Anybody else seen this film?

Curse of the Golden Flower


My wife and I went to see it Sunday. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The 
plot was thick with intrigue... it kept the audience wondering who 
the good guys were, who the bad guys were, who was conspiring with 
whom, who had betrayed whom, and who would win the final "showdown." 
The visuals were absolutely stunning!! You must see this on the big 
screen and NOT on the small screen.

I almost didn't recognize Chow Yun-Fat! The attention to detail in 
the Imperial Palace sets and choreography of actors made me feel 
like I was really there. Of course there were some martial arts 
fight scenes, but they didn't dominate the plot and sub-plots. 
Without revealing too much, the clean-up scene before the 
Chrysanthemum Festival was more impressive than the pre-festival 

I highly recommend this film.

USS Ronald E. McNair (Boston)

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