Re: [scifinoir2] Hello

2009-11-12 Thread wlrouge
Hello Shadaneca. welcomed to a great group.

From: shadaneca
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 4:32 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Hello

 Hi I'm new. Just wanted to say hey!


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Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Thoughts

2009-11-07 Thread wlrouge
As far as Richard Dean, perhaps he has being dialing up a buffet universe. 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 11:41 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] SGU Thoughts

Still watching the show, and still enjoying it for the most part. Interesting 
how dark they're really going. For example, I thought the people back on Earth 
were pretty damn callous at how they wanted the Destiny crew to try using a 
star to power the gate. They had this attitude of it's worth the risk, but 
the passengers and crew weren't so sanguine!
There seems to be a lot of sinister things going on behind the scenes, which I 
guess will be revealed in time. Even Jack O'Neill is given a bit of an edge. 
When Young first told Jack they were having problems on Destiny, his attitude 
was Fix it. Of course he's always there for Young when he needs help, but the 
attitude was a bit offputting to me. Tough love so Young doesn't freak out in 
the face of impossible odds, perhaps? 

I also admit that even I now would like to see something in the plots besides 
the crisis-aboard-ship each week. Are they through with the element-themed 
shows--Fire, Water, Air, etc? I'm still trying to figure out how the 
Destiny is supposedly locked into its singular journey across space, its 
twelve-hour layover limit, yet Rush can at least tell it things like We need 
to stop to find water. How is it he can communicate that and get a response, 
but can't say something like Stop the countdown, we have people  still not on 
board!, or, Don't jump yet, our shuttle hasn't returned! ?

 And, while Destiny is old and locked on a course, its systems failing, I'm not 
getting why its base programming doesn't force it to stop and re-evaluate 
things once humans were on board? Shouldn't its prime directive require it to 
stop and await instructions, instead of kidnapping them on its crazy ride to 
nowhere? Did the Ancients not build in failsafes and automatic overrides, 
'cause I can't get why the ship is still moving on singlemindedly, creating 
gates along the way and for the most part ignoring the humans?

Finally, those consciousness-exchanging co mmunication devices are an awfully 
convenient plot device, huh? Billions of light years across the galaxy, and 
they do perfect communications. 

And are there any protocols established for using the damn things, for 
respecting the host's body?  I mean, Eli and Chloe go out partying in their 
hosts' bodies, and Chloe even gets hers drunk. What would the hosts think 
waking up the next morning with a major hangover? And  Colonel Young having sex 
with his estranged wife while in the body of Colonel Telford---huh? Now, while 
I get that Young would want to get with his ex--she's gorgeous!--isn't it a bit 
weird to do it in the body of a guy he clearly dislikes? And I don't know about 
you, but isn't a bit odd to think of your wife *liking* another man's body 
making love to her? I'm pretty damn sure that, once back on the ship, I'd be 
thinking about that, and I'd start having real doubts about exactly *who* the 
wife was reacting to, you know? And, as evidenced by Telford knocking on her 
door at the end of the show, I'd be *real* concerned she might start liking his 
*body* regardless of whose mind is in it!

And one last thing--what the hell has Richard Dean Anderson been eating in the 
last couple of years??

Re: [scifinoir2] SyFy - New name, same problems

2009-11-02 Thread wlrouge
Is it me or is it that I never seen any ghost of that show or anything that 
would be considered a situation where the person could not or should not stay 
in the house. But no offense I seen more action in a Scooby Doo episode then 
this show in one season.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:04 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] SyFy - New name, same problems

Again, we must complain about SyFy's programming choices.  Here we are, with 
Halloween on a Saturday. A perfect opportunity to pull out some great horror 
and scifi flicks. Maybe show Dog Soldiers--one of the best movies they air-- 
at a time other than 1 am. Perhaps an all day marathon of something like The 
Dresden Files, which after all deals with the supernatural. Handpick eps of 
Enterprise, Eureka, Warehouse 13, etc. that are spooky Hell, I'd even 
accept--reluctantly--a rerunning of something moderately entertaining like 
Stephen King's Storm of the Century. How about a miniseries like Tin Man.

But what do we get instead? Fu*ing Ghost Hunters, all freakin' day, from 9 
am to 7 pm EST, capped off by something called Ghost Hunters Live Halloween 
for the following *five* hours! Who in the name of Jehosaphat is programming 
this network? and why in god's name is Ghost Hunters aired so much? There are 
hours and hours of that crappy show throughout the week. What is the deal?!

Re: [scifinoir2] Jackson third richest dead celebrity

2009-11-02 Thread wlrouge
Thanks I will look into it. When I was little I would always watch Charlie 
Brown and then the Garfield cartoon as well.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Jackson third richest dead celebrity

Ha-ha! You know how much I love it? I have it on tape, and I *still* watch it 
on TV!

Another really, really good Halloween related cartoon is The Halloween Tree, 
based on a Ray Bradbury work. It's about a group of kids who magically travel 
through time to chase and retrieve the spirit of their dying friend. They need 
to retrieve the spirit in order to save him from a mysterious man who wants to 
claim it for his own. It's a haunting movie, especially for an American-made 
cartoon. At one point, the boy's spirit intones I'm fading away, and it's 
genuinely disturbing to see what may be him slipping to his death.

The polar opposite of the fun and kid-friendly Charlie Brown 'toon, with a dark 
and gloomy look that fits the subject matter, this is a great Halloween-themed 
cartoon.  I highly recommend seeking it out. Here's a long clip at You Tube:

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:59:52 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Jackson  third richest dead celebrity

OK I am late, I only watched It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown for the 32nd 
time. I am 31 and by the time this email is posted it would have already came 
on twice already. I plan on sitting in a pumpkin patch waiting for the great 
pumpkin if he shows up--I mean when he shows up LOL

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Jackson third richest dead celebrity

Being too lazy to Google, i want to ask who is Jimmy Spelling?

And to what is Einstein's earning attributed? Did his widow or first wife 
secure any rights to anything earned through his name? Does his estate make 
money somehow (I'm thinking of all those t-shirts with his mug, sticking is 
tongue out, are those copyrwrited?)

I will say, Dr. Seuss deserves to be on the list, as does Charles Schulz. I 
watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown this week on ABC, which makes, 
oh, I guess the thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth straight year i've done so. I 
love A Charlie Brown Christmas even more, but haven't watched it the last two 
years. Deaths in my wife's and my families made it too hard to watch, as both 
of us were hit by memories of loved ones gone with whom we used to enjoy it. 
But Imma assay to watch it again this Christmas: the season just ain't right 
without Charlie sticking up for the real meaning of Christmas!

- Original Message -
From: Kelwyn
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:45:27 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Jackson  third richest dead celebrity


I love Forbe's richest dead celebrity list. Dead people making more coin that 
living peoples appeals to both my sense of the macabre and my sense of paradox.

(I would scratch Yves Saint Laurent from this list because (a) he lives on as a 
corporate entity (b) the bulk of the $350 million was not earned from creative 
work Laurent did while he was alive and (c) Laurent is not a celebrity. I'm 
just sayin.').


Jackson third richest dead celebrity
(UKPA) – 2 hours ago

Despite raking in millions of dollars through the sale of rights to footage of 
his final rehearsals, Michael Jackson is not the top-earning dead celebrity, a 
new survey has found.

Forbes magazine puts the former King of Pop in third place behind Yves Saint 
Laurent and composing duo Rodgers and Hammerstein ($235 million).

The fashion designer earned 350 million dollars (£214 million) over the past 
year, dwarfing the 90 million dollars (£55 million) taken in by the Jackson 

Laurent, who died of brain cancer in 2008, appears at the top of the index 
largely due to an auction of artwork including paintings by Mondrian and 
Matisse that he once owned.

The bulk of Jackson's posthumous cash came through selling the rights to This 
Is It, a film based on rehearsal footage for what would have been his comeback 
concerts in London.

Forbes estimates that this income was bumped up by the sale of around 9 million 
albums and 5.5 millions digital downloads since his death in June.

Elvis Presley came in fourth in the list, making 55 million dollars (£34 
million) over the last 12 months.

1. Yves Saint Laurent ($350 mil)
2. Rogers and Hammerstein ($235 mil)
3. Michael Jackson ($90 mil)
4. Elvis Presley ($55 mil)
5. J.R.R. Tolkien ($50)
6. Charles Schulz ($35)
7. John Lennon ($15)
8. Dr. Seuss ($15)
9. Albert Einstein ($10)
10. Michael Cricton ($9)
11. Aaron Spelling ($8)
12. Jimi Spelling ($8)
13. Andy Warhol ($6)

Re: [scifinoir2] Jackson third richest dead celebrity

2009-10-30 Thread wlrouge
OK I am late, I only watched It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown for the 32nd 
time. I am 31 and by the time this email is posted it would have already came 
on twice already. I plan on sitting in a pumpkin patch waiting for the great 
pumpkin if he shows up--I mean when he shows up LOL

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Jackson third richest dead celebrity

Being too lazy to Google, i want to ask who is Jimmy Spelling?

And to what is Einstein's earning attributed? Did his widow or first wife 
secure any rights to anything earned through his name? Does his estate make 
money somehow (I'm thinking of all those t-shirts with his mug, sticking is 
tongue out, are those copyrwrited?)

I will say, Dr. Seuss deserves to be on the list, as does Charles Schulz. I 
watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown this week on ABC, which makes, 
oh, I guess the thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth straight year i've done so. I 
love A Charlie Brown Christmas even more, but haven't watched it the last two 
years. Deaths in my wife's and my families made it too hard to watch, as both 
of us were hit by memories of loved ones gone with whom we used to enjoy it. 
But Imma assay to watch it again this Christmas: the season just ain't right 
without Charlie sticking up for the real meaning of Christmas!

- Original Message -
From: Kelwyn
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:45:27 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Jackson  third richest dead celebrity


I love Forbe's richest dead celebrity list. Dead people making more coin that 
living peoples appeals to both my sense of the macabre and my sense of paradox.

(I would scratch Yves Saint Laurent from this list because (a) he lives on as a 
corporate entity (b) the bulk of the $350 million was not earned from creative 
work Laurent did while he was alive and (c) Laurent is not a celebrity. I'm 
just sayin.').


Jackson third richest dead celebrity
(UKPA) – 2 hours ago

Despite raking in millions of dollars through the sale of rights to footage of 
his final rehearsals, Michael Jackson is not the top-earning dead celebrity, a 
new survey has found.

Forbes magazine puts the former King of Pop in third place behind Yves Saint 
Laurent and composing duo Rodgers and Hammerstein ($235 million).

The fashion designer earned 350 million dollars (£214 million) over the past 
year, dwarfing the 90 million dollars (£55 million) taken in by the Jackson 

Laurent, who died of brain cancer in 2008, appears at the top of the index 
largely due to an auction of artwork including paintings by Mondrian and 
Matisse that he once owned.

The bulk of Jackson's posthumous cash came through selling the rights to This 
Is It, a film based on rehearsal footage for what would have been his comeback 
concerts in London.

Forbes estimates that this income was bumped up by the sale of around 9 million 
albums and 5.5 millions digital downloads since his death in June.

Elvis Presley came in fourth in the list, making 55 million dollars (£34 
million) over the last 12 months.

1. Yves Saint Laurent ($350 mil)
2. Rogers and Hammerstein ($235 mil)
3. Michael Jackson ($90 mil)
4. Elvis Presley ($55 mil)
5. J.R.R. Tolkien ($50)
6. Charles Schulz ($35)
7. John Lennon ($15)
8. Dr. Seuss ($15)
9. Albert Einstein ($10)
10. Michael Cricton ($9)
11. Aaron Spelling ($8)
12. Jimi Spelling ($8)
13. Andy Warhol ($6)

Re: [scifinoir2] SGU this week

2009-10-25 Thread Wlrouge
I agree. My roommate told me about this show and your point is very  
valid. In other sci fi shows you would be passing out and going crazy  
with lack of oxygen and over the idea of becoming close to the sun. I  
understand there are those who might be needing their stargate fix.  
However so far I don't see how it is stargate. I mean if you take the  
gate out what do you really have?


If you sit long enough you will stand for something.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 1:32 AM, Mr. Worf wrote:

I am having problems with the logic of this show. If you loose power  
in space shouldn't you loose life support, and gravity too? You  
should freeze before you bake.

Also, if you are taking the most vital supplies you take a cd  
player, and a book but not enough rations?

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] SGU this week

2009-10-25 Thread Wlrouge
I agree maybe I missed it but if this ship is lost and traveling in  
space for so long. What makes you think that anyone would see what  
they are doing. There are many ways to introduce them. It is called  
just write...


If you sit long enough you will stand for something.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 6:19 AM, Tracey de Morsella 

The first episode was pretty good and showed potential, but now it  
feels like a meandering mess.  Two episodes in a row with the use of  
video to introduce and flesh out characters seems like lazy writing  
to me.  What do you guys think?

From: []  
On Behalf Of Mr. Worf

Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] SGU this week

I'm thinking that it is taking raw plasma in and processing it. Or  
there may be some sort of rare element that it uses.

The ship started running out of juice quickly because they were  
apparently trying to dial home and a bunch of stuff that wasn't  
shown on screen.

I agree with you on the money aspect for the gravity.

On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Keith Johnson 

Well, you're right, but the gravity thing is one of those things we  
have to overlook for scifi shows because of money. Every Trek, BSG,  
etc. series has this inherent flaw. They simply don't have time/ 
resources/money to show the truth of gravity fading so that the crew  
has to float around. That's been done in at least one Trek movie,  
but most scifi shows just ignore that truth. And who knows: maybe  
the Destiny has some kind of gravity plating that doesn't require a  
power source?

My biggest issue with the show was why the Destiny allowed itself to  
get so low on power? all the ship does is travel across space--why  
didn't it stop and refuel before this point? Surely it doesn't need  
a particular type of star? Does it matter if a star is yellow, blue- 
white, red, etc? That made no sense, nor did Dr. Rush not guessing  
the ship's purpose: I figured out what it was doing as soon as it  
sped around the gas giant.

Were they implying that the ship is storing the star's radiative  
power, or actually brining in some of its plasma?

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 1:32:56 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] SGU this week

I am having problems with the logic of this show. If you loose power  
in space shouldn't you loose life support, and gravity too? You  
should freeze before you bake.

Also, if you are taking the most vital supplies you take a cd  
player, and a book but not enough rations?

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies

2009-10-23 Thread wlrouge
I don't think now TV shows don't even bother with a theme anymore. 

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies

I wonder if today's composers will be thought of with the same affection? Most 
of the tv show themes just aren't that memorible. Except for Cheers, Friends, 
and couple of others. 

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

  Vic Mizzy, a film and television composer best known for writing the 
memorable theme songs for the 1960s sit-coms Green Acres and The Addams 
Family, has died. He was 93.

  Mizzy died of heart failureSaturday at his home in Bel-Air, said Scott 
Harper, a friend and fellow composer.

  A veteran writer of popular songs such as There's a Faraway Look in Your 
Eye and Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes, Mizzy launched his TV career in 1960 when he 
was asked to compose music for the dramatic anthology series Moment of Fear.

  He quickly moved on to score episodes of Shirley Temple's Storybook and 
The Richard Boone Show and to write the themes for Klondike and the Dennis 
Weaver series Kentucky Jones.

  Then came an offbeat assignment: The Addams Family, the 1964-66 TV series 
based on Charles Addams' macabre magazine cartoons and starring John Astin as 
Gomez Addams and Carolyn Jones as his wife, Morticia.

  For his theme song, Mizzy played a harpsichord, which gives the theme its 
unique flavor. And because the production company, Filmways, refused to pay for 
singers, Mizzy sang it himself and overdubbed it three times. The song, 
memorably punctuated by finger-snapping, begins with: They're creepy and 
they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, they're altogether ooky: the Addams 

  In the 1996 book TV's Biggest Hits: The Story of Television Themes From 
'Dragnet' to 'Friends,'  author Jon Burlingame writes that Mizzy's musical 
conception was so specific that he became deeply involved with the filming of 
the main-title sequence, which involved all seven actors snapping their fingers 
in carefully timed rhythm to Mizzy's music.

  For Mizzy, who owned the publishing rights to The Addams Family theme, it 
was an easy payday.

  I sat down; I went 'buh-buh-buh-bump [snap-snap], buh-buh-buh-bump, he 
recalled in a 2008 interview on CBS' Sunday Morning show. That's why I'm 
living in Bel-Air: Two finger snaps and you live in Bel-Air.

  The season after The Addams Family made its debut, Mizzy composed the title 
song for Green Acres, the 1965-71 rural comedy starring Eddie Albert and Eva 

  For Green Acres, Burlingame observed in his book, Mizzy again conceived 
the title song as intertwined with the visuals of the show's title sequence 
and telling the story of wealthy Oliver and Lisa Douglas moving from New York 
to a farm in the country.

  Burlingame on Monday described the themes for The Addams Family and Green 
Acres as two of the best-remembered sitcom themes of all time.

  Vic was an old-school songwriter who believed in melody and hummability, 
Burlingame said. He thought that people ought to be able to easily remember a 

  Vic was one of the wittiest composers I ever met, and he had an uncanny 
ability to incorporate his own personal sense of humor into his music.

  Mizzy's use of bass harmonica and fuzz guitar in the music of Green Acres, 
for example, was somehow perfect for that show's setting, and it only added to 
the humor of the situations, Burlingame said.

  In the case of The Addams Family, he said, you've got the harpsichord, 
which lends this antique, sort of macabre quality to the theme. But then you 
add the lyrics, which make it funny. So you have the perfect combination of 
macabre and amusing. It was just right for that show's sensibility.

  Mizzy's many TV credits include writing the themes for Phyllis Diller's 
1966-67 sitcom The Pruitts of Southampton and The Don Rickles Show 
(1968-69), for which Mizzy also conducted the orchestra.

  Among his movie credits as a composer are the Don Knotts comedies The Ghost 
and Mr. Chicken, The Reluctant Astronaut, The Shakiest Gun in the West, 
The Love God? and How to Frame a Figg.

  Born in Brooklyn on Jan. 9, 1916, Mizzy learned to play the piano as a child. 
While he was a student at New York University, he and his friend Irving Taylor 
began writing songs and sketches for variety shows.

  They appeared on radio's Major Bowes' Original Amateur Hour and won an 
amateur contest on the Fred Allen show. The team's first published song was 
Your Heart Rhymes with Mine.

  Mizzy, who served four years in the Navy during World War II, had a number of 
hits with Taylor, including Three Little Sisters and Take It Easy. Under a 
later partnership with Mann Curtis, Mizzy had hits such as My Dreams Are 
Getting Better All the Time, The Whole World Is Singing My Song and The 
Jones Boy.

  Mizzy is survived by 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies

2009-10-23 Thread wlrouge
Oh that brings back so many memories. I loved that show. I also remember the 
theme to Married with Children. Oh the days of good shows...

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:15 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies

 We may be a post theme song lyrics society.  Remember the theme song for 
 Gary Shandling's sitcom (1986)?:

 This is the theme to Garry's Show,
 The theme to Garry's show.
 Garry called me up and asked if I would right his theme song.
 I'm almost halfway finished,
 How do you like it so far,
 How do you like the theme to Garry's Show.

 This is the theme to Garry's Show,
 The opening theme to Garry's show.
 This is the music that you hear as you watch the credits.
 We're almost to the part of where I start to whistle.
 Then we'll watch It's Garry Shandling's Show.

 This was the theme to Garry Shandling's show.

 --- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:

 True, and I do enjoy Eureka's theme. But most shows don't have lyrics

 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@...wrote:

  The Stargates have theme music, as do Eureka, Sanctuary, and Primeval.
  Almost all animated TV series have theme music (I love Danny 
  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...
  Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:26:35 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies
  Yea, I had a hard time coming up with themes from the newer shows. BSG, 
  were the only ones that I could think of.
  On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Keith Johnson 
  I love this line:  That's why I'm living in Bel-Air: Two finger snaps 
  you live in Bel-Air.
  On a related note, I hate that TV series theme songs are becoming so 
  nowadays. So many shows just slap out a quick tune and then cut to
  commercial. It's not just theme songs with vocals that are 
  it's also the ones with longer musical scores. Aside from Law and 
  Order, and
  a couple others, I can scare think of any show where the theme music 
  is a
  big part of it.  Corny as many were back in the day, you can't deny 
  that the
  theme songs for everything from The Brady Bunch to Gilligan's 
  from Star Trek to The Beverly Hillbillies stay with you.
  - Original Message -
  From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
  Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 3:07:10 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies
  Vic Mizzy, a film and television composer best known for writing the
  memorable theme songs for the 1960s sit-coms Green Acres and The 
  Family, has died. He was 93.
  Mizzy died of heart failureSaturday at his home in Bel-Air, said Scott
  Harper, a friend and fellow composer.
  A veteran writer of popular songs such as There's a Faraway Look in 
  Eye and Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes, Mizzy launched his TV career in 
  1960 when
  he was asked to compose music for the dramatic anthology series 
  Moment of
  He quickly moved on to score episodes of Shirley Temple's Storybook 
  The Richard Boone Show and to write the themes for Klondike and 
  Dennis Weaver series Kentucky Jones.
  Then came an offbeat assignment: The Addams Family, the 1964-66 TV
  series based on Charles Addams' macabre magazine cartoons and starring 
  Astin as Gomez Addams and Carolyn Jones as his wife, Morticia.
  For his theme song, Mizzy played a harpsichord, which gives the theme 
  unique flavor. And because the production company, Filmways, refused 
  to pay
  for singers, Mizzy sang it himself and overdubbed it three times. The 
  memorably punctuated by finger-snapping, begins with: They're creepy 
  they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, they're altogether ooky: the 
  In the 1996 book TV's Biggest Hits: The Story of Television Themes 
  'Dragnet' to 'Friends,'  author Jon Burlingame writes that Mizzy's 
  conception was so specific that he became deeply involved with the 
  of the main-title sequence, which involved all seven actors snapping 
  fingers in carefully timed rhythm to Mizzy's music.
  For Mizzy, who owned the publishing rights to The Addams Family 
  it was an easy payday.
  I sat down; I went 'buh-buh-buh-bump [snap-snap], buh-buh-buh-bump, 
  recalled in a 2008 interview on CBS' Sunday Morning show. That's 
  why I'm
  living in Bel-Air: Two finger snaps and you live in Bel-Air.
  The season after The Addams Family made its debut, Mizzy composed 
  title song for Green Acres, the 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies

2009-10-23 Thread wlrouge
Oh here is the video for the song by the way

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:15 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies

 We may be a post theme song lyrics society.  Remember the theme song for 
 Gary Shandling's sitcom (1986)?:

 This is the theme to Garry's Show,
 The theme to Garry's show.
 Garry called me up and asked if I would right his theme song.
 I'm almost halfway finished,
 How do you like it so far,
 How do you like the theme to Garry's Show.

 This is the theme to Garry's Show,
 The opening theme to Garry's show.
 This is the music that you hear as you watch the credits.
 We're almost to the part of where I start to whistle.
 Then we'll watch It's Garry Shandling's Show.

 This was the theme to Garry Shandling's show.

 --- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:

 True, and I do enjoy Eureka's theme. But most shows don't have lyrics

 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@...wrote:

  The Stargates have theme music, as do Eureka, Sanctuary, and Primeval.
  Almost all animated TV series have theme music (I love Danny 
  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf hellomahog...@...
  Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:26:35 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies
  Yea, I had a hard time coming up with themes from the newer shows. BSG, 
  were the only ones that I could think of.
  On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Keith Johnson 
  I love this line:  That's why I'm living in Bel-Air: Two finger snaps 
  you live in Bel-Air.
  On a related note, I hate that TV series theme songs are becoming so 
  nowadays. So many shows just slap out a quick tune and then cut to
  commercial. It's not just theme songs with vocals that are 
  it's also the ones with longer musical scores. Aside from Law and 
  Order, and
  a couple others, I can scare think of any show where the theme music 
  is a
  big part of it.  Corny as many were back in the day, you can't deny 
  that the
  theme songs for everything from The Brady Bunch to Gilligan's 
  from Star Trek to The Beverly Hillbillies stay with you.
  - Original Message -
  From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
  Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 3:07:10 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Composer of Addams Family Theme Song dies
  Vic Mizzy, a film and television composer best known for writing the
  memorable theme songs for the 1960s sit-coms Green Acres and The 
  Family, has died. He was 93.
  Mizzy died of heart failureSaturday at his home in Bel-Air, said Scott
  Harper, a friend and fellow composer.
  A veteran writer of popular songs such as There's a Faraway Look in 
  Eye and Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes, Mizzy launched his TV career in 
  1960 when
  he was asked to compose music for the dramatic anthology series 
  Moment of
  He quickly moved on to score episodes of Shirley Temple's Storybook 
  The Richard Boone Show and to write the themes for Klondike and 
  Dennis Weaver series Kentucky Jones.
  Then came an offbeat assignment: The Addams Family, the 1964-66 TV
  series based on Charles Addams' macabre magazine cartoons and starring 
  Astin as Gomez Addams and Carolyn Jones as his wife, Morticia.
  For his theme song, Mizzy played a harpsichord, which gives the theme 
  unique flavor. And because the production company, Filmways, refused 
  to pay
  for singers, Mizzy sang it himself and overdubbed it three times. The 
  memorably punctuated by finger-snapping, begins with: They're creepy 
  they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, they're altogether ooky: the 
  In the 1996 book TV's Biggest Hits: The Story of Television Themes 
  'Dragnet' to 'Friends,'  author Jon Burlingame writes that Mizzy's 
  conception was so specific that he became deeply involved with the 
  of the main-title sequence, which involved all seven actors snapping 
  fingers in carefully timed rhythm to Mizzy's music.
  For Mizzy, who owned the publishing rights to The Addams Family 
  it was an easy payday.
  I sat down; I went 'buh-buh-buh-bump [snap-snap], buh-buh-buh-bump, 
  recalled in a 2008 interview on CBS' Sunday Morning show. That's 
  why I'm
  living in Bel-Air: Two finger snaps and you live in Bel-Air.
  The season after The Addams Family made its debut, Mizzy composed 
  title song for Green Acres, the 1965-71 rural 

Re: [scifinoir2] William Shatner set to be beamed up

2009-10-23 Thread wlrouge
I understand when we think Star Trek we think Enterprise. I think that too but 
Shatner should have thought about that before he allowed his character to die 
on Veridian 3. Perhaps if they are going to bring him back it should be from 
the Nexus and have him at least attempt to fix the messed up time line. 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] William Shatner set to be beamed up

I'll be succinct.

One. It was a mistake not to include Shatner in a Trek movie. Unlike many who 
either don't like him, or see him as not essential to Treklore, I like Shatner 
fine. Star Trek was more about Shatner, I'd argue, in terms of the human quest 
for knowledge and enlightenment, than Spock, despite Spock's popularity. 
Really, they need each other, so to have one without the other? Bad move.

Two. I wonder how they'll bring in Shatner in this new timeline? Makes me 
frustrated again at the whole alternate reality angle, which I fear I shall 
never fully embrace.

- Original Message -
From: brent wodehouse
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:09:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] William Shatner set to be beamed up

William Shatner set to be beamed up

Last updated 13:32 21/10/2009

Hollywood director JJ Abrams appears set to beam William Shatner up to the
Star Trek sequel.

Abrams suffered plenty of criticism from Star Trek fans when he opted not
to cast Shatner, the original Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise,
in this year's big screen update of the iconic sci-fi film and TV series.

Abrams did cast the original Spock, Leonard Nimoy.

Star Trek was one of the most successful films of 2009, earning almost
US$400 million (NZ$542.81m) at the worldwide box office, and with a sequel
set for release in theatres in 2011, Abrams confirmed Shatner may be
offered a role.

I would love to work with him, Abrams told reporters in Los Angeles at a
press conference to promote the release of the Star Trek DVD.

We speak. We actually have a lunch date planned.

Abrams opted to make Star Trek a prequel, winding the clock back to the
early years of the Star Trek crew with young actors Chris Pine (Kirk),
Zachary Quinto (Spock) and Simon Pegg (Montgomery Scott) filling the lead

While Abrams and screenwriters Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman managed to find
a way to bring Nimoy back, they opted against offering Shatner a role.

The dilemma they faced is examined in The Shatner Conundrum, one of the
extra features on the Star Trek DVD.

It was a foregone conclusion we wanted him in the movie, Abrams

The problem was his character died on screen in one of his Trek films and
because we decided, very early on, that we wanted to adhere to Trek canon
as best we could ... the required machinations to get Shatner into the
movie would have been very difficult to do given the story we wanted to
tell and also to give him the kind of part that he would be happy with.

It was this thing where it would have felt like a gimmick in order to get
Shatner in the movie, which would have honestly, to me, been distracting.

