to start the episode. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are 
famous for waiting until the last minute to finish an episode, but 
this is a South Park record.

About Last Night's last minute topicality can be put up with the 
Emmy winning Best Friends Forever Terri Schiavo parody that aired 
the night before Schiavo's death, and the It's Christmas in Canada 
episode that worked in the capture of Saddam Hussain three days after 
he was found in real life.

Aside from the ultra-topical references, South Park had bi-partisan 
spoofing of the Obama and McCain supporters. The Obama supporters, led 
by the crazed Randy Marsh, partied way too hard and thought Obama's 
change meant they could do anything. McCain's supporters, led by 
Butters Stotch's psychotic father, went nuts by building a bunker for 
the end of days.

Most notably, Kyle's little brother Ike was so distraught by McCain's 
loss that he jumped five feet off a window, equating the McCain 
supporters to little babies.

But as for actual spoofs of Obama and McCain themselves, South Park 
didn't spoof the political process between them, so much as they put 
them in another movie genre parody.

This time, About Last Night spoofed the overdone heist genre, as 
Obama and McCain's entire election is painted as part of an elaborate 
heist to steal the Hope Diamond. Even Michelle Obama and an actually 
cultured Sarah Palin are in on it.

Spoofing heist movies is a random way to parody this election. But if 
South Park had any message to it, it was probably to comment on how 
Obama and McCain are no different than regular old politicians, who 
are usually the equivalent of thieves anyway. Having them work 
together to steal the Hope Diamond is another clue to that.
Now that the election is done, South Park will have to find non-
election events to spoof for the final two episodes of the season. But 
since they found random topics like pan flute bands and Indiana Jones 
to parody this year instead of the election, that shouldn't be hard 
for them.



Re: The SAW movies (was:[RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable)

2008-11-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
I really like the Halloween revisit. 1000 Corpses and Devil's Reject make all 
my happy sad.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/4/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The SAW movies (was:[RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable)
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 6:27 PM

I resisted HOSTEL but upon finally seeing it, I came away primarily 
impressed with Eli Roth's undeniable talent as a filmmaker. I was 
similarly impressed with Rob Zombie's helming of the HALLOWEEN 
remake, which is grade A work and is presaged by his gonzo work on 
HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES and THE DEVIL'S REJECTS - both of which are 
unabashed trash (but well made trash).


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:

 Er... probably... And to answer your other question. There are 
scenes I didn't watch, rather listened to... not out of fear but out 
of is this really necessary? So in that case, yes there are some 
really gruesome scenes... but they don't go on for long (ok... maybe 
a couple of them do)... I think I'm just making excuses because I 
like the story, lol... I haven't seen Hostel or Turistas or a ton of 
other movies expressly because I'm not interested in that stuff and 
yet, Saw does have a few of those elements. I cannot tell a lie. 
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
 Lyrical Press October 2008
 --- On Tue, 11/4/08, KeithBJohnson@ ... KeithBJohnson@ ... wrote:
 From: KeithBJohnson@ ... KeithBJohnson@ ...
 Subject: Re: The SAW movies (was:[RE][scifinoir 2] Horror Marathons 
on Cable)
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
 Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:53 AM
 So, to my point of inferiour sequels or clones, do Saw 4 and 5 
fall into that bad category, along with all the Friday the 13th, 
Halloween, and Children of the Corn sequels?
  -- Original message  -- 
 From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
 I completely agree with your assessment of Saw and Saw 2. The 
 original Saw is a text book example of how to create horror and 
 suspense on a very tight budget. The way the writer and director 
 their disadvantages to their advantage is nothing short of 
 For me, the series goes off the rails in Saw 3 because I believe 
 sequel violates the series implicit contract with the viewer when 
 Jigsaw's assistant breaks the rules of Jigsaw's intricate puzzle 
 tortures. Plus, Saw 3 recycled puzzle tortures from previous movies 
 which, to me, is a sign of filmmakers who are either lazy or out of 
 ideas. I have resisted both Saw IV and Saw V.
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:
  First a disclaimer, we frequently like or laud things that 
 our own aesthetic. So some of the things I l ike about the Saw 
 I may be a little biased about simply because the writer seemed to 
 saying something I also tried to say (in much more ramped down 
 in my latest release. OK. now that that's out of the way... here 
 some of the reasons I like it.
  1) Regardless of whether you think it's smart or not (I thought 
 was smart) or find holes in it or not (I didn't find any until late 
 the series) it'd be difficult for one to argue that this series is 
 plot driven. I like that. Some of the horror films I don't like are 
 two dimensional. Evil people/creatures with no motive other than 
 hunger do bad things. Sometimes the lore or story behind them is 
 driven by popular culture and there's no value add to the film, 
 sometimes seems lazy. If not lazy, then pushed aside as the 
 tried to accomplish other things like shock. If you like the shock 
 value movies, gore only, etc... that's ok and I don't mean to put 
 anyone down... I'm saying that I get easily bored by it and usually 
 don't finish the movie. I enjoy Saw because it has a plot, a three-
 dimensional antagonist, and despite the gore, the priority seems to 
 in the right place for my aesthetic.
  2) The first movie absolutely beat my expectations. It did ask 
 question, hurt someone else or hurt yourself, but it asked more 
 that. It asked a person to do something abhorrent to save his/her 
 life, thus be forced to recognize the value of life, or fail to do 
 something abhorrent, thus showing that your life doesn't mean that 
 much to you, so you die. I ask a similar question in my novel but 
 quite a bit different from the Saw perspective and, well, I've 
 mentioned I'm not much of a gore fan. The selection of 
the victims 
 for these Jigsaw reindeer games

