Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Bernie Mac Draws Criticism at Obama Fundraiser

2008-07-12 Thread buky90
its all bs what did they expect when they hired the always brutally truthful
mr mac. . this is the same hipecriticalbs that happened when the naaacp had
the flap over eddie jackson when he did his routine for them. get bill cosby
next time


   The thing I'm getting from this article and from the Presidential
 campaigns now is the running almost-joke of how the campaigns are
 disclaiming anything and everything immediately. What I noticed most from
 this article isn't what Bernie Mac said, but the quote The incident drew
 response from Obama's campaign, which criticized Mac for his choice of
 material. 'Sen. Obama told Bernie Mac that he doesn't condone these
 statements and believes what was said was inappropriate, spokeswoman Jen
 Psaki said in a statement after the event.'

 Way back when Gerald Ford was President, he had a rep for being a klutz.
 Saturday Night Live did a running skit where they'd make up a scenario, like
 saying President Gerald Ford stabbed his own hand with a salad fork,
 today. They'd then end the report with something like Secret Service
 agents grabbed the fork, and wrestled it to the ground.

 I'm starting to feel like the campaigns have a similar running joke aspect
 to them. Whether it's Wright or Wesley Clark, Hagee or some low-level
 flunky, ever day it seems, one of the camps is issuing a disclaimer. If
 they'd just said something like Mr. Mac issue a few off-color remarks that
 offended some, that'd be fine. But the formal, direct language of We do
 not condone such-and-such behaviour is starting to get really silly.

 Is this the shape of the future of politics in an Internet, You Tube and
 twenty-four-hour-news world? What happens if one of Obama's daughters gets a
 bad grade in school. The Obama camp would like to say categorically that we
 do not condone bad grades in school, and will take steps to ensure this
 never happens


 -- Original message --

 Jul 12, 8:00 AM (ET)


 (AP) In this June 7, 2007 file photo, comedian Bernie Mac talks with
 reporters on the red carpet at a...
 Full Image

 CHICAGO (AP) - Comedian Bernie Mac endured some heckling and a campaign
 rebuke during a surprise appearance Friday night at a fundraiser for
 Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
 Toward the end of a 10-minute standup routine at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in
 downtown Chicago, the 50-year-old star of The Bernie Mac Show joked about
 menopause, sexual infidelity and promiscuity, and used occasional crude
 My little nephew came to me and he said, 'Uncle, what's the difference
 between a hypothetical question and a realistic question?' Mac said. I
 said, I don't know, but I said, 'Go upstairs and ask your mother if she'd
 make love to the mailman for $50,000.'
 As the joke continued, the punchline evoked an angry response from at least
 one person in the audience, who said it was offensive to women.
 It's not funny. Let's get Barack on, a man shouted from the crowd, which
 paid $2,300 each to support the Illinois senator.
 About 15 minutes later, Obama tried to smooth things over with a joke of
 his own.
 We can't afford to be divided by race. We can't afford to be divided by
 region or by class and we can't afford to be divided by gender, which by the
 way, that means, Bernie, you've got to clean up your act next time, Obama
 said. This is a family affair. By the way, I'm just messing with you, man.

 The incident drew response from Obama's campaign, which criticized Mac for
 his choice of material.
 Sen. Obama told Bernie Mac that he doesn't condone these statements and
 believes what was said was inappropriate, spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a
 statement after the event.
 Mac, a Chicago native, said he's a longtime Obama supporter and called the
 presumptive Democratic nominee a man's man while offering him advice for
 the duration of the campaign trail.
 People like rumors. They're going to say things like you was at the club
 with Lil' Kim, and you and Kanye West got into a fist fight, he said. You
 can't get upset. You've got to keep hope alive.
 Mac's appearance was Obama's first celebrity event of the evening. Later at
 a Lincoln Park nightclub, Obama spoke to a raucous crowd of music fans, who
 paid up to $500 per person to see a performance by Wilco lead singer Jeff
 Tweedy, and two other band members.
 Before these guys go, I want them to know that I had heard a rumor that
 they had suggested that I had nothing by them on my iPod, Obama said. That
 is not true. I love Wilco.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Re: [scifinoir2] Iron Man

2008-07-02 Thread buky90
definitely one of the best super hero movie  ever.

On 7/2/08, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Report back please :)

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On
 Behalf Of Bosco Bosco
 Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 2:56 PM
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Iron Man

 I am finally going to see Iron Man. Leaving in 30 minutes. Super excited



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Re: [scifinoir2] Battlestar Finale! - What the Frak? No New Battlestar Until 2009

2008-06-12 Thread buky90
whata the skiffie boards . oopppss

On 6/12/08, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Adventures.

 Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: Same here. They almost lost me as a fan for make us wait a whole year
 this season what is DW and SJA?

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On
 Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:31 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Battlestar Finale! - What the Frak? No New
 Battlestar Until 2009

 Pardon me, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a frak...

 That much of a break may lose me as a fan, frankly. I'd probably plug in
 the finale, just to see what's developed, go into the Skiffy boards to
 register my supreme dislike, then leave the BG portion of the boards
 forever. Provided that it doesn't dissolve on its own, that is. I don't now
 how many of you even peek in, but a few of the one-time hardcore BG fans
 have quietly crept over into the DW and SJA portions of the Skiffy boards,
 to quietly post away.

 Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Battlestar Galactica fans are well-advised to sit back and savor this
 Friday's midseason finale, because the balance of Season 4 - the series'
 last, lest we forget - won't be hitting the tube until after the first of
 the year, says executive producer Ronald D. Moore. And that's a best-case

 At a Wednesday-night screening of this week's episode, Moore explained to that even though they are currently filming the series' final
 scenes, the practical realities of post-production - coupled with the
 formidable end-of-year competition presented by new fall series, baseball
 and football - places the onset of the final episodes at the start of 2009,
 at the earliest. Realistically, there's no way to get back on the air
 faster, he apologetically added.

 What's your take? Sure to be worth the wait? Or does it sound like a
 frakkin' eternity? -

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
 organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

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 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
 organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

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Re: [scifinoir2] 'Hulk's' biggest obstacle: Ang Lee's version

2008-05-29 Thread buky90
i trust ed  norton and  let him  work the script. rember american
history x??

