Re: [sdre-l]: NP...

2001-03-27 Thread Gravelview
I think that sounds like a good idea... yeah, I've noticed alot of stuff from 
my collection in other people's "NP"'s... I think the records we all like 
would probably show that we like stuff with melodic complexities as well as 
dynamic energy... musically... as well as some element about the band, like 
personality-wise that brings us in.. I'm not really sure... I've never really 
thought of Sunny Day as one of those type bands... there more like just 
everyday guys, so maybe that is their element. 
- j o e
np- Radiohead - "The National Anthem"

Re: [sdre-l]: sdre basslines

2001-03-22 Thread Gravelview
I believe it credits the lyrics as Jeremy's and Dan's... and quite frankly, 
based on how the music sounds, especially from album to album, you can tell 
each member  probably comes up with mosy of their own parts, on the first 2 
CDs at least. Plus, I've seen interviews where they talked about Theo B 
starting with "nate's bassline".. so you know he at least came up with that 
(which is genious)... and based on the stylings of the other early songs, it 
really sounds like he wrote most (if not all) of them himself. The whole 
beauty of LP2 is how the songs revolve around the bass.. it gives every 
instrument room to expand on its own textures rather than your standard 
chugging power chords. That's the main thing that attracted me to SDRE, so 
needless to say, I'll always be fondest of the "Nate-era" records.
- j o e
np - Thirty Ought Six - "radon"

Re: [sdre-l]: decipher

2001-03-20 Thread Gravelview
Seven and 8 are respectively the 7th and 8th songs written with Jeremy in the 
47 and 48 are respectively the 47th and 48th songs written in the band's 
entire history.
5/4 is named after the time signature of its verse, which has 5 quarter beats 
for each measure, making the time signature 5/4.
hope this helps, I can't really think of any other number titles... except 
one, which is pretty self explanatory... oh yeah, and Song 9 on TSMAP has the 
same story as Seven and 8.
- j o e
np - Pearl Jam -"Rats"

[sdre-l]: results of the special album poll

2001-03-09 Thread Gravelview
   First off, I'd like to apologize for the time it took for me to post 
these results; I had some computer troubles to work out and I haven't been 
online for a while. Secondly, I'd like to say in brief what I think of the 5 
LPs Sunny Day Real Estate has released: Diary: good album, it rocks.. not as 
continuous as others, more like a few really really great songs and then some 
mediocre ones. A few stylistic things I don't really care for, but hey, it 
was their first. It still friggin rocked. LP2: One of the best albums ever, 
in my humble opinion. I like all the songs, which seem to drag me in more and 
more as the album goes along. I love the grooveish styling with crooning 
vocals, and basically every instrument works together beautifully. I'll never 
stop loving LP2. HIFTBSO: a very well-put-together record, it doesn't 
surprise me in the least that this album is the definitive winner on the 
poll. Very conceptual, atmospheric, soft and artsy.. while still somehow raw. 
It's great. Live: Pretty good album, I wish it had more off LP2.. but the 
songs it does have, I feel, really capture a certain energy.. it's a fun disc 
to play-along to. Rising Tide: Well, I've already said what I think of Rising 
Tide.. it's kinda, well.. bad. And now, after that rant, the results (keep in 
mind, some people listed 2 different albums, for example saying that one is 
their actual favorite but one actually means the most to them. I wasn't 
really expecting this, but on some of these, depending on the context of what 
they said, I counted a vote for both albums):

1st place (duh duh daaah!) - How It Feels To Be Something On - 45% of the vote
2nd - LP2 - 35% of the vote
3rd - Diary - 10% of the vote
4th (a tie) - Live - 5% of the vote / Rising Tide - 5% of the vote

So there ya have it folks. On a final note, I'd like to say that anyone who 
likes SDRE and Hum should check out the late great Castor.. radical stuff.

- j o e
np - Death Cab for Cutie - "Company Calls"

[sdre-l]: oh no, it's a poll question

2001-02-18 Thread Gravelview
 I realize this question has probably been asked before on the list, but what 
with all this talk of what the albums mean/don't mean to people, I feel it 
bares asking (again).

What SDRE record means the most to you? Which is your favorite? And please, 
responses like "I can't choose!" and "Joe, you're so sexy I can't concentrate 
on an answer" don't work here. If you were going to a desert island for 5 
years, and taking more than one SDRE album would somehow result in a nuclear 
hollocaust, when it comes down to the nitty gritty, which one would you take?

send replies to me, not the list
- j o e

Re: [sdre-l]: lp2

2001-02-16 Thread Gravelview
wierd... I looked, cause *LP2 being my favorite* I have 2 versions, vinyl and 
CD... my record says "breathing", my CD says "breatinging"
prolly a mis-print
- j o e

np; Hum -"The Pod"