Re: The SAW movies (was:[RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable)

2008-11-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Er... probably... And to answer your other question. There are scenes I didn't 
watch, rather listened to... not out of fear but out of is this really 
necessary? So in that case, yes there are some really gruesome scenes... but 
they don't go on for long (ok... maybe a couple of them do)... I think I'm just 
making excuses because I like the story, lol... I haven't seen Hostel or 
Turistas or a ton of other movies expressly because I'm not interested in that 
stuff and yet, Saw does have a few of those elements. I cannot tell a lie. 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/4/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: The SAW movies (was:[RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable)
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:53 AM

So, to my point of inferiour sequels or clones, do Saw 4 and 5 fall into that 
bad category, along with all the Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Children of 
the Corn sequels?
 -- Original message  -- 
From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

I completely agree with your assessment of Saw and Saw 2. The 
original Saw is a text book example of how to create horror and 
suspense on a very tight budget. The way the writer and director used 
their disadvantages to their advantage is nothing short of ingenious.
For me, the series goes off the rails in Saw 3 because I believe this 
sequel violates the series implicit contract with the viewer when 
Jigsaw's assistant breaks the rules of Jigsaw's intricate puzzle 
tortures. Plus, Saw 3 recycled puzzle tortures from previous movies 
which, to me, is a sign of filmmakers who are either lazy or out of 
ideas. I have resisted both Saw IV and Saw V.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:

 First a disclaimer, we frequently like or laud things that resemble 
our own aesthetic. So some of the things I l ike about the Saw series, 
I may be a little biased about simply because the writer seemed to be 
saying something I also tried to say (in much more ramped down manner) 
in my latest release. OK. now that that's out of the way... here are 
some of the reasons I like it.
 1) Regardless of whether you think it's smart or not (I thought it 
was smart) or find holes in it or not (I didn't find any until late in 
the series) it'd be difficult for one to argue that this series is not 
plot driven. I like that. Some of the horror films I don't like are 
two dimensional. Evil people/creatures with no motive other than 
hunger do bad things. Sometimes the lore or story behind them is 
driven by popular culture and there's no value add to the film, which 
sometimes seems lazy. If not lazy, then pushed aside as the filmmakers 
tried to accomplish other things like shock. If you like the shock 
value movies, gore only, etc... that's ok and I don't mean to put 
anyone down... I'm saying that I get easily bored by it and usually 
don't finish the movie. I enjoy Saw because it has a plot, a three-
dimensional antagonist, and despite the gore, the priority seems to be 
in the right place for my aesthetic.
 2) The first movie absolutely beat my expectations. It did ask the 
question, hurt someone else or hurt yourself, but it asked more than 
that. It asked a person to do something abhorrent to save his/her 
life, thus be forced to recognize the value of life, or fail to do 
something abhorrent, thus showing that your life doesn't mean that 
much to you, so you die. I ask a similar question in my novel but it's 
quite a bit different from the Saw perspective and, well, I've 
mentioned I'm not much of a gore fan. The selection of the victims 
for these Jigsaw reindeer games, I thought, was also clever.
 3) The second movie really hooked me because of a moment in the 
movie when me and my date (who had seen the first one in a theater 
together) both looked at each other and had a huge OMG moment when we 
recognized one of the characters from the first film and like a 
completed dot-to-dot, the plot gained dimension where I had *no* 
expectation for it to. I figured it couldn't possibly get me again... 
but it did. That made me happy.
 4) The third movie, pleased me because we got to spend a lot of time 
with Jigsaw and two of his subjects.
 5) The fourth movie was hard for me to get through... really, no 
lie... it took several tries for me to watch it, get it. Not that the 
plot was so intricate that I needed to study it, more that I found it 
convoluted. I finally only watched it because I wanted to decide if I 
would see V or not. Yep, four was when I started thinking that I might 
be done with the series, but V was released... and there was a big 
deal abou t the opening... and well... as long as they make them, I'll 
probably watch

