Hi Jerry,

On Tue, 2019-10-29 at 15:12 -0500, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Ok, I need an IMAP expert.... Below is a very brief trace of the 
> communications between iPhone mail and JAMES (3.4).  I completely 
> deleted an account on my iPhone, then recreated it while in airplane 
> mode to make sure I didn't miss any communications in my trace.  I 
> started the trace, exited airplane mode and let the iPhone do an
> initial 
> sync with the account.  The inbox folder in this account has over
> 1000 
> emails going back to early 2019.
> I'm not an expert in IMAP.  But it appears that the iPhone mail app 
> requests all of the emails 1:* (see line 812), but JAMES returns a 
> single id plus two ranges (line 813).  But the total count JAMES
> reports 
> is nowhere near the full 1000.  Subsequently (line 822), iPhone
> requests 
> the emails JAMES told it about in line 813.  From what I can tell,
> the 
> problem is in line 813.  JAMES did not report all of the actual mail 
> that is in the INBOX, which is exactly what I'm seeing on the
> phone.  
> Shouldn't JAMES return all 1000+ email ids that exist in INBOX?  Or
> am I 
> reading the IMAP trace incorrectly?

You are right, if there's 1000+ messages, it should be returned by
these calls.

> Note that the only emails JAMES reports came in AFTER I migrated to
> the 
> new server and to the James 3.4 from v3b5.  It appears that there is 
> something different about pre-existing emails in the mailbox folder
> that 
> is causing JAMES not to recognize them.  But this problem ONLY exists
> on 
> the iPhone mail app.  Thunderbird gets all of the mail for the
> inbox.  
> So is iPhone must be sending a slightly different request command
> syntax 
> than other clients do (??)  Just speculating....

The best thing to do is to get a trace from Thunderbird for the same

My best guess is that one client trigger a search whereas the other is
just triggering a full-scan.

Are you using JPA? With with indexing backend?

Matthieu Baechler

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