BOUNCE Non-member submission from [Remo Tabanelli 

Martin Sigbjorn wrote:

> I need information on how I can use smartcards with Netscape
> Navigator/Communicator and Internet Explorer, in order to perform secure
> authentication of a user. I know these browsers have support for
> smartcard authentication through certificates and SSL but I don't know
> how it works (or how to make it work). Is it possible just by the
> presense of PC/SC drivers + reader + card, or do I need additional
> software?
> ***************************************************************
> Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
> (Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)
> ***************************************************************

You need PKCS#11 software for netscape and a CSP (cryptographic service
provider) software (that can be mapped on top of the pkcs#11 layer or not)
for IE....
CSP is the proprietary cryptoApi from MS....
The first problem that you probabli will encounter is that (because PKCS#11
exactly as the CSP) is merely an API the so called cryptoky (the software
interface) will hide the lower layers of the sotware (such as the card
reader driver, the smartcard driver ...and so on) you have to deal with
some complexity in writing ONLY ONE PKCS#11 (or CSP) interface instead than
multiple interfaces (one for each  couple... combination of card and

You can probably find a card manufacturer (such as schlumberger) that can
give you the entire "chain" (pkcs#11+pc/sc+rader+card) ... but  there is a
bad new (a good new for the manufacturer on the other side) .. and the bad
new is that all the layers are a "monolitic bloc" making impossible for you
to use the sofware for other devices (other cards and readers).
The absence of real standards of interoperability (standard that you may
use to read the card Y on the reader Z and the same card Y on the reader X
using the same high level interface) is the biggest obstacle to the
diffusion of "real world" applications using smartcards.

This is also the reason why initiatives and effords like MUSCLE make a lot
of sense.

Remo Tabanelli

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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