Re: [sdre-l]: Fools in the SDRE Mailing List

2001-02-18 Thread Phillip Sidney Horky

I never talk about this stuff anymore, but I have been moved for some
reason today.  

My opinion is that SDRE needs to be minimally produced.  Their best
sounding work is, certainly (in this opinion), songs produced by Brad Wood
on LP2.  Songs such as "Friday" and the re-recorded "8" are not layered
with millions of guitars, etc.  What happens in those songs is that the
great songwriting comes forth.  TRT, while wonderfully thick and warm,
suffers from a general lack of spunk.  Having seen them twice on the TRT
tour, I noticed that songs such as  "Killed by an Angel" and
"Disappear" totally f#*%ing rock.  It amazed me so profoundly at their
live performances for the TRT tour because it was so RAW.  SDRE needs to
be raw, not overraught.  Unfortunately, HIFTBSO is produced so POORLY
(with certain exceptions: "Days Were Golden", "Guitars and Video Games")
that the minimalist production deters from the musicality.  

For my money, the best thing the band has ever done is Jeremy's solo
CD.  And I cannot for the life of me understand how Greg Williamson
would so perfectly capture that sparse, oblique tone so well on that
album, and so poorly fail at it with HIFTBSO.  Frog Queen gets better
every year.


[sdre-l]: Another problem

2001-02-18 Thread WufSpidah

I really like the conversations that are going on in this list. There has 
been some talk of people complaining about people being elitist and indie, 
well, I have to say something about it. From my posts I may come off as an 
indie elitist bastard, but I like to think Im different. Im different in this 
sense, when Sunny Day was without a label, and were looking for one, I was 
really hoping they would sign to Capitol or DGC or Epic and be huge, on the 
radio, doing the music they were making. But they really, really, really 
changed their sound. But I dont think they changed their sound to please 
anyone, to be more accesable to anyone, cause they still arent a big band. 
One of my biggest problems with it is this, they could probably have signed 
with a major label, but didn't, so they are doing this huge arena rock music 
without the thought of "getting big" in mind. It would at least be somewhat 
understandable if they were doing it for the money, there would at least be a 
reason behind them sounding like they do. Selling out requires one to make 
money, and I bet Diary still has outsold TRT. No, what is most troubling 
about their sound now is that I think this is honestly what they always 
wanted to sound like. It just makes you wonder what would be in their private 
CD collections if you took a peek. That's all from me for now.

Matt np- Wilco - "Summerteeth"

Re: [sdre-l]: Fools in the SDRE Mailing List

2001-02-18 Thread r. wheaton

I don't know why, but i'm gonna apologize in advance (probably because
i'm planning on using foul language.)

I've been on this list a long time (a LONG time).  Don't take that as me
saying i'm better or more intelligent or anything, i'm just saying that
i've been around the block here a few times.  (If i thought i was better
than you, i'd tell you straight up :-)  ).  I've heard complaints about
TRT come and go.  I heard complaints about HIFTBSO.  And through it all
i've just kind of chuckled on the inside.

how many of you have seen them live?  those of you who have are quite
lucky.  I myself have been the lucky member of about 8 shows.  Every
single show was awesome.  every fucking song that they played was off
the hook amazing.  I don't care how it sounded on the record, live,
those songs held up and they fucking rocked the house.

now...  how many of you were around when there was no SDRE?  either
before or after the break up, doesn't matter.  Remember how much it
sucked to love the band so much, but it really didn't matter because
they weren't there?  Remember how fucking great it felt when we heard
that they were back in the studio?  remember that show at the moore
theater where there wasn't a dry eye in the house?

through all your complaints of TRT (and even HIFTBSO), would you rather
go back to the days where there WAS NO sdre?  would you rather be robbed
of those live shows?  miss out on those moments of pure elation and
sorrow at the same time?  remember that this means that you will never
have the chance to see the "old" songs be played either...  

i don't think so..  and if you do, then you shouldn't waste your time
with this mailing list.  so...  don't tell me how much you think TRT
sucks.  it's a mute point and i could give a fuck.  just be happy that
they're playing music (and that will's not a foo fighter).  

ryan out.