The success of Abrams' Star Trek and the welcome Pine, Quinto, Pegg and
other new actors received from Trekkies will make it easier to introduce
Shatner into the sequel, Abrams said.

In terms of moving forward, I am open to anything, Abrams added.

I feel like the first movie did some of the heavy lifting that needed to
be done in order to free us to continue going forward. Maybe there's less
of a burden and there's going to be more opportunity to work with him

The Star Trek DVD, set for release in Australia on October 29, is filled
with extras, including gag reels, three hours of bonus footage,
commentary, secrets behind the costumes and sets and deleted scenes that
reveal a side story involving Eric Bana's villainous character Nero.

The DVD also includes what is billed as ground-breaking augmented reality
technology which, through a webcam, allows a 3D holographic tour of the

Abrams said the decision to hold the world premiere for Star Trek at the
Sydney Opera House in April was the perfect launch pad for the movie.

I have been to Sydney before and I loved it the first time, Abrams told
AAP in a video interview.

This last time it was so surreal. First of all I had never been to the
Opera House which could not have been more beautiful.

The reception was off the charts. The people were so kind. It was
beautiful, maybe not atypical Sydney weather, but I called my wife and
said 'We might have to move here'.

I am serious. I want to go back not just for professional reasons. I just
want to go back because it is fantastic.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Black Man stars in 2nd Highest Rated TV Drama

2009-10-20 Thread wlrouge
I think NCIS has shown or proven it has become the little show that could.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 5:40 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Black Man stars in 2nd Highest Rated TV Drama

 I personally find the original NCIS surprisingly watchable.  Still, I was 
 very surprised to see it at the top of the ratings.  Perhaps I shouldn't 
 have been.  NCIS is one of the rare television programs that has gone UP 
 in ratings every season it has been on.  I have not yet seen NCIS:LA.

 In either case, the success of NCIS:LA does not bode well for Network 
 television.  NCIS: Miami, anyone?


 --- In, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... 

 Well, like I said a couple of weeks ago. the NCIS: LA show completely 
 failed to engage me. I've already stopped watching. given that it's not 
 as good as the original (which I never watched), I won't miss missing it.
 Sad state of affairs for TV. What's funny, though, is the end of the 
 article calls The Mentalist an original show, but it's not: a bunch of 
 regular cops stand around while some kind of specialist with a unique 
 talent/perspective helps solve crimes? Try Monk, Psych, Castle and 
 others with the same basic formula.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
 Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:21:29 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Black Man stars in 2nd Highest Rated TV Drama

 Forty-four years after Bill Cosby co-starred in I Spy, a black man 
 headlines the second highest rated drama on television.

 The larger issue of cookie cutter television addressed in the article 
 below is chilling.


 Why 'NCIS:LA' Is Getting the Best Ratings of the Season for a New Show

 CBS's Formula to Keep Viewers and Advertisers Happy Is Also a Sign of 
 Trouble for Original Scripted Fare

 By Brian Steinberg

 Published: October 13, 2009

 NEW YORK ( -- Every Tuesday at 9 p.m., a group of 
 government-backed investigators helps save the nation from rogue 
 operatives, terrorists or federal employees who go astray for any number 
 of reasons -- all with lots of action and just a touch of humor.

 If the question, Haven't I seen this somewhere before? echoes in the 
 back of your mind, chances are you might be watching CBS, which seems to 
 be making a concerted effort to maintain sizable audiences for its 
 schedule by building programs with concepts its viewers already find 
 familiar. NCIS: LA, a West Coast tweak on the original NCIS that 
 centers on the premise above, appears to be the most-watched freshman 
 program of the infant 2009-2010 season.
 For the week ending Oct. 4, about 17.4 million people watched the 
 program, according to Nielsen; the only drama that topped it was its 
 predecessor, NCIS, which was the most-watched broadcast show of the 
 week (NBC's Sunday Night Football is the only thing that kept the 
 L.A.-centered spin-off from taking second place among viewers, though 
 ABC's Dancing with the Stars had a higher household rating than the new 

 Popular with advertisers too
 Advertisers like the spin-off, too; according to CBS executives, the 
 program is reaching a high sellout in the fourth quarter market for 
 so-called scatter advertising, or ad time purchased closer to air date. 
 Because it fluctuates based on the immediate market, scatter is taken as 
 a good sign of a program's overall popularity with marketers. Recent 
 advertisers on NCIS: LA included Home Depot, Wal-Mart Stores and 
 Pfizer's Lipitor. NCIS took in around $118 million in advertising 
 during the 2008-2009 season, according to TNS Media Intelligence.

 Yet the success of NCIS: LA illustrates an emerging dilemma for the 
 biggest TV networks in the land: To keep the large audiences that 
 advertisers demand of them, they aren't able to experiment much with new 
 show concepts or quirky ideas. Indeed, the CW's schedule includes three 
 hours a week of revamps of two old Fox hits, Melrose Place and 90210. 
 One can make the argument that ABC's new Flash Forward serves up the 
 same elements -- mystery, long story arcs, riddles -- that made its 
 soon-to-end Lost such a showpiece, and that its new Modern Family 
 sitcom steals its documentary-style storytelling from NBC's The Office.

 One might even suggest that the premise for another successful CBS show, 
 The Good Wife, is ripped from the headlines -- making it something that 
 already resonates with potential fans.

 When you think about the landscape of television today, there are so 
 many choices -- and so many good choices -- how do you give yourself a 
 leg up? asked David Stapf, president-CBS Television Studios, which 
 produces NCIS: LA and the CW's Melrose and 90210 updates. 

Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

2009-09-26 Thread wlrouge
Too me, the white guy with shorts on seemed to want to be the Abby or the lady 
from Criminal Minds. The other guy who wanted to be more like Duckie. The lady 
that was the mother seems to me she is leaning more so to Ziva. The black guy 
who ever he is suppose to be reminds me of Duckie's assistant. Chris O'Donnell 
wants to be like Tony and I am guessing LL is more like a water down version of 
Gibbs. Note real watered.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

Yeah, and the way Chris O'Donnell--who never seemed to make it in the movie 
world--came on as so cool was a bit irritating to me. But then, everyone was a 
cliche. And then, the fight scene was shot in that maddeningly fast 
quick-camera take, so i couldn't even see that.

- Original Message -
From: Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:33:38 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

I thought the same about the secret hideout.  People notice folks driving up 
and parking nice cars—even if there is a small condemned sign on the renovated 

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

Yeah, agreed. I've never watched NCIS but watched last night because LL Cool J 
was on and I wanted to see how it did. The script was weak, so weak I had time 
to laugh at the ridiculous HQ, secreted inside a building like that. So a 
condemned sign on the front door is enough to disguise the fact there's 
dozens of people working inside, that it looks like a Spanish mansion inside, 
that it's loaded with mad crazy high tech tactile displays and such, and that 
people evidently drive up to that condemned front door in sports cars 
everyday? And no one notices?

Everyone seemed too hard to try and act cool. They were more caricatures than 
characters to me, but then, the original NCIS has a ot of that too.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:05:08 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??


Just to touch on what you said about the show for a moment. I saw NCIS LA I 
have to say that I am not sure if I like it or not. It was something about the 
first plot and this one that I did not like. It would appear that it tried too 
hard and I was not sure who was the leader or not. I felt that they tired to 
model the characters after the original. 


From: Keith Johnson 

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:40 AM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

I plan to watch. Sounds intriguing. I've never read the book, and, while I 
understand they've kept the spirit of the book, they made some changes for 
television. They moved the location from Geneva, Switzerland to L.A. I'll be 
there, of course, but you know, i really tire of everything important in the 
world taking place in L.A. or New York. Last night, for example, the NCIS 
series debuted a spinoff with LL Cool J and where was it? L.A., of course. 
Every now and then I'd like to follow some events and people in other 
cities--even other countries. (Yeah, I know: Americans won't watch anything 
with ferners in it, and the major studios are in those two cities). But I 
guess that's what the BBC is for? :)

The other major thing is in the book people flashed forward twenty-one years, 
but in the series the jump is only six months. The producers didn't want to 
have to produce the look of a future two decades from now, figuring six months 
was far enough to build the story, but close enough to simplify how the story 
is presented and avoid inaccurate predictions. I'm okay with that, though i 
think they could have gone four or five years and been safe. They also shifted 
the focus of the story from a scientist at CERN to a bunch of regular folks, 
and, in the book, it's understood pretty quickly that a CERN experiment to 
detect the Higgs-Boson particle (thought to carry the property of mass) caused 
the event. In the TV series, they're going to hide the cause for most of the 

Still, it has potential. The author of the book is excited (I'll bet: think he 
was paid a bundle). He understands the changes for the small screen, but is 
also quick to point out that the series is basically a based on story, not 
the original. He will not be changing his book world to match the TV world. You 
can listen to an interview with him at the Slice of SciFi website. It's a 
pretty detailed one:

Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

2009-09-26 Thread wlrouge
Wow, in that case I truly feel alone..LOL

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:06 PM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

No, never. And Keith and I live in the same county, shop at the same comics 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 14:41:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


I just moved to Atlanta area and trust me I know no one. Carrollton GA here.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Okay, how many of us in the group live here in Atlanta--and have never met each 
other?? Augustus, you're here right?
On the flipside, how many live back in my home area of DFW?

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:33:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


For the most part I was able to dodge it. Here in Carrollton we were not 
that bad, but near I-20 it was.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

 Hey peoples from Atlanta - is you all wet or were you able to keep your 
 heads above water? I feel like an adopted son after my recent visit and, 
 well, inquiring minds wanna know.



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links


Bing™ brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

2009-09-26 Thread wlrouge
Trust me I would love that.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 7:25 AM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

We certainly should.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 01:41:21 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


We should all arrange to get together then.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:41:10 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


I just moved to Atlanta area and trust me I know no one. Carrollton GA here.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Okay, how many of us in the group live here in Atlanta--and have never met each 
other?? Augustus, you're here right?
On the flipside, how many live back in my home area of DFW?

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:33:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


For the most part I was able to dodge it. Here in Carrollton we were not 
that bad, but near I-20 it was.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

 Hey peoples from Atlanta - is you all wet or were you able to keep your 
 heads above water? I feel like an adopted son after my recent visit and, 
 well, inquiring minds wanna know.



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links


Bing™ brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

2009-09-26 Thread wlrouge
I am new to the area so I don't have a place to hang out at the moment--which 
also cancels out what to do on the weekend. I would love to go to Atlanta but 
you have to admit where I was to where I am now--it isn't Kansas anymore. I 
love plays and musicals. I would go to them every night. I have always wanted 
to go to the play Color Purple. I am open to all types of food at least one. 
But to be honest. I am a cheap date. Pizza for me LOL. I might have to check 
that out. I really need to start doing something. 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Where do you hang out for fun? What do you do on the weekends? Do you ever go 
into Atlanta proper?
What kind of food do you like to eat? Do you do plays and musicals? (The Color 
Purple is at the Fox Theatre through tomorrow. Tavis Smiley's history of 
African Americans, America I Am is at the Civic Center through tomorrow, and 
well worth the trip).

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:25:08 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Wow, in that case I truly feel alone..LOL

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:06 PM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

No, never. And Keith and I live in the same county, shop at the same comics 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 14:41:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


I just moved to Atlanta area and trust me I know no one. Carrollton GA here.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Okay, how many of us in the group live here in Atlanta--and have never met each 
other?? Augustus, you're here right?
On the flipside, how many live back in my home area of DFW?

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:33:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


For the most part I was able to dodge it. Here in Carrollton we were not 
that bad, but near I-20 it was.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

 Hey peoples from Atlanta - is you all wet or were you able to keep your 
 heads above water? I feel like an adopted son after my recent visit and, 
 well, inquiring minds wanna know.



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links


Bing™ brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

2009-09-26 Thread Wlrouge

Milledgeville GA. It is a town outside of Macon GA

Autobots, transform!!!

On Sep 26, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Tracey de Morsella 

Where have you relocated from?

From: []  
On Behalf Of

Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

I am new to the area so I don't have a place to hang out at the  
moment--which also cancels out what to do on the weekend. I would  
love to go to Atlanta but you have to admit where I was to where I  
am now--it isn't Kansas anymore. I love plays and musicals. I would  
go to them every night. I have always wanted to go to the play Color  
Purple. I am open to all types of food at least one. But to be  
honest. I am a cheap date. Pizza for me LOL. I might have to check  
that out. I really need to start doing something.

From: Keith Johnson

Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:40 AM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Where do you hang out for fun? What do you do on the weekends? Do  
you ever go into Atlanta proper?
What kind of food do you like to eat? Do you do plays and musicals?  
(The Color Purple is at the Fox Theatre through tomorrow. Tavis  
Smiley's history of African Americans, America I Am is at the  
Civic Center through tomorrow, and well worth the trip).

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:25:08 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada  

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Wow, in that case I truly feel alone..LOL


From: Martin Baxter

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:06 PM

To: SciFiNoir2

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

No, never. And Keith and I live in the same county, shop at the same  
comics stores.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who  
in bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 14:41:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

I just moved to Atlanta area and trust me I know no one. Carrollton  
GA here.


From: Keith Johnson

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:34 PM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Okay, how many of us in the group live here in Atlanta--and have  
never met each other?? Augustus, you're here right?

On the flipside, how many live back in my home area of DFW?

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:33:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada  

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

For the most part I was able to dodge it. Here in Carrollton we were  

that bad, but near I-20 it was.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

 Hey peoples from Atlanta - is you all wet or were you able to keep  
 heads above water? I feel like an adopted son after my recent  
visit and,

 well, inquiring minds wanna know.



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

Bing™ brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Tr 
y it now.

Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

2009-09-23 Thread wlrouge
I am the type of person that will try to go down with my ship or the this show. 
However my patience is running thin.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

so, will you keep watching?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:14:44 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

I watched it last night or tried to due to the weather. My only problem in the 
show is there is no other enemy then Sylar. To me it makes it real boring when 
you are only dealing with him. From the looks of it he can't be killed he can't 
be stop so then all he really needs to do is kill everyone one by one. Also 
don't get me wrong, I like Claire. I think she is great and all but lets get 
real. Get her out of school or college because she is never going to stop 
trying to kill herself to see how far she can go. Perhaps what needs to happen 
is someone needs to help Hero got back in time, kill baby Sylar and that would 
solve a host of problems. I think the guy that plays him is cute but for me it 
is time to move on. Also one more thing, Peter you are hero...stop fighting it.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 9:57 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

I have to admit, I missed all of last season. A lot of the buzz I heard about 
it from all over the place, though, was that Heroes wasn't very good. Some 
say it was okay, better than the abbreviated season two, but nowhere nearly as 
good as the debut season. Others--and that's a lot of folks--have said it's 
just no longer a good show at all.

What do y'all say? Anyone here still faithfully watching? If so, what are your 
thoughts on the show to date?

Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

2009-09-23 Thread wlrouge
Just to touch on what you said about the show for a moment. I saw NCIS LA I 
have to say that I am not sure if I like it or not. It was something about the 
first plot and this one that I did not like. It would appear that it tried too 
hard and I was not sure who was the leader or not. I felt that they tired to 
model the characters after the original. 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??

I plan to watch. Sounds intriguing. I've never read the book, and, while I 
understand they've kept the spirit of the book, they made some changes for 
television. They moved the location from Geneva, Switzerland to L.A. I'll be 
there, of course, but you know, i really tire of everything important in the 
world taking place in L.A. or New York. Last night, for example, the NCIS 
series debuted a spinoff with LL Cool J and where was it? L.A., of course. 
Every now and then I'd like to follow some events and people in other 
cities--even other countries. (Yeah, I know: Americans won't watch anything 
with ferners in it, and the major studios are in those two cities). But I 
guess that's what the BBC is for? :)

The other major thing is in the book people flashed forward twenty-one years, 
but in the series the jump is only six months. The producers didn't want to 
have to produce the look of a future two decades from now, figuring six months 
was far enough to build the story, but close enough to simplify how the story 
is presented and avoid inaccurate predictions. I'm okay with that, though i 
think they could have gone four or five years and been safe. They also shifted 
the focus of the story from a scientist at CERN to a bunch of regular folks, 
and, in the book, it's understood pretty quickly that a CERN experiment to 
detect the Higgs-Boson particle (thought to carry the property of mass) caused 
the event. In the TV series, they're going to hide the cause for most of the 

Still, it has potential. The author of the book is excited (I'll bet: think he 
was paid a bundle). He understands the changes for the small screen, but is 
also quick to point out that the series is basically a based on story, not 
the original. He will not be changing his book world to match the TV world. You 
can listen to an interview with him at the Slice of SciFi website. It's a 
pretty detailed one:

- Original Message -
From: Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:57:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] FlashForward on Thursday Anyone??


Is anyone planning on checking out FlashForward on Thursday?  Anyone read the 

We saw the pilot, and here's why we think you're going to like FlashForward

We got an early look at ABC's upcoming sci-fi series FlashForward on Wednesday 
night at Disney/ABC's mothership in beautiful downtown Burbank, and while we 
can't give you a proper review, we can tell you this:

Watch it.

We were asked not to divulge any spoilery details or to tell you much about 
what we saw—which was the one-hour pilot episode—but we can tell you what it's 

It's not Lost, though it has elements of that show: a high-concept sci-fi 
premise, told intimately through the lives (present and future) of about 10 
main characters, as well as a deep, abiding mystery that will be unraveled over 
the course of the first season and subsequent seasons right up to the last 

It's not The X-Files, though it has an FBI agent (Joseph Fiennes) at its heart 
and a procedural element to its storylines, with potential criminals and other 
bad guys and creepy weirdness here and there.

It's not ER, Fringe, Heroes or any other hit drama, though it shares elements 
with all of those shows, including a main character who's a surgeon, weird 
science and people who may or may not have access to strange visions.

No, it's that rare thing in television: something completely new. And, at least 
judging by the big-screen Blu-ray version we saw, it will look absolutely 
gorgeous, not to say epic, for a TV show.

Based on the novel by Canadian SF author Robert J. Sawyer, FlashForward (not 
Flash Forward) begins when every person on Earth blacks out for 2 minutes and 
17 seconds, during which time each has a vision of his or her future six months 
from now.

There have been comparisons to Lost, ... [that the show is] a Lost 
replacement, executive producer David S. Goyer told an audience on Wednesday. 
[But] it was written as a spec and originally was even anticipated to be an 
HBO show. So it wasn't written at all for ABC or to be a Lost replacement. And 
I think the comparisons are accurate in that we also have a very large cast and 
are telling a 

Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

2009-09-23 Thread wlrouge
For the most part I was able to dodge it. Here in Carrollton we were not 
that bad, but near I-20 it was.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

 Hey peoples from Atlanta - is you all wet or were you able to keep your 
 heads above water?  I feel like an adopted son after my recent visit and, 
 well, inquiring minds wanna know.



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links


Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

2009-09-23 Thread wlrouge
I just moved to Atlanta area and trust me I know no one. Carrollton GA here.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

Okay, how many of us in the group live here in Atlanta--and have never met each 
other?? Augustus, you're here right?

On the flipside, how many live back in my home area of DFW?

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:33:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water


For the most part I was able to dodge it. Here in Carrollton we were not 
that bad, but near I-20 it was.

From: Kelwyn
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Atlanta Under Water

 Hey peoples from Atlanta - is you all wet or were you able to keep your 
 heads above water? I feel like an adopted son after my recent visit and, 
 well, inquiring minds wanna know.



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links


Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

2009-09-22 Thread wlrouge
I watched it last night or tried to due to the weather. My only problem in the 
show is there is no other enemy then Sylar. To me it makes it real boring when 
you are only dealing with him. From the looks of it he can't be killed he can't 
be stop so then all he really needs to do is kill everyone one by one. Also 
don't get me wrong, I like Claire. I think she is great and all but lets get 
real. Get her out of school or college because she is never going to stop 
trying to kill herself to see how far she can go. Perhaps what needs to happen 
is someone needs to help Hero got back in time, kill baby Sylar and that would 
solve a host of problems. I think the guy that plays him is cute but for me it 
is time to move on. Also one more thing, Peter you are hero...stop fighting it.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 9:57 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

I have to admit, I missed all of last season. A lot of the buzz I heard about 
it from all over the place, though, was that Heroes wasn't very good. Some 
say it was okay, better than the abbreviated season two, but nowhere nearly as 
good as the debut season. Others--and that's a lot of folks--have said it's 
just no longer a good show at all.

What do y'all say? Anyone here still faithfully watching? If so, what are your 
thoughts on the show to date?

Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

2009-09-22 Thread wlrouge
Yea you are right the butterfly effect. In the words of Captain Janeway, The 
temporal prime directive--it is so much better if you just ignore it.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:16 PM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

Lavendar, Hiro would never do that, not even for the greater good. He's the 
Classical Geek, believes that he has his powers to do good.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 11:14:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?


I watched it last night or tried to due to the weather. My only problem in the 
show is there is no other enemy then Sylar. To me it makes it real boring when 
you are only dealing with him. From the looks of it he can't be killed he can't 
be stop so then all he really needs to do is kill everyone one by one. Also 
don't get me wrong, I like Claire. I think she is great and all but lets get 
real. Get her out of school or college because she is never going to stop 
trying to kill herself to see how far she can go. Perhaps what needs to happen 
is someone needs to help Hero got back in time, kill baby Sylar and that would 
solve a host of problems. I think the guy that plays him is cute but for me it 
is time to move on. Also one more thing, Peter you are hero...stop fighting it.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 9:57 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Heroes Returns--Does Anyone Care?

I have to admit, I missed all of last season. A lot of the buzz I heard about 
it from all over the place, though, was that Heroes wasn't very good. Some 
say it was okay, better than the abbreviated season two, but nowhere nearly as 
good as the debut season. Others--and that's a lot of folks--have said it's 
just no longer a good show at all.
What do y'all say? Anyone here still faithfully watching? If so, what are your 
thoughts on the show to date?

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?

2009-09-13 Thread wlrouge
Yes I have wondered the same thing. I mean if it is hunted then what. They call 
another division to handle the hunting's? I mean I always was hoping that they 
would have a cam on a hat or something because I never see anything ever. I 
don't even feel or have that spooky feeling watching the show.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?

good points.
Has anyone watched an entire ep of Ghost Hunters? Once those dweebs pronounce 
a house safe, does anyone ever go back and interview the occupants a few weeks 
later, to see if the manifestations are back? Have those idiots ever pronounced 
a house or building haunted, and if so, does anyone ever go back to confirm 

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter
To: SciFiNoir2
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 2:12:54 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?

  Into this, I say something I said several months back.

Siffy needs *competition* in delivering genre to the fans. 

Back in the day, there was only HBO delivering premium viewing to the masses. 
Therefore, they were able to get away with cycling the same batch of crap to 
viewers month after month. What are watchers gonna do? Go soemwhere else? There 
was nowhere else. After Cinemax, The Movie Channel and Showtime moved onto the 
scene, it forced HBO to amp up their game.

And, as for that coming thing (tip of hat to Brisco County Jr.), I'm 
holding the door open with the lead balloon that is Ghost Hunters.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 13:34:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Is SyFy Trying to Chase Away Viewers?


BBC America is the  home of true sci-fi on TV. There. I said it. 2009  was the 
test,  and BBC passed.  Evidence?  While you were flipping out over 
Destination Truth  and Ghost HUnters,  BBC was playingthe  first  episode 
of Torchwood. Which  is all  I really  needed. 

SyFy didn't just  jump the shark, they did a reality series  on shark jumping. 
I haven't seen the books,  but I've resigned myself to the fact that this 
network is some money  laundering joint  for NBC. The ratings for  Green 
Mutatnt Jello Bikini Beach Attack with Alien Wolves are  really good,  and so  
advertisers keep  coming  back. This network will  not be changing anytime 
soon. You may wanna just get used to YouTube and hulu like the rest of us. 

There's a marketing suit at SyFY that's on twitter, and I really feel bad for 
the guy.  When you look at his followers it's all people who  are genuinely  
interested in science fiction. And he's getting GREAT FEEDBACK. Really 
thoughtful stuff. But nothing's happening. 

Now, on another film blog I was recently awarded the most foolishly 
optimistic award, and so  to  ainitain my  title supremacy, I submit this: the 
last time TV was this bad...we got MST3K. So something's coming. Not sure what, 
 but something's coming. Maybe another Elvira. Something. There are too many  
bad TV shows now for someone not to  make a real living off of this.

On Sep 7, 2009, at 10:18 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

  So we had a long holiday weekend, and, going into it, I prepared myself for 
another weekend of marathons. You know: Twilight Zone all day Saturday, 
Enterprise or TNG on Monday. Maybe some Eureka or BSG thrown in for good 
measure. But know what we got instead? All day Sunday, the reality show 
Destination Truth, and all day Labor Day, Ghost Hunters.  WTF???

  Look, SyFy has a huge backlog of scifi series, successful and canceled, that 
they can show. There's The Dresden Files, Special Unit 7. there's even that 
creepy show with Matthew Fox that took place in a weird hospital. What about 
old eps of First Wave? I'd take that over searches for urban legends and 
local myths.  Hell, they can pull out Space: Above and Beyond if they want. I'd 
watch it over those idiot Ghostbuster wannabes. 

  Fortunately I wasn't home very much, so didn't have to depend on the telly 
for entertainment. But when I was home? I watched marathons of Ben 10: Alien 
Force, Wolverine and the X-Men, and science fact shows The Universe and 
Planet Earth instead.  Sad that I'm more excited to watch cartoons more than 
a supposed science fiction channel all weekend.

Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. Try it now. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

2009-09-06 Thread wlrouge
To be honest I have not seen him much. They did have a villain once that broke 
out but I don't remember what happen to him.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

No, not him. I didn't type it properly. I meant, did they add a black male 
character who's not that kid? I'd like to see a black man back to being a 
hero, like the brother who could phase. Is the Haitian still around? 

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2009 12:58:03 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

You mean the kid that could do strange things with electronics. Yes briefly.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

One question, as I missed the entire last season: did they bring back a cool 
black male character who's over 12 in age?

- Original Message -
From: ravenadal
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 10:03:09 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

Sunday August 16, 2009

The genial yet authoritative Ernie Hudson (Oz, Ghostbusters) will be joining 
Heroes in a recurring role. And he's playing a detective. Again.

Hudson will be playing Captain Lubbock, a Baltimore cop who's seeking to 
capture one of the other characters.

This follows the previous key casting announcement for the upcoming fourth 
season of Heroes, which introduces a new storyline about a traveling carnival 
of people with special powers, run by a charismatic but evil Earth-moving 
ringleader (Robert Knepper).

And yes, it's true: they're working on Ghostbusters III for 2012 – with the 
original cast. The new writers are Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky (The 
Office, Year One). That could work, if the humor leans more toward the former 
than the latter. Dan Ackroyd says filming could start as soon as this winter. 
The plan is for it to be a passing-the-torch kind of movie, which is what you 
might expect so many years on from the original films.

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

I am one...

Re: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas

2009-09-05 Thread wlrouge
 I do the same thing sometimes...besides to quote a verse--Lets get dangerous.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 7:54 AM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas

I first picked up on the Disney block back in the early 90s, when I worked for 
the Post Office and got home at exactly 4:30 every day, in time to catch 
Darkwing Duck. Even to this day, at times, I'll break into the theme song at 
highly inappropriate moments. And, being a lapsed pilot, Tale Spin had me 
from Frame One.

Martin (when there's trouble, still calls DW)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 04:28:55 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas


Gotta say, though, I loved Darkwing Duck! That was when Disney came out with 
a new batch of cartoons for television: Tale Spin, Chip and Dale Rescue 
Rangers, etc. Enjoyed 'em all.

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter
To: SciFiNoir2
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 8:45:19 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas

Tale Spin/S.H.I.E.L.D.
Darkwing Duck/Daredevil
Gizmo Duck/Iron Man

Martin (admittedly a Tale Spin fan for life)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 23:22:55 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas


Chip and Dales rescue rangers/Fantastic 4

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 8:18 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas

Now that Disney has bought Marvel what horrible combinations do you think that 
we will see?

Here are a couple off the top of my head:

Wolverine and Shrek adventures

Mickey Mouse / Xmen races

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here. 

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you. Try Bing now. 

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

2009-09-05 Thread wlrouge
You mean the kid that could do strange things with electronics. Yes briefly.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

One question, as I missed the entire last season: did they bring back a cool 
black male character who's over 12 in age?

- Original Message -
From: ravenadal
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 10:03:09 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

Hudson Joins Heroes Cast

Sunday August 16, 2009

The genial yet authoritative Ernie Hudson (Oz, Ghostbusters) will be joining 
Heroes in a recurring role. And he's playing a detective. Again.

Hudson will be playing Captain Lubbock, a Baltimore cop who's seeking to 
capture one of the other characters.