Re: [sdre-l]: TRT

2001-02-16 Thread Gravelview
I think there are many things that make The Rising Tide just a less-enjoyable 
album for me, but I suppose the main reason is just the record's general 
atmosphere, which is kindof a difficult reasoning to explain but, like.. as a 
whole is just sounds *for lack of a better term* corny.. like not corny like 
80s hair-band corny, but like Hall and Oates/ life insurance commercial 
corny.. lol, sorry that's the best way I can explain how it strikes my ears 
atmospherically. People whine about it being "over-produced".. but I think 
production can be a good thing, so I'll call it "mis-produced".. there's lots 
of stuff thrown in there that just sounds *to me* wrong, or un-needed.. for 
example, like the tons of keyboard/piano tracks that are just playing the 
vocal line. The vocal lines themselves kinda bug me too.. they sound like *I 
know this sounds wierd but:* overthought.. like he spent so much time 
analyzing them that he made em all snazzy to the point where they don't fit 
the song at all... some of the songs bug me because they 
harmonically/arrangement-wise just seem not to fit together at all, like Rain 
Song or The Rising Tide.. some bug me because they have this really wierd new 
wave sound to em that just gets on my nerves: like Television and Disappear.. 
and others because they seem too repetitive or un-arranged for their own good 
(as much as repetition and simplicity CAN be a good thing): like Tearing in 
my Heart and Faces in Disguise. It seems like I've knocked on ever song but 
the "rock" ones.. and those too didn't have much staying power for me, I 
liked Fool in the Photograph and Snibe at first... and I still like em ok.. 
but they aren't so spectacular to my ears as to hold up the whole album... 
Killed by An Angel really bugs me now.. like this lame attempt to "rock" 
again.. and a self-admittedly Neil Young rip-off riff.. it's dissapointing to 
say the least.. The Ocean is still a good song, while a little "mis-produced" 
it flows nicely.. One just sounds like a big, whooping ear of corn, I'm 
sorry to go on this big rant about it, but The Rising Tide is just 
dissapointing to my ears.. and I thought I'd try my best to answer your 
question about reasonings for that. Remember, his is just my .02 dollars, and 
that can't even get you a stick of gum.
- j o e 

np; Hum - "Puppets"

Re:[sdre-l]: New to SDRE fan...

2001-02-13 Thread Gravelview
I too think Rising Tide is pretty pathetic. LP2 will always be my favorite 
SDRE release, as well as one of my favorite records EVER. There are very few 
albums out there that can move me like LP2, and much less continue to move me 
even after years of listening. LP2 is soo underapreciated in my opinion, even 
the band rags on it.. and I just don't understand, it's so beautiful all the 
way through.. Though Diary and How it Feels have some great tracks, they just 
don't seem to have that groove and continuity that LP2 has... I don't think 
I'll ever get sick of it. 
just my .02 dollars
- j o e
{sorry to WufSpidah for sendin this twice}
- n.p: Hum - "Winder"

[sdre-l]: SDRE Posters

2000-05-20 Thread Gravelview

Hey, does anyone have any SDRE posters they want to sell? 
My walls are bare :)
Thanks a ton

[sdre-l]: Rising Tide

2000-05-19 Thread Gravelview

Hey, I'm curious.. for those who have heard the new record, or at least some 
of it.. what is your favorite song (so far)?
Yikes, I guess that's a poll, kinda. so reply to me

Fwd: [sdre-l]: Get the New Sunny Day album NOW!

2000-05-16 Thread Gravelview


Hey, it's already on Napster :)
I'm not getting the whole thing tho, just a couple songs, getting the whole 
CD kinda spoils the surprise of actually buying it, I think
Anyways, yeah the whole things on Napster, so you can download it there

Re: [sdre-l]: the rising tide.

2000-04-22 Thread Gravelview

Oh My god.. the real audio of "One" That song kicks many many many asses
I can't wait for the new record.. I loved the Ocean, I really love this.. I'm 

[sdre-l]: Spade and Parade

2000-02-18 Thread Gravelview

I'm wondering if anyone has (and is willing to sell/trade) or knows where I 
could get
the Spade and Parade 7". I really want it. I'd also like a hold of the 
SDRE/STT split single, if anyone knows anything.
Thanks a ton

[sdre-l]: trivial question

2000-02-13 Thread Gravelview

I realize this is kindof a pointless question, but I'm curious, does anyone 
know where the title "The Blankets Were The Stairs" came from?
I just think it's a really interesting title.

[sdre-l]: SDRE tribute

2000-02-07 Thread Gravelview

I'm new to the list, and I've been hearing things about an SDRE tribute. Is 
this really going on, and if so could I have some info about it.

[sdre-l]: Live mp3

2000-02-07 Thread Gravelview

Hey, I'm wondering if anyone knows where I could find a live mp3 of "theo b".
If you do, I'd really love to hear it, thanks.

Re: [sdre-l]: The Love In This Room

2000-02-04 Thread Gravelview

Yeah. I'm a new SDRE fan. I bought the Pink album out of curiosity last 
month, and I was just overtaken by the music. SDRE has this amazing quality 
for perfect dynamic, emotion and arrangement (every part they play is exactly 
what would sound best). Their songs also excersize the talents of all 
instruments equally, a noble quality.
I love Sunny Day, I'm amazed.

[sdre-l]: The Sad Californian

2000-02-03 Thread Gravelview

I'm one of the many sad Californians who has never seen SDRE live.
I don't know what people see this, and if anyone who does has any say in 
SDRE's tour plans, but if they play Portland, OR sometime in December, I 
could finally see them. (I go to Portland every December )
I know it's one helluva long shot, but I figure it can't hurt to post it on 
the list.