Dear Siesta users,

I'm doing a molecular dynamics run on a H2 molecule, microcanonical ensemble. For some reason the calculation stops after some timesteps (usually a few hundred รก 0.5 fs) due to failed diagonalization:

siesta:                 ==============================
                           Begin MD step =    341

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)      E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:    1      -31.4677      -31.4727      -31.4727  0.0274  0.1838
DSYGV failed to converge.            1
 off-diagonal elements of an intermediate
tridiagonal form did not converge to zero
Terminating due to failed diagonalisation
Stopping Program
***** MPI-error in rank 0 Routine MPI_Abort : Terminating after call to MPI_Abort *****

The energy and dynamics looks good up to this point so there is nothing indicating that something is wrong. I use a constrained number of SCF iterations in each timestep. In this example 3 SCF iter/timestep. Could anyone help me with an explanation for this and a possible remedy?


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