This follows the previous key casting announcement for the upcoming fourth 
season of Heroes, which introduces a new storyline about a traveling carnival 
of people with special powers, run by a charismatic but evil Earth-moving 
ringleader (Robert Knepper).

And yes, it's true: they're working on Ghostbusters III for 2012 – with the 
original cast. The new writers are Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky (The 
Office, Year One). That could work, if the humor leans more toward the former 
than the latter. Dan Ackroyd says filming could start as soon as this winter. 
The plan is for it to be a passing-the-torch kind of movie, which is what you 
might expect so many years on from the original films.

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: adding to the sequel madness

2009-09-05 Thread wlrouge
I agree, I like that idea too.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: adding to the sequel madness

I like this idea! Celebrity death match!

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 3:06 PM, daikaiju66 wrote:

  Throw in Mrs. Doubtfire and Tootsie and have a tag team match for supremacy. 
Then the winners have to face the ladies of Too Wong Foo.

  --- In, wlro...@... wrote:
   OK how about Big Mama meets Madea, that would be a ender. How about a 
title, You can really do bad by yourself.
   From: Mr. Worf
   Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:15 PM
   Subject: [scifinoir2] adding to the sequel madness
   They are making Big Mama 3
   People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...

2009-09-05 Thread wlrouge
 I think I will pass--I'll stick with Paula Dean. Pass the butter please!

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...

There are a couple of chefs that do radical cooking ideas. There is one here in 
the bay area that cooks with chemical concoctions. Another cooks with body 
parts of animals that are often overlooked (unless you live in the deep south) 
like lungs, brains etc. Maybe that is what they are doing?

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:17 PM, wrote:

  I can see a cooking with Quark or a Guinan: Mother Love type of show.

  From: Milton Davis 
  Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...

Man, I don't know what you're talking about. I can't wait for the 
recipe to Klingon Fried Chicken!

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Martin Baxter wrote:

  From: Martin Baxter
  Subject: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...
  To: SciFiNoir2
  Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 1:33 PM

  ... to loathe All That Is Siffy.

  Syfy Channel Getting A Cooking Show? 5351045/syfy- channel-getting- a-cooking- 
show?skyline= trues=i

  Martin (again abandoning all hope)

  If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

  Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. Try 
it now.  

  People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...

2009-09-03 Thread wlrouge
I can see a cooking with Quark or a Guinan: Mother Love type of show.

From: Milton Davis 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...

  Man, I don't know what you're talking about. I can't wait for the recipe 
to Klingon Fried Chicken!

  --- On Thu, 9/3/09, Martin Baxter wrote:

From: Martin Baxter
Subject: [scifinoir2] I give you one more reason...
To: SciFiNoir2
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 1:33 PM

... to loathe All That Is Siffy.

Syfy Channel Getting A Cooking Show? 5351045/syfy- channel-getting- a-cooking- show?skyline= 

Martin (again abandoning all hope)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. Try it 

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] adding to the sequel madness

2009-09-03 Thread wlrouge
OK how about Big Mama meets Madea, that would be a ender. How about a title, 
You can really do bad by yourself.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:15 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] adding to the sequel madness

They are making Big Mama 3

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas

2009-09-03 Thread wlrouge
Chip and Dales rescue rangers/Fantastic 4

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 8:18 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] topic: silly movie ideas

Now that Disney has bought Marvel what horrible combinations do you think that 
we will see?

Here are a couple off the top of my head:

Wolverine and Shrek adventures

Mickey Mouse / Xmen races

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Futurama!!!

2009-08-31 Thread wlrouge
OK I heard about it but did not watch because I thought they were saying that 
it was old episodes that were counted as new. Do anyone know if it is coming on 

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:02 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Futurama!!!

Did anyone notice that there are new episodes on tonight???

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

2009-08-29 Thread wlrouge
Yes a Kodak moment.

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:22 AM
To: Sci Fi 
Cc: Black SciFi 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

  Sitting here drinking my morning coffee getting ready 4 work and watching 
'Star Trek: Generations' on HBO2.  The saucer section separates from the star 
drive section as the warp core breeches.  the resulting shock wave knocks the 
saucer section out of orbit and into the atmosphere.  then u get classic Data.  
he has the emotion chip activated and he is watching the view screen.   the 
camera shows his face - full on - and he smiles and says Oh shit!  simply 


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Holy Casting Call, Batman!

2009-08-29 Thread wlrouge
Me too, I think that she would be a better choice then her.

From: ravenadal
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:43 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Holy Casting Call, Batman!

 All of a sudden I am warming up to the idea of Cher as Catwoman!


 --- In, Martin Baxter truthseeker...@... 

 Because you didn't ask for it... Megan Fox is being considered for the 
 role of Catwoman in Christopher Nolan's next Bat-flick...

 If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
 bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

 Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you're up to on 


 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links


Re: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star

2009-08-29 Thread wlrouge
This is interesting, I think I heard somewhere that our sun only has so many 
years left before it goes nova as well. But that so many years are a very 
long way off.

From: ravenadal
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:29 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star

 Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star

 By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) - 1 day ago

 WASHINGTON - Astronomers have found what appears to be a gigantic suicidal 

 The odd, fiery planet is so close to its star and so large that it is 
 triggering tremendous plasma tides on the star. Those powerful tides are 
 in turn warping the planet's zippy less-than-a-day orbit around its star.

 The result: an ever-closer tango of death, with the planet eventually 
 spiraling into the star.

 It's a slow death. The planet WASP-18b has maybe a million years to live, 
 said planet discoverer Coel Hellier, a professor of astrophysics at the 
 Keele University in England. Hellier's report on the suicidal planet is in 
 Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.

 It's causing its own destruction by creating these tides, Hellier said.

 The star is called WASP-18 and the planet is WASP-18b because of the Wide 
 Angle Search for Planets team that found them.

 The planet circles a star that is in the constellation Phoenix and is 
 about 325 light-years away from Earth, which means it is in our galactic 
 neighborhood. A light-year is about 5.8 trillion miles.

 The planet is 1.9 million miles from its star, 1/50th of the distance 
 between Earth and the sun, our star. And because of that the temperature 
 is about 3,800 degrees.

 Its size - 10 times bigger than Jupiter - and its proximity to its star 
 make it likely to die, Hellier said.

 Think of how the distant moon pulls Earth's oceans to form twice-daily 
 tides. The effect the odd planet has on its star is thousands of times 
 stronger, Hellier said. The star's tidal bulge of plasma may extend 
 hundreds of miles, he said.

 Like most planets outside our solar system, this planet was not seen 
 directly by a telescope. Astronomers found it by seeing dips in light from 
 the star every time the planet came between the star and Earth.

 So far astronomers have found more than 370 planets outside the solar 
 system. This one is yet another weird one in the exoplanet menagerie, 
 said planet specialist Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of 

 It's so unusual to find a suicidal planet that University of Maryland 
 astronomer Douglas Hamilton questioned whether there was another 
 explanation. While it is likely that this is a suicidal planet, Hamilton 
 said it is also possible that some basic physics calculations that all 
 astronomers rely on could be dead wrong.

 The answer will become apparent in less than a decade if the planet seems 
 to be further in a death spiral, he said.


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Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

2009-08-29 Thread wlrouge
Shhh, the Borg Queen might be reading this same email too. I mean she could 
have sent a virus in the future to go to the past to become a member of this 
group to send her information and attempt destroy the whole Federation. We have 
to be careful with this type of things.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

Good scene. But I could never cotton with the whole way the Klingons penetrated 
the shields. Since when do you need to see a shield frequency on a console in 
order to determine what it is? Surely a simple scan could detect shield 
frequencies, just as sensors can always report that a ship brings up its 
shields in the first place. I also don't understand how simply matching 
frequencies allows a torpedo through. If it were that easy, all space battles 
in the Trek universe would be short and sweet: simply scan the frequency, set 
the weapon and poof! Shields are bypassed.

Okay, enough of the buzz kill!

- Original Message -
From: Augustus Augustus
To: Sci Fi
Cc: Black SciFi
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:22:42 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

  Sitting here drinking my morning coffee getting ready 4 work and watching 
'Star Trek: Generations' on HBO2.  The saucer section separates from the star 
drive section as the warp core breeches.  the resulting shock wave knocks the 
saucer section out of orbit and into the atmosphere.  then u get classic Data.  
he has the emotion chip activated and he is watching the view screen.   the 
camera shows his face - full on - and he smiles and says Oh shit!  simply 


Re: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star

2009-08-29 Thread wlrouge
I can imagine I would be at the mall that day.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star

About 4.5 Billion years give or take. 

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 4:18 PM, wrote:

  This is interesting, I think I heard somewhere that our sun only has so many
  years left before it goes nova as well. But that so many years are a very
  long way off.

  From: ravenadal
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:29 PM
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star
   Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star
   By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) - 1 day ago
   WASHINGTON - Astronomers have found what appears to be a gigantic suicidal
   The odd, fiery planet is so close to its star and so large that it is
   triggering tremendous plasma tides on the star. Those powerful tides are
   in turn warping the planet's zippy less-than-a-day orbit around its star.
   The result: an ever-closer tango of death, with the planet eventually
   spiraling into the star.
   It's a slow death. The planet WASP-18b has maybe a million years to live,
   said planet discoverer Coel Hellier, a professor of astrophysics at the
   Keele University in England. Hellier's report on the suicidal planet is in
   Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.
   It's causing its own destruction by creating these tides, Hellier said.
   The star is called WASP-18 and the planet is WASP-18b because of the Wide
   Angle Search for Planets team that found them.
   The planet circles a star that is in the constellation Phoenix and is
   about 325 light-years away from Earth, which means it is in our galactic
   neighborhood. A light-year is about 5.8 trillion miles.
   The planet is 1.9 million miles from its star, 1/50th of the distance
   between Earth and the sun, our star. And because of that the temperature
   is about 3,800 degrees.
   Its size - 10 times bigger than Jupiter - and its proximity to its star
   make it likely to die, Hellier said.
   Think of how the distant moon pulls Earth's oceans to form twice-daily
   tides. The effect the odd planet has on its star is thousands of times
   stronger, Hellier said. The star's tidal bulge of plasma may extend
   hundreds of miles, he said.
   Like most planets outside our solar system, this planet was not seen
   directly by a telescope. Astronomers found it by seeing dips in light from
   the star every time the planet came between the star and Earth.
   So far astronomers have found more than 370 planets outside the solar
   system. This one is yet another weird one in the exoplanet menagerie,
   said planet specialist Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of
   It's so unusual to find a suicidal planet that University of Maryland
   astronomer Douglas Hamilton questioned whether there was another
   explanation. While it is likely that this is a suicidal planet, Hamilton
   said it is also possible that some basic physics calculations that all
   astronomers rely on could be dead wrong.
   The answer will become apparent in less than a decade if the planet seems
   to be further in a death spiral, he said.
   Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
   Groups Links


  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

2009-08-29 Thread wlrouge
I think it has something to do with Vger.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

Speaking of the Borg I have always been curious about the origins of the Borg. 
Another storyline that was introduced was the race of dinosaurs that left earth 
in spaceships. 

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 6:31 PM, wrote:

  Shhh, the Borg Queen might be reading this same email too. I mean she could 
have sent a virus in the future to go to the past to become a member of this 
group to send her information and attempt destroy the whole Federation. We have 
to be careful with this type of things.

  From: Keith Johnson 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

  Good scene. But I could never cotton with the whole way the Klingons 
penetrated the shields. Since when do you need to see a shield frequency on a 
console in order to determine what it is? Surely a simple scan could detect 
shield frequencies, just as sensors can always report that a ship brings up its 
shields in the first place. I also don't understand how simply matching 
frequencies allows a torpedo through. If it were that easy, all space battles 
in the Trek universe would be short and sweet: simply scan the frequency, set 
the weapon and poof! Shields are bypassed.

  Okay, enough of the buzz kill!

  - Original Message -
  From: Augustus Augustus
  To: Sci Fi
  Cc: Black SciFi
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:22:42 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Star Trek Generation

Sitting here drinking my morning coffee getting ready 4 work and 
watching 'Star Trek: Generations' on HBO2.  The saucer section separates from 
the star drive section as the warp core breeches.  the resulting shock wave 
knocks the saucer section out of orbit and into the atmosphere.  then u get 
classic Data.  he has the emotion chip activated and he is watching the view 
screen.   the camera shows his face - full on - and he smiles and says Oh 
shit!  simply classic!


Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers

2009-08-23 Thread wlrouge
Yes, it was one of the episodes that I almost stop watching. I loved her.  But 
it was nice how it was done where it was not she dies and oh well  unlike TNG.

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 7:32 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers

  never read it, but will definitely pick it up Monday and start on it.


  p.s.  just finished watching the DS9 episode where Jadzia Dax 
diesman they really screwed over Worf on that one!  brought a little 
mist to THIS Marine's eye.

  --- On Sat, 8/22/09, Martin Baxter wrote:

From: Martin Baxter
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers
To: SciFiNoir2
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2009, 7:40 AM

Thank you. After I'm done with the book I'm reading now, I'll need it, 
because I'm reading that again.

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro
From: astromancer2002@
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 22:46:13 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers


(handing Martin a handkerchief)

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@
To: SciFiNoir2 scifino...@yahoogro
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 7:19:33 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers

Oh, yeah...

(misting up)

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro
From: KeithBJohnson@
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 03:16:20 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers


I remember that too, good stuff. Never did figure why the Deryni of 
Gwynedd didn't leave en masse and go to the neighboring countries, some of 
which had openly practicing Deryni.
By the way, I remember getting misty eyed later, when Evaine-who, if I 
remember had lost a child too--was doing one of the spiritual/psychic things, 
and caught a glimpse of the Afterlife. There, she saw her husband and child, 
and decided to just let go, while her frantic brother tried to call her back. 
that was something...

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@
To: SciFiNoir2 scifino...@yahoogro
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:56:20 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers

I hear you, pal.

My own moment-of-tears with the written word came when I first read 
Katherine Kurtz's Camber the Heretic, a scene when a group of psi-gifted 
humanoids where being massacred by humans. One of the humanoids (Deryni, their 
race was called), Rhys, a doctor with the power to heal, was trying to escape 
when he saw injured humans nearby. Being a doctor, he followed the Hippocratic 
and stopped to begin healing the person. As he was doing so, he was hit from 
behind, a blow that stoved in his head, destroying the part of his brain that 
enabled him to heal. His wife Evaine learned this as she went into his mind, 
trying to access his power to heal him. All the while, he was still conscious, 
feeling himself die, saying his goodbyes to his friends telepathically. .. 
marked the first and only time I've ever thrown a book. 

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
bloody hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro
From: astromancer2002@
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 22:20:26 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: SF's 26 Greatest Tearjerkers


Sorry, but the biggest tearjerking moment for me was not in a 
movie...It was from Octavia Butler's Wild Seed, when Anyanwu came to the 
conclusion that she was never going to change or escape from Doro, so she 
decided to just commit suicide (basically let herself die as she was immortal). 
Doro, realizing that Anyanwu was the only constant in his life, breaks down and 
pleads with her not to do it because he could not bare life without her (gotta 
read the 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now

2009-08-22 Thread wlrouge
Well as long as you don't see any red dresses anywhere then I am sure there is 
nothing to worry about as of yet.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 8:35 AM
To: SciFiNoir2 
Subject: RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now

Maybe they're building for a Gravity-BG crossover event. What's in Pod 4 is 
actually the Cylon God, and these are Cylons and I REALLY need to shut up 
before RDM sees this and gets ideas...

If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director? -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 01:47:10 +
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now

  Well put. I watched the first 3 eps on hulu, but probably won't watch any 
more. Thye've made it too hard for me to care what's in pod 4.

Funny thing I noticed though: about 2:15 into Ep 3 (scene: the packed-up living 
room of the couple originally on the mission before the guy got cut) is the 
same as Starbuck's appartment on BSG. Ha!

 -From: George Arterberry brotherfromhoward@
 To: scifino...@yahoogro
 Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:17:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now
 It seemed cheap and boring.Just enough sci-fi , not to qualify as a
 sexual drama.
 --- On Sun, 8/16/09, Mr. Worf HelloMahogany@ [ http://gmail. com/
 ] wrote:
 From: Mr. Worf HelloMahogany@
 Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now
 To: scifino...@yahoogro [ ]
 Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 8:12 PM
 The formula isn't right for network tv. They will kill it because they
 can't do any product placement or have cameos of guest stars to boost the
 ratings. The show is tepid at best and a snoozefest at its worst. 
 On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Martin Baxter [
 http://us.mc586. com/mc/compose? to=truthseeker01
 ]truthseeker013@ wrote:
 Pal, it's a Canadian series, the rights to which ABC bought, so it'll
 probably last its full run.
 [ com/title/ tt1319690/ ] com/title/
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 ÊSubject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now
 ÊDate : Sun, 16 Aug 2009 12:06:12 -0700 (PDT)
 ÊFrom : C.W. Badie [
 http://us.mc586. com/mc/compose? to=astromancer20 0...@yahoo. com
 ÊTo : [
 http://us.mc586. com/mc/compose? to=scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com
 ]scifinoir2@ yahoogro
 I liked it, but it's rather loose storytelling, the type of looseness the
 leads to cancellation. ..
 ___ _ _ _ __
 From: Martin Baxter
 To: [
 http://us.mc586. com/mc/compose? to=scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com
 ]scifinoir2@ yahoogro
 Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 8:24:50 AM
 Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now
 Keith, I almost missed it, stumbling across it two minutes before it
 bbegan. I
 I enjoyed it overall, though the pacing was a bit leaden at times. (Maybe
 on purpose?) The mysterious nature of the real mission has me hooked,
 without saying. Can't wait until the MC ventures into Pod 4 to find out
 what's really up.
 As for the incidental music, I really don't take notice of it as I watch
 a TV show or movie, unless it's a song near and dear to my heart.
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [scifinoir2] Defying Gravity on ABC now
 Date : Mon, 3 Aug 2009 02:13:45 + (UTC)
 From : Keith Johnson
 To : scifino...@yahoogro [ ]
 Anyone watching ABC's entry into the Big Brother in Outer Space by way
 of BSG-style drama? It deals with a seven-year mission in the year 2052
 that sends eight astronauts to visit six planets in the Solar System. Very
 quickly into the show, we're made aware there's some kind of secret
 involved. The two most experienced astronauts in the program (one of whom
 is played by Malik Yoba) are initially left off the mission aboard the
 spaceship Antares.. Later, when some kind of heart problem keeps
 cropping up among the crew--evidently tied to the secret--the two
 astronauts are blasted into space to join the mission. One comment I
 overheard makes me think some kind of sentient race has been encountered
 by humanity--perhaps on a previous tragic mission to Mars in which one of
 the current astronauts had to leave three of his fellows behind. Perhaps
 this sentient race is controlling the mission somehow? Not sure.
 Also not sure yet if I'll like the show. It has some decent actors and
 decent lines. But just when I'm starting to get into the mission and the
 scifi aspect of it, I'm distracted by overpowering music 

Re: [scifinoir2] foreplay

2009-08-22 Thread wlrouge
Funny, where were this when the birds and the bees talk was on the menu for 

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 9:49 AM
To: Black SciFi 
Cc: Sci Fi 
Subject: [scifinoir2] foreplay


People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Warehouse 13

2009-08-16 Thread wlrouge
I have to admit the show is growing on me too. I am guessing like any show the 
first season sucks. If it last long enough they might find out what works and 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Warehouse 13

It's growing on me. Pilot was a bit tepid, but the subsequent shows are more 
engaging. It has a decent mix of humour and scifi. Still at times reminds me of 
a lightweight Friday the 13th. Some of the things, like using old video 
communicators, is both quaint and kinda silly, but you roll with it. 
Interesting that the artifacts are some combination of scientific and mystical 
at times. In that, they remind of the Green Lantern rings, which have been 
described as both super science, and magick. I enjoyed tonight's show about 
the ancient artifact that attaches itself to a person's spine, turning them 
into a crazed warrior with electrical powers (sucked from the victim's body). 
The artifact reminded me of nothing so much as the famous Tingler from the 
classic movie of the same name. Brought back some memories: that tingler scared 
the bejeezus outa me as a kid!

- Original Message -
From: Keith Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 9:14:20 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Warehouse 13 on Now

Anyone watching Warehouse 13 on the--wait for it, Martin--all new SyFy?  I'm 
just into the first ten minutes, so no way i can make a judgement, but wondered 
if anyone heard any early buzz on the show? I do recognize a couple of the 
actors. The lead actress played Jeremiah's traitorous lover on the show of the 
same name. And the mad scientist guy is memorable as Fajah (sp?), in the TNG ep 
about a rich dude who collects things, and tries to add Data to his collection.
As always with Sci--er, SyFy, I'm divided. If the show sucks, it's another 
sorry show commissioned by the network. If it's good--and I must admit they've 
shown some good stuff here and there over the years--I fear it'll be canceled 
to soon. And when I see a show like this, I must confess it makes me wonder why 
the likes of Level 9, The Dresden Files, and others of this type were 
canceled. Throw in shows on other stations, like The Chronicle, John Doe, 
Jake 2.0, and G vs. E, and you wonder what this show's chances are. Maybe 
it'll catch on like Eureka?

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


2009-08-08 Thread Wlrouge
I think so too. I heard rumors that Whoppi was suppose to play in a  
couple of shows as well. I could never understand why this show could  
not have been shown on what was sci-fi. I mean a true science fiction  
show with some what a budget would not hurt.

Autobots, transform!!!

On Aug 7, 2009, at 8:31, Augustus Augustus  

actually i really liked 'Enterprise' (especially when it hit it  
stride in the 3rd and 4th seasons).  the 3rd season - the Xindi deal  
was great, and then the 4th and final season - the alternate  
universe when the Terrain Empire - that would give rise 2 the  
alternate Kirk and Uhura (the mid-driff sexy Uhura).  i think it  
could have ran a few more seasons if they (the studio) had not  
pulled it.

--- On Fri, 8/7/09, Mr. Worf wrote:

From: Mr. Worf
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: GREATEST CANCELED SCIFI SHOWS
Date: Friday, August 7, 2009, 2:30 AM

I remember hearing talk about a Space: Above and beyond movie for a  
while but that died a quiet death. I kind of liked that show  
although it was similar to Starship Troopers. (another movie that  
has been ruined.)

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 5:43 PM, B. Smith daikaij...@yahoo. com  

Space: Above and Beyond
Now and Again

--- In scifino...@yahoogro, Martin Baxter  
truthseeker013@ ... wrote:

 Since we've been forced to acknowledge Cleopatra 2525, can we  
counter-balance that with its counter-piece, Jack of All Trades?

 And, as I have invoked The One True Bruce, allow me to toss in  
The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] GREATEST CANCELED SCIFI SHOWS

 Date : Thu, 6 Aug 2009 18:36:08 -0400

 From : Daryle Lockhart dar...@...

 To : scifino...@yahoogro scifino...@yahoogro

 Cc : scifino...@yahoogro scifino...@yahoogro realize you're co-signing Cleopatra2525, right?

 I never thought I'd type this, but if you haven't seen the
 3rd season of enterprise, do.

 The rest of my list is Farscape, Odyssey 5, and G v. E.

 On Aug 6, 2009, at 3:32 PM, Michelle Lauren

  Someone in this group recommended Joss Whedon's FIREFLY to me a  

  months ago. Once I saw the episodes on Hulu (listed in their
  intended order as opposed to how Fox patchworked them together
  during the original viewing season), I got hooked. The characters,
  the dialogue, the world (an interesting mix of Asian and Western
  culture thrown into a futuristic setting) †everything was  
  . My DVD set of the series just arrived today and I can't wait  
to wa
  tch it again. Fox made a serious mistake canceling this show. If  
  eone hadn't recommended it on this loop, I might never have  
  looking it upon because the plot seemed weird to me at first.  

  I'm a fan of any show that features the gorgeous and uber-talented
  actress Gina Torres.
  What are some other great scifi shows that got canceled too early?
  Michelle Lauren ~ Join my Yahoo Group thru 8/31 for a chance to  

  a $10 Amazon Gift Card.**
  www.MichelleLaurenB ~ Multicultural Romance that defies
  Celestial Lovers: Starstruck Hunter ~ AVAILABLE @ Amazon |
  Fictionwise | Liquid Silver Books
  Temptation Eve ~ Cobblestone Press ~ Coming 9/2009
  How to Tame a Harpy ~ Romantic Times American Title V Finalist com/watch? v=JQdwk8Yntds

 - - --

Post your SciFiNoir Profile at
http://groups. group/scifinoir2 /app/peoplemap2/ entry/ 
add? fmvn=mapYahoo! Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years!
Mahogany at: http://groups. group/mahogany_ pleasures_  


2009-08-08 Thread Wlrouge
I agree, but to me DS9 was a good show. However the only problem with  
Star Trek shows is that in the first season and perhaps the second one  
they seem to make reference to USS Enterprise way too much. Which to  
me seems to set the show up to failure.

Autobots, transform!!!

On Aug 8, 2009, at 7:22, Martin Baxter  

 On that, I have to disagree, Mr Worf. For me, the last two seasons  
 of DSNine were some of the best TV I've ever watched.

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] GREATEST CANCELED SCIFI SHOWS

 Date : Fri, 7 Aug 2009 16:32:13 -0700

 From : Mr. Worf

 To :

 I think DS9 ran out of steam about a year before it ended. The  
 writing was
 starting to slack off a bit.

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:13 PM, George Arterberry wrote:

 Cleoptara 2525

 --- On *Fri, 8/7/09, Bosco Bosco * wrote:

 From: Bosco Bosco
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] GREATEST CANCELED SCIFI SHOWS
 Date: Friday, August 7, 2009, 12:04 PM

 Jim Baker and Tammy Faye Bakers 80's show, The PTL Club.
 Jim J and Tammy Faye Baker's 90's day time show, The Jim J and  
 Tammy Faye

 Actually anything with Tammy Faye Baker. You may disagree that this  
 science fiction. If so, you just aren't perceiving reality correctly.


 --- On *Thu, 8/6/09, Michelle Lauren *wrote:

 From: Michelle Lauren
 To: scifino...@yahoogro
 Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 2:32 PM

 Someone in this group recommended Joss Whedon's FIREFLY to me a few  
 ago. Once I saw the episodes on Hulu (listed in their intended  
 order as
 opposed to how Fox patchworked them together during the original  
 season), I got hooked. The characters, the dialogue, the world (an
 interesting mix of Asian and Western culture thrown into a futuristic
 setting) – everything was wonderful. My DVD set of the series just 
 today and I can't wait to watch it again. Fox made a serious mistake
 canceling this show. If someone hadn't recommended it on this loop,  
 I might
 never have bothered looking it upon because the plot seemed weird  
 to me at
 first. Plus, I'm a fan of any show that features the gorgeous and
 uber-talented actress Gina Torres.

 What are some other great scifi shows that got canceled too early?

 Michelle Lauren ~ Join my Yahoo Group thru 8/31 for a chance to win  
 a $10
 Amazon Gift Card.

 www.MichelleLaurenB  ~
 Multicultural Romance that defies boundaries

 Celestial Lovers: Starstruck Hunter ~ AVAILABLE @ Amazon|
 Fictionwise| Liquid
 Silver Books

 Temptation Eve ~ Cobblestone Press ~ Coming 9/2009
 How to Tame a Harpy ~ *Romantic Times* American Title V Finalist

 Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years!
 Mahogany at:


2009-08-07 Thread wlrouge
Oh yes, I remember that show. It was a good show, goofy but real short.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 8:35 PM

  Since we've been forced to acknowledge Cleopatra 2525, can we 
counter-balance that with its counter-piece, Jack of All Trades?

  And, as I have invoked The One True Bruce, allow me to toss in The 
Adventures of Brisco County Jr.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] GREATEST CANCELED SCIFI SHOWS
Date : Thu, 6 Aug 2009 18:36:08 -0400
From : Daryle Lockhart
To :
Cc : realize you're co-signing Cleopatra2525,right? 

I never thought I'd type this, but if you haven't seen the 
3rd season of enterprise, do. 

The rest of my list is Farscape, Odyssey 5, and G v. E. 

On Aug 6, 2009, at 3:32 PM, Michelle Lauren 

 Someone in this group recommended Joss Whedon's FIREFLY to me a few 
 months ago. Once I saw the episodes on Hulu (listed in their 
 intended order as opposed to how Fox patchworked them together 
 during the original viewing season), I got hooked. The characters, 
 the dialogue, the world (an interesting mix of Asian and Western 
 culture thrown into a futuristic setting) – everything was wonderful 
 . My DVD set of the series just arrived today and I can't wait to wa 
 tch it again. Fox made a serious mistake canceling this show. If som 
 eone hadn't recommended it on this loop, I might never have bothered 
 looking it upon because the plot seemed weird to me at first. Plus, 
 I'm a fan of any show that features the gorgeous and uber-talented 
 actress Gina Torres. 
 What are some other great scifi shows that got canceled too early? 
 Michelle Lauren ~ Join my Yahoo Group thru 8/31 for a chance to win 
 a $10 Amazon Gift Card.** ~ Multicultural Romance that defies 
 Celestial Lovers: Starstruck Hunter ~ AVAILABLE @ Amazon | 
 Fictionwise | Liquid Silver Books 
 Temptation Eve ~ Cobblestone Press ~ Coming 9/2009 
 How to Tame a Harpy ~ Romantic Times American Title V Finalist 

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

2009-08-06 Thread wlrouge
I know, that is what I hate the most about shows of this nature. What I wish 
they would realize or hope they would is in this universe there has to be 
someone more powerful then him. I mean in the X-men universe we have Phoenix. 

