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Subject: Re: Low level hooks in JDK for instrumentation of permission checks.
Date:   Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:13:15 +1000
From:   Peter Firmstone <>

Clarification, utilize

So this might use a module declaration or META-INF/services/, sorry got muddled with typical ServiceLoader usage below.

The reason for choosing Provider is that it allows constructor parameters, it's also security related and can require code signing, not sure if that should be a requirement.

Another reason for using security provider is to avoid deadlock during Provider initialization, it must be listed as a provider in the file or if security.overridePropertiesFile=true and defines providers, which would be useful for testing.

Dynamic loading a provider using Security.addProvider or insertProviderAt causes security checks, each Guard::check call would try to initiate "SECURITY" Provider loading causing deadlock.  To avoid deadlock at the very least the "SECURITY" and "PROPERTY" services would need to be loaded by at startup.

grant codebase "jrt:/java.xml.crypto"
    permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.version", "read";     permission "putProviderProperty.XMLDSig";

Need to be careful with loading and recursive permission checks, it's ok if a permission check fires off permission checks that cause loading of other providers, we just can't ask the provider that is being dynamically loaded to perform permission checks on itself, or any circular relationship between providers.

Basically it's good to have separate providers for each permission type as it helps avoid deadlocks.

grant codebase "jrt:/jdk.crypto.cryptoki"
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";

On 14/06/2021 9:56 am, Peter Firmstone wrote:
Some thoughts on hooks:

 * Utilize the Service Provider API, so as not to expose jdk
   implementation code.  META-INF/services/
 * Allow existing Permission classes to remain backward compatible,
   declare them as services, so that SecurityManager can be degraded as
   planned and these services are gradually removed. (Removes
   dependencies on Permission instance types).
 * Guard implementation is required to have a constructor with two
   String arguments, (String name, String actions).
 * Service must implement Guard interface.
 * Doesn't depend on Permission or any existing implementation classes,
   completely customizable by the service implementation.
 * Application developers can also implement hooks using this service.

Break up guard service providers into current Permission types:


I would like to suggest adding a new provider type:

"PARSE-DATA" - To be called by any code about to parse data, eg deserialization, XML, JSON, SQL, etc.  Granted to users, so that it can only be performed after authentication.

 Peter Firmstone
0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

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