A belated answer:

"Air" by Geoff Ryman 
This is the 3rd book of his that I've loved.  There were so many literary 
problems that he was able to overcome in this short novel...including the lost 
of viewpoint character for several chapters.

--- In SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com, "ravenadal" <ravena...@...> wrote:
> What was the last SF novel you read that made you go "WOW!"  And, by that, I 
> mean the last novel that made your head spin around.  For me it was William 
> Gibson's "Neuromancer" and that was published in 1984, twenty-five years ago! 
> By-the-by, I am only interested in novel novels - do not summit graphic 
> novels.
> Thanks,
> ~rave!

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