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

Maybe there is a plot that hasn't been introduced yet? Like a rip in time and 
space /time loop (ala star trek) or something weird like that where claire goes 
back and has babies. Who knows. They may drag it out for years. What I really 
hate is that they drag out shows like this and never finish the story. :/ 

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 9:14 PM, wrote:

  No offense I think that Heroes is going to try to be around for a long time. 
The thing that I am wondering about the show is if they want to kill Sylar why 
haven't they all got together and have or had a meeting and use Hero one good 
time and go back to the past where Sylar was born and just I don't know kill 
him when he was a baby. Cruel but that would end the run and they could get 
over the kick that we can't kill him but each season we have to save the world 
and Clare can't die.

  From: Keith Johnson 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 12:00 AM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

  Yep, and the quickly and cheaply made fare works for good cheap fun. I find 
your analysis of those three countries interesting. I think off Mexico, with 
its telenovella's, the short-lived series that come and go ina year or so, and 
are highly watched by the masses. Another model of doing it cheap (relative to 
other productions) and quick, keeping profits high. I've long advocated a 
telenovella approach in the States. I think shows like Lost and Heroes' 
could benefit from a fixed run where they get in, tell the story, then get out. 
  Interesting that these countries where there's so much poverty can do some 
interesting, innovative fare, while we, with all our money, turn out sometimes 
equally bad junk with a higher price tag--SyFy movies, anyone?

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf
  Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:46:34 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

You're right. I forgot to bring that up in my last post. Most of the people 
in Nigeria only make about $200 a year compared to the US. But their movie 
industry is thriving because there are people that can afford tvs and vcrs and 
dvds there in the cities. The eastern and northern parts of Nigeria is very 
rural. (The northern part is muslim.) They also turn out 4 times as many films 
as they do here because their business model is completely different. They make 
movies for direct to dvd release instead of theatrical release. That's a big 
difference in how things are done and frees up the limited funds for more films 
and profit potential instead of risking a large amount of making film stock, 
securing theaters, marketing etc. 

  There are some similarities between Nollywood, Hong Kong, and Bollywood. All 
three have severe poverty and a very small wealthy class. The middle class is 
also very healthy in all three despite the problems in the rest of the world. 
So that leaves them with a lot of disposable income. 

  On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Keith Johnson 

I say more power to them. Living here in America--with DVD's, Hulu, VCRs, 
hundreds of channels, Blockbuster, iPods--we indeed forget how expensive all 
these things are. We forget that even the poorest people in America can 
sometimes manage to get cable TV, or at least TV using rabbit ears, maybe 
even take in a movie now and then. You have countries like Germany were no 
talent hacks like Uwe Bole get subsidized by the government to make bad films. 
As you say, none of that exists in Nigeria. And just as black Americans 
revolutionized everything from basketball (ball and a goal, rather cheap fun 
versus, say, ice hockey or golf) to rap (the voice is the cheapest instrument 
around), I celebrate their pluck and innovation in doing what they can with 
less resources. And you know, the movies may be crude and repetitive, but they 
provide work for a few people, give people a way to hone their craft, and 
provide entertainment to the masses. 
Keep on keepin' on, I say/ 

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf

Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:55:27 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

I think that the problem is that people forget how expensive it is to make 
a movie. Just renting the 

Re: [scifinoir2] We're Drawing Closer to a Will Smith/Zoe Saldana 'Harvey'

2009-08-06 Thread wlrouge
That is not a bad idea, but this generation is more interested in computer 
graphics then a real good story line.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] We're Drawing Closer to a Will Smith/Zoe Saldana 

  Whenever H'Wood remakes something, some moe-ronic person will say that 
it's being done for this/the next generation to appreciate.

  Why not sit the generation in question down and show them the *original*? 
Allow them to appreciate *it*?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] We're Drawing Closer to a Will Smith/Zoe 
Saldana 'Harvey'
Date : Wed, 5 Aug 2009 22:05:07 -0700
From : Mr. Worf
To :

You think that is bad? They are starting to make fairy tales over now. 
First there is Alice in Wonderland, and they just announced that 
DiCaprio is 
making Little red riding hood. Hmm I wonder which will be next? 
Pinocchio or 
the three little pigs? 

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Keith Johnson wrote: 

 i just don't see the point of remaking the movie, no matter who's in 
 lead. Lord I wish H'wood could just leave some properties alone! 
 - Original Message - 
 From: brent wodehouse 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 2:46:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
 Subject: [scifinoir2] We're Drawing Closer to a Will Smith/Zoe 

 We're Drawing Closer to a Will Smith/Zoe Saldana Harvey 
 Written by Kyle Buchanan | 05 Aug 2009 
 Variety announced today that Tom Hanks has decided not to star in 
 Spielberg’s remake of Harvey, avoiding exactly the kind of unwinnable 
 unimaginative comparisons to Jimmy Stewart that we warned him 
against. So 
 what’s next for the project? We can guess! 
 At this point, it seems utterly inevitable that Spielberg will tap 
 Smith to star - after all, the actor was in the mix when the project 
 first announced, and his shooting schedule is completely clear in 
 Without pressing sequel commitments and with most of his star 
 still in development (including a Spielberg-helmed redo of Oldboy), 
 would appear to have this one sewn up. 
 And while we’re making predictions, here’s another: If Smith gets the 
 expect Zoe Saldana to be cast as his skeptical sister. She’s worked 
 Spielberg before on The Terminal, she’ll be coming off a stellar 
2009, and 
 she’s got no projects set with a definite date next year (since the 
 Trek sequel is still in the planning stages). 
 I’m still willing to be surprised, but methinks you don’t remake 
Harvey if 
 you’re intent on throwing audiences for a loop. 

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:  

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Is a Jericho wrap-up TV movie in the works?

2009-08-04 Thread wlrouge
I think it would be a good idea if the story is done right and just not thrown 
together. It would appear that CBS as of late has this habit of having shows on 
but not giving it a chance to have a good send off. Perhaps they should have a 
network just for shows that are yank and no idea where they went.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 8:43 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Is a Jericho wrap-up TV movie in the works?

  Smiles, everyone!  

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Funny or Die: Obama Debunks Birthers

2009-08-04 Thread wlrouge
Perhaps a Star Trek and BSG cross. Besides if he was a cylon (sp) then that 
would mean that the NASA is greasing up the air lock, I smell a shooting out a 

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Funny or Die: Obama Debunks Birthers

I'm ready for a BSG reboot. :) A rip through time and space thrust a ship of 7 
cylons onto the planet earth 1940s.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 2:08 PM, ravenadal wrote:

  This is hilarious.  I did not tag it as OT because there is something for you 
Battlestar Galactica fans.  Wait for it.



  Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

2009-08-04 Thread wlrouge
No offense I think that Heroes is going to try to be around for a long time. 
The thing that I am wondering about the show is if they want to kill Sylar why 
haven't they all got together and have or had a meeting and use Hero one good 
time and go back to the past where Sylar was born and just I don't know kill 
him when he was a baby. Cruel but that would end the run and they could get 
over the kick that we can't kill him but each season we have to save the world 
and Clare can't die.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

Yep, and the quickly and cheaply made fare works for good cheap fun. I find 
your analysis of those three countries interesting. I think off Mexico, with 
its telenovella's, the short-lived series that come and go ina year or so, and 
are highly watched by the masses. Another model of doing it cheap (relative to 
other productions) and quick, keeping profits high. I've long advocated a 
telenovella approach in the States. I think shows like Lost and Heroes' 
could benefit from a fixed run where they get in, tell the story, then get out. 
  Interesting that these countries where there's so much poverty can do some 
interesting, innovative fare, while we, with all our money, turn out sometimes 
equally bad junk with a higher price tag--SyFy movies, anyone?

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:46:34 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

  You're right. I forgot to bring that up in my last post. Most of the people 
in Nigeria only make about $200 a year compared to the US. But their movie 
industry is thriving because there are people that can afford tvs and vcrs and 
dvds there in the cities. The eastern and northern parts of Nigeria is very 
rural. (The northern part is muslim.) They also turn out 4 times as many films 
as they do here because their business model is completely different. They make 
movies for direct to dvd release instead of theatrical release. That's a big 
difference in how things are done and frees up the limited funds for more films 
and profit potential instead of risking a large amount of making film stock, 
securing theaters, marketing etc. 

There are some similarities between Nollywood, Hong Kong, and Bollywood. All 
three have severe poverty and a very small wealthy class. The middle class is 
also very healthy in all three despite the problems in the rest of the world. 
So that leaves them with a lot of disposable income. 

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

  I say more power to them. Living here in America--with DVD's, Hulu, VCRs, 
hundreds of channels, Blockbuster, iPods--we indeed forget how expensive all 
these things are. We forget that even the poorest people in America can 
sometimes manage to get cable TV, or at least TV using rabbit ears, maybe 
even take in a movie now and then. You have countries like Germany were no 
talent hacks like Uwe Bole get subsidized by the government to make bad films. 
As you say, none of that exists in Nigeria. And just as black Americans 
revolutionized everything from basketball (ball and a goal, rather cheap fun 
versus, say, ice hockey or golf) to rap (the voice is the cheapest instrument 
around), I celebrate their pluck and innovation in doing what they can with 
less resources. And you know, the movies may be crude and repetitive, but they 
provide work for a few people, give people a way to hone their craft, and 
provide entertainment to the masses. 
  Keep on keepin' on, I say/ 

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf

  Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:55:27 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Article: African Americans tune into Nollywood

  I think that the problem is that people forget how expensive it is to make a 
movie. Just renting the camera can be $5-10,000 a day. (digital video is a 
blessing) This forces people into doing a very short shooting schedule of 4 or 
5 days unlike hollywood. add to that the crew, permits etc (it can cost $5000 
or more to shoot in San Francisco on the street with all of the permits. Most 
directors can't afford it so they do it illegally.) On top of that there is 
editing, sound and post production, music licensing etc. A simple film can be 
$1,000,000 while a bigger film can cost $20 million. 

  In Nigeria none of this exists. They don't have the cash, the crew, or 
expertise yet. BUT, I think that there will be some directors sooner or later 
that will get tired of making the melodramas that they are putting out and 
break the mold. It is just a matter of time. I would love to see some stories 
with a distinct african 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Foundation-like

2009-08-01 Thread wlrouge
I was a sci-fi reader before my 30's and I am still one. To be honest, I per 
SF over anything else.

From: ravenadal
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Foundation-like

 Is it possible to become a sci-fi reader in one's thirties?  I have always 
 considered SF a young person's game - if you don't get the bug early you 
 seldom get it.  I wish I had a dollar for every time I have suggested a 
 great book to someone post thirty to only be met with a I don't read 
 science fiction.


 (by-the-by: regarding Asimov, his style has always left me cold.  I am a 
 Sir Arthur C. Clarke guy, myself).

 --- In, marian_changling md_moor...@... 

 I am going to guess that she is in her thirties.

 I groaned when I heard that she was reading the book.  Mainly because SF 
 of that era was strong on ideas and less so with characterization.  I 
 remember loving the book but I don't know if I could read it now.  Now I 
 might sit back and gripe that there were no real female characters.

 I'm concerned that she might think that is what SF is like.

 --- In, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ 
  Marian, the Hyperion series is about the closest I can think of in 
  comparison, in terms of scope and depth of event and characterization. 
  Having read both, I wouldn't dis-recommend Hyperion. I would, 
  however, suggest Foundation first. Can I be rude and inquire as to 
  your friend's age? A few SF book recommends I've made recently have 
  faltered because I've advised books written during my generation to 
  people of a later one, and many of the cultural constructs are 
  incomprehensible to them.
 -[ Received Mail Content ]--
  Subject : [scifinoir2] Foundation-like
  Date : Thu, 30 Jul 2009 18:27:06 -
  From : marian_changling md_moore42@
  To :
 I have a friend who started Asimov's Foundation series because of the 
 theme. Now she is faltering. I wouldn't be surprised if it is because of 
 1940's style of writing.
  Anyone know a modern book with a similar theme? Has no one taken up the 
  mantle of psychohistory from Asimov? Wikipedia mentions a number of 
  graphic novels and Hyperion. I never read that one; anyone know 
  anything about it? Anyone have another suggestion?



 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


Re: [scifinoir2] forget Tweetdeck -- Use HootSuite instead!

2009-08-01 Thread wlrouge
I use Bdule. It allows you to have real updates with Facebook as well as 
Twitter. Also does not take up a lot of RAM.

From: Reece Jennings 
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:44 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] forget Tweetdeck -- Use HootSuite instead!

I told a friend of mine about Tweetdeck, and he told me about HootSuite.

I already dumped and uninstalled Tweetdeck.  HootSuite is web-based.  Nothing 
on your computer.  Plus, a lot more features!

Try HootSuite 2.0. So many cool features it will certainly make your Tweeter 
experience more enjoyable. 



People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Alert. Alert. Alert.

2009-07-29 Thread wlrouge
Opps, I am late. 

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:05 AM
To: Black SciFi 
Cc: Sci Fi 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Alert. Alert. Alert.

  BSG is running on SyFy right now.  that lovely series finale 'Daybreak 
Parts 1, 2 and 3 start at 1pm (EST).  i know u all are going 2 rewatch it 
right?  :-)


Re: [scifinoir2] Beyonce Single Ladies (the Clown edition especially 4 Martin)

2009-07-26 Thread wlrouge
This is funny but not the fact of her getting her head bumped. But I suppose 
this is why all the single clowns shouldn't put their hands up!

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:36 PM
To: Sci Fi 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Beyonce Single Ladies (the Clown edition especially 4 

  Sorry Dude,

  but i had 2!


People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites

2009-07-17 Thread wlrouge
I have to agree, I mean they did not have to use her and she did not have that 
sexy flair to her either. I would love to have Gillian Anderson on the show. 
You know some type of mockery of the X Files.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites

  Lavendar, I get the feeling that it's going to be a fair mix of mystical 
and technological stuff they'll be hunting for. 

  If I may add here, the new ep following Eureka last night was a little 
better, IMO. More in flow, fewer odd quirks (though there were still plenty). 
And they really could've left Number Sex -- uh, Six, forgive me -- on the shelf 
here. Any other actress could've played that role, and probably brought more to 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites
Date : Wed, 15 Jul 2009 00:52:20 -0400
From :
To :

OK I did watch Warehouse 13 and I did thought that it was an updated 
version of X-files. Or with a hipper view on it. But it never dawn on me to 
think of Friday 13th the Series. That was my show and I love Ryan more then his 
cousin. But with that comparison the items on 13 is not that mystical as it was 
on Friday 13th. 

From: Tracey de Morsella 
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:19 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Syfy's New Flagships Recycle Old Favorites 

By Sarah Hope Williams, 2:00 PM on Sun Jul 12 2009 

Copy this whole post to another site 

Slurp cancel 

Syfy is back, now with Ys, vying even harder for your attention. But 
the network's name isn't the only thing that has been re-purposed; its new 
staple shows seem oddly familiar. Why is Syfy so unapologetically recycling old 

Syfy is trying to impress us with its new look and new shows, like a 
small-town girl who moves to the big city to be an actress, bleaches her hair 
platinum blonde and changes her name. And while we remain skeptical of clichéd 
reinvention, we have to admit - it worked for Norma Jeane. 

Warehouse 13 premiered this week on Syfy, and many viewers were filled 
with a strong sense of Déjà vu. A pair of odd-couple government agents are sent 
to investigate paranormal activity, blatantly setting the characters up as 
replicas of Mulder and Scully. Couldn't Syfy at least have mixed things up a 
bit by making Pete being the by-the-book skeptic and Myka being the intuitive 
true-believer? But it's not just the agents themselves that are borrowed 
directly from the archives: 

The name of show, and its very concept, evokes another direct 
influence: the quirky Canadian series Friday the 13th that aired in 1987, about 
a pair of cousins who inherit an antique shop that turns out to be filled with 
supernatural artifacts. They too are aided by an eccentric middle-aged man with 
a vast knowledge of the supernatural. In Friday, the female lead is named 
Micki, and Warehouse's tight-laced female agent is Myka - here again, Syfy 
strives to make things new and shiny by swapping ys for is. 

This isn't a new approach by any means. When Syfy's old staple show, 
Eureka, first premiered in 2006, its premise was equally familiar; government 
official gets sent to a small town in the Pacific Northwest to investigate a 
strange occurrence, teams up with local law enforcement and becomes deeply 
embroiled in the wacky little town and all its colorful characters. Sheriff 
Carter is no Agent Cooper, but the sense of odd familiarity about the show was 
undeniable. Eureka appeared to be a candy-coated kid's coloring-book version of 
Twin Peaks. 

The question remains, why isn't Syfy trying harder to hide its 
repackaging of television we already know and love? Do they hope that by 
transparently recycling these well-worn television tropes they can take a 
direct route to high ratings and fan admiration? Certainly the ever-increasing 
number of movie sequels indicates more of the same is a safe bet. Syfy 
already seems to be engaged in rebooting even more 80's television, including 
Quantum Leap and Alien Nation. It is remarkable how much attention all these 
new shows have gotten on blogs, message boards and by word of mouth. Perhaps 
the network executives at Syfy know the game better than we imagine, and are 
inviting us to play along as we watch them pressing our buttons. But don't they 
also know that familiarity breeds contempt? 

You have our attention, Syfy - now can you show us something new? 

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does. 

Re: [scifinoir2] topic: the last man on earth

2009-07-14 Thread wlrouge
When I was younger or a kid I wanted to be bit by one. But since where I loved 
Santa did not have a chimney to come down so I know that vampires would not 
come over to see me. Now before I get the bad comments I am talking about the 
sexy cute ones. You know like someone like Mick on Moonlight.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] topic: the last man on earth

They weren't even close to any kind of vampire. More like intelligent slow 
moving zombies. They couldn't break into his house because he put up some 
mirrors and a few 2x4s on the windows. 

There was a hybrid type that was a group of scientists and other folks that 
came up with a vaccine that cured them temporarily. They were killing off the 
other vampire folks.  I didn't understand why they wanted to kill Vincent Price 

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 7:39 PM, wrote:

  Are we talking about sexy vampires or just your regular want to suck your 
blood ones?

  From: Mr. Worf 
  Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 3:14 AM
  Subject: [scifinoir2] topic: the last man on earth

  I'm watching the original movie starring Vincent Price on my local PBS 
station. I think that if they had made the Will Smith movie with vampires 
instead of zombies it would have been more interesting. What do you think?   
  People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] topic: the last man on earth

2009-07-12 Thread wlrouge
Are we talking about sexy vampires or just your regular want to suck your blood 

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 3:14 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] topic: the last man on earth

I'm watching the original movie starring Vincent Price on my local PBS station. 
I think that if they had made the Will Smith movie with vampires instead of 
zombies it would have been more interesting. What do you think?   

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] One of life's great impondrables

2009-07-12 Thread wlrouge
Not paying attention I suppose?

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] One of life's great impondrables

I guess the next logical question would be, if the bullets didn't hurt him. Why 
do they think throwing the gun at him would?

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

  Let us remember -- this is *H'Wood* of which we speak.

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

   Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] One of life's great impondrables

   Date : Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:52:30 -0700

   From : Mr. Worf

   To :

  Hah! Good question! I guess no one did a logic check on some of this stuff.

  On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

   Not willing to take the chance that the gun might be made of kryptonite?
   -[ Received Mail Content ]--
   Subject : [scifinoir2] One of life's great impondrables
   Date : Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:37:22 -
   From : ravenadal

   To :
   Why did Superman always duck a thrown pistol after its contents had just
   bounced off his chest?

  Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years!
  Mahogany at:

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

2009-07-07 Thread wlrouge
Well, it could be worst. A live version of Pac-Man. Or Dig Dug with Will 
Farrell (sp).

From: Daryle Lockhart 
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

That  might  explain why Universal insists on greenlighting these Hasbro game 
movies,  and are now moving on to Atari, having just greenlit  Asteroids. 

Anybody  wanna go in with me on a treatment  for Bezerk or Defender? 
Tempest? Anyone?

On Jul 6, 2009, at 12:41 PM, ravenadal wrote:

  It has been my humble opinion that Hollywood has long operated as a washing 
machine to clean mob money. One of the biggest sausage factories of the last 
millenium, Universal Pictures, was long run by Lew Wasserman who began by 
booking talent into mob operated night clubs and had more than a few mob 
connections. Today, actors often scoff when they hear what they were allegedly 
paid to star in a movie because they likely received half of that amount. The 
rest is the money being laundered.


  --- In, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:
   There may be something like that already going on in Hollywood. There are a
   number of films that they know as soon as they are green lit that they will
   fail. Frankenhood and Soulplane come to mind. There are also others with
   white casts that also are made to loose money too. I suspect that they are
   being used as a write off. At least I hope that they are. There are way too
   many really bad films making it to the scifi channel that have moderate
   sized budgets that should have never been made. Like HG Wells War of the
   Worlds 1 and 2! (Yes. You read that right. They made two!)
   On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:23 AM, Daryle Lockhart
Obsessed is a Black film, actually.
This loophole in finance Uwe has been ridin g is something Black
filmmakers could/should use to make larger budget films in other 
There are so many horror scripts that don' t get made in Hollywood that
could be getting done in Europe!
On Jul 5, 2009, at 11:05 AM, ravenadal wrote:
I am watching something called In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege
Tale on Showtime. The movie stars Jason Statham and the cast includes 
stellar actors as Ron (Hellboy) Perlman, Ray (Goodfellas) Liotta -
shamelessly chewing up scenery as Gallion, the prolific John Rhys-Davies,
Burt Smokey and the Bandit Reynolds, Claire Meet Joe Black Forlani,
Leelee (Deep Impact) Sobieski and Brian J. White (The Shield,
Moonlight) wearing a nasty looking scar as Commander Tarish.
The movie is directed by German born schlockmiester Uwe Boll, best known
for his BloodRayne movies.
I had never heard of this movie so I went to IMDB, Box Office Mojo and
Wikipedia and discovered In the Name of the King cost $60 million and
grossed a robust $13 million worldwide. Then I discoverd the first
BloodRayne cost $25 million and grossed a whopping $2.42 million. 
Then I discovered that Boll is very successfully manipulating a lucrative
loophole in German tax laws. Boll is able to acquire funding thanks to
German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allows investors 
German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax 
it also allows them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees
associated with the loan. The investor is then only required to pay taxes 
the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor 
gets a
tax writeoff.
Imagine, thought I, if black filmmakers were able to exploit such a
loophole? Everybody KNOWS black films don't make money. What an excellent
opportunity to make all the black epics everyone dreams of but nobody 
risk the money to make.
What a bonanza! You could hire all the known but under utilized black
actors and actresses - pay them top dollar - WTF? We are TRYING to lose
money after all!
Let Vin Diesel make his Hannibal. Let Spike Lee make his Tuskegee
Airmen. Let the Hughes Brothers make whatever they want. Hell, let me 
The World Ebon. Shoot, I could burn through a coupla hundred million
dollars real quick!
Imagine the mishmash of casts you could come up with! What would be your
dream project?

   Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years!
   Mahogany at:

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Man Pays Thousands for Obscure Video Game

2009-07-07 Thread wlrouge
No offense, I don't care how much a bargain that was. I could use that money 
for something else. Well--perhaps a game but not that one.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:00 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Man Pays Thousands for Obscure Video Game

Wow, talk about a fan. How many PS3's, Wii's, XBox 360's, Sega Genesis' (I 
still have that console, it's great), SNES' (ditto), and 3DO's --complete with 
full game libraries--could he have bought with that much dough?


The $17,500 video game
by Mike Smith

  Buzz up! 

July 6 1:32 P.M.

Would you pay $17,500 for this?

Think $60 video games are too expensive? You won't hear any argument from us, 
but you might from JJ Hendricks, a collector who just paid a clinically insane 
$17,500 for an obscure NES game from 1990. 

The game in question is an ultra-rare, gold-colored version of Nintendo World 
Championships, a cartridge specially produced for use in a Nintendo-sponsored 
gaming contest. According to Wikipedia only 26 were created, and Hendricks 
calls it the Holy Grail of video game collectors. 

The game itself has a time limit of just 6 minutes and 21 seconds and consists 
of three short segments from other NES games: Super Mario Bros., Tetris, and 
Rad Racer. Players are scored according to their performance in each game, and 
their scores are totaled once the time limit expires. Doesn't sound too 
riveting to us, but then somehow we doubt Hendricks is in it for the gameplay. 

And while $17,500 might seem a bit much for a collection of ones and zeroes, 
Hendricks actually got a bargain: the game was originally listed on eBay for a 
cool $25,000.

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Man Pays Thousands for Obscure Video Game

2009-07-07 Thread wlrouge
Well, the question is does it still play and does his NES still play?

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Man Pays Thousands for Obscure Video Game

  Amen to that, Mr Worf!

  And I, a video-game fan since the day video games first entered my 
worldview over twenty-five years ago, have *never heard* of that game. Odds 
are, he can only get a reaction out of equally hyper-rabid fans by showing it 
off. And he'd better hope that none of them have sticky fingers.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Man Pays Thousands for Obscure Video Game
Date : Mon, 6 Jul 2009 22:24:25 -0700
From : Mr. Worf
To :

He could have bought the distribution rights for the game for less 

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Keith Johnson wrote: 

 Wow, talk about a fan. How many PS3's, Wii's, XBox 360's, Sega 
Genesis' (I 
 still have that console, it's great), SNES' (ditto), and 3DO's 
 with full game libraries--could he have bought with that much dough? 
 The $17,500 video game 
 by Mike Smith 
 Buzz up! 
 July 6 1:32 P.M. 
 [image: $17000 Game] 
 Would you pay $17,500 for this? 
 Think $60 video games are too expensive? You won't hear any argument 
 us, but you might from JJ Hendricks, a collector who just paid a 
 clinically insane $17,500for an obscure NES game from 1990. 
 The game in question is an ultra-rare, gold-colored version of 
 World Championships, a cartridge specially produced for use in a 
 Nintendo-sponsored gaming contest. According to Wikipedia only 26 
 created, and Hendricks calls it the Holy Grail of video game 
 The game itself has a time limit of just 6 minutes and 21 seconds and 
 consists of three short segments from other NES games: Super Mario 
 Tetris, and Rad Racer. Players are scored according to their 
performance in 
 each game, and their scores are totaled once the time limit expires. 
 sound too riveting to us, but then somehow we doubt Hendricks is in 
it for 
 the gameplay. 
 And while $17,500 might seem a bit much for a collection of ones and 
 zeroes, Hendricks actually got a bargain: the game was originally 
listed on 
 eBay for a cool $25,000. 

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at:  

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Best Red Shirt Death EVER!

2009-06-28 Thread wlrouge
Imagine in the trek universe. You join Starfleet, your parents are happy that 
you join. I am sure they read the news and you come home from the academy and 
you walk in with a red shirt on. The first thing I would think of--there goes 
my chance of having grand kids.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Best Red Shirt Death EVER!

Thanks for the big up's (back at ya), but that ain't a red shirt. Red shirts 
were always associated with Security.  Name one memorable death where you said 
Uh-oh, red shirt guy's gonna buy it ,and the guy was from Engineering? None. 
Off the top of my head (all from the OS):

On the non-Security side:

The young lady crushed in powdered form in By Any Other Name - a Yeoman 
(Bridge crew?)
The dude killed  when he caught a Troyan male monkeying around with the ship's 
engines - Engineering
The guy vaporized when stepping into an energy tap beam generated by M5 - 
The guy who died screaming when the lady touched him in That Which Survives - 
The guy strangled by a cable courtesy of Gary Mitchell's TK in Where No Man 
Has Gone Before - Bridge crew
The dude who died when inhaling phaser coolant in Balance of Terror - Phaser 
crew (is that Weapons/Security/Engineering?)

