alrighty, for everyone who has asked, follow these steps to get set up
to particpate in #SDRE, the sunny day chat channel.  this is written at
the novice level, so for some of you it may seem like overkill, but i
don't want to get any e-mails back saying, "you told me to run the
program, how do i do that?"  also, for any mac users out there, i'll
have a tutorial for getting set up with ircle ( i believe)
in the near future...


Load up your web browser and browse to the site:

Once the page is loaded, click on the "Download mIRC" link.  If you use
Windows 95, 98, or NT, choose one of the download links under that
section.  Try to find one geographically close to you.  (I am in
Seattle, so I usually select "mIRC 5.51 (32) in California" or "mIRC
5.51 (32) in Alberta" since those are the two closest.)  This will
download the mIRC software to your computer.  Make sure to take note of
where you are saving the file, so you can get to the install program

After the download, find the install program on your computer and run
it, if your browser didn't already do that for you.  Hit "OK" to all the
questions presented.  It should then tell you that mIRC installation was


Run mIRC from Start Menu | Programs | mIRC.  A little window will pop-up
with author's face and registration info.  (Oh yeah, did I forget to
mention, mIRC is shareware, and you should pay for mIRC if you use it,
although you don't *have* to.)  Click the "OK" box there and you will
find yrself at the Options menu.

Fill out the four fields:

Full Name: you don't have to use your full name, or even your actual
name.  a pseudonym or nice SDRE quote will do nicely.  this shows up
when people run a WHOIS on you to request more information about who you
are.  remember that on IRC, people can only know as much about you as
you want to tell them.
E-Mail Address: you can type anything you want in here, as long as it
has an @ in it.  this address doesn't show up to anyone.  (it's only
there to help set up an ident, which you don't need to worry about now.)

Nickname: the name you want to go by on IRC.  your "handle" as it were.
you must make this 1-9 letters.
Alternate: another nickname you would like to use if someone already has
the nickname you specified.

(Specifying an alternate nickname is optional.  When you connect, it
will try to use the nickname you specified.  If someone else on IRC is
using it, it will try the alternate if you specified one.  If you didn't
specify an alternate, or if the alternate is taken too, you will see the
message "Register First." upon connecting, and you will once again have
an opportunity to specify a nickname.)

Okay, here's the only complicated part, specifying an IRC server.  #SDRE
is on the EFNet IRC network, so you have to find a server that will
connect you to EFNet.  There are a few different ways to go about this,
but here's what I recommend you do:

Click "Add" -- a new window will pop-up
Under "Description" and "IRC Server" enter:
Click "Add"

You are now configured to participate in EFNet IRC.  With any luck, you
will never have to do any of this stuff again.


If mIRC isn't running, start it up.  When the options menu comes back
up, click on "Connect to IRC server!"  (Make sure the
connection you made is the one selected in the pop-up menu.)

Once you connect, a window will come up with a preset list of channels
you can join.  Hit "Cancel" to close it, then type this:

/join #SDRE

There you are!  Unless you hit a slow time, there should be a few other
SDRE fans there who want to chat with you.  On the right side of the
window will be a list of other people who are on #SDRE.

For the most part, just start typing.  You may want to just watch for a
second so you can see what people are talking about.  Although it is the
#SDRE, and normally only frequented by Sunny Day fans, the topic of
conversation is not always Sunny Day Real Estate.  The goal here is to
have a channel where SDRE fans can meet, but don't be surprised if they
are talking about anything but Sunny Day.


There are tons of commands to use on IRC, here are a few simple ones.
All commands start with a slash (/).  These examples assume your
nickname is "SDREFan".

/whois -- brings up detailed info on the nickname you specify.  for
example: /whois Famous

/me -- performs an action is whatever channel you are on.  this is
useful if you want to punch someone, kiss someone, jump out a window,
etc.  for example, if you type "/me punches Famous in the nose" you
would see "* SDREFan punches Famous in the nose"  it will make more
sense once you give it a try.

/quit -- when you are done on IRC, type /quit and proceed it with a
message.  for example, type "/quit time for dinner" and you will be
disconnected from IRC, and people will see "*** SDREFan has quit IRC
(time for dinner, be back soon)"


You will notice that in the nickname list on #SDRE, there are a few
people at the top who have a @ in front of their nickname.  These are
the channel operators, and they can do things like kick or ban users out
of the channel, change the channel topic, change the channel modes (like
moderate it, set a limit on how many people can be in at once, or set a
channel password) and all kinds of different stuff.  Right now there are
about 5 or so #SDRE regulars that have channel operator status.  Anyway,
if you are being a jerk on #SDRE, remember you can be kicked out for
it.  If you stick around #SDRE long enough, and build up some trust with
the people there, we'll give you operator status on the bot.

"The bot" I speak of is a user on IRC that actually isn't a person, just
a computer program that stays on #SDRE all day and watches over it, and
make sure nobody takes the channel.  Right now our bot is "Lizadrin" but
we might getting a new one soon.  The bot is always an op, and gives
certain people ops when they join.  The bot also does fun stuff.  Try
typing any of these things into the channel:

%spin -- spin the bottle, picks someone at random at the channel for you
to kiss
8ball -- ask the bot a question!  for example...

<Famous> 8ball are a lot of people going to stop by #SDRE tonight?
<Lizadrin> Famous, Survey says...yes!!

alright, i hope it's true.  so far the record of people in #SDRE at once
is 6... i want to break that record tonight!  let's see how many people
we can get in here.

like ansi said, there are some upcoming plans to try to get some sdre
members to stop by the channel at times (joe has expressed some real
interest), and to kind of integrate the channel with the interactivity
aspect of  again, we'll keep you informed.

home page:
why should i? because:
sunny day real estate:
irc:  "Famous" on EFNet, channels #SuperDeluxe and #SDRE

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