Is this really surprising? I found this very interesting, and not 
entirely a surprise, for two reasons:

1. Former NBA player Tim Hardaway's comments:

2. The explosive growth of niche publishing via cable TV, am talk 
radio, blogs, and the internet allows people with narrow views to 
reach narrow audiences. This allows people to maintain narrow news 
sources and not benefit from the perspectives of others. Only 
occassionally do narrow views (like Eng's) reach broader, mainstream 
media. I hope that everyone on this list is watching the PBS 
Frontline series on 'News War" as it explores this and other related 
problems. See:


--- In, James Landrith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are no words.  Well, there are three.
> Foot.  Up.  Ass.
> ___
> James A. Landrith, Jr.
> 703-593-2065 cell
> 760-875-8547 fax
> ...... Original Message .......
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: San Francisco Chronicle
> >Asian paper's 'I Hate Blacks' column assailed
> >Leslie Fulbright, Chronicle Staff Writer
> >Tuesday, February 27, 2007
> >A San Francisco weekly newspaper that bills itself as "The Voice
> >of Asian America" is facing harsh criticism from that very
> >community for publishing a column Friday titled "Why I Hate
> >Blacks."


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