...and on the Security side:

The dude that the giant android Ruk throw off a ledge in What Are Little Girls 
Made of? -  Security
The guy killed by a killer flower's thorns in The Apple - Security
The guy killed when he stepped on an exploding rock in The Apple  - Security
The guy killed when incinerated by a bolt of lightning in The Apple - Security
The guy vaporized by disruptor fire in Arena - Security
Another guy killed (off camera) by the Gorn in Arena - Security
The bloke killed by a spear to the gut in Galileo Seven - Security
The guy killed when one of the giant cavemen pummels him in Galileo Seven - 
The over eager young guy killed by a sharp throwing weapon in Friday's Child 
- Security
The young guy who died by accelerated aging after skin damage in Wink of an 
Eye - Security
The poor slob disintegrated by Captain Tracy in The Omega Glory - Security
The two (!) jokers zapped into oblivion at the same time in The Ultimate 
Computer - Security
The man who fell over dead, and then a voice came from his dead body in 
Catspaw - Security
One nameless Red Shirt sizzled like a steak by the Horta in Devil in the Dark 
- Security
Two dudes beamed into empty space in And the Children Shall Lead - Security
The (three?) men drained of their blood by the killer cloud in Obsession - 

Like I said, Red shirt means Security. Another little trivial detail missed 
by the writers.

- Original Message -
From: ravenadal
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 10:07:18 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Best Red Shirt Death EVER!

Keith, I luv ya like a scifinoir brutha but come on! Red shirt + death = BEST 


--- In, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... wrote:

 Technically speaking, is it a true red-shirt death, as Olsen was an 
 Engineering crewman, not from Security--the source of the vast majority of 
 such deaths in the OS? Indeed, the only other Engineering red shirt death I 
 can recall offhand was the dude who was vaporized when he inadvertently was 
 in the wrong place when the computer M5 zapped him with a new energy tap. So 
 I wouldn't really call this a red shirt death. 
 Another thing I can complain about in the changed Trek reality that is this 
 movie! :) 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Tracey de Morsella tdli...@... 
 Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:17:10 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Best Red Shirt Death EVER! 
 It was wild. My husband and I did the same thing - great minds. Great 
 tribute death to all red shirts. I guess if had a brief moment of being the 
 plucky comic relief - any Galaxy Quest Fans here? I hope the give us a 
 great one in the sequel 
 I too really liked the Spock Uhuru connection. In my view, it was a stroke 
 of genius. 
 -Original Message- 
 From: [mailto: ] On 
 Behalf Of ravenadal 
 Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 7:55 AM 
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Best Red Shirt Death EVER! 
 I waited until my 20 year-old son returned home from college to see the new 
 Star Trek movie with him this weekend. Apparently, the movie is still going 
 strong, at least at the upscale IPIC theater where we saw it in adjacent 
 reclining Barcaloungers. We were unable to get adjacent seats at either of 
 the first two showings we attempted to buy tickets for and had to opt for a 
 viewing three hours later. We had a ball watching it, then had big fun 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler underrated in mainstream sci-fi press?

2009-06-26 Thread wlrouge
OK I know I am late, but please forgive, I did not know you were an author.

From: Milton Davis 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:38 PM
Subject: RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler underrated in mainstream sci-fi 

  I got a bit of advice from a writer friend of mine.He told me my audience 
was anyone who reads. He told me don't tell them my book is either science 
fiction or fantasy, just tell them what it's about. Get them into the story, 
not the genre. It's worked pretty well so far.

  --- On Thu, 6/25/09, Reece Jennings wrote:

From: Reece Jennings
Subject: RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler underrated in 
mainstream sci-fi press?
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 7:36 PM

It might be a combination of all of that, Milton.  Yes, Black Women 
will set up book
clubs, and discuss books, etc.  But when I mention Sci-Fi to most Black 
Women, and
even try to get the to read some of Ms. Butler's books, they tend to 
pre-judge and reject
without looking.  So I keep it to myself...except here, of course..  I 
think a lot of women are
cutting off a vast expanse of great reading by pre-judging SF.

From: scifino...@yahoogro [mailto:scifinoir2@ yahoogroups. com] 
On Behalf Of Milton Davis
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:38 PM
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Subject: RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler underrated in 
mainstream sci-fi press?

  I know a lot a black male fans of Butler. I just seems in my 
experience most of her fans I've met were black females. But then again that 
might be because black females read a lot more than we brothers.

  --- On Thu, 6/25/09, Martin Baxter truthseeker013@ 

From: Martin Baxter truthseeker013@
Subject: RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler underrated in 
mainstream sci-fi press?
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 4:37 PM

  That comprises a graduating class of considerable note.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : RE: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler 
underrated in mainstream sci-fi press?
Date : Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:22:52 -0400
From : Reece Jennings mcjennings124@
To : scifino...@yahoogro

I love her. She's my favorite because of the social 
aspect of her writing. 
I've been a Black Male all say (peeking to make sure!) 

Of course, we are both 1947 Cancerians, so that might 
have something to do 
with it! :o) 


From: scifino...@yahoogro [mailto:scifinoir2@ 
yahoogroups. com] On 
Behalf Of Milton Davis 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:32 AM 
To: scifino...@yahoogro 
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler 
underrated in mainstream 
sci-fi press? 

I know plenty young black science fiction fans that 
credit Octavia Butler as 
the beacon that led them to science fiction. I'm an old 
school science 
fiction fan, raised on Assimov, Delany, Herbert and 
Ellision. I like 
Butler's work, but I consider it more social science 
fiction. She deals more 
with relationships and issues rather than the technical 
aspect of science 
fiction, which we all know gets more attention. I think 
that's the reason 
her prose seems to have special appeal to black female 
science fiction fans. 
I enjoyed everything I've read by her but I can't say 
I'm a fan. She was a 
greater writer than I'll probably ever be and got her 
respect among the 
sci/fi elite if not the mainstream. 

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, B. Smith wrote: 

From: B. Smith 
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Is Octavia Butler 
underrated in mainstream 
sci-fi press? 
To: scifino...@yahoogro 
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 1:19 AM 

She's highly regarded but not given the same respect as 
the legendary hard 
sci-fi types. Her work falls into the more 

Re: [scifinoir2] for the Gamers (Roll Call: Name Your Favorite Games) Pt 2

2009-06-23 Thread wlrouge
Hi Mr. Votomguy. I have not played any of those games. But the games that I 
am playing is/are Star Trek Legacy and just recently got Ghostbusters.

From: votomguy
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:57 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] for the Gamers (Roll Call:  Name Your Favorite Games) 
Pt 2

 As a gamer, I hate to say that I don't visit this site as often as I would 
 like. (I often get sucked into gaming forums) Anywho I thought I'd try to 
 revive this thread and see what happens. My favorite Games are Heavy Gear, 
 Battletech, Vor: the Maelstrom, Void,  CAV. I'm currently playing Heavy 
 Gear, Necromunda and I have a Primal Horizon demo on Friday. I have pics 
 of some games that I've played that I wouldn't mind posting. (if it's ok 
 with the admins) Like most gamers, I don't think any of the games I like 
 would translate into movies, but there are Battletech, Vor, and Necromunda 
 novels. I wouldn't mind seeing some Heavy Gear novels. Anywho, what are 
 YOU playing?

 --- In, tdemorsella tdli...@... wrote:

 Aubrey and Adrianne's post reminded me that hamers tend to stay hidden
 on this list.  Let's change that  Why don't you guys come out of
 hiding.  Please declare your favorites, the ones you would like to see
 be made into movies and those you hate.  Also, tell us why.




 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list

2009-06-21 Thread wlrouge
I wonder if I try that at club what would happen?

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list

Oh yeah, she was rocking that barbarian garb in the Mirror Universe! Gots to 
give her credit. And love that scene with evil Sulu:  The game has rules. I 
protest, and you come back. You didn't come back   
and then, Slap I changed my mind 

- Original Message -
From: C.W. Badie
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 4:55:14 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list

  Yeah, yeah, yeah...but Uhura was great just in the minskirt...when she 
put of the bare midriff outfit in Mirror, Mirror, She stamped herself on my 
racial memory! Whenever thar episode pops up on TV, I go looking to mate, dude!

  --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Martin Baxter wrote:

From: Martin Baxter
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:53 AM

  Which way to the super-cold showers?

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi 
Date : Wed, 17 Jun 2009 04:26:42 + (UTC)
From : Keith Johnson KeithBJohnson@
To : scifino...@yahoogro

Uhura was definitely easy on the eyes, especially the legs, so 
representative of a sister's body, and so missed in this modern world where 
skinny, anorexic-looking actresses are held up as the standard of beauty. 

But you know, I remember many of those guest actresses as much 
as, if not more than, Uhura: The actress who played Andrea--the raven-haired 
android beauty in What Are Little Girls Made of?, with that eye-catching work 
suit...the three ladies in Mudd's Women, who have their beauty enhanced when 
taking that crazy drug, especially the one with the long black hair...the 
beautiful Dr. Helen Noel (character name chosen because she met Kirk on 
Christmas day), who looked especially fetching in that soft-focus effect Trek 
often used on womenYvonne Batgirl Craig's, lithe, gracefully, ferally 
crazy but undeniably appealing Green Orion Slave Girl Marta in Whom Gods 
Destroy...the Native lady an amnesiac Kirk (as Kurok) marries in The 
Paradise Syndrome who was the essence of 60s/70s beauty. You know, the OS 
alone had more attractive guest stars than a whole season's worth of the 
malnourished- looking, surgically enhanced people often held up nowadays. 

- Original Message - 
From: C.W. Badie 
To: scifino...@yahoogro 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:51:39 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi 

...And consistently the most beautiful babe on the 
show...pardon the chauvinism, but she was gorgeous! 

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Adrianne Brennan wrote: 

From: Adrianne Brennan 
Subject: Re: [ scifinoir 2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi 
To: scifino...@yahoogro 
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 12:26 PM 

I dunno, I've always thought Uhura kicked ass. :D 

~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon: 
http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: 
http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:22 PM, ravenadal  ravena...@yahoo. 
com  wrote: 

Beware of the Disposable Negro Effect which is akin to the 
butterfly effect. You may think a negro is disposable but then you remove 
them and all heck breaks loose. I mean haven't you seen Douglass Turner Ward's 
Day of Absence where all the negroes disappear one day and all the white 
folks don't have a clue as to what to do? 

I mean take something as innocuous as Lt. Uhura on Star Trek. 
You would think she was a disposable negro, afterall, anybody can answer the 
phone, but it totally ignores the fact that her showing up on the bridge 
everyday in those boots and that mini-skirt made the mens, James T. and the 
rest of dem, happy - heck - eager to come to work. Remove Uhura and it gone get 
snarly, snarky and plum ugly up in there quick and in a hurry. 


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list

2009-06-16 Thread wlrouge
I have never heard of that story and not saying that it is not true. Makes me 
wonder did or was Kirk character was model after him in some way?

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list

Yeah, Roddenberry was dating Nichelle Nichols and Majel Barrett at the same 
time. Indeed, Nichols related that Roddenberry used to take her riding on his 
motorcycle. One day he said, I need you to meet someone. They drove to a 
house, Gene walks up and knocks on the door, and Majel answers. Gene introduces 
the ladies, and Nichols says she realized at that moment he was not only 
two-timing her, but was going to marry Barrett. (Actually, he may have been 
three-timing her. He had a previous wife of nearly three decades whom he 
divorced sometime during this period, so he may have started affairs with 
Nichols and Barrett while still being married. Not sure).

A sad final chapter in this strange tale. Evidently Roddenberry's last years 
were marked by increasingly ill health. not sure what he had, but it's why he 
had to relinguish creative control of The Next Generation. At any rate, in 
those final years, Gene had some mental difficulties. At a big party given in 
his honor---a party in which most of the OS Trek alumni and showrunners were in 
attendance--Gene appears in a highly agitated and confused state. In front of 
all the guests--including his wife Majel--Roddenberry walks over to Nichele 
Nichols and confesses his undying love for her. You're the one I really loved, 
Nichelle! I should have married you, Nichelle! he exclaimed.

Nichols had to keep her composure and tell the crowd that Gene was just ill and 
didn't know what he said.

I've read this account more than once. Hope it's not just an urban legend. 
Don't know if it was recorded in Nichols' official autobiography.

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:27:40 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list

  None whatsoever. Roddenberry recognized it by putting her right behind 
KEROOK on the Bridge, so that she (or at least *parts*) of her 
made it in shot. And, if the tales I've heard are true, Roddenberry did *more* 
than just recognize her beauty... he *appreciated* it in a way *all* men wish 
they could've.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list
Date : Tue, 16 Jun 2009 12:06:29 +
From :
To : SciFi2

No chauvinism in recognizing beauty. I was flipping channels (a chore 
without a remote), and I saw her at that console. I was just back from 18 
months in the Philippines, and I was appreciating Black Women. And here is 
Uhura. Lawd! 
Sent via BlackBerry by ATT 

-Original Message- 
From: C.W. Badie 

Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 02:51:39 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list 

And consistently the most beautiful babe on the show...pardon the 
chauvinism, but she was gorgeous! 

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Adrianne Brennan wrote: 

From: Adrianne Brennan 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: The Disposible Negro in sci-fi list 
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 12:26 PM 

I dunno, I've always thought Uhura kicked ass. :D 

~ Where love and magic meet ~ 
Experience the magic of Blood of the Dark Moon:  http://www.adrianne botdm.html 
Take a bite out of Blood and Mint Chocolates: http://www.adrianne bamc.html 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
http://www.adrianne books.html# the_oath 

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:22 PM, ravenadal wrote: 

Beware of the Disposable Negro Effect which is akin to the butterfly 
effect.  You may think a negro is disposable but then you remove them and all 
heck breaks loose.  I mean haven't you seen Douglass Turner Ward's Day of 
Absence where all the negroes disappear one day and all the white folks don't 
have a clue as to what to do? 

I mean take something as innocuous as Lt. Uhura on Star Trek.  You 
would think she was a disposable negro, afterall, anybody can answer the phone, 
but it totally ignores the fact that her showing up on the bridge everyday in 
those boots and that mini-skirt made the mens,   James T. and the rest of dem, 
happy - heck - eager to come to work.  Remove Uhura and it gone get snarly, 
snarky and plum ugly up in there quick and in a hurry. 


--- In scifino...@yahoogro 

Re: [scifinoir2] Scientists Discuss Causes, Repercussions of Warp Drive

2009-06-14 Thread wlrouge
Yes, I think it was more so STNG. The warp drive is a mirror to what pollution 
is to us today. We depend on the things that help us in our way of life. But in 
this episode the thing that every depends on the most--was killing their home 
and area of space.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Scientists Discuss Causes, Repercussions of Warp Drive

You know this reminded me of an episode of Voyager or DS9 where there were dead 
spots in the universe where warp drives wouldn't work because the warp drives 
were doing something to the tachyons?  Anyone remember that episode?

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Keith Johnson 

  Fascinating stuff, especially the whole thing about whether we live in a 1 
+1 = 2 or 1 + 1 = 3 universe.  But something struck me as odd about this 
article: the subject doesn't fit the title. The title--which I admit caught my 
eye--is all about black holes swallowing Earth. The body of the article, 
however, is more about the Alcubierre drive, how it could work, and whether the 
method is even the right one for our dimension.The black hole danger is only 
one small, frankly insignificant, facet of the piece.
  Wow: sensationalist, attention-grabbing headlines even in advanced science? 
Now I know the Apocalypse is near!


  June 11, 2009 -- Star Trek makes faster-than-light travel look easy, but 
according to new calculations by Italian physicists, a warp drive could easily 
create a black hole that would incinerate any passengers on a space craft and 
then suck Earth into a black hole. 
  Warp drives are so far the best case scenario to attain faster-than-light 
travel, said Stefano Finazzi of Italy's International School for Advanced 
Studies. This paper makes it much harder to realize, if not almost impossible, 
warp drives.

  WATCH VIDEO: Explore the possibilities of time travel with Michio Kaku. 

  In normal physics, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. 
Einstein's theory of relativity forbids it. In normal space any object 
approaching the speed of light will increase in mass exponentially, and require 
an exponential increase in the amount of power needed to propel it forward.

  There are two exceptions to this rule however. The first is what's commonly 
called a worm hole, a bridge connecting two different parts of space. A ship 
crossing this bridge would move at below light speed, but still arrive before a 
beam of light that would have had to go the long way around.

  Warp drives are the second and more appealing option. A ship can't move 
through space faster than the speed of light. But with enough energy, space 
itself can move faster than the speed of light. 
  Known for the Mexican physicist Michael Alcubierre who originally developed 
the idea in the 1990's, an Alcubierre warp drive would create a bubble of 
energy behind the ship and a lack of energy in front of the ship, like a giant 
cosmic wave a space ship could surf. That particular section of space can 
travel faster than the speed of light in the surrounding space, and anything on 
or in that bubble will accelerate with it.

  Finazzi and his colleagues propose creating this bubble of space-time by 
using a massive amount of exotic matter, or dark energy. (Exactly how this 
bubble would be created is still a mystery.) According to their calculations 
and simplified, it would take a huge amount of energy to create the bubble, and 
then increasing amounts of energy to contain the highly repulsive dark energy.

  Eventually the energy would run out. The bubble would rupture, with 
catastrophic effects. Inside the bubble the temperature would rise to about 
10^32 degrees Kelvin, destroying almost anything on the bubble.

  Anyone watching the ship nearby wouldn't be much better off. 

  We know that the warp drive will be destabilized, said Finazzi. But we do 
not know if it will in the end explode or collapse to a black hole.

  Other physicists agree with the Italians' calculations, up to a point.

  It's a good paper; their results are sound, said Gerald Cleaver, a 
professor of physics at Baylor University who reviewed the work. The results 
make sense, at least, when creating warp drive using exotic matter in a 
universe where 1 plus 1 equals 2.

  In a universe where 1 plus 1 equals 3, a possibility with string theory 
instead of the semi classical physics used by the Italians, a stable warp drive 
is viable. 

  Last year Cleaver and co-author Richard Obousy detailed a string theory-based 
warp drive that creates a bubble of space time by expanding one of the tiny, 
rolled-up dimensions (instead of a bubble of dark energy) predicted by string 

  The biggest sticking point to a extra dimension-based warp drive? The entire 
mass of Jupiter 

Re: [scifinoir2] I'm just sitting here...

2009-06-14 Thread wlrouge
Oh just in case you also wanted another tid bit of information. He also played 
on the season finale of Numb3rs as the bad guy that kid napped Charlie's 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I'm just sitting here...

Oh, well, if it's based on the Goosebumps guy, that explains it being good...
By the way, did you watch that Arthurian movie last week on SciFi, starring the 
dude who played Baltar on BSG? He played Merlin, helping Arthur's daughter, and 
a handful of old knights and their sons fight some dopey villain who was 
controlling monsters by use of a magical bestiary.

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 12:51:45 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [scifinoir2] I'm just sitting here...

  ... surfing the Web, flipping channels on the side because I'm too danged 
lazy to find my TV guide to see if anything's on, and I fall across 

  And, to my surprise, I *like* what I'm watching.

  It's about to go off in about fifteen minutes at this typing, so don't go 
lunging for the remote. It's called When Good Ghouls Go Bad, with Chris Doc 
Brown Lloyd.

  It's based on an R.L. Stine story, and it's genuinely good, in a campy, 
kiddie-fare sort of way. Has anyone else seen it?  

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

2009-06-09 Thread wlrouge
Hi Mr. Jennings, try this link 
If you have another hard drive great if you have Vista already it would be as 
simple as an upgrade. But if I recall correct you can not do an upgrade from XP.

From: Reece Jennings 
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 11:32 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

I heard about it!  Can I get a copy?  Is it on Microsoft's sites?

From: [] On Behalf 
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

I have had really not too many problems with Vista other then like you have 
said or did not was the crashing. Which I have heard with the sp2 that issue 
has been solved. For the most part right now I am using Windows 7 RC. I have to 
say I love it more so then Windows Vista. Have you tried it or heard about it?

From: Reece Jennings 
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

Martin, I own 2 HP laptops, a Pavilion HP desktop, and 2 HP printers.  The only 
machines I have owned 
since 1996 have been HPs bought at huge discounts from Sam's Club.  The 3 
machines are on my
wireless network.  The only problem I have had has been VISTA (PTOOO!).  I have 
Microsoft OneCare
for firewall, Virus protection, and everything security involved.  It even set 
up my wireless network and
password protected it.  I'm happy.  

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

  Keith, I've never owned one of those pieces of crap personally. During 
the two years I worked for the Virginia mental health care system (from the 
outside in, lest anyone wonder), I was tasked with transferring datafiles from 
an HP 100 mainframe to an HP 220 or 250 (not sure, because I didn't sleep much 
in those days, psych trauma being the bear it is). The newer system was 
state-of-the-art touch screen tech, meaning that  anytime that anyTHING touched 
the screen, from an odd eraser stroke while regarding a dataline to a fly 
alighting on the screen, everything would auto-save, costing me ten minutes 
each time. And, as I'm told is still the case with HP printers, you couldn't 
turn the things off. If the power so much as blinked, say goodbye to a day's 

  No thanks.

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--
  Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi
  Date : Sat, 6 Jun 2009 20:26:41 + (UTC)
  From : Keith Johnson
  To :

  What kind of HP's did y'all have? My first storebought PC was an HP 
Pavilion 7270, purchased way back in 1996 or so. It ran for over twelve years 
with no real problems, until I simply turned it off. Now, it wasn't exactly 
upgradeable. There was only so much RAM it could handle. But that was standard 
for many PCs of that era. Working on it was a bit of a pain because it had that 
old daughterboard configuration (a separate board inside the PC that sat 
underneath the main motherboard). It was hard to move around inside, and the 
two boards had to be decoupled for major work. But still, I was able to upgrade 
RAM, add a second hard drive, tape backup, and even a USB card.  It was a good 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin Baxter 
  Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 9:06:48 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi 

  And, if I may add, your HP couldn't have suicided, because it would have 
to have a *soul* to have accomplished that. 

  -[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
  Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi 
  Date : Fri, 5 Jun 2009 21:12:31 -0700 (PDT) 
  From : C.W. Badie 
  To : 

  Well, I have two excuses...The first is my HP suicided over a year ago 
and I could not afford to replace the motherboard for fear my son would eat me 
if I stopped feeding him...The other is I am a fledgling carpenter looking for 
a journeyman to study my craft under (you can stop snickering Martin!)plus 
I've been doing handyman stuff to make ends meet while I dream about being a 
cabinet maker one day...(Okay, just go ahead and finish laughing, 
look a bit undignified with tears running down your face...) 

  --- On Fri, 6/5/09, Keith 

Re: [scifinoir2] Look Up

2009-06-09 Thread wlrouge
I have to agree with you assessment of the movie due to the fact that I saw it 
yesterday. I love the beginning. How when we have love ones how they leave and 
our lives continue. The things that we have not done but always said that we 
would. I love the pace and the jokes in the movieSorry--squirrel. (Inside 
joke if you saw the movie) Did you get a chance to see the movie in 3-D? It was 
good to me either way. I love that after all this time when he looks in the 
book he finally reads the note she left. For those who have not seen it--I will 
not say what it is. But then it was more so an shocker for him. One I think or 
thought that he needed.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 12:38 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Look Up

Gotta make this quick. Need to get some shuteye, got a busy day today. Went to 
see Up Sunday, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's Pixar, which continues to mean 
quality, I'm glad to say. Movie starts off with an amusing, delightful, and 
ultimately poignant history of the lead character's life that had me grinning, 
laughing, and--I'm not ashamed to admit--tearing up. All in the first five 
minutes or so, much of it told without the benefit of sound. Colors are 
amazingly bright and beautiful, especially those balloons, and the detail is 
amazing. The characters are good, especially Ed Asner's portrayal of the old 
dude, which is warm, cranky, a bit mean at times, but ultimately very human and 
real. Has enough adventure and gags and laughs for kids, and moments of loss 
and reminiscence and hope to keep the adults engaged. I remember tearing up at 
least three times (having lost both parents, a beloved mother-in-law, several 
relatives, a job, and dealing with some health problems in the last few years, 
I admit I'm a bit more tenderhearted nowadays). I looked around to see men and 
women sniffling more than once. Like me, the guys tried to be a bit 
surreptious--you know, choking on a jalepeno or something. 
There was some concern that audiences wouldn't respond to a film where the lead 
character is an eighty year old widower. Balderdash! Good stories are good 
stories, and this is a really good film. It's becoming cliched to say, but 
Pixar does it again.

Longer review whenever I have time this week. Work's a bear...

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

2009-06-07 Thread wlrouge
No not that one but I know what you were talking about. I think it was called 
Midnight Love.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

Yeah I remember that one. Was that the late night one that had older love songs?

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 8:24:16 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

Then there was a show back in the day called Video Soul

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

BET had a show, Caribbean Rhythmns, hosted by yet another light-skinned 
sister (that was almost all they used back then) named Rachel. It was a music 
video show. I think that was the extent of their Caribbean presence...

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 1:16:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

Not if you count places like Jamaica, and the rest of the Caribbean, and 

I guess what I am saying is that BET never developed a real niche or direction 
(or quality control) after being around about the same amount of time as 

Now Telemundo has 3 or 4 channels where I live. BET was sold, and TVone 
(completely different company) is barely on the air. 

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Keith Johnson 

  Agreed. I've long lamented the sad fact that the Latin-themed cable channels 
far exceed the Black ones in terms of drama and variety. Of course, maybe it 
can be argued that Latinoes in this hemisphere have more collective viewing 
power than Blacks--if South and Central America are added to the mix--but I 

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf

  Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:46:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  I really disliked BET for a long time, because they pretty much wasted the 
opportunity to create an incredible conduit for all types of black 
entertainment. (a couple of exceptions but not many) Compare it to Telemundo 
that has several long running shows and award winning news programming. BET 
could have gone with a similar business model with their own unique programming 
but we ended up with mostly fluff and garbage. 

  On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Keith Johnson 

The only thing BET had going for it back in the day were a few talk and 
news shows. There was the news show BET tonight (with, at various times, Ed 
Gordon and Tavis Smiley). There was a talk show with the great Bev Smith--who, 
curiously, was the *only* dark-skinned person hosting a major show in BET for 
quite a long time. Bev is good, no nonsense, and well informed, and her show 
reflected her abilities. There was a  good show aimed at teens that aired on 
Saturdays (I think it was called Teen Beat). Before the gangtsa rap thing 
really hit, it had a feeling that now I guess we'd call innocent, dealing 
with real issues like divorce, drugs, school quality, along with having guests 
who'd come in and talk to the kids. There was music, videos, and dancing, but 
like I said, it didn't have the harder, more carnal edge that even shows aimed 
at young adults can have nowadays.  Finally, there was a good news talk show 
hosted by Ed Gordon that had a panel including George Curry and Clarence Page. 
Good, informed discussions. I forget the name of the show.   But curiously, BET 
chose to air both it and Bev Smith's show on Sundays before noon--when most 
black folk were at church or brunch!
There was even an enjoyable entertainment themed show where Tanya Hart 
interviewed various celebrity guests. Last I saw, I think Ms. Hart does some 
kind of gossip stuff, as I see her show up on TMZ-like shows dishing on who's 
sleeping with whom in Hollywood.

But yeah, back then BET had enough shows like the above so that I watched 
it a least a few hours a week. 

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter

Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:41:35 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  Personally, Michelle, I never got deep enough into BET to judge 
programming or camera angles or any such. Their systematic mistreatment of 
women was, to me, nauseating.

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 

Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

2009-06-07 Thread wlrouge
I suppose it was someone that has no ties to the community took the network 
over. Personally for me I don't watch the channel. I pass through it and 
maybe stop to watch reruns of The Parkers.

From: B. Smith
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

 Ah the good old days when BET had some watchable programming.

 That was a different show called Midnight Love. Video Soul was their 
 primetime show with Donny Simpson and Sherry Carter. Lead Story was their 
 roundtable news show and it was very good. Teen Summit was actually pretty 
 good as well.

 Somewhere along the line they turned that network to crap.

 --- In, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@... 

 Yeah I remember that one. Was that the late night one that had older love 

 - Original Message - 
 From: wlro...@...
 Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 8:24:16 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

 Then there was a show back in the day called Video Soul

 From: Keith Johnson
 Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

 BET had a show, Caribbean Rhythmns, hosted by yet another light-skinned 
 sister (that was almost all they used back then) named Rachel. It was a 
 music video show. I think that was the extent of their Caribbean 

 - Original Message - 
 From: Mr. Worf  hellomahog...@... 
 Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 1:16:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

 Not if you count places like Jamaica, and the rest of the Caribbean, and 

 I guess what I am saying is that BET never developed a real niche or 
 direction (or quality control) after being around about the same amount 
 of time as Telemundo.

 Now Telemundo has 3 or 4 channels where I live. BET was sold, and TVone 
 (completely different company) is barely on the air.

 On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@...  

 Agreed. I've long lamented the sad fact that the Latin-themed cable 
 channels far exceed the Black ones in terms of drama and variety. Of 
 course, maybe it can be argued that Latinoes in this hemisphere have more 
 collective viewing power than Blacks--if South and Central America are 
 added to the mix--but I wonder...

