Re: MUSCLE drivers

2001-07-27 Thread Francois ARNAULT

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Priit Randla wrote:

>   For some strange reason, my Reflex 72 does not work with this driver.
>   pcscd (0.9.3) registers card insertion/removal, reports ATR but does
> not poll
>   the card, as other readers do. SEstablishContext, SCardListReaders, 
>   SCardConnect all succeeded,SCardTransmit succeeded but always returned
> 0x64A0

  I just bought a Reflex 72 and test it.  I have the same pb too.

F. Arnault
Universite de Limoges

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE Gemplus PC410 new driver

2001-07-21 Thread Francois ARNAULT


  Did somebody tried the Gemplus serial reader NEW driver ?
I did not succeed make it work.  The pcscd daemons die whenever
I put a card in the reader.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Schlumberger Cards with Gemplus reader

2001-07-21 Thread Francois ARNAULT

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Rich Wareham wrote:

> I think I had a similar problem when trying to make the Cambridge
> University smartcard (an IBM MFC) work with a GemCore reader. Eventually,
> after tracing through long sniffer logs of communication with a Windows
> PC, I managed to hack the existing libgemcore to work. It can be
> downloaded from:
> Note: /Please/ don't use this for production work as the modifications are
> not clean, neither have they been extensively tested!

  Thanks for your reply.  I tried your libgemcore hacked for IBM cards,
but it does not seem to word with Schlumberger cards.  Perhaps a
modification of it should work but I've not the skill to do that, and
I should better buy other readers.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE Schlumberger Cards with Gemplus reader

2001-07-19 Thread Francois ARNAULT


  I'm trying to use Schlumberger Cryptoflex 8K and Cyberflex Access 
smart cards in a Gemplus 410 reader driven by pcsc-lite-0.9.3, and I 
have some trouble.

  The testpcsc (test.c) program shipped with pcsc-lite runs 
successfully.  Things go wrong when I try to send APDU command to 
a Schlumberger card.  I'm trying to do that with the formaticc command 
shipped with pcsc-lite (but I tried also with jpcsc and also the 
Perl-wrapper with essentially the same problem).  For each APDU command 
send to the Cryproflex, I get a ".error -2146435050" (This number is 
0x80100016 and is defined as SCARD_E_NOT_TRANSACTED in pcsclite.h)
after a lot of seconds.   The same command gives me a correct APDU 
response when the card is a Gemplus one (GemXpresso, which uses also 
T=0 protocol).

  Does anyone encountered the same problem and/or can help me to solve
it ?

This is the debug output I got :
Jul 20 01:23:15 arnault pcscd: readerfactory.c
991: RFInitializeReader: Attempting startup of Gemplus 410 reader 0 0. 
Jul 20 01:23:15 arnault pcscd: readerfactory.c
673: RFBindFunctions: Loading IFD Handler 1.0 
Jul 20 01:23:15 arnault pcscd:pcscdaemon.c 126: main: PC/SC Lite
Daemon Ready. 
Jul 20 01:23:44 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c
61: SCardEstablishContext: Establishing Context: 16978849 
Jul 20 01:23:46 arnault formaticc: winscard_clnt.c
816: SCardGetStatusChange: Event Loop Start 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  eventhandler.c
323: EHSpawnEventHandler: Card inserted into Gemplus 410 reader 0 0 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  eventhandler.c
327: EHSpawnEventHandler: Card insertion ATR: ^I
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c
113: SCardConnect: Attempting Connect to Gemplus 410 reader 0 0 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c 181: SCardConnect: Active
Protocol: 1 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c 189: SCardConnect: hCard
Identity: 16aee 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault formaticc: winscard_clnt.c
907: SCardGetStatusChange: Event Loop End 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c
509: SCardBeginTransaction: Status: 0. 
Jul 20 01:23:52 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c 704: SCardTransmit: Send
Protocol: 0 
Jul 20 01:24:42 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c
555: SCardEndTransaction: Status: 0. 
Jul 20 01:24:42 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c
427: SCardDisconnect: Active Contexts: 1 
Jul 20 01:24:42 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c 448: SCardDisconnect: Reset
Jul 20 01:24:42 arnault pcscd:  winscard.c
72: SCardReleaseContext: Releasing Context: 16978849 
Jul 20 01:24:50 arnault pcscd:  eventhandler.c
267: EHSpawnEventHandler: Card Removed From Gemplus 410 reader 0 0 

  Note : I'm using the old driver for the Gemplus 410 reader, not
the new one which was published last week.  (I tried also this new
driver and I did not succeed at all make it work, but that's another

  Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

  F. Arnault ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Universite de Limoges

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)