Re: Java and the NTFS Path weakness

2021-01-18 Thread Bernd

bad news everyone. The second Windows Filesystem related security bug
reported by Jonas Lykkegaard which allows crashing Windows with a
unpriveledged read access also affects JVM and it is not filtered by
Path.of. Which means bot new File(bad).exists() and
Files.readAllLines(Path.of(bad)) will crash Windows immediatelly.

I verified this on the latest Windows Server 2019 January Security Update.

var bad = ".\\globalroot\\device\\condrv\\kernelconnect"


Am Mo., 18. Jan. 2021 um 01:39 Uhr schrieb Bernd :

> Hello,
> you might have seen the media coverage on a Microsoft Windows 10 and
> Windows Server problem where a certain NTFS internal path causes the
> Windows driver to claim corruption and mark the filesystem dirty. (Some
> even reported actual corruption of their filesystems).
> The java.nio Path seems to be resistance against that, as it detects an
> illegal path itself:
> |  Welcome to JShell -- Version
> |  For an introduction type: /help intro
> jshell> var bad = "C:\\:$i30:$bitmap";
> bad ==> "C:\\:$i30:$bitmap"
> jshell> new File(bad).toPath()
> |  Exception java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index
> 3: C:\:$i30:$bitmap
> |at WindowsPathParser.normalize (
> |at WindowsPathParser.parse (
> |at WindowsPathParser.parse (
> |at WindowsPath.parse (
> |at WindowsFileSystem.getPath (
> |at File.toPath (
> |at (#6:1)
> jshell> Paths.get(bad)
> |  Exception java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index
> 3: C:\:$i30:$bitmap
> |at WindowsPathParser.normalize (
> |at WindowsPathParser.parse (
> |at WindowsPathParser.parse (
> |at WindowsPath.parse (
> |at WindowsFileSystem.getPath (
> |at Path.of (
> |at Paths.get (
> |at (#7:1)
> jshell> Path.of(bad)
> |  Exception java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index
> 3: C:\:$i30:$bitmap
> |at WindowsPathParser.normalize (
> |at WindowsPathParser.parse (
> |at WindowsPathParser.parse (
> |at WindowsPath.parse (
> |at WindowsFileSystem.getPath (
> |at Path.of (
> |at (#8:1)
> (not sure if there is a way to construct a path without that
> normalization).
> Unfortunally, however, the and its IO functions to not
> provide this protection, when you call
> jshell> new File(bad).exists()
> $9 ==> false
> (or some other methods accessing the file) you will see the crash message
> in the event log.
> I am not sure if Java should or could filter that (however since java.nio
> already does it might be an option, not sure however if Microsoft would be
> faster and fixing that problem). But I thought I mention this here in case
> you have Java server applications which derive file names from untrusted
> user input (including uncompressing ZIP files).
> Gruss
> Bernd

Re: RFR: 8023980: JCE doesn't provide any class to handle RSA private key in PKCS#1 [v3]

2021-01-18 Thread Michael StJohns

On 1/17/2021 9:29 PM, Valerie Peng wrote:

On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 01:45:07 GMT, Valerie Peng  wrote:

Marked as reviewed by weijun (Reviewer).

_Mailing list message from [Michael StJohns]( on 

Sorry - I'm coming to this a bit late.

Any chance of adding the logic for generatePublic() from a PKCS8 RSA
private key??? RFC3477 has the PKCS1 RSAPrivateKey ASN1 which includes
the modulus and publicExponent - so it should be a pretty straight
forward add to generate a public key.

PKCS11 2.40 started requiring that the publicExponent be stored with the
private key to allow for the public key to be regenerated from a private
key object.?? Going forward,? it might be a good idea to modify the
RSAPrivate(Crt)KeyImpl class to store the publicExponent if provided.


You are correct that for RSA private CRT keys the necessary values are there 
for figuring out its corresponding public keys.