 - Original Message - 
 From: Mr. Worf  hellomahog...@... 

 Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:46:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

 I really disliked BET for a long time, because they pretty much wasted 
 the opportunity to create an incredible conduit for all types of black 
 entertainment. (a couple of exceptions but not many) Compare it to 
 Telemundo that has several long running shows and award winning news 
 programming. BET could have gone with a similar business model with their 
 own unique programming but we ended up with mostly fluff and garbage.

 On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Keith Johnson  keithbjohn...@...  

 The only thing BET had going for it back in the day were a few talk and 
 news shows. There was the news show BET tonight (with, at various times, 
 Ed Gordon and Tavis Smiley). There was a talk show with the great Bev 
 Smith--who, curiously, was the *only* dark-skinned person hosting a major 
 show in BET for quite a long time. Bev is good, no nonsense, and well 
 informed, and her show reflected her abilities. There was a good show 
 aimed at teens that aired on Saturdays (I think it was called Teen Beat). 
 Before the gangtsa rap thing really hit, it had a feeling that now I 
 guess we'd call innocent, dealing with real issues like divorce, drugs, 
 school quality, along with having guests who'd come in and talk to the 
 kids. There was music, videos, and dancing, but like I said, it didn't 
 have the harder, more carnal edge that even shows aimed at young adults 
 can have nowadays. Finally, there was a good news talk show hosted by Ed 
 Gordon that had a panel including George Curry and Clarence Page. Good, 
 informed discussions. I forget the name of the show. But curiously, BET 
 chose to air both it and Bev Smith's show on Sundays before noon--when 
 most black folk were at church or brunch!
 There was even an enjoyable entertainment themed show where Tanya Hart 
 interviewed various celebrity guests. Last I saw, I think Ms. Hart does 
 some kind of gossip stuff, as I see her show up on TMZ-like shows dishing 
 on who's sleeping with whom in Hollywood.

 But yeah, back then BET had 

Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why is it so white?

2009-06-07 Thread wlrouge
Looking back on it Mr. Baxter--you are right.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why is it 
so white?

  Lavendar, I think it was the latter.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, 
why is it so white?
Date : Sat, 6 Jun 2009 19:46:23 -0400
From :
To :

Lets not forget Leforge's mother. She was black but then again she was 
lost. I suppose that was an indication that if she got lost unlike Janeway she 
could not find her way back. Or was it her ship was destroyed due to the 
engineer misgivings. 

From: George Arterberry 
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 12:30 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why 
is it so white? 

Very good points. 

The USA is about to enter a stagnant period in space travel with NASa 
retiring the shuttle,and China along with India with manned missions to the 
Moon and Mars in near term. 

My fear is that space may become militarized fairly quickly and 
economically for now America is focused elsewhere. 

As for the article I've seen many ST episodes with Blacks as adimirals 
but little to say after inspecting the Enterpise or something to that 
affect.Even had a charater who was a sister and the fastest person ever to 
reach the rank of captain in Starfleet history.No backstory on her in the 
show.Too bad she was killed off in novel form. 

--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Liggins Bill wrote: 

From: Liggins Bill 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why 
is it so white? 
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 7:30 AM 

What about true life? When was a black astronaut part of the resident 
crew of the International Space Station? How about never. Black astronauts were 
among the crews that chauffeured them to the ISS. They stayed a few days then 
had to leave. But when comes to those resident crews, the ISS is still 
restricted housing when it comes to blacks. Because of that, black astronauts 
are not getting the endurance training needed for a mission to Mars. So when it 
comes time to chose a crew for that Mars mission, black astronauts may be at 
the bottom of the list. Hopefully this will be reviewed by the new NASA 
director and changed before NASA loses its leadership in the international 
space race. 

Bill Liggins 
Author of WARNING, a Sci-Fi Novel 
http://www.authorsd author.asp? authorid= 4905 

--- On Mon, 6/1/09, Curtis, Jr. wrote: 

From: Curtis, Jr. 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why is 
it so white? 
To: scifino...@yahoogro 
Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 11:58 PM 

Blacks in Space 

If sci-fi is the future, why is it so white? 

Danielle C. Belton | May 29, 2009 

Star Trek's Lt. Uhura was a science-fiction pioneer in the 1970s -- a 
black woman answering the phone, I mean computer, in space. Uhura, played by 
actress Nichelle Nichols, was the communications officer, a role that would go 
on to be a popular one for futuristic minorities. While she was groundbreaking 
in that she was a black woman who survived quite well in space, her story lines 
were few, her adventures were stunted, and her romances were nonexistent. The 
philandering Capt. Kirk had to be forced to kiss the comely Uhura -- apparently 
in the future, interracial lip-lock is just as controversial as it was in the 
Nichols paved the way for Kandyse McClure's character Petty Officer 
Dualla, a black woman who also starts out answering the phone, on the 
critically acclaimed Battlestar Galactica series remake that wrapped this year. 
Dualla fares better than Uhura in that she gets her own story line, experiences 
a real romance, and has some adventures. But she commits suicide in the final 
season of the series. 

And these are the two primary options for blacks in space: Either 
you're marginalized or killed off. (Or, in the worst-case scenario, you're 
marginalized and still die.) 

So when word got out that director J.J. Abrams was set to re-envision 
the original Star Trek, with a big-budget film released last month, I was 
looking out for Lt. Uhura. And she is certainly there, played by actress Zoë 
Saldana. She's right where we left her in the 1970s, still answering the phone. 

Science-fiction story lines might take place in the future, but they 
are written in the now. They reflect the mind-set of the creators and the 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

2009-06-07 Thread wlrouge
Yes this is true, also this is the company that I think has a saying in what 
CBS does as well. Either way when Viacom bought it--quality of the content went 

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

BET was bought by Viascum... (viacom) in 1999. 

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:59 PM, wrote:

  No not that one but I know what you were talking about. I think it was called 
Midnight Love.

  From: Keith Johnson 
  Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 10:48 PM
  Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  Yeah I remember that one. Was that the late night one that had older love 

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 8:24:16 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  Then there was a show back in the day called Video Soul

  From: Keith Johnson 
  Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  BET had a show, Caribbean Rhythmns, hosted by yet another light-skinned 
sister (that was almost all they used back then) named Rachel. It was a music 
video show. I think that was the extent of their Caribbean presence...

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf
  Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 1:16:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  Not if you count places like Jamaica, and the rest of the Caribbean, and 

  I guess what I am saying is that BET never developed a real niche or 
direction (or quality control) after being around about the same amount of time 
as Telemundo. 

  Now Telemundo has 3 or 4 channels where I live. BET was sold, and TVone 
(completely different company) is barely on the air. 

  On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Keith Johnson 

Agreed. I've long lamented the sad fact that the Latin-themed cable 
channels far exceed the Black ones in terms of drama and variety. Of course, 
maybe it can be argued that Latinoes in this hemisphere have more collective 
viewing power than Blacks--if South and Central America are added to the 
mix--but I wonder... 

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf

Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:46:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

I really disliked BET for a long time, because they pretty much wasted the 
opportunity to create an incredible conduit for all types of black 
entertainment. (a couple of exceptions but not many) Compare it to Telemundo 
that has several long running shows and award winning news programming. BET 
could have gone with a similar business model with their own unique programming 
but we ended up with mostly fluff and garbage. 

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Keith Johnson 

  The only thing BET had going for it back in the day were a few talk and 
news shows. There was the news show BET tonight (with, at various times, Ed 
Gordon and Tavis Smiley). There was a talk show with the great Bev Smith--who, 
curiously, was the *only* dark-skinned person hosting a major show in BET for 
quite a long time. Bev is good, no nonsense, and well informed, and her show 
reflected her abilities. There was a  good show aimed at teens that aired on 
Saturdays (I think it was called Teen Beat). Before the gangtsa rap thing 
really hit, it had a feeling that now I guess we'd call innocent, dealing 
with real issues like divorce, drugs, school quality, along with having guests 
who'd come in and talk to the kids. There was music, videos, and dancing, but 
like I said, it didn't have the harder, more carnal edge that even shows aimed 
at young adults can have nowadays.  Finally, there was a good news talk show 
hosted by Ed Gordon that had a panel including George Curry and Clarence Page. 
Good, informed discussions. I forget the name of the show.   But curiously, BET 
chose to air both it and Bev Smith's show on Sundays before noon--when most 
black folk were at church or brunch!
  There was even an enjoyable entertainment themed show where Tanya Hart 
interviewed various celebrity guests. Last I saw, I think Ms. Hart does some 
kind of gossip stuff, as I see her show up on TMZ-like shows dishing on who's 
sleeping with whom in Hollywood.

  But yeah, back then BET had enough shows like the above so that I watched 
it a least a few hours a week. 

  - Original Message -

Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

2009-06-07 Thread wlrouge
I have had really not too many problems with Vista other then like you have 
said or did not was the crashing. Which I have heard with the sp2 that issue 
has been solved. For the most part right now I am using Windows 7 RC. I have to 
say I love it more so then Windows Vista. Have you tried it or heard about it?

From: Reece Jennings 
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

Martin, I own 2 HP laptops, a Pavilion HP desktop, and 2 HP printers.  The only 
machines I have owned 
since 1996 have been HPs bought at huge discounts from Sam's Club.  The 3 
machines are on my
wireless network.  The only problem I have had has been VISTA (PTOOO!).  I have 
Microsoft OneCare
for firewall, Virus protection, and everything security involved.  It even set 
up my wireless network and
password protected it.  I'm happy.  

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi

  Keith, I've never owned one of those pieces of crap personally. During 
the two years I worked for the Virginia mental health care system (from the 
outside in, lest anyone wonder), I was tasked with transferring datafiles from 
an HP 100 mainframe to an HP 220 or 250 (not sure, because I didn't sleep much 
in those days, psych trauma being the bear it is). The newer system was 
state-of-the-art touch screen tech, meaning that  anytime that anyTHING touched 
the screen, from an odd eraser stroke while regarding a dataline to a fly 
alighting on the screen, everything would auto-save, costing me ten minutes 
each time. And, as I'm told is still the case with HP printers, you couldn't 
turn the things off. If the power so much as blinked, say goodbye to a day's 

  No thanks.

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--
  Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi
  Date : Sat, 6 Jun 2009 20:26:41 + (UTC)
  From : Keith Johnson
  To :

  What kind of HP's did y'all have? My first storebought PC was an HP 
Pavilion 7270, purchased way back in 1996 or so. It ran for over twelve years 
with no real problems, until I simply turned it off. Now, it wasn't exactly 
upgradeable. There was only so much RAM it could handle. But that was standard 
for many PCs of that era. Working on it was a bit of a pain because it had that 
old daughterboard configuration (a separate board inside the PC that sat 
underneath the main motherboard). It was hard to move around inside, and the 
two boards had to be decoupled for major work. But still, I was able to upgrade 
RAM, add a second hard drive, tape backup, and even a USB card.  It was a good 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin Baxter 
  Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 9:06:48 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi 

  And, if I may add, your HP couldn't have suicided, because it would have 
to have a *soul* to have accomplished that. 

  -[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
  Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi 
  Date : Fri, 5 Jun 2009 21:12:31 -0700 (PDT) 
  From : C.W. Badie 
  To : 

  Well, I have two excuses...The first is my HP suicided over a year ago 
and I could not afford to replace the motherboard for fear my son would eat me 
if I stopped feeding him...The other is I am a fledgling carpenter looking for 
a journeyman to study my craft under (you can stop snickering Martin!)plus 
I've been doing handyman stuff to make ends meet while I dream about being a 
cabinet maker one day...(Okay, just go ahead and finish laughing, 
look a bit undignified with tears running down your face...) 

  --- On Fri, 6/5/09, Keith Johnson wrote: 

  From: Keith Johnson 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi 
  Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 10:47 PM 

  #yiv305341415 p {margin:0;} 

  Agreed. And where you been man?! 

  - Original Message - 
  From: C.W. Badie 
  Sent: Friday, June 5, 2009 4:48:39 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] The 25 Women Who Shook Sci-Fi 

  OKay...It's obvious that this was written, if nothing else, in the 
mentality of some young boy whoes eyes are being influenced by the testosterone 
coursing through his veins...BUT...The female marionette is weirding my out in 
that respect... 

  --- On Tue, 6/2/09, Tracey de Morsella 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

2009-06-06 Thread wlrouge
Yep I thought so, that might even explain why not only that show was lost but 
the network too.

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People


  when STTNG was on, UPN did not exist.  UPN was the network the 
launchedwait for 

  --- On Sun, 5/31/09, Mr. Worf wrote:

From: Mr. Worf
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 7:53 PM

UPN was the only network that aired STNG when it was on. 

I think the CW and whatever that other new network is called lack 
direction and any true programming plans. I remember when they started the 
network. It was 4 or 5 months before their website was finished. Not well 

On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 11:05 AM, ravenadal ravena...@yahoo. com 

  CW is the unholy alliance between former netlets UPN (Unfortunate 
Programming for Negroes)and the WB (the Wayans Brothers Network).


  --- In scifino...@yahoogro, Reece Jennings mcjennings124@ 
... wrote:
   What is CW?
   From: scifino...@yahoogro [mailto:scifino...@yahoogro] On
   Behalf Of Martin Baxter
   Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 11:41 AM
   To: scifino...@yahoogro
   Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People
   Well, DAY-UM... if i don't exist, then I might as well stop paying 
   $60/month internet bill, save myself the money.
   To date, there are three channels I've removed from memory on my 
   Golf Channel and CW. 'Nuff said.
   -[ Received Mail Content ]--
   Subject : [scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People
   Date : Sun, 31 May 2009 12:48:27 -

   From : ravenadal ravena...@.. .

   To : scifino...@yahoogro
   www.chicagotribune. com/features/ arts/chi- 0524-cwmay24, 
0,3868838. story
   chicagotribune. com
   CW bets on beautiful people
   By Maria Elena Fernandez
   Tribune Newspapers
   May 24, 2009
   NEW YORK -- Last season was do-or-die for the CW network -- and it 
did not
   die. The two scripted shows the young network needed the most, the 
   90210 and the sophomore Gossip Girl, succeeded well enough to 
show that
   the CW can reach its target audience of 18- to 34-year-old women as 
well as
   create a brand. And veteran series One Tree Hill, Supernatural 
   America's Next Top Model continued to perform well.
   Next season, the network, which canceled its only comedies, The 
Game and
   Everybody Hates Chris, will air only dramas and reality shows 
   young, attractive people in alluring settings. The network 
announced three
   new dramas for fall and one for midseason, and will order new 
reality series
   for midseason, CW President Dawn Ostroff said last week during a 
   conference after her presentation to advertisers at Madison Square 
   Honestly, I think we've had a lot of disappointments in comedy, 
   said. It's not to say that we couldn't find the right comedy. But 
we did
   several shows, like 'Chris' and 'Aliens in America,' which we were 
   proud of. We thought they were different. They were about 
something. The
   writing was wonderful, and we just couldn't make a go of it. So we 
   to stick with what's working for us now.
   Of the new series, the most highly anticipated is the remake of 
   Place, the Fox hit and spinoff of the original Beverly Hills, 
90210. Fans
   of the Heather Locklear-starring series will be pleased about the 
return of
   Laura Leighton, as the resurrected Sydney -- does anyone really die 
on TV
   anymore? -- and Thomas Calabro as Michael Mancini. From the clip 
shown at
   Madison Square Garden, there is a love triangle of sorts involving 
   Michael and his son, and a death in the pool. Melrose Place will 
   Tuesdays after 90210.

Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why is it so white?

2009-06-06 Thread wlrouge
Lets not forget Leforge's mother. She was black but then again she was lost. I 
suppose that was an indication that if she got lost unlike Janeway she could 
not find her way back. Or was it her ship was destroyed due to the engineer 

From: George Arterberry 
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why is it 
so white?

  Very good points.

  The USA is about to enter a stagnant period in space travel with NASa 
retiring the shuttle,and China along with India with manned missions to the 
Moon and Mars in near term.

  My fear is that space may become militarized fairly quickly and 
economically for now America is focused elsewhere.

  As for the article I've seen many ST episodes with Blacks as adimirals 
but little to say after inspecting the Enterpise or something to that 
affect.Even had a charater who was a sister and the fastest person ever to 
reach the rank of captain in Starfleet history.No backstory on her in the 
show.Too bad she was killed off in novel form.


  --- On Tue, 6/2/09, Liggins Bill wrote:

From: Liggins Bill
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, why 
is it so white?
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 7:30 AM

  What about true life? When was a black astronaut part of the 
resident crew of the International Space Station? How about never. Black 
astronauts were among the crews that chauffeured them to the ISS. They stayed a 
few days then had to leave. But when comes to those resident crews, the ISS is 
still restricted housing when it comes to blacks. Because of that, black 
astronauts are not getting the endurance training needed for a mission to Mars. 
So when it comes time to chose a crew for that Mars mission, black astronauts 
may be at the bottom of the list. Hopefully this will be reviewed by the new 
NASA director and changed before NASA loses its leadership in the international 
space race.

  Bill Liggins
  Author of WARNING, a Sci-Fi Novel
  http://www.authorsd author.asp? authorid= 4905

  --- On Mon, 6/1/09, Curtis, Jr. ccke...@sbcglobal. net wrote:

From: Curtis, Jr. ccke...@sbcglobal. net
Subject: [scifinoir2] Blacks in Space: If sci-fi is the future, 
why is it so white?
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 11:58 PM

Blacks in Space 

If sci-fi is the future, why is it so white? 

Danielle C. Belton | May 29, 2009 

Star Trek's Lt. Uhura was a science-fiction pioneer in the 
1970s -- a black woman answering the phone, I mean computer, in space. Uhura, 
played by actress Nichelle Nichols, was the communications officer, a role that 
would go on to be a popular one for futuristic minorities. While she was 
groundbreaking in that she was a black woman who survived quite well in space, 
her story lines were few, her adventures were stunted, and her romances were 
nonexistent. The philandering Capt. Kirk had to be forced to kiss the comely 
Uhura -- apparently in the future, interracial lip-lock is just as 
controversial as it was in the 1970s. 
Nichols paved the way for Kandyse McClure's character Petty 
Officer Dualla, a black woman who also starts out answering the phone, on the 
critically acclaimed Battlestar Galactica series remake that wrapped this year. 
Dualla fares better than Uhura in that she gets her own story line, experiences 
a real romance, and has some adventures. But she commits suicide in the final 
season of the series. 

And these are the two primary options for blacks in space: 
Either you're marginalized or killed off. (Or, in the worst-case scenario, 
you're marginalized and still die.) 

So when word got out that director J.J. Abrams was set to 
re-envision the original Star Trek, with a big-budget film released last month, 
I was looking out for Lt. Uhura. And she is certainly there, played by actress 
Zoë Saldana. She's right where we left her in the 1970s, still answering the 

Science-fiction story lines might take place in the future, but 
they are written in the now. They reflect the mind-set of the creators and the 
times they live in. If most science-fiction films are to be believed, in the 
future English is the main language. Not only do human beings still exist, they 
are almost all white and they have mastered quantum physics. I'm sure none of 
this has anything to do with the genre being dominated by the American film 
industry and predominantly white, male writers. They've merely looked into 
their crystal 

Re: [scifinoir2] Actor David Carradine found dead

2009-06-06 Thread wlrouge
I have to say that I loved him in Kill Bill 

From: Augustus Augustus 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Actor David Carradine found dead

  never liked him in Kung Fu.  always thought that it was Bruce Lee's idea, 
his story, he should have had the role.  i know it wasn't Carradine who would 
not hire an Asian (just like with the how things have 
changed huh?)


  --- On Thu, 6/4/09, Mr. Worf wrote:

From: Mr. Worf
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Actor David Carradine found dead
Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 2:06 PM

That is really sad. I just saw him in Crank 2 playing an old Triad 

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Tracey de Morsella 
tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com wrote:

  (CNN) -- American actor David Carradine has been found dead in a 
Bangkok, Thailand, hotel, according to his personal manager, Chuck Binder. 

  David Carradine became famous in the 1970s after starring in the 
television series Kung Fu.

  Binder said Thursday that the death is being investigated but could 
provide no other details. 

  Carradine's death was shocking and sad. He was full of life, always 
wanting to work ... a great person, Binder said, according to People magazine. 

  Carradine, who became famous in the 1970s when he starred as 
traveling Shaolin monk Kwai Chang Caine in the television series Kung Fu, was 

  Modern audiences may best know him as Bill in Quentin Tarantino's 
Kill Bill films. He earned a 2005 Golden Globe nomination for his role in the 
second movie in the two-part saga. iReport: Share memories of David Carradine

  His career included more than 100 feature films, two dozen television 
movies and theater work, according to the Internet Movie Database. 

  http://www.cnn. com/2009/ SHOWBIZ/06/ 04/david. carradine. 
films/index. html

  Carradine made appearances in television series including Gunsmoke 
and Alfred Hitchcock Presents. His first starring role in a series was as the 
title character in Shane in 1966.

  He worked with such directors as Martin Scorsese in Box Car Bertha 
in 1972 and Robert Altman in The Long Goodbye in 1973.

  Carradine was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role as folk music 
legend Woody Guthrie in the 1976 movie Bound For Glory, according to a 
biography on his official Web site. 

  His theater career began while he studied drama at San Francisco 
State College in California.

  He later landed roles on Broadway in The Deputy and The Royal Hunt 
of the Sun.

  Carradine, who was married five times and divorced four, is survived 
by his widow, Annie Bierman, according to People magazine. Watch Carradine talk 
about his 'Kung Fu' role »

  He was the son of actor John Carradine, a character actor who had 
appeared in hundreds of films, plays and television episodes. 

  David's career as an artist did not begin on the stage, though some 
of his early career was on and off Broadway. His earliest work was as a 
sculptor and painter, Carradine's official Web site says.

  The site also includes an Art Bio in which the actor opens up about 
his life.

  I've always had an especially hard time with everything I've tried 
to do, Carradine wrote. 

  I've made it pretty big as an actor in spite of being terminally 
shy. ... Invariably, I had huge obstacles to overcome in anything I tried. Had 
to work against my genes to achieve my dreams.

  http://www.cnn. com/2009/ SHOWBIZ/06/ 04/obit.david. carradine/ 
index.html? iref=mpstoryview

Bringing diversity to perversity for 9 years! 
Mahogany at: http://groups. group/mahogany_ pleasures_ 

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Actor David Carradine found dead

2009-06-06 Thread wlrouge
Heard about this on CNN Larry King. This is something that I don't believe. I 
suppose and autopsy will be done. Until then I will let that answer my theories.

From: Tracey de Morsella 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:20 PM
Cc: ; 'Sincere' ; 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Actor David Carradine found dead


The update is that he hung himself


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:21 AM
To:;; 'Sincere';
Subject: [scifinoir2] Actor David Carradine found dead


(CNN) -- American actor David Carradine has been found dead in a Bangkok, 
Thailand, hotel, according to his personal manager, Chuck Binder. 

David Carradine became famous in the 1970s after starring in the television 
series Kung Fu.

Binder said Thursday that the death is being investigated but could provide no 
other details. 

Carradine's death was shocking and sad. He was full of life, always wanting to 
work ... a great person, Binder said, according to People magazine. 

Carradine, who became famous in the 1970s when he starred as traveling Shaolin 
monk Kwai Chang Caine in the television series Kung Fu, was 72.

Modern audiences may best know him as Bill in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill 
films. He earned a 2005 Golden Globe nomination for his role in the second 
movie in the two-part saga. iReport: Share memories of David Carradine

His career included more than 100 feature films, two dozen television movies 
and theater work, according to the Internet Movie Database.


Carradine made appearances in television series including Gunsmoke and 
Alfred Hitchcock Presents. His first starring role in a series was as the 
title character in Shane in 1966.

He worked with such directors as Martin Scorsese in Box Car Bertha in 1972 
and Robert Altman in The Long Goodbye in 1973.

Carradine was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role as folk music legend 
Woody Guthrie in the 1976 movie Bound For Glory, according to a biography on 
his official Web site. 

His theater career began while he studied drama at San Francisco State College 
in California.

He later landed roles on Broadway in The Deputy and The Royal Hunt of the 

Carradine, who was married five times and divorced four, is survived by his 
widow, Annie Bierman, according to People magazine. Watch Carradine talk about 
his 'Kung Fu' role »

He was the son of actor John Carradine, a character actor who had appeared in 
hundreds of films, plays and television episodes. 

David's career as an artist did not begin on the stage, though some of his 
early career was on and off Broadway. His earliest work was as a sculptor and 
painter, Carradine's official Web site says.

The site also includes an Art Bio in which the actor opens up about his life.

I've always had an especially hard time with everything I've tried to do, 
Carradine wrote. 

I've made it pretty big as an actor in spite of being terminally shy. ... 
Invariably, I had huge obstacles to overcome in anything I tried. Had to work 
against my genes to achieve my dreams.

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

2009-06-06 Thread wlrouge
Then there was a show back in the day called Video Soul

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

BET had a show, Caribbean Rhythmns, hosted by yet another light-skinned 
sister (that was almost all they used back then) named Rachel. It was a music 
video show. I think that was the extent of their Caribbean presence...

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 1:16:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

Not if you count places like Jamaica, and the rest of the Caribbean, and 

I guess what I am saying is that BET never developed a real niche or direction 
(or quality control) after being around about the same amount of time as 

Now Telemundo has 3 or 4 channels where I live. BET was sold, and TVone 
(completely different company) is barely on the air. 

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Keith Johnson 

  Agreed. I've long lamented the sad fact that the Latin-themed cable channels 
far exceed the Black ones in terms of drama and variety. Of course, maybe it 
can be argued that Latinoes in this hemisphere have more collective viewing 
power than Blacks--if South and Central America are added to the mix--but I 

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf

  Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:46:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  I really disliked BET for a long time, because they pretty much wasted the 
opportunity to create an incredible conduit for all types of black 
entertainment. (a couple of exceptions but not many) Compare it to Telemundo 
that has several long running shows and award winning news programming. BET 
could have gone with a similar business model with their own unique programming 
but we ended up with mostly fluff and garbage. 

  On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Keith Johnson 

The only thing BET had going for it back in the day were a few talk and 
news shows. There was the news show BET tonight (with, at various times, Ed 
Gordon and Tavis Smiley). There was a talk show with the great Bev Smith--who, 
curiously, was the *only* dark-skinned person hosting a major show in BET for 
quite a long time. Bev is good, no nonsense, and well informed, and her show 
reflected her abilities. There was a  good show aimed at teens that aired on 
Saturdays (I think it was called Teen Beat). Before the gangtsa rap thing 
really hit, it had a feeling that now I guess we'd call innocent, dealing 
with real issues like divorce, drugs, school quality, along with having guests 
who'd come in and talk to the kids. There was music, videos, and dancing, but 
like I said, it didn't have the harder, more carnal edge that even shows aimed 
at young adults can have nowadays.  Finally, there was a good news talk show 
hosted by Ed Gordon that had a panel including George Curry and Clarence Page. 
Good, informed discussions. I forget the name of the show.   But curiously, BET 
chose to air both it and Bev Smith's show on Sundays before noon--when most 
black folk were at church or brunch!
There was even an enjoyable entertainment themed show where Tanya Hart 
interviewed various celebrity guests. Last I saw, I think Ms. Hart does some 
kind of gossip stuff, as I see her show up on TMZ-like shows dishing on who's 
sleeping with whom in Hollywood.

But yeah, back then BET had enough shows like the above so that I watched 
it a least a few hours a week. 

- Original Message -
From: Martin Baxter

Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:41:35 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  Personally, Michelle, I never got deep enough into BET to judge 
programming or camera angles or any such. Their systematic mistreatment of 
women was, to me, nauseating.

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 

Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black 

Date : Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:58:06 -
From : Michelle Lauren
To :

I haven't watched BET except in passing for years. It always seemed 
to me as if the company that owned BET, Viacom (which also owns MTV) wasn't 
putting as much effort into the look and quality of BET as they were putting 
into MTV's programming. 

In recent years, I've felt as if BET was just airing bad remakes of 
shows premiered on MTV. For 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

2009-06-03 Thread wlrouge
I stopped watching it when they ruined Charmed. Which they did on their own 
but CW did not needed to help.

From: Daryle Lockhart
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

 The CW ain't exactly GM. If it went away tomorrow I wonder f anybody
 would even notice. I haven't watched the channel in...

 On May 31, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 Well, DAY-UM... if i don't exist, then I might as well stop paying
 this $60/month internet bill, save myself the money.

 To date, there are three channels I've removed from memory on my
 TV; BET, Golf Channel and CW. 'Nuff said.

