The Primary Race March 5, 2008, 12:46PM EST
On the Web, Obama Is the Clear Winner
He is miles ahead of Hillary Clinton when it comes to online organizing 
and fundraising. But does that translate into votes?
by Catherine Holahan

Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) has another place where she needs to 
catch up: the Web. Long before Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) began his 
impressive winning streak in the Democratic primaries, he was trouncing 
his opponents in their online efforts. Clinton's wins on Mar. 4 in Ohio 
and Texas may have staved off for now Obama's march to the candidacy. 
But he still has more than triple the number of supporters on social 
networks MySpace (NWS) and Facebook, according to techPresident, a 
nonpartisan blog that covers the 2008 candidates' Web presence. His 
YouTube (GOOG) videos, with more than 24 million plays a day in March, 
grab nearly three times more daily views than Clinton's own.

Perhaps most importantly, Obama's fundraising is outpacing Clinton's 
efforts, thanks largely to online donations. In January Obama raised $36 
million, with about 80% coming from online (, 1/17/08). 
Clinton raised $35 million in the same period, but didn't break out the 
online component. Pundits project Obama's yet-to-be released February 
figures will beat the $35 million Clinton raised in February, of which 
$30 million came from online, according to Peter Daou, the Clinton 
campaign’s Internet director.
Obama Campaign: Early Adopters

It's clear that this digital advantage is paying dividends. In prior 
Presidential elections the Web served as little more than another 
channel for candidates to broadcast their positions and collect 
donations. This year, however, social networking sites and new Web tools 
are enabling candidates to mobilize large groups to take action online, 
on the phone, and on the streets. "The tools are more powerful and there 
are more of them now," says Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet & 
American Life Project. "This is a more robust environment than ever before."

Obama's campaign decided early on that the Web needed to play an 
instrumental role in helping to organize large numbers of supporters, 
particularly as a counter to the influence the Clintons already had 
within the Democratic Party's inner circle, including with key 
delegates. "If we were going to do this and be successful it had to be 
from the bottom up," says Joe Rospars, director of new media for the 
Obama campaign. Rospars is the founding partner of the Washington 
(D.C.)-based Internet strategy firm, Blue State Digital, and worked on 
the Howard Dean campaign in 2004.

Obama has multiple teams involved in his online effort. There's a 
technology team that handles infrastructure and another that manages his 
new-media efforts, such as the design of his Web site and the tools 
provided to its users. He has a video team that shoots his speeches and 
interactions on the campaign trail and posts them to YouTube and Obama's 
blog, which is written by campaign members.
Rallying the Social Networks

There is also a person who manages the thousands of regional, 
demographic, and issue-oriented social networks on, 
where users can start their own blogs about his campaign, organize 
regional events, and raise funds (, 6/18/08). Another 
person manages the pro-Obama groups on Facebook and MySpace—more than 
970,000 people have signed up between the two sites. "The campaign 
itself has tried to tap into the power of social networks but equally as 
striking is the way his supporters have self-organized and taken the 
initiative to support him," says Rainie.

Obama is himself actively engaged in the social networks. Before Super 
Tuesday he solicited opinions on business social network site LinkedIn 
about how the next President could help small businesses and 
entrepreneurs thrive. He received nearly 1,500 responses in a week, says 
Kay Luo, LinkedIn's director of corporate communications, who helped 
organize his campaigns efforts on the site. "Lower the burden of federal 
regulation, and simplify the tax code so American small business owners 
don't have to face the hidden tax of preparing our taxes," wrote Allen 
Fuller, a managing partner at a technology, strategy, and marketing 
firm, in response to the question.

Later, a LinkedIn poll showed more than 50% of Democrats on the site 
said they supported Obama vs. Clinton's 36%. "The Obama campaign has 
learned how to navigate the new political media ecology better than 
anyone in the 2008 election," says Andrew Rasiej, co-founder of 

Jeremy Snyder, a 23-year-old Portland (Ore.) resident, says he would not 
have become so active in the campaign were it not for pro-Obama groups 
on Facebook and After signing up, he met people in 
his area who organized debate-watching parties at local pubs, encouraged 
each other to donate, and planned offline informational and fundraising 
events. Snyder has since raised money, made phone calls to voters in key 
primary states, and helped get the vote out at offline events. "What 
drew me in was how fast the online community was forming around him and 
that people so close to me [geographically] were getting involved," says 
Snyder. "The local social networking helps tie in how his policies are 
going to impact your area and make a difference for you."
Clinton Campaign: Reluctant Followers

Clinton was slower to embrace social networking. There have long been 
pro-Hillary groups on Facebook and MySpace, but some members of her 
campaign initially played down their significance. In November, Clinton 
advisers Mandy Grunwald and Mark Penn told a reporter at 
that while Clinton's supporters looked like caucus-goers, Obama's 
supporters looked like they were 18. The average age on Facebook is just 
under 23, with more than 80% of the audience of voting age, according to 
research firm comScore. More than half of MySpace users are age 35 and 

"Penn said they look like Facebook," Grunwald was quoted as saying in a 
Nov. 11 article. The quote was later repeated in a Jan. 5 
Washington Post election blog. The comment prompted an anti-Clinton 
protest group on Facebook. The vehemence of groups on Facebook against a 
Clinton Presidency had made her team wary of social networking before, 
says Rasiej. He added that Clinton only recently has mentioned her Web 
site address in speeches.

One area where Clinton's campaign has moved aggressively is online 
video. In the summer, the campaign organized a song contest, culminating 
in a June release of a spoof video on YouTube of The Sopranos' season 
finale, starring the Clintons. She also regularly releases "Hillcasts," 
which include video of her positions on issues and behind-the-scenes 
footage from rallies. Clinton's Web site prominently features a section 
titled Hillary TV, which has video of her on the campaign trail.

"The Internet plays a central role to all campaigns now," says Peter 
Daou, Clinton's Internet Director, adding that online video was one of 
the most important developments. "We have run a robust Internet program."

Recently, Clinton supporters have stepped up social networking efforts. 
Darin Williams, a 34-year-old Morristown (N.J.) resident, spent last 
weekend making calls for Clinton to Rhode Island, Texas, and Ohio after 
being urged to help by supporters on Clinton's Facebook group. "People 
were saying we got to call, we got to call, we got to win these states," 
says Williams. "I felt motivated."

Online politicking, of course, only goes so far. And it's unclear 
whether Obama's use of social networking has helped him grab more 
primary voters, or whether he simply attracted a younger, more Web-savvy 
group. But in a bare-knuckle contest like the one Obama and Clinton now 
find themselves in, anything that can turn digital enthusiasm into 
real-world votes will be critical.

Holahan is a writer for in New York .

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