On 5/29/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Let me go on the record as stating I am among the few who LOVE the Ang
 Lee version.


 'Hulk's' biggest obstacle: Ang Lee's version

 Can audiences forget the sour aftertaste from the earlier Hulk?

 By John Horn
 Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

 May 8, 2008

 COUNTLESS comic-book bad guys have made the fatal mistake of
 underestimating the Hulk. Have Hollywood and the media made the same
 costly error?

 For weeks, industry gossip and news reports have focused not only on
 the shaky stance of Friday's Speed Racer -- which seems certain to
 be spanked by Iron Man over the weekend -- but also the outlook and
 production problems for June 13's The Incredible Hulk. Some people
 inside Hulk distributor Universal Pictures say picking on the
 not-so-jolly green giant has become as much an industry blood sport as
 talent agencies' raiding their rival firms.

 Universal and Marvel Studios, which bankrolled Hulk, believe two
 recent events have dramatically upgraded the film's prospects. First
 was last weekend's stunning $99-million opening of Iron Man, the
 first movie independently developed, produced and financed by Marvel.
 Second was Hulk's late-April presentation at New York's Comic-Con
 convention, which immediately sparked a flood of rave Internet postings.

 Because Hulk doesn't open for more than a month from now, audience
 tracking surveys have yet to show how interested -- or uninterested --
 ticket buyers might be in the adaptation. But Universal and Marvel are
 both confident that once people see the new film, they will quickly
 forget the sour aftertaste from the earlier Hulk, which Universal
 both made and released.

 The biggest challenge on 'The Incredible Hulk' was Ang Lee's 'Hulk'
 in 2003, says Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios.

 In absolute and relative terms, director Lee's superhero movie opened
 fantastically, grossing $62.1 million in its first weekend. That
 placed it among the strongest introductions of any comic-book movie,
 trailing 2002's Spider-Man (which opened with $114.8 million) but
 ahead of 2000's X-Men ($54.5 million), 2003's Daredevil ($40.3
 million) and 2005's Fantastic Four ($56.1 million).

 But Hulk's real (and crushing) story unfolded over its second
 weekend, where middling reviews and corrosive word-of-mouth pushed its
 grosses down a staggering 70%.

 More action this time

 In deciding to return to the property after such a brief hiatus,
 Marvel and Universal tried to figure out what went wrong on the first
 film and how they could better capture the enduring appeal of one of
 Marvel's most popular creations. They also realized they would have to
 cut through a wall of disbelievers.

 We knew people would be out there saying, 'Why are you doing it
 again?'  says Adam Fogelson, Universal's marketing chief.

 Universal and Marvel focused on three areas for improvement: Hulk had
 to be more heroic and romantic and less brooding, the new film needed
 to be a straight-ahead action film and not a psychological origin
 story, and Hulk had to be cast and made in a manner to convince
 moviegoers it was not a cynical shot at an easy payday.

 The first 'Hulk' was not as much of an action film, says Gale Anne
 Hurd, a producer on the 2003 original and this summer's retry. And
 this time the Hulk really has a foe -- the Abomination. The movie does
 not examine how he became the Hulk.

 Feige says Lee's first Hulk film delved into a tiny fraction of the
 character's mythology. I just knew that 99% of the Hulk story hadn't
 been explored yet, he says.

 As it did with Iron Man, which stars Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth
 Paltrow, Marvel chose to cast Hulk with accomplished actors who
 theoretically wouldn't get involved in a project that wasn't classy.

 The Hulk (known in friendlier moments as Bruce Banner) is played by
 Fight Club's Edward Norton, while Emil Blonsky (who is transformed
 into the Abomination) is played by fellow Oscar nominee Tim Roth (Rob
 Roy). The film is directed by Louis Leterrier, a young French
 filmmaker best known for the stylish, low-budget Transporter crime

 Late start for trailer

 The five-year proximity to the first Hulk wasn't Marvel and
 Universal's only challenge. Because the new edition involved elaborate
 special effects, Universal wasn't able to release a teaser trailer
 until March (many high-profile films launch their first trailers half
 a year before they hit theaters). We wanted to make sure that from
 the very beginning of the creative campaign that we showed that this
 movie was different from the first, Fogelson says.

 But since it took so long for the trailer to arrive, the pessimists
 controlled the debate. I never quite felt it was a whipping boy, but
 I could feel the angst: Why 

Re: [scifinoir2] Galactica scribe signs three-movie deal with UA

2008-04-20 Thread buky90
people keep talking about Scientology as if it's the worlds worst religion.
bah humbug for cuise non of his movies have imposed his
religious views. try gibson and his jesus's death pornography if you want
religion that has been worn on asleve

On 4/20/08, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Point of clarification, s'il vous plait.

 Hiring more Blacks- good. Movies about evil neo-religious cults- BAD.

 Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Daryle! SHH!

 Daryle Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: Finally, good news from Hollywood.

 This is Ron Moore's opportunity to change history and erase
 Bermanian Star Trek from our minds. Or, L. Ron Hubbard's religion
 could be turned into a motion picture trilogy. Either way, it will
 be interesting and we know at least (possibly at most) two Black
 people will be hired to work on the project.

 On Apr 19, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

  Moore Sci-Fi From Battlestar Creator
  Gallactica scribe signs three-movie deal with UA.
  by Orlando Parfitt, IGN UK
  UK, April 18, 2008 - Battlestar Gallactica creator Ronald D. Moore has
  signed a deal with United Artists to create and write a sci-fi
  trilogy for
  the studio, according to Variety.
  The studio is keeping details of the project under wraps, but Paula
  who along with Tom Cruise controls UA, told the trade mag: Over
  the last
  decade Ron has emerged as the foremost sci-fi, fantasy creator,
  writer in
  the industry and working with him to bring his creative talents to
  the big
  screen is a great partnership for our studio.
  Moore has worked with Cruise and Wagner before when he wrote the
  Impossible script. Before that he was a writer/producer on Star
  Trek: The
  Next Generation.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
 organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

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 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
 organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

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Re: [scifinoir2] Nasa Science's New Site

2008-04-12 Thread buky90
 there are some folks trying to fix their tax structure. pretty apalling
 depressing sho.for instance in al the poor 11% of the state tax while the
 wealthy are only paying 4%. but what really got me wasthis  senator who was
 againstit . in the most condescending tone i heard in yearsbasically he was
 saying how poor people were happy that money wasnt everything.the only thing
 in the back of my head isthose old movies where you have the old racist
 going why those trouble makers keep coming down here stirring up trouble my
 negras love picing and grinning in the fields.

back on topic loved the end of bg skin jobs forgetting where they came from
ehhh. viva bastille day


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Weapons Screening Stopped at Obama Rally

2008-02-22 Thread buky90
fairy tale land i dont know what world he lives in but... oh yeah hes a

On 2/22/08, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   We have officially moved into F'd up and totally scary spooky.