This change is about adding support for PKCS#1 encoded RSA keys and be able to 
translate them into PKCS#8 encoded keys and/or extract various key specs out of 
them. If you already have PKCS#8 RSAPrivateCrtKey obj from SunRsaSign provider, 
you can call its getPublicExponent() method and use that to create a 
RSAPublicKeySpec and generate RSA public key with it. If you are using 3rd 
party impl which does not return the public exponent value somehow, then you 
can translate it using the RSA key factory impl from SunRsaSign provider and 
then repeat the fore-mentioned step. Will this address your need? If not, could 
you elaborate the usage that you have in mind? Not sure if you are suggesting a 
new KeyFactory.generatePublic() method which take a PrivateKey or else.

We can continue your feedback with a separate RFE since this RFE is just about 
adding support for PKCS#1 encoding.
I need to wrap this up before my upcoming trip this Wed, hope that's ok with 

Thanks! Valerie



No worries - I got busy with other things for a few days.

To answer your other question, I've had a few cases where the public key 
for a private key has been misplaced and where we needed it back.  
Ideally,  it should be possible to take a PrivateKey object (in whatever 
form including just PrivateKey) and run it through the KeyFactory to 
extract a PublicKey.  I've used the technique you suggest above before 
(and the related multiply the private scalar against G for EC keys) to 
retrieve the data needed to build a public key, but each of these is a 
bit ad hoc. I'd really prefer to have a standard pattern for all key types.

About 4 years or so ago (e.g. when 2.40 was released), the PKCS11 group 
started requiring that the private keys include the attributes necessary 
to retrieve the public key - for RSA it was the public exponent, and for 
EC it was the public point (which could be stored or regenerated upon 
demand).  It may be time to think about doing something similar here and 
going forward for any given asymmetric key type.

That's a more general RFE than just updating the current implementing 
classes, but as far as I can tell, doesn't change any of the APIs, but 
may change the factory class implementation guidance.

An interesting addition would be to have the Impl classes implement both 
the appropriate public key and private key interfaces.

Re: RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v14]

2021-01-18 Thread Jim Laskey
> This PR is to introduce a new random number API for the JDK. The primary API 
> is found in RandomGenerator and RandomGeneratorFactory. Further description 
> can be found in the JEP .
> javadoc can be found at 
> old PR:

Jim Laskey has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Update package info to credit LMX algorithm


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 15 lines in 1 file changed: 15 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/1292/head:pull/1292


Re: RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v13]

2021-01-18 Thread Jim Laskey
> This PR is to introduce a new random number API for the JDK. The primary API 
> is found in RandomGenerator and RandomGeneratorFactory. Further description 
> can be found in the JEP .
> javadoc can be found at 
> old PR:

Jim Laskey has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains 40 commits:

 - Merge branch 'master' into 8248862
 - Correct range used by nextBytes
 - Merge branch 'master' into 8248862
 - Use annotation for properties. Add getDefault().
 - Merge branch 'master' into 8248862
 - Introduce RandomGeneratorProperties annotation
 - Merge branch 'master' into 8248862
 - 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
   Added coverage testing
 - 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
   Cleanups from Chris H.
 - 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
   Propagate exception
 - ... and 30 more:


  Stats: 13205 lines in 26 files changed: 11043 ins; 2046 del; 116 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/1292/head:pull/1292


Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v4]

2021-01-18 Thread Magnus Ihse Bursie
On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:58:14 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> This PR is not stale; it's just still waiting for input from @AlanBateman.
> @magicus Can the CharacterDataXXX.template files move to 
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang?

@AlanBateman When I moved the charset templates, I found this gold nugget:

# Copy two Java files that need no preprocessing.
$(call LogInfo, Generating $(@F))
$(call install-file)

$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.base/java/lang/ \

What this means is that we have two "template" files that are just compiled as 
java files, but only after being copied to gensrc. :-) That definitely needs 
cleaning up, but this PR is large enough as it is, so I will not do it now.



Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module [v5]

2021-01-18 Thread Magnus Ihse Bursie
> A lot (but not all) of the data in make/data is tied to a specific module. 
> For instance, the publicsuffixlist is used by java.base, and fontconfig by 
> java.desktop. (A few directories, like mainmanifest, is *actually* used by 
> make for the whole build.) 
> These data files should move to the module they belong to. The are, after 
> all, "source code" for that module that is "compiler" into resulting 
> deliverables, for that module. (But the "source code" language is not Java or 
> C, but typically a highly domain specific language or data format, and the 
> "compilation" is, often, a specialized transformation.) 
> This misplacement of the data directory is most visible at code review time. 
> When such data is changed, most of the time build-dev (or the new build 
> label) is involved, even though this has nothing to do with the build. While 
> this is annoying, a worse problem is if the actual team that needs to review 
> the patch (i.e., the team owning the module) is missed in the review.
> ### Modules reviewed
> - [x] java.base
> - [x] java.desktop
> - [x] jdk.compiler
> - [x]

Magnus Ihse Bursie has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
additional commit since the last revision:

  Move characterdata templates to share/classes/java/lang.


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 4 lines in 9 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 4 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/1611/head:pull/1611


Re: RFR: 8259498: Reduce overhead of MD5 and SHA digests [v4]

2021-01-18 Thread Claes Redestad
> - The MD5 intrinsics added by 
> [JDK-8250902]( shows that 
> the `int[] x` isn't actually needed. This also applies to the SHA intrinsics 
> from which the MD5 intrinsic takes inspiration
> - Using VarHandles we can simplify the code in `ByteArrayAccess` enough to 
> make it acceptable to use inline and replace the array in MD5 wholesale. This 
> improves performance both in the presence and the absence of the intrinsic 
> optimization.
> - Doing the exact same thing in the SHA impls would be unwieldy (64+ element 
> arrays), but allocating the array lazily gets most of the speed-up in the 
> presence of an intrinsic while being neutral in its absence.
> Baseline:
>   (digesterName)  (length)Cnt Score  
> Error   Units
> MessageDigests.digestMD516 15  
> 2714.307 ±   21.133  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestMD5  1024 15   
> 318.087 ±0.637  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-116 15  
> 1387.266 ±   40.932  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-1  1024 15   
> 109.273 ±0.149  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-25616 15   
> 995.566 ±   21.186  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-256  1024 15
> 89.104 ±0.079  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-51216 15   
> 803.030 ±   15.722  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-512  1024 15   
> 115.611 ±0.234  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD516 15  
> 2190.367 ±   97.037  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD5  1024 15   
> 302.903 ±1.809  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-116 15  
> 1262.656 ±   43.751  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-1  1024 15   
> 104.889 ±3.554  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-25616 15   
> 914.541 ±   55.621  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-256  1024 15
> 85.708 ±1.394  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-51216 15   
> 737.719 ±   53.671  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-512  1024 15   
> 112.307 ±1.950  ops/ms
> GC:
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  MD516 15   
> 312.011 ±0.005B/op
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.normSHA-116 15   
> 584.020 ±0.006B/op
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  SHA-25616 15   
> 544.019 ±0.016B/op
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  SHA-51216 15  
> 1056.037 ±0.003B/op
> Target:
> Benchmark (digesterName)  (length)Cnt 
> Score  Error   Units
> MessageDigests.digestMD516 15  
> 3134.462 ±   43.685  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestMD5  1024 15   
> 323.667 ±0.633  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-116 15  
> 1418.742 ±   38.223  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-1  1024 15   
> 110.178 ±0.788  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-25616 15  
> 1037.949 ±   21.214  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-256  1024 15
> 89.671 ±0.228  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-51216 15   
> 812.028 ±   39.489  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-512  1024 15   
> 116.738 ±0.249  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD516 15  
> 2314.379 ±  229.294  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD5  1024 15   
> 307.835 ±5.730  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-116 15  
> 1326.887 ±   63.263  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-1  1024 15   
> 106.611 ±2.292  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-25616 15   
> 961.589 ±   82.052  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-256  1024 15
> 88.646 ±0.194  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-51216 15   
> 775.417 ±   56.775  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-512  1024 15   
> 112.904 ±2.014  ops/ms
> GC
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  MD516 15   
> 232.009 ±0.006B/op

Re: RFR: 8257733: Move module-specific data from make to respective module

2021-01-18 Thread Magnus Ihse Bursie

On 2021-01-15 19:27, wrote:

Feature JEPs are living documents until such time as they are delivered.
In this case it would not be appropriate to update JEP 201, which is as
much about the transition from the old source-code layout as it is about
the new layout as of 2014.