 I heard about that too.  From what i remember, dan took a much more involved
 approach into the lyrics than jeremy did, probably just because jeremy was
 busy playing guitar, bass, piano, etc...
 Lyrics are the biggest problem i have w/this album, though they definately
 don't bug me as much as some of you have stated.  The lyrics on some songs
 (disappear, snibe, etc) just sound really pretentious and not at all what
 SDRE would normally do...hopefully, this is due to dan's involvement, and we
 can all hope that jeremy takes over again next time around.
 As far as the songs themselves, i really don't mind them that much (i think
 i'm the only one on here who enjoys "television").  When i first got the
 album, i liked every single song, but now i'm realizing more and more what i
 do and don't like about it.  It is a decent album (much better than most
 other stuff out there right now), just not what we've come to expect from
 SDRE.  I guess only time will tell as to whether this "new" style will stick

[sdre-l]: FERRIS

2001-02-18 Thread Lance Ferris

On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ryan, having been on the mailing list for no doubt as long as you myself,
I feel I am qualified to reply to this - I've yet to see anyone post any
message that says the following: "TRT sucked, why don't they break up the
band because they suck so much?  They suck-diddly-uck and should be a band
no more."

Having said that, your argument seems to be a bit of a strawman - no one
is saying they should break up.  So, to me at least, it's like your trying
to address a problem that doesn't exist.  

Furthermore, it is my opinion that, by and large, TRT wasn't all that
good. Not bad, but bad for SDRE.  Does that mean they should break up?
Hell no, they can keep doing whatever they want, I've long since moved on
to bands like  Cursive to get my Diary-era music fix.  However, it also
doesn't mean that we can't properly roast them for putting out something
that many don't like.  

Yet, at the same time, a lot of people need to lighten up.  Personally, I
give bands a 'breathing room' of about two or three album - if they put
out two or three albums that I just plain do not like, then they don't get
my interest or my money without them having to re-prove themselves (in
other words, I am not there at the music stores the day the CD comes out,
regardless of if I've heard it or not).  Tori Amos has run out of
breathing room with her last few albums; Sunny Day I still believe in.

Incidentally, the way the songs sound live is of little importance - if
they don't sound good on the CD, people won't go to the shows (except the
fans like you and I who know they rock live).  The first exposure to a
band more often than not comes by way of Radio or CD in the 'big buisness'
marketplace, which it seems SDRE is trying to crack.  Relying on good live
shows to hook new viewers doesn't work when live shows are stuffed with
people who are already fans - preaching to the converted, if you will.  

Finally, just a list moderation note - posts strictly about hum are a
no-go, so try to mix in some SDRE opinion or facts with your posts.  And
try notto restate opinions in your own words - adda  new thought to it.
Obviously in this sort of discussion lots of people feel the same way, so
if you make a post that doesn't point out anything new, i.e. you deliver
the same analysis of a song or whatever as someone else already ahs, it's
not likely to go through because that's basically just a me-too post.
(Having said that I don't have a photographic memory of what has and
hasn't been said so there's probably still a 50/50 chance it'll go
thorugh. :))

(In short, RYan, I agree they rock live but don't see that people are
saying they should break up.  People can complain about the band if they
want to because those sort of opinions are just as valid as complimentary

 I don't know why, but i'm gonna apologize in advance (probably because
 i'm planning on using foul language.)
 I've been on this list a long time (a LONG time).  Don't take that as me
 saying i'm better or more intelligent or anything, i'm just saying that
 i've been around the block here a few times.  (If i thought i was better
 than you, i'd tell you straight up :-)  ).  I've heard complaints about
 TRT come and go.  I heard complaints about HIFTBSO.  And through it all
 i've just kind of chuckled on the inside.
 how many of you have seen them live?  those of you who have are quite
 lucky.  I myself have been the lucky member of about 8 shows.  Every
 single show was awesome.  every fucking song that they played was off
 the hook amazing.  I don't care how it sounded on the record, live,
 those songs held up and they fucking rocked the house.
 now...  how many of you were around when there was no SDRE?  either
 before or after the break up, doesn't matter.  Remember how much it
 sucked to love the band so much, but it really didn't matter because
 they weren't there?  Remember how fucking great it felt when we heard
 that they were back in the studio?  remember that show at the moore
 theater where there wasn't a dry eye in the house?
 through all your complaints of TRT (and even HIFTBSO), would you rather
 go back to the days where there WAS NO sdre?  would you rather be robbed
 of those live shows?  miss out on those moments of pure elation and
 sorrow at the same time?  remember that this means that you will never
 have the chance to see the "old" songs be played either...  
 i don't think so..  and if you do, then you shouldn't waste your time
 with this mailing list.  so...  don't tell me how much you think TRT
 sucks.  it's a mute point and i could give a fuck.  just be happy that
 they're playing music (and that will's not a foo fighter).  
 ryan out.
  I heard about that too.  From what i remember, dan took a much more involved
  approach into the lyrics than jeremy did, probably just because jeremy was
  busy playing guitar, bass, piano, etc...
  Lyrics are the 