[scifinoir2] Re: The SAW movies

2008-11-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
H... On 3, I can see your point... I can completely see your point, though 
on the other side of it, because i felt vindicated... when I saw the first 
scene I was like... why would Jigsaw change the game... the answer was 
really, really convenient, but hey I am easy girl to please ;) .maybe not I 
dunno, I guess it just didn't bother me as much.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Tue, 11/4/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The SAW movies (was:[RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable)
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:41 AM

I completely agree with your assessment of Saw and Saw 2. The 
original Saw is a text book example of how to create horror and 
suspense on a very tight budget. The way the writer and director used 
their disadvantages to their advantage is nothing short of ingenious.
For me, the series goes off the rails in Saw 3 because I believe this 
sequel violates the series implicit contract with the viewer when 
Jigsaw's assistant breaks the rules of Jigsaw's intricate puzzle 
tortures. Plus, Saw 3 recycled puzzle tortures from previous movies 
which, to me, is a sign of filmmakers who are either lazy or out of 
ideas. I have resisted both Saw IV and Saw V.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Grayson Reyes-Cole 
grayson.reyescole@ ... wrote:

 First a disclaimer, we frequently like or laud things that resemble 
our own aesthetic. So some of the things I like about the Saw series, 
I may be a little biased about simply because the writer seemed to be 
saying something I also tried to say (in much more ramped down manner) 
in my latest release. OK. now that that's out of the way... here are 
some of the reasons I like it.
 1) Regardless of whether you think it's smart or not (I thought it 
was smart) or find holes in it or not (I didn't find any until late in 
the series) it'd be difficult for one to argue that this series is not 
plot driven. I like that. Some of the horror films I don't like are 
two dimensional. Evil people/creatures with no motive other than 
hunger do bad things. Sometimes the lore or story behind them is 
driven by popular culture and there's no value add to the film, which 
sometimes seems lazy. If not lazy, then pushed aside as the filmmakers 
tried to accomplish other things like shock. If you like the shock 
value movies, gore only, etc... that's ok and I don't mean to put 
anyone down... I'm saying that I get easily bored by it and usually 
don't finish the movie. I enjoy Saw because it has a plot, a three-
dimensional antagonist, and despite the gore, the priority seems to be 
in the right place for my aesthetic.
 2) The first movie absolutely beat my expectations. It did ask the 
question, hurt someone else or hurt yourself, but it asked more than 
that. It asked a person to do something abhorrent to save his/her 
life, thus be forced to recognize the value of life, or fail to do 
something abhorrent, thus showing that your life doesn't mean that 
much to you, so you die. I ask a similar question in my novel but it's 
quite a bit different from the Saw perspective and, well, I've 
mentioned I'm not much of a gore fan. The selection of the victims 
for these Jigsaw reindeer games, I thought, was also clever.
 3) The second movie really hooked me because of a moment in the 
movie when me and my date (who had seen the first one in a theater 
together) both looked at each other and had a huge OMG moment when we 
recognized one of the characters from the first film and like a 
completed dot-to-dot, the plot gained dimension where I had *no* 
expectation for it to. I figured it couldn't possibly get me again... 
but it did. That made me happy.
 4) The third movie, pleased me because we got to spend a lot of time 
with Jigsaw and two of his subjects.
 5) The fourth movie was hard for me to get through... really, no 
lie... it took several tries for me to watch it, get it. Not that the 
plot was so intricate that I needed to study it, more that I found it 
convoluted. I finally only watched it because I wanted to decide if I 
would see V or not. Yep, four was when I started thinking that I might 
be done with the series, but V was released... and there was a big 
deal about the opening... and well... as long as they make them, I'll 
probably watch them.
 As a postscript, I also like the musical indicators. When I was 
little, I used to get scared by scary music in shows, whether what was 
happening on screen was scary or not... I like the way they use music 
in the series.
 Grayson Reyes-Cole 
 http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
 Bright Star 
 When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be 
 Lyrical Press October 2008
 --- On Mon, 11/3/08, Martin Baxter

