MUSCLE pcsc-lite 0.6.7

2000-05-25 Thread David Corcoran


I released version 0.6.7  It properly returns SCARD_RESET_CARD and other
messages when another application reset's the card and waits for the
applications to call SCardReconnect().  This is the behavior that is used
under Windows.  I also removed the -lefence that I left in last time.


David Corcoran  Purdue University
1008 Cherry Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906
765 - 427 - 5147

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE iButton progress?

2000-05-25 Thread Naomaru Itoi

> Would you consider sending a copy to others as well? In particular, I
> would like a copy. Thanks,

You can download it at:


Concentration .. Naomaru Itoi
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE iButton progress?

2000-05-25 Thread Pete Chown

Naomaru Itoi wrote:

> Mukesh Agrawal got an IFD driver for Java iButton working.
> I will send it to you and David.  

I'd be interested as well.

BTW, it's a bit off-topic, but does anyone here understand how
Dalsemi's licensing works?  I bought a couple of Java iButtons a while
ago, on the basis that I would have to pay a subscription.  I paid the
up-front money, but no one ever asked me for any more.  This was under
the "evaluation licence" so apparently I am limited in the number I
can buy...

Why can't I just buy as many iButtons as I want, the same as I can buy
as many packets of cornflakes as I want?  Why can't I just pay
up-front rather than (theoretically) paying this nonsense

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-25 Thread Peter W Tomlinson

Andreas Schwier wrote in reply to Dave's posting (and my responses are embedded
 in the text below):

> I fully agree with your statements, but it's not that terrible. I've been
> working in the industry for 14 years now and as a former member of the German
> standardisation body (NI17.4) I've been involved in the work that gave us
> ISO7816-3,4 and 5.
> Industry standards are always a tradeoff. They usually reflect the interest of
> companies that send people to these standardisation groups. It's
> quite expensive to do this kind of work, so it does not surprise that
> companies only invest that money, if they see some benefit (which is surely not
> interoperability).
Interoperabiliy is now a mandatory requirement for the public sector in 
Europe, and the eEurope Initiative aims, with its Smart Card Charter, to 
bring about interoperability in transactions between the citizen and 
business. The user-centric goals are one contact reader slot spec or 
standard to take all the cards that the citizen may wish to use in 
transactions with government, banks, and business, and for all single 
and multi-app cards issued for this purpose to be always accepted in 
that slot. On top of this, there is a competition requirement: the public 
sector must not be tied into single supplier relationships in this area.

Please look at the UK Framework for Smart Cards in Government on 
the web site - there is a similar push for a 
common PKI infrastructure introduced in another document on that 
web site. eEurope covers the same topics: cards, terminals, PKI 

I was yesterday at a meeting to discuss the UK specifications for 
public transport ticketing. On the bus, the card interface has to be 
contactless. At other times (e.g. purchasing the ticket over the 
internet), the card interface can be contact. Over the next month, some 
of us hope to study the drafts of 14443 up to part 3 (parts 2 and 3 have 
just been completed, ready for the FDIS stage) in order to assess 
whether they are good enough to build interoperable systems for both 
microprocessor cards and Mifare cards.
> The other problem with standards, is that they only contain the results of very
> long disussions that were held in these groups. Reading the standard
> does not tell you why things are done in a certain way. You only see in a very
> compressed document, what everyone finally agreed on.
And the reasons should be documented and published, because they 
would help designers to understand the often impenetrable text of the 

There is another problem with standards: patents (but that is a long 
story, and someone else has explained part of it).
> Now other people take these standards and try to implement them. And because
> developers don't really like reading standards and because they don't have the
> background information, things gets out of hand. A good example is the chaining
> mechanism in T=1. Soon after the first drafts of T=1 were written, people
> started implementing T=1, but they left out chaining and claimed that it is
> optional. If you look at the standard it's clearly not and you see that T=1
> without chaining doesn't make any sense.
> Standards take very long to develop and it would not work, if companies did not
> try to implement proprietary system, just to find the best solution for a
> standard. But because of this, standard often need to embrace even these poor
> first time shots, because they suddenly got successfull in the marketplace and
> defined the common standard (I can think of better ways to exchange documents
> than in Word format, but it's there and won't go away soon).
There is no excuse for standards developers not doing a professional 
job, i.e. getting the standard right. The problem is basically finance. 
Many companies and countries want the standard, and they want it to 
be correct and complete, but they will not finance the work - so the 
developers are frequently not allowed to do the job properly.

An ISO editor tells me that ISO has moved to pdf format, and we still 
have problems, as was evident at the UK contactless technical panel 
recently when we were comparing documents that we had each 
porinted off.
> PC/SC is a good global specification to start with. I guess the combination of
> PC/SC with the CT-API / CT-BCS approach in M.U.S.C.L.E will work quite well. I
> don't see companies writing terminal drivers for OCF, and IMHO OCF will always
> be used as a layer on top of PC/SC.

When you look at the low levels of PC/SC (electrical, data comms, 
ATR processing), and providing that you have knowledge of both 
ISO 7816 and EMV, you quickly realise that PC/SC is a mess down 
there. Its is a muddled mixture of ISO and EMV, and it says that, if the 
reader can't cope with the ATR that the card sends, the reader should 
carry on and hope that soemthing works.

That is not a professional way to do things. I jave asked PC/SC (and 
Microsoft) to so