[sdre-l]: TRT

2001-02-18 Thread anthony

since everyone's sounding off... this was something i posted to the 
official bulletin board a while ago:

i'm a huge fan of sunny day real estate, have been since diary. i've 
seen them a bunch of times, have tons of their posters and cds and vinyl 
all over my bedroom, and i listen to them practically every day. my ears 
perk up when i overhear people talking about sunny days or real estate, 
even when they have nothing to do with the band. when i found out they 
were getting back together i screamed and cried and called everyone i 
knew. diary changed my life before i even put it into my cd player, just 
thumbing through the lyrics on the drive back home from the record store 
(i was 14 or so at the time) made me want to just break down and cry and 
scream and i listened to it every night for two months to the point 
where i had to beg a friend to take it off my hands for a few months 
just because i couldn't sleep anymore. of course, i was in a point in my 
life where i was very depressed (over a girl, of course) and that's what 
made me click with the album so much in the first place. i've bought 
diary three times. the first copy got stolen, the second copy got 
scratched from me taking it everywhere, and the third copy a got a few 
weeks ago. to this day i call diary my favorite album. but, i can hardly 
listen to it anymore. not because it's emotionally overwhelming for me 
like it when i was 15, but because i'm not at that point anymore. i have 
a girlfriend and we've been together for a year. i'm out of school and i 
have a full-time job. i'm rarely ever depressed.  although "how it feels 
to be something on" and "the rising tide" don't sonically and 
emotionally blow me away like diary and lp2 *DID*, they are more 
well-crafted musical works of art then the past two records are. sunny 
day has moved on from that era, just as i have. and although i still pop 
diary into my cd player every once in a while (and i still can't wait to 
see them play more older stuff live), i listen to the rising tide almost 
every day (not including in-store play). something as simple as the 
rolling bassline at the end of "tearing in my heart" capitivates me more 
than the passionate wails of "48."

and that still holds true to this day (except i split up with my 
girlfriend).  so, maybe i'm one of the few... but i'm an old school sdre 
fan that totally understands (at least, i think i do) the direction they 
are going... i absolutely adore the rising tide.  sure, i have a few 
problems with it (just like everyone other sdre record, and every other 
album i own for that matter), a few of the lyrics are "awkward," 
"television" (although i do like it) reminds me way tooo much of pearl 
jam's "jeremy" (although supposedly the band didn't even realize it)... 
but for the most part it's an amazing, well-crafted album with just 
enough production.  whereas diary was about blowing you away with 
distorted guitar and screaming, and hiftbso was about proving that their 
music could be just as emotional without much of either, TRT has just 
enough diary-style rocking and hiftbso-style mellowness and superb 
vocals.  the lyrics are a departure from the earlier records, and i 
think a lot of people get confused by that... but i like them.  at 
first, it was almost kind of shocking to hear jeremy sing lines like 
"let's say you found a gun... how would your bad side burn?" and that 
kind of made it cool.  to me sunny day has always been more about the 
way the words are sung then the actual lyrics... diary has a few lyrics 
that sound like bad high-school poetry, but the passion in jeremy's 
vocals communicates so much more.  just like in TRT, although one's 
"everything and everyone..." is tremendously clich, you get a feeling 
that the band means way more than that.  every song on TRT communicates 
a specific feeling or message and i love them all.

what the hell do i listen to besides sunny day, you ask?  i listen to my 
fair share of the emo/indie stuff out there: cursive, juliana theory, at 
the drive-in, death cab for cutie, mineral, modest mouse, built to 
spill, pedro the lion, elliott smith, etc... however my music collection 
contains albums by people from garth brooks to snoop dogg.  in fact i 
listen to a lot of hip-hop like wu-tang, jurassic 5, black eyed peas... 
and yes, even eminem, more "mainstream" rock like deftones, smashing 
pumpkins,  and even (gasp!) foo fighters, neo-punk shiznit like nofx, 
h2o, 88 fingers louie, millencolin, afi... white-boy funk like dub 
narcotic, soul coughing... "fun" stuff like the presidents, weezer, nerf 
herder... and since i'm from seattle, i have my fair share of nirvana, 
pearl jam, and soundgarden records... basically i listen to everything 
but sugar pop, techno, limp bizkit-type bands, and so-called "easy 
listening."  but my favorite band of all time continues to be sunny day 
real estate... they have yet to let me down.

i just have this crazy feeling that 

Re: [sdre-l]: TRT (and Hum)

2001-02-18 Thread Mike \Skinnyness\ Wiegand

i agree with u on the whole LP2 thing, that's my #2 
fav SDRE record...and my girlfriend's #1i just think TRT is getting bad 
rapp...there's just too many closed minds dude, some people just gotta open up 
and realize that there's still all the elements in place that makes SDRE what 
they record should be different... and i look forward to it...HIFTBSO 
will still always be the best...just because it's the best theme record SDRE has 
ever done, everything flows perfect, and you glean something new from the songs 
every time u listen to itanyway srry to bore you dude...


