Make missing libtool in MUSCLE PCSC 0.98

1999-03-12 Thread Morten Norman


since nobody else complained yet, maybe it's just on my platform?
(Debian 2.0)

During MUSCLE PCSC 0.98 make, I got two fails because make didn't find
".//libtool" in the local directory.  Happens in the  resmgr-remote  and
the  resmgr-local  directories.

I didn't bother to investigate.  Just copied the  libtool  from the modules
directory and continued without problems...

Nobody else got this?


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MUSCLE Todos and 115.2

1999-03-12 Thread Jim Rees

I've just discovered that the Todos reader won't run at 115.2 Kbps.  I
haven't tried lower speeds other than 9600.
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)