In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
teenage pregnancy?

How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
The world?

How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
the American dream?

How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
vote for the richest, whitest elitist?

I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. I 
believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't believe that McCain 
continue the same policies that George Bush has laid out. He is not Bush. IT 
was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts that helped the economy. I rail against rich 
white elitists. They are present in both parties.  Those in the Democratic 
party hide behind race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. 
hide behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans 
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats. America 
not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a Washington outsider 
cannot and will not do. 

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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