Title: RE: [Scottish] Making scotlug mailing list available via gmane news gateway?
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> The thing with news (which has come as a shock to me, but then I'm
> prehistoric in web [sic] terms ;-)) is that generally only
> oldtimers and
> geeks do news (in the traditional usenet sense). Newbies (admittedly,
> we're probably not talking about Linux users here!) have
> enough trouble
> getting to grips with email, that news is just a completely
> alien planet
> to them.. ;-(

On another mailing list, an adjunct to an alt. newsgroup (a clean one though, well, ish) the same conclusion has come to us which is why we're talking about building a web interface to a news server to allow people to participate by both web and trad news reader.

News does seem to be the preserve these days of techheads, geeks, oldbies and the occasional binary downloader


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