[scifinoir2] Seeker SPOILERS and Ursula K. Le Guin

2008-11-04 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Dude! Are you serious? Then the book going into the fire is totally not the 
only problem. What was the point of making the guy not know anything at all 
about his Destiny if in the books he spends his entire childhood learning 
about it... I mean it sounds like there was ABSOLUTELY no reason to do what 
they did unless America responds to brash young white fellow with no background 
or learnin', with a chiseled body and a can do attitude... (I'm killing myself 
with this one)... Now I am forced to quote Ursula K. Le Guin on the movie and 
tv adaptations of her novels:
Am I going to sell another book to Hollywood? Probably not. Bit once, OK; bit 
twice, you're stupid. I think a couple of my books would make very good movies, 
but you've got to have somebody who really believes in you, really believes 
this book would make a good movie, not, 'I'm going to buy this book so we can 
use her name, and then I'll make the movie I want to make.' However, I got 
wonderful letters of condolence for months after the Sci Fi Channel's version 
of A Wizard of Earthsea. People were so sweet, so mad! I do have wonderful 
readers. They write the nicest damn letters. 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Wed, 11/5/08, Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 1:06 AM


  In the Book (Wizards First Rule) Richard is made to read and memorize the 
book of shadows from a very young age.  His father (Richard Cyper) made him 
memorize the book.  Once Richard had the book memorized the book and could 
recite it back to his father word for word the book was destroyed.  So unless 
they show Richard memorizing the book in a flashback I am not sure how they 
will reconcile the books destruction.  

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
yahoo.com wrote:

Spoil the show, eh? Um... I don't mind... put SPOILER at the top and gimme the 
goods. :) 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 12:26 PM

I dont want to spoil the show, but I can say that they left out a huge chunk of 
information regarding Zedd, Richard, the book and George Cypher.  So large that 
it affects the outcome of the end of the first book, and in some way each book 
that comes after it.  The curiosity of how they are going to deal with this 
(flashback maybe) is the only reason I may keep watching.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
yahoo.com wrote:

So Jeff, In the text he *doesn't* toss the book into the fire? If not, sounds 
like a huge misstep! The guy does seem a bit, well, wee for the part. 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 

Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com 

Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 11:07 AM

Well first of all the guy is too small and too chiseled.  Richard is supposed 
to be this big farm boy type of guy.  Big enough that he is the same size if 
not bigger than the D'harian troops (who are supposed to be huge).  He also 
lacks the confidence and resolve that Richard has in the books.  Richard is 
able to see the truth in things and accpet them, the actor playing Richard 
seemed a bit unsure of himself and his destiny.  They also seem to have left 
themselves with a big whole to fill with the book of shadows so I am a bit 
curious as to how they will deal with that, but I'm not sure if I will be able 
to force myself to watch another 20 episodes.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:56 PM, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:

What specifically about the actor playing Richard do yoiu not like? What would 
be your thought for a better type of actor?

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

I have to warn everyone that if you have read the series and you really like 
it, try to stay away from the show.  It is loosely based on the books with many 
differences, and in my opionion Richard is cast completly wrong (totally