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

  Subject : [scifinoir2] The CW: Ain't No Beautiful Black People

  Date : Sun, 31 May 2009 12:48:27 -

  From : ravenadal

  To :,0,3868838.story


 CW bets on beautiful people

 By Maria Elena Fernandez

 Tribune Newspapers

 May 24, 2009

 NEW YORK -- Last season was do-or-die for the CW network -- and it
 did not die. The two scripted shows the young network needed the
 most, the freshman 90210 and the sophomore Gossip Girl,
 succeeded well enough to show that the CW can reach its target
 audience of 18- to 34-year-old women as well as create a brand. And
 veteran series One Tree Hill, Supernatural and America's Next
 Top Model continued to perform well.

 Next season, the network, which canceled its only comedies, The
 Game and Everybody Hates Chris, will air only dramas and reality
 shows starring young, attractive people in alluring settings. The
 network announced three new dramas for fall and one for midseason,
 and will order new reality series for midseason, CW President Dawn
 Ostroff said last week during a press conference after her
 presentation to advertisers at Madison Square Garden.

 Honestly, I think we've had a lot of disappointments in comedy,
 Ostroff said. It's not to say that we couldn't find the right
 comedy. But we did several shows, like 'Chris' and 'Aliens in
 America,' which we were really proud of. We thought they were
 different. They were about something. The writing was wonderful,
 and we just couldn't make a go of it. So we decided to stick with
 what's working for us now.

 Of the new series, the most highly anticipated is the remake of
 Melrose Place, the Fox hit and spinoff of the original Beverly
 Hills, 90210. Fans of the Heather Locklear-starring series will be
 pleased about the return of Laura Leighton, as the resurrected
 Sydney -- does anyone really die on TV anymore? -- and Thomas
 Calabro as Michael Mancini. From the clip shown at Madison Square
 Garden, there is a love triangle of sorts involving Sydney, Michael
 and his son, and a death in the pool. Melrose Place will air
 Tuesdays after 90210.

 Also on the fall roster is The Beautiful Life, set in the high-
 fashion modeling world and, yes, it's full of beautiful people.
 The Vampire Diaries is centered on two vampire brothers vying for
 the same woman.

 Ostroff also ordered a midseason drama, Parental Discretion
 Advised, which is set in Portland, Ore., and is the story of a 16-
 year-old girl who has lived in the foster system her whole life and
 finds her biological parents, who had her when they were in high

 The CW probably will pick up another midseason drama, but Ostroff
 said she wanted to wait and see how the season plays out before
 making a decision. The network developed six drama pilots,
 including a Gossip Girl spinoff starring Brittany Snow, which
 aired as part of a Gossip Girl episode earlier this month and was
 not received very well by fans. That series could make an
 appearance next year, Ostroff said.

 Although it's been reported that Smallville, which will air
 Fridays, will enter its ninth and final season next year, Ostroff
 said a final decision had not been made, and she hoped the show
 could continue.

 Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune


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 Groups Links

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


Re: [scifinoir2] Movies set for remake

2009-05-30 Thread wlrouge
I may be the only person that feels this way but I would love to see another 
Ghostbusters movie and would love to see another Robocop. But I am sure it will 
be darker and lets all hope that time travel is not involved.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 9:10 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Movies set for remake

This was taken from one of the classes I'm in. I don't have the source of the 

Movies set for remake


If the Terminator can get tuned up for a revival, why not that other 1980s 
mechanical hero? After several fits and starts, MGM announced in March that a 
reboot of “Robocop” would be in theaters in 2010. Darren Aronofsky (“The 
Wrestler,” “Requiem for a Dream”) is directing the remake of Paul Verhoeven’s 
bloody movie about a Detroit cop who is gunned down but then put back on patrol 
as a cyborg with troubled soul

The Terminator

It’s not a remake, but filmmaker McG’s plan to revive the killer robot 
franchise with a new sequel next summer starring Christian Bale as John Connor 
has been circled by fans after a strong showing this past summer at Comic-Con 
International. “Terminator Salvation” is set in the future and shows the grim 
war between humans and Skynet with its murderous metallic armies. The plan is 
for a full trilogy …

When Worlds Collide

Steven Spielberg is one of the producers and Stephen Sommers (“The Mummy,” “Van 
Helsing”), infamous for his “give me more” attitude toward CGI effects, is 
directing. Like the original 1951 film produced by George Pal, this “Worlds,” 
due in theaters next year, is about the mad scramble to build a spaceship to 
save humanity before Earth is destroyed by a rogue planet entering its orbit. 
The problem comes when there aren’t enough seats for everybody on Earth. 

Gail says: The conflict is, of course, a remake of the old ethical dilemma used 
in every beginning ethics class since time began: If the lifeboat only has room 
for 12 people and there are 13 to be saved who gets left behind?


There’s talk of making a third installment in the hugely successful sci-fi 
comedy franchise and bringing back the original crew -- Bill Murray, Dan 
Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson -- as well as some new-blood, 
second-generation busters. Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, writers for “The 
Office,” are at work on the script for Columbia Pictures and Murray, in the 
past the most reluctant to return to the franchise, has said publicly that he’s 
open to the idea. There was talk of Seth Rogen being a likely cast addition but 
don’t bother calling him: “It sounds,” he said in October, “like the worst idea 

Logan's Run

This is a remake that can’t seem to find sanctuary even after a decade of 
attempts. A few years ago, Bryan Singer (“The X-Men,” “The Usual Suspects”) was 
all set to re-imagine the 1976 movie about a society where everyone submits to 
state-ordered execution parlors on their 30th birthday or gets hunted down by 
agents called Sandmen (the age was 21 in the 1967 novel by William F. Nolan and 
George Clayton Johnson that served as source material). Singer dropped out to 
make “Superman Returns,” though, and now producer Joel Silver (“The Matrix” 
films) appears intent to regenerate with a newcomer as director, namely Joseph 
Kosinski, who has made his name in television commercials.

Flash Gordon

After the “Black Lagoon” remake, director Eisner is planning to revive Flash 
Gordon for Columbia, bringing back the brand that hit the silver screen in 1980 
with the campy Dino DeLaurentiis production that so memorably featured the 
music of Queen, not to mention the unexpectedly galactic pair of Topol and 
Timothy Dalton. Alex Raymond’s classic space hero, originally created as a 
comic strip rival to Buck Rogers, celebrates his 75th anniversary in pop 
culture next month but it's not clear that his retro appeal still holds. 
Earlier this year, Sci Fi canceled its “Flash Gordon” series, which had ratings 
that proved that Ming isn’t the one who is merciless.

The Creature from the Black Lagoon

Breck Eisner, the director of “Sahara” and son of former Disney chief Michael 
Eisner, is directing while screenwriter Gary Ross is on board to retell the 
story of an Amazon River expedition that crosses paths with a prehistoric 
amphibian humanoid. The presence of Ross gives the 2009 release a link to the 
original 1954 film — that Universal classic was written by his father, Arthur 
A. Ross. Bill Paxton's name has come up as one of the rumored cast members.


The late Michael Crichton wrote and directed the 1973 sci-fi thriller about a 
theme park where rich visitors can live out fantasies like engaging in Old West 
gunfights, thanks to the park’s androids, such as the menacing robot cowboy 
memorably portrayed by Yul Brynner. Just like in his “Jurassic Park,” though, 
you know things are going to go badly for the smug and boozy tourists. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Intro: Nicole from Hellertown, Pa

2009-05-30 Thread wlrouge
Hi Nicole, welcome to the group. Oh how I love this group. I have to agree with 
you on the fact on what they have done with Rouge. I was highly upset. 
Hopefully, and I say hopefully they will correct it in the next movie.

From: Nicole Zoltack 
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 2:40 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Intro: Nicole from Hellertown, Pa

1.  Name: Nicole Zoltack

2.  Location: Pa

3.  Nickname/ Alias: Nicole is fine

4.  To which Speculative Fiction Character do you relate or identify(describe 
the character): I've always loved elves.

5.  Favorite SciFi Genres: I love SciFi, especially with romance elements

6.  Favorite Scifi Movies: SW

7.  Favorite SciFi TV or Online Shows  ((canceled shows ok) I don't watch much 

8.  Favorite SciFi Producers and Directors Spielberg

9.  Favorite SciFi Characters: Han Solo

10. Favorite SciFi Villain: Darth Vader. I used to Love Boba Fett until 
learning that he was just a clone. He kindly lost his luster then.

11. Favorite SciFi Comics and Graphic Novels X-Men (loved the comic and the 
cartoon series, hate what they did to Rogue's character in the movies.)

12. Favorite SciFi Film or TV Adaptation of a Book: LotR (not exactly SciFi but 
I love it)

13. Favorite SciFi Film or TV Adaptation of a Comic or Graphic Novel: I did 
enjoy X-Men Origins: Wolverine

14. Favorite SciFi Film movie (s) that flopped:

15. Your SciFi Favorite  TVShow (s)that was/were canceled unfairly:

16. Favorite Speculative Fiction Books: Definitely LotR

17. Favorite Speculative Fiction Authors: Tolkien, Brooks

18. List speculative fiction stereotyped scenarios or characters that irk you: 
Anything that's too overdone. I like to read fresh twist on old themes, not the 
same rehashed story.

19. Other topics of importance to you: I love reading and writing just about 
anything and everything.

20. List your own published works, if any: Woman of Honor (fantasy romance 
published by Desert Breeze Publishing) and Little Cowgirl (romance short 
included in One Touch, One Glace: A Sweet Romance Anthology published by 
Freya's Bower). I have some SciFi story ideas but I haven't written one yet. 
Have written some YA and horror as well.

21. Your web site:

22. Favorite Scifi Web Sites:

  Nicole Zoltack
  Woman of Honor, Desert Breeze Publishing
  One Touch, One Glance, Freya’s Bower

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Buffy Remake Without Joss? Whedonites Will Burn L.A. To The Ground First

2009-05-29 Thread wlrouge
Hmm, I don't know. I have to say though when I saw the first movie I did not 
like it. It was terrible. It seems when people remakes things why do they have 
to go the darker route? Makes me wonder if they remade Tales from the Darkside 
would it now become Tales from the Lightside?

From: Tracey de Morsella 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:41 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Buffy Remake Without Joss? Whedonites Will Burn L.A. To 
The Ground First

Hollywood wants to remake the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie - but 
darker, with all new characters, and (most importantly) without Joss Whedon. Do 
they know who they're messing with?

According to The Hollywood Reporter:

Roy Lee and Doug Davison of Vertigo Entertainment are working with original 
movie director Fran Rubel Kuzui and her husband, Kaz Kuzui, on what is being 
labeled a remake or relaunch, but not a sequel or prequel.

This film would have no ties to the TV series, and characters like Angel, 
Xander, Willow or Spike would not appear. Rumors are the re-creators are 
looking for a darker alternate storyline, with a new slayer in today's times. 
Whedon, the writer of the original Buffy film and eventual producer, writer, 
director and caretaker of the entire Buffy franchise, hasn't even been 
approached about the remake. Says THR: The producers do not rule out Whedon's 
involvement but have not yet reached out to him. Well they'd better get him on 
board, unless they want to make a movie that will unleash the deepest, most 
horrible backlash of all time.

With all the vampire media hype today, it's no wonder they want to strike while 
the staking is hot, but to remake Buffy, without Whedon? That just seems wrong, 
and pretty darn stupid. Granted, Kuzui was the executive producer of the Buffy 
TV series and Angel spin off, but it was always Whedon's baby. To make it 
without his involvement seems to be missing the point as to why people loved 
this franchise. It's all Whedon - his characters, voice, dialogue, story 
telling, quirks - the list goes on.

Back in 1998 Variety reported that Whedon was toying with the idea of a big 
budget Buffy film, and just this April Whedon was quoted telling the press that 
a Buffy movie was

Not gonna happen, Whedon told reporters in Hollywood on Wednesday. Not gonna 
happen. Until I gather the press and make a public announcement myself that 
it's going to happen, never believe anything.

Kuzui Enterprises owns the rights to the Buffy, script which she developed and 
got the funding for, from the then past writer of Roseanne Whedon, so this 
could all really happen, with or without him.

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.

Re: [scifinoir2] Whatever Happened to Original Black Power Ranger?

2009-05-25 Thread wlrouge
Good question. Do they go to a Power Ranger retirement home? My nephew use 
to love that show. What version are they on now? Power Rangers: CSI.. I have 
to admit though--the only shows or episodes I like was the ones that they 
lost. I loved it!!

From: ravenadal
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Whatever Happened to Original Black Power Ranger?

 The subject line is among the many questions that I have never asked 


 I'm referring to the actor Walter Emanuel Jones who played the original 
 Black Ranger  Zack Jones on the Power Rangers television show.   He was 
 written out of the series midway through the second season after appearing 
 in 81 episodes, apparently due to disagreements over wages and fee. 
 Since then he has been doing voice over work , starred in several 
 independent films and made appearances on several television shows like 
 CSI and The Shield.


 Post your SciFiNoir Profile at!
 Groups Links

People may lie, but the evidence rarely does.


Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: Museum comedy beats Terminator at box office

2009-05-25 Thread wlrouge
It would appear to me this is the seasons of changing the time lines. I wonder 
if Q is involved in this or some over jealous film exec when back in time and 
tried to change things? Anyone notice anything different?

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 5:46 PM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: Museum comedy beats Terminator at box office

  I plan on catching it tomorrow, B. I'm still trying to figure out how 
this is a reboot of the franchise by ignoring the events/existence of T3. 
Leaving T3 in makes this work fine, IMO.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: Museum comedy beats Terminator at box 
Date : Mon, 25 May 2009 18:40:35 -
From : B. Smith
To :

I enjoyed thye heck out of Terminator: Salvation. It has flaws but I 
think a lot of grief from fanboys and reviewers alike is that the movie isn't 
what they thought it would be. 

I also think people just don't want grim and gritty right now. 

--- In, Daryle Lockhart wrote: 
 Duplicity was so bad I wanted my money back at a press screening. 
 Julia Roberts is DONE. Clive Owen gets a 5 movie pass due to 
 Children Of Men. 
 Terminator:Salvation was a waste of $200 million. If James Cameron 
 doesn't want to direct another Terminator movie, then the story is 
 done. The only way to save Terminator is to give it to Robert 
 Night Of the Museum could be awful. We'll never know. It's a family 
 movie. And family movie means one car = 2-5 tickets sold. 
 Terminator movie is barely a date movie, so one car = 1 ticket. 
 This is why Star Trek is still doing well. People aren't going 
 alone. So yeah, Terminator was beat by 10 million dollars. What was 
 Warner Brothers thinking? You only go against a family movie if you 
 think the movie has something offensive that will keep a segment 
 out of theaters. It will do sorta well on DVD, but Paramount will 
 probably time the DVD release of Transformers to beat it there, too. 
 On May 25, 2009, at 10:11 AM, ravenadal wrote: 
  I went to the Budget Theater Sunday and plunked down my two bucks 
  to see Duplicity starring Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. Roberts 
  and Owen are great on-screen together but it was easy to see why 
  this movie just sort of laid there at the box office. It COULD have 
  been a contenda but the ending twist, which should have popped like 
  champagne, is flat like reopened soda where someone forgot to 
  properly fasten the cap. On the plus side, the theater, the 
  purveyor of the best popcorn in Milwaukee - REAL butter! - has 
  introduced an EXTRA-LARGE bucket to go with their regular small, 
  medium and large bag offerings. It's all good. 
  --- In, Keith Johnson 
   I'm not. People just want to see stuff in the summer. I lament 
  the ascent of the term summer movie, and how people put their 
  brains on hold for explosions and CGI during the warmer months. 
   But what's really doing well still is Star Trek. My wife wanted 
  to see it again (her second time) Saturday night at the five dollar 
  theatre near us. We jetted over for the 7 pm show, and it was sold 
  out thirty minutes before showtime. We caught the 3 pm show Sunday, 
  and it sold out too. It's a cut above a summer movie--several 
  cuts, in fact, but it too has its share of brain-on-hold action, 
  laughs, and FX. 
   - Original Message - 
   From: ravenadal 
   Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:11:19 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada 
   Subject: [scifinoir2] Museum comedy beats Terminator at box 
   I am surprised by the performance of the 4th Terminator movie. 
  Guess it just goes to show in this economy people just wanna see 
  stuff blow up good. 
   Museum comedy beats Terminator at box office (Reuters) 
   May 24, 2009, 12:57 pm EDT Buzz up! 
   Night at the Museum: Teaser 

Re: [scifinoir2] A naysayer's guide to the new 'Star Trek' -For Martin

2009-05-24 Thread wlrouge
I think this means that he likes it?

From: Tracey de Morsella 
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 1:56 AM
To: ; ; 
Subject: [scifinoir2] A naysayer's guide to the new 'Star Trek' -For Martin

Dangerous Days: Trek Gets All Michael Bay'd Out 
A naysayer's guide to the new 'Star Trek' 
Source: Airlock Alpha

Some people might call me a Trekkie, but I'm far from being a purist or some 
kind of psycho who can't stand to see my beloved franchise tainted.

I loved Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine most 
of all and (feel free to call me a pansy, but) I've always been more of a 
Picard guy than a Kirk guy. There have been episodes I've loved and episodes 
I've hated, spinoffs that have worked and spinoffs that have embarrassed the 
hell out of me. Same goes for the movies.

And while the latest attempt at a reboot of the franchise certainly has it's 
moments, all-in-all, it offers very little other than pretty CGI to the versed 
Trek fan.

First thing's first, despite all the bells and whistles, the swirling camera 
shots, the lens flares and the Hollywood heartthrobs, this movie is basically 
Star Trek: Nemesis with a few roles reversed. Swap Spock for Picard and Nero 
for Shinzon and you have basically the same general premise -- a maniacal 
villain that's been wronged by the vast workings of the universe, but focuses 
his malice mainly on a Starfleet captain and wants to force said captain to 
watch as he destroys his home to avenge the wrongs inflicted upon his peoples, 
or something like that. Even Nero's costume was pretty much exactly what 
Shinzon was rocking in Nemesis, with a little less goth-fetish and a little 
more of an old-timey chimney sweep look going on.

But aside from some plot similarities and the carrying over of characters from 
the original series, this reboot of the franchise is not really Star Trek. 
I'm not saying that simply because it sucked, but because the fundamental 
elements that make something Star Trek were absent. To me, Star Trek was never 
about Capt. Kirk or Spock. It was never about Picard or Worf or Data or 
Janeway. Star Trek is about a universe in which humanity has gone through their 
absolute lowest point, when all seemed hopeless, and yet they powered through, 
overcame their petty differences and strove to create not only a world where 
people could live in peace and prosperity, but a unified universe free of 
money, greed and the corruption and exploitation that they spawn.

In the Trek universe, nobody gets paid for what they do, they work together for 
the betterment of society and all their needs are satisfied by technology. 
There are, of course, varying view points on what constitutes the betterment of 
society and thus there are conflicts between planets and species. But the 
Federation is supposed to represent something like the United Nations, where 
all are welcome and all are equal under the law.

In this new vision of Trek, however, that is not the case. If you're human, 
then you're kosher -- no worries there -- but if you happen to have large eyes 
that are slightly skewed on your face or if you have a weird buggy look about 
you, then you can expect a life of second-class citizenship aboard the 
Enterprise or any other Federation vessel. Verbal abuse, constant belittlement, 
racial slurs and even physical violence are just some of the friendly obstacles 
you'll come up against as a non-human alien in JJ Abrams' Trek. Ethnically 
diverse background characters don't have it much better unless, of course, they 
have some stereotypical cultural trait that can be exploited for gags, such as 
a funny accent or a background in martial arts.

If you think that Star Trek is about Capt. Kirk being a cocky womanizer or 
Spock being an angsty emo, then you've completely missed the point. Trek is 
about the universe itself, not just the characters that populate it.

The problem I have with this movie is that J.J. Abrams admittedly has tried to 
turn Star Trek into Star Wars, and they are just two completely different 
things. I'm not saying that you can't bring Trek into the modern age or make it 
more action packed and accessible, but if you're doing it at the expense of the 
true core of the franchise, then you're better off just naming it something 
else and starting fresh.

When Ronald D Moore rebooted Battlestar Galactica, he completely changed the 
tone of the original, but at it's essence they were the exact same concepts, 
just treated with a little more seriousness and realism. There was a real 
reason to approach that material again and give it the respect it deserved, and 
it resulted in some incredibly groundbreaking writing and filmmaking.

I would have been very happy to have the same thing done for Star Trek, but 
in this case it wasn't necessarily the material 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets NCIS

2009-05-22 Thread wlrouge
You know I thought the same thing. Any ideas how it would go. Heck what am I 
talking about, I never seen Medium. Please don't shoot me out the airlock just 
yet. I can be reformed if any fans are out there!!

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 7:49 AM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets 

  Betting pool's now open. How long before there's aMedium/Ghost Whisperer 
crossover? I've got six eps.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J 
Date : Fri, 22 May 2009 00:17:39 -0700
From : Tracey de Morsella
To :

NEW YORK - A couple of television crime-fighters are on the move: 
Arquette and Medium from NBC to CBS, and Simon Baker's  

.html The Mentalist to CBS' Thursday-night lineup. 

CBS, the last of the top four broadcasters to reveal its fall schedule 
advertisers this week, said it was canceling Without a Trace, The 
and Eleventh Hour. New series with Jenna Elfman and Julianna 
Margulies are 
moving in. 

The nation's most popular network is a model of stability in a roiled 
broadcast industry. It's the only network with more viewers this season 
last, yet had less advertising revenue than its previous year because 
of a 
depressed market. 

Sensitive about a stodgy image, CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie 
cited in a presentation to advertisers on Wednesday a newspaper article 
talked about the network's ratings successes despite not being sexy. 

When you come right down to it, winning really is the only sexy thing 
there, Moonves said. 

CBS moved quickly to grab Medium. As an aging show, production costs 
going up. But since it is made by a production company owned by CBS 
the costs were more easily absorbed by CBS. It lands on CBS' Friday 
at 9 p.m., between Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs. 

Simon Baker's The Mentalist was broadcast TV's only real new hit this 
season, and CBS decided to move it from Tuesday nights to Thursday at 

Thursdays are important for networks as they seek income from 
like film studios looking ahead to the weekend. CBS also said it sees 
chance to gain a competitive edge at 10 p.m. with NBC's decision to air 
Leno's new comedy show at that hour each weeknight 

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CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' 




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.html BAUDER | May 20, 2009 07:26 PM EST | AP 

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, Nbc 
, Patricia Arquette 
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, Entertainment News the 
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html Buzz up! 

FILE - In this May 14, 2008 file photo, actor Simon Baker from The 
Mentalist, attends the CBS Upfront at Carnegie Hall in New York. (AP 
Photo/Peter Kramer, File) 

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Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets NCIS

2009-05-22 Thread wlrouge
I think for me that was a part that I had to get use to as well. I am use to 
one head slap, or a watchful eye. Hopefully they will deal more with the 
characters as the show progress. Did anyone notice two people from other 
things. One from a toothpaste commercial and one from CSI?


From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 7:53 AM
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets 

  As for the NCIS spinoff, I tasted that one four minutes into the 
two-parter that introduced the new team. IMDB didn't even bother to hide it, 
clearly placing a spin-off' tag in with the rollover keywords. Might work. I'm 
a big NCIS fan, and I wasn't too keen on the lack of team interplay within that 
NCIS has always had.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : [scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J 
Date : Fri, 22 May 2009 00:17:39 -0700
From : Tracey de Morsella
To :

NEW YORK - A couple of television crime-fighters are on the move: 
Arquette and Medium from NBC to CBS, and Simon Baker's  

.html The Mentalist to CBS' Thursday-night lineup. 

CBS, the last of the top four broadcasters to reveal its fall schedule 
advertisers this week, said it was canceling Without a Trace, The 
and Eleventh Hour. New series with Jenna Elfman and Julianna 
Margulies are 
moving in. 

The nation's most popular network is a model of stability in a roiled 
broadcast industry. It's the only network with more viewers this season 
last, yet had less advertising revenue than its previous year because 
of a 
depressed market. 

Sensitive about a stodgy image, CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie 
cited in a presentation to advertisers on Wednesday a newspaper article 
talked about the network's ratings successes despite not being sexy. 

When you come right down to it, winning really is the only sexy thing 
there, Moonves said. 

CBS moved quickly to grab Medium. As an aging show, production costs 
going up. But since it is made by a production company owned by CBS 
the costs were more easily absorbed by CBS. It lands on CBS' Friday 
at 9 p.m., between Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs. 

Simon Baker's The Mentalist was broadcast TV's only real new hit this 
season, and CBS decided to move it from Tuesday nights to Thursday at 

Thursdays are important for networks as they seek income from 
like film studios looking ahead to the weekend. CBS also said it sees 
chance to gain a competitive edge at 10 p.m. with NBC's decision to air 
Leno's new comedy show at that hour each weeknight 

Your request is being processed... 

CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' 




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.html BAUDER | May 20, 2009 07:26 PM EST | AP 

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I Like It 

.html I Don 

.html 't Like It 

Read More: Cbs , Medium 
, Nbc 
, Patricia Arquette 
, Television 
, Entertainment News the 
to Submit 

This Story to Digg 
html Buzz up! 

FILE - In this May 14, 2008 file photo, actor Simon Baker from The 
Mentalist, attends the CBS Upfront at Carnegie Hall in New York. (AP 
Photo/Peter Kramer, File) 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets NCIS

2009-05-22 Thread wlrouge
I think it would work great with Grissom. Also would be great to have Lady 
Heather to help Grissom to believe.  I would love the fact if they would have 
to have her to be there but then have Warrick ghost still earth bound trying to 
solve a case.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J 

I say 4. :) Even better a CSI / Ghostwhisper crossover! :) 

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:49 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

  Betting pool's now open. How long before there's aMedium/Ghost Whisperer 
crossover? I've got six eps.

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

   Subject : [scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets 

   Date : Fri, 22 May 2009 00:17:39 -0700

   From : Tracey de Morsella

   To :

  NEW YORK - A couple of television crime-fighters are on the move: Patricia
  Arquette and Medium from NBC to CBS, and Simon Baker's 

  .html The Mentalist to CBS' Thursday-night lineup.

  CBS, the last of the top four broadcasters to reveal its fall schedule to
  advertisers this week, said it was canceling Without a Trace, The Unit
  and Eleventh Hour. New series with Jenna Elfman and Julianna Margulies are
  moving in.

  The nation's most popular network is a model of stability in a roiled
  broadcast industry. It's the only network with more viewers this season than
  last, yet had less advertising revenue than its previous year because of a
  depressed market.

  Sensitive about a stodgy image, CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie Moonves
  cited in a presentation to advertisers on Wednesday a newspaper article that
  talked about the network's ratings successes despite not being sexy.

  When you come right down to it, winning really is the only sexy thing out
  there, Moonves said.

  CBS moved quickly to grab Medium. As an aging show, production costs were
  going up. But since it is made by a production company owned by CBS Corp.,
  the costs were more easily absorbed by CBS. It lands on CBS' Friday schedule
  at 9 p.m., between Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs.

  Simon Baker's The Mentalist was broadcast TV's only real new hit this
  season, and CBS decided to move it from Tuesday nights to Thursday at 10

  Thursdays are important for networks as they seek income from advertisers
  like film studios looking ahead to the weekend. CBS also said it sees the
  chance to gain a competitive edge at 10 p.m. with NBC's decision to air Jay
  Leno's new comedy show at that hour each weeknight

  Your request is being processed...

  CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium'




  20Canceled%20%27Medium%27 Share this on Facebook

  .html Huffpost - CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' stumble

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  %20NBC%27s%20Canceled%20%27Medium%27  ShareThis


  .html BAUDER | May 20, 2009 07:26 PM EST | AP

  Compare other versions


  Compare and versions

  I Like It

  .html I Don

  .html 't Like It

  Read More: Cbs  , Medium
   , Nbc
   , Patricia Arquette
   , Television
   , Entertainment News the First
  to Submit

  This Story to Digg
  html Buzz up!

  FILE - In this May 14, 2008 file photo, actor Simon Baker from The
  Mentalist, attends the CBS Upfront at Carnegie Hall in New York. (AP
  Photo/Peter Kramer, File)

  Get Breaking News Alerts

  never spam





  .html?view=print Print



  .html#comments Comments

  NEW YORK - A couple of television crime-fighters are on the move: Patricia
  Arquette and Medium from NBC to CBS, and Simon Baker's 

  .html The Mentalist to CBS' Thursday-night lineup.

  CBS, the last of the top four 

Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J Gets NCIS

2009-05-22 Thread wlrouge
One person is named Louise Lomnbard. She was on CSI as a detective and once 
moved to a CSI. Then the guy with the glasses on stared in a Reach tooth brush 
commercial. Here is the link trust 
me it works for and I am not talking about the link.

