Cool science stuff.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: World Science 
To: emailn...@world-science.net 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 8:07 PM
Subject: World Science: Pre-'Lucy' fossils reveal secrets of human past

* Pre-"Lucy" fossils reveal secrets:
The last common ancestor of chimps and humans was
probably not as chimp-like as widely believed,
researchers report.


* Hyenas cooperate better than chimps, study 
The much-maligned, dog-like creatures may beat out
our ape relatives in cooperative problem-solving tests.


* Moon may have water:
Our moon is potentially not quite as dry as it is
traditionally thought to be, researchers say.


* Exotic life forms: looking for life as we don't 
know it:
A new research group is devoted to finding out how
life might evolve using chemicals not found in
Earth-based life forms.

* Rough day at work? You might not feel like 
If you use your willpower to do one task, it may
deplete your willpower for a totally different task,
scientists say.


* Key to subliminal messaging: keep it 
negative, study suggests:
Subliminal messaging is most effective when the
message being conveyed is negative, according to new


* Torture may produce unreliable information:
Extreme stress appears to warp memories while
motivating suspects to say anything to stop the
torture, new research claims.


* Lower IQ's measured in spanked children:
Only part of the effect is due to spanking itself,
but still, laws should be passed against spanking,
some researchers say.



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