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable

2008-11-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
First a disclaimer, we frequently like or laud things that resemble our own 
aesthetic. So some of the things I like about the Saw series, I may be a little 
biased about simply because the writer seemed to be saying something I also 
tried to say (in much more ramped down manner) in my latest release. OK. now 
that that's out of the way... here are some of the reasons I like it.
1) Regardless of whether you think it's smart or not (I thought it was smart) 
or find holes in it or not (I didn't find any until late in the series) it'd be 
difficult for one to argue that this series is not plot driven. I like that. 
Some of the horror films I don't like are two dimensional. Evil 
people/creatures with no motive other than hunger do bad things. Sometimes the 
lore or story behind them is driven by popular culture and there's no value add 
to the film, which sometimes seems lazy. If not lazy, then pushed aside as the 
filmmakers tried to accomplish other things like shock. If you like the shock 
value movies, gore only, etc... that's ok and I don't mean to put anyone 
down... I'm saying that I get easily bored by it and usually don't finish the 
movie. I enjoy Saw because it has a plot, a three-dimensional antagonist, and 
despite the gore, the priority seems to be in the right place for my aesthetic.
2) The first movie absolutely beat my expectations. It did ask the question, 
hurt someone else or hurt yourself, but it asked more than that. It asked a 
person to do something abhorrent to save his/her life, thus be forced to 
recognize the value of life, or fail to do something abhorrent, thus showing 
that your life doesn't mean that much to you, so you die. I ask a similar 
question in my novel but it's quite a bit different from the Saw perspective 
and, well, I've mentioned I'm not much of a gore fan. The selection of the 
victims for these Jigsaw reindeer games, I thought, was also clever.
3) The second movie really hooked me because of a moment in the movie when me 
and my date (who had seen the first one in a theater together) both looked at 
each other and had a huge OMG moment when we recognized one of the characters 
from the first film and like a completed dot-to-dot, the plot gained dimension 
where I had *no* expectation for it to. I figured it couldn't possibly get me 
again... but it did. That made me happy.
4) The third movie, pleased me because we got to spend a lot of time with 
Jigsaw and two of his subjects.
5) The fourth movie was hard for me to get through... really, no lie... it took 
several tries for me to watch it, get it. Not that the plot was so intricate 
that I needed to study it, more that I found it convoluted. I finally only 
watched it because I wanted to decide if I would see V or not. Yep, four was 
when I started thinking that I might be done with the series, but V was 
released... and there was a big deal about the opening... and well... as long 
as they make them, I'll probably watch them.
As a postscript, I also like the musical indicators. When I was little, I used 
to get scared by scary music in shows, whether what was happening on screen was 
scary or not... I like the way they use music in the series.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 1:23 PM

Keith, I'll give the first one some points for originality. Putting two
people in circumstances that demand that they either hurt themselves or those
they care for had a neat psychological edge. For me, that's where the better
part of horror kicks in. The gore didn't bother me at all because, at the
risk of freaking people out, I have seen worse in real life.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable
 Date : Mon, 03 Nov 2008 04:52:44 +
 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

What is so good about Saw? Never seen any of the eps...

-- Original message -- 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole  
Just for the record :) though my pleasure with the series may say something
different, I am not a gan of torture porn either.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 3:21 AM

Psycho is a classic, no doubt. So is the original
Halloween, for that matter. As for the Saw torture porn
stuff, yeah, it doesn't exactly thrill me.

 -- Original

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable

2008-11-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 2:52 PM

Well thought out and said! I hate horror movies but saw part of #3 on TV. Great 
observations. You ALMOST make me want to see these films.

On Nov 3, 2008, at 9:16 AM, Grayson Reyes-Cole wrote:

First a disclaimer, we frequently like or laud things that resemble our own 
aesthetic. So some of the things I like about the Saw series, I may be a little 
biased about simply because the writer seemed to be saying something I also 
tried to say (in much more ramped down manner) in my latest release. OK. now 
that that's out of the way... here are some of the reasons I like it.
1) Regardless of whether you think it's smart or not (I thought it was smart) 
or find holes in it or not (I didn't find any until late in the series) it'd be 
difficult for one to argue that this series is not plot driven. I like that. 
Some of the horror films I don't like are two dimensional. Evil 
people/creatures with no motive other than hunger do bad things. Sometimes the 
lore or story behind them is driven by popular culture and there's no value add 
to the film, which sometimes seems lazy. If not lazy, then pushed aside as the 
filmmakers tried to accomplish other things like shock. If you like the shock 
value movies, gore only, etc... that's ok and I don't mean to put anyone 
down... I'm saying that I get easily bored by it and usually don't finish the 
movie. I enjoy Saw because it has a plot, a three-dimensional antagonist, and 
despite the gore, the priority seems to be in the right place for my aesthetic.
2) The first movie absolutely beat my expectations. It did ask the question, 
hurt someone else or hurt yourself, but it asked more than that. It asked a 
person to do something abhorrent to save his/her life, thus be forced to 
recognize the value of life, or fail to do something abhorrent, thus showing 
that your life doesn't mean that much to you, so you die. I ask a similar 
question in my novel but it's quite a bit different from the Saw perspective 
and, well, I've mentioned I'm not much of a gore fan. The selection of the 
victims for these Jigsaw reindeer games, I thought, was also clever.
3) The second movie really hooked me because of a moment in the movie when me 
and my date (who had seen the first one in a theater together) both looked at 
each other and had a huge OMG moment when we recognized one of the characters 
from the first film and like a completed dot-to-dot, the plot gained dimension 
where I had *no* expectation for it to. I figured it couldn't possibly get me 
again... but it did. That made me happy.
4) The third movie, pleased me because we got to spend a lot of time with 
Jigsaw and two of his subjects.
5) The fourth movie was hard for me to get through... really, no lie... it took 
several tries for me to watch it, get it. Not that the plot was so intricate 
that I needed to study it, more that I found it convoluted. I finally only 
watched it because I wanted to decide if I would see V or not. Yep, four was 
when I started thinking that I might be done with the series, but V was 
released... and there was a big deal about the opening... and well... as long 
as they make them, I'll probably watch them.
As a postscript, I also like the musical indicators. When I was little, I used 
to get scared by scary music in shows, whether what was happening on screen was 
scary or not... I like the way they use music in the series.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com
Bright Star
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ lycos.com wrote:

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ lycos.com
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 1:23 PM

Keith, I'll give the first one some points for originality. Putting two
people in circumstances that demand that they either hurt themselves or those
they care for had a neat psychological edge. For me, that's where the better
part of horror kicks in. The gore didn't bother me at all because, at the
risk of freaking people out, I have seen worse in real life.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Horror Marathons on Cable
 Date : Mon, 03 Nov 2008 04:52:44 +
 From : KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
 To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

What is so good about Saw? Never seen any of the eps...

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Grayson Reyes-Cole  
Just for the record :) though

Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend

2008-11-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
So Jeff, In the text he *doesn't* toss the book into the fire? If not, sounds 
like a huge misstep! The guy does seem a bit, well, wee for the part.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 11:07 AM

Well first of all the guy is too small and too chiseled.  Richard is supposed 
to be this big farm boy type of guy.  Big enough that he is the same size if 
not bigger than the D'harian troops (who are supposed to be huge).  He also 
lacks the confidence and resolve that Richard has in the books.  Richard is 
able to see the truth in things and accpet them, the actor playing Richard 
seemed a bit unsure of himself and his destiny.  They also seem to have left 
themselves with a big whole to fill with the book of shadows so I am a bit 
curious as to how they will deal with that, but I'm not sure if I will be able 
to force myself to watch another 20 episodes.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:56 PM, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:

What specifically about the actor playing Richard do yoiu not like? What would 
be your thought for a better type of actor?

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

I have to warn everyone that if you have read the series and you really like 
it, try to stay away from the show.  It is loosely based on the books with many 
differences, and in my opionion Richard is cast completly wrong (totally not 
what I imagined when I read the books).

2008/11/2 Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

Thanks for the heads up. I've set the DVR to record. it took me a minute to 
find the first two episodes since I had missed them and I had to do a little 
research to figure out what I had missed but WGN has them rerunning this week. 
I set up a location station to record the rest of the series. I haven't read 
the books and I don't know anything about it but I figured it was worth a shot.


--- On Sun, 11/2/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Subject: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 1:33 AM

Watching this series debut this weekend? It's based on the Sword of Truth 
novels by Terry Goodkind. I've never read them, though I have several of the 
books in that gotta read this someday stack.  Seems  they're taking it 
seriously: filming is primarilty down in New Zealand, with Raimi and Tapert 
(Hercules, Xena) as two of the executive producers, and Disney-ABC behind 
the distribution deal.  iTunes is offering a free 30 -minute downloadable 
preview of the series, and Lucy Lawless has done a video hosting spot too.  
Check out the web site, it's pretty nice, with lots of video trailers you can 
click on, including the first ten minutes of the pilot, as well as video shorts 
featuring each of the major characters. In the upper right hand corner is a zip 
code link to let you know when it will show in your area. It debuted Saturday 
in many cities, and will debut today in others (Premieres at 6 pm today on WATL 
in Atlanta, Martin). Like the old days
 of Xe na, the Action Pack, etc., apparently the syndication deal will have 
it showing in different time slots and channels around the country.
Don't know if it'll be just okay like Beastmaster , or rise to the level of 
Hercules and Xena when those shows were at their best, but hey--it's new 
spec fiction on TV, so I'll give it a shot!  Gotta be better than that new 
Crusoe series that debuted last week!
http://www.legendof theseeker. com/characters. html
Richard Cypher was once but a simple woodsman, an expert tracker and explorer 
of the trails that run through and around his home town of Hartland, located in 
the province known as Westland. He was well liked by the townspeople, and 
looked up to his older brother, Michael, the First Councilor. Their father, 
George Cypher, raised the two boys after the death of his wife.

