Re: [Scottish] Hopeless newbie does Tomcat (or not, as the case may be...)

2005-10-20 Thread Steve Logan

Thanks Danny,

I've now got Java working correctly and can compile away...

Another conceptual question:
Is it usual 'the Linux way' to have to manually add/edit env vars like 
this?  Should an RPM do it for you?  If so, then should I stop 
considering RPMs as being the equivalent of Windows MSI files and more 
as a glorified UNZIP/Put-things-in-the-right-folders kind of thing?

A YaST question:
Is installing via YaST EXACTLY the same as doing it yourself from the RPMs?

Ta again


Danny Owens wrote:

Hi Steve,

Once you have done the rpm installation, you can manually check that 
java has been installed to /usr/java/j2sdk[version]/

(please ignore your jre for now as it is not needed by tomcat)

Now set up the environment variables like so;

export JAVA_HOME

export PATH

(You can place these in /etc/profile.local on SuSe when you know it works.)

You can test java and javac at the command line.

If you install tomcat you will also probably need ANT - both Tomcat and 
ANT have their own environment variables that need set (see install docs).
You will also need to set a CLASSPATH environment variable if you put 
any java classes in non-standard places.

I hope this helps...


Steve Logan wrote:

rpm -Uvh jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.rpm

Did this for both the JRE and JDK.  Should this set the 
$JAVA_whatever environment vars or do I need to set them manually?

I'm still confused as to why nothing appeared to happen when I tried 
to install with YaST??


Dr Steve Logan, engineering software
 t: 01764-650085

Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Hopeless newbie does Tomcat (or not, as the case may be...)

2005-10-18 Thread Steve Logan

rpm -Uvh jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.rpm

Did this for both the JRE and JDK.  Should this set the $JAVA_whatever 
environment vars or do I need to set them manually?

I'm still confused as to why nothing appeared to happen when I tried to 
install with YaST??


Dr Steve Logan, engineering software
 t: 01764-650085

Scottish mailing list

[Scottish] Hopeless newbie question

2005-09-05 Thread Steve Logan

After lurking for some years now it's time to come out of the closet...

I've just set up my first serious Linux machine, a PIII 500 running SuSe 
Professional 9.1.  Installation went OK and it's now up and running 
ready for me to play around with Apache/Tomcat (which is why I want it).

Here's my question -

I use WinXP for most of my development work and want an easy way of 
copying files to and from the SuSe box.  I've correctly set up Samba 
client and server on the SuSe box, or at least I think I have.

From the Suse box I can see my Win2003 network and copy files across. 
So that direction works fine.

From my XP box I enter the IP address of the Suse box in 'My Computer' 
and I get back a list of things - 'groups', 'profiles', 'users' and 
'Printers and Faxes'.  When I click on, say, users I'm asked to login. 
Here's where my problem starts.  I enter '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' as the 
'User name' and enter my password (I have already set up an account on 
the SuSe box called steve and I can login fine at the Suse machine) but 
I'm not logged in.  I've tried all sorts of permutations and 
combinations for the user name but I'm stumped.

I presume I'm doing something daft.  The suse box is called 
'cactuslinux' and there is an account called 'steve'.




Dr Steve Logan, engineering software
 t: 01764-650085

Scottish mailing list

[Scottish] Hopeless newbie charges on

2005-09-05 Thread Steve Logan
Flushed with my success earlier today (thank-you folks) I think I'll try 
a bit harder to get into this Linux malarkey.

So - do you have any recommendations for a good not-quite-eedjit book 
for introducing a moderately expert Windows user to SuSE?  My background 
is engineering and programming rather than networks.  However I have 
built a number of PCs and networks and am (touch wood) not too bad at 
the hard techy stuff.  It seems to me that there's a different mindset 
that Windows folks needs to be learn to get around a Linux box?  Any 
book recommendations then?



(PS I like books cos I can read them on a train).

Dr Steve Logan, engineering software
 t: 01764-650085

Scottish mailing list