At this point, and given that we’d already gone beyond JEP 201 prior to
this change (with `man` and `lib` subdirectories), what’d make the most
sense is a new informational JEP that documents the source-code layout.
Informational JEPs can, within reason, be updated over time.
So I take it I need to create a new informational JEP. :-) Fine, I can 
do that. I assume I mostly need to extract the parts of JEP 201 that 
describes the (then "new") layout, update wording to show that this is a 
description of the current layout, and add the new additions.

It'll be a very short JEP, but in this case, that's probably a virtue.


Re: RFR: 8259498: Reduce overhead of MD5 and SHA digests [v3]

2021-01-18 Thread Claes Redestad
> - The MD5 intrinsics added by 
> [JDK-8250902]( shows that 
> the `int[] x` isn't actually needed. This also applies to the SHA intrinsics 
> from which the MD5 intrinsic takes inspiration
> - Using VarHandles we can simplify the code in `ByteArrayAccess` enough to 
> make it acceptable to use inline and replace the array in MD5 wholesale. This 
> improves performance both in the presence and the absence of the intrinsic 
> optimization.
> - Doing the exact same thing in the SHA impls would be unwieldy (64+ element 
> arrays), but allocating the array lazily gets most of the speed-up in the 
> presence of an intrinsic while being neutral in its absence.
> Baseline:
>   (digesterName)  (length)Cnt Score  
> Error   Units
> MessageDigests.digestMD516 15  
> 2714.307 ±   21.133  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestMD5  1024 15   
> 318.087 ±0.637  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-116 15  
> 1387.266 ±   40.932  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-1  1024 15   
> 109.273 ±0.149  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-25616 15   
> 995.566 ±   21.186  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-256  1024 15
> 89.104 ±0.079  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-51216 15   
> 803.030 ±   15.722  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-512  1024 15   
> 115.611 ±0.234  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD516 15  
> 2190.367 ±   97.037  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD5  1024 15   
> 302.903 ±1.809  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-116 15  
> 1262.656 ±   43.751  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-1  1024 15   
> 104.889 ±3.554  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-25616 15   
> 914.541 ±   55.621  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-256  1024 15
> 85.708 ±1.394  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-51216 15   
> 737.719 ±   53.671  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-512  1024 15   
> 112.307 ±1.950  ops/ms
> GC:
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  MD516 15   
> 312.011 ±0.005B/op
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.normSHA-116 15   
> 584.020 ±0.006B/op
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  SHA-25616 15   
> 544.019 ±0.016B/op
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  SHA-51216 15  
> 1056.037 ±0.003B/op
> Target:
> Benchmark (digesterName)  (length)Cnt 
> Score  Error   Units
> MessageDigests.digestMD516 15  
> 3134.462 ±   43.685  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestMD5  1024 15   
> 323.667 ±0.633  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-116 15  
> 1418.742 ±   38.223  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digest  SHA-1  1024 15   
> 110.178 ±0.788  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-25616 15  
> 1037.949 ±   21.214  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-256  1024 15
> 89.671 ±0.228  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-51216 15   
> 812.028 ±   39.489  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.digestSHA-512  1024 15   
> 116.738 ±0.249  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD516 15  
> 2314.379 ±  229.294  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  MD5  1024 15   
> 307.835 ±5.730  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-116 15  
> 1326.887 ±   63.263  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigestSHA-1  1024 15   
> 106.611 ±2.292  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-25616 15   
> 961.589 ±   82.052  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-256  1024 15
> 88.646 ±0.194  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-51216 15   
> 775.417 ±   56.775  ops/ms
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest  SHA-512  1024 15   
> 112.904 ±2.014  ops/ms
> GC
> MessageDigests.getAndDigest:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  MD516 15   
> 232.009 ±0.006B/op