 --- Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

   Original Message 
  Subject: Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at
  Obama rally
  Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:37:56 -0800
  From: Chris de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL 
  demorsella' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'paul
  *Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at Obama
  *Star-Telegram Staff Writer*
  Barack Obama speaks Wednesday at a Democratic rally in Dallas'
  Arena. Police were told to stop screening people for weapons before
  rally began.
  Barack Obama speaks Wednesday at a Democratic rally in Dallas'
  Arena. Police were told to stop screening people for weapons before
  rally began.
  DALLAS -- Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday
  screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour
  the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion
  The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses
  laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers
  said they believed it was a lapse in security.
  Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police
  Department's homeland security and special operations divisions,
  the order -- apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service -- was
  meant to
  speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena's vacant seats
  Obama came on.
  Sure, said Lawrence, when asked if he was concerned by the great
  number of people who had gotten into the building without being
  But, he added, the turnout of more than 17,000 people seemed to be
  friendly crowd.
  The Secret Service did not return a call from the //Star-Telegram//
  seeking comment.
  Doors opened to the public at 10 a.m., and for the first hour
  officers scanned each person who came in and checked their
  belongings in
  a process that kept movement of the long lines at a crawl. Then,
  11 a.m., an order came down to allow the people in without being
  Several Dallas police officers said it worried them that the arena
  packed with people who got in without even a cursory inspection.
  They spoke on condition of anonymity because, they said, the order
  made by federal officials who were in charge of security at the
  How can you not be concerned in this day and age, said one
  JACK DOUGLAS Jr., 817-390-7700
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 I got friends who are in prison and Friends who are dead.
 I'm gonna tell ya something that I've often said.

 You know these things that happen,
 That's just the way it's supposed to be.
 And I can't help but wonder,
 Don't ya know it coulda been me.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Baseball's Steroid Rage

2007-12-13 Thread buky90
they're all hypocrites  i cant stand barry bonds but its because hes always
been an ass. but when people give mcguwire a pass even tho he gave the ole
5th amend dodge and every says hes such a hero. and if bonds did the same
they'd still be trying too run him out of town infuriates me
On 12/13/07, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I hate baseball. I have always hated baseball. There is no
 integrity in baseball (never has been). Every baseball record before
 Jackie Robinson should have an asterisk behind it. Baseball looked
 the other way during the steroid era to keep the sport white. Then
 they made a pariah out of the scary black man. F**k baseball.

 Did I mention I hate baseball?


 --- In, Martin
  A little more of my youth just died. Bud Selig's tyrranical reign
 as Commisioner almost managed to put me off the sport entirely. This
 might be the nail in the coffin.
  Reece Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Report:
  Some Photos:
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels
 will get organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A
 Man Without A Country
  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.
 Try it now.
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Re: Favorite Villain Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Heroes finale

2007-12-12 Thread buky90
the female commander from farside. just to remind us whos more dangerous of
the species, and when she was pregnant she got more vicious

On 12/12/07, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   IMO, the best kind of villain is the Operative type. A guy who's just
 doing his job, albeit a job whose morals the masses might call into

 Deity. I just validated Mister Bush.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 
 Buy the way, I love the operative. Sure wish we could see more of him

 Daryle wrote:
  Hal not only counts, it counts as the best developed villain of all!
  My short list has to include the Tyrell Corporation (yes, the whole
  corporation) of ³Blade Runner², The entire cast of ³Blake¹s 7², Elijah
  ³Unbreakable², The Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor¹s character) from
  and of course...the Cardassians.
  On 12/12/07 1:07 PM, Bosco Bosco   wrote:
   There's so many good villains to choose from. I'm a villain lover
   In no particular order here's some faves off the top of my head.
   Darth Vader, Baron Harkonnen, The Reavers from Firefly/Serenity, Dr.
   John Whorfin, Spike, and The Others on Lost.
   Do Q and Hal count as villains? I count them as such I suppose.
   --- Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
One of my favorite villians is Ra's Al Ghul from Batman. He seems
to be
one of the more fleshed out villains. I love his back flash
stories and
how they reveal his motivations. his relationship with Batman is
never Black and White.
Mike Street wrote:

 I like well developed villains. I think Magneto is excellent
cause he
 has a
 clear cut purpose, a past, and goal with what he's trying to do.
Or the
 Joker cause he's nut's and can't tell right from wrong anymore.
do think
 the good guys are to GOOD. I always wanted the Legion of Doom to
kick the
 good guys ass once and a while..just for a reality check. My
favorite was
 when Batman got his ass kicked and was out and the Azreal came
to take
 his place and was kicking everyone ass. Them stupid Batman comes
back to
 kick his ass. I was like this is bull shit. I personally like
 Batman and was hoping that Bruce Wane would retire for good.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   I got friends who are in prison and Friends who are dead.
   I'm gonna tell ya something that I've often said.
   You know these things that happen,
   That's just the way it's supposed to be.
   And I can't help but wonder,
   Don't ya know it coulda been me.
   Be a better friend, newshound, and
   know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ
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 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
 organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Fallen Heroes: ( Heroes Season 2) Grade C+

2007-10-24 Thread buky90
OT ANY BODY KEEPING UP WITH DAMGES best show on tv so im watching and my boy
mario van peebles is directing an episode. then answer too my prayers he
appears on screen  too.. for those not watching  gleen close plays a lawyer
evil and powerful who hires a newbie and the machinations that follow
amazing show

On 10/24/07, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 

   Actually, that is what I thought was going to happen. I'm shocked at
 this detour. So far it seems pointless

 B. Smith wrote:
  No arguement from me. All three are tedious.
  I would have loved if Kensei had actually been killed and Hiro took
  up the mantle. That would have been more interesting to me than the
  superhero Shogun knockoff we got.
  --- In
  mailto:scifinoir2%, Tracey de
 Morsella (formerly
  Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   As bad as those two back stories are, I think the toxic twins
   every week are worse.
   Daryle wrote:
Great idea!
If DL comes back as a super-villain, and hence a star of the
  show, there
will be no stopping this show. It will have been worth sitting
a season of fluff if that’s how it plays out.
I’m curious, why did everybody hate the Hiro-back-in-time
  segment of
season so much? Considering how much we had to sit through for
Micah’s mom’s
back-story in season 1, this has been pretty mild.
On 10/24/07 8:36 AM, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think he's dead either, Tracey. My thinking is that
  he's been
 imprisoned inside the coffin he was buried in, that the coffin
 made to negate his phasing ability. If I'm right, when he comes
I could
 see him being a bad guy in the interests of getback.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 wrote: I read
somewhere that
 he might not be dead and that he was returning as
 a bad guy. Don't know how true that is. The show is meandering
 much, I can not tell

 i'm still reeling that they killed off the Brother from last

 -- Original message --
 From: B. Smith
 This is what I said on another forum about the Heroes version
  of my
 hometown, New Orleans.

 And the winner for worst New Orleans depiction ever: Heroes.

 Apparently they thought LA could stand in for New Orleans with

 Fool? No one in New Orleans says fool as in break yourself
 Where the hell did that come from? 1991 California?

 The accents make K-Ville cound pitch perfect. Where was that
 chick supposed to be from? The Missiissippi or Alabama Gulf
 And how in the post-Katrina world how could they not know that
 Louisiana doesn't have counties? It's called a parish.

 The latest episode just got worse. The architecture and sets
  are so
 wrong, the police uniforms are nowhere near right, the accents
 horror, the horror), kids playing double dutch a place that
 more New York than New Orleans and on and on.

 I do like Micah's cousin aka the Taskmistress. She has a cool
 powerset. Hopefully we get more of her and less diversions into
 ancient Japan. That is such a convoluted mess.

 That was a nice swerve with Parkman's dad.

 --- In
mailto:scifinoir2% ,
 Tracey de Morsella (formerly
 Tracey L. Minor) wrote:

 I agree totally. The thrill is gone. and to make matters


 week they bring out even more characters. its so
  disappointing. I


 hoping it gets better. my husband stopped watching totally.


 really blowing it

 ravenadal wrote:

 Heroes (Heroes (Season 2))


 Here's hoping NBC's drama can rescue itself from a diabolical
 sophomore slump

 By Gillian Flynn

 This week on Heroes: Claire (Hayden Panettiere) continues to


 at the same powers of regeneration she's always had! Hiro


 does cute things in feudal Japan! And after a journey of
 approximately 42 million miles from one vague part of Central

Re: [scifinoir2] Kurt Russell Criticizes 'Grindhouse' Breakup

2007-05-25 Thread buky90
i saw the grind housetotaland the death car part was too me way more
emotionally satisfying than the rodrrihuis. what are they gonna do with
those halarious ads???

On 5/23/07, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Sadly, in H'Wood, visionaries rarely survive long.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 
 wrote: Kurt Russell Criticizes 'Grindhouse' Breakup
 Kurt Russell, who starred in the Death Proof segment of the Quentin
 Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez horror double feature Grindhouse, has
 expressed disappointment over the decision to release Death Proof as a
 separate feature for European audiences. Appearing today (Tuesday) at a
 news conference at the Cannes Film Festival, where Death Proof is
 screening in competition for the Palme d'Or, Russell, acknowledging that
 he hasn't seen the reedited longer version, said, I'm disappointed for
 any audience that they won't get the Grindhouse experience. ... These
 [two] movies are going to go out there by themselves and they'll live
 their own life, but my prediction is that 20 years from now, you'll want
 the Grindhouse experience. ... [It's] something bizarre that you've
 never experienced before. But, appearing at the same news conference,
 director Quentin Tarantino defended the new version, saying that the
 film has changed 180 degrees so far as the emotion is concerned and
 that he is particularly pleased with the way Russell's character has
 evolved in the editing. Standing at the rear of the news conference,
 producer Harvey Weinstein also joined in the discussion, saying that
 what Tarantino and Rodriguez originally had to remove from their films
 so that they could be combined reduced the essence of the films. It
 would have been like cutting [Tarantino's] Kill Bill and [Rodriguez's]
 Sin City to 70-minute versions, he said. He predicted that European
 audiences and hopefully American audiences will get a lot more
 enjoyment out of the films when they're seen separately. (Grindhouse was
 a surprise flop when it was released domestically in April. The
 $60-million film earned only $24 million in ticket sales.)

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Re: [scifinoir2] Legendary singer James Brown dies at 73

2006-12-25 Thread buky90
merry christmasand mr brown YOU WILL BE MISSED

On 12/25/06, Said Kakese Dibinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Legendary singer James Brown dies at 73

 By GREG BLUESTEIN, Associated Press Writer 20 minutes ago

 James Brown, the dynamic, pompadoured Godfather of Soul, whose rasping
 vocals and revolutionary rhythms made him a founder of rap, funk and disco
 as well, died early Monday, his agent said. He was 73.

 Brown was hospitalized with pneumonia at Emory Crawford Long Hospital on
 Sunday and died around 1:45 a.m. Monday, said his agent, Frank Copsidas of
 Intrigue Music. Longtime friend Charles Bobbit was by his side, he said.

 Copsidas said the cause of death was uncertain. We really don't know at
 this point what he died of, he said.

 Pete Allman, a radio personality in Las Vegas who had been friends with
 Brown for 15 years, credited Brown with jump-starting his career and
 motivating him personally and professionally.

 He was a very positive person. There was no question he was the hardest
 working man in show business, Allman said. I remember Mr. Brown as someone
 who always motivated me, got me reading the Bible.

 Along with Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and a handful of others, Brown was one
 of the major musical influences of the past 50 years. At least one
 generation idolized him, and sometimes openly copied him. His rapid-footed
 dancing inspired Mick Jagger and Michael Jackson among others. Songs such as
 David Bowie's Fame, Prince's Kiss, George Clinton's Atomic Dog and Sly
 and the Family Stone's Sing a Simple Song were clearly based on Brown's
 rhythms and vocal style.

 If Brown's claim to the invention of soul can be challenged by fans of Ray
 Charles and Sam Cooke, then his rights to the genres of rap, disco and funk
 are beyond question. He was to rhythm and dance music what Dylan was to
 lyrics: the unchallenged popular innovator.

 James presented obviously the best grooves, rapper Chuck D of Public
 Enemy once told The Associated Press. To this day, there has been no one
 near as funky. No one's coming even close.

 His hit singles include such classics as Out of Sight, (Get Up I Feel
 Like Being a) Sex Machine, I Got You (I Feel Good) and Say It Out Loud —
 I'm Black and I'm Proud, a landmark 1968 statement of racial pride.

 I clearly remember we were calling ourselves colored, and after the song,
 we were calling ourselves black, Brown said in a 2003 Associated Press
 interview. The song showed even people to that day that lyrics and music
 and a song can change society.

 He won a Grammy award for lifetime achievement in 1992, as well as Grammys
 in 1965 for Papa's Got a Brand New Bag (best RB recording) and for
 Living In America in 1987 (best RB vocal performance, male.) He was one
 of the initial artists inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986,
 along with Presley, Chuck Berry and other founding fathers.

 He triumphed despite an often unhappy personal life. Brown, who lived in
 Beech Island near the Georgia line, spent more than two years in a South
 Carolina prison for aggravated assault and failing to stop for a police
 officer. After his release on in 1991, Brown said he wanted to try to
 straighten out rock music.

 From the 1950s, when Brown had his first RB hit, Please, Please, Please
 in 1956, through the mid-1970s, Brown went on a frenzy of cross-country
 tours, concerts and new songs. He earned the nickname The Hardest Working
 Man in Show Business.

 With his tight pants, shimmering feet, eye makeup and outrageous hair,
 Brown set the stage for younger stars such as Michael Jackson and Prince.

 In 1986, he was inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. And rap stars
 of recent years overwhelmingly have borrowed his lyrics with a digital
 technique called sampling.

 Brown's work has been replayed by the Fat Boys, Ice-T, Public Enemy and a
 host of other rappers. The music out there is only as good as my last
 record, Brown joked in a 1989 interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

 Disco is James Brown, hip-hop is James Brown, rap is James Brown; you
 know what I'm saying? You hear all the rappers, 90 percent of their music is
 me, he told the AP in 2003.

 Born in poverty in Barnwell, S.C., in 1933, he was abandoned as a
 4-year-old to the care of relatives and friends and grew up on the streets
 of Augusta, Ga., in an ill-repute area, as he once called it. There he
 learned to wheel and deal. I wanted to be somebody, Brown said. By the
 eighth grade in 1949, Brown had served 3 1/2 years in Alto Reform School
 near Toccoa, Ga., for breaking into cars. While there, he met Bobby Byrd,
 whose family took Brown into their home. Byrd also took Brown into his
 group, the Gospel Starlighters. Soon they changed their name to the Famous
 Flames and their style to hard RB. In January 1956, King Records of
 Cincinnati signed the group, and four months later Please, Please, Please
 was in the RB Top Ten. While most of Brown's life was glitz and glitter, he

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Favorite Shows That Never Made It (Action)

2006-10-23 Thread buky90
hello folks  it's bee a long time since we've had this much back and forth.
I have 2 ez streets love ken nolin in anything, doesn't ted daley seem like
a low rent  version of him?? also wise guys before ken whal disappeared.

off topic a little. Any one noticing forest whittakers reemergence on tv etc
. starting with his appearance on the shield . man they up the stakes on
that show yearly. gonna see the idi amin pic today and his role on er
brought me to tears . this man is on a roll.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Favorite Shows That Never Made It

2006-10-19 Thread buky90
I LIKED cic but I personally thought they blew when they stopped focusing on
her familyand the people around her. And left the family dynamics.

On 10/19/06, Rising Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Commander in Chief

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 
 wrote: With Smith and a few other shows being canceled and most of us
 how Hollywood seems to cancel show after one-half an episode, I was
 wondering what shows did you like that never made it or got canceled
 after one or two seasons that you thought should have had more time


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Re: [scifinoir2] The 4400 Premieres tonight

2006-06-11 Thread buky90
as all the cable stations do they're showing it twice. Why dosent tnt do
this. Also anyone watching the closer?? they have a very diverse cast and
way before the standing ovation for greys anatomy.

On 6/11/06, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The only ep I missed was the second-season finale, in which Jordan
 comes back to life at the end. I'd heard the spoiler a couple of weeks in
 advance of seeing it, but it still hit me. Can't wait for it. Only prob is
 that it's up against Game Two.

 Hey. I'm a guy.

 Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I missed pretty much all of season 2. All weekend the old shows have been
 rebroadcast, along with several summary specials. Anyone been keeping up
 with the series? It's getting pretty good buzz.

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[scifinoir2] Re: Dark Kingdom Premieres tonight on Sci Fi

2006-04-20 Thread buky90
alo thursday late nite they are showingchildren of doom late night
.And as usual i was flippin channels tues and saw the sf version of
doom do these idiots ever advertise???

On 4/19/06, Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi-freakin'-larious!!

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Martin Pratt
 Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 17:40
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Dark Kingdom Premieres tonight on Sci Fi

 Loken didn't have many big words to say...

   And come on, ladies- do not sit there and tell me that Muscle Boy
 Siegfried didn't do something for you. If he'd pouted once, we'd be
 talking Best Ocsar for a foreign film.

   I was surprised to see a decent cast in some cases, like Alicia Witt
 and Max von Sydow. Not all exactly A-listers, but not exactly who you'd
 see on many of the dreadful Sci Fi Originals either, which usually sport
 stellar talent like Antonio Sabato, Jr and Coolio. How is Kristanna
 Terminatrix Loken performing? How about Alicia Witt, who I've feared
 recently as being typecast as the other woman in movies in which men
 have affairs. I've seen two movies in which that was Witt's role: Two
 Weeks' Notice, and last year's Last Holiday.

 I imagine Dark Kingdom *has* to be better than that horrid Earthsea
 I wasted brain cells on a couple of years back...

 -- Original message --
 From: Martin Pratt
 Wasn't bad. Kept me entertained, didn't have me rolling my eyes too much
 (most of that eye-rolling directed at Mister Too-Pretty Leading Man.
 Hard to be humble when you're that purdy.). I wasn't as put off by the
 number of commercials as I thought I'd be. Smart enough to put in
 interesting ones, like the one for Eureka, which I'd really forgotten

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I might have to check this out. When
 first reading the plot, I thought boy does this sound cliched and
 familiar. But of course nowadays any fantasy film would sound cliched
 if it's filled with magic swords/rings/lances/spears, common people with
 uncommon destinies, quests, evil kings and wizards, etc. That's the
 archetype of the fantasy novel. Also, I remembered the trailers saying
 Before Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. This is evidently based on
 much older tale(s) that provided much of the mythological grounding for
 LOTR and others. I guess it's kinda like filming something with a great
 flood, continent sinking, or a hero who dies and is resurrected: the
 myths have been around so long, anything sounds like a ripoff.

 Europe, the Dark Ages. When the evil Twin Kings betray the King of
 Xanten, the slain monarch's infant son, Prince Siegfried, narrowly
 escapes with his life, spirited away by the kindly blacksmith Eyvind.

 Eyvind raises Siegfried as a simple blacksmith and tells the boy nothing
 of his true kingly heritage. But then the gods hurl a fiery meteor to
 Earth, to propel Siegfried toward his true destiny. The flash of impact
 leads him to the meteor, which is rich with the metal of the gods —
 metal that he and Eyvind forge into his weapon, a sword like no other on

 Discovering the meteor also leads young Siegfried to the woman who
 becomes his one true love: Brunhild, the Valkyrie warrior queen. Duty
 drives them apart, but they both swear to reunite — and to never love

 Siegfried journeys to the kingdom of Burgund, where he earns the respect
 of King Gunther and the romantic desire of Princess Kriemhild. Gunther
 reveals to him that a powerful evil plagues his land, an evil that he is
 unable to defeat. It falls to Siegfried, armed only with his sword
 forged from the gods' metal, to slay the wyrm Fafnir — and to claim the
 dragon's gold as his own.

 With this treasure, however, comes the curse of its rightful owners: the
 mystic Nibelungs. Siegfried's success also draws the ire of King
 Gunther's adviser, the villainous Hagen, who covets the Nibelungs' gold
 for himself.

 To seize the treasure from Siegfried, Hagen uses black magic to make the
 noble prince fall in love with Princess Kriemhild and forget Brunhild,
 the love that the gods themselves had chosen for him. But Hagen's curse
 takes on a malevolent life of its own, spinning an expanding web of
 betrayal, deception and greed that ensnares everyone — plunging a world
 in chaos, and a kingdom into twilight.

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: First black TV anchor an inspiration in France

2006-04-13 Thread buky90
has everyone seen the tnt ads for their lord of the ring weekend. Totally
hilarios the bilbo  andsam wise with secret lovers in the background.
gandalf  with th white horse song good stuff.

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Re: [scifinoir2] My Online Reading Group Is Pretentious and Boring

2006-03-24 Thread buky90
this could be good could we mix this up with comicsmy first ideal would be
maybe the v movie and gn and a discourse of both. Also a little trashy stuff
i'm a big l hamilton anita blake anyone . let's roll also by the books maybe
especially dune etc acouple of chapters at a time easier than trying to
gourge on thebook my time kinda being limited

On 3/24/06, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am on a Dune discussion group and we've begun reading the series
 together and discussing it. I thought it would be fun but the list is
 peopled with socially painful goober people who want to endlessly
 argue about each other's opinions, worship frank Herbert
 sycophantically and obsess on small details which detract from the
 overall fun of reading the books.

 I've always had fun discussing things here as the discussions always
 remain a little more firmly rooted on earth and tend to stay more
 civil and intelligent. So since I really want to do a reading group
 thing right now, would anyone here be interested in getting something


 I got friends who are in prison and Friends who are dead.
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Re: [scifinoir2] V For Vendetta Review

2006-03-23 Thread buky90
I got into major confrotations with my consevative friends who have picked
up the  this is a swipe at america banner. as alan moore has said more than
once this was written when thatcher had passed laws and was putting her foot
down on the poor . Why does everthing that is said or done with a voice have
too be anti american??

On 3/22/06, Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My girlfriend forwarded this review to me:

 'V for Vendetta'

 by Butler Shaffer

 I have always been a highly-critical moviegoer. I do not attend a
 film without first learning as much about it as I can, particularly
 from a synthesis of movie reviews and opinions provided by friends
 and relatives whose judgments I trust. As a consequence, I am not a
 movie buff; I have seen only one of the films nominated for major
 Oscars this year, Syriana, a picture I highly recommend.

 It is for this reason that I awaited, with skeptical enthusiasm, the
 opening of V for Vendetta. I had heard so much about it ever since
 one of my daughters told me, a number of months ago, of a billboard
 she saw at the Warner Brothers studios with the accompanying
 language: People should not be afraid of their governments.
 Governments should be afraid of their people.

 My eager anticipation of seeing this film was tempered, somewhat, by
 past experiences. Was this to be just another superficial
 anti-establishment flick, with a few libertarian one-liners thrown in
 for effect, and a sufficient amount of pyrotechnics to induce
 teenagers to attend? I have seen enough movies in which tyrannical
 statists brutalize innocent people, but with an heroic FBI or Justice
 Department official entering, at the end, to expose and rectify the
 wrongdoing and, in so doing, leave the audience with the assurance
 that the system works to correct itself.

 My wife and I attended the opening day of this film and, I am happy
 to report, it far exceeded my expectations. Not only is this the most
 powerful anti-state film I have ever seen – one that makes no
 compromises with the system – but is, purely from a film-making
 perspective, one of the best movies I have seen in some time. Had the
 subject matter of this film been anti-vivisectionism, the depletion
 of the rainforests, or the sorrows of divorcées, its acting, writing,
 direction, and other production features would have made watching it
 an enjoyable experience.

 The story takes place in a 21st century England that is ruled by the
 most vicious of tyrants, played by John Hurt. In his regime, people
 are continually reminded that a state-imposed curfew is for your
 protection, with painful consequences awaiting those who do not
 comply. Into this setting steps the hero, V – played by Hugo
 Weaving – a man who had been brutalized by statist functionaries, and
 who is intent on destroying this most inhumane, fascistic state.

 I shall not spoil the movie for you by revealing more of its story.
 Suffice it to say that, from a libertarian/anarchistic perspective,
 this film is for real! It digs beneath the surface of events to
 reveal the psychological factors – particularly our own fears – and
 institutional interests that combine to make tyranny possible.
 Natalie Portman – who plays the heroine, Evey – does a magnificent
 job playing out the sense of self-liberation so essential to a free

 Prior to my attending this film, I encountered reviews by a few
 statists who saw the film as a defense of terrorism. Such a comment
 reveals more about the reviewers than of the movie itself. Any kind
 of resistance to tyranny is bound to strike terror into the hearts of
 members of the established order. Thus were the American colonials
 and Mohandas Gandhi terrorists to the British; the Warsaw ghetto
 uprisings and the French underground movements terrorist actions to
 the German government; and the organized resistance of Algerians acts
 of terrorism to the French. Even today, the Iraqi resistance to the
 destruction and domination of their country is regarded as
 terrorism by the invading American state!

 The openly anarchistic nature of this movie will produce shudders in
 well-conditioned statists who, in the words of F.A. Hayek, cling to
 their fear of trusting uncontrolled social forces. Such people will
 trot out historic instances in which self-proclaimed anarchists
 killed a few score of people, as evidence of the need for government.
 That states managed, in the 20th century alone, to slaughter some
 200,000,000 people in wars and genocides has never provided an
 occasion for defenders of political systems to do a practical
 cost/benefit analysis of these alternative systems!

 While V for Vendetta contains a great deal of violence, V reminds
 us, early on, of the social application of Newton's Third Law of
 Motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In
 a political context, it is as childish to posit the violence engaged
 in by one 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: MakeMySpace Safer for Teens

2006-02-21 Thread buky90
once again people are trying to abdicate responsibility onsomeone else. If
your kid is spending that much time on games tv computer or anything else
get those mirrrors out.

On 2/20/06, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe he'll just go O.C. with it. Who am I kidding?

 g123curious [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  FYI. Check out last week's
 Newsweek magazine. There's an interview
 with Rupert Murdoch, whose publishing empire also includes -- the one and the same mogul who has brought us Faux
 News. Murdoch says he's cleaning it up, up actions speak louder than


 --- In, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  How? It's available through cellphones. Kids are probably sucking
 down this crap when they're supposed to be sucking down education.
 Thanks, MySpace, for providing one more place for predators to stalk

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Re: [scifinoir2] Brother wins Olympic Gold Medal in 1,000 meter speedskating!

2006-02-21 Thread buky90
But as usual you have too take the sour with the sweet. H E wassupposed to
skate chase in a race the day before and due to him not doing so we got
dissed. yeah yeah he won a gold but I'm really tired of the one for all
oooppps... all for me by the brothers.Could this be one of the reasons the
basketballteam sucked  last olympics???

On 2/18/06, drcsaid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Shani Davis, the brother from Chicago, won the Olympic Gold Medal in
 the mens 1,000 meter speedskating As a former ice-hockey player,
 (usually the only black (African on top of that) on the ice along with
 the puck)I love Shani's accomplishment...

 He was the heavy favorite..

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Re: [scifinoir2] Sci Fi Channel at it again

2006-02-19 Thread buky90
your essay kept me chuckling and besides this, if I see one more disaster
flick I am gonna hurl chunks.As for Giancarlo Esposito  he steals every
movie he's in.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Studios Unveil 2006 Slates

2006-01-10 Thread buky90
the sci fi channel shows the miniseries regularly and  the guy who plays
seth cohen on the oc has a series about a vampier killing team in la brewing
right now.

On 1/9/06, Amanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am so glad that this isn't based on the series.  I remember that
 remake Fox was supposed to do.  When I saw the cast I was like
 what.  None of the characters had the appeal of the originals it was
 like they were trying to have models inc. or something.  The only
 cast member that was cool was Idris, but then again they probably
 would have jacked his character up.

 --- In, Keith Johnson
  That makes two of us. I groaned a couple of years ago when someone
  mentioned they were going to Americanize the British miniseries. I
  nightmare visions of surgically enhanced blondes running around,
  square-jawed white dudes barely out of college pushing around
  smarter, better, Brothers, the obligatory dark-as-night, bald
  used as muscle, and lots of mindless action a la Bad Boys.  I
  I'm still grateful that show never materialized. Now I'm really
  skeptical of this...
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Martin Pratt
  Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 19:34
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Studios Unveil 2006 Slates
  Unfortunately. Be glad that none of you were in earshot when I
 found out
  that this *wasn't* based on the series.
  B. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Unfortunately this Ultraviolet
  has nothing to do with the TV series.
  This is the vampire movie from the director of Equilibrium that
  been in production limbo for quite a while. The original
  title was The Valkyrie.
  --- In, Daryle Lockhart
   Looks like a busy year. I see the studios are still employing
   multimillionaires to  do voice over work for animation.
   I dug a little bit  into these releases and it looks like
   Ultraviolet  is a reworking of a really  great  BBC miniseries
   starred Idris Elba and Jack Davenport back in 1998. Looks like
   they're going for more of an action movie angle and not so much
   Files feel as the original had. Idris is on a bit of a roll
   and I really don't get why he's not in this, but if you can find
   on DVD,  it's worth checking out before seeing this remake.
   I know GreenCine has it available for rental, so here goes:
   Happy new year.
   On Jan 1, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey
   Minor) wrote:
   The major studios have begun announcing their slates of releases
   and they are full of science fiction, fantasy, supernatural
   computer-animated movies. A rundown follows.
   Paramount will offer the Tom Cruise sequel Mission: Impossible
  III, from
   director and Lost creator J.J. Abrams, on May 5; the computer-
   Barnyard, featuring the voices of Courteney Cox and Danny
   Oct. 6;
   and the live-action and animated Charlotte's Web, starring
   on Dec. 20.
   Sony has the sequel Underworld: Evolution on Jan 20;
   thriller starring Milla Jovovich, on Feb. 24; Silent Hill, based
  on the
   video game, on April 21; Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code, based
   worldwide best-seller, on May 19; the Adam Sandler fantasy
   Click on
   June 23; the computer-animated Monster House on July 21; The
   of Zoom,
   a comic-based superhero comedy starring Tim Allen, on Aug. 11;
   Messengers, a supernatural thriller from the Pang brothers, on
   18; the
   supernatural fantasy drama The Covenant on Sept. 8; the computer-

   Open Season, featuring the voices of Martin Lawrence, Ashton
  Kutcher and
   Debra Messing, on Sept. 29; the horror sequel The Grudge 2 on
   20; the
   offbeat Will Ferrell comedy Stranger Than Fiction on Nov. 10;
   James Bond movie, Casino Royale, which introduces Daniel Craig
   007, on
   Nov. 17.
   Fox will unveil the Lindsay Lohan comedy Just My Luck on March
   computer-animated sequel film Ice Age 2: The Meltdown on March
   mermaid movie Aquamarine on April 14; Brett Ratner's X-Men 3 on
   26; the
   horror sequel The Omen 666 on June 6; Garfield 2 on June 23; My
   Ex-Girlfriend, a comedy starring Uma Thurman, on July 14; and
   version of the fantasy best-seller Eragon on Dec. 15. Also
   from Fox
   in 2006 is the Mike Judge satire Idiocracy and the vampire SF
   Warner will offer up the Wachowski brothers' V for Vendetta on

Re: [scifinoir2] Whittaker on The Shield

2006-01-10 Thread buky90
The shield is one of my favorite shows . its basically about a bad cop who
while corrupt gets justice his own way.also just fx right now is on a role
rescue me the shield nip and tuck and soon my man andre braugner new series

On 1/9/06, Cat Corley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is The Shield any good? What do you like about it?
 I've been looking at the commercials with Whittaker and I thought
 about giving the show a try. It just doesn't look like my cup o tea.


 On 1/9/06, buky90 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is gonna be a killer week for me tues the shield. Whittaker on the
  shield besides one of the strongest women on tv she got a little shorted
  last year but if anyone is going to one up mackey it will be her. Then
  2 of battlestar. me for some reason I cant get the memory of those old
  bugsbunny  cartoons where he set elmer and daff after each other total
  ensuing.gotta love this.
  On 1/8/06, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Oh, mamma!
   Who actually *moved* while BG was on? I admit that I was expecting a
   letdown, and I've never been more glad to be wrong. SG-1 picked up the
   nicely for my taste, and Atlantis stayed on par. I'll still be keeping
   Fridays free.
   Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Don't forget, new Sci Fi Friday starts tonight on the Sci Fi Channel.
   New eps of the Stargates, which, though still not Star Trek level, are
   decent timewasters. And of course, the continuation of the Battlestar
   Galactica retelling of the meeting between Galactica and the
   Pegasus. This looks to be quite exciting, as Adama and the Admiral
   aren't exactly getting along.  Also, don't forget that BG podcast i
   mentioned the other day. A great way to get additional insight into
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Re: [scifinoir2] New episodes of shows on Sci Fi Channel tonight

2006-01-09 Thread buky90
This is gonna be a killer week for me tues the shield. Whittaker on the
shield besides one of the strongest women on tv she got a little shorted arc
last year but if anyone is going to one up mackey it will be her. Then part
2 of battlestar. me for some reason I cant get the memory of those old
bugsbunny  cartoons where he set elmer and daff after each other total chaos
ensuing.gotta love this.

On 1/8/06, Martin Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh, mamma!

 Who actually *moved* while BG was on? I admit that I was expecting a
 letdown, and I've never been more glad to be wrong. SG-1 picked up the pace
 nicely for my taste, and Atlantis stayed on par. I'll still be keeping my
 Fridays free.

 Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't forget, new Sci Fi Friday starts tonight on the Sci Fi Channel.
 New eps of the Stargates, which, though still not Star Trek level, are
 decent timewasters. And of course, the continuation of the Battlestar
 Galactica retelling of the meeting between Galactica and the Battlestar
 Pegasus. This looks to be quite exciting, as Adama and the Admiral
 aren't exactly getting along.  Also, don't forget that BG podcast i
 mentioned the other day. A great way to get additional insight into the

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 Excuse me while I whip this out.
Cleavon Little , Blazing Saddles

 Yahoo! Photos
 Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays,

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Re: [scifinoir2] Medium Premieres tonight

2005-09-20 Thread buky90
2 things anybody thinking that stargate sg 1 has gotten better ,amazing
after 8 seasons. Also this statement on religion a kinda subtle appproach
(heh)Mr gousset givin one of the best readings in his career.

On 9/19/05, Keith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The good TV keeps on coming. Medium--starring last night's surprise
 Emmy winner Patricia Arquette-- is a great show that got me hooked last
 year. I contend that it, along with Lost, is responsible for the
 resurgence in shows with a supernatural tone. Worth checking out.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Fantastic Four Movie Review by Kevin Carr

2005-07-14 Thread buky90
I loved th ff movie at first I was upset with doom not the protrayal
but they didnt contradict his history they justed didntbring it into
this movie.the last shot of him going to laveteria cool. the story
wasnt that greay but the individual protraits were spot onand if you
didnt chortle during the ben johnny exchanges then you dont getit .
The ff is about famileven j alba was alright. what is shwe anyway
another van disel im etnic i think naysayer???

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