Because I want to get to a place where running ansible and loading content can 
be managed through an admin gui, I have started thinking about a command 
server, a sort of callable job queue.

I want to give certain admin users the ability to launch commands which run as 
root and may be long-running.  Such commands should survive a restart and it 
should be possible to monitor progress.

I am leaning towards the following approach:

1. A command server based on ZeroMQ implemented as a systemd service which is 
always running as root.
2. Input to the command server is through a unix domain socket which is owned 
by root and rw only for anyone in a group whose members are apache and probably 
3. The command server uses sqlite for persistent storage owned by root and rw 
by owner.  Probably the schema distinguishes between command requests and jobs.
4. A php or python script invoked by an ajax call from the admin gui invokes a 
command on the command server. The gui would be user/password protected.
5. The command server parses the request and checks if it has already been 
If the command is new:
6. The command server logs the command into persistent storage and immediately 
returns a response with probably OK or Error depending.
7. It translates it into a shell command based on internal logic.  It NEVER 
simply executes a command it gets from the gui.
8. The command server forks a child which runs the appropriate command in 
background, returns its pid, and terminates.  The pid is put in persistent 
If the command is a duplicate:
9. The command server verifies that the command is running and to the extent 
possible its percent of completion and returns status to the caller.
10. There would also be status commands to return a list of current jobs or 
status of an active job and perhaps jobs marked active that are not running.
11. If the command server crashes or the system is restarted, the command 
server attempts to restart active jobs.

Possible commands are:

rsync-iiab-content – copy various iiab files to their destination in /library.  
The source is a parameter, but not the destination to keep from copying malware 
into /usr/bin, etc.  Some attempt would also be made to verify the source to 
prevent malicious content.
rsync-rachel-content – similar
rsynce-kiwix-content – the list could grow

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