[sdre-l]: Live CD/ Video dates!

1999-08-29 Thread Azrael1877

Hey I dont know how accurate this is but I work in a music store and this is 
what I have recieved: "Sunny Day Real Estate, live album and video- Out 
October 19th!"  Thats all, I dont know if it has been mentioned or not yet so 
I thought I would.

[sdre-l]: Music Stores

1999-08-29 Thread Josh Wiener

Hey there everyone!  I wrote a couple of weeks ago regarding what music 
stores to go to in Seattle to find Sunny Day merchandise, and I just wanted 
to thank everybody who responded to my request.  Just about everybody 
recommended going to the Sub Pop Mega Mart, and I made it there on the last 
day of my trip.  Unfortunately they were closed for inventory which really 
disappointed me, and I was not able to get anything.  The store sure looked 
cool from the outside though.  If you've ever been there before, you'll know 
what I mean when I say that the store name is pretty funny and ironic. :)  
Even though I did not have any luck in my search, thanks again for your help 
everybody!  Also, does anyone know if Sunny Day has any intentions on 
playing any shows down in Santa Barbara, CA?  I had tickets to the show they 
canceled here in February, and I would really love to see them perform live. 
  If anyone from the list is from around Santa Barbara, drop me line, I'd 
love to meet you.  Thanks again!


Do or do not... There is no try.
Yoda- Empire Strikes Back

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Re: [sdre-l]: We're Gods/Touched for Something Greater?

1999-08-29 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

I don't even see the point in comparing these pop culture icons with bands like sunny 
day, considering that they are setting out to do completely different things. I mean, 
lots of these people don't even write their own music for christ's sake! And the ones 
that do, when they sit down and write a song, they're not trying to write something 
that's going to stir the listener's emotions, so why criticize them because their 
music doesn't do that for you? They're trying to make you dance, or make you sing 
along, or something. Judge them on how well they do at that. 
  There are no definitions on what is quality. Music doesn't have to be extremely 
emotional to be good. I'll like music because it makes me dance, or I'll like music 
because it's catchy, but I don't like the pop culture gods because I can't take them 
seriously. I'll also like bands because their music is emotionally powerfull, but I 
dislike many emo bands for that same reason, lots of emo music I just can't take 
 And by the way, I don't think I'm any smarter than anybody else becaue I DO like a 
band they dislike, or I DON'T like a band they DO like. Musical taste has no 
reflection on intelligence, no matter which way you slice it. And don't say that your 
MUSICALLY smarter than them, either. Because being musically advanced just makes you 
understand the musical formulas better. Being musically intellegent doesn't change 
your taste, just opens more doors of musical comprehension, allowing you more options 
with witch to choose what you like and dislike. 
thanks for your time,
matt t. carlson

since everybody else is doing this I'll do it too:
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Tortoise- "Millions now Living Will Never die"

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[sdre-l]: Real news

1999-08-29 Thread Mike Finkel

Go here for some real info on sunny day:



Can you still feel the butterflies?

-Jimmy Eat World

[sdre-l]: 7 inch pressings.

1999-08-29 Thread Junior Citizen

im very interested in knowing just how many "flatland spider" and "thief..." 
seven inches were actually pressed. id kinda like to know how many are out 
there floating around.
id say,
f.s. - 2,000
t.s.m.p. - 2,500
just my guesses, but i would like a solid number.
n.p. - 764-hero "now youre swimming" 7" ep
   radiohead "bends" era b-sides
   the spinanes - "manos"

"today is whatever i want it to be..." - beth orton

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Re: [sdre-l]: meaningful music

1999-08-29 Thread jeff jones

JustinBRAVO!!! Quality answer, great n.p.

Well I'm gonna offer my opinion. I've been sitting silently and observing 
this thread and I'm gonna make my peace and be quiet.
What make Sunny Day more respectable than these numerous pop stars that have 
poped up? THEY WRITE THEIR OWN MUSIC!!! They as a group piece these 
songs together with their own immaginations. The Pop star solution??? It's 
just a formula. Some one creates a beat...comes up with the melody...someone 
writes some vocal parts. Then they hire a seventeen year old with a decent 
voice and tits that behold the miracles of modern science to sing it and 
bounce around in videos and on stage. Come on now...Ms Spears does Not write 
her own music...she never performed a live show before she made her CD. The 
record company doesn't try to sell her musical genious...they're selling an 
immage! She's a puppet! Sunny Day is a band. Who is "better" is a subjective 
question. Opinions are like assholes... Who's more respectable? There is 
little debate who wins that one hands down.


Well, the debate has been raging over the assertion that Sunny Day is
universally good music and therefor superior to groups with less substance.

Personally, I don't think it is elitist to agree with that assertion. I 
know if any of you have read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but
it says a lot about the existence of quality. Quality is the only thing 
is both objective and subjective; quality can be inherent in an object. And 
think it is inherent in the music of Sunny Day. Sure I enjoy listening to
other bands. This ties in to the discussion we had earlier about hair 
But I realize that they don't exude (harbor, whatever) as much quality as
Sunny Day. And while Sunny Day may be at the top of the heap in emotional
quality, they may lack the musical quality of other bands.

I think quality is real and attainable and recognizable. And I don't think
it's elitist to think so.


n.p. Ben Folds Five "The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner"

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