In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:56:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Maybe, but he never resorted to the nasty, name-calling, baiting, 
disparaging, disrespectful tactics the Clintons did. 

No he had his rotweiler Clyburn and other blacks do it. He had those who 
hated Hilary do it. 

When Hillary was belittling him as nothing but a one-speech guy, who was 
respectfully disagreeing with her. when she shot nasty and really angry 
at him during their debates,

Please I watched those debates. She did not let him get away with anything. 
She cam out swinging. He never fought back. He played the meek nice guy care. 
If the moderater talked about his problems, people felt sorry for him. *gag*

he acted with calm and class and made his point, firmly. And I believe that 
had he lost, he'd have been out there doing his level best to help the Clintons 
win, despite how they treated him. What did Hillary and Bill do at first? 
Acted like poor losers, dropped out of sight, Bill going so far as to leave the 
country rather than be asked to campaign for Obama.
They're getting their stuff together now, but it took a while. I say this as 
someone who liked Hillary long past the point when many men and women hated 
her, who defended many of her deeds as just tough politics, who sat in 
indecision for long moments in the booth here in Atlanta before finally casting 
my vote 
for Obama. I don't have a problem with her as a woman or anything like that. 
I just have a problem with the way they let their campaign against Obama 
degenerate. They messed up big, and everyone seems to realize that, them 

That is why I am voting McCain. There is nothing Hilary can not and say to 
make me vote for that man. She had it in her grasp and she lost it.

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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