Gah!!! I'm so sad I won't be able to come hack with you guys! I have a
meeting for work with a bunch of people in the States at exactly the same
time. Have fun and hack some awesome things!

- Lisha

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Kenny Coyle <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> This months meeting is tomorrow! We've got a few things going on.
> This months meeting will be the last this summer. We have historically
> taken a break in July, something to do with good weather and beer I think.
> We will be back in full tow in August though!
> This month will be something a little different, more akin to a social
> gathering than a meeting, but with some Open Source geekery bolted on the
> side. Instead of having our usual talk then break to the pub - we're going
> to be having a small 2 - 3 hour hack-night.
> Whether it is Software or Hardware that you're interested in, or whether
> you would like to get involved in a project, you're more than welcome to
> come along and give it a try. If yet to get round to it - we can also help
> you get Linux installed for the first time in mini-install day format. 
> *Disclaimer:
> Back up your files!*
> Given that things go well - we'll be doing this at bigger scale later in
> the year as we plan our next year of events!
> As always, we'll be at the Electron Club at the CCA between 7PM and 9PM.
> *350 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G2 3JD*
> Looking forward to seeing you all there!
> Cheers,
> Kenny.
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