2009/3/20 >^< CrOsS FiRe >^< <da.comp....@gmail.com>:
> hello people ... i needed some help regardin google summer of code. This was
> my original idea , here's the abstract (More of a brain dump):


Getting an assignment and posting it, and comparing it to other
participants' work is an async task, rather than a synchronous task.
For async stuff like this, the main tool on the XS is Moodle, a
webbased course mgmt system that is extremely modular.

There has been some discussion of having a "scoring" set of test cases
on the server side (for programming exercises) as a Moodle module. I
would suggest you search the moodle.org website for those discussions,
I suspect there may be a contrib module -- if that's the case, you may
have a codebase you can extend, polish and improve rather than have to
start from scratch.

You also mention a whiteboard in the chat facility. That is a complete
project on its own, and a fairly complex one too.


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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