Life was an uneventful series of tasks and duties for Richard, until fate 
brought him together with a mysterious and captivating female, Kahlan Amnell.. 
From a seemingly crazed old man, Zedd, the truth was soon revealed to Richard. 
He is a child of prophecy, the first true Seeker the world has known in a 
thousand years, destined to wield the powerful Sword of Truth and defeat the 
evil tyrant Darken Rahl.
Kahlan Amnell. She is one of an ancient order of magical women known as 
Confessors. Her people are sworn to find the truth, no matter how hard someone 
may try to hide

Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend

2008-11-03 Thread Grayson Reyes-Cole
Spoil the show, eh? Um... I don't mind... put SPOILER at the top and gimme the 
goods. :)

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 12:26 PM

I dont want to spoil the show, but I can say that they left out a huge chunk of 
information regarding Zedd, Richard, the book and George Cypher.  So large that 
it affects the outcome of the end of the first book, and in some way each book 
that comes after it.  The curiosity of how they are going to deal with this 
(flashback maybe) is the only reason I may keep watching.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Grayson Reyes-Cole grayson.reyescole@ 
yahoo.com wrote:

So Jeff, In the text he *doesn't* toss the book into the fire? If not, sounds 
like a huge misstep! The guy does seem a bit, well, wee for the part. 

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
http://www.graysonr eyescole. com 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 11:07 AM

Well first of all the guy is too small and too chiseled.  Richard is supposed 
to be this big farm boy type of guy.  Big enough that he is the same size if 
not bigger than the D'harian troops (who are supposed to be huge).  He also 
lacks the confidence and resolve that Richard has in the books.  Richard is 
able to see the truth in things and accpet them, the actor playing Richard 
seemed a bit unsure of himself and his destiny.  They also seem to have left 
themselves with a big whole to fill with the book of shadows so I am a bit 
curious as to how they will deal with that, but I'm not sure if I will be able 
to force myself to watch another 20 episodes.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:56 PM, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:

What specifically about the actor playing Richard do yoiu not like? What would 
be your thought for a better type of actor?

 -- Original message  -- 
From: Jeff Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

I have to warn everyone that if you have read the series and you really like 
it, try to stay away from the show.  It is loosely based on the books with many 
differences, and in my opionion Richard is cast completly wrong (totally not 
what I imagined when I read the books).

2008/11/2 Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

Thanks for the heads up. I've set the DVR to record. it took me a minute to 
find the first two episodes since I had missed them and I had to do a little 
research to figure out what I had missed but WGN has them rerunning this week. 
I set up a location station to record the rest of the series. I haven't read 
the books and I don't know anything about it but I figured it was worth a shot.


--- On Sun, 11/2/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net
Subject: [scifinoir2] Legend of the Seeker Series Debuts This Weekend
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com 

Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 1:33 AM

Watching this series debut this weekend? It's based on the Sword of Truth 
novels by Terry Goodkind. I've never read them, though I have several of the 
books in that gotta read this someday stack.  Seems  they're taking it 
seriously: filming is primarilty down in New Zealand, with Raimi and Tapert 
(Hercules, Xena) as two of the executive producers, and Disney-ABC behind 
the distribution deal.  iTunes is offering a free 30 -minute downloadable 
preview of the series, and Lucy Lawless has done a video hosting spot too.  
Check out the web site, it's pretty nice, with lots of video trailers you can 
click on, including the first ten minutes of the pilot, as well as video shorts 
featuring each of the major characters. In the upper right hand corner is a zip 
code link to let you know when it will show in your area. It debuted Saturday 
in many cities, and will debut today in others (Premieres at 6 pm today on WATL 
in Atlanta, Martin). Like the old days
 of Xe na, the Action Pack, etc., apparently the syndication deal will have 
it showing in different time slots and channels around the country.
Don't know if it'll be just okay like Beastmaster , or rise to the level of 
Hercules and Xena when those shows were at their best, but hey--it's new 
spec fiction on TV, so I'll give it a shot!  Gotta be better than that new 
Crusoe series that debuted last week

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