Re: [sdre-l]: Touring Partners

2000-08-17 Thread Josh Stephens

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Bruce Labbate wrote:
> On a totally personal note, I'd rather they toured with Jejune. 

This would mean a very happy Me, since it would mean that Jejune had
gotten back together.

Perhaps there should be a super-reunion; with, like, Mineral, Far, Jejune,
Jawbreaker, and the absolutely mandatory reunion success story, Sunny Day
Real Estate.  I think I had a wet dream along those lines one time. :)


[sdre-l]: Pictures from Atlanta show

2000-07-25 Thread Josh Stephens

For anyone who's interested in seeing, I scanned some pictures I took at
the Sunny Day Real Estate show in Atlanta on July 14th and put 'em up on a
web page. They were taken with a disposable camera, so they're not of high
photographic caliber.  There's a few from the signing as well, and a scan
of the set list (Woo-hoo! I snagged it! :)

The URL:

The show was great, even with the thudding of a rave going on
below.  Definately one of the best, if not the best, I've ever seen.  I
went to the Athens show too (no pictures), and the atmosphere was better
(no smoking helps a good deal, coupled with with no annoying thudding
inbetween songs), although I think I liked the performance in Atlanta
better.  The set for the Athens show was the same; this disappointed me a
bit, although it didn't significantly detract from the show.  I just would
have liked to have seen some other songs performed, but oh well.  It still
was amazing.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and stuff.


Re: [sdre-l]: Some questions....

2000-06-30 Thread Josh Stephens

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Bruce Labbate wrote:

> > 3) What are the band member's status for wives and kids? I know
> > Dan is married, and I remember seeing pictures of another
> > wedding, but I can't remember if it was Will's or Nate's.
> Dan's married, and I seem to remember something happening with regards
> to Jeremy, recently ... Hrm.

An addendum..

Someone posted earlier on the list and said at a show Jeremy said he was
"pregnant," which was either a joke, or maybe he has a wife that is
pregnant?  Although there seems to be a lot of chatter in places about
Jeremy being gay, which I think is just silly speculation and should be
ignored (so, like, you didn't see me say that).

And, on the "In The Blue" website (I believe it was that one), there are
pictures of Nate with is "hot wife" (and she is!) on their wedding day.  

As far as Will goes, I know at one time he was married, but after all the
stuff that happened regarding the Foo Fighters, he started drinking
heavily and I've heard that he hit his wife?  I won't say that's fact,
though (also, you didn't see me say that)  So Will is, or at least used to
be, married.

And what about Jeff Palmer! You forgot to mention him! Although I have no
idea what's up with him :)


RE: [sdre-l]: SDRE Sales!

2000-06-29 Thread Josh Stephens

> Eithe rway I'm sure SDRE, at 15,000 x 15$ = 225,000$, isn't complaining.
> Or maybe they are, I dunno.  :)

Oh, if only it were that easy.  It's more along the lines of 15,000 x $15 =
$225,000 - (record store overhead) - (distributor overhead) - (BIG kickback by
record company since it's a major) = Only about 5-15% of the original amount.
Although, SDRE hardly seems a band interested in doing it for the money, and I'm
sure, in the end, they'll make quite a sum since their bound to sell far more
than 15,000 records.


RE: [sdre-l]: Lyric Writing

2000-06-29 Thread Josh Stephens

> > > Does anyone have an idea of how great the contribution in lyric writing is
> > > from Dan Hoerner?  I had been under the impression that Jeremy wrote most
> > > the songs but my friend seems to think that Dan does the majority of the
> > > songwriting.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> >
> > I believe that Dan wrote most of the lyrics on Diary, but since then,
> > it's been Jeremy writing them.
> I don't know about this.  The person who wrote the lyrics to diary definitely
> also wrote the lyrics to the pink album, whoever that is.  But
> whoever wrote the
> rising tide lyrics was absolutely positively not the same person who wrote the
> majority of the lyrics on diary. sorry if it makes no sense.

Okay, after doing some research, here's my understanding of how the lyric
writing on each album breaks down.  Look through the "Diary" liner notes and at
the bottom of each song, you'll see either "hoerner/enigk" or "enigk/hoerner."
>From the SDRE FAQ, this means "/", and I'm sure there
was some collaboration between the two.  On "LP2", from what I understaind, the
band wasn't getting a long very well, especially between Hoerner and Enigk,
Hoerner did not take much of an active role in writing that album.  Also, it was
about that time that Enigk was "finding god," so a good deal of the lyrics on
that album are some Christian references.  And later, of course, I think they
were back to collaborating, although the albums themselves do not indicate which
individual contributed what to each song.  In "The Rising Tide", it gives the
lyrics as "Hoerner/Enigk", and the music as a collaborative effort by the band.

And yeah, the same person(s) that wrote the lyrics to "Diary" wrote them to "The
Rising Tide."  I think TRT is a good deal less cryptic than "Diary," which is
both a good and a bad thing, but not necessarily something that discounts from
either album.  Since it lists Hoerner first inside TRT as a lyric writer, I
suppose he probably wrote most of the lyrics.  This, however, does not
necessarily account for it being less mysterious, I don't think, since a lot of
the poetry/lyrics I've read that I know are by Hoerner tend to be some of the
hardest to discern.


RE: [sdre-l]: Atlanta appearance

2000-06-27 Thread Josh Stephens

> Does anyone have any news on the record store appearance /show in Atlanta?

The web page says they'll be at Criminal Records at 5:00 PM.  I assume they'll
play at least a short set, maybe mingle and sign autographs and stuff.  You
could call the store, I'm sure, for more information.

Re: [sdre-l]: Merch list and prices - 3rd stop: Boulder, Colorado

2000-06-26 Thread Josh Stephens

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> does anyone know if credit cards are accepted at these shows for the 
> merchandise??

I've never been to a show that accepts credit cards, and I doubt if this
one will be an exception.  Your best bet, if all you have is a credit
card, is suck up the fee and get a cash advance, which you should be able
to do at any ATM.  And I reckon calling the venue that they're playing at
might be a good idea, just in case they are some sorta special place that
does do credit card merch merchandise.  Of course, online ordering accepts
credit cards (at a premium..).


Re: [sdre-l]: Don't do what I did

2000-06-24 Thread Josh Stephens

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Daniel Trudell wrote:

> I think we're all getting fed up with AD.  The only thing compelling about
> it is the TSMAP t-shirt, which I'm going to buy at the show anyway.

Does the $20 price tag make it more compelling? I hope it's cheaper at the
shows, although I'll shell out whatever it takes anyway.  

That's the real advantage of being indie (or, as indie as Sub-Pop is.. at
least they let SDRE chose their own web designer [who was better than the
new one, I might add]..).. t-shirts for under $12.  (Well, yeah, there's
other advantages too, but..)