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 1:48 
  Subject: Re: [sdre-l]: TRT (and 
  FRIGGIN AMAZING!! :) those guys need to get back together and fast... tho 
  I am curious about Centaur. I think, tho my opinion always changes, 
  right now Hum is my #1 and SDRE's like 2 or 3 or something. np, 
  ironically enough: Hum - "If You are to Bloom" - j o e 

Re: [sdre-l]: genuine? humble? ambitious? don't bet on it

2001-02-18 Thread Matt Findon

wow, where did that come from?  i met them after their halloween show in
madison, wi, and there were nothing but unpretentious and humble to the fans
who waited outside for them.  there weren't many of us, maybe 10 at one
point.  they stood out there and talked to us for well over an hour, and
were amazingly friendly.  maybe you just bumped into them at a bad time
mani consider myself lucky that they had the energy to talk to their
fans after such a great performance, so i think maybe when you met them,
they just weren't in the same mood they were in when i met them.  people are
people, we all have our bad moods.  if i was in a band, i'm sure i would
take a lot of time to talk to my fans, but i also know that i couldn't do it
every single time someone came up to me.  it's a weird perspective, but i
just think your degrading comments toward them are a result of feeling let
down by not getting to talk to them at a good point in their lives, or
something.  bummer, man, i wish you could have been there when i met them.


- Original Message -
From: Charlie Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 12:59 PM
Subject: [sdre-l]: genuine? humble? ambitious? don't bet on it

 they are very genuine, very humble and yes, musically ambitious

 As for the band being genuine and humble, I've never seen any aspect of
 after meeting them. I've bumped into Dan and Jeremy twice, both times Dan
 gave me a big "I'm a rockstar, I know I'm wonderful" act, and Jeremy just
 ignored me and treated me like an asshole (there were three of us and him
 outside Slim's this last time, the only people on the street, and he still
 did not say one word to us even after we said hi and complimented his
 SDRE has turned into a huge conglamorate "rawk" band, a band who knows
 they're good, and has let it go to their heads. This is not the friendly,
 likable group of artistic pioneers it once was. This is a band who has
 behind any artistic integrity they had in search of the almighty dollar. I
 used to think there was nothing worse than a mediocre band who thinks
 they're great. Sunny Day's worse then that; they're a medicore band who
 to be great and thinks they still are. The Rising Tide is a joke. The
 prog-rock finger is pointed simply because the album is a wannabe
 album, from the cryptic, mystical lyrics, to the overblown production, to
 the neo-new age artwork, right down to the "artistic" pictures fo
 in the liners. They list every goddamn instrument and who plays what on
 track, like someone would care that on "The Rising Tide" Jeremy did
 bass, guitar, piano, and keys, or that Dan played a lap steel on "Killed
 an Angel." Prog-rock ultimately brings around an image of pretentiousness,
 and that's exactly what SDRE has on an unprecedented level. They got lazy,
 they claimed importance and respect they didn't deserve, and this is the
 result: a half-assed album with gobs and layers of production and added
 to cover that THERE ARE NO REALLY GOOD SONGS ON IT. Maybe the
 ho-hum-nobody-gives-a-shit reaction to it will give the band a wake up
 and they'll stick to the music instead of fantasy visions of arenas and
 devil signed hands flung up in the air. But since they're already at work
 again(!) on another album, I really doubt that.

 To see what I listen to, go to my blog and click "music."

 from Charlie Wagner | AIM=themadlord
 np: Enon, "Believo!"

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [sdre-l]: TRT

2001-02-18 Thread Charlie Wagner

i just have this crazy feeling that their fifth album is going to be
their best yet... and will unite all of the subscribers of this list
in sunny day love.  who's with me?  

Even though I rip on TRT a lot, I remember reading somewhere that some 
reviewer said the band was one album away from their OK Computer, and I 
agree with that. I think they've gotten far enough to realize their 
successes and their failures and can determine what will fit and what won't 
in their next release or the one after that.

from Charlie Wagner | AIM=themadlord
np: All Natural Lemon  Lime Flavors, "Straight Blue Line"

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[sdre-l]: oh no, it's a poll question

2001-02-18 Thread Gravelview
 I realize this question has probably been asked before on the list, but what 
with all this talk of what the albums mean/don't mean to people, I feel it 
bares asking (again).

What SDRE record means the most to you? Which is your favorite? And please, 
responses like "I can't choose!" and "Joe, you're so sexy I can't concentrate 
on an answer" don't work here. If you were going to a desert island for 5 
years, and taking more than one SDRE album would somehow result in a nuclear 
hollocaust, when it comes down to the nitty gritty, which one would you take?

send replies to me, not the list
- j o e