Re: [SIESTA-L] A magnetic structure going nonmagnetic

2007-11-09 Thread Gul Rahman
Are you sure that you are using Save Data and DM,and CG files. First check it.
  If your AFM calculations converge to a non-zero magnetic  value that means a 
Ferrimagnetic (FIM) soloution, but have to be very careful to make any 
conclusion. You have to check the total energies of FIM and AFM(you can do 
Fixed momenet calculations as well).
  Sometime it happens that SCF converges to PM or FIM etc but still it depends 
on material.
  LDOS, you can see three col. Energy, spinup and spin down. IF your AFM 
calculations converge to FIM or other magnetic structure you can also see that 
behavior from your DOS.
  Hope someone will also guide you more.
  Vasilii Artyukhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everybody,

I have a somewhat awkward question. I'm relaxing a structure that is supposed 
to be magnetic. This means, a SCF run with a broken initial spin symmetry gives 
a nonzero magnetic moment. But then, after some relaxation steps 
(unfortunately, SIESTA only outputs the magnetic moment at the final step - or 
am I missing some input flag?), the band structure becomes completely 

So after the relaxation I have a final structure with a zero magnetic moment. 
But when I restart the calculation building the DM from scratch, the SCF gives 
a nonzero magnetic moment, and a nonzero force. The questions are: 

- what physical conclusions could be made from this behavior (AFM, etc.)?, and
- how do I make SIESTA build a new initial density matrix at every relaxation 

And another, more technical question: how is the local density of states (the 
.LDOS file) output in spin-polarized calculations? 

Best regards,

P.S. My input seems fine: I'm using a nice basis set, pseudo, mesh cutoff, 
k-point sampling etc., and everything works great for similar systems 

  Computational Physics Lab
  Department of Physics 
  University of Ulsan 
  Republic of Korea   Whoever rules magnetism rules the world


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Re: [SIESTA-L] A question about local magnetic moment

2007-04-23 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello Chahao
  Yes U can use and you can see the local magnetic momnet of each atom  and at 
the end you can also  see total magnetic momnet of your unit cell i.e 
  Total spin polarization (Qup-Qdown) =

Chaohao Hu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is it right if only use the value of SPIN-UP - SPIN-DOWN in Mulliken 
population analysis?
 Dear Siesta usrers, 
 How to get the local magnetic moment of each atom in the clusters, molecules, 
 or solids using siesta code?  
 Best regards, 
 C. H. Hu  

Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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Re: [SIESTA-L] polarized bands

2007-04-18 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello John B. Baba
  IF your calculations are spin polarised, then u can use gnubands.f utility to 
plot the band struture but you have to modify the gnubands.f to plot the band 
structure for both spins.
  Good luck

John B. Baba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all:
How can I get the polarized bands (Spin ub band and Spin down band)
in SIESTA? When I set SpinPolarize to true, the *.DOS is split to
up and down, but the *.bands are not splited.
Then How can I get the polarized bands in SIESTA?

Your's Sincerely

Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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Re: [SIESTA-L] NonCollinear-Magnetism

2007-04-13 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello users:
  Can we use SIESTA for NonCollinear-Magnetism only within GGA? 

Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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Re: [SIESTA-L] DM manipulation tool

2006-12-21 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello Dear Sir
  Thank you for sharing your update version DM utilities. I tried it for 
converting Magnetic (Spin=2) to nonmagnetic (spin=1) without any problems.
  When I am doing magnetic calculations first I do Non-Magnetic(PM) and then 
Magnetic (FM,AFM etc). after PM calculations when I wanted to use the PM DM 
file for Magnetic calculation, the SIESTA  was always not able to read the DM 
file because in PM DM file the spin=1 whereas in FM calculations spin=2. And 
then I restart my magnetic calculations from the beginning which is time 
consuming task for big magnetic system (like 100 atoms etc). 
  I think from your current utility it is possible to convert Non-Magnetic DM 
file to magnetic (spin=2, spin=4) and can be use for the rest of calculations 
without restarting calculations from the beginning which can save a lot of 
computational time. Is it right?
  Thank you.

Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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Re: [SIESTA-L] Shall we set the PAO.BasisSize as TZP?

2006-11-27 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello F.H.yang
  If you choose PAO.BasisSize   TZP
  you will get this ERROR
  Incorrect basis-size option specified, active options are:
  To use TZP you have to mention TZP explicitly using 
  %block PAO.Basis 
  How to mention it? you have to  read the SIESTA user guide, it is expained 
very well.

Dear everyone:
Usually in the input.fdf file, we set the PAO.BasisSize as SZ,DZ or 
DZP, shall we choose the TZP for it?
Hope to received for reply! 
Thank you very much!

Best Wishes!

Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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Re: [SIESTA-L] S pseudopotential

2006-11-02 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello Marcoss
  Here is PS file for S GGA, hope it will help you.
  I got good results with this PS and are comparable with FLAPW
#  Pseudopotential generation for S
#  pg: simple generation
   pe  Sulfur
tm2  2.2 # PS flavor, logder R
 n=S  c=pbr  # Symbol, XC flavor,{ |r|s}
   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
34   # norbs_core, norbs_valence
30  2.00  0.00   # 3s2
31  4.00  0.00   # 3p2
32  0.00  0.00   # 3d0
43  0.00  0.00   # 
  1.50  1.70  1.90  1.90  0.00  0.70
# Last line (above): 
#rc(s) rc(p) rc(d) rc(f)   rcore_flag  rcore

Marcos Verissimo Alves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Would anyone have a good S pseudopotential (gga, preferably with core
corrections) to share? Also, I know there is a file with inputs for all
elements of the periodic table (periodictable.dat , if I'm not mistaken),
but I have lost mine. If someone does have it and is willing to share it
as well, I would be thankful.



Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy

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Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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Re: [SIESTA-L] Testing atomic bases generation

2006-06-10 Thread Gul Rahman
Hello Chin-Cheng Su 
  Once I had the same problem as you have, I think this is realated to 
gen-basis script. I solved this problem by using the old gen-basis script 
instead of using the new version.
  I hope this will give some hints to solve ur problem.
  Chin-Cheng Su [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear all,

Lately I tested the program GEN-BASIS in Tutorials/Bases. I followed the 
instructions in README file and did the following,

$ cd Si
$ sh ../ Si_sz.fdf Si.tm2.psf

Then I got some response as follows,

../ ../../../../Src/gen-basis: No such file or directory

== Calculation completed for Si_sz

The files necessary to plot the Basis information for Si_sz
are now in directory Si_sz. You can use the Gnuplot
scripts to visualize the PAOs, KB projectors, and other
interesting functions.

*** (Be sure to use gnuplot -persist if using X
*** For postscript output, use the .gps files
mv: cannot stat `ORB.S?.?.Si_sz': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `KB.L?.?.Si_sz': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `CHLOCAL.Si_sz': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `RED_VLOCAL.Si_sz': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `VNA.Si_sz': No such file or directory

Is this message normal or not?!
Anyway, I just went into subdir Si_sz, which is newly generated after that 
command, and tried to use gnuplot to check the .gplot files - it is empty in 
the invoked gnuplot X window (I never use Gnuplot before!). Do you have any 
idea about what happened or any suggestion to solve them?? Thanks very much 
for your kind help.


Chin-Cheng Su
NanoLab, Mechanical Engineering
Stevens institute of technology
Hoboken, New Jersey - USA

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Gul Rahman   
Gul Rahman
Computational Physics Lab
Department of Physics 
University of Ulsan 
Republic of Korea

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