Hi all;
I'm trying to create a VPN connection but each time I try to connect,
I'm told the service failed to start and I'm at a loss as to why.
I've signed up with a couple of services and activated the accounts,
and logged in through the web page, so that end should be working
I followed some instructions online;
and installed all the software it suggests.
I also tried installing all the network-manager vpn plugins I could
find in Synaptic but this has not helped either.

Can anybody tell me what's wrong?

My /var/log/syslog shows;

Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <info>  Starting VPN
service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp'...
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <info>  VPN service
'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp' started
(org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp), PID 2227
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <info>  VPN service
'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp' just appeared, activating
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <info>  VPN plugin state changed: 3
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <info>  VPN connection
'ItsHidden' (Connect) reply received.
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <WARN>
nm_vpn_connection_connect_cb(): VPN connection 'ItsHidden' failed to
connect: 'No VPN secrets!'.
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <WARN>
connection_state_changed(): Could not process the request because no
VPN connection was active.
Nov 25 17:27:16 kwyse-media NetworkManager: <info>  Policy set 'Auto
eth0' (eth0) as default for routing and DNS.

Many thanks

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