From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J 

  Not offhand, Lavendar, but I was zonked while viewing. Any and all 
prompting gratefully accepted. ;-)

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL 
Cool J Gets NCIS
Date : Fri, 22 May 2009 19:00:20 -0400
From :
To :

I think for me that was a part that I had to get use to as well. I am 
use to one head slap, or a watchful eye. Hopefully they will deal more with the 
characters as the show progress. Did anyone notice two people from other 
things. One from a toothpaste commercial and one from CSI? 


From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 7:53 AM 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool 
J Gets NCIS 

As for the NCIS spinoff, I tasted that one four minutes into the 
two-parter that introduced the new team. IMDB didn't even bother to hide it, 
clearly placing a spin-off' tag in with the rollover keywords. Might work. I'm 
a big NCIS fan, and I wasn't too keen on the lack of team interplay within that 
NCIS has always had. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
Subject : [scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium' LL Cool J 
Gets NCIS 
Date : Fri, 22 May 2009 00:17:39 -0700 
From : Tracey de Morsella 
To : 

NEW YORK - A couple of television crime-fighters are on the move: 
Arquette and Medium from NBC to CBS, and Simon Baker's  

.html The Mentalist to CBS' Thursday-night lineup. 

CBS, the last of the top four broadcasters to reveal its fall schedule 
advertisers this week, said it was canceling Without a Trace, The 
and Eleventh Hour. New series with Jenna Elfman and Julianna 
Margulies are 
moving in. 

The nation's most popular network is a model of stability in a roiled 
broadcast industry. It's the only network with more viewers this season 
last, yet had less advertising revenue than its previous year because 
of a 
depressed market. 

Sensitive about a stodgy image, CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie 
cited in a presentation to advertisers on Wednesday a newspaper article 
talked about the network's ratings successes despite not being sexy. 

When you come right down to it, winning really is the only sexy thing 
there, Moonves said. 

CBS moved quickly to grab Medium. As an aging show, production costs 
going up. But since it is made by a production company owned by CBS 
the costs were more easily absorbed by CBS. It lands on CBS' Friday 
at 9 p.m., between Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs. 

Simon Baker's The Mentalist was broadcast TV's only real new hit this 
season, and CBS decided to move it from Tuesday nights to Thursday at 

Thursdays are important for networks as they seek income from 
like film studios looking ahead to the weekend. CBS also said it sees 
chance to gain a competitive edge at 10 p.m. with NBC's decision to air 
Leno's new comedy show at that hour each weeknight 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
I agree with you, I think he did what he thought was best for the series to 
bring more people to view it. I am sure all the other movies needed was good 
writers that could have saved it. Now on the flip side of all of this--if a 
new show was to spun from the movie or future movies perhaps it will not go 
on UPN, which proved the death of Voyager and Enterprise. Which based on 
some, was already dying just had Scotty to squeeze a little more time out of 
it. Perhaps Sci-fi channel will adapt it.

From: tdemorsella
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 7:52 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

 Well put Bosco.  I could not have said it better.  There were choices that 
 were made that I did not agree with, but that did not take away from the 
 story.  These were his choices to make and his story to tell.  He told HIS 
 story well.  I remember being in this place with Battlestar and their 
 decision to make Starbuck a woman and Tigh White.  While I still think 
 that moore has some issues with Blacks and screwed up the finale,  he told 
 his story well and the casting decisions proved to good ones.

 I think Abrams bristles at some of the hardcore trekkers/trekkies 
 reactions and sometimes goes out of his way to alienate them in his 
 interviews and some of the marketing.  I also think that some of that 
 dynamic in going on with his bizarro relationship with Shatner.  I like 
 Shatner, but he sometimes does appear to have some type of Star Trek god 
 complex going on.  If Abrams is the type of person who does not brush off 
 his shoulders when outsiders tell him they think he is wrong, then that 
 might explain some of his actions.  I think Shatner going public with his 
 crusade to be on the show, guaranteed his fate.  It was tacky and idiotic 
 to take the casting issue to the public.

 I too found that a tremendous amount of work and care went into breathing 
 life into a dying franchise, by evolving it into something new, a 
 wonderful hybrid of new and old,while staying true to some many of the 
 aspects that are important to trekkies.  I was home again.  I saw flaws, 
 but overall after years of missteps with Trek films over the last decade 
 or so, (First Contact being the exception) Abrams delivered the goods.  I 
 also saw improvements.  In my mind, I hated that Uhuru, Sulu, Scotty and 
 Chekov were glorified extras. I see potential for more character 
 development with their characters.  In a way, there was more character 
 development for them in two hours than in the entire three years the 
 series was on.  Showing more of the internal batter with being both human 
 and vulcan was also an interesting move in my opinion.

 Just remember, two years ago, we did not know if or when there would be a 
 new trek film or show. Now, thanks to Abrams, we  have Trekkers 2.0 with 
 new fans that are hooked on the Trek mythology.  We are likely to have 
 guaranteed at least a decade of trek films and there is a Trek series in 
 the works with a really good producer with great scifi production 
 credentials. we also will likely see even more scifi movie productions.

 With all the money that will be made, if there are ways to keep production 
 casts down, networks will open up again to more scifi series.

 The man gave us a gift.

 --- In, Bosco Bosco ironpi...@... wrote:


 One of the things I love about this list are your posts. I'm saying that 
 up front because I am gonna respectfully disagree with you.I LOVE the new 
 Trek Film. I will say without question it's the best Trek Film EVER. It's 
 not lazy. That's partly because it's Trek and partly because it's not. 
 It's not lazy. It's just not what you want. It's clear that a tremendous 
 amount of research, thought and work went into this film. Because Abrams 
 made choices you would not have does not make him a lazy story teller.

 I have always loved science fiction because it creates other 
 possibilities and amazing worlds
 of what if. The constraints of reality have always been cast away for 
 better story telling. That's exactly what the new Trek film DOES WELL!!!

 I've also made no secret of late that one of the things I love about the 
 new Trek Film is the way it INFURIATES the Trek nerds. It's freakin 
 awesome that it has been so successful, so good and produced a reaction 
 so strong. Indicative, I think, that Abrams got it EXACTLY right in order 
 to breathe life into the franchise. Let's face it, it WAS DEAD, Jim. The 
 fact that some of the older generation of Trek fans can't let go of the 
 bloated corpse of
 what was, simply makes me giggle. I'm sorry for your loss but unless some 
 Trekditionalists get a bunch of funds together to make another in long 
 line of generally subpar science fiction films, it's Abrams world now 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
Listening to your comments so far Mr. Johnson--I have to agree with you. If we 
had to based the trek lore on just the movies then I am sure it would not have 
the fan following. Lets be honest and think about this for a moment. Way back 
in the day for most people who saw the Wrath of Khan for none followers they 
would say ahh it is the guy from Fantasy Island. He seems as a Bad ass. But 
then for those who follows the series we say ahh he is back. Yes we remember 
how this plays into this and that.

Star Trek has or never will be a show about shoot em ups. It a show--if done 
right about the human nature of all of us. The good and bad. The movies can or 
is a extension of just that fact. First Contact proved that point with the 
Borg, Khan did with the Wrath of Khan. I think to me the last generation film 
would have been even better if Crusher was to finally tell Picard how she 
really felt. Instead of just being about Troi and Riker. Now for those who 
don't watch the series would say why does that matter. But for those who watch 
the series would say ahh I agree (play along with me even if you don't) see the 
point because every time she had the chance or he would or they would 
interrupted before she could finish the line.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

That's my point. Abrams and all the non-Trek fans and 
box-office-stars-in-their-eyes Trek fans seem to think that there were no 
stories left to tell. DS9-with its brilliant creation of the Dominion, and its 
fleshing out of both the Bajorans and the Cardassians--showed that's just not 

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:44:30 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

 I just wanted to chime in on the comment on TNG and where would they go after 
the Borg. Well to be honest they could have done a stories with the Founders. I 
mean if they did not want to pull the cast of DS9 over they could have used 
Odo. I mean it would not have been the first cross over we have seen in the 
Star Trek universe. We never knew anything about what the Enterprise crew was 
doing during this war that seem to have DS9 at the fore front.

From: Daryle Lockhart 
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

I don't think I need to remind anyone that I love Star Trek. But the old 
continuity WAS restrictive. That's why the TNG movies fell off after First 
Contact, they had to make up species because --  where do you go after The 
Borg? (Well, you go to  DS9,  but that's another  discussion) The reason 
everybody loves Wrath of Khan is because it stepped outside of continuity. 
After all, how COULD Chekov have known Khan? And how could a whole planet 
explode and people survive in a shell of a ship on the next world? If Mars BLEW 
UP one day, we wouldn't exactly all be here to talk about it years later. But 
that didn't stop the movie from being the best! Had the movie series gone on 
the way the first  movie dictated, it would have died after 3. 

That being said,  this is JJ Abrams we're talking about, so I think there is 
ONE direction to  go in that  would make things right with everyone.


Make nice with Harlan and do City On the Edge Of Forever the way he'd 
originally written it. For $100M you can tell the whole story, update a few 
things, and end one of the darkest  chapters in this franchise's history,  by 
paying Harlan Ellison. You do a 2 hour City On the Edge Of Forever, with the 
right Edith Keeler, and I dare say that  it could be the first science fiction 
film to  be nominated for an Oscar. Think of it. Romance. Mystery. SCIENCE.

I don't think Paramount can go wrong with this.

On May 16, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

  I'm sorry, but every time I listen to Abrams make statements like The old 
continuity was restrictive, it angers me. That's just lazy film making. The 
Trek universe spans five series, ten movies, and --including 
enterprise--about two centuries. You're telling me he couldn't find something 
in *all that* to fuel new, action-driven stories? He couldn't have brought 
together this crew in the movie in any way other than to reset the timeline? 
Why not just have told the previously untold story of how Kirk assembled his 
crew in the original continuity in this movie? It's not exactly as if anyone's 
ever said there was only one way that could have been done.

  My point is there is no reason to change history just to use young cast 
members. Kirk in the movie is about 2 -3 years younger than Kirk was in the 
original timeline when he became captain, 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
DS9 also dealt with the fact of a world or a future where technology does not 
save the day

From: Daryle Lockhart 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:05 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

DS9's my favorite,  but let's remember...DS9  was a reaction to the times. It's 
not like Gene had this  vision of DS9 al those years. the world was getting  
cynical  and there was an undercurrent  of mistrust  for authority in teh early 
 90s. DS9 appealed to  people who liked Star Trek but were having trouble 

On May 16, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

  That's my point. Abrams and all the non-Trek fans and 
box-office-stars-in-their-eyes Trek fans seem to think that there were no 
stories left to tell. DS9-with its brilliant creation of the Dominion, and its 
fleshing out of both the Bajorans and the Cardassians--showed that's just not 

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:44:30 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

   I just wanted to chime in on the comment on TNG and where would they go 
after the Borg. Well to be honest they could have done a stories with the 
Founders. I mean if they did not want to pull the cast of DS9 over they could 
have used Odo. I mean it would not have been the first cross over we have seen 
in the Star Trek universe. We never knew anything about what the Enterprise 
crew was doing during this war that seem to have DS9 at the fore front.

  From: Daryle Lockhart
  Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

  I don't think I need to remind anyone that I love Star Trek. But the old 
continuity WAS restrictive. That's why the TNG movies fell off after First 
Contact, they had to make up species because --  where do you go after The 
Borg? (Well, you go to  DS9,  but that's another  discussion) The reason 
everybody loves Wrath of Khan is because it stepped outside of continuity. 
After all, how COULD Chekov have known Khan? And how could a whole planet 
explode and people survive in a shell of a ship on the next world? If Mars BLEW 
UP one day, we wouldn't exactly all be here to talk about it years later. But 
that didn't stop the movie from being the best! Had the movie series gone on 
the way the first  movie dictated, it would have died after 3. 

  That being said,  this is JJ Abrams we're talking about, so I think there is 
ONE direction to  go in that  would make things right with everyone.


  Make nice with Harlan and do City On the Edge Of Forever the way he'd 
originally written it. For $100M you can tell the whole story, update a few 
things, and end one of the darkest  chapters in this franchise's history,  by 
paying Harlan Ellison. You do a 2 hour City On the Edge Of Forever, with the 
right Edith Keeler, and I dare say that  it could be the first science fiction 
film to  be nominated for an Oscar. Think of it. Romance. Mystery. SCIENCE.

  I don't think Paramount can go wrong with this.

  On May 16, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:

I'm sorry, but every time I listen to Abrams make statements like The old 
continuity was restrictive, it angers me. That's just lazy film making. The 
Trek universe spans five series, ten movies, and --including 
enterprise--about two centuries. You're telling me he couldn't find something 
in *all that* to fuel new, action-driven stories? He couldn't have brought 
together this crew in the movie in any way other than to reset the timeline? 
Why not just have told the previously untold story of how Kirk assembled his 
crew in the original continuity in this movie? It's not exactly as if anyone's 
ever said there was only one way that could have been done.

My point is there is no reason to change history just to use young cast 
members. Kirk in the movie is about 2 -3 years younger than Kirk was in the 
original timeline when he became captain, but you can work around that. We 
don't know the backstories of how Bones, Uhura, and Scotty were brought to the 
Enterprise, so you can write that story. Just because Chekhov never showed up 
in season one of the OS doesn't mean you can't finesse things a bit and bring 
him in for the movie. Only three of the original five years of Kirk's original 
mission were shown on TV. Nothing there to mine? 

Like them or not, Brannon and Braga jiggered Trek continuity a bit for 
Enterprise: the Xindi attack on Earth...the Borg sphere found on Earth 
(something blamed on First Contact)  And while some of that made some of 
us howl, as the series got better toward its end, we saw it was okay. Indeed, 
we liked it precisely 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
 You got to be kidding. Let me guess a reality show on Scooby Doo?

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

Even the cartoon network is doing multiple reality shows starting in June. 

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

  Naught but truth in that, Mr. Worf. Reality TV costs less and makes money. :-(

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

   Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William   
  Shatner Or Khan

   Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 05:58:35 -0700

   From : Mr. Worf

   To :

  They also don't like to spend money on them. Look at how many scifi shows
  that were started and canceled mid-season or after only one season in the
  last 4 or 5 years. Some had really good ratings. Out of all of them, Lost
  and Heroes, and are the only survivors.

  On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

   Keith, I really don't think that a series spun off from this movie would
   succeed. (Not me being negative again, folks.) H'Wood has a track record of
   not following through on series. We can sit here for weeks, rattling off the
   names of great series that died too soon because the networks that carried
   them didn't market or back them properly. This Trek is a flash in the pan. A
   series coming out of it will be the flavor of the week, then become an
   afterthought. And that HURTS the Trek franchise.
   -[ Received Mail Content ]--
   Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
   Shatner Or Khan
   Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 02:55:53 + (UTC)
   From : Keith Johnson

   To :
   The other thing I keep noticing is that people keep talking about the best
   Trek movie either. Would this take, however, generate a longrunning
   series? The magic of Trek has never been the movies. They've always been
   just fun things to make money at the box office. It was the accumulated
   magic and intelligence of the series that made Trek. So in a way this isn't
   the right argument. I'm sure the movies will be successful, and I will be
   there for all of them. I liked this film. A lot. But do we think that in a
   few years there'll be anew Trek series on TV, that it will do really well,
   that it'll last for years and that it will spawn future generations of fans
   the way the other series did?
   That's the question, and I'm not seeig anything here to answer that in the
   - Original Message -
   From: Bosco Bosco
   Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 3:33:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
   Shatner Or Khan
   One of the things I love about this list are your posts. I'm saying that up
   front because I am gonna respectfully disagree with you.I LOVE the new Trek
   Film. I will say without question it's the best Trek Film EVER. It's not
   lazy. That's partly because it's Trek and partly because it's not. It's not
   lazy. It's just not what you want. It's clear that a tremendous amount of
   research, thought and work went into this film. Because Abrams made choices
   you would not have does not make him a lazy story teller.
   I have always loved science fiction because it creates other possibilities
   and amazing worlds of what if. The constraints of reality have always been
   cast away for better story telling. That's exactly what the new Trek film
   I've also made no secret of late that one of the things I love about the
   new Trek Film is the way it INFURIATES the Trek nerds. It's freakin awesome
   that it has been so successful, so good and produced a reaction so strong.
   Indicative, I think, that Abrams got it EXACTLY right in order to breathe
   life into the franchise. Let's face it, it WAS DEAD, Jim. The fact that some
   of the older generation of Trek fans can't let go of the bloated corpse of
   what was, simply makes me giggle. I'm sorry for your loss but unless some
   Trekditionalists get a bunch of funds together to make another in long
   line of generally subpar science fiction films, it's Abrams world now and
   we're just visiting. Time to find a way to move on.
   --- On Sat, 5/16/09, Keith Johnson wrote:
   From: Keith Johnson
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
   Shatner Or Khan
   Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 10:52 AM
   I'm sorry, but every time I listen to Abrams make statements like The old
   continuity was 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
Actually it was species 8472.

From: Tracey de Morsella 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

I think one of the most underdeveloped species was Species 257.  I really liked 
the little of the mythology of the species that they gave us


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Worf
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan


There was talk about time wars in the last series (Enterprise). I haven't seen 
the new movie yet, but they could mine that for material.They could also make 
up new characters as well. 

I would love to see the origins of the Borg. Or the species 257 from the 
Voyager show. 


  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

   Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

   Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 02:05:40 -0400

   From : Daryle Lockhart

   To :

  DS9's my favorite, but let's remember...DS9 was a reaction to the
  times. It's not like Gene had this vision of DS9 al those years. the
  world was getting cynical and there was an undercurrent of
  mistrust for authority in teh early 90s. DS9 appealed to people
  who liked Star Trek but were having trouble relating.

  On May 16, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

   That's my point. Abrams and all the non-Trek fans and box-office-
   stars-in-their-eyes Trek fans seem to think that there were no
   stories left to tell. DS9-with its brilliant creation of the
   Dominion, and its fleshing out of both the Bajorans and the
   Cardassians--showed that's just not true.
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:44:30 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With
   William Shatner Or Khan
   I just wanted to chime in on the comment on TNG and where would
   they go after the Borg. Well to be honest they could have done a
   stories with the Founders. I mean if they did not want to pull the
   cast of DS9 over they could have used Odo. I mean it would not have
   been the first cross over we have seen in the Star Trek universe.
   We never knew anything about what the Enterprise crew was doing
   during this war that seem to have DS9 at the fore front.
   From: Daryle Lockhart
   Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:40 PM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With
   William Shatner Or Khan
   I don't think I need to remind anyone that I love Star Trek. But
   the old continuity WAS restrictive. That's why the TNG movies fell
   off after First Contact, they had to make up species because --
   where do you go after The Borg? (Well, you go to DS9, but that's
   another discussion) The reason everybody loves Wrath of Khan is
   because it stepped outside of continuity. After all, how COULD
   Chekov have known Khan? And how could a whole planet explode and
   people survive in a shell of a ship on the next world? If Mars BLEW
   UP one day, we wouldn't exactly all be here to talk about it years
   later. But that didn't stop the movie from being the best! Had the
   movie series gone on the way the first movie dictated, it would
   have died after 3.
   That being said, this is JJ Abrams we're talking about, so I think
   there is ONE direction to go in that would make things right with
   Make nice with Harlan and do City On the Edge Of Forever the way
   he'd originally written it. For $100M you can tell the whole story,
   update a few things, and end one of the darkest chapters in this
   franchise's history, by paying Harlan Ellison. You do a 2 hour
   City On the Edge Of Forever, with the right Edith Keeler, and I
   dare say that it could be the first science fiction film to be
   nominated for an Oscar. Think of it. Romance. Mystery. SCIENCE.
   I don't think Paramount can go wrong with this.
   On May 16, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:
   I'm sorry, but every time I listen to Abrams make statements like
   The old continuity was restrictive, it angers me. That's just
   lazy film making. The Trek universe spans five series, ten movies,
   and --including enterprise--about two centuries. You're telling
   me he couldn't find something in *all that* to fuel new, action-
   driven stories? He couldn't have brought together this crew in the
   movie in any way other than to reset the timeline? Why not just
   have told the previously untold story of how Kirk assembled his
   crew in the original continuity in this movie? It's not 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
Yea I was watching Amazing Race and yelling at the screen, as if she could hear 
me, that she should just pee at the matt. But just think she could not tell 
anyone until the show aired. Imagine sitting in the room and having the crowd 
or family asking or saying what in the heck were you saying.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

The only reality show that's consistently given rave reviews by critics and 
fans is The Amazing Race. I've watched very little of it, but it's more fun, 
more intelligent, and more real seeming by far, due to its treasure hunter 

And something I find very intriguing about The Amazing Race: I believe that 
two of its million-dollar winners have been  teams of black people.  That is 
something rarely seen in reality TV, and I've been puzzling what that means. 
It's got a more open structure, one less based on silly cabals and backstabbing 
like Survivor, and not on dumb projects and godlike judgements a la The 
Apprenctice.   Yeah it's got its eat the frog's testicles  and bull's brains 
foolishness.  But it's also won by people who can hustle, decipher clues, adapt 
quickly to new environments, and really work well with a partner. In that way 
it reminds me of rally racing.

And I understand this last contest possibly could have been won by two Sisters, 
but one of them had to take a bathroom break--just as her team was entering a 
stadium where a few hundred yard run could have given them the prize! It was 
the butt of jokes recently: how a lady's small bladder cost her team a 
million bucks!

- Original Message -
From: Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:11:19 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Martin Baxter
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

  (sighing sadly...)

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--
  Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With 
William Shatner Or Khan
  Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 06:08:40 -0700
  From : Mr. Worf
  To :

  Even the cartoon network is doing multiple reality shows starting in 

  On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Martin Baxter wrote: 

   Naught but truth in that, Mr. Worf. Reality TV costs less and makes 
   -[ Received Mail Content ]-- 
   Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With 
   Shatner Or Khan 
   Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 05:58:35 -0700 
   From : Mr. Worf 
   To : 
   They also don't like to spend money on them. Look at how many scifi 
   that were started and canceled mid-season or after only one season in 
   last 4 or 5 years. Some had really good ratings. Out of all of them, 
   and Heroes, and are the only survivors. 
   On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Martin Baxter wrote: 
Keith, I really don't think that a series spun off from this movie 
succeed. (Not me being negative again, folks.) H'Wood has a track 
not following through on series. We can sit here for weeks, rattling 
names of great series that died too soon because the networks that 
them didn't market or back them properly. This Trek is a flash in the 
   pan. A 
series coming out of it will be the flavor of the week, then become 
afterthought. And that HURTS the Trek franchise. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]-- 

Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With 
Shatner Or Khan 

Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 02:55:53 + (UTC) 

From : Keith Johnson 

To : 

The other thing I keep noticing is that people keep talking about the 
Trek movie either. Would this take, however, generate a longrunning 
series? The magic of Trek has never been the movies. They've always 
just fun things to make money at the box office. It was the 
magic and intelligence of the series that made Trek. So in a way this 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
When I first heard of the sci fi network way back when I thought it was going 
to be about  or show those old movies that you see in movies where people are 
watching in black and white. Perhaps Star Trek and Wars. Which Star Wars was 
the first thing that they showed. I think who ever took over the network just 
screwed it over with not keeping it to it's true nature.

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

Amazing! i don't even think they deserve the name SyFy. Why didn't they just 
go with something generic like Beyond, which was an early contender? At least 
then we wouldn't have to deal with the laughable incongruity of wrestling, 
Punked-type shows, and reality crap on a station whose name evokes scifi.

- Original Message -
From: Mr. Worf
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:32:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William  
Shatner Or Khan

They are doing a ghost hunting show, and something similar to survivor. I think 
that there is one more as well. It may be to get kids interested in things 
outside of the house though. I just don't want to see them turn into mtv. :( 

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Keith Johnson 

  Say what?? Please elucidate! 

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf

  Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:08:40 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William  
Shatner Or Khan

  Even the cartoon network is doing multiple reality shows starting in June. 

  On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Martin Baxter 

Naught but truth in that, Mr. Worf. Reality TV costs less and makes money. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

 Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 05:58:35 -0700

 From : Mr. Worf

 To :

They also don't like to spend money on them. Look at how many scifi shows
that were started and canceled mid-season or after only one season in the
last 4 or 5 years. Some had really good ratings. Out of all of them, Lost
and Heroes, and are the only survivors.

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

 Keith, I really don't think that a series spun off from this movie would
 succeed. (Not me being negative again, folks.) H'Wood has a track record 
 not following through on series. We can sit here for weeks, rattling off 
 names of great series that died too soon because the networks that carried
 them didn't market or back them properly. This Trek is a flash in the 
pan. A
 series coming out of it will be the flavor of the week, then become an
 afterthought. And that HURTS the Trek franchise.

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
 Shatner Or Khan

 Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 02:55:53 + (UTC)

 From : Keith Johnson

 To :

 The other thing I keep noticing is that people keep talking about the best
 Trek movie either. Would this take, however, generate a longrunning
 series? The magic of Trek has never been the movies. They've always been
 just fun things to make money at the box office. It was the accumulated
 magic and intelligence of the series that made Trek. So in a way this 
 the right argument. I'm sure the movies will be successful, and I will be
 there for all of them. I liked this film. A lot. But do we think that in a
 few years there'll be anew Trek series on TV, that it will do really well,
 that it'll last for years and that it will spawn future generations of 
 the way the other series did?

 That's the question, and I'm not seeig anything here to answer that in the

 - Original Message -
 From: Bosco Bosco
 Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 3:33:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
 Shatner Or Khan


 One of the things I love about this list are your posts. I'm saying that 
 front because I am gonna respectfully disagree with you.I LOVE the new 
 Film. I will say without question it's the best Trek Film EVER. It's not
 lazy. That's partly because it's Trek and partly 

Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William Shatner Or Khan

2009-05-19 Thread wlrouge
I used to watch it. It was the place for me to find codes. Oh how I wish I 
could find some help for this Star Trek game I got. But getting back to the 
point at hand. That is another station that has turn for the worse. Video 
stations that no longer show videos, gaming that no long show games. Makes you 
wonder when the Cartoon Network will start allowing Wilma Flintstone have her 
on talk show.

P.S. I forgot Space Ghost, Coast to Coast.

From: Mr. Worf 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

Anyone here watch G4 tv? Remember how it was two years ago? It was video games, 
electronics, and behind the scenes shows of video game making. Now it is reruns 
of Cops and Cheaters all day long.

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:

  If Mr. Worf doesn't mind me answering for him, Keith, there's this 
soon-to-arrive dreck. Thought that Ghost Hunters was the end of the horror? 

  Martin (putting cotton balls in ears, in anticipation of the screams to 

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

   Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

   Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 21:59:50 + (UTC)

   From : Keith Johnson

   To :

  Say what?? Please elucidate!

  - Original Message -
  From: Mr. Worf

  Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:08:40 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

  Even the cartoon network is doing multiple reality shows starting in June.

  On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Martin Baxter  

  Naught but truth in that, Mr. Worf. Reality TV costs less and makes money. :-(

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

  Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William 
Shatner Or Khan

  Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 05:58:35 -0700

  From : Mr. Worf 

  To :

  They also don't like to spend money on them. Look at how many scifi shows
  that were started and canceled mid-season or after only one season in the
  last 4 or 5 years. Some had really good ratings. Out of all of them, Lost
  and Heroes, and are the only survivors.

  On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

   Keith, I really don't think that a series spun off from this movie would
   succeed. (Not me being negative again, folks.) H'Wood has a track record of
   not following through on series. We can sit here for weeks, rattling off the
   names of great series that died too soon because the networks that carried
   them didn't market or back them properly. This Trek is a flash in the pan. A
   series coming out of it will be the flavor of the week, then become an
   afterthought. And that HURTS the Trek franchise.
   -[ Received Mail Content ]--
   Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
   Shatner Or Khan
   Date : Sun, 17 May 2009 02:55:53 + (UTC)
   From : Keith Johnson

   To :
   The other thing I keep noticing is that people keep talking about the best
   Trek movie either. Would this take, however, generate a longrunning
   series? The magic of Trek has never been the movies. They've always been
   just fun things to make money at the box office. It was the accumulated
   magic and intelligence of the series that made Trek. So in a way this isn't
   the right argument. I'm sure the movies will be successful, and I will be
   there for all of them. I liked this film. A lot. But do we think that in a
   few years there'll be anew Trek series on TV, that it will do really well,
   that it'll last for years and that it will spawn future generations of fans
   the way the other series did?
   That's the question, and I'm not seeig anything here to answer that in the
   - Original Message -
   From: Bosco Bosco
   Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 3:33:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Star Trek' Director Open To Sequel With William
   Shatner Or Khan
   One of the things I love about this list are your posts. I'm saying that up
   front because I am gonna respectfully disagree with you.I LOVE the new Trek
   Film. I will say without question it's the best Trek Film EVER. It's not
   lazy. That's partly because it's Trek and partly because it's not. It's not
   lazy. It's just not what you want. It